History log of /openbsd/share/btrace/runqlat.bt (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 679d3e5f 01-May-2022 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Install useful btrace scripts into /usr/share/btrace directory.
OK tedu@

# e26f531d 24-Oct-2021 mpi <mpi@openbsd.org>

Fix mangled license.

From Leon Fischer

# 1d4c3771 23-Oct-2021 mpi <mpi@openbsd.org>

Provide common btrace(8) scripts.

. kprofile.bt - to save kernel stackframces and produce flamegraphs
. runqlat.bt - to measure the latency of the scheduler runqueues