1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5# pylint: disable=too-many-statements, line-too-long, too-many-branches
6from knack.arguments import CLIArgumentType
7from argcomplete import FilesCompleter
8from azure.mgmt.synapse.models import TransparentDataEncryptionStatus, SecurityAlertPolicyState, BlobAuditingPolicyState
9from azure.cli.core.commands.parameters import name_type, tags_type, get_three_state_flag, get_enum_type, \
10    get_resource_name_completion_list, get_location_type, file_type
11from azure.cli.core.commands.validators import get_default_location_from_resource_group
12from azure.cli.core.util import get_json_object, shell_safe_json_parse
13from ._validators import validate_storage_account, validate_statement_language, add_progress_callback, validate_repository_type
14from ._completers import get_role_definition_name_completion_list
15from .constant import SparkBatchLanguage, SparkStatementLanguage, SqlPoolConnectionClientType, PrincipalType, \
16    SqlPoolConnectionClientAuthenticationType, ItemType
17from .action import AddFilters, AddOrderBy
18from shlex import split
20workspace_name_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(help='The workspace name.',
21                                          completer=get_resource_name_completion_list('Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces'))
22assignee_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(
23    help='Represent a user or service principal. Supported format: object id, user sign-in name, or service principal name.')
25assignee_object_id_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(
26    help="Use this parameter instead of '--assignee' to bypass Graph API invocation in case of insufficient privileges. "
27         "This parameter only works with object ids for users, groups, service principals, and "
28         "managed identities. For managed identities use the principal id. For service principals, "
29         "use the object id and not the app id.")
31role_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(help='The role name/id that is assigned to the principal.',
32                                completer=get_role_definition_name_completion_list)
33definition_file_arg_type = CLIArgumentType(options_list=['--file'], completer=FilesCompleter(),
34                                           type=shell_safe_json_parse,
35                                           help='Properties may be supplied from a JSON file using the `@{path}` syntax or a JSON string.')
36progress_type = CLIArgumentType(help='Include this flag to disable progress reporting for the command.',
37                                action='store_true', validator=add_progress_callback)
38time_format_help = 'Time should be in following format: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS".'
40storage_arg_group = "Storage"
41log_analytics_arg_group = "Log Analytics"
42event_hub_arg_group = "Event Hub"
45def _configure_security_policy_storage_params(arg_ctx):
46    arg_ctx.argument('storage_account',
47                     options_list=['--storage-account'],
48                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
49                     help='Name of the storage account.')
51    arg_ctx.argument('storage_account_access_key',
52                     options_list=['--storage-key'],
53                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
54                     help='Access key for the storage account.')
56    arg_ctx.argument('storage_endpoint',
57                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
58                     help='The storage account endpoint.')
61def _configure_security_or_audit_policy_storage_params(arg_ctx):
62    arg_ctx.argument('storage_account',
63                     options_list=['--storage-account'],
64                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
65                     help='Name of the storage account.')
67    arg_ctx.argument('storage_account_access_key',
68                     options_list=['--storage-key'],
69                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
70                     help='Access key for the storage account.')
72    arg_ctx.argument('storage_endpoint',
73                     arg_group=storage_arg_group,
74                     help='The storage account endpoint.')
77def load_arguments(self, _):
78    # synapse workspace
79    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'update', 'delete']:
80        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace ' + scope) as c:
81            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
83    for scope in ['create', 'update']:
84        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace ' + scope) as c:
85            repository_arg_group = 'Git Configuration'
86            c.argument('sql_admin_login_password', options_list=['--sql-admin-login-password', '-p'],
87                       help='The sql administrator login password.')
88            c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
89            c.argument('allowed_aad_tenant_ids', options_list=['--allowed-tenant-ids'], nargs='+', help="The approved Azure AD tenants which outbound data traffic allowed to. The Azure AD tenant of the current user will be included by default. Use ""(\'""\' in PowerShell) to disable all allowed tenant ids.")
90            c.argument('key_name', help='The workspace customer-managed key display name. All existing keys can be found using "az synapse workspace key list" cmdlet.')
91            c.argument('repository_type', arg_group=repository_arg_group, arg_type=get_enum_type(['AzureDevOpsGit', 'GitHub']), validator=validate_repository_type, help='The repository configuration type.')
92            c.argument('host_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='If using github Enterprise Server, provide sever URL like https://github.mydomain.com.Do not use this option with GitHub Enterprise Cloud.')
93            c.argument('account_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='GitHub account name used for the repository or Azure devops organization name')
94            c.argument('collaboration_branch', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The branch name where you will collaborate with others and from which you will publish.')
95            c.argument('repository_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The name of the repository to which you are connecting.')
96            c.argument('root_folder', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The name of the folder to the location of your Azure synapse JSON resources are imported. Default is /')
97            c.argument('project_name', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The project name to which you are connecting.')
98            c.argument('tenant_id', arg_group=repository_arg_group, help='The tenant id used to connect Azure devops')
100    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace create') as c:
101        c.argument('location', get_location_type(self.cli_ctx), validator=get_default_location_from_resource_group)
102        c.argument("storage_account", validator=validate_storage_account,
103                   help='The data lake storage account name or resource id.')
104        c.argument('file_system', help='The file system of the data lake storage account.')
105        c.argument('sql_admin_login_user', options_list=['--sql-admin-login-user', '-u'],
106                   help='The sql administrator login user name.')
107        c.argument('enable_managed_virtual_network', options_list=['--enable-managed-vnet',
108                                                                   '--enable-managed-virtual-network'],
109                   arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
110                   help='The flag indicates whether enable managed virtual network.')
111        c.argument('prevent_data_exfiltration', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
112                   help='The flag indicates whether enable data exfiltration.', options_list=['--prevent-exfiltration', '--prevent-data-exfiltration'])
113        c.argument('key_identifier', help='The customer-managed key used to encrypt all data at rest in the workspace. Key identifier should be in the format of: https://{keyvaultname}.vault.azure.net/keys/{keyname}.', options_list=['--key-identifier', '--cmk'])
115    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace check-name') as c:
116        c.argument('name', arg_type=name_type, help='The name you wanted to check.')
118    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace activate') as c:
119        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
120        c.argument('key_identifier', help='The Key Vault Url of the workspace encryption key. should be in the format of: https://{keyvaultname}.vault.azure.net/keys/{keyname}.')
121        c.argument('key_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The workspace customer-managed key display name. All existing keys can be found using /"az synapse workspace key list/" cmdlet.')
122    # synapse spark pool
123    with self.argument_context('synapse spark pool') as c:
124        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
126    with self.argument_context('synapse spark pool list') as c:
127        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
129    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'update', 'delete']:
130        with self.argument_context('synapse spark pool ' + scope) as c:
131            c.argument('spark_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1',
132                       help='The name of the Spark pool.')
134    with self.argument_context('synapse spark pool create') as c:
135        # Node
136        c.argument('node_count', type=int, arg_group='Node', help='The number of node.')
137        c.argument('node_size_family', arg_group='Node', help='The node size family.')
138        c.argument('node_size', arg_group='Node', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']),
139                   help='The node size.')
141        # AutoScale
142        c.argument('enable_auto_scale', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), arg_group='AutoScale',
143                   help='The flag of enabling auto scale.')
144        c.argument('max_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The max node count.')
145        c.argument('min_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The min node count.')
147        # AutoPause
148        c.argument('enable_auto_pause', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), arg_group='AutoPause',
149                   help='The flag of enabling auto pause.')
150        c.argument('delay', arg_group='AutoPause', help='The delay time whose unit is minute.')
152        # Default Folder
153        c.argument('spark_events_folder', arg_group='Default Folder', help='The Spark events folder.')
154        c.argument('spark_log_folder', arg_group='Default Folder', help='The default Spark log folder.')
156        # Component Version
157        c.argument('spark_version', arg_group='Component Version', help='The supported Spark version is 2.4 now.')
159        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
161    with self.argument_context('synapse spark pool update') as c:
162        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
163        # Node
164        c.argument('node_count', type=int, arg_group='Node', help='The number of node.')
165        c.argument('node_size_family', arg_group='Node', help='The node size family.')
167        c.argument('node_size', arg_group='Node', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']),
168                   help='The node size.')
169        # AutoScale
170        c.argument('enable_auto_scale', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), arg_group='AutoScale',
171                   help='The flag of enabling auto scale.')
172        c.argument('max_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The max node count.')
173        c.argument('min_node_count', type=int, arg_group='AutoScale', help='The min node count.')
175        # AutoPause
176        c.argument('enable_auto_pause', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), arg_group='AutoPause',
177                   help='The flag of enabling auto pause.')
178        c.argument('delay', arg_group='AutoPause', help='The delay time whose unit is minute.')
180        # Environment Configuration
181        c.argument('library_requirements', arg_group='Environment Configuration',
182                   help='The library requirements file.')
183        c.argument('force', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='The flag of force operation.')
185        # Custom Libraries
186        c.argument('package_action', arg_group='Custom Libraries', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Add', 'Remove']),
187                   help='Package action must be specified when you add or remove a workspace package from a Apache Spark pool.')
188        c.argument('package', arg_group='Custom Libraries', nargs='+', help='List of workspace packages name.')
190    # synapse sql pool
191    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool') as c:
192        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
194    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool list') as c:
195        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
197    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool list-deleted') as c:
198        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
200    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'delete', 'update', 'pause', 'resume', 'restore', 'show-connection-string']:
201        with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool ' + scope) as c:
202            c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
204    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool create') as c:
205        c.argument('performance_level', help='The performance level.')
206        c.argument('source_database_id', help='The source database id.')
207        c.argument('recoverable_database_id', help='The recoverable database id.')
208        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
210    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool update') as c:
211        c.argument('sku_name', options_list=['--performance-level'], help='The performance level.')
212        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
214    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool restore') as c:
215        c.argument('performance_level', help='The performance level.')
216        c.argument('destination_name', options_list=['--dest-name', '--destination-name'],
217                   help='Name of the sql pool that will be created as the restore destination.')
219        restore_point_arg_group = 'Restore Point'
220        c.argument('restore_point_in_time',
221                   options_list=['--time', '-t'],
222                   arg_group=restore_point_arg_group,
223                   help='The point in time of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. Must be greater than or equal to the source database\'s earliestRestoreDate value. Either --time or --deleted-time (or both) must be specified. {0}'.format(
224                       time_format_help))
225        c.argument('source_database_deletion_date',
226                   options_list=['--deleted-time'],
227                   arg_group=restore_point_arg_group,
228                   help='If specified, restore from a deleted database instead of from an existing database. Must match the deleted time of a deleted database in the same server. Either --time or --deleted-time (or both) must be specified. {0}'.format(
229                       time_format_help))
231    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool show-connection-string') as c:
232        c.argument('client_provider',
233                   options_list=['--client', '-c'],
234                   help='Type of client connection provider.',
235                   arg_type=get_enum_type(SqlPoolConnectionClientType))
237        auth_group = 'Authentication'
238        c.argument('auth_type',
239                   options_list=['--auth-type', '-a'],
240                   arg_group=auth_group,
241                   help='Type of authentication.',
242                   arg_type=get_enum_type(SqlPoolConnectionClientAuthenticationType))
244    # synapse sql pool classification
245    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool classification') as c:
246        c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
248    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool classification list') as c:
249        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
251    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool classification recommendation list') as c:
252        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
253        c.argument('include_disabled_recommendations', options_list=['--included-disabled'],
254                   arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
255                   help='Indicates whether the result should include disabled recommendations')
257    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'update', 'delete', 'recommendation enable', 'recommendation disable']:
258        with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool classification ' + scope) as c:
259            c.argument('schema_name', help='The name of schema.', options_list=['--schema'])
260            c.argument('table_name', help='The name of table.', options_list=['--table'])
261            c.argument('column_name', help='The name of column.', options_list=['--column'])
262            c.argument('information_type', help='The information type.')
263            c.argument('label_name', help='The label name.', options_list=['--label'])
265    # synapse sql pool tde
266    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool tde') as c:
267        c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
268        c.argument('status', arg_type=get_enum_type(TransparentDataEncryptionStatus),
269                   required=True, help='Status of the transparent data encryption.')
270        c.argument('transparent_data_encryption_name', options_list=['--transparent-data-encryption-name', '-d'], help='Name of the transparent data encryption.')
272    # synapse sql pool threat-policy
273    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool threat-policy') as c:
274        c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
275        c.argument('security_alert_policy_name', options_list=['--security-alert-policy-name', '-s'],
276                   help='Name of the security alert policy.')
278    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool threat-policy update') as c:
279        _configure_security_or_audit_policy_storage_params(c)
280        notification_arg_group = 'Notification'
281        policy_arg_group = 'Policy'
283        c.argument('state',
284                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
285                   help='Threat detection policy state',
286                   arg_type=get_enum_type(SecurityAlertPolicyState))
287        c.argument('retention_days',
288                   type=int,
289                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
290                   help='The number of days to retain threat detection logs.')
291        c.argument('disabled_alerts',
292                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
293                   help='List of disabled alerts.',
294                   nargs='+')
295        c.argument('email_addresses',
296                   arg_group=notification_arg_group,
297                   help='List of email addresses that alerts are sent to.',
298                   nargs='+')
299        c.argument('email_account_admins',
300                   arg_group=notification_arg_group,
301                   help='Whether the alert is sent to the account administrators.',
302                   arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
304    # synapse sql pool audit-policy
305    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool audit-policy') as c:
306        c.argument('blob_auditing_policy_name', options_list=['--blob-auditing-policy-name', '-b'],
307                   help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
309    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool audit-policy show') as c:
310        c.argument('blob_auditing_policy_name', options_list=['--blob-auditing-policy-name', '-b'],
311                   help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
312        c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
314    with self.argument_context('synapse sql pool audit-policy update') as c:
315        c.argument('blob_auditing_policy_name', options_list=['--blob-auditing-policy-name', '-b'],
316                   help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
317        c.argument('sql_pool_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The SQL pool name.')
319    for scope in ['synapse sql pool audit-policy', 'synapse sql audit-policy']:
320        with self.argument_context(scope + ' update') as c:
321            _configure_security_or_audit_policy_storage_params(c)
323            policy_arg_group = 'Policy'
325            c.argument('storage_account_subscription_id', arg_group=storage_arg_group,
326                       options_list=['--storage-subscription'],
327                       help='The subscription id of storage account')
328            c.argument('is_storage_secondary_key_in_use', arg_group=storage_arg_group,
329                       arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), options_list=['--use-secondary-key'],
330                       help='Indicates whether using the secondary storeage key or not')
331            c.argument('is_azure_monitor_target_enabled', options_list=['--enable-azure-monitor'],
332                       help='Whether enabling azure monitor target or not.',
333                       arg_type=get_three_state_flag())
334            c.argument('state',
335                       arg_group=policy_arg_group,
336                       help='Auditing policy state',
337                       arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
338            c.argument('audit_actions_and_groups',
339                       options_list=['--actions'],
340                       arg_group=policy_arg_group,
341                       help='List of actions and action groups to audit.',
342                       nargs='+')
343            c.argument('retention_days',
344                       type=int,
345                       arg_group=policy_arg_group,
346                       help='The number of days to retain audit logs.')
347            c.argument('blob_storage_target_state',
348                       arg_group=storage_arg_group,
349                       options_list=['--blob-storage-target-state', '--bsts'],
350                       configured_default='sql-server',
351                       help='Indicate whether blob storage is a destination for audit records.',
352                       arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
353            c.argument('log_analytics_target_state',
354                       arg_group=log_analytics_arg_group,
355                       options_list=['--log-analytics-target-state', '--lats'],
356                       configured_default='sql-server',
357                       help='Indicate whether log analytics is a destination for audit records.',
358                       arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
359            c.argument('log_analytics_workspace_resource_id',
360                       arg_group=log_analytics_arg_group,
361                       options_list=['--log-analytics-workspace-resource-id', '--lawri'],
362                       configured_default='sql-server',
363                       help='The workspace ID (resource ID of a Log Analytics workspace) for a Log Analytics workspace '
364                            'to which you would like to send Audit Logs.')
365            c.argument('event_hub_target_state',
366                       arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
367                       options_list=['--event-hub-target-state', '--ehts'],
368                       configured_default='sql-server',
369                       help='Indicate whether event hub is a destination for audit records.',
370                       arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
371            c.argument('event_hub_authorization_rule_id',
372                       arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
373                       options_list=['--event-hub-authorization-rule-id', '--ehari'],
374                       configured_default='sql-server',
375                       help='The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule.')
376            c.argument('event_hub',
377                       arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
378                       options_list=['--event-hub', '--eh'],
379                       configured_default='sql-server',
380                       help='The name of the event hub. If none is specified '
381                            'when providing event_hub_authorization_rule_id, the default event hub will be selected.'
382                       )
384    with self.argument_context('synapse sql audit-policy update') as c:
385        c.argument('blob_auditing_policy_name', options_list=['--blob-auditing-policy-name', '-b'],
386                   help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
387        c.argument('queue_delay_milliseconds', type=int,
388                   options_list=['--queue-delay-time', '--queue-delay-milliseconds'],
389                   help='The amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed')
391        c.argument('storage_account',
392                   options_list=['--storage-account'],
393                   arg_group=storage_arg_group,
394                   help='Name of the storage account.')
396        c.argument('storage_account_access_key',
397                   options_list=['--storage-key'],
398                   arg_group=storage_arg_group,
399                   help='Access key for the storage account.')
401        c.argument('storage_endpoint',
402                   arg_group=storage_arg_group,
403                   help='The storage account endpoint.')
404        _configure_security_policy_storage_params(c)
406        policy_arg_group = 'Policy'
408        c.argument('state',
409                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
410                   help='Auditing policy state',
411                   arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
413        c.argument('audit_actions_and_groups',
414                   options_list=['--actions'],
415                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
416                   help='List of actions and action groups to audit.',
417                   nargs='+')
419        c.argument('retention_days',
420                   arg_group=policy_arg_group,
421                   help='The number of days to retain audit logs.')
423        c.argument('blob_storage_target_state',
424                   arg_group=storage_arg_group,
425                   options_list=['--blob-storage-target-state', '--bsts'],
426                   configured_default='sql-server',
427                   help='Indicate whether blob storage is a destination for audit records.',
428                   arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
430        c.argument('log_analytics_target_state',
431                   arg_group=log_analytics_arg_group,
432                   options_list=['--log-analytics-target-state', '--lats'],
433                   configured_default='sql-server',
434                   help='Indicate whether log analytics is a destination for audit records.',
435                   arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
437        c.argument('log_analytics_workspace_resource_id',
438                   arg_group=log_analytics_arg_group,
439                   options_list=['--log-analytics-workspace-resource-id', '--lawri'],
440                   configured_default='sql-server',
441                   help='The workspace ID (resource ID of a Log Analytics workspace) for a Log Analytics workspace '
442                        'to which you would like to send Audit Logs.')
444        c.argument('event_hub_target_state',
445                   arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
446                   options_list=['--event-hub-target-state', '--ehts'],
447                   configured_default='sql-server',
448                   help='Indicate whether event hub is a destination for audit records.',
449                   arg_type=get_enum_type(BlobAuditingPolicyState))
451        c.argument('event_hub_authorization_rule_id',
452                   arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
453                   options_list=['--event-hub-authorization-rule-id', '--ehari'],
454                   configured_default='sql-server',
455                   help='The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule.')
457        c.argument('event_hub',
458                   arg_group=event_hub_arg_group,
459                   options_list=['--event-hub', '--eh'],
460                   configured_default='sql-server',
461                   help='The name of the event hub. If none is specified '
462                        'when providing event_hub_authorization_rule_id, the default event hub will be selected.'
463                   )
465    with self.argument_context('synapse sql audit-policy') as c:
466        c.argument('blob_auditing_policy_name', options_list=['--blob-auditing-policy-name', '-b'],
467                   help='Name of the blob auditing policy name.')
468        c.argument('workspace_name', help='The workspace name.')
470    with self.argument_context('synapse sql ad-admin') as c:
471        c.argument('workspace_name', help='The workspace name.')
472    for scope in ['create', 'update']:
473        with self.argument_context('synapse sql ad-admin ' + scope) as c:
474            c.argument('login_name', options_list=['--display-name', '-u'],
475                       help='Display name of the Azure AD administrator user or group.')
476            c.argument('object_id', options_list=['--object-id', '-i'],
477                       help='The unique ID of the Azure AD administrator.')
479    # synapse workspace firewall-rule
480    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace firewall-rule') as c:
481        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
483    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace firewall-rule list') as c:
484        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
486    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'update', 'delete']:
487        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace firewall-rule ' + scope) as c:
488            c.argument('rule_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The IP firewall rule name')
490    for scope in ['create', 'update']:
491        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace firewall-rule ' + scope) as c:
492            c.argument('start_ip_address', help='The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format.')
493            c.argument('end_ip_address', help='The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. '
494                                              'Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress.')
496    # synapse workspace key
497    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace key') as c:
498        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
500    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace key list') as c:
501        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part=None, help='The workspace name.')
503    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'delete']:
504        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace key ' + scope) as c:
505            c.argument('key_name', arg_type=name_type, id_part='child_name_1', help='The workspace customer-managed key display name. All existing keys can be found using /"az synapse workspace key list/" cmdlet.')
507    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace key create') as c:
508        c.argument('key_identifier', help='The Key Vault Url of the workspace encryption key. should be in the format of: https://{keyvaultname}.vault.azure.net/keys/{keyname}.')
510    # synapse workspace managed-identity
511    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace managed-identity') as c:
512        c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
514    for scope in ['grant-sql-access', 'revoke-sql-access', ' show-sql-access']:
515        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace managed-identity ' + scope) as c:
516            c.argument('workspace_name', id_part='name', help='The workspace name.')
518    # synapse spark job
519    for scope in ['job', 'session', 'statement']:
520        with self.argument_context('synapse spark ' + scope) as c:
521            c.argument('workspace_name', help='The name of the workspace.')
522            c.argument('spark_pool_name', help='The name of the Spark pool.')
524    for scope in ['synapse spark job', 'synapse spark session']:
525        with self.argument_context(scope + ' list') as c:
526            c.argument('from_index', help='Optional parameter specifying which index the list should begin from.')
527            c.argument('size',
528                       help='The size of the returned list.By default it is 20 and that is the maximum.')
530    with self.argument_context('synapse spark job submit') as c:
531        c.argument('main_definition_file', help='The main file used for the job.')
532        c.argument('main_class_name',
533                   help='The fully-qualified identifier or the main class that is in the main definition file.')
534        c.argument('command_line_arguments', options_list=['--arguments'], type=split, nargs='+',
535                   help='Optional arguments to the job (Note: please use storage URIs for file arguments).')
536        c.argument('archives', nargs='+', help='The array of archives.')
537        c.argument('job_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The Spark job name.')
538        c.argument('reference_files', nargs='+',
539                   help='Additional files used for reference in the main definition file.')
540        c.argument('configuration', type=shell_safe_json_parse, help='The configuration of Spark job.')
541        c.argument('executors', help='The number of executors.')
542        c.argument('executor_size', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']), help='The executor size')
543        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
544        c.argument('language', arg_type=get_enum_type(SparkBatchLanguage, default=SparkBatchLanguage.Scala),
545                   help='The Spark job language.')
547    for scope in ['show', 'cancel']:
548        with self.argument_context('synapse spark job ' + scope) as c:
549            c.argument('job_id', options_list=['--livy-id'], arg_group='Spark job',
550                       help='The id of the Spark job.')
552    with self.argument_context('synapse spark session create') as c:
553        c.argument('job_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The Spark session name.')
554        c.argument('reference_files', nargs='+',
555                   help='Additional files used for reference in the main definition file.')
556        c.argument('configuration', type=get_json_object, help='The configuration of Spark session.')
557        c.argument('executors', help='The number of executors.')
558        c.argument('executor_size', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']), help='The executor size')
559        c.argument('tags', arg_type=tags_type)
561    for scope in ['show', 'cancel', 'reset-timeout']:
562        with self.argument_context('synapse spark session ' + scope) as c:
563            c.argument('session_id', options_list=['--livy-id'], arg_group='Spark Session',
564                       help='The id of the Spark session job.')
566    with self.argument_context('synapse spark statement') as c:
567        c.argument('session_id', help='The id of Spark session.')
569    for scope in ['show', 'cancel']:
570        with self.argument_context('synapse spark statement ' + scope) as c:
571            c.argument('statement_id', options_list=['--livy-id'], arg_group="Spark statement",
572                       help='The id of the statement.')
574    with self.argument_context('synapse spark statement invoke') as c:
575        c.argument('code', completer=FilesCompleter(),
576                   help='The code of Spark statement. This is either the code contents or use `@<file path>` to load the content from a file')
577        c.argument('language', arg_type=get_enum_type(SparkStatementLanguage), validator=validate_statement_language,
578                   help='The language of Spark statement.')
580    # synapse workspace access-control
581    for scope in ['create', 'list']:
582        with self.argument_context('synapse role assignment ' + scope) as c:
583            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
584            c.argument('role', arg_type=role_arg_type)
585            c.argument('assignee', arg_type=assignee_arg_type)
586            c.argument('assignee_object_id', arg_type=assignee_object_id_arg_type)
587            c.argument('scope', help='A scope defines the resources or artifacts that the access applies to. Synapse supports hierarchical scopes. '
588                                     'Permissions granted at a higher-level scope are inherited by objects at a lower level. '
589                                     'In Synapse RBAC, the top-level scope is a workspace. '
590                                     'Assigning a role with workspace scope grants permissions to all applicable objects in the workspace.')
591            c.argument('item', help='Item granted access in the workspace. Using with --item-type to combine the scope of assignment')
592            c.argument('item_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(ItemType), help='Item type granted access in the workspace. Using with --item to combine the scope of assignment.')
594    with self.argument_context('synapse role assignment create') as c:
595        c.argument('assignee_principal_type', options_list=['--assignee-principal-type', '--assignee-type'], arg_type=get_enum_type(PrincipalType),
596                   help='use with --assignee-object-id to avoid errors caused by propagation latency in AAD Graph')
597        c.argument('assignment_id', help='Custom role assignment id in guid format, if not specified, assignment id will be randomly generated.')
599    with self.argument_context('synapse role assignment show') as c:
600        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
601        c.argument('role_assignment_id', options_list=['--id'],
602                   help='Id of the role that is assigned to the principal.')
604    with self.argument_context('synapse role assignment delete') as c:
605        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
606        c.argument('role', arg_type=role_arg_type)
607        c.argument('assignee', arg_type=assignee_arg_type)
608        c.argument('assignee_object_id', arg_type=assignee_object_id_arg_type)
609        c.argument('scope', help='A scope defines the resources or artifacts that the access applies to. Synapse supports hierarchical scopes. '
610                                 'Permissions granted at a higher-level scope are inherited by objects at a lower level. '
611                                 'In Synapse RBAC, the top-level scope is a workspace. '
612                                 'Using az role assignment with filter condition before executing delete operation '
613                                 'to be clearly aware of which assignments will be deleted.')
614        c.argument('ids', nargs='+',
615                   help='space-separated role assignment ids. You should not provide --role or --assignee when --ids is provided.')
616        c.argument('item', help='Item granted access in the workspace. Using with --item-type to combine the scope of assignment.'
617                                'Using az role assignment with filter condition before executing delete operation '
618                                'to be clearly aware of which assignments will be deleted.')
619        c.argument('item_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(ItemType), help='Item type granted access in the workspace. Using with --item to combine the scope of assignment.'
620                                                                       'Using az role assignment with filter condition before executing delete operation '
621                                                                       'to be clearly aware of which assignments will be deleted.')
623    with self.argument_context('synapse role definition show') as c:
624        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
625        c.argument('role', arg_type=role_arg_type)
627    with self.argument_context('synapse role definition list') as c:
628        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
629        c.argument('is_built_in', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(), help='Is a Synapse Built-In Role or not.')
631    with self.argument_context('synapse role scope list') as c:
632        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
634    # synapse artifacts linked-service
635    for scope in ['create', 'update', 'set']:
636        with self.argument_context('synapse linked-service ' + scope) as c:
637            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
638            c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
639            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
641    with self.argument_context('synapse linked-service list') as c:
642        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
644    with self.argument_context('synapse linked-service show') as c:
645        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
646        c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
648    with self.argument_context('synapse linked-service delete') as c:
649        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
650        c.argument('linked_service_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The linked service name.')
652    # synapse artifacts dataset
653    for scope in ['create', 'update', 'set']:
654        with self.argument_context('synapse dataset ' + scope) as c:
655            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
656            c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
657            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
659    with self.argument_context('synapse dataset list') as c:
660        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
662    with self.argument_context('synapse dataset show') as c:
663        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
664        c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
666    with self.argument_context('synapse dataset delete') as c:
667        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
668        c.argument('dataset_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The dataset name.')
670    # synapse artifacts pipeline
671    for scope in ['create', 'update', 'set']:
672        with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline ' + scope) as c:
673            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
674            c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
675            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
677    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline list') as c:
678        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
680    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline show') as c:
681        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
682        c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
684    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline delete') as c:
685        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
686        c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
688    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline create-run') as c:
689        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
690        c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
691        c.argument('reference_pipeline_run_id', options_list=['--reference-pipeline-run-id', '--run-id'],
692                   help='The pipeline run ID for rerun. If run ID is specified, the parameters of the specified run will be used to create a new run.')
693        c.argument('is_recovery', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
694                   help='Recovery mode flag. If recovery mode is set to true, the specified referenced pipeline run and the new run will be grouped under the same groupId.')
695        c.argument('start_activity_name',
696                   help='In recovery mode, the rerun will start from this activity. If not specified, all activities will run.')
697        c.argument('parameters', completer=FilesCompleter(), type=shell_safe_json_parse,
698                   help='Parameters for pipeline run. Can be supplied from a JSON file using the `@{path}` syntax or a JSON string.')
700    # synapse artifacts pipeline run
701    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline-run query-by-workspace') as c:
702        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
703        c.argument('continuation_token',
704                   help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
705        c.argument('last_updated_after',
706                   help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
707        c.argument('last_updated_before',
708                   help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
709        c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
710        c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
712    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline-run show') as c:
713        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
714        c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
716    with self.argument_context('synapse pipeline-run cancel') as c:
717        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
718        c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
719        c.argument('is_recursive', arg_type=get_three_state_flag(),
720                   help='If true, cancel all the Child pipelines that are triggered by the current pipeline.')
722    with self.argument_context('synapse activity-run query-by-pipeline-run') as c:
723        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
724        c.argument('pipeline_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The pipeline name.')
725        c.argument('run_id', help='The pipeline run identifier.')
726        c.argument('continuation_token',
727                   help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
728        c.argument('last_updated_after',
729                   help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
730        c.argument('last_updated_before',
731                   help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
732        c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
733        c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
735    # synapse artifacts trigger
736    for scope in ['create', 'update', 'set']:
737        with self.argument_context('synapse trigger ' + scope) as c:
738            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
739            c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
740            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
742    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger list') as c:
743        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
745    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger show') as c:
746        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
747        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
749    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger delete') as c:
750        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
751        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
753    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger subscribe-to-event') as c:
754        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
755        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
757    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger get-event-subscription-status') as c:
758        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
759        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
761    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger unsubscribe-from-event') as c:
762        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
763        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
765    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger start') as c:
766        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
767        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
769    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger stop') as c:
770        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
771        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
773    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger wait') as c:
774        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
775        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
777    # synapse artifacts trigger run
778    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger-run rerun') as c:
779        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
780        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
781        c.argument('run_id', help='The trigger run identifier.')
783    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger-run cancel') as c:
784        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
785        c.argument('trigger_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The trigger name.')
786        c.argument('run_id', help='The trigger run identifier.')
788    with self.argument_context('synapse trigger-run query-by-workspace') as c:
789        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
790        c.argument('continuation_token',
791                   help='The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.')
792        c.argument('last_updated_after',
793                   help='The time at or after which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
794        c.argument('last_updated_before',
795                   help='The time at or before which the run event was updated in \'ISO 8601\' format.')
796        c.argument('filters', action=AddFilters, nargs='*', help='List of filters.')
797        c.argument('order_by', action=AddOrderBy, nargs='*', help='List of OrderBy option.')
799    # synapse artifacts data flow
800    for scope in ['create', 'set']:
801        with self.argument_context('synapse data-flow ' + scope) as c:
802            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
803            c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
804            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
806    with self.argument_context('synapse data-flow list') as c:
807        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
809    with self.argument_context('synapse data-flow show') as c:
810        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
811        c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
813    with self.argument_context('synapse data-flow delete') as c:
814        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
815        c.argument('data_flow_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The data flow name.')
817    # synapse artifacts notebook
818    for scope in ['create', 'set', 'import']:
819        with self.argument_context('synapse notebook ' + scope) as c:
820            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
821            c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
822            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)
823            c.argument('spark_pool_name', help='The name of the Spark pool.')
824            c.argument('executor_size', arg_type=get_enum_type(['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']),
825                       help='Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job.')
826            c.argument('executor_count',
827                       help='Number of executors to be allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job.')
829    with self.argument_context('synapse notebook list') as c:
830        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
832    with self.argument_context('synapse notebook show') as c:
833        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
834        c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
836    with self.argument_context('synapse notebook export') as c:
837        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
838        c.argument('output_folder', help='The folder where the notebook should be placed.')
839        c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
841    with self.argument_context('synapse notebook delete') as c:
842        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
843        c.argument('notebook_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The notebook name.')
845    # synapse artifacts library
846    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace-package') as c:
847        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
848        c.ignore('progress_callback')
850    for scope in ['show', 'delete']:
851        with self.argument_context('synapse workspace-package ' + scope) as c:
852            c.argument('package_name', arg_type=name_type, options_list=['--package-name', '--package', '--name', '-n'], help='The workspace package name.')
854    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace-package upload') as c:
855        c.argument('package', options_list=('--package', '--file', '-f'), type=file_type, completer=FilesCompleter(),
856                   help='Specifies a local file path for a file to upload as workspace package.')
857        c.extra('no_progress', progress_type)
859    with self.argument_context('synapse workspace-package upload-batch') as c:
860        c.argument('source', options_list=('--source', '-s'), help='The directory where the files to be uploaded are located.')
861        c.extra('no_progress', progress_type)
863    # synapse integration runtime
864    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime') as c:
865        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type, id_part='name')
867    for scope in ['list', 'list-auth-key', 'wait']:
868        with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime ' + scope) as c:
869            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type, id_part=None)
871    for scope in ['list-auth-key', 'wait']:
872        with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime ' + scope) as c:
873            c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', id_part=None)
875    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'managed create', 'self-hosted create', 'delete', 'wait', 'update', 'upgrade', 'regenerate-auth-key', 'get-monitoring-data', 'sync-credentials', 'get-connection-info', 'get-status', 'start', 'stop']:
876        with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime ' + scope) as c:
877            c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', id_part='child_name_1')
879    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime create') as c:
880        c.argument('integration_runtime_type', options_list=['--type'], arg_type=get_enum_type(['Managed', 'SelfHosted']), help='The integration runtime type.')
881        c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
882        c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for update, for '
883                   'which it should match existing entity or can be * for unconditional update.')
884        # Managed
885        c.argument('location', arg_group='Managed', help='The integration runtime location.')
886        c.argument('compute_type', arg_group='Managed', arg_type=get_enum_type(['General', 'MemoryOptimized', 'ComputeOptimized']),
887                   help='Compute type of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
888        c.argument('core_count', arg_group='Managed', help='Core count of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
889        c.argument('time_to_live', arg_group='Managed', help='Time to live (in minutes) setting of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
891    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime managed create') as c:
892        c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
893        c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for update, for '
894                   'which it should match existing entity or can be * for unconditional update.')
895        c.argument('location', help='The integration runtime location.')
896        c.argument('compute_type', arg_type=get_enum_type(['General', 'MemoryOptimized', 'ComputeOptimized']),
897                   help='Compute type of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
898        c.argument('core_count', help='Core count of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
899        c.argument('time_to_live', help='Time to live (in minutes) setting of the data flow cluster which will execute data flow job.')
901    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime self-hosted create') as c:
902        c.argument('description', help='The integration runtime description.')
903        c.argument('if_match', help='ETag of the integration runtime entity. Should only be specified for update, for '
904                   'which it should match existing entity or can be * for unconditional update.')
906    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime update') as c:
907        c.argument('auto_update', arg_type=get_enum_type(['On', 'Off']), help='Enable or disable the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
908        c.argument('update_delay_offset', help='The time of the day for the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
910    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime regenerate-auth-key') as c:
911        c.argument('key_name', arg_type=get_enum_type(['authKey1', 'authKey2']), help='The name of the authentication key to regenerate.')
913    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime-node') as c:
914        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type, id_part='name')
915        c.argument('integration_runtime_name', arg_type=name_type, help='The integration runtime name.', id_part='child_name_1')
917    for scope in ['show', 'update', 'delete', 'get-ip-address']:
918        with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime-node ' + scope) as c:
919            c.argument('node_name', help='The integration runtime node name.')
921    with self.argument_context('synapse integration-runtime-node update') as c:
922        c.argument('concurrent_jobs_limit', options_list=['--concurrent-jobs'], help='The number of concurrent jobs permitted to '
923                   'run on the integration runtime node. Values between 1 and maxConcurrentJobs are allowed.')
924        c.argument('auto_update', arg_type=get_enum_type(['On', 'Off']),
925                   help='Enable or disable the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
926        c.argument('update_delay_offset',
927                   help='The time of the day for the self-hosted integration runtime auto-update.')
929    # synapse managed private endpoints
930    for scope in ['show', 'create', 'delete']:
931        with self.argument_context('synapse managed-private-endpoints ' + scope) as c:
932            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type, id_part='name')
933            c.argument('managed_private_endpoint_name', options_list=['--pe-name'], help='The managed private endpoint name.')
935    with self.argument_context('synapse managed-private-endpoints list') as c:
936        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
938    with self.argument_context('synapse managed-private-endpoints create') as c:
939        c.argument('private_Link_Resource_Id', options_list=['--resource-id'], help='The ARM resource ID of the resource to which the managed private endpoint is created. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}')
940        c.argument('group_Id', help='The groupId to which the managed private endpoint is created')
942    # synapse artifacts spark job definition
943    with self.argument_context('synapse spark-job-definition list') as c:
944        c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
946    for scope in ['show', 'wait', 'delete']:
947        with self.argument_context('synapse spark-job-definition ' + scope) as c:
948            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
949            c.argument('spark_job_definition_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The spark job definition name')
951    for scope in ['create', 'update']:
952        with self.argument_context('synapse spark-job-definition ' + scope) as c:
953            c.argument('workspace_name', arg_type=workspace_name_arg_type)
954            c.argument('spark_job_definition_name', options_list=['--name', '-n'], help='The spark job definition name')
955            c.argument('definition_file', arg_type=definition_file_arg_type)