1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2003, 2004 Milan Babuskov
4 This file is part of Njam (http://njam.sourceforge.net).
6 Njam is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 Njam is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with Njam in file COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef NJAM_H
21 #define NJAM_H
22 #include "SDL.h"
23 #include "SDL_net.h"
24 #include "SDL_mixer.h"
25 #include "njammap.h"
26 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 // Maybe this can even be hardcoded, but just in case...
28 #define MAXDELAY 120
29 #define GHOSTMAX 8
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // Data used in game: players, sprites, etc...
32 typedef enum { gtSMART = 0, gtSTUPID, gtCHASER } GhostType;
33 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 struct hiscore_data
35 {
36 	char name[10];
37 	int points;
38 	int level;
39 };
40 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 struct indata_struct
42 {
43 	int cookies;
44 	int juices;
45 	int kills;
46 	int player_kills;
47 	int deaths;
48 	int invisibles;
49 };
50 typedef struct NjamPlayer_struct
51 {
52     int MapPoints;
53     int GamePoints;		// In a duel game
54     bool Playing;
55     int Juice;
56     int Invisible;
57 	int Freeze;			// player can get frozen, this is not used currently but it works
59     union stats_union
60     {
61         int data[6];       				// dugmadi, juices, kills, ply-kills, deaths, invisib
62         struct indata_struct indata;
63     } stats;
64 } NjamPlayer;
65 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 typedef struct NjamSprite_struct
67 {
68     int x,y;    // coord    1-26, 1-22
69     int xo,yo;  // offset   0-4
70     int vx,vy;  // speed    -1 0 1
72     // animation
73     int frame;      	// current frame
74     int framemax;  		// total nr. of frames
75     int rotate;        	// current rotation (0-3) = (up, down, left or right)
76     int delay;			// if ply/ghost is dead
78     // for ghost - hunter y/n
79     int special;
81     // graphics (x offset)
82     int SurfaceOffset;
83 } NjamSprite;
84 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 // the same order as in Main Menu, so it can be easily assigned (cast from int)
86 typedef enum { gtOnePlayer=0, gtTwoPlayer, gtDuel, gtHostDuel, gtJoinDuel } GameType;
87 typedef enum { mtMainMenu, mtOptionsMenu } MenuType;
88 typedef enum { etNetworkError = -5, etGameOver = -4, etGameWon = -3, etLevelWon = -2, etGameDraw = -1, etNone = 0 } EndingType;
89 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 typedef struct
91 {
92 	bool PlayMusic;
93 	bool PlaySound;
94 	int UsedSkin;
95 	char ServerIP[16];		// in format
96 } tGameOptions;
97 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 struct list_item
99 {
100 	char item_text[50];
101 	char item_path[512];
102 	struct list_item *next;
103 	struct list_item *prev;
104 };
105 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 class NjamEngine
107 {
108 private:
109 	struct hiscore_data TopTenScores[10];
110 	bool CheckHiscore();
111 	int m_LastHiscore;
113  	bool m_SDL;						// whether SDL is initialized or not
114 	bool m_AudioAvailable;			// so we know wheter to try to play music/sfx
115 	char linux_sdl_driver[10];
116 	SDL_Surface *m_Screen;
118 	tGameOptions m_GameOptions;
120 	int m_NumberOfSkins;			// Graphics resources
121 	SDL_Surface **m_Skins;
122 	SDL_Surface *m_Icon;
123 	SDL_Surface *m_MainMenuImage;
124 	SDL_Surface *m_OptionsMenuImage;
125 	SDL_Surface *m_GameOverImage;
126 	SDL_Surface *m_StatsImage;
127 	SDL_Surface *m_SpriteImage;
128 	SDL_Surface *m_HiScoresImage;
129 	SDL_Surface *m_LevelsetImage;
130 	SDL_Surface *m_NetSendImage;
131 	SDL_Surface *m_NetEnterImage;
132 	SDL_Surface *m_NetLobbyImage;
133 	NjamFont *m_FontBlue;
134 	NjamFont *m_FontYellow;
135 	Mix_Music *m_MainMenuMusic;
136 	Mix_Music *m_GameMusic1;
137 	Mix_Music *m_GameMusic2;
138 	Mix_Chunk *m_Sounds[17];
140 	int m_ScrollOffset;				// main menu animations' & stuff
141 	int m_ScriptDelay;
142 	long m_ScriptFilePos;
143 	long m_ScriptLastPos;
144 	void DoScript();
145 	void ScrollText();
146 	bool MenuItemSelected(int& SelectedMenuItem);
147 	int m_NumberOfMenuItems;
148 	MenuType m_ActiveMenu;
149 	FILE *script_file;
151 	// -------------- GAME STUFF ------------------------------------
152 	double m_fps;					// average frames per second
153     int m_Freeze;					// how much longer the ghosts are frozen when player collects the freezer
154     int m_Bonus;
155     int m_LivesLeft;
156     bool m_TripleDinged;
157     int m_CurrentMap;				// current level in a non-duel game
158 	int m_Levels;					// total nr. of levels in a non-duel game
159 	GameType m_GameType;
160     NjamPlayer m_Player[4];
161     int m_CookiesLeft;				// on the screen
162     NjamMap m_Maps;
163     NjamSprite m_Sprite[4+GHOSTMAX];
164     int m_Ghosts;					// active (8 in duel, 5 in non-duel)
166     void StartGame(GameType);		// game powering functions, implemented in njamgame.cpp
167     void SetupGame();
168     int PlayMap(bool Allow_powerups=true);
169     void SetupMap();
170     void RenderGameScreen();
171 	bool RenderLifeLostScreen(bool LifeAwarded=false);
172 	void ReadySetGo();
173     bool HandleKeyboard();
174     void RenderSprites();
175     void MovePlayers();
176     void MoveGhosts();
177     void UpdateWorld();
178     EndingType Collide(bool&);
179     void DrawGameStats();
180     void Animate();
182 	bool SetupNetwork();			// networking (njamnet.cpp)
183 	void Disconnect();
184 	bool NetworkMap();
185 	bool ExchangeNetwork();
186 	bool EnterServerIP(bool HasTried);
187 	void RenderNetworkScreen(bool GameStarting = false);
188 	bool m_NetworkAvailable;
189 	TCPsocket m_ServerSocket;
190 	TCPsocket m_PeerSocket;
191 	bool m_NetworkEscapedGame;
193 	void LevelEditor();				// level editor (njamedit.cpp)
194 	void RenderEditor(bool, int, int, int);
195 	bool EnterFileName(char *file_name);
196 	int SelectMap(char type, char *filename = NULL, int filename_size = 0);
197 	struct list_item *SelectFromList(struct list_item *first);
198 	void Message(char *text);
199 	bool Query(char *text);
200 	bool CheckForSave();
201 	int m_SwapLevel;
202 public:
203 	NjamEngine();
204 	~NjamEngine();
205 	bool Init(bool,bool,bool);				// initialize everything except for networking
206 	void Start();					// start the music and main menu loop
207 };
208 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
209 #endif