1 /* $Id: maputil.h,v 6.9 2006/07/13 17:06:38 bollin Exp $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  $RCSfile: maputil.h,v $
27 *
28 * Author:  Jinghui Zhang
29 *
30 * Initial Version Creation Date: 03/21/97
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.9 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *         External include file for graphical alignments
36 *
37 * $Log: maputil.h,v $
38 * Revision 6.9  2006/07/13 17:06:38  bollin
39 * use Uint4 instead of Uint2 for itemID values
40 * removed unused variables
41 * resolved compiler warnings
42 *
43 * Revision 6.8  2001/06/26 16:42:59  vakatov
44 * POINT --> BAND_POINT  (to avoid conflicts with MS-Win standard headers)
45 *
46 * Revision 6.7  1998/07/22 00:02:37  zjing
47 * move SortValNode from maputil to jzmisc
48 *
49 * Revision 6.6  1997/11/14 22:13:41  vakatov
50 * [WIN32,DLL]  Added NLM_EXTERN's
51 *
52 * Revision 6.5  1997/10/15 19:56:42  zjing
53 * change get_align_annot_qual parameter
54 *
55 * Revision 6.4  1997/10/10 18:32:42  zjing
56 * add support to collect OBJ_BIOSEQ_DELTA and functions to improve the alignment overview
57 *
58 * Revision 6.3  1997/10/06 14:42:39  zjing
59 * functions for the overview of blast search results
60 *
61 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:06:37  madden
62 * Revision changed to 6.0
63 *
64 * Revision 5.9  1997/07/23 13:45:29  zjing
65 * look up for the sequence index map
66 *
67 * $Revision: 6.9 $
68 *
69 * File Description:
70 *         External include file for graphical alignments
71 *
72 * $Log: maputil.h,v $
73 * Revision 6.9  2006/07/13 17:06:38  bollin
74 * use Uint4 instead of Uint2 for itemID values
75 * removed unused variables
76 * resolved compiler warnings
77 *
78 * Revision 6.8  2001/06/26 16:42:59  vakatov
79 * POINT --> BAND_POINT  (to avoid conflicts with MS-Win standard headers)
80 *
81 * Revision 6.7  1998/07/22 00:02:37  zjing
82 * move SortValNode from maputil to jzmisc
83 *
84 * Revision 6.6  1997/11/14 22:13:41  vakatov
85 * [WIN32,DLL]  Added NLM_EXTERN's
86 *
87 * Revision 6.5  1997/10/15 19:56:42  zjing
88 * change get_align_annot_qual parameter
89 *
90 * Revision 6.4  1997/10/10 18:32:42  zjing
91 * add support to collect OBJ_BIOSEQ_DELTA and functions to improve the alignment overview
92 *
93 * Revision 6.3  1997/10/06 14:42:39  zjing
94 * functions for the overview of blast search results
95 *
96 * Revision 5.8  1997/06/19 18:38:23  vakatov
97 * [WIN32,MSVC++]  Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization
98 *
99 * Revision 5.7  1997/03/21 19:47:16  shavirin
100 * Added NCBI header started logging and added protection for usage
101 * it with C++ compiler
102 *
103 *
104 * ==========================================================================
105 */
106 #ifndef _MAPUTIL_
107 #define _MAPUTIL_
109 /****************************************************************************/
110 /* INCLUDES */
111 /****************************************************************************/
113 #include <ncbi.h>
114 #include <objfeat.h>
115 #include <objseq.h>
116 #include <objloc.h>
117 #include <objalign.h>
118 #include <sequtil.h>
119 #include <objfdef.h>
120 #include <lsqfetch.h>
121 #include <objmgr.h>
122 #include <gather.h>
124 /*local include file*/
125 #include <jzmisc.h>
127 /****************************************************************************/
128 /* TYPEDEFS */
129 /****************************************************************************/
130 typedef struct genedata{
131         CharPtr symbol;
132         Boolean landmark; /*is it a landmark gene?*/
133         Uint2 entityID;
134         Uint4 itemID;
135         Uint2 itemType;
136         Uint2 subtype;
137 	Uint2 priority;
138 	Int4 x, y;	/*the x, y coordinates on the picture*/
139         SeqLocPtr location;
140 	SeqFeatPtr sfp;
141         ValNodePtr align_seg;
142         struct genedata PNTR next;
143 }GeneData, PNTR GeneDataPtr;
145 typedef ValNodePtr EnzPtr;
147 typedef struct enzdata{
148         CharPtr name;
149         CharPtr  pattern;
150         Uint1 cut_pos;
151 }EnzData, PNTR EnzDataPtr;
153 typedef struct musksep{	        /*Seq-entries from musk*/
154 	SeqEntryPtr sep;
155 	Boolean is_bin;		/*is it loaded from a binary file?*/
156 	Char file_name[100];	/*the name for the ASN.1 Seq-entry file*/
157 	Pointer dataptr;
158 	Uint2 datatype;
159 } MuskSep, PNTR MuskSepPtr;
161 /****************************************************************************/
163 /****************************************************************************/
165 #undef NLM_EXTERN
166 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
168 #else
169 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
170 #endif
172 #ifdef __cplusplus
173 extern "C" {
174 #endif
176 NLM_EXTERN Int2 get_seg_num PROTO((SeqLocPtr slp));
178 NLM_EXTERN Int2 get_seglevels PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
180 NLM_EXTERN Int4Ptr get_priority_order PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, Int4Ptr num));
182 /****************************************************************
183 *
184 *	LoadLandMarkGene(sep)
185 *	get the landmark gene from the User-object in the descriptor
186 *	all the genes are linked to a ValNode and vnp->choice is set
187 *	to 1 to indicate it is a landmark gene
188 *
189 ******************************************************************/
190 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LoadLandMarkGene PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep));
192 /*****************************************************************
193 *
194 *       if sfp is a Gene-ref and contains the gene in g_list,
195 *       return the string in g_list
196 *       else return NULL
197 *
198 *****************************************************************/
199 NLM_EXTERN Boolean check_landmark PROTO((SeqFeatPtr sfp, CharPtr mark));
202 /******************************************************************
203 *
204 *	load_gdata_marks(slp, gene_list, seglevels, sep, gdp)
205 *	Gather the current Seq-entry to create the corresponding list of
206 *	GeneDataPtr for the list of gene symbols
207 *	slp: the target Seq-local. can be set to NULL
208 *	gene_list: a list of query symbols
209 *	seglevels: levels of gather
210 *	sep: the Seq-entry
211 *	gdp: the header of GeneDataPtr
212 *
213 ********************************************************************/
214 NLM_EXTERN Boolean load_gdata_marks PROTO((SeqLocPtr slp,
215                                            ValNodePtr gene_list,
216                                            Int2 seglevels,
217                                            SeqEntryPtr sep,
218                                            GeneDataPtr PNTR pgdp));
220 NLM_EXTERN GeneDataPtr LinkGeneData PROTO((GeneDataPtr PNTR head, GeneDataPtr newgdp));
222 NLM_EXTERN GeneDataPtr GeneDataFree PROTO((GeneDataPtr head));
224 NLM_EXTERN GeneDataPtr make_gene_data PROTO((ValNodePtr gene_list));
226 NLM_EXTERN void RefreshGeneData PROTO((GeneDataPtr gdp));
228 /*************************************************************************
229 *
230 *       return the best location of the gene from sep.
231 *       best is defined as the Bioseq with the highest searching prioirity
232 *       e_start, e_stop record the extremes of the all the presence of
233 *       the gene
234 *
235 *************************************************************************/
236 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr get_location_for_query PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep,
237                                                    CharPtr gene,
238                                                    Int4Ptr e_start,
239                                                    Int4Ptr e_stop));
241 /*****************************************************************
242 *
243 *	Build a list of gene symbols to supply the Find Gene option in
244 *   the global view
245 *
246 ******************************************************************/
247 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr BuildGeneList PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep));
250 /****************************************************
251 *
252 *       make_enzyme_list(file_name)
253 *       build a ValNodeList of EnzDataPtr from teh
254 *       input file
255 *
256 ****************************************************/
257 NLM_EXTERN EnzPtr make_enzyme_list PROTO((CharPtr file_name));
259 /**************************************************
260 *
261 *       free_enzyme_list(enp)
262 *       Free a list of EnzDataPtr
263 *
264 **************************************************/
265 NLM_EXTERN EnzPtr free_enzyme_list PROTO((EnzPtr enp));
268 /**********************************************************************
269 *
270 *	FreeEquivAlign(ealign_list)
271 *	Free a list of Seq-annot that is of type Seq-align
272 *	mostly, those are the externally loaded Seq-align for showing
273 *	the Equiv map
274 *
275 ***********************************************************************/
276 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr FreeEquivAlign PROTO((ValNodePtr ealign_list));
278 /*******************************************************************
279 *
280 *       GetEquivAlignType(annot)
281 *       annot stores the alignments of markers mapped by more than
282 *       one groups. if return 1, the markers are the consistent markers
283 *       if return 2, the markers are inconsistent markers
284 *       if return 0, the alignment simply records the mapping to
285 *       the sequence map
286 *       if return -1, unknown status. Will be treated the same as 1
287 *
288 *******************************************************************/
289 NLM_EXTERN Int2 GetEquivAlignType PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot));
292 /***********************************************************************
293 *
294 *	FreeMuskSep(sep_list)
295 *	Free the manually loaded Seq-entries
296 *	sep_list: a list of MuskSepPtr
297 *
298 ***********************************************************************/
299 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr FreeMuskSep PROTO((ValNodePtr sep_list));
301 /*#####################################################################
302 #
303 #	functions related to BioseqDraw
304 #
305 #
306 ######################################################################*/
308 /**********************************************************************
309 *
310 *       get_Bioseq_type(bsp)
311 *       return the subclasses of Bioseq, such as the genetic or physical map
312 *       depending on its bsp->repr type and bsp->seq_ext type.
313 *
314 **********************************************************************/
315 #define PHYSICAL_MAP    1
316 #define GENETIC_MAP     2
317 #define RESTRICTION_MAP 3
318 #define CYTO_MAP        4
319 #define VIRTUAL_SEQ     5
320 #define SEG_SEQ         6
321 #define RAW_SEQ         7
322 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 get_Bioseq_type PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
327 /*************************************************************************
328 *
329 *	MapLayout is an ORDERED list of MapPos, which contains the layout
330 *	for each map. It is used for determine the layout of map alignment
331 *
332 **************************************************************************/
333 typedef ValNode MapLayout, FAR *MapLayoutPtr;
334 typedef struct mappos{          /*holding the positin of each map*/
335 	SeqLocPtr slp;		/*the range of the map on display*/
336 	Int2 entityID;
337 	Int4 left, right;	/*the left, right position on the graph*/
338 	Int4 top, bottom;	/*the top, bottom position on the graph*/
339 	Int4 seq_top, seq_bottom;	/*the top, bottom position of the sequence*/
340 }MapPos, PNTR MapPosPtr;
341 NLM_EXTERN MapLayoutPtr MapLayoutFree PROTO ((MapLayoutPtr head));
346 #define MAX_DIM         100     /*the maximal dimension of a map alignment*/
347 typedef struct alignpos{		/*the position of each alignment mapped to the graph*/
348 	Int4 left[MAX_DIM];
349 	Int4 right[MAX_DIM];
350 	Int4 top[MAX_DIM];
351 	Int4 bottom[MAX_DIM];
352 }AlignPos, PNTR AlignPosPtr;
353 /********************************************************************
354 *
355 *       SortAlignPosition(app, dim)
356 *       Sort out the order of a multiple alignment in the vertical
357 *       display mode. It is sorted to the descending order of
358 *       app->top. one app correspond to one aligned segment. It can
359 *       be of multiple dimensions
360 *       app: alignment position
361 *       dim: dimention of alignment
362 *
363 *********************************************************************/
364 NLM_EXTERN void SortAlignPosition PROTO((AlignPosPtr app, Int2 dim));
368 /***************************************************************************
369 *
370 *	getBioseqNumbering(bsp)
371 *	get the numbering object from Seq_descr. If no numbering, return NULL
372 *
373 ****************************************************************************/
374 NLM_EXTERN NumberingPtr getBioseqNumbering PROTO ((BioseqPtr bsp));
376 /**********************************************************************
377 *
378 *   IS_NUM_GENE(gene_label): kludge function
379 *	determine if the gene_label is used as a map unit, such
380 *	as the case for C.elegans physical map
381 *
382 **********************************************************************/
383 NLM_EXTERN Boolean IS_NUM_GENE PROTO ((CharPtr gene_label));
385 /***********************************************************************
386 *
387 *       map_unit_label(): create a label for the map unit
388 *	if(np == NULL), use the actual position. use_kb =TRUE converts
389 *	to kilobase unit
390 *
391 ***********************************************************************/
392 NLM_EXTERN Boolean map_unit_label PROTO((Int4 pos, NumberingPtr np, CharPtr label, Boolean use_kb));
395 #define HUMAN_CYTO 1
396 #define FLY_CYTO 2
397 /****************************************************************
398 *
399 *	ck_cyto_type() a kludge to determine if the cytogenetic map
400 *	follows the band pattern of Fly or that of Human
401 *
402 ****************************************************************/
403 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 ck_cyto_type PROTO((SeqFeatPtr sfp));
406 /*band used for the Flybase*/
407 #define MISC_BND	0	/*band is unknown*/
409 #define BND 1           /*band*/
410 #define HET 2 		/*heterochromatin*/
411 #define TEL 3 		/*telemere*/
412 #define CEN 4 		/*centromere*/
414 /*band used for Human chromosome*/
415 #define BAND_POINT 5		/*inclue the centromere and telemere*/
416 #define GIEMSA_POS 6	/*Giemsa positive*/
417 #define GIEMSA_NEG 7	/*Giemsa negative*/
418 #define ACRO_CENTRIC 8	/*Acrocentric*/
419 #define VARIABLE_REG 9	/*VariableReg*/
420 /**********************************************************************
421 *
422 *	get_band_type(UserObjectPtr)
423 *	get the band type in a Cytogenetic map
424 *
425 ***********************************************************************/
426 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 get_band_type PROTO((UserObjectPtr uop));
430 /*********************************************************************
431 *
432 *       get_band_name(uop)
433 *       parse the band name from a cytogenetic map
434 *
435 *********************************************************************/
436 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr get_band_name PROTO((UserObjectPtr uop));
439 /*************************************************************************
440 *
441 *       is_label_match(obj_id, label)
442 *       return TRUE if obj_id->str matches with label
443 *
444 **************************************************************************/
445 NLM_EXTERN Boolean is_label_match PROTO((ObjectIdPtr obj_id, CharPtr label));
450 /***********************************************************************
451 *
452 *	 a set of default parameters used in drawing and layout of the
453 *	sequence picture
454 *
455 ***********************************************************************/
456 #define LABEL_SPACE     12	/*for layout the mapdata*/
457 #define TICK_LEN        8       /*length of a tick mark*/
459 #define BAND_WIDTH      6       /*the width of the band of cytogenetic map*/
461 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
462 #define ENZ_WIDTH       14      /*the width of the enzyme for Windows*/
463 #else
464 #define ENZ_WIDTH       10
465 #endif
467 #define MAP_SPACE       30      /*the space separate the maps*/
468 #define LINE_SPACE      4       /*the space among clones if drawn as line*/
470 #define SIMPLE_LEN      100000  /*the min length for simple drawing*/
471 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
472 #define SEQ_WIDTH       14      /*the width of the enzyme for Windows*/
473 #else
474 #define SEQ_WIDTH       10
475 #endif
477 #define FEAT_WIDTH      5
479 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr free_slp_list PROTO((ValNodePtr slp_list));
481 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr get_equiv_align PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep));
483 /*check to see if the alignment is designed to be displayed as the history*/
484 NLM_EXTERN Boolean is_annot_for_hist_alignment PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot));
488 /************************************************************************
489 *
490 *       is_map_segment(slp)
491 *       return TRUE if slp is a Seq-loc from a amp
492 *       return FALSE if it is not a map or the Bioseq is not loaded to
493 *       the memory yet
494 *
495 ************************************************************************/
496 NLM_EXTERN Boolean is_map_segment PROTO((SeqLocPtr slp));
498 /***************************************************************
499 *
500 *       figure_map_seqid(ext_loc)
501 *       a very unreliable way to figure out the if there is a
502 *       Seq-id for the map. It is dependent on the frequency of
503 *       the Seq-id in a  segmented sequence
504 *
505 ****************************************************************/
506 NLM_EXTERN SeqIdPtr figure_map_seqid PROTO((SeqLocPtr ext_loc));
508 NLM_EXTERN Boolean make_Bioseq_list PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, ValNodePtr PNTR bsp_list, ValNodePtr PNTR equiv_align));
510 NLM_EXTERN Boolean start_new_stack PROTO((Int4 pre_pos, Int4 pos, Int4 scale, Int2Ptr label_width, Int2 c_width));
512 NLM_EXTERN Int4 calculate_ruler PROTO((Int4 scaleX));
514 #define GENE_MARK	0
515 #define CDS_MARK	1
517 /***********************************************************************
518 *
519 *	for each sequence in alignment stored in Seq-hist, if the aligned
520 *	sequence itself contains alignment, it is temporarily loaded as
521 *	a user-object in the descriptor of the bioseq. This function extract
522 *	the information from the descripor and store it as a list of gi's
523 *	plus the kludge offset value
524 *
525 ************************************************************************/
526 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr get_seqids_with_alignment PROTO((BioseqPtr mbsp));
528 /***********************************************************************
529 *
530 *	map the kludge offet factor for Unigene, RICE, MOUSE ,FlyBase, etc
531 *
532 ************************************************************************/
533 NLM_EXTERN Int4 get_kludge_factor PROTO((SeqIdPtr sip, Int4Ptr gi));
535 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqHasLandMark PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
538 typedef struct repeat_region{
539 	GatherRange gr;
540 	Char rep_name[20];
541 }RepeatRegion, PNTR RepeatRegionPtr;
543 typedef struct align_region{
544 	Char annotDB[21];
545 	Uint1 displayOrder;
546 	GatherRange gr;	/*extremes for the intervals*/
547 	ValNodePtr intervals;	/*the intervals. more than one if there are multiple alignments for the same sequence*/
548 	Char seq_name[20];
549 	FloatHi score;
550 	FloatHi p_val;
551 	FloatHi e_val;
552 	Int4 line;
553 	Int4 g_left, g_right, g_top, g_bottom;	/*the rectangle that defines the alignment*/
554 	Uint1 status;	/*range from 0-4 for the lowest to the highest score*/
555 }AlignRegion, PNTR AlignRegionPtr;
557 /*trying to parse the descriptor in Seq-annot for the alignment display*/
558 #define ANNOT_BLAST	1 /*it is annotation on the Blast search*/
559 #define ANNOT_CONSIST	2 /*annotates the consistency between a clone and
560 			  the genome map. For Eric Green's map*/
561 #define ANNOT_FISH	3 /*it is the annotation on a FISH map */
562 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 get_align_annot_qual PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot, CharPtr annotDB, Int4 buf_size, Uint1Ptr annot_type));
564 /**************************************************************************
565 *
566 *	collect_repeats_and_align(slp, rrp_list, arp_list, seglevels, sep)
567 *
568 *	collect repeat features and alignment for global display
569 *	rrp_list: the list of the repeat features
570 *	arp_list: the list of the alignments
571 *
572 ***************************************************************************/
573 NLM_EXTERN Boolean collect_repeats_and_align PROTO((SeqLocPtr slp, ValNodePtr PNTR rrp_list, ValNodePtr PNTR arp_list, Int2 seglevels, SeqEntryPtr sep, Uint1Ptr align_has_status));
576 /**************************************************************
577 *
578 *       get the alignment for the FISH map
579 *       for the Human Cytogenetic map, if there is a
580 *       Seq-annot stored as Hist-align and the intervals are
581 *       aligned to the FISH map, it will return the Seq-align
582 *       of the alignment to the FISH map
583 *
584 ***************************************************************/
585 NLM_EXTERN SeqAlignPtr get_FISH_align PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
587 /*******************************************************
588 *
589 *	annot_is_user_defined(annot)
590 *
591 *	determine if the Seq-annot contains the features
592 *	that were defined by the user. This is to
593 *	distinguish the local data from the public data
594 *	set
595 *
596 ********************************************************/
597 NLM_EXTERN Boolean annot_is_user_defined PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot));
600 /*************************************************************
601 *
602 *	determine if the Bioseq in the SeqEntry contains
603 *	the UserObject for a Map Legend
604 *
605 **************************************************************/
606 NLM_EXTERN UserObjectPtr BioseqHasMapLegend PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
607 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqLocListHasLegend PROTO((ValNodePtr slp_list));
609 NLM_EXTERN Boolean IsSeqIndexMap PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
611 #define SEQINDEX_VAL    255     /*used to store as the choice in slp_list*/
614 /*functions related to the yac2band and viewctg*/
616 /*the YAC contig maps are either from Whitehead or from Eric Green's group*/
617 #define YAC_MIT	1
618 #define YAC_NHGRI	2
619 #define GENETIC_GENETHON	4
620 #define GENETIC_CHLC	8
621 /*find a list of the seqlocs on the contig that maps to the
622 *current chromosome. For now, only the Whitehead map and the
623 *Eric Green's map is considered. return a list of Seq-locs that
624 *contains contigs within the region
625 */
626 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 FindContigDB PROTO((SeqIdPtr sip));
628 /*return a list of Seq-locs which are the contigs mapped to
629 *	the current location on the genome
630 *
631 */
632 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr FindContigList PROTO((SeqLocPtr chr_slp));
635 NLM_EXTERN Boolean is_lod_score_annot PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot));
636 NLM_EXTERN Int2 GetLODScoreNumber PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
637 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr GetAnnotTitle PROTO((SeqAnnotPtr annot));
638 NLM_EXTERN Uint1 GetLODScoreBitValue PROTO((SeqFeatPtr sfp));
641 #ifdef __cplusplus
642 }
643 #endif
645 #undef NLM_EXTERN
646 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
648 #else
649 #define NLM_EXTERN
650 #endif
652 #endif