1 /*   algorend.h
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  algorend.h
27 *
28 * Author:  Christopher Hogue
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   1/31/96
31 *
32 * File Description: algorithmic rendering structures
33 *
34 * Modifications:
35 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 * $Log: algorend.h,v $
37 * Revision 6.40  2000/04/25 00:22:35  thiessen
38 * save quality settings in config
39 *
40 * Revision 6.39  2000/04/19 17:56:48  thiessen
41 * added background color in OpenGL
42 *
43 * Revision 6.38  2000/04/17 15:54:26  thiessen
44 * add cylinder arrows; misc graphics tweaks
45 *
46 * Revision 6.37  2000/04/05 23:11:27  lewisg
47 * get rid of double redraw for hide row
48 *
49 * Revision 6.36  2000/03/23 14:53:04  thiessen
50 * fix bug in viewer3d camera; added conservation color algorithm to ARS
51 *
52 * Revision 6.35  2000/03/22 23:17:49  thiessen
53 * added ability to save ARS in ASN1
54 *
55 * Revision 6.34  2000/03/15 18:49:07  thiessen
56 * fixed viewer3d color bug
57 *
58 * Revision 6.33  2000/03/13 16:04:26  thiessen
59 * re-implementation of features
60 *
61 * Revision 6.32  2000/03/09 17:56:58  thiessen
62 * changes to palette handling, feature implementation, PARS storage
63 *
64 * Revision 6.31  2000/03/08 21:46:14  lewisg
65 * cn3d saves viewport, misc bugs
66 *
67 * Revision 6.30  2000/03/02 21:18:28  thiessen
68 * installed color-by-conservation on all alignment rows
69 *
70 * Revision 6.29  2000/03/01 16:17:54  thiessen
71 * improved handling of colors; many small fixes
72 *
73 * Revision 6.28  2000/02/26 13:30:41  thiessen
74 * capped cylinders and worms for visible ends
75 *
76 * Revision 6.27  2000/02/10 17:47:01  thiessen
77 * added: color-by-sequence-conservation menu item, zoom-out to OpenGL, misc fixes
78 *
79 * Revision 6.26  2000/02/10 15:51:58  lewisg
80 * cn3d responds and send correct update messages.  many coloring bug fixes
81 *
82 * Revision 6.25  2000/02/03 15:07:45  thiessen
83 * more correct handling of worm bonds
84 *
85 * Revision 6.24  2000/01/14 21:40:41  lewisg
86 * add translucent spheres, ion labels, new cpk, fix misc bugs
87 *
88 * Revision 6.23  1999/12/13 23:20:44  lewisg
89 * bug fixes: duplicate color structures eliminated, clear color doesn't clear case
90 *
91 * Revision 6.22  1999/12/11 01:30:34  lewisg
92 * fix bugs with sharing colors between ddv and cn3d
93 *
94 * Revision 6.21  1999/11/01 22:10:27  lewisg
95 * add ability to call color functions by type, and add this to cn3d
96 *
97 * Revision 6.20  1999/10/31 22:37:36  thiessen
98 * added worm render type to UI
99 *
100 * Revision 6.19  1999/10/29 14:15:27  thiessen
101 * ran all Cn3D source through GNU Indent to prettify
102 *
103 * Revision 6.18  1999/09/21 18:09:16  lewisg
104 * binary search added to color manager, various bug fixes, etc.
105 *
106 * Revision 6.17  1999/04/06 20:10:16  lewisg
107 * fix typo
108 *
109 * Revision 6.16  1999/04/06 20:04:39  lewisg
110 * more opengl
111 *
112 * Revision 6.15  1999/03/30 22:36:21  ywang
113 * add functions to color salsa for NcbiMimeAsn1_strucseqs & code reorganization
114 *
115 * Revision 6.14  1999/02/11 18:48:14  lewisg
116 * delete color index functions
117 *
118 * Revision 6.13  1999/02/10 23:49:42  lewisg
119 * use RGB values instead of indexed palette
120 *
121 * Revision 6.12  1998/11/04 00:06:23  ywang
122 * add function for modeling: change render/color for special residue(s)
123 *
124  * Revision 6.11  1998/10/28  19:29:03  ywang
125  * add C_BYSEQCONS macro
126  *
127  * Revision 6.10  1998/10/28  19:02:07  kans
128  * added two prototypes
129  *
130 * Revision 6.8  1998/06/16 18:00:28  lewisg
131 * moved rendering menus and created a reset presentation menu item
132 *
133 * Revision 6.7  1998/05/26 21:35:19  lewisg
134 * added defaults to render menu, got rid of mouse 3D actions menu item
135 *
136 * Revision 6.6  1998/04/27 17:50:06  lewisg
137 * added color by conservation
138 *
139 * Revision 6.5  1998/04/20 22:09:02  lewisg
140 * got rid of dead code
141 *
142 * Revision 6.4  1998/04/15 03:06:14  lewisg
143 * get rid of dos line breaks
144 *
145 * Revision 6.3  1998/04/01 23:26:13  lewisg
146 * added new startup mode + fixed slave rendering
147 *
148 * Revision 6.2  1998/03/06 23:19:22  lewisg
149 * codewarrior fixes
150 *
151 * Revision 6.1  1998/03/06 01:16:58  lewisg
152 * merge
153 *
154 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:13:26  madden
155 * Revision changed to 6.0
156 *
157 * Revision 5.2  1996/07/22 00:24:10  hogue
158 * Added an origin 3D item for no-primitives condition and general use.
159 *
160  * Revision 5.1  1996/06/03  21:21:26  hogue
161  * Made tubes bigger so they are less likely to look ball-n-stick like
162  * than before.
163  *
164  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  14:05:44  ostell
165  * Set to revision 5.0
166  *
167  * Revision 1.11  1996/05/22  21:46:48  hogue
168  * Added white button to label controls.
169  *
170  * Revision 1.10  1996/05/22  20:47:01  hogue
171  * Removed HetLabel variables
172  *
173  * Revision 1.9  1996/05/22  15:56:55  hogue
174  * Altered the label structures to make them more useful.
175  *
176  * Revision 1.8  1996/05/14  15:19:14  hogue
177  * Added LabelControls
178  *
179  * Revision 1.7  1996/05/09  18:33:28  vakatov
180  * included <viewer3d.h> to get know the CAMERA_SIZE_I4 actual value
181  *
182  * Revision 1.6  1996/05/09  15:40:40  hogue
183  * Domain rendering enabled.
184  *
185  * Revision 1.5  1996/04/26  18:41:47  vakatov
186  * CN3D sources ported to MS-Windows;
187  * the portability errors and warnings fixed, etc.
188  *
189 * ==========================================================================
190 */
192 #ifndef _ALGOREND_
193 #define _ALGOREND_ 1
195 #ifdef _OPENGL
196 #include <shim3d.h>
197 #else
198 #include <viewer3d.h>
199 #endif
200 #include <cn3dmain.h>
203 #ifdef __cplusplus
204 extern "C" {
205 #endif
206 /***ASN.1 & ANNMM compatible values for Rendering*****/
207 #define R_DEFAULT 0
208 #define R_WIRE  1
209 #define R_SPACE 2
210 #define R_STICK 3
211 #define R_BALLNSTICK 4
212 #define R_THICKWIRE 5
213 #define R_WORMWIRE 6
214 #ifdef _OPENGL
215 #define R_WORMTHIN 7
216 #define R_WORMFAT 8
217 #endif
218 #define R_NAME 10
219 #define R_NUMBER 11
220 #define R_PDBNUMBER 12
222 #define C_default  0
223 #define C_hotpink  1
224 #define C_magenta  2
225 #define C_purple   3
226 #define C_blue     4
227 #define C_sky      5
228 #define C_cyan     6
229 #define C_sea      7
230 #define C_green    8
231 #define C_yellow   9
232 #define C_gold    10
233 #define C_orange  11
234 #define C_red     12
235 #define C_pink    13
236 #define C_pinktint 14
237 #define C_white    15
238 #define C_black    16
239 #define C_bluetint 17
240 #define C_greentint 18
241 #define C_yellowtint 19
242 #define C_gray    20
243 #define C_brown   21
244 #define C_top     22
246 /* these set bond draw styles */
247 #define NO_BOND 0
248 #define HALF_BOND 1
249 #define HALF_WORM_BOND 2
251 /* these set atom widths */
252 #define ATOM_NONE   0
253 #define ATOM_SPACE  1
254 #define ATOM_2XBOND 2
255 #define ATOM_ISBOND 3
256 #define HET_BOND_WIDTH   (float)0.4
257 #define VIRT_BOND_WIDTH  (float)0.6
258 #define SUPER_BOND_WIDTH (float)1.0
259 #define CYL_THRESHOLD    (float)0.1
260 #define EXPAND_ATOM      (float)1.8
262 /* flags for rendering various parts of the structure */
263 #define CONNECTON  0
264 #define VIRTUALBB  1
265 #define PARTIALBB  2
266 #define COMPLETEBB 3
267 #define RESIDUES   4
268 #define IONSON     5
269 #define HETSON     6
270 #define SOLVENTON  7
271 #define PBBLABELS  8
272 #define NTBBLABELS 9
273 /*#define HETLABELS 10*/
274 #define PTERMLABELS  11
275 #define NTTERMLABELS 12
276 #define ANYBACKBONE  13
279 /* flags for labeling styles */
280 #define   L_NAME      0x01
281 #define   L_NUM       0x02
282 #define   L_PDB       0x04
283 #define   L_WHITE     0x20
284 #define   L_3LETR     0x40
285 #define   L_1LETR     0x80
286 #define LA_LEFT   0x01
287 #define LA_RIGHT  0x02
288 #define LA_UPPER  0x04
289 #define LA_LOWER  0x08
290 #define LA_CENTER 0x20
291 #define LA_FRONT  0x40
294 /* bit flags for 3d-object arrow styles */
295 #define ARROW_BRICK 0x01
296 #define ARROW_CYL   0x02
299 #define VIEWSCALE 1000000.0
302 /*
303    note that the fields in this structure are mirrored in the ARSFieldData
304    structure in cn3dsave.c in order to save as ASN1 - any changes to this
305    structure should be accompanied by update to ARSFieldData or
306    save/read won't work!
307 */
309 typedef struct AlgorRenderSet {
311 /* global settings */
312     Boolean HydrogensOn;
313     Uint1 BGColRGB[3];
314     Int2 ConsColAlg;
316 /* Protein Renderings */
317     Boolean PVirtualBBOn;
318     Boolean PPartialBBOn;
319     Boolean PCompleteBBOn;
320     Boolean PResiduesOn;
321     Int2 PBBRender;
322     Int2 PBBColor;
323     Int2 PResRender;
324     Int2 PResColor;
325     Uint1 PBBColRGB[3];
326     Uint1 PResColRGB[3];
328     Int2 PBBLabelInterval;
329     Int2 PBBLabelJust;
330     Int2 PBBLabelStyle;
331     Int2 PBBLabelScale;
333     Boolean PTermLabelOn;
334     Int2 PTermLabelJust;
335     Int2 PTermLabelStyle;
336     Int2 PTermLabelScale;
338 /* DNA/RNA  Renderings */
339     Boolean NTVirtualBBOn;
340     Boolean NTPartialBBOn;
341     Boolean NTCompleteBBOn;
342     Boolean NTResiduesOn;
343     Int2 NTBBRender;
344     Int2 NTBBColor;
345     Int2 NTResRender;
346     Int2 NTResColor;
347     Uint1 NTBBColRGB[3];
348     Uint1 NTResColRGB[3];
350     Int2 NTBBLabelInterval;
351     Int2 NTBBLabelJust;
352     Int2 NTBBLabelStyle;
353     Int2 NTBBLabelScale;
355     Boolean NTTermLabelOn;
356     Int2 NTTermLabelJust;
357     Int2 NTTermLabelStyle;
358     Int2 NTTermLabelScale;
360     Boolean HeterogensOn;
361     Int2 HetRender;
362     Int2 HetColor;
364     Boolean IonsOn;
365     Int2 IonRender;
366     Int2 IonColor;
367     Boolean IonLabelOn;
369     Boolean ConnectOn;
370     Int2 ConnectRender;
371     Int2 ConnectColor;
373     Boolean SolventOn;
374     Int2 SolventRender;
375     Int2 SolventColor;
377     Boolean ObjectOn;
378     Int2 ObjectColor;
379     Int2 ObjectArrows;
385 /* this structure keeps data for the rendering callbacks */
386 typedef struct RenderKeep {
387     Byte NodeWhat;
388     Byte NodeType;
389     DDV_ColorCell Color;    /* a fixed color */
390     Byte Bond;              /*  use define */
391     Byte Atom;
392     FloatLo BondWidth;
393     Uint1 LJust;
394     Uint1 LStyle;
395     Int2 LScale;
396 } RK, PNTR PRK;
399 /************function prototypes***********/
401 extern void LIBCALL SetStructureAlgorRender PROTO((PARS pars));
402 extern void LIBCALL SetAlignAlgorRender PROTO((PARS pars));
403 extern PARS LIBCALL NewStructureRenderSet PROTO((void));
404 extern PARS LIBCALL NewAlignRenderSet PROTO((void));
405 extern void LIBCALL FreeAlgorRenderSet PROTO((PARS pars));
406 /*
407 extern PARS LIBCALL GetAlgorRenderSet PROTO((PDNMS pdnmsThis));
408 */
409 extern void LIBCALL ResetRenderCtrls PROTO((void));
410 extern GrouP LIBCALL RenderControls PROTO((Nlm_GrouP prnt));
411 extern void LIBCALL ResetLabelCtrls PROTO((void));
412 extern GrouP LIBCALL LabelControls PROTO((Nlm_GrouP prnt));
413 extern PRK LIBCALL NewRenderKeep PROTO((void));
414 extern PRK LIBCALL CopyRenderKeep PROTO((PRK prkThis));
415 extern void LIBCALL FreeRenderKeep PROTO((PRK prkThis));
416 extern void LIBCALL RenderObject PROTO((PVNMO pvnmoThis));
417 extern void LIBCALL RenderAnAtom
418     PROTO((PALD paldAtom, DDV_ColorCell * iColor, FloatLo fRadius,
419     FloatHi lfAlpha));
420 extern Int2 LIBCALL GetGraphNCBIstdaa PROTO((PMGD pmgdThis));
421 extern Int2 LIBCALL GetGraphNCBI4na PROTO((PMGD pmgdThis));
422 extern void LIBCALL MakeStrucPalette PROTO((PDNMS pdnmsThis));
423 #ifdef _OPENGL
424 extern void LIBCALL AlgorithmicRendering PROTO((void));
425 extern void Cn3D_SetQualityFromAppParams(void);
426 #else
427 extern Picture3D LIBCALL Do3DOrigin PROTO((Picture3D p3d));
428 extern Picture3D LIBCALL AlgorithmicRendering PROTO((Picture3D p3d));
429 extern void Cn3d_Lock3DPalette PROTO((Picture3D ppic));
430 #endif
431 extern void Cn3D_RedrawProc PROTO((ButtoN b));
432 NLM_EXTERN void fnCn3D_RedrawWrapper(ButtoN b);
433 extern void LIBCALL fnMSPLoop PROTO((PDNMS pdnmsThis));
434 extern void LIBCALL fnARLoop PROTO((PDNMS pdnmsThis));
436 extern void Cn3D_RenStruc PROTO((IteM i));
437 extern void Cn3D_RenWire PROTO((IteM i));
438 extern void Cn3D_RenTube PROTO((IteM i));
439 extern void Cn3D_RenHier PROTO((IteM i));
440 extern void Cn3D_RenSpace PROTO((IteM i));
441 extern void Cn3D_RenBS PROTO((IteM i));
442 extern void Cn3D_RenDefault PROTO((IteM i));
443 extern void Cn3D_RenAlign PROTO((IteM i));
446 /* the number of color functions used by Cn3D*/
447 #define CN3DFUNCNUM 10
449 #define C_CPK 225
450 #define C_BYCHAIN 226
451 #define C_BYTEMP 227
452 #define C_BYRES 228
453 #define C_BYSECSTRUC 230
454 #define C_BYHYDRO 231
455 #define C_BYOBJECT 246
456 #define C_BYDOMAIN 247
457 #define C_BYSTRUCALIGN 249            /* color by structure alignment */
458 #define C_BYSEQCONS 250         /* color by sequence conservation */
459 #define C_BYCHOICE 251 /* user picks - not associated with a color function */
461 extern void Cn3D_ColCPK PROTO((IteM i));
462 extern void Cn3D_ColDomain PROTO((IteM i));
463 extern void Cn3D_ColCyChain PROTO((IteM i));
464 extern void Cn3D_ColSecStruc PROTO((IteM i));
465 extern void Cn3D_ColRes PROTO((IteM i));
466 extern void Cn3D_ColHydro PROTO((IteM i));
467 extern void Cn3D_ColTemp PROTO((IteM i));
468 extern void Cn3D_ColObject PROTO((IteM i));
469 extern void Cn3D_ColStrucAlign PROTO((IteM i));
470 extern void Cn3D_ColSeqCons PROTO((IteM i));
473 /* external color functions */
474 extern void Cn3D_Color_CPK(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
475                        DDV_Range * pRange);
476 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYCHAIN(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
477                        DDV_Range * pRange);
478 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYTEMP(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
479                        DDV_Range * pRange);
480 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYRES(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
481                        DDV_Range * pRange);
482 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYSECSTRUC(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
483                        DDV_Range * pRange);
484 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYHYDRO(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
485                        DDV_Range * pRange);
486 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYOBJECT(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
487                        DDV_Range * pRange);
488 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYDOMAIN(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
489                        DDV_Range * pRange);
490 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYSTRUCCONS(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
491                        DDV_Range * pRange);
492 extern void Cn3D_Color_BYSEQCONS(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
493                        DDV_Range * pRange);
494 extern void Cn3D_ColorSpecial(DDV_ColorGlobal * pColorGlobal, void *pData,
495                        DDV_Range * pRange);
496 /* end external color functions */
498 extern Char * Cn3D_ColorFuncFind(void);
499 extern Char * Cn3D_ColorFuncName(Int4 which);
501 #ifdef __cplusplus
502 }
503 #endif
504 #endif