1 /*
2  *  cPopulation.h
3  *  Avida
4  *
5  *  Called "population.hh" prior to 12/5/05.
6  *  Copyright 1999-2011 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.
7  *  Copyright 1993-2003 California Institute of Technology.
8  *
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Avida.
11  *
12  *  Avida is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  Avida is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Avida.
19  *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef cPopulation_h
24 #define cPopulation_h
26 #include "cBirthChamber.h"
27 #include "cDeme.h"
28 #include "cOrgInterface.h"
29 #include "cPopulationInterface.h"
30 #include "cResourceCount.h"
31 #include "cString.h"
32 #include "cWorld.h"
33 #include "tArray.h"
34 #include "tList.h"
35 #include "tVector.h"
37 #include <fstream>
38 #include <map>
41 namespace Avida {
42   class Sequence;
43 };
45 class cAvidaContext;
46 class cBioUnit;
47 class cCodeLabel;
48 class cEnvironment;
49 class cLineage;
50 class cOrganism;
51 class cPopulationCell;
52 class cSchedule;
53 class cSaleItem;
55 using namespace Avida;
58 class cPopulation
59 {
60 private:
61   // Components...
62   cWorld* m_world;
63   cSchedule* schedule;                // Handles allocation of CPU cycles
64   tArray<cPopulationCell> cell_array;  // Local cells composing the population
65   tArray<int> empty_cell_id_array;     // Used for PREFER_EMPTY birth methods
66   cResourceCount resource_count;       // Global resources available
67   cBirthChamber birth_chamber;         // Global birth chamber.
68   tArray<tList<cSaleItem> > market;   // list of lists of items for sale, each list goes with 1 label
69   //Keeps track of which organisms are in which group.
70   tArrayMap<int, tSmartArray<cOrganism*> > group_list;
71   tArrayMap<int, tArray<pair<int,int> > > m_group_intolerances;
72   tArrayMap<int, tArray<pair<int,int> > > m_group_intolerances_females;
73   tArrayMap<int, tArray<pair<int,int> > > m_group_intolerances_males;
74   tArrayMap<int, tArray<pair<int,int> > > m_group_intolerances_juvs;
76   // Keep list of live organisms
77   tSmartArray<cOrganism* > live_org_list;
79   tVector<pair<int,int> > *sleep_log;
81   // Data Tracking...
82   tList<cPopulationCell> reaper_queue; // Death order in some mass-action runs
83   tSmartArray<int> minitrace_queue;
84   bool print_mini_trace_genomes;
85   bool print_mini_trace_reacs;
86   bool use_micro_traces;
87   int m_next_prey_q;
88   int m_next_pred_q;
90   tSmartArray<cOrganism*> repro_q;
91   tSmartArray<cOrganism*> topnav_q;
93   // Default organism setups...
94   cEnvironment& environment;          // Physics & Chemistry description
96   // Other data...
97   int world_x;                         // Structured population width.
98   int world_y;                         // Structured population height.
99   int world_z;                         //!< Population depth.
100   int num_organisms;                   // Cell count with living organisms
101   int num_prey_organisms;
102   int num_pred_organisms;
103   int pop_enforce;
104   tArray<int> min_prey_failures;
105   bool m_has_predatory_res;
107   tArray<cDeme> deme_array;            // Deme structure of the population.
109   // Outside interactions...
110   bool sync_events;   // Do we need to sync up the event list with population?
112   // Group formation information
113   std::map<int, int> m_groups; //<! Maps the group id to the number of orgs in the group
114   std::map<int, int> m_group_females; //<! Maps the group id to the number of females in the group
115   std::map<int, int> m_group_males; //<! Maps the group id to the number of males in the group
117   int m_hgt_resid; //!< HGT resource ID.
120   cPopulation(); // @not_implemented
121   cPopulation(const cPopulation&); // @not_implemented
122   cPopulation& operator=(const cPopulation&); // @not_implemented
125 public:
126   cPopulation(cWorld* world);
127   ~cPopulation();
129   bool InitiatePop(cUserFeedback* errors = NULL);
131   void InjectGenome(int cell_id, eBioUnitSource src, const Genome& genome, cAvidaContext& ctx, int lineage_label = 0, bool assign_group = true);
133   // Activate the offspring of an organism in the population
134   bool ActivateOffspring(cAvidaContext& ctx, const Genome& offspring_genome, cOrganism* parent_organism);
135   bool ActivateParasite(cOrganism* host, cBioUnit* parent, const cString& label, const Sequence& injected_code);
137   // Helper function for ActivateParasite - returns if the parasite from the infected host should infect the target host
138   bool TestForParasiteInteraction(cOrganism* infected_host, cOrganism* target_host);
140   void UpdateQs(cOrganism* parent, bool reproduced = false);
142   // Inject an organism from the outside world.
143   void Inject(const Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id = -1, double merit = -1, int lineage_label = 0, double neutral_metric = 0, bool inject_with_group = false, int group_id = -1, int forager_type = -1, int trace = 0);
144   void InjectGroup(const Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id = -1, double merit = -1, int lineage_label = 0, double neutral_metric = 0, int group_id = -1, int forager_type = -1, int trace = 0);
145   void InjectParasite(const cString& label, const Sequence& injected_code, int cell_id);
147   // Deactivate an organism in the population (required for deactivations)
148   void KillOrganism(cPopulationCell& in_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx);
SetPopCapEnforcement(int rate)150   void SetPopCapEnforcement(int rate) { pop_enforce = rate; }
152   // @WRE 2007/07/05 Helper function to take care of side effects of Avidian
153   // movement that cannot be directly handled in cHardwareCPU.cc
154   bool MoveOrganisms(cAvidaContext& ctx, int src_cell_id, int dest_cell_id, int avatar_cell);
156   // Specialized functionality
157   void Kaboom(cPopulationCell& in_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx, int distance=0);
158   void AddSellValue(const int data, const int label, const int sell_price, const int org_id, const int cell_id);
159   int BuyValue(const int label, const int buy_price, const int cell_id);
160   void SwapCells(int cell_id1, int cell_id2, cAvidaContext& ctx);
162   // Deme-related methods
163   //! Compete all demes with each other based on the given competition type.
164   void CompeteDemes(cAvidaContext& ctx, int competition_type);
166   //! Compete all demes with each other based on the given vector of fitness values.
167   void CompeteDemes(const std::vector<double>& calculated_fitness, cAvidaContext& ctx);
169   //! Replicate all demes based on the given replication trigger.
170   void ReplicateDemes(int rep_trigger, cAvidaContext& ctx);
172   //! Helper method to replicate deme
173   void ReplicateDeme(cDeme & source_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx);
175   //! Helper method that replaces a target deme with the given source deme.
176   void ReplaceDeme(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx);
178   //! Helper method that replaces a target deme with a given source deme using
179   // the germ line flagged by the organisms.
180   void ReplaceDemeFlaggedGermline(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx);
182   //! Helper method that seeds a deme from the given genome.
183   void SeedDeme(cDeme& deme, Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx);
185   //! Helper method that seeds a deme from the given genotype.
186   void SeedDeme(cDeme& _deme, cBioGroup* bg, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx);
188   //! Helper method that seeds a target deme from the organisms in the source deme.
189   bool SeedDeme(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx);
191   //! Helper method that determines the cell into which an organism will be placed during deme replication.
192   int DemeSelectInjectionCell(cDeme& deme, int sequence=0);
194   //! Helper method that performs any post-injection fixups on the cell in the given deme.
195   void DemePostInjection(cDeme& deme, cPopulationCell& cell);
197   void DivideDemes(cAvidaContext& ctx);
198   void ResetDemes();
199   void CopyDeme(int deme1_id, int deme2_id, cAvidaContext& ctx);
200   void SpawnDeme(int deme1_id, cAvidaContext& ctx, int deme2_id=-1);
201   void AddDemePred(cString type, int times);
203   void CheckImplicitDemeRepro(cDeme& deme, cAvidaContext& ctx);
205   // Deme-related stats methods
206   void PrintDemeAllStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
207   void PrintDemeTestamentStats(const cString& filename);
208   void PrintCurrentMeanDemeDensity(const cString& filename);
209   void PrintDemeEnergySharingStats();
210   void PrintDemeEnergyDistributionStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
211   void PrintDemeOrganismEnergyDistributionStats();
212   void PrintDemeDonor();
213   void PrintDemeFitness();
214   void PrintDemeGestationTime();
215   void PrintDemeInstructions();
216   void PrintDemeLifeFitness();
217   void PrintDemeMerit();
218   void PrintDemeMutationRate();
219   void PrintDemeReceiver();
220   void PrintDemeResource(cAvidaContext& ctx);
221   void PrintDemeGlobalResources(cAvidaContext& ctx);
222   void PrintDemeSpatialResData(const cResourceCount& res, const int i, const int deme_id, cAvidaContext& ctx) const;
223   void PrintDemeSpatialEnergyData() const;
224   void PrintDemeSpatialSleepData() const;
225   void PrintDemeTasks();
226   void PrintDemeTotalAvgEnergy(cAvidaContext& ctx);
227   void PrintDemesMeritsData(); //@JJB**
229   // Print deme founders
230   void DumpDemeFounders(ofstream& fp);
232   // Print donation stats
233   void PrintDonationStats();
235   // Process a single organism one instruction...
236   int ScheduleOrganism();          // Determine next organism to be processed.
237   void ProcessStep(cAvidaContext& ctx, double step_size, int cell_id);
238   void ProcessStepSpeculative(cAvidaContext& ctx, double step_size, int cell_id);
240   // Calculate the statistics from the most recent update.
241   void ProcessPostUpdate(cAvidaContext& ctx);
242   void ProcessPreUpdate();
243   void UpdateResStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
244   void ProcessUpdateCellActions(cAvidaContext& ctx);
246   // Clear all but a subset of cells...
247   void SerialTransfer(int transfer_size, bool ignore_deads, cAvidaContext& ctx);
249   // Saving and loading...
250   bool SavePopulation(const cString& filename, bool save_historic, bool save_group_info = false, bool save_avatars = false,
251                       bool save_rebirth = false);
252   bool LoadPopulation(const cString& filename, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cellid_offset=0, int lineage_offset=0,
253                       bool load_groups = false, bool load_birth_cells = false, bool load_avatars = false, bool load_rebirth = false);
254   bool DumpMemorySummary(std::ofstream& fp);
255   bool SaveFlameData(const cString& filename);
257   void SetMiniTraceQueue(tSmartArray<int> new_queue, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro = false);
258   void AppendMiniTraces(tSmartArray<int> new_queue, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro = false);
259   void LoadMiniTraceQ(cString& filename, int orgs_per, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs);
260   tSmartArray<int> SetRandomTraceQ(int max_samples);
261   tSmartArray<int> SetRandomPreyTraceQ(int max_samples);
262   tSmartArray<int> SetRandomPredTraceQ(int max_samples);
263   void SetNextPreyQ(int num_prey, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro);
264   void SetNextPredQ(int num_pred, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro);
265   tSmartArray<int> SetTraceQ(int save_dominants, int save_groups, int save_foragers, int orgs_per, int max_samples);
GetMiniTraceQueue()266   tSmartArray<int> GetMiniTraceQueue() const { return minitrace_queue; }
267   void AppendRecordReproQ(cOrganism* new_org);
268   void SetTopNavQ();
GetTopNavQ()269   tSmartArray<cOrganism*> GetTopNavQ() { return topnav_q; }
GetSize()271   int GetSize() const { return cell_array.GetSize(); }
GetWorldX()272   int GetWorldX() const { return world_x; }
GetWorldY()273   int GetWorldY() const { return world_y; }
GetNumDemes()274   int GetNumDemes() const { return deme_array.GetSize(); }
GetDeme(int i)275   cDeme& GetDeme(int i) { return deme_array[i]; }
GetCell(int in_num)277   cPopulationCell& GetCell(int in_num) { return cell_array[in_num]; }
GetResources(cAvidaContext & ctx)278   const tArray<double>& GetResources(cAvidaContext& ctx) const { return resource_count.GetResources(ctx); }
GetCellResources(int cell_id,cAvidaContext & ctx)279   const tArray<double>& GetCellResources(int cell_id, cAvidaContext& ctx) const { return resource_count.GetCellResources(cell_id, ctx); }
GetFrozenResources(cAvidaContext & ctx,int cell_id)280   const tArray<double>& GetFrozenResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id) const { return resource_count.GetFrozenResources(ctx, cell_id); }
GetDemeResources(int deme_id,cAvidaContext & ctx)281   const tArray<double>& GetDemeResources(int deme_id, cAvidaContext& ctx) { return GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResourceCount().GetResources(ctx); }
GetDemeCellResources(int deme_id,int cell_id,cAvidaContext & ctx)282   const tArray<double>& GetDemeCellResources(int deme_id, int cell_id, cAvidaContext& ctx) { return GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResourceCount().GetCellResources( GetDeme(deme_id).GetRelativeCellID(cell_id), ctx ); }
TriggerDoUpdates(cAvidaContext & ctx)283   void TriggerDoUpdates(cAvidaContext& ctx) { resource_count.UpdateResources(ctx); }
GetCellIdLists()284   const tArray< tArray<int> >& GetCellIdLists() const { return resource_count.GetCellIdLists(); }
GetCurrPeakX(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_id)286   int GetCurrPeakX(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id) const { return resource_count.GetCurrPeakX(ctx, res_id); }
GetCurrPeakY(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_id)287   int GetCurrPeakY(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id) const { return resource_count.GetCurrPeakY(ctx, res_id); }
GetFrozenPeakX(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_id)288   int GetFrozenPeakX(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id) const { return resource_count.GetFrozenPeakX(ctx, res_id); }
GetFrozenPeakY(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_id)289   int GetFrozenPeakY(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id) const { return resource_count.GetFrozenPeakY(ctx, res_id); }
GetWallCells(int res_id)290   tArray<int>* GetWallCells(int res_id) { return resource_count.GetWallCells(res_id); }
GetBirthChamber(int id)292   cBirthChamber& GetBirthChamber(int id) { (void) id; return birth_chamber; }
294   void UpdateResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change);
295   void UpdateResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, int id, double change);
296   void UpdateCellResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change, const int cell_id);
297   void UpdateDemeCellResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change, const int cell_id);
299   void SetResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, int id, double new_level);
300   void SetResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, double new_level);
GetResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,int id)301   double GetResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, int id) const { return resource_count.Get(ctx, id); }
GetResourceCount()302   cResourceCount& GetResourceCount() { return resource_count; }
303   void SetResourceInflow(const cString res_name, double new_level);
304   void SetResourceOutflow(const cString res_name, double new_level);
306   void SetDemeResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, double new_level);
307   void SetSingleDemeResourceInflow(int deme_id, const cString res_name, double new_level);
308   void SetDemeResourceInflow(const cString res_name, double new_level);
309   void SetSingleDemeResourceOutflow(int deme_id, const cString res_name, double new_level);
310   void SetDemeResourceOutflow(const cString res_name, double new_level);
312   void ResetInputs(cAvidaContext& ctx);
GetEnvironment()314   cEnvironment& GetEnvironment() { return environment; }
GetNumOrganisms()315   int GetNumOrganisms() { return num_organisms; }
GetNumPreyOrganisms()317   int GetNumPreyOrganisms() { return num_prey_organisms; }
GetNumPredOrganisms()318   int GetNumPredOrganisms() { return num_pred_organisms; }
DecNumPreyOrganisms()319   void DecNumPreyOrganisms() { num_prey_organisms--; }
DecNumPredOrganisms()320   void DecNumPredOrganisms() { num_pred_organisms--; }
IncNumPreyOrganisms()321   void IncNumPreyOrganisms() { num_prey_organisms++; }
IncNumPredOrganisms()322   void IncNumPredOrganisms() { num_pred_organisms++; }
RecordMinPreyFailedAttack()323   void RecordMinPreyFailedAttack() { min_prey_failures.Push(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate()); }
ClearMinPreyFailedAttacks()324   void ClearMinPreyFailedAttacks() { min_prey_failures.Resize(0); }
GetMinPreyFailedAttacks()325   tArray<int> GetMinPreyFailedAttacks() { return min_prey_failures; }
327   void RemovePredators(cAvidaContext& ctx);
GetSyncEvents()329   bool GetSyncEvents() { return sync_events; }
SetSyncEvents(bool _in)330   void SetSyncEvents(bool _in) { sync_events = _in; }
331   void PrintPhenotypeData(const cString& filename);
332   void PrintHostPhenotypeData(const cString& filename);
333   void PrintParasitePhenotypeData(const cString& filename);
334   void PrintPhenotypeStatus(const cString& filename);
336   bool UpdateMerit(int cell_id, double new_merit);
338   void AddBeginSleep(int cellID, int start_time);
339   void AddEndSleep(int cellID, int end_time);
getCellSleepLog(int i)341   tVector<pair<int,int> > getCellSleepLog(int i) { return sleep_log[i]; }
343   // Trials and genetic algorithm @JEB
344   void NewTrial(cAvidaContext& ctx);
345   void CompeteOrganisms(cAvidaContext& ctx, int competition_type, int parents_survive);
347   // Let users change environmental variables durning the run @BDB 22-Feb-2008
348   void UpdateResourceCount(const int Verbosity, cWorld* world);
350   // Let users change Gradient Resource variables during the run JW
351   void UpdateGradientCount(cAvidaContext& ctx, const int Verbosity, cWorld* world, const cString res_name);
352   void UpdateGradientPlatInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow);
353   void UpdateGradientPlatOutflow(const cString res_name, const double outflow);
354   void UpdateGradientConeInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow);
355   void UpdateGradientConeOutflow(const cString res_name, const double outflow);
356   void UpdateGradientInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow);
357   void SetGradPlatVarInflow(const cString res_name, const double mean, const double variance, const int type);
358   void SetPredatoryResource(const cString res_name, const double odds, const int juvsper, const double detection_prob);
359   void SetProbabilisticResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, const double initial, const double inflow,
360                                 const double outflow, const double lambda, const double theta, const int x, const int y, const int count);
361   void ExecutePredatoryResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const int cell_id, const double pred_odds, const int juvs_per);
HasPredatoryRes()362   bool HasPredatoryRes() { return m_has_predatory_res; }
364   // Add an org to live org list
365   void AddLiveOrg(cOrganism* org);
366   // Remove an org from live org list
367   void RemoveLiveOrg(cOrganism* org);
GetLiveOrgList()368   const tSmartArray<cOrganism*> GetLiveOrgList() const { return live_org_list; }
370   // Adds an organism to a group
371   void JoinGroup(cOrganism* org, int group_id);
372   void MakeGroup(cOrganism* org);
373   // Removes an organism from a group
374   void LeaveGroup(cOrganism* org, int group_id);
376   //Kill random member of the group (but not self!!!)
377   void KillGroupMember(cAvidaContext& ctx, int group_id, cOrganism* org);
378   //Attack organism faced by this one, if there is an organism in front.
379   void AttackFacedOrg(cAvidaContext& ctx, int loser);
380   // Identifies the number of organisms in a group
381   int NumberOfOrganismsInGroup(int group_id);
382   int NumberGroupFemales(int group_id);
383   int NumberGroupMales(int group_id);
384   int NumberGroupJuvs(int group_id);
385   void ChangeGroupMatingTypes(cOrganism* org, int group_id, int old_type, int new_type);
386   // Get the group information
GetFormedGroups()387   map<int, int> GetFormedGroups() { return m_groups; }
389   // -------- Tolerance support --------
390   int CalcGroupToleranceImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type = -1);
391   int CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(cOrganism* parent_organism);
392   double CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type  = -1);
393   bool AttemptImmigrateGroup(int group_id, cOrganism* org);
394   double CalcGroupOddsOffspring(int group_id);
395   double CalcGroupOddsOffspring(cOrganism* parent);
396   bool AttemptOffspringParentGroup(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* parent, cOrganism* offspring);
397   double CalcGroupAveImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type = -1);
398   double CalcGroupSDevImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type = -1);
399   double CalcGroupAveOwn(int group_id);
400   double CalcGroupSDevOwn(int group_id);
401   double CalcGroupAveOthers(int group_id);
402   double CalcGroupSDevOthers(int group_id);
403   int& GetGroupIntolerances(int group_id, int tol_num, int mating_type);
405   // -------- HGT support --------
406   //! Modify current level of the HGT resource.
407   void AdjustHGTResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, double delta);
409   // -------- Population mixing support --------
410   //! Mix all organisms in the population.
411   void MixPopulation(cAvidaContext& ctx);
413 private:
414   void BuildTimeSlicer(); // Build the schedule object
416   // Methods to place offspring in the population.
417   cPopulationCell& PositionOffspring(cPopulationCell& parent_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx, bool parent_ok = true);
418   void PositionAge(cPopulationCell& parent_cell, tList<cPopulationCell>& found_list, bool parent_ok);
419   void PositionMerit(cPopulationCell & parent_cell, tList<cPopulationCell>& found_list, bool parent_ok);
420   void PositionEnergyUsed(cPopulationCell & parent_cell, tList<cPopulationCell>& found_list, bool parent_ok);
421   cPopulationCell& PositionDemeMigration(cPopulationCell& parent_cell, bool parent_ok = true);
422   cPopulationCell& PositionDemeRandom(int deme_id, cPopulationCell& parent_cell, bool parent_ok = true);
423   int UpdateEmptyCellIDArray(int deme_id = -1);
GetEmptyCellIDArray()424   tArray<int>& GetEmptyCellIDArray() { return empty_cell_id_array; }
425   void FindEmptyCell(tList<cPopulationCell>& cell_list, tList<cPopulationCell>& found_list);
426   int FindRandEmptyCell();
428   // Update statistics collecting...
429   void UpdateDemeStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
430   void UpdateOrganismStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
431   void UpdateFTOrgStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
432   void UpdateMaleFemaleOrgStats(cAvidaContext& ctx);
434   void InjectClone(int cell_id, cOrganism& orig_org, eBioUnitSource src);
435   void CompeteOrganisms_ConstructOffspring(int cell_id, cOrganism& parent);
437   //! Helper method that adds a founder organism to a deme, and sets up its phenotype
438   void SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(int _cell_id, cBioGroup* bg, cAvidaContext& ctx, cPhenotype* _phenotype = NULL, int lineage_label=0, bool reset = false);
440   void CCladeSetupOrganism(cOrganism* organism);
442   // Must be called to activate *any* organism in the population.
443   bool ActivateOrganism(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* in_organism, cPopulationCell& target_cell, bool assign_group = true, bool is_inject = false);
445   void TestForMiniTrace(cOrganism* in_organism);
446   void SetupMiniTrace(cOrganism* in_organism);
447   void PrintMiniTraceGenome(cOrganism* in_organism, cString& filename);
449   int PlaceAvatar(cOrganism* parent);
451   inline void AdjustSchedule(const cPopulationCell& cell, const cMerit& merit);
452 };
454 #endif