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stat.c -- statistical operations

Qhull records many statistics. These functions and macros make it inexpensive to add a statistic.

As with Qhull's global variables, the statistics data structure is accessed by a macro, 'qhstat'. If qh_QHpointer is defined, the macro is 'qh_qhstat->', otherwise the macro is 'qh_qhstat.'. Statistics may be turned off in user.h. If so, all but the 'zz' statistics are ignored.

Copyright © 1995-2019 C.B. Barber

» Geom GlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

Index to stat.c and stat.h

»stat.h types

»stat.h constants

»stat.h macros

»stat.c functions

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Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top