History log of /openbsd/regress/usr.sbin/syslogd/args-localhost-only4.pl (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# d1843228 02-Sep-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

To examine the operation of the signal handlers, the tests grep in
the ktrace output of syslogd. Also make the tests work without DNS
and without sudo.

# 723ac965 02-Sep-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Add tests that run the syslogd signal handlers.

# edb6f5c3 25-Aug-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Add tests where the IP address family has been chosen by -4 or -6
command line switch and udp4:// or udp6:// loghost prefix.