Revision tags: 0.4.14-release, 0.4.15-dev, 0.4.14-RC, 0.4.13-release, 0.4.14-dev, 0.4.13-RC, 0.4.12-release, 0.4.12-RC, 0.4.13-dev, 0.4.11-release, 0.4.11-RC, 0.4.12-dev, 0.4.10-release, 0.4.11-dev, 0.4.10-RC, 0.4.9-release, 0.4.10-dev, 0.4.9-RC, 0.4.8-release, 0.4.8-RC, 0.4.9-dev |
8f1ab791 |
| 06-Jan-2018 |
Hermès Bélusca-Maïto <> |
[SETUPLIB][REACTOS][USETUP] Further improve the interfacing with INF and File-Queue APIs.
This allows using some of the SetupApi.dll functions when SETUPLIB is used in the (Win32) GUI 1st-stage inst
[SETUPLIB][REACTOS][USETUP] Further improve the interfacing with INF and File-Queue APIs.
This allows using some of the SetupApi.dll functions when SETUPLIB is used in the (Win32) GUI 1st-stage installer "REACTOS", while using the custom implemented NT-aware functions in "USETUP".
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