History log of /openbsd/regress/usr.sbin/ldapd/run-tests.pl (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# a1807da3 10-Sep-2016 landry <landry@openbsd.org>

Cleanup commented lines, and only print the DN of entries

# 3eafdf50 01-Sep-2016 landry <landry@openbsd.org>

Add basic regress tests for ldapd.

- first pass of tests adding a DIT, then searching in it
- second pass of tests runs Net::LDAP regress suite against ldapd (not
all tests are passing, and that r

Add basic regress tests for ldapd.

- first pass of tests adding a DIT, then searching in it
- second pass of tests runs Net::LDAP regress suite against ldapd (not
all tests are passing, and that requires Net::LDAP installed and
distfiles present on the system)

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