1 /*****************************************************************
2  * SQUID - a library of functions for biological sequence analysis
3  * Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Washington University School of Medicine
4  *
5  *     This source code is freely distributed under the terms of the
6  *     GNU General Public License. See the files COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
7  *     for details.
8  *****************************************************************/
13 /* msa.h
14  * SRE, Mon May 17 10:24:30 1999
15  *
16  * Header file for SQUID's multiple sequence alignment
17  * manipulation code.
18  *
19  * RCS $Id: msa.h 297 2014-10-31 13:02:37Z fabian $ (Original squid RCS Id: msa.h,v 1.12 2002/10/12 04:40:35 eddy Exp)
20  */
22 #include <stdio.h>		/* FILE support */
23 #include "gki.h"		/* hash table support */
24 #include "ssi.h"		/* sequence file index support */
25 #include "squid.h"		/* need SQINFO */
27 /****************************************************
28  * Obsolete alignment information, AINFO
29  * Superceded by MSA structure further below; but we
30  * need AINFO for the near future for backwards
31  * compatibility.
32  ****************************************************/
33 /* Structure: aliinfo_s
34  *
35  * Purpose:   Optional information returned from an alignment file.
36  *
37  *            flags: always used. Flags for which info is valid/alloced.
38  *
39  *            alen: mandatory. Alignments are always flushed right
40  *                  with gaps so that all aseqs are the same length, alen.
41  *                  Available for all alignment formats.
42  *
43  *            nseq: mandatory. Aligned seqs are indexed 0..nseq-1.
44  *
45  *            wgt:  0..nseq-1 vector of sequence weights. Mandatory.
46  *                  If not explicitly set, weights are initialized to 1.0.
47  *
48  *            cs:   0..alen-1, just like the alignment. Contains single-letter
49  *                  secondary structure codes for consensus structure; "<>^+"
50  *                  for RNA, "EHL." for protein. May be NULL if unavailable
51  *                  from seqfile. Only available for SELEX format files.
52  *
53  *            rf:   0..alen-1, just like the alignment. rf is an arbitrary string
54  *                  of characters, used for annotating columns. Blanks are
55  *                  interpreted as non-canonical columns and anything else is
56  *                  considered canonical. Only available from SELEX files.
57  *
58  *            sqinfo: mandatory. Array of 0..nseq-1
59  *                  per-sequence information structures, carrying
60  *                  name, id, accession, coords.
61  *
62  */
63 struct aliinfo_s {
64   int               flags;      /* flags for what info is valid             */
65   int               alen;	/* length of alignment (columns)            */
66   int               nseq;       /* number of seqs in alignment              */
67   float            *wgt;	/* sequence weights [0..nseq-1]             */
68   char             *cs;         /* consensus secondary structure string     */
69   char             *rf;         /* reference coordinate system              */
70   struct seqinfo_s *sqinfo;     /* name, id, coord info for each sequence   */
72         /* Pfam/HMMER pick-ups */
73   char  *name;			/* name of alignment        */
74   char  *desc;			/* description of alignment */
75   char  *acc;			/* accession of alignment   */
76   char  *au;			/* "author" information     */
77   float  tc1, tc2;		/* trusted score cutoffs (per-seq, per-domain) */
78   float  nc1, nc2;		/* noise score cutoffs (per-seq, per-domain)   */
79   float  ga1, ga2;		/* gathering cutoffs */
80 };
81 typedef struct aliinfo_s AINFO;
82 #define AINFO_TC      (1 << 0)
83 #define AINFO_NC      (1 << 1)
84 #define AINFO_GA      (1 << 2)
86 /*****************************************************************
87  * MSA
88  * SRE, Sun Jun 27 15:03:35 1999 [TW 723 over Greenland]
89  *
90  * Defines the new data structure and API for multiple
91  * sequence alignment i/o.
92  *****************************************************************/
94 /* The following constants define the Pfam/Rfam cutoff set we'll propagate
95  * from msa's into HMMER and Infernal models.
96  */
97 #define MSA_CUTOFF_TC1 0
98 #define MSA_CUTOFF_TC2 1
99 #define MSA_CUTOFF_GA1 2
100 #define MSA_CUTOFF_GA2 3
101 #define MSA_CUTOFF_NC1 4
102 #define MSA_CUTOFF_NC2 5
103 #define MSA_MAXCUTOFFS 6
105 /* Structure: MSA
106  * SRE, Tue May 18 11:33:08 1999
107  *
108  * Our object for a multiple sequence alignment.
109  */
110 typedef struct msa_struct {
111   /* Mandatory information associated with the alignment.
112    */
113   char **aseq;                  /* the alignment itself, [0..nseq-1][0..alen-1] */
114   char **sqname;                /* names of sequences, [0..nseq-1][0..alen-1]   */
115   float *wgt;	                /* sequence weights [0..nseq-1]                 */
116   int    alen;			/* length of alignment (columns)                */
117   int    nseq;			/* number of seqs in alignment                  */
119   /* Optional information that we understand, and might have.
120    */
121   int    flags;			/* flags for what optional info is valid    */
122   int    type;			/* kOtherSeq, kRNA/hmmNUCLEIC, or kAmino/hmmAMINO */
123   char  *name;             	/* name of alignment, or NULL */
124   char  *desc;	                /* description of alignment, or NULL */
125   char  *acc;	                /* accession of alignment, or NULL */
126   char  *au;		        /* "author" information, or NULL */
127   char  *ss_cons;		/* consensus secondary structure string, or NULL */
128   char  *sa_cons;               /* consensus surface accessibility string, or NULL */
129   char  *rf;                    /* reference coordinate system, or NULL */
130   char **sqacc;			/* accession numbers for individual sequences */
131   char **sqdesc;		/* description lines for individual sequences */
132   char **ss;                    /* per-seq secondary structure annotation, or NULL */
133   char **co;                    /* per-seq confidence of secondary structure annotation, or NULL, -> r296, FS */
134   char **sa;                    /* per-seq surface accessibility annotation, or NULL */
135   float  cutoff[MSA_MAXCUTOFFS];       /* NC, TC, GA cutoffs propagated to Pfam/Rfam */
136   int    cutoff_is_set[MSA_MAXCUTOFFS];/* TRUE if a cutoff is set; else FALSE */
138   /* Optional information that we don't understand.
139    * That is, we know what type of information it is, but it's
140    * either (interpreted as) free-text comment, or it's Stockholm
141    * markup with unfamiliar tags.
142    */
143   char  **comment;              /* free text comments, or NULL      */
144   int     ncomment;		/* number of comment lines          */
145   int     alloc_ncomment;	/* number of comment lines alloc'ed */
147   char  **gf_tag;               /* markup tags for unparsed #=GF lines  */
148   char  **gf;                   /* annotations for unparsed #=GF lines  */
149   int     ngf;			/* number of unparsed #=GF lines        */
150   int     alloc_ngf;		/* number of gf lines alloc'ed          */
152   char  **gs_tag;               /* markup tags for unparsed #=GS lines     */
153   char ***gs;                   /* [0..ngs-1][0..nseq-1][free text] markup */
154   GKI    *gs_idx;               /* hash of #=GS tag types                  */
155   int     ngs;                  /* number of #=GS tag types                */
157   char  **gc_tag;               /* markup tags for unparsed #=GC lines  */
158   char  **gc;                   /* [0..ngc-1][0..alen-1] markup         */
159   GKI    *gc_idx;               /* hash of #=GC tag types               */
160   int     ngc;                  /* number of #=GC tag types             */
162   char  **gr_tag;               /* markup tags for unparsed #=GR lines   */
163   char ***gr;                   /* [0..ngr][0..nseq-1][0..alen-1] markup */
164   GKI    *gr_idx;               /* hash of #=GR tag types                */
165   int     ngr;			/* number of #=GR tag types              */
167   /* Stuff we need for our own maintenance of the data structure
168    */
169   GKI   *index;		        /* name ->seqidx hash table */
170   int    nseqalloc;		/* number of seqs currently allocated for   */
171   int    nseqlump;		/* lump size for dynamic expansions of nseq */
172   int   *sqlen;                 /* individual sequence lengths during parsing */
173   int   *sslen;                 /* individual ss lengths during parsing       */
174   int   *salen;                 /* individual sa lengths during parsing       */
175   int   *colen;                 /* individual co lengths during parsing       */
176   int    lastidx;		/* last index we saw; use for guessing next   */
177 } MSA;
178 #define MSA_SET_WGT     (1 << 0)  /* track whether wgts were set, or left at default 1.0 */
181 /* Structure: MSAFILE
182  * SRE, Tue May 18 11:36:54 1999
183  *
184  * Defines an alignment file that's open for reading.
185  */
186 typedef struct msafile_struct {
187   FILE *f;                      /* open file pointer                         */
188   char *fname;			/* name of file. used for diagnostic output  */
189   int   linenumber;		/* what line are we on in the file           */
191   char *buf;			/* buffer for line input w/ sre_fgets() */
192   int   buflen;			/* current allocated length for buf     */
194   SSIFILE *ssi;		        /* open SSI index file; or NULL, if none. */
196   int   do_gzip;		/* TRUE if f is a pipe from gzip -dc (need pclose(f))  */
197   int   do_stdin;		/* TRUE if f is stdin (don't close f, not our problem) */
198   int   format;			/* format of alignment file we're reading */
199 } MSAFILE;
202 /* Alignment file formats.
203  * Must coexist with sqio.c/squid.h unaligned file format codes.
204  * Rules:
205  *     - 0 is an unknown/unassigned format
206  *     - <100 reserved for unaligned formats
207  *     - >100 reserved for aligned formats
208  */
209 #define MSAFILE_UNKNOWN   0	/* unknown format                          */
210 #define MSAFILE_STOCKHOLM 101	/* Pfam/HMMER's Stockholm format           */
211 #define MSAFILE_SELEX	  102	/* Obsolete(!): old HMMER/SELEX format     */
212 #define MSAFILE_MSF	  103	/* GCG MSF format                          */
213 #define MSAFILE_CLUSTAL	  104	/* Clustal V/W format                      */
214 #define MSAFILE_A2M	  105	/* aligned FASTA (A2M is UCSC terminology) */
215 #define MSAFILE_PHYLIP    106	/* Felsenstein's PHYLIP format             */
216 #define MSAFILE_EPS       107	/* Encapsulated PostScript (output only)   */
217 #ifdef CLUSTALO
218 #define MSAFILE_VIENNA    108	/* Vienna: concatenated fasta   */
219 #define MSAFILE_DUBLIN    109	/* Dublin: modified Stockholm format  */
220 #endif
222 #define IsAlignmentFormat(fmt)  ((fmt) > 100)
225 /* from msa.c
226  */
227 extern MSAFILE *MSAFileOpen(char *filename, int format, char *env);
228 extern MSA     *MSAFileRead(MSAFILE *afp);
229 extern void     MSAFileClose(MSAFILE *afp);
230 extern void     MSAFree(MSA *msa);
231 #ifdef CLUSTALO
232 extern void     MSAFileWrite(FILE *fp, MSA *msa, int outfmt, int do_oneline, int iWrap, int bResno, int iSeqtype);
233 #else
234 extern void     MSAFileWrite(FILE *fp, MSA *msa, int outfmt, int do_oneline);
235 #endif
237 extern int MSAFileRewind(MSAFILE *afp);
238 extern int MSAFilePositionByKey(MSAFILE *afp, char *key);
239 extern int MSAFilePositionByIndex(MSAFILE *afp, int idx);
241 extern int   MSAFileFormat(MSAFILE *afp);
242 extern MSA  *MSAAlloc(int nseq, int alen);
243 extern void  MSAExpand(MSA *msa);
244 extern char *MSAFileGetLine(MSAFILE *afp);
245 extern void  MSASetSeqAccession(MSA *msa, int seqidx, char *acc);
246 extern void  MSASetSeqDescription(MSA *msa, int seqidx, char *desc);
247 extern void  MSAAddComment(MSA *msa, char *s);
248 extern void  MSAAddGF(MSA *msa, char *tag, char *value);
249 extern void  MSAAddGS(MSA *msa, char *tag, int seqidx, char *value);
250 extern void  MSAAppendGC(MSA *msa, char *tag, char *value);
251 extern char *MSAGetGC(MSA *msa, char *tag);
252 extern void  MSAAppendGR(MSA *msa, char *tag, int seqidx, char *value);
253 extern void  MSAVerifyParse(MSA *msa);
254 extern void  MSAVerifyParseDub(MSA *msa);
255 extern int   MSAGetSeqidx(MSA *msa, char *name, int guess);
257 extern MSA  *MSAFromAINFO(char **aseq, AINFO *ainfo);
259 extern void  MSAMingap(MSA *msa);
260 extern void  MSANogap(MSA *msa);
261 extern void  MSAShorterAlignment(MSA *msa, int *useme);
262 extern void  MSASmallerAlignment(MSA *msa, int *useme, MSA **ret_new);
264 extern char *MSAGetSeqAccession(MSA *msa, int idx);
265 extern char *MSAGetSeqDescription(MSA *msa, int idx);
266 extern char *MSAGetSeqSS(MSA *msa, int idx);
267 extern char *MSAGetSeqSA(MSA *msa, int idx);
269 extern float MSAAverageSequenceLength(MSA *msa);
271 /* from a2m.c
272  */
273 extern MSA  *ReadA2M(MSAFILE *afp);
274 #ifdef CLUSTALO
275 /*extern void  WriteA2M(FILE *fp, MSA *msa, int vienna);*/
276 extern void  WriteA2M(FILE *fp, MSA *msa, int iWrap);
277 #else
278 extern void  WriteA2M(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
279 #endif
280 /* from clustal.c
281  */
282 extern MSA  *ReadClustal(MSAFILE *afp);
283 #ifdef CLUSTALO
284 extern void  WriteClustal(FILE *fp, MSA *msa, int iWrap, int bResno, int iSeqType);
285 #else
286 extern void  WriteClustal(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
287 #endif
289 /* from eps.c
290  */
291 extern void EPSWriteSmallMSA(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
293 /* from msf.c
294  */
295 extern MSA  *ReadMSF(MSAFILE *afp);
296 extern void  WriteMSF(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
298 /* from phylip.c
299  */
300 extern MSA  *ReadPhylip(MSAFILE *afp);
301 extern void  WritePhylip(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
303 /* from selex.c
304  */
305 extern MSA  *ReadSELEX(MSAFILE *afp);
306 extern void  WriteSELEX(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
307 extern void  WriteSELEXOneBlock(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
309 /* from stockholm.c
310  */
311 extern MSA  *ReadDublin(MSAFILE *afp);
312 extern MSA  *ReadStockholm(MSAFILE *afp);
313 extern void  WriteStockholm(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
314 extern void  WriteStockholmOneBlock(FILE *fp, MSA *msa);
316 #endif /*SQUID_MSA_INCLUDED*/