History log of /openbsd/sys/arch/hppa/spmath/fcnvxf.c (Results 1 – 7 of 7)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 7eec34da 10-Apr-2003 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

make all entry points of the same number of arguments and that greatly simplifies the call setup in the scheduler

# c2feb252 07-May-2002 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

bring over our mods; the cnv*c have a problem now, described in the osf version of the cnv_float.h, at the end

# 628bbdd4 29-Mar-2001 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

big bang

# ed727331 11-Jan-2000 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

remove unused nullptr arg, effectively unifying calling conventions for emulator routines

# b94afd46 02-Jul-1998 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

ansi and fancy gcc

# 271fd23c 23-Jun-1998 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

remove brain damaged rcs tags

# 8a472b3e 23-Jun-1998 mickey <mickey@openbsd.org>

initial import of osf-hacked HP one