Lines Matching refs:cmd

33     cmdline::parser cmd;  in main()  local
35 cmd.add<string>("in1", 'i', "read1 input file name", false, ""); in main()
36 cmd.add<string>("out1", 'o', "read1 output file name", false, ""); in main()
37 cmd.add<string>("in2", 'I', "read2 input file name", false, ""); in main()
38 cmd.add<string>("out2", 'O', "read2 output file name", false, ""); in main()
39cmd.add<string>("unpaired1", 0, "for PE input, if read1 passed QC but read2 not, it will be writte… in main()
40cmd.add<string>("unpaired2", 0, "for PE input, if read2 passed QC but read1 not, it will be writte… in main()
41cmd.add<string>("overlapped_out", 0, "for each read pair, output the overlapped region if it has n… in main()
42cmd.add<string>("failed_out", 0, "specify the file to store reads that cannot pass the filters.", … in main()
43cmd.add("merge", 'm', "for paired-end input, merge each pair of reads into a single read if they a… in main()
44cmd.add<string>("merged_out", 0, "in the merging mode, specify the file name to store merged outpu… in main()
45cmd.add("include_unmerged", 0, "in the merging mode, write the unmerged or unpaired reads to the f… in main()
46cmd.add("phred64", '6', "indicate the input is using phred64 scoring (it'll be converted to phred3… in main()
47cmd.add<int>("compression", 'z', "compression level for gzip output (1 ~ 9). 1 is fastest, 9 is sm… in main()
48cmd.add("stdin", 0, "input from STDIN. If the STDIN is interleaved paired-end FASTQ, please also a… in main()
49cmd.add("stdout", 0, "stream passing-filters reads to STDOUT. This option will result in interleav… in main()
50cmd.add("interleaved_in", 0, "indicate that <in1> is an interleaved FASTQ which contains both read… in main()
51cmd.add<int>("reads_to_process", 0, "specify how many reads/pairs to be processed. Default 0 means… in main()
52cmd.add("dont_overwrite", 0, "don't overwrite existing files. Overwritting is allowed by default."… in main()
53cmd.add("fix_mgi_id", 0, "the MGI FASTQ ID format is not compatible with many BAM operation tools,… in main()
54cmd.add("verbose", 'V', "output verbose log information (i.e. when every 1M reads are processed)."… in main()
57cmd.add("disable_adapter_trimming", 'A', "adapter trimming is enabled by default. If this option i… in main()
58cmd.add<string>("adapter_sequence", 'a', "the adapter for read1. For SE data, if not specified, th… in main()
59cmd.add<string>("adapter_sequence_r2", 0, "the adapter for read2 (PE data only). This is used if R… in main()
60cmd.add<string>("adapter_fasta", 0, "specify a FASTA file to trim both read1 and read2 (if PE) by … in main()
61cmd.add("detect_adapter_for_pe", 0, "by default, the auto-detection for adapter is for SE data inp… in main()
64cmd.add<int>("trim_front1", 'f', "trimming how many bases in front for read1, default is 0", false… in main()
65cmd.add<int>("trim_tail1", 't', "trimming how many bases in tail for read1, default is 0", false, … in main()
66cmd.add<int>("max_len1", 'b', "if read1 is longer than max_len1, then trim read1 at its tail to ma… in main()
67cmd.add<int>("trim_front2", 'F', "trimming how many bases in front for read2. If it's not specifie… in main()
68cmd.add<int>("trim_tail2", 'T', "trimming how many bases in tail for read2. If it's not specified,… in main()
69cmd.add<int>("max_len2", 'B', "if read2 is longer than max_len2, then trim read2 at its tail to ma… in main()
72 cmd.add("dedup", 'D', "enable deduplication to drop the duplicated reads/pairs"); in main()
73cmd.add<int>("dup_calc_accuracy", 0, "accuracy level to calculate duplication (1~6), higher level … in main()
74cmd.add("dont_eval_duplication", 0, "don't evaluate duplication rate to save time and use less mem… in main()
77cmd.add("trim_poly_g", 'g', "force polyG tail trimming, by default trimming is automatically enabl… in main()
78cmd.add<int>("poly_g_min_len", 0, "the minimum length to detect polyG in the read tail. 10 by defa… in main()
79cmd.add("disable_trim_poly_g", 'G', "disable polyG tail trimming, by default trimming is automatic… in main()
82 cmd.add("trim_poly_x", 'x', "enable polyX trimming in 3' ends."); in main()
83cmd.add<int>("poly_x_min_len", 0, "the minimum length to detect polyX in the read tail. 10 by defa… in main()
86cmd.add("cut_front", '5', "move a sliding window from front (5') to tail, drop the bases in the wi… in main()
87cmd.add("cut_tail", '3', "move a sliding window from tail (3') to front, drop the bases in the win… in main()
88cmd.add("cut_right", 'r', "move a sliding window from front to tail, if meet one window with mean … in main()
89cmd.add<int>("cut_window_size", 'W', "the window size option shared by cut_front, cut_tail or cut_… in main()
90cmd.add<int>("cut_mean_quality", 'M', "the mean quality requirement option shared by cut_front, cu… in main()
91cmd.add<int>("cut_front_window_size", 0, "the window size option of cut_front, default to cut_wind… in main()
92cmd.add<int>("cut_front_mean_quality", 0, "the mean quality requirement option for cut_front, defa… in main()
93cmd.add<int>("cut_tail_window_size", 0, "the window size option of cut_tail, default to cut_window… in main()
94cmd.add<int>("cut_tail_mean_quality", 0, "the mean quality requirement option for cut_tail, defaul… in main()
95cmd.add<int>("cut_right_window_size", 0, "the window size option of cut_right, default to cut_wind… in main()
96cmd.add<int>("cut_right_mean_quality", 0, "the mean quality requirement option for cut_right, defa… in main()
100cmd.add("disable_quality_filtering", 'Q', "quality filtering is enabled by default. If this option… in main()
101cmd.add<int>("qualified_quality_phred", 'q', "the quality value that a base is qualified. Default … in main()
102cmd.add<int>("unqualified_percent_limit", 'u', "how many percents of bases are allowed to be unqua… in main()
103cmd.add<int>("n_base_limit", 'n', "if one read's number of N base is >n_base_limit, then this read… in main()
104cmd.add<int>("average_qual", 'e', "if one read's average quality score <avg_qual, then this read/p… in main()
107cmd.add("disable_length_filtering", 'L', "length filtering is enabled by default. If this option i… in main()
108cmd.add<int>("length_required", 'l', "reads shorter than length_required will be discarded, defaul… in main()
109cmd.add<int>("length_limit", 0, "reads longer than length_limit will be discarded, default 0 means… in main()
112cmd.add("low_complexity_filter", 'y', "enable low complexity filter. The complexity is defined as … in main()
113cmd.add<int>("complexity_threshold", 'Y', "the threshold for low complexity filter (0~100). Defaul… in main()
116cmd.add<string>("filter_by_index1", 0, "specify a file contains a list of barcodes of index1 to be… in main()
117cmd.add<string>("filter_by_index2", 0, "specify a file contains a list of barcodes of index2 to be… in main()
118cmd.add<int>("filter_by_index_threshold", 0, "the allowed difference of index barcode for index fi… in main()
121cmd.add("correction", 'c', "enable base correction in overlapped regions (only for PE data), defau… in main()
122cmd.add<int>("overlap_len_require", 0, "the minimum length to detect overlapped region of PE reads… in main()
123cmd.add<int>("overlap_diff_limit", 0, "the maximum number of mismatched bases to detect overlapped… in main()
124cmd.add<int>("overlap_diff_percent_limit", 0, "the maximum percentage of mismatched bases to detec… in main()
127 cmd.add("umi", 'U', "enable unique molecular identifier (UMI) preprocessing"); in main()
128cmd.add<string>("umi_loc", 0, "specify the location of UMI, can be (index1/index2/read1/read2/per_… in main()
129cmd.add<int>("umi_len", 0, "if the UMI is in read1/read2, its length should be provided", false, 0… in main()
130cmd.add<string>("umi_prefix", 0, "if specified, an underline will be used to connect prefix and UM… in main()
131cmd.add<int>("umi_skip", 0, "if the UMI is in read1/read2, fastp can skip several bases following … in main()
134 cmd.add("overrepresentation_analysis", 'p', "enable overrepresented sequence analysis."); in main()
135cmd.add<int>("overrepresentation_sampling", 'P', "one in (--overrepresentation_sampling) reads wil… in main()
138 cmd.add<string>("json", 'j', "the json format report file name", false, "fastp.json"); in main()
139 cmd.add<string>("html", 'h', "the html format report file name", false, "fastp.html"); in main()
140cmd.add<string>("report_title", 'R', "should be quoted with \' or \", default is \"fastp report\""… in main()
143 cmd.add<int>("thread", 'w', "worker thread number, default is 3", false, 3); in main()
146cmd.add<int>("split", 's', "split output by limiting total split file number with this option (2~9… in main()
147cmd.add<long>("split_by_lines", 'S', "split output by limiting lines of each file with this option… in main()
148cmd.add<int>("split_prefix_digits", 'd', "the digits for the sequential number padding (1~10), def… in main()
151 cmd.add("cut_by_quality5", 0, "DEPRECATED, use --cut_front instead."); in main()
152 cmd.add("cut_by_quality3", 0, "DEPRECATED, use --cut_tail instead."); in main()
153 cmd.add("cut_by_quality_aggressive", 0, "DEPRECATED, use --cut_right instead."); in main()
154 cmd.add("discard_unmerged", 0, "DEPRECATED, no effect now, see the introduction for merging."); in main()
156 cmd.parse_check(argc, argv); in main()
159 cerr << cmd.usage() <<endl; in main()
163 if(cmd.exist("discard_unmerged")) { in main()
170 opt.in1 = cmd.get<string>("in1"); in main()
171 opt.in2 = cmd.get<string>("in2"); in main()
172 opt.out1 = cmd.get<string>("out1"); in main()
173 opt.out2 = cmd.get<string>("out2"); in main()
174 opt.unpaired1 = cmd.get<string>("unpaired1"); in main()
175 opt.unpaired2 = cmd.get<string>("unpaired2"); in main()
176 opt.failedOut = cmd.get<string>("failed_out"); in main()
177 opt.overlappedOut = cmd.get<string>("overlapped_out"); in main()
181 opt.compression = cmd.get<int>("compression"); in main()
182 opt.readsToProcess = cmd.get<int>("reads_to_process"); in main()
183 opt.phred64 = cmd.exist("phred64"); in main()
184 opt.dontOverwrite = cmd.exist("dont_overwrite"); in main()
185 opt.inputFromSTDIN = cmd.exist("stdin"); in main()
186 opt.outputToSTDOUT = cmd.exist("stdout"); in main()
187 opt.interleavedInput = cmd.exist("interleaved_in"); in main()
188 opt.verbose = cmd.exist("verbose"); in main()
189 opt.fixMGI = cmd.exist("fix_mgi_id"); in main()
192 opt.duplicate.dedup = cmd.exist("dedup"); in main()
193 opt.duplicate.enabled = !cmd.exist("dont_eval_duplication") || cmd.exist("dedup") ; in main()
194 if(!cmd.exist("dup_calc_accuracy")) { in main()
200 opt.duplicate.accuracyLevel = min(6, max(1, cmd.get<int>("dup_calc_accuracy"))); in main()
204 opt.merge.enabled = cmd.exist("merge"); in main()
205 opt.merge.out = cmd.get<string>("merged_out"); in main()
206 opt.merge.includeUnmerged = cmd.exist("include_unmerged"); in main()
209 opt.adapter.enabled = !cmd.exist("disable_adapter_trimming"); in main()
210 opt.adapter.detectAdapterForPE = cmd.exist("detect_adapter_for_pe"); in main()
211 opt.adapter.sequence = cmd.get<string>("adapter_sequence"); in main()
212 opt.adapter.sequenceR2 = cmd.get<string>("adapter_sequence_r2"); in main()
213 opt.adapter.fastaFile = cmd.get<string>("adapter_fasta"); in main()
222 opt.trim.front1 = cmd.get<int>("trim_front1"); in main()
223 opt.trim.tail1 = cmd.get<int>("trim_tail1"); in main()
224 opt.trim.maxLen1 = cmd.get<int>("max_len1"); in main()
226 if(cmd.exist("trim_front2")) in main()
227 opt.trim.front2 = cmd.get<int>("trim_front2"); in main()
230 if(cmd.exist("trim_tail2")) in main()
231 opt.trim.tail2 = cmd.get<int>("trim_tail2"); in main()
234 if(cmd.exist("max_len2")) in main()
235 opt.trim.maxLen2 = cmd.get<int>("max_len2"); in main()
240 if(cmd.exist("trim_poly_g") && cmd.exist("disable_trim_poly_g")) { in main()
242 } else if(cmd.exist("trim_poly_g")) { in main()
244 } else if(cmd.exist("disable_trim_poly_g")) { in main()
247 opt.polyGTrim.minLen = cmd.get<int>("poly_g_min_len"); in main()
250 if(cmd.exist("trim_poly_x")) { in main()
253 opt.polyXTrim.minLen = cmd.get<int>("poly_x_min_len"); in main()
257 opt.qualityCut.enabledFront = cmd.exist("cut_front"); in main()
260 opt.qualityCut.enabledFront = cmd.exist("cut_by_quality5"); in main()
264 opt.qualityCut.enabledTail = cmd.exist("cut_tail"); in main()
267 opt.qualityCut.enabledFront = cmd.exist("cut_by_quality3"); in main()
271 opt.qualityCut.enabledRight = cmd.exist("cut_right"); in main()
274 opt.qualityCut.enabledRight = cmd.exist("cut_by_quality_aggressive"); in main()
279 opt.qualityCut.windowSizeShared = cmd.get<int>("cut_window_size"); in main()
280 opt.qualityCut.qualityShared = cmd.get<int>("cut_mean_quality"); in main()
282 if(cmd.exist("cut_front_window_size")) in main()
283 opt.qualityCut.windowSizeFront = cmd.get<int>("cut_front_window_size"); in main()
286 if(cmd.exist("cut_front_mean_quality")) in main()
287 opt.qualityCut.qualityFront = cmd.get<int>("cut_front_mean_quality"); in main()
291 if(cmd.exist("cut_tail_window_size")) in main()
292 opt.qualityCut.windowSizeTail = cmd.get<int>("cut_tail_window_size"); in main()
295 if(cmd.exist("cut_tail_mean_quality")) in main()
296 opt.qualityCut.qualityTail = cmd.get<int>("cut_tail_mean_quality"); in main()
300 if(cmd.exist("cut_right_window_size")) in main()
301 opt.qualityCut.windowSizeRight = cmd.get<int>("cut_right_window_size"); in main()
304 if(cmd.exist("cut_right_mean_quality")) in main()
305 opt.qualityCut.qualityRight = cmd.get<int>("cut_right_mean_quality"); in main()
311 if(cmd.exist("cut_window_size") || cmd.exist("cut_mean_quality") in main()
312 || cmd.exist("cut_front_window_size") || cmd.exist("cut_front_mean_quality") in main()
313 || cmd.exist("cut_tail_window_size") || cmd.exist("cut_tail_mean_quality") in main()
314 || cmd.exist("cut_right_window_size") || cmd.exist("cut_right_mean_quality")) in main()
319 opt.qualfilter.enabled = !cmd.exist("disable_quality_filtering"); in main()
320 opt.qualfilter.qualifiedQual = num2qual(cmd.get<int>("qualified_quality_phred")); in main()
321 opt.qualfilter.unqualifiedPercentLimit = cmd.get<int>("unqualified_percent_limit"); in main()
322 opt.qualfilter.avgQualReq = cmd.get<int>("average_qual"); in main()
323 opt.qualfilter.nBaseLimit = cmd.get<int>("n_base_limit"); in main()
326 opt.lengthFilter.enabled = !cmd.exist("disable_length_filtering"); in main()
327 opt.lengthFilter.requiredLength = cmd.get<int>("length_required"); in main()
328 opt.lengthFilter.maxLength = cmd.get<int>("length_limit"); in main()
331 opt.complexityFilter.enabled = cmd.exist("low_complexity_filter"); in main()
332 … opt.complexityFilter.threshold = (min(100, max(0, cmd.get<int>("complexity_threshold")))) / 100.0; in main()
335 opt.correction.enabled = cmd.exist("correction"); in main()
336 opt.overlapRequire = cmd.get<int>("overlap_len_require"); in main()
337 opt.overlapDiffLimit = cmd.get<int>("overlap_diff_limit"); in main()
338 opt.overlapDiffPercentLimit = cmd.get<int>("overlap_diff_percent_limit"); in main()
341 opt.thread = cmd.get<int>("thread"); in main()
344 opt.jsonFile = cmd.get<string>("json"); in main()
345 opt.htmlFile = cmd.get<string>("html"); in main()
346 opt.reportTitle = cmd.get<string>("report_title"); in main()
349 opt.split.enabled = cmd.exist("split") || cmd.exist("split_by_lines"); in main()
350 opt.split.digits = cmd.get<int>("split_prefix_digits"); in main()
351 if(cmd.exist("split") && cmd.exist("split_by_lines")) { in main()
354 if(cmd.exist("split")) { in main()
355 opt.split.number = cmd.get<int>("split"); in main()
359 if(cmd.exist("split_by_lines")) { in main()
360 long lines = cmd.get<long>("split_by_lines"); in main()
376 opt.umi.enabled = cmd.exist("umi"); in main()
377 opt.umi.length = cmd.get<int>("umi_len"); in main()
378 opt.umi.prefix = cmd.get<string>("umi_prefix"); in main()
379 opt.umi.skip = cmd.get<int>("umi_skip"); in main()
381 string umiLoc = cmd.get<string>("umi_loc"); in main()
408 opt.overRepAnalysis.enabled = cmd.exist("overrepresentation_analysis"); in main()
409 opt.overRepAnalysis.sampling = cmd.get<int>("overrepresentation_sampling"); in main()
412 string blacklist1 = cmd.get<string>("filter_by_index1"); in main()
413 string blacklist2 = cmd.get<string>("filter_by_index2"); in main()
414 int indexFilterThreshold = cmd.get<int>("filter_by_index_threshold"); in main()
492 if(!cmd.exist("trim_poly_g") && !cmd.exist("disable_trim_poly_g") && supportEvaluation) { in main()