Lines Matching refs:help

20 workspace_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(help='The workspace name.',
23help='Represent a user or service principal. Supported format: object id, user sign-in name, or se…
26help="Use this parameter instead of '--assignee' to bypass Graph API invocation in case of insuffi…
31 role_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(help='The role name/id that is assigned to the principal.',
35help='Properties may be supplied from a JSON file using the `@{path}` syntax or a JSON string.')
36 progress_type = CLIArgumentType(help='Include this flag to disable progress reporting for the comma…
49 help='Name of the storage account.')
54 help='Access key for the storage account.')
58 help='The storage account endpoint.')
65 help='Name of the storage account.')
70 help='Access key for the storage account.')
74 help='The storage account endpoint.')
81 … c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
87 help='The sql administrator login password.')
89 …llowed_aad_tenant_ids', options_list=['--allowed-tenant-ids'], nargs='+', help="The approved Azure…
90 …c.argument('key_name', help='The workspace customer-managed key display name. All existing keys ca…
91 …m_type(['AzureDevOpsGit', 'GitHub']), validator=validate_repository_type, help='The repository con…
92 …c.argument('host_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='If using github Enterprise Server, p…
93 …c.argument('account_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='GitHub account name used for the …
94 …c.argument('collaboration_branch', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The branch name where you…
95 …c.argument('repository_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The name of the repository to …
96 …c.argument('root_folder', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The name of the folder to the loca…
97 …c.argument('project_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The project name to which you are…
98 …c.argument('tenant_id', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The tenant id used to connect Azure …
103 help='The data lake storage account name or resource id.')
104 c.argument('file_system', help='The file system of the data lake storage account.')
106 help='The sql administrator login user name.')
110 help='The flag indicates whether enable managed virtual network.')
112help='The flag indicates whether enable data exfiltration.', options_list=['--prevent-exfiltration…
113 …c.argument('key_identifier', help='The customer-managed key used to encrypt all data at rest in th…
116 c.argument('name', arg_type=name_type, help='The name you wanted to check.')
119 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
120 …c.argument('key_identifier', help='The Key Vault Url of the workspace encryption key. should be in…
121 …c.argument('key_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The workspace customer-ma…
124 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
127 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
132 help='The name of the Spark pool.')
136 c.argument('node_count', type=int, arg_group='Node', help='The number of node.')
137 c.argument('node_size_family', arg_group='Node', help='The node size family.')
139 help='The node size.')
143 help='The flag of enabling auto scale.')
144 c.argument('max_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The max node count.')
145 c.argument('min_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The min node count.')
149 help='The flag of enabling auto pause.')
150 c.argument('delay', arg_group='AutoPause', help='The delay time whose unit is minute.')
153 … c.argument('spark_events_folder', arg_group='Default Folder', help='The Spark events folder.')
154 … c.argument('spark_log_folder', arg_group='Default Folder', help='The default Spark log folder.')
157 …c.argument('spark_version', arg_group='Component Version', help='The supported Spark version is 2.…
164 c.argument('node_count', type=int, arg_group='Node', help='The number of node.')
165 c.argument('node_size_family', arg_group='Node', help='The node size family.')
168 help='The node size.')
171 help='The flag of enabling auto scale.')
172 c.argument('max_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The max node count.')
173 c.argument('min_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The min node count.')
177 help='The flag of enabling auto pause.')
178 c.argument('delay', arg_group='AutoPause', help='The delay time whose unit is minute.')
182 help='The library requirements file.')
183 c.argument('force', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='The flag of force operation.')
187help='Package action must be specified when you add or remove a workspace package from a Apache Sp…
188 …c.argument('package', arg_group='Custom Libraries', nargs='+', help='List of workspace packages na…
192 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
195 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
198 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
202 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
205 c.argument('performance_level', help='The performance level.')
206 c.argument('source_database_id', help='The source database id.')
207 c.argument('recoverable_database_id', help='The recoverable database id.')
211 c.argument('sku_name', options_list=['--performance-level'], help='The performance level.')
215 c.argument('performance_level', help='The performance level.')
217 help='Name of the sql pool that will be created as the restore destination.')
223help='The point in time of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. M…
228help='If specified, restore from a deleted database instead of from an existing database. Must mat…
234 help='Type of client connection provider.',
241 help='Type of authentication.',
246 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
249 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
252 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
255 help='Indicates whether the result should include disabled recommendations')
259 c.argument('schema_name', help='The name of schema.', options_list=['--schema'])
260 c.argument('table_name', help='The name of table.', options_list=['--table'])
261 c.argument('column_name', help='The name of column.', options_list=['--column'])
262 c.argument('information_type', help='The information type.')
263 c.argument('label_name', help='The label name.', options_list=['--label'])
267 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
269 required=True, help='Status of the transparent data encryption.')
270 …ryption_name', options_list=['--transparent-data-encryption-name', '-d'], help='Name of the transp…
274 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
276 help='Name of the security alert policy.')
285 help='Threat detection policy state',
290 help='The number of days to retain threat detection logs.')
293 help='List of disabled alerts.',
297 help='List of email addresses that alerts are sent to.',
301 help='Whether the alert is sent to the account administrators.',
307 help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
311 help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
312 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
316 help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
317 … c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
327 help='The subscription id of storage account')
330 help='Indicates whether using the secondary storeage key or not')
332 help='Whether enabling azure monitor target or not.',
336 help='Auditing policy state',
341 help='List of actions and action groups to audit.',
346 help='The number of days to retain audit logs.')
351 help='Indicate whether blob storage is a destination for audit records.',
357 help='Indicate whether log analytics is a destination for audit records.',
363help='The workspace ID (resource ID of a Log Analytics workspace) for a Log Analytics workspace '
369 help='Indicate whether event hub is a destination for audit records.',
375 help='The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule.')
380 help='The name of the event hub. If none is specified '
386 help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
389help='The amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be pro…
394 help='Name of the storage account.')
399 help='Access key for the storage account.')
403 help='The storage account endpoint.')
410 help='Auditing policy state',
416 help='List of actions and action groups to audit.',
421 help='The number of days to retain audit logs.')
427 help='Indicate whether blob storage is a destination for audit records.',
434 help='Indicate whether log analytics is a destination for audit records.',
441help='The workspace ID (resource ID of a Log Analytics workspace) for a Log Analytics workspace '
448 help='Indicate whether event hub is a destination for audit records.',
455 help='The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule.')
461 help='The name of the event hub. If none is specified '
467 help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
468 c.argument('workspace_name', help='The workspace name.')
471 c.argument('workspace_name', help='The workspace name.')
475 help='Display name of the Azure AD administrator user or group.')
477 help='The unique ID of the Azure AD administrator.')
481 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
484 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
488 …c.argument('rule_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The IP firewall rule nam…
492 …c.argument('start_ip_address', help='The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 forma…
493 … c.argument('end_ip_address', help='The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. '
498 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
501 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
505 …c.argument('key_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The workspace customer-ma…
508 …c.argument('key_identifier', help='The Key Vault Url of the workspace encryption key. should be in…
512 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
516 c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
521 c.argument('workspace_name', help='The name of the workspace.')
522 c.argument('spark_pool_name', help='The name of the Spark pool.')
526 …c.argument('from_index', help='Optional parameter specifying which index the list should begin fro…
528help='The size of the returned list.By default it is 20 and that is the maximum.')
531 c.argument('main_definition_file', help='The main file used for the job.')
533help='The fully-qualified identifier or the main class that is in the main definition file.')
535help='Optional arguments to the job (Note: please use storage URIs for file arguments).')
536 c.argument('archives', nargs='+', help='The array of archives.')
537 c.argument('job_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The Spark job name.')
539 help='Additional files used for reference in the main definition file.')
540 … c.argument('configuration', type=shell_safe_json_parse, help='The configuration of Spark job.')
541 c.argument('executors', help='The number of executors.')
542 …c.argument('executor_size', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']), help='The execut…
545 help='The Spark job language.')
550 help='The id of the Spark job.')
553 c.argument('job_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The Spark session name.')
555 help='Additional files used for reference in the main definition file.')
556 … c.argument('configuration', type=get_json_object, help='The configuration of Spark session.')
557 c.argument('executors', help='The number of executors.')
558 …c.argument('executor_size', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']), help='The execut…
564 help='The id of the Spark session job.')
567 c.argument('session_id', help='The id of Spark session.')
572 help='The id of the statement.')
576help='The code of Spark statement. This is either the code contents or use `@<file path>` to load …
578 help='The language of Spark statement.')
587 …c.argument('scope', help='A scope defines the resources or artifacts that the access applies to. S…
591 …c.argument('item', help='Item granted access in the workspace. Using with --item-type to combine t…
592 …c.argument('item_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(ItemType), help='Item type granted access in the wo…
596help='use with --assignee-object-id to avoid errors caused by propagation latency in AAD Graph')
597 …c.argument('assignment_id', help='Custom role assignment id in guid format, if not specified, assi…
602 help='Id of the role that is assigned to the principal.')
609 …c.argument('scope', help='A scope defines the resources or artifacts that the access applies to. S…
615help='space-separated role assignment ids. You should not provide --role or --assignee when --ids …
616 …c.argument('item', help='Item granted access in the workspace. Using with --item-type to combine t…
619 …c.argument('item_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(ItemType), help='Item type granted access in the wo…
629 …c.argument('is_built_in', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Is a Synapse Built-In Role or not…
638 c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
646 c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
650 c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
656 c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
664 c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
668 c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
674 c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
682 c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
686 c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
690 c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
692help='The pipeline run ID for rerun. If run ID is specified, the parameters of the specified run w…
694help='Recovery mode flag. If recovery mode is set to true, the specified referenced pipeline run a…
696help='In recovery mode, the rerun will start from this activity. If not specified, all activities …
698help='Parameters for pipeline run. Can be supplied from a JSON file using the `@{path}` syntax or …
704help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
706help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
708help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
709 c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
710 c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
714 c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
718 c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
720help='If true, cancel all the Child pipelines that are triggered by the current pipeline.')
724 c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
725 c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
727help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
729help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
731help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
732 c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
733 c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
739 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
747 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
751 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
755 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
759 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
763 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
767 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
771 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
775 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
780 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
781 c.argument('run_id', help='The trigger run identifier.')
785 c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
786 c.argument('run_id', help='The trigger run identifier.')
791help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
793help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
795help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
796 c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
797 c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
803 c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
811 c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
815 c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
821 c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
823 c.argument('spark_pool_name', help='The name of the Spark pool.')
825help='Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for…
827help='Number of executors to be allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job.')
834 c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
838 c.argument('output_folder', help='The folder where the notebook should be placed.')
839 c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
843 c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
852 …=name_type, options_list=['--package-name', '--package', '--name', '-n'], help='The workspace pack…
856 help='Specifies a local file path for a file to upload as workspace package.')
860 …c.argument('source', options_list=('--source', '-s'), help='The directory where the files to be up…
873 …c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', i…
877 …c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', i…
880 …tions_list=['--type'], arg_type=get_enum_type(['Managed', 'SelfHosted']), help='The integration ru…
881 c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
882 …c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for …
885 c.argument('location', arg_group='Managed', help='The integration runtime location.')
887 help='Compute type of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
888 …c.argument('core_count', arg_group='Managed', help='Core count of the data flow cluster which will…
889 …c.argument('time_to_live', arg_group='Managed', help='Time to live (in minutes) setting of the dat…
892 c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
893 …c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for …
895 c.argument('location', help='The integration runtime location.')
897 help='Compute type of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
898 …c.argument('core_count', help='Core count of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow jo…
899 …c.argument('time_to_live', help='Time to live (in minutes) setting of the data flow cluster which …
902 c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
903 …c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for …
907 …c.argument('auto_update', arg_type=get_enum_type(['On', 'Off']), help='Enable or disable the self-…
908 …c.argument('update_delay_offset', help='The time of the day for the self-hosted integration runtim…
911 …c.argument('key_name', arg_type=get_enum_type(['authKey1', 'authKey2']), help='The name of the aut…
915 …c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', i…
919 c.argument('node_name', help='The integration runtime node name.')
922 …c.argument('concurrent_jobs_limit', options_list=['--concurrent-jobs'], help='The number of concur…
925 help='Enable or disable the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
927 help='The time of the day for the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
933 …c.argument('managed_private_endpoint_name', options_list=['--pe-name'], help='The managed private …
939 …c.argument('private_Link_Resource_Id', options_list=['--resource-id'], help='The ARM resource ID o…
940 c.argument('group_Id', help='The groupId to which the managed private endpoint is created')
949 …c.argument('spark_job_definition_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The spark job definit…
954 …c.argument('spark_job_definition_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The spark job definit…