History log of /openbsd/sbin/unwind/libunbound/services/modstack.c (Results 1 – 7 of 7)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 7037e34c 05-Sep-2024 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

Sync to unbound 1.21.0; heavy lifting by sthen

parse_edns_from_query_pkt() grew a parameter to handle cookies, which
we don't use.

# d500c338 05-Sep-2023 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

sync to unbound 1.18.0; heavy lifting by sthen

# 411c5950 14-Aug-2021 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

sync to unbound 1.13.2
OK sthen

# e47fef9e 29-Aug-2020 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

sync to libunbound-1.11.0
all heavy lifting done by sthen in unbound
testing benno

# da8c8390 12-Sep-2019 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

Update to libunbound 1.9.3
Heavy lifting by sthen with updating in-tree unbound(8)

# 988ebc2d 30-Mar-2019 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

update to libunbound 1.9.1; heavy lifting by sthen in unbound(8)

# ae8c6e27 23-Jan-2019 florian <florian@openbsd.org>

Import bits from (lib)unbound that we need for unwind(8).

This is probably too much but allows us to keep in sync with
usr.sbin/unbound to be able to easily apply updates.