History log of /reactos/modules/rostests/apitests/acpi/CMakeLists.txt (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# 5070e896 01-Apr-2024 Dmitry Borisov <di.sean@protonmail.com>

[ACPI] Fix object evaluation (#6302)


- Implement support for complex input buffers.
This will enable the IDE driver with some hack
to execute the _STM (channel timing settings) c

[ACPI] Fix object evaluation (#6302)


- Implement support for complex input buffers.
This will enable the IDE driver with some hack
to execute the _STM (channel timing settings) control method.
- Fix a memory leak.
- Fix returned status code.
- Correctly calculate the output buffer size.
- Improve buffer validation.
- Implement support for async control requests.
- Implement local reference conversion.
- Implement support for subpackage argument conversion.
- Place some code into INIT section.

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Revision tags: 0.4.14-release, 0.4.15-dev, 0.4.14-RC, 0.4.13-release, 0.4.14-dev, 0.4.13-RC, 0.4.12-release
# 9bcd8350 06-Aug-2019 Thomas Faber <thomas.faber@reactos.org>

[ACPI_APITEST] Add a unit test for Bus_PDO_QueryResourceRequirements. CORE-12892

This will allow us to verify fixes made to function, which is quite broken.