1 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: dust.c,v 6.5 2003/05/30 17:25:36 coulouri Exp $";
3 /* dust.c
4 * ===========================================================================
5 *
6 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
7 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
8 *
9 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
10 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
11 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
12 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
13 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
14 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
25 *
26 * ===========================================================================
27 *
28 * File Name:  dust.c
29 *
30 * Author(s):	Roma Tatusov, John Kuzio
31 *
32 * Version Creation Date: 5/26/95
33 *
34 * $Revision: 6.5 $
35 *
36 * File Description:  a utility to find low complexity NA regions
37 *
38 * Modifications:
39 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 * Date       Name        Description of modification
41 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
42 *
43 * $Log: dust.c,v $
44 * Revision 6.5  2003/05/30 17:25:36  coulouri
45 * add rcsid
46 *
47 * Revision 6.4  1999/08/18 17:50:47  kans
48 * include dust.h only after other headers are included to provide prototypes on Mac
49 *
50 * Revision 6.3  1999/08/18 16:26:17  sicotte
51 * Optimized by Moving a Malloc/Free outside of calling functions and other misc optimizations
52 *
53 * Revision 6.2  1999/03/12 17:03:29  kuzio
54 * cast
55 *
56 * Revision 6.1  1998/09/24 15:26:39  egorov
57 * Fix lint complaints
58 *
59 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:53:04  madden
60 * Revision changed to 6.0
61 *
62 * Revision 5.5  1997/04/24 20:50:41  kuzio
63 * quantify speed up -- remove useless loop
64 *
65  * Revision 5.4  1997/03/12  21:43:48  kuzio
66  * for interactive dusting: FilterSeq  from: ,Int4 window,  to: ,Int4Ptr exval,
67  *
68  * Revision 5.3  1997/02/26  15:59:55  kuzio
69  * cast: wo1 ((Int2) (flen-i), seq+i, i, cloc);
70  *
71  * Revision 5.2  1997/02/14  22:29:48  kuzio
72  * filter function updates
73  *
74  * Revision 5.1  1997/02/11  00:20:45  kuzio
75  * support for graphs added
76  *
77  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  13:43:15  ostell
78  * Set to revision 5.0
79  *
80  * Revision 4.3  1996/01/22  18:25:58  kuzio
81  * function info in err code levels
82  *
83  * Revision 4.2  1995/12/07  18:56:19  kuzio
84  * Trimmed error reports for invalid residues
85  *
86  * Revision 4.1  1995/11/01  12:31:59  kuzio
87  * fixed nested comment line 491
88  *
89  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:50:15  ostell
90  * force revision to 4.0
91  *
92  * Revision 1.2  1995/07/05  14:06:22  kuzio
93  * fix EOS typo in dusttripfind array setup
94  *
95  * Revision 1.1  1995/05/26  18:47:47  kuzio
96  * Initial revision
97  *
98 *
99 * ==========================================================================
100 */
102 #include <sequtil.h>
103 #include <objmgr.h>
104 #include <seqport.h>
105 #include <dust.h>
107 static char _this_module[] = "dust";
108 #undef  THIS_MODULE
109 #define THIS_MODULE _this_module
110 static char _this_file[] = __FILE__;
111 #undef  THIS_FILE
112 #define THIS_FILE _this_file
114 /* local, file scope, structures and variables */
116 typedef struct endpoints {
117 	struct	endpoints PNTR	next;
118 	Int4	from, to;
119 } DREGION;
121 typedef struct localcurrents {
122 	Int4	curlevel, curstart, curend;
123 } DCURLOC;
125 /* local functions */
127 static Int4 dust_segs PROTO ((Int4, SeqPortPtr, Int4, DREGION PNTR,
128 		       Int4, Int4, Int4, Int4));
129 static Int4 wo PROTO ((Int4, SeqPortPtr, Int4, DCURLOC PNTR, Int4 PNTR, UcharPtr seq));
130 static void wo1 PROTO ((Int4, UcharPtr, Int4, DCURLOC PNTR));
131 static Int4 dusttripfind PROTO ((SeqPortPtr, UcharPtr, Int4, Int4,
132 				 Int4 PNTR));
133 static SeqLocPtr slpDust PROTO ((SeqPortPtr, SeqLocPtr, SeqIdPtr,
134 				 ValNodePtr PNTR, DREGION PNTR,
135 				 Int4, Int4));
137 /* a simple bioseq */
BioseqDust(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 start,Int4 end,Int2 level,Int2 window,Int2 minwin,Int2 linker)139 SeqLocPtr BioseqDust (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 start, Int4 end,
140 		      Int2 level, Int2 window, Int2 minwin, Int2 linker)
141 {
142 	SeqLocPtr	slp = NULL;	/* initialize */
143 	ValNodePtr	vnp = NULL;
145 	SeqPortPtr	spp;
147 	DREGION	PNTR reg, PNTR regold;
148 	Int4	nreg;
149 	Int4 l;
150 	Int4 loopDustMax = 1;
152 /* error msg stuff */
153 /*	ErrSetOptFlags (EO_MSG_CODES | EO_SHOW_FILELINE | EO_BEEP); */
154 	ErrSetOptFlags (EO_MSG_CODES);
156 /* make sure bioseq is there */
157 	if (!bsp)
158 	{
159 		ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 1, 1,
160 			  "no bioseq");
161                 ErrShow ();
162 		return slp;
163 	}
164 	if (!ISA_na (bsp->mol))
165 	{
166 		ErrPostEx (SEV_WARNING, 1, 2,
167 			  "not nucleic acid");
168                 ErrShow ();
169 		return slp;
170 	}
172 /* place for dusted regions */
173 	reg = MemNew (sizeof (DREGION));
174 	if (!reg)
175 	{
176 		ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 1, 3,
177 			   "memory allocation error");
178                 ErrShow ();
179 		return slp;
180 	}
181 	reg->from = 0;
182 	reg->to = 0;
183 	reg->next = NULL;
185 /* do it */
186 	spp = SeqPortNew (bsp, start, end, 0, Seq_code_ncbi2na);
187 	if (!spp)
188 	{
189 		ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 1, 4,
190 			   "sequence port open failed");
191                 ErrShow ();
192 		MemFree (reg);
193 		return slp;
194 	}
196 	l = spp->totlen;
197 	nreg = dust_segs (l, spp, start, reg, (Int4)level, (Int4)window, (Int4)minwin, (Int4)linker);
198 	slp = slpDust (spp, NULL, bsp->id, &vnp, reg, nreg, loopDustMax);
200 /* clean up memory */
201 	SeqPortFree (spp);
202 	while (reg)
203 	{
204 		regold = reg;
205 		reg = reg->next;
206 		MemFree (regold);
207 	}
209 	return slp;
210 }
212 /* sequence location pointers */
SeqLocDust(SeqLocPtr this_slp,Int2 level,Int2 window,Int2 minwin,Int2 linker)214 SeqLocPtr SeqLocDust (SeqLocPtr this_slp,
215 		      Int2 level, Int2 window, Int2 minwin, Int2 linker)
216 {
217 	SeqLocPtr	next_slp, slp = NULL;
218 	ValNodePtr	vnp = NULL;
220 	SeqIdPtr	id;
221 	BioseqPtr	bsp;
222 	SeqPortPtr	spp;
224 	DREGION	PNTR reg, PNTR regold;
225 	Int4 nreg;
226 	Int4 start, end, l;
227 	Int2 loopDustMax = 0;
229 /* error msg stuff */
230 	ErrSetOptFlags (EO_MSG_CODES);
232 	if (!this_slp)
233 	{
234 		ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 2, 1,
235 			  "no sequence location given for dusting");
236                 ErrShow ();
237 		return slp;
238 	}
240 /* place for dusted regions */
241 	regold = reg = MemNew (sizeof (DREGION));
242 	if (!reg)
243 	{
244 		ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 2, 2,
245 			   "memory allocation error");
246                 ErrShow ();
247 		return slp;
248 	}
249 	reg->from = 0;
250 	reg->to = 0;
251 	reg->next = NULL;
253 /* count seqlocs */
254 	next_slp = NULL;
255 	while ((next_slp = SeqLocFindNext (this_slp, next_slp)) != NULL)
256 			loopDustMax++;
257 	if (!loopDustMax)
258 	{
259 		ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 2, 3,
260 			   "can not find next seq loc");
261                 ErrShow ();
262 	}
264 /* loop for dusting as needed */
265 	next_slp = NULL;
266 	while ((next_slp = SeqLocFindNext (this_slp, next_slp)) != NULL)
267 	{
268 /* offsets into actual sequence */
269 		start = SeqLocStart (next_slp);
270 		end = SeqLocStop (next_slp);
272 /* if all goes okay should get a seqport pointer */
273 		id = SeqLocId (next_slp);
274 		if (!id)
275 		{
276 			ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 2, 4,
277 				  "no bioseq id");
278 			ErrShow ();
279 			continue;
280 		}
281 		bsp = BioseqLockById (id);
282 		if (!bsp)
283 		{
284 			ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 2, 5,
285 				  "no bioseq");
286 			ErrShow ();
287 			continue;
288 		}
289 		if (!ISA_na (bsp->mol))
290 		{
291 			ErrPostEx (SEV_WARNING, 2, 6,
292 				  "not nucleic acid");
293 			ErrShow ();
294 			BioseqUnlock (bsp);
295 			continue;
296 		}
297 		spp = SeqPortNew (bsp, start, end, 0, Seq_code_ncbi2na);
298 		BioseqUnlock (bsp);
299 		if (!spp)
300 		{
301 			ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 2, 7,
302 				   "sequence port open failed");
303 			ErrShow ();
304 			continue;
305 		}
307 		l = spp->totlen;
308 		nreg = dust_segs (l, spp, start, reg,
309 				  (Int4)level, (Int4)window, (Int4)minwin, (Int4)linker);
310 		slp = slpDust (spp, slp, id, &vnp,
311 			       reg, nreg, loopDustMax);
312 /* find tail - this way avoids referencing the pointer */
313 		while (reg->next) reg = reg->next;
315 		SeqPortFree (spp);
316 	}
318 /* clean up memory */
319 	reg = regold;
320 	while (reg)
321 	{
322 		regold = reg;
323 		reg = reg->next;
324 		MemFree (regold);
325 	}
327 	return slp;
328 }
330 /* entry point for dusting - from BioseqDust or SeqLocDust */
dust_segs(Int4 length,SeqPortPtr spp,Int4 start,DREGION PNTR reg,Int4 level,Int4 windowsize,Int4 minwin,Int4 linker)332 static Int4 dust_segs (Int4 length, SeqPortPtr spp, Int4 start,
333 		       DREGION PNTR reg,
334 		       Int4 level, Int4 windowsize, Int4 minwin, Int4 linker)
335 {
336         Int4    len;
337 	Int4	i, invrescount;
338         Int4 retlen;
339         UcharPtr seq;
340 	DREGION	PNTR regold = NULL;
341 	DCURLOC	cloc;
342 	Int4	nreg, windowhalf;
344 /* defaults are more-or-less in keeping with original dust */
345 	if (level < 2 || level > 64) level = 20;
346 	if (windowsize < 8 || windowsize > 64) windowsize = 64;
347 	if (minwin < 4 || minwin > 128) minwin = 4;
348 	if (linker < 1 || linker > 32) linker = 1;
349 	windowhalf = windowsize / 2;
351 /* keep track of weird invalid residues */
352 	invrescount = 0;
354 	nreg = 0;
355 	seq = MemNew (windowsize);			/* triplets */
356 	if (!seq)
357 	{
358 		ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 4, 1,
359 			   "failed to allocate triplet buffer");
360                 ErrShow ();
361 		return nreg;
362 	}
364 	for (i = 0; i < length; i += windowhalf)
365 	{
366 		len = (Int4) ((length > i+windowsize) ? windowsize : length-i);
367 		len -= 2;
368 		retlen = wo (len, spp, i, &cloc, &invrescount, seq);
370 /* get rid of itsy-bitsy's, dusttripfind aborts - move 1 triplet away */
371 		if ((cloc.curend - cloc.curstart + 1) < minwin)
372 		{
373 			if (retlen != len)
374 			{
375 				i += (retlen - windowhalf + 3);
376 			}
377 			continue;
378 		}
380 		if (cloc.curlevel > level)
381 		{
382 			if (nreg &&
383 			    regold->to + linker >= cloc.curstart+i+start &&
384 			    regold->from <= cloc.curstart + i + start)
385 			{
386 /* overlap windows nicely if needed */
387 				regold->to = cloc.curend + i + start;
388 			}
389 			else
390 			{
391 /* new window or dusted regions do not overlap				*/
392 				reg->from = cloc.curstart + i + start;
393 				reg->to = cloc.curend + i + start;
394 /* 5' edge effects - 3' edge effects - are best handled interactively	*/
395 /* it prbly would be good to put 'linker' as an interactive option	*/
396 /* interactive means wrapping stuff up in a graphics shell		*/
397 				regold = reg;
398 				reg = MemNew (sizeof (DREGION));
399 				if (!reg)
400 				{
401 					ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 3, 1,
402 						   "memory allocation error");
403 					ErrShow ();
404                                         MemFree(seq);
405 					return nreg;
406 				}
407 				reg->next = NULL;
408 				regold->next = reg;
409 				nreg++;
410 			}
411 /* kill virtually all 3' tiling anomalies */
412 			if (cloc.curend < windowhalf)
413 			{
414 				i += (cloc.curend - windowhalf);
415 			}
416 		}				/* end 'if' high score	*/
417 	}					/* end for */
418 	MemFree (seq);
419 	if (invrescount > 0)
420 	{
421 		ErrPostEx (SEV_INFO, 3, 2,
422 		   "Total invalid residues found: %ld", (long) invrescount);
423                 ErrShow ();
424 	}
425 	return nreg;
426 }
wo(Int4 len,SeqPortPtr spp,Int4 iseg,DCURLOC PNTR cloc,Int4 PNTR invrescount,UcharPtr seq)428 static Int4 wo (Int4 len, SeqPortPtr spp, Int4 iseg, DCURLOC PNTR cloc,
429 			Int4 PNTR invrescount, UcharPtr seq)
430 {
431 	Int4 i, flen;
433 	cloc->curlevel = 0;
434 	cloc->curstart = 0;
435 	cloc->curend = 0;
437 /* get the chunk of sequence in triplets */
439 	SeqPortSeek (spp, iseg, SEEK_SET);
440         MemSet (seq,0,len+2);        /* Zero the triplet buffer */
441 	flen = dusttripfind (spp, seq, iseg, len, invrescount);
443 /* dust the chunk */
444 	for (i = 0; i < flen; i++)
445 	{
446 		wo1 (flen-i, seq+i, i, cloc);
447 	}
449 	cloc->curend += cloc->curstart;
451 	return flen;
452 }
wo1(Int4 len,UcharPtr seq,Int4 iwo,DCURLOC PNTR cloc)454 static void wo1 (Int4 len, UcharPtr seq, Int4 iwo, DCURLOC PNTR cloc)
455 {
456         Uint4 sum;
457 	Int4 loop;
458 	Int4 newlevel;
460 	Int2 PNTR countsptr;
461 	Int2 counts[4*4*4];
462 	MemSet (counts, 0, sizeof (counts));
463 /* zero everything */
464 	sum = 0;
465 	newlevel = 0;
467 /* dust loop -- specific for triplets	*/
468 	for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop++)
469 	{
470 		countsptr = &counts[*seq++];
471 		if (*countsptr)
472 		{
473 			sum += (Uint8)(*countsptr);
475 			newlevel = 10 * sum / loop;
477 			if (cloc->curlevel < newlevel)
478 			{
479 				cloc->curlevel = newlevel;
480 				cloc->curstart = iwo;
481 				cloc->curend = loop + 2; /* triplets */
482 			}
483 		}
484 		(*countsptr)++;
485 	}
486 	return;
487 }
489 /* fill an array with 2-bit encoded triplets */
dusttripfind(SeqPortPtr spp,UcharPtr s1,Int4 icur,Int4 max,Int4 PNTR invrescount)491 static Int4 dusttripfind (SeqPortPtr spp, UcharPtr s1, Int4 icur, Int4 max,
492 				Int4 PNTR invrescount)
493 {
494         Int4 pos;
495         Int4 n;
496 	UcharPtr s2, s3;
497 	Int2 c;
498 	Boolean flagVD;
500 	n = 0;
502 	s2 = s1 + 1;
503 	s3 = s1 + 2;
505 	SeqPortSeek (spp, icur, SEEK_SET);
507 /* set up needs streamlining */
508 /* start again at segment or virtual sequence bounderies */
509 /* set up 1 */
510 	if ((c = SeqPortGetResidue (spp)) == SEQPORT_EOF)
511             return n;
512 	if (c == SEQPORT_EOS || c == SEQPORT_VIRT)
513             return n;
514 	if (!IS_residue (c))
515 	{
516 		c = 0;				/* 255 it's 'A' */
517                 if (*invrescount < 3)
518                 {
519             		pos = SeqPortTell (spp);
520          		ErrPostEx (SEV_INFO, 5, 1,
521 			 "Invalid residue converted to 'A': %ld", (long) pos);
522 			ErrShow ();
523 		}
524 		(*invrescount)++;
525 	}
526 	*s1 |= c;
527 	*s1 <<= 2;
529 /* set up 2 */
530 	if ((c = SeqPortGetResidue (spp)) == SEQPORT_EOF)
531             return n;
532 	if (c == SEQPORT_EOS || c == SEQPORT_VIRT)
533             return n;
534 	if (!IS_residue (c))
535 	{
536 		c = 0;				/* 255 it's 'A' */
537                 if (*invrescount < 3)
538                 {
539                         pos = SeqPortTell (spp);
540          		ErrPostEx (SEV_INFO, 5, 1,
541 			 "Invalid residue converted to 'A': %ld", (long) pos);
542 			ErrShow ();
543 		}
544 		(*invrescount)++;
545 	}
546 	*s1 |= c;
547 	*s2 |= c;
549 /* triplet fill loop */
550 	flagVD = TRUE;
551 	while ((c = SeqPortGetResidue (spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF && n < max)
552 	{
553 		if (c == INVALID_RESIDUE)
554 		{
555 			c = 0;				/* 255 it's 'A' */
556 			if (*invrescount < 3)
557 			{
558           			pos = SeqPortTell (spp);
559 				ErrPostEx (SEV_INFO, 5, 1,
560 				 "Invalid residue converted to 'A': %ld", (long) pos);
561 				ErrShow ();
562 			}
563 			(*invrescount)++;
564 		}
565 		if (IS_residue (c))
566 		{
567 				*s1 <<= 2;
568 				*s2 <<= 2;
569 				*s1 |= c;
570 				*s2 |= c;
571 				*s3 |= c;
572 				s1++;
573 				s2++;
574 				s3++;
575 				n++;
576 		}
577 		else
578 		{
579 			switch (c)
580 			{
581 				case SEQPORT_EOS:	/* 252 rare	*/
582 					break;
583 /* VIRT if there is an undetermined segment of sequence			*/
584 				case SEQPORT_VIRT:	/* 251 ignore ?	*/
585 				default:
586 /*					flagVD = TRUE;     dust across v-seg */
587 					flagVD = FALSE;  /* don't dust across */
588 					break;
589 			}
590 			if (!flagVD) break;
591 		}
592 	}		/* end while */
594 	return n;
595 }
597 /* look for dustable locations */
slpDust(SeqPortPtr spp,SeqLocPtr slp,SeqIdPtr id,ValNodePtr PNTR vnp,DREGION PNTR reg,Int4 nreg,Int4 loopDustMax)599 static SeqLocPtr slpDust (SeqPortPtr spp, SeqLocPtr slp, SeqIdPtr id,
600 			  ValNodePtr PNTR vnp, DREGION PNTR reg,
601 			  Int4 nreg, Int4 loopDustMax)
602 {
603 	SeqIntPtr	sintp;
604         Int4            i;
605         Boolean         flagNoPack;
607 /* point to dusted locations */
608 	if (nreg)
609 	{
611 /* loopDustMax == 1 forces PACKED_INT IN - PACKED_INT OUT as needed	*/
612 		flagNoPack = FALSE;
613 		if (nreg == 1 && loopDustMax == 1) flagNoPack = TRUE;
615 		if (!slp)
616 		{
617 			if ((slp = ValNodeNew (NULL)) == NULL)
618 			{
619 				ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, 6, 1,
620 					   "val node new failed");
621 				ErrShow ();
622 				return slp;
623 			}
624 		}
626 		if (flagNoPack)
627 		{
628 			slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
629 		}
630 		else
631 		{
632 			slp->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
633 		}
635 		for (i = 0; i < nreg; i++)
636 		{
637 			sintp = SeqIntNew ();
638 			if (!sintp)
639 			{
640 				ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 6, 2,
641 					   "memory allocation error");
642 				ErrShow ();
643 				return slp;
644 			}
645 			sintp->id = SeqIdDup (id);
646 			sintp->from = reg->from;
647 			sintp->to = reg->to;
648 			if (!flagNoPack) ValNodeAddPointer
649 					(vnp, SEQLOC_INT, sintp);
650 			reg = reg->next;
651 		}
653 		if (flagNoPack)
654 		{
655 			slp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) sintp;
656 		}
657 		else
658 		{
659 			slp->data.ptrvalue = *vnp;
660 		}
661 	}
662 	return slp;
663 }
DustGraph(SeqPortPtr spp,Int4 length,Int2 level,Int2 window,Int2 minwin,Int2 linker)665 extern FloatHiPtr DustGraph (SeqPortPtr spp, Int4 length, Int2 level,
666                              Int2 window, Int2 minwin, Int2 linker)
667 {
668   DCURLOC     cloc;
669   Int2        windowhalf;
670   Int2        retlen;
671   Int4        len;
672   Int4        i, n;
673   Int4        invrescount;
674   FloatHi     maxval, curval;
675   FloatHiPtr  fhead, ftemp;
676   FloatHiPtr  fptr;
677   UcharPtr    seq;
679   invrescount = 0;
680   windowhalf = window / 2;
682   maxval = level * 5.0;
683   if (maxval > 100.0)
684     maxval = 100.0;
686   fptr = (FloatHiPtr) MemNew ((sizeof (FloatHi)) * length);
687   fhead = fptr;
688   for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
689     *fptr++ = 0.0;
691   fptr = fhead;
692   seq = MemNew ((size_t)window);			/* triplets */
693   if (!seq)
694       {
695           ErrPostEx (SEV_FATAL, 4, 1,
696                      "failed to allocate triplet buffer");
697           ErrShow ();
698           return 0;
699       }
701   for (i = 0; i < length; i += windowhalf)
702   {
703     len = (length > i+window) ? window : (Int2) (length-i);
704     len -= 2;
705     retlen = wo (len, spp, i, &cloc, &invrescount, seq);
707     if ((cloc.curend - cloc.curstart + 1) < minwin)
708     {
709       if (retlen != len)
710         i += (retlen - windowhalf + 3);
711       continue;
712     }
713     curval = (FloatHi) cloc.curlevel;
714     if (curval > maxval)
715       curval = maxval;
716     fptr = fhead + cloc.curstart + i;
717     for (n = cloc.curstart; n < cloc.curend+1; n++)
718       *fptr++ = curval;
719   }
720   MemFree(seq);
721   fptr = fhead;
722   for (i = 0; i < length-((Int4)linker); i++)
723   {
724     if (*fptr != 0)
725     {
726       ftemp = fptr + linker;
727       if (*ftemp != 0)
728       {
729         curval = (*ftemp + *fptr) / 2;
730         fptr++;
731         for (n = 1; n < linker; n++)
732           *fptr++ = curval;
733         i += (linker - 1);
734       }
735     }
736     else
737     {
738       fptr++;
739     }
740   }
742   return fhead;
743 }