3b800165 | 30-Oct-2024 |
Hermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org> |
[SETUP:REACTOS][SYSSETUP] Fix Shift-F10 cmd.exe invocation.
Pressing Shift-F10 to open cmd.exe when the setup program runs from a different current directory than System32, now works correctly.
[SETUP:REACTOS][SYSSETUP] Fix Shift-F10 cmd.exe invocation.
Pressing Shift-F10 to open cmd.exe when the setup program runs from a different current directory than System32, now works correctly.
Use the 2nd CreateProcessW() `lpCommandLine` parameter, instead of the 1st parameter `lpApplicationName`, so as to use default path search. The command-line buffer given to the 2nd-parameter can be temporarily modified by CreateProcessW(), thus use an on-stack buffer.
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