1 /*  objbibli.h
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  objbibli.h
27 *
28 * Author:  James Ostell
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 1/1/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.2 $
33 *
34 * File Description:  Object manager interface for module NCBI-Biblio
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date	   Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 * 05-17-93 Schuler     struct affil  --->  struct _affil_  (because one of
41 *                      the fields in the struct is also called affil, which
42 *                      C++ compilers take to be a constructor function).
43 *
44 * $Log: objbibli.h,v $
45 * Revision 6.2  2005/05/18 17:31:01  bollin
46 * added AffilMatch and AuthorMatch functions
47 *
48 * Revision 6.1  2000/01/18 19:40:52  ostell
49 * added support for PubStatusDate, ArticleIds
50 *
51 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:49:23  madden
52 * Revision changed to 6.0
53 *
54 * Revision 4.2  1997/06/19 18:40:50  vakatov
55 * [WIN32,MSVC++]  Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization
56 *
57 * Revision 4.1  1996/03/29 21:09:59  ostell
58 * added support for PubMedId
59 *
60  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:48:06  ostell
61  * force revision to 4.0
62  *
63  * Revision 3.2  1995/05/15  21:22:00  ostell
64  * added Log line
65  *
66 *
67 *
68 * ==========================================================================
69 */
71 #ifndef _NCBI_Biblio_
72 #define _NCBI_Biblio_
74 #ifndef _ASNTOOL_
75 #include <asn.h>
76 #endif
77 #ifndef _NCBI_General_
78 #include <objgen.h>
79 #endif
81 #undef NLM_EXTERN
82 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
84 #else
85 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
86 #endif
88 #ifdef __cplusplus
89 extern "C" {
90 #endif
92 /*****************************************************************************
93 *
94 *   loader
95 *
96 *****************************************************************************/
97 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BiblioAsnLoad PROTO((void));
99 /*****************************************************************************
100 *
101 *   ArticleId
102 *
103 *****************************************************************************/
104 typedef ValNode ArticleId, PNTR ArticleIdPtr;
106 #define ARTICLEID_PUBMED 1    /* pubmed id - integer */
107 #define ARTICLEID_MEDLINE 2   /* medline uid - integer */
108 #define ARTICLEID_DOI 3       /* doi - string */
109 #define ARTICLEID_PII 4       /* pii  - string */
110 #define ARTICLEID_PMCID 5     /* pubmed central id - integer */
111 #define ARTICLEID_PMCPID 6    /* publisherid from Pubmed central - string */
112 #define ARTICLEID_PMPID 7     /* publisherId from pubmed - string */
113 #define ARTICLEID_OTHER 8     /* generic - DbTag */
115 NLM_EXTERN ArticleIdPtr LIBCALL ArticleIdNew PROTO((void));
116 NLM_EXTERN ArticleIdPtr LIBCALL ArticleIdFree PROTO((ArticleIdPtr aidp));
117 NLM_EXTERN ArticleIdPtr LIBCALL ArticleIdAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
118 NLM_EXTERN Boolean  LIBCALL ArticleIdAsnWrite PROTO((ArticleIdPtr aidp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
121 /*****************************************************************************
122 *
123 *   PubStatusDate
124 *
125 *****************************************************************************/
126 #define PUBSTATUS_received 1
127 #define PUBSTATUS_accepted 2
128 #define PUBSTATUS_epublish 3
129 #define PUBSTATUS_ppublish 4
130 #define PUBSTATUS_revised 5
131 #define PUBSTATUS_pmc 6
132 #define PUBSTATUS_pmcr 7
133 #define PUBSTATUS_pubmed 8
134 #define PUBSTATUS_pubmedr 9
135 #define PUBSTATUS_aheadofprint 10
136 #define PUBSTATUS_premedline 11
137 #define PUBSTATUS_medline 12
138 #define PUBSTATUS_other 255
140 typedef struct _pubstatusdate_ {
141 	Uint1 pubstatus;
142 	DatePtr date;
143         struct _pubstatusdate_ * next;
144 } PubStatusDate, PNTR PubStatusDatePtr;
146 NLM_EXTERN PubStatusDatePtr LIBCALL PubStatusDateNew PROTO((void));
147 NLM_EXTERN PubStatusDatePtr LIBCALL PubStatusDateFree PROTO((PubStatusDatePtr psdp));
148 NLM_EXTERN PubStatusDatePtr LIBCALL PubStatusDateAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
149 NLM_EXTERN Boolean  LIBCALL PubStatusDateAsnWrite PROTO((PubStatusDatePtr psdp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
151 /*****************************************************************************
152 *
153 *   Affil
154 *
155 *****************************************************************************/
156 typedef struct _affil_ {
157 	Uint1 choice;           /* [1]=str,[2]=std */
158 	CharPtr affil,          /* also used for str */
159 		div,
160 		city,
161 		sub,
162 		country,
163 		street,
164 		email,
165 		fax,
166 		phone,
167                 postal_code;
168 } Affil, PNTR AffilPtr;
170 NLM_EXTERN AffilPtr LIBCALL AffilNew PROTO((void));
171 NLM_EXTERN AffilPtr LIBCALL AffilFree PROTO((AffilPtr afp));
172 NLM_EXTERN AffilPtr LIBCALL AffilAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
173 NLM_EXTERN Boolean  LIBCALL AffilAsnWrite PROTO((AffilPtr afp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
174 NLM_EXTERN Boolean AffilMatch (AffilPtr ap1, AffilPtr ap2);
176 /*****************************************************************************
177 *
178 *   AuthList
179 *
180 *****************************************************************************/
181 typedef struct authors {
182 	Uint1 choice;        /* [1]=std, [2]=ml, [3]=str (only on Cit-art,gen) */
183 	ValNodePtr names;    /* the SEQUENCE OF */
184 	AffilPtr affil;
185 } AuthList, PNTR AuthListPtr;
187 NLM_EXTERN AuthListPtr LIBCALL AuthListNew PROTO((void));
188 NLM_EXTERN AuthListPtr LIBCALL AuthListFree PROTO((AuthListPtr asp));
189 NLM_EXTERN AuthListPtr LIBCALL AuthListAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
190 NLM_EXTERN Boolean     LIBCALL AuthListAsnWrite PROTO((AuthListPtr afp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
191 NLM_EXTERN Int2        LIBCALL AuthListMatch PROTO((AuthListPtr a, AuthListPtr b, Boolean all));
193 /*****************************************************************************
194 *
195 *   Author
196 *
197 *****************************************************************************/
198 typedef struct author {
199 	PersonIdPtr name;
200 	Uint1 lr[2];       /* level[0], role[1] as in spec. 0=not used */
201 	Uint1 is_corr;     /* corresponding author? 255=not set, 0=false, 1=true */
202 	AffilPtr affil;
203 } Author, PNTR AuthorPtr;
205 NLM_EXTERN AuthorPtr LIBCALL AuthorNew PROTO((void));
206 NLM_EXTERN AuthorPtr LIBCALL AuthorFree PROTO((AuthorPtr ap));
207 NLM_EXTERN AuthorPtr LIBCALL AuthorAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
208 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL AuthorAsnWrite PROTO((AuthorPtr ap, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
209 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AuthorMatch (AuthorPtr ap1, AuthorPtr ap2);
211 /*****************************************************************************
212 *
213 *   Cit-art
214 *
215 *****************************************************************************/
216 typedef struct citart {
217 	ValNodePtr title;       /* choice[1]=name,[2]=tsub,[3]=trans */
218 	AuthListPtr authors;
219 	Uint1 from;             /* [1]=journal,[2]=book,[3]=proc */
220 	Pointer fromptr;
221 	ArticleIdPtr ids;
222 } CitArt, PNTR CitArtPtr;
224 NLM_EXTERN CitArtPtr LIBCALL CitArtNew PROTO((void));
225 NLM_EXTERN CitArtPtr LIBCALL CitArtFree PROTO((CitArtPtr cap));
226 NLM_EXTERN CitArtPtr LIBCALL CitArtAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
227 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL CitArtAsnWrite PROTO((CitArtPtr cap, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
228 NLM_EXTERN Int2      LIBCALL CitArtMatch PROTO((CitArtPtr a, CitArtPtr b));
230 /*****************************************************************************
231 *
232 *   Retraction/Erratum
233 *
234 *****************************************************************************/
235 typedef struct citretract {
236 	Uint1 type;  /* 1=retracted, 2=retraction notice, 3=in error, 4=erratum */
237     CharPtr exp; /* explanation */
238 } CitRetract, PNTR CitRetractPtr;
240 NLM_EXTERN CitRetractPtr LIBCALL CitRetractNew PROTO((void));
241 NLM_EXTERN CitRetractPtr LIBCALL CitRetractFree PROTO((CitRetractPtr crp));
242 NLM_EXTERN CitRetractPtr LIBCALL CitRetractAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
243 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL CitRetractAsnWrite PROTO((CitRetractPtr crp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
245 /*****************************************************************************
246 *
247 *   Imprint
248 *
249 *****************************************************************************/
250 typedef struct imprint {
251 	DatePtr date;
252     CharPtr volume,
253         issue,
254         pages,
255         section,
256         part_sup,	  /* part/sup of volume */
257         language;
258     DatePtr cprt;     /* copy right date (for books) */
259     AffilPtr pub;   /* publisher (for books)  */
260 	Uint1 prepub;   /* 0=not set 1=submitted 2=in-press 255=other */
261 	CharPtr part_supi;   /* part/sup of issue */
262 	CitRetractPtr retract;
263         Uint1 pubstatus;
264         PubStatusDatePtr history;
265 } Imprint, PNTR ImprintPtr;
267 NLM_EXTERN ImprintPtr LIBCALL ImprintNew PROTO((void));
268 NLM_EXTERN ImprintPtr LIBCALL ImprintFree PROTO((ImprintPtr cap));
269 NLM_EXTERN ImprintPtr LIBCALL ImprintAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
270 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL ImprintAsnWrite PROTO((ImprintPtr cap, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
271 NLM_EXTERN Int2       LIBCALL ImprintMatch PROTO((ImprintPtr a, ImprintPtr b, Boolean all));
273 /*****************************************************************************
274 *
275 *   Cit-jour
276 *
277 *****************************************************************************/
278 typedef struct citjour {
279 	ValNodePtr title;     /* choice in order of spec, 1=name,2=trans,etc */
280 	ImprintPtr imp;
281 } CitJour, PNTR CitJourPtr;
283 NLM_EXTERN CitJourPtr LIBCALL CitJourNew PROTO((void));
284 NLM_EXTERN CitJourPtr LIBCALL CitJourFree PROTO((CitJourPtr cjp));
285 NLM_EXTERN CitJourPtr LIBCALL CitJourAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
286 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL CitJourAsnWrite PROTO((CitJourPtr cjp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
287 NLM_EXTERN Int2       LIBCALL CitJourMatch PROTO((CitJourPtr a, CitJourPtr b));
289 /*****************************************************************************
290 *
291 *   Cit-book
292 *
293 *****************************************************************************/
294 typedef struct citbook {
295 	ValNodePtr title,      /* choice in order of spec, 1=name, 2=tsub, etc */
296 			   coll;       /* ditto */
297 	AuthListPtr authors;
298 	ImprintPtr imp;
299 	Uint1 othertype,      /* 0=Cit-book, 1=Cit-proc, 2=Cit-let */
300 		let_type;         /* if Cit-let, 1=manuscript,2=letter,3=thesis */
301 	Pointer otherdata;    /* NULL,  ValNodes, CharPtr man-id */
302 } CitBook, PNTR CitBookPtr;
304 NLM_EXTERN CitBookPtr LIBCALL CitBookNew PROTO((void));
305 NLM_EXTERN CitBookPtr LIBCALL CitBookFree PROTO((CitBookPtr cbp));
306 NLM_EXTERN CitBookPtr LIBCALL CitBookAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
307 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL CitBookAsnWrite PROTO((CitBookPtr cbp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
308 NLM_EXTERN Int2       LIBCALL CitBookMatch PROTO((CitBookPtr a, CitBookPtr b));
310 /*****************************************************************************
311 *
312 *   Cit-sub
313 *   	Direct submission of data
314 *
315 *****************************************************************************/
316 typedef struct citsub {
317 	AuthListPtr authors;
318 	ImprintPtr imp;		   /* WARNING: imp will be removed next year */
319 	Uint1 medium;
320 	DatePtr date;          /* this will replace imp */
321 	CharPtr descr;         /* description of what happened  */
322 } CitSub, PNTR CitSubPtr;
324 NLM_EXTERN CitSubPtr LIBCALL CitSubNew PROTO((void));
325 NLM_EXTERN CitSubPtr LIBCALL CitSubFree PROTO((CitSubPtr cbp));
326 NLM_EXTERN CitSubPtr LIBCALL CitSubAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
327 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL CitSubAsnWrite PROTO((CitSubPtr cbp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
328 NLM_EXTERN Int2      LIBCALL CitSubMatch PROTO((CitSubPtr a, CitSubPtr b));
331 /*****************************************************************************
332 *
333 *   Cit-proc
334 *     uses otherdata in Cit-book
335 *     chain of ValNodes
336 *     choice       ident      Pointer type
337 *       1          number      CharPtr
338 *       2          date        DatePtr
339 *       3          place       AffilPtr
340 *
341 *****************************************************************************/
342 NLM_EXTERN CitBookPtr LIBCALL CitProcAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
343 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL CitProcAsnWrite PROTO((CitBookPtr cpp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
345 /*****************************************************************************
346 *
347 *   Cit-let
348 *     uses otherdata in Cit-book as CharPtr for man-id
349 *
350 *****************************************************************************/
351 NLM_EXTERN CitBookPtr LIBCALL CitLetAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
352 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL CitLetAsnWrite PROTO((CitBookPtr cpp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
356 /*****************************************************************************
357 *
358 *   Cit-pat
359 *
360 *****************************************************************************/
362 typedef struct patpriority {
363 	CharPtr country,
364 		number;
365 	DatePtr date;
366 	struct patpriority PNTR next;
367 } PatPriority, PNTR PatPriorityPtr;
369 typedef struct citpat {
370 	CharPtr title;
371 	AuthListPtr authors;
372 	CharPtr country,
373 		doc_type,
374 		number;
375 	DatePtr date_issue;
376 	ValNodePtr _class;
377 	CharPtr	app_number;
378 	DatePtr app_date;
379 	AuthListPtr applicants;
380 	AuthListPtr assignees;
381 	PatPriorityPtr priority;
382 	CharPtr abstract;
383 } CitPat, PNTR CitPatPtr;
385 NLM_EXTERN CitPatPtr LIBCALL CitPatNew PROTO((void));
386 NLM_EXTERN CitPatPtr LIBCALL CitPatFree PROTO((CitPatPtr cpp));
387 NLM_EXTERN CitPatPtr LIBCALL CitPatAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
388 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL CitPatAsnWrite PROTO((CitPatPtr cpp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
390 NLM_EXTERN PatPriorityPtr LIBCALL PatPriorityNew PROTO((void));
391 NLM_EXTERN PatPriorityPtr LIBCALL PatPrioritySetFree PROTO((PatPriorityPtr ppp));
392 NLM_EXTERN PatPriorityPtr LIBCALL PatPrioritySetAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr set, AsnTypePtr element));
393 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL PatPrioritySetAsnWrite PROTO((PatPriorityPtr ppp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr set, AsnTypePtr element));
394 /*****************************************************************************
395 *
396 *   Id-pat
397 *
398 *****************************************************************************/
399 typedef struct idpat {
400 	CharPtr country,
401 		number,				 /** actually CHOICE of number or app_number */
402 		app_number;
403 	CharPtr doc_type;
404 } IdPat, PNTR IdPatPtr;
406 NLM_EXTERN IdPatPtr LIBCALL IdPatNew PROTO((void));
407 NLM_EXTERN IdPatPtr LIBCALL IdPatFree PROTO((IdPatPtr ipp));
408 NLM_EXTERN IdPatPtr LIBCALL IdPatAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
409 NLM_EXTERN Boolean  LIBCALL IdPatAsnWrite PROTO((IdPatPtr ipp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
410 NLM_EXTERN Boolean  LIBCALL IdPatMatch PROTO((IdPatPtr a, IdPatPtr b));
412 /*****************************************************************************
413 *
414 *   Cit-gen
415 *
416 *****************************************************************************/
417 typedef struct cit_gen {
418 	CharPtr cit;
419 	AuthListPtr authors;
420     Int4 muid;                  /* medline uid, -1 if not set */
421     ValNodePtr journal;         /* journal/book Title */
422     CharPtr volume,
423         issue,
424         pages;
425 	DatePtr date;
426     Int2 serial_number;      /* for GenBank style references (-1 = not used)*/
427 	CharPtr title;           /* a specific title (in addition to cit or journal) */
428 	Int4 pmid;               /* PubMedId */
429 } CitGen, PNTR CitGenPtr;
431 NLM_EXTERN CitGenPtr LIBCALL CitGenNew PROTO((void));
432 NLM_EXTERN CitGenPtr LIBCALL CitGenFree PROTO((CitGenPtr cgp));
433 NLM_EXTERN CitGenPtr LIBCALL CitGenAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
434 NLM_EXTERN Boolean   LIBCALL CitGenAsnWrite PROTO((CitGenPtr cgp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
435 NLM_EXTERN Int2      LIBCALL CitGenMatch PROTO((CitGenPtr a, CitGenPtr b, Boolean all));
437 /*****************************************************************************
438 *
439 *   Title
440 *
441 *****************************************************************************/
443 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL TitleFree PROTO((ValNodePtr anp));
444 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL TitleAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
445 NLM_EXTERN Boolean    LIBCALL TitleAsnWrite PROTO((ValNodePtr anp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
446 NLM_EXTERN Int2       LIBCALL TitleMatch PROTO((ValNodePtr a, ValNodePtr b, Uint1 type));
448 #define Cit_title_name ( (Uint1) 1)
449 #define Cit_title_tsub ( (Uint1) 2)
450 #define Cit_title_trans ( (Uint1) 3)
451 #define Cit_title_jta ( (Uint1) 4)
452 #define Cit_title_iso_jta ( (Uint1) 5)
453 #define Cit_title_ml_jta ( (Uint1) 6)
454 #define Cit_title_coden ( (Uint1) 7)
455 #define Cit_title_issn ( (Uint1) 8)
456 #define Cit_title_abr ( (Uint1) 9)
457 #define Cit_title_isbn ( (Uint1) 10)
459 #ifdef __cplusplus
460 }
461 #endif
463 #undef NLM_EXTERN
464 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
466 #else
467 #define NLM_EXTERN
468 #endif
470 #endif