History log of /openbsd/regress/lib/libssl/rust-openssl/Cargo.toml (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 9445c5e0 15-Oct-2024 tb <tb@openbsd.org>

rust-openssl: set resolver="2" for workspace

silences an annoying warning

# 0642fa83 20-Oct-2022 tb <tb@openbsd.org>

Provide a harness driving rust-openssl's regress tests

rust-openssl is an integral part of the Rust ecosystem and more than a
dozen ports, including lang/rust itself, depend on it. We need to ensure

Provide a harness driving rust-openssl's regress tests

rust-openssl is an integral part of the Rust ecosystem and more than a
dozen ports, including lang/rust itself, depend on it. We need to ensure
that it keeps working with LibreSSL.

If the rust and rust-openssl-tests packages are installed, create a cargo
workspace under obj/ that compiles and runs the rust-openssl regress tests
much like what is done for the openssl-ruby tests. This expands our regress
coverage: for instance, this would have caught the broken ASN.1 indefinite
length encoding caused by asn1/tasn_enc.c r1.25.

Positive feedback beck jsing semarie
Testing and ok anton

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