1 /************************************************************
2  * HMMER - Biological sequence analysis with profile-HMMs
3  * Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine
4  *
5  *   This source code is distributed under the terms of the
6  *   GNU General Public License. See the files COPYING and
7  *   GNULICENSE for details.
8  *
9  ************************************************************/
11 /* hmmio.c
12  *
13  * Input/output of HMMs.
14  *
15  * As of HMMER 2.0, HMMs are saved by default in a tabular ASCII format
16  * as log-odds or log probabilities scaled to an integer. A binary save
17  * file format is also available which is faster to access (a
18  * consideration which might be important for HMM library applications).
19  * HMMs can be concatenated into HMM libraries.
20  *
21  * A comment on loss of accuracy. Storing a number as a scaled log
22  * probability guarantees us an error of about 0.035% or
23  * less in the retrieved probability. We also are relatively invulnerable
24  * to the truncation errors which HMMER 1.8 was vulnerable to.
25  *
26  * Magic numbers (both for the ASCII and binary save formats) are used
27  * to label save files with a major version number. This simplifies the task of
28  * backwards compatibility as new versions of the program are created.
29  * Reverse but not forward compatibility is guaranteed. I.e. HMMER 2.0
30  * can read `1.7' save files, but not vice versa. Note that the major
31  * version number in the save files is NOT the version of the software
32  * that generated it; rather, the number of the last major version in which
33  * save format changed.
34  *
35  ******************************************************************
36  *
37  * The HMM input API:
38  *
39  *       HMMFILE        *hmmfp;
40  *       char           *hmmfile;
41  *       struct plan7_s *hmm;
42  *       char            env[] = "HMMERDB";  (a la BLASTDB)
43  *
44  *       hmmfp = HMMFileOpen(hmmfile, env)   NULL on failure
45  *       while (HMMFileRead(hmmfp, &hmm))    0 if no more HMMs
46  *          if (hmm == NULL) Die();          NULL on file parse failure
47  *          whatever;
48  *          FreeHMM(hmm);
49  *       }
50  *       HMMFileClose(hmmfp);
51  *
52  *****************************************************************
53  *
54  * The HMM output API:
55  *
56  *       FILE           *ofp;
57  *       struct plan7_s *hmm;
58  *
59  *       WriteAscHMM(ofp, hmm);    to write/append an HMM to open file
60  *   or  WriteBinHMM(ofp, hmm);    to write/append binary format HMM to open file
61  *
62  *****************************************************************
63  *
64  * V1.0: original implementation
65  * V1.1: regularizers removed from model structure
66  * V1.7: ref and cs annotation lines added from alignment, one
67  *       char per match state 1..M
68  * V1.9: null model and name added to HMM structure. ASCII format changed
69  *       to compact tabular one.
70  * V2.0: Plan7. Essentially complete rewrite.
71  */
73 #include <stdio.h>
74 #include <stdlib.h>
75 #include <string.h>
76 #include <ctype.h>
77 #include <time.h>
78 #include <unistd.h> /* to get SEEK_CUR definition on silly Suns */
80 #include "squid.h"
81 #include "config.h"
82 #include "structs.h"
83 #include "funcs.h"
85 #ifdef MEMDEBUG
86 #include "dbmalloc.h"
87 #endif
89 /* Magic numbers identifying binary formats.
90  * Do not change the old magics! Necessary for backwards compatibility.
91  */
92 static unsigned int  v10magic = 0xe8ededb1; /* v1.0 binary: "hmm1" + 0x80808080 */
93 static unsigned int  v10swap  = 0xb1edede8; /* byteswapped v1.0                 */
94 static unsigned int  v11magic = 0xe8ededb2; /* v1.1 binary: "hmm2" + 0x80808080 */
95 static unsigned int  v11swap  = 0xb2edede8; /* byteswapped v1.1                 */
96 static unsigned int  v17magic = 0xe8ededb3; /* v1.7 binary: "hmm3" + 0x80808080 */
97 static unsigned int  v17swap  = 0xb3edede8; /* byteswapped v1.7                 */
98 static unsigned int  v19magic = 0xe8ededb4; /* V1.9 binary: "hmm4" + 0x80808080 */
99 static unsigned int  v19swap  = 0xb4edede8; /* V1.9 binary, byteswapped         */
100 static unsigned int  v20magic = 0xe8ededb5; /* V2.0 binary: "hmm5" + 0x80808080 */
101 static unsigned int  v20swap  = 0xb5edede8; /* V2.0 binary, byteswapped         */
103 /* Old HMMER 1.x file formats.
104  */
105 #define HMMER1_0B  1            /* binary HMMER 1.0     */
106 #define HMMER1_0F  2            /* flat ascii HMMER 1.0 */
107 #define HMMER1_1B  3            /* binary HMMER 1.1     */
108 #define HMMER1_1F  4            /* flat ascii HMMER 1.1 */
109 #define HMMER1_7B  5            /* binary HMMER 1.7     */
110 #define HMMER1_7F  6            /* flat ascii HMMER 1.7 */
111 #define HMMER1_9B  7            /* HMMER 1.9 binary     */
112 #define HMMER1_9F  8            /* HMMER 1.9 flat ascii */
114 static int  read_asc20hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
115 static int  read_bin20hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
116 static int  read_asc19hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
117 static int  read_bin19hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
118 static int  read_asc17hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
119 static int  read_bin17hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
120 static int  read_asc11hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
121 static int  read_bin11hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
122 static int  read_asc10hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
123 static int  read_bin10hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm);
125 static void  byteswap(char *swap, int nbytes);
126 static char *prob2ascii(float p, float null);
127 static float ascii2prob(char *s, float null);
128 static void  write_bin_string(FILE *fp, char *s);
129 static int   read_bin_string(FILE *fp, int doswap, char **ret_s);
130 static void  multiline(FILE *fp, char *pfx, char *s);
132 static struct plan9_s *read_plan9_binhmm(FILE *fp, int version, int swapped);
133 static struct plan9_s *read_plan9_aschmm(FILE *fp, int version);
135 /*****************************************************************
136  * HMM input API functions:
137  *   HMMFileOpen()
138  *   HMMFileRead()
139  *   HMMFileClose()
140  *   HMMFileRewind()
141  *****************************************************************/
142 /* Function: HMMFileOpen()
143  *
144  * Purpose:  Open an HMM file for reading. The file may be either
145  *           an index for a library of HMMs, or an HMM.  If it's
146  *           a library, sets is_library flag to TRUE in the HMMFILE
147  *           structure.
148  *
149  * Args:     hmmfile - name of file
150  *           env     - NULL, or environment variable for HMM database.
151  *
152  * Return:   Valid HMMFILE *, or NULL on failure.
153  *           hmmfp->f has been advanced beyond the first
154  *           line (for text files) or the magic number (for binaries).
155  */
HMMFileOpen(char * hmmfile,char * env)157 HMMFileOpen(char *hmmfile, char *env)
158 {
159   return HMMFileOpenFseek(hmmfile,env,0);
160 }
163 /* Function: HMMFileOpenFseek()
164  *
165  * Purpose:  Open an HMM file for reading at a byte offset
166  *           The file may be either
167  *           an index for a library of HMMs, or an HMM.  If it's
168  *           a library, sets is_library flag to TRUE in the HMMFILE
169  *           structure.
170  *
171  *           Adapted by Ewan
172  *
173  * Args:     hmmfile - name of file
174  *           env     - NULL, or environment variable for HMM database.
175  *
176  * Return:   Valid HMMFILE *, or NULL on failure.
177  *           hmmfp->f has been advanced beyond the first
178  *           line (for text files) or the magic number (for binaries).
179  */
HMMFileOpenFseek(char * hmmfile,char * env,int byte_pos)181 HMMFileOpenFseek(char *hmmfile, char *env,int byte_pos)
182 {
183   HMMFILE     *hmmfp;
184   unsigned int magic;
185   char         buf[512];
187   hmmfp = (HMMFILE *) MallocOrDie (sizeof(HMMFILE));
188   hmmfp->f          = NULL;
189   hmmfp->parser     = NULL;
190   hmmfp->is_binary  = FALSE;
191   hmmfp->byteswap   = FALSE;
193   /* Open the file. Look in current directory.
194    * If that doesn't work, check environment var for
195    * a second possible directory (usually the location
196    * of a system-wide HMM library)
197    */
198   if ((hmmfp->f = fopen(hmmfile, "r"))       == NULL &&
199       (hmmfp->f = EnvFileOpen(hmmfile, env)) == NULL)
200     return NULL;
202   /* EWAN fseek to byte_pos to get the correct position in the file */
203   HMMFseek(hmmfp,byte_pos);
205   /* Check for binary or byteswapped binary format
206    * by peeking at first 4 bytes.
207    */
208   if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, hmmfp->f)) {
209     HMMFileClose(hmmfp);
210     return NULL;
211   }
213   /*EWAN ok... this rewind should be back to the byte position */
214   HMMFseek(hmmfp,byte_pos);
216   /* old code */
217   /*  rewind(hmmfp->f); */
219   if (magic == v20magic) {
220     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin20hmm;
221     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
222     return hmmfp;
223   }
224   else if (magic == v20swap) {
225     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin20hmm;
226     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
227     hmmfp->byteswap  = TRUE;
228     return hmmfp;
229   }
230   else if (magic == v19magic) {
231     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin19hmm;
232     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
233     return hmmfp;
234   }
235   else if (magic == v19swap) {
236     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin19hmm;
237     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
238     hmmfp->byteswap  = TRUE;
239     return hmmfp;
240   }
241   else if (magic == v17magic) {
242     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin17hmm;
243     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
244     return hmmfp;
245   }
246   else if (magic == v17swap) {
247     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin17hmm;
248     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
249     hmmfp->byteswap  = TRUE;
250     return hmmfp;
251   }
252   else if (magic == v11magic) {
253     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin11hmm;
254     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
255     return hmmfp;
256   }
257   else if (magic == v11swap) {
258     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin11hmm;
259     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
260     hmmfp->byteswap  = TRUE;
261     return hmmfp;
262   }
263   else if (magic == v10magic) {
264     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin10hmm;
265     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
266     return hmmfp;
267   }
268   else if (magic == v10swap) {
269     hmmfp->parser    = read_bin10hmm;
270     hmmfp->is_binary = TRUE;
271     hmmfp->byteswap  = TRUE;
272     return hmmfp;
273   }
274   /* else we fall thru; it may be an ASCII file. */
276   /* If magic looks binary but we don't recognize it, choke and die.
277    */
278   if (magic & 0x80000000) {
279     Warn("\
280 %s appears to be a binary but format is not recognized\n\
281 It may be from a HMMER version more recent than yours,\n\
282 or may be a different kind of binary altogether.\n", hmmfile);
283     HMMFileClose(hmmfp);
284     return NULL;
285   }
287   /* Check for ASCII format by peeking at first word.
288    */
289   if (fgets(buf, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL) {
290     HMMFileClose(hmmfp);
291     return NULL;
292   }
294   /*EWAN ok... this rewind should be back to the byte position */
295   HMMFseek(hmmfp,byte_pos);
297   if        (strncmp("HMMER2.0", buf, 8) == 0) {
298     hmmfp->parser = read_asc20hmm;
299     return hmmfp;
300   } else if (strncmp("HMMER v1.9", buf, 10) == 0) {
301     hmmfp->parser = read_asc19hmm;
302     return hmmfp;
303   } else if (strncmp("# HMM v1.7", buf, 10) == 0) {
304     hmmfp->parser = read_asc17hmm;
305     return hmmfp;
306   } else if (strncmp("# HMM v1.1", buf, 10) == 0) {
307     hmmfp->parser = read_asc11hmm;
308     return hmmfp;
309   } else if (strncmp("# HMM v1.0", buf, 10) == 0) {
310     hmmfp->parser = read_asc10hmm;
311     return hmmfp;
312   }
314   /* If we haven't recognized it yet, it's bogus.
315    */
316   HMMFileClose(hmmfp);
317   return NULL;
318 }
319 int
HMMFileRead(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)320 HMMFileRead(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
321 {
322   return (*hmmfp->parser)(hmmfp, ret_hmm);
323 }
324 void
HMMFileClose(HMMFILE * hmmfp)325 HMMFileClose(HMMFILE *hmmfp)
326 {
327   if (hmmfp->f   != NULL) fclose(hmmfp->f);
328   free(hmmfp);
329 }
330 void
HMMFileRewind(HMMFILE * hmmfp)331 HMMFileRewind(HMMFILE *hmmfp)
332 {
333   rewind(hmmfp->f);
334 }
336 long
HMMFtell(HMMFILE * hmmfp)337 HMMFtell(HMMFILE *hmmfp)
338 {
339   return ftell(hmmfp->f);
340 }
342 int
HMMFseek(HMMFILE * hmmfp,long pos)343 HMMFseek(HMMFILE * hmmfp,long pos)
344 {
345   return fseek(hmmfp->f,pos,SEEK_SET);
346 }
349 /*****************************************************************
350  * HMM output API:
351  *    WriteAscHMM()
352  *    WriteBinHMM()
353  *
354  *****************************************************************/
356 /* Function: WriteAscHMM()
357  *
358  * Purpose:  Save an HMM in flat text ASCII format.
359  *
360  * Args:     fp        - open file for writing
361  *           hmm       - HMM to save
362  */
363 void
WriteAscHMM(FILE * fp,struct plan7_s * hmm)364 WriteAscHMM(FILE *fp, struct plan7_s *hmm)
365 {
366   int k;                        /* counter for nodes             */
367   int x;                        /* counter for symbols           */
368   int ts;			/* counter for state transitions */
370   fprintf(fp, "HMMER2.0\n");  /* magic header */
372   /* write header information
373    */
374   fprintf(fp, "NAME  %s\n", hmm->name);
375   fprintf(fp, "DESC  %s\n",
376 	  (hmm->flags & PLAN7_DESC) ? hmm->desc : "");
377   fprintf(fp, "LENG  %d\n", hmm->M);
378   fprintf(fp, "ALPH  %s\n",
379 	  (Alphabet_type == hmmAMINO) ? "Amino":"Nucleic");
380   fprintf(fp, "RF    %s\n",
381           (hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF) ? "yes" : "no");
382   fprintf(fp, "CS    %s\n",
383           (hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS) ? "yes" : "no");
384   multiline(fp, "COM   ", hmm->comlog);
385   fprintf(fp, "NSEQ  %d\n", hmm->nseq);
386   fprintf(fp, "DATE  %s\n", hmm->ctime);
388   /* Specials
389    */
390   fputs("XT     ", fp);
391   for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
392     for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
393       fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->xt[k][x], 1.0));
394   fputs("\n", fp);
396   /* Save the null model first, so HMM readers can decode
397    * log odds scores on the fly. Save as log odds probabilities
398    * relative to 1/Alphabet_size (flat distribution)
399    */
400   fprintf(fp, "NULT  ");
401   fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->p1, 1.0)); /* p1 */
402   fprintf(fp, "%6s\n", prob2ascii(1.0-hmm->p1, 1.0));   /* p2 */
403   fputs("NULE  ", fp);
404   for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
405     fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->null[x], 1/(float)(Alphabet_size)));
406   fputs("\n", fp);
408   /* EVD statistics
409    */
410   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_STATS)
411     fprintf(fp, "EVD   %10f %10f\n", hmm->mu, hmm->lambda);
413   /* Print header
414    */
415   fprintf(fp, "HMM      ");
416   for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) fprintf(fp, "  %c    ", Alphabet[x]);
417   fprintf(fp, "\n");
418   fprintf(fp, "       %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n",
419           "m->m", "m->i", "m->d", "i->m", "i->i", "d->m", "d->d", "b->m", "m->e");
421   /* Print HMM parameters (main section of the save file)
422    */
423   fprintf(fp, "       %6s %6s ", prob2ascii(1-hmm->tbd1, 1.0), "*");
424   fprintf(fp, "%6s\n", prob2ascii(hmm->tbd1, 1.0));
425   for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)
426     {
427 				/* Line 1: k and match emissions */
428       fprintf(fp, " %5d ", k);
429       for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
430         fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->mat[k][x], hmm->null[x]));
431       fputs("\n", fp);
433 				/* Line 2: RF and insert emissions */
434       fprintf(fp, " %5c ", hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF ? hmm->rf[k] : '-');
435       for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
436 	fprintf(fp, "%6s ", (k < hmm->M) ? prob2ascii(hmm->ins[k][x], hmm->null[x]) : "*");
437       fputs("\n", fp);
438 				/* Line 3: CS and transition probs */
439       fprintf(fp, " %5c ", hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS ? hmm->cs[k] : '-');
440       for (ts = 0; ts < 7; ts++)
441 	fprintf(fp, "%6s ", (k < hmm->M) ? prob2ascii(hmm->t[k][ts], 1.0) : "*");
442       fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->begin[k], 1.0));
443       fprintf(fp, "%6s ", prob2ascii(hmm->end[k], 1.0));
445       fputs("\n", fp);
446     }
447   fputs("//\n", fp);
448 }
450 /* Function: WriteBinHMM()
451  *
452  * Purpose:  Write an HMM in binary format.
453  */
454 void
WriteBinHMM(FILE * fp,struct plan7_s * hmm)455 WriteBinHMM(FILE *fp, struct plan7_s *hmm)
456 {
457   int k;
459   /* ye olde magic number */
460   fwrite((char *) &(v20magic), sizeof(long), 1, fp);
462   /* header section
463    */
464   fwrite((char *) &(hmm->flags),    sizeof(int),  1,   fp);
465   write_bin_string(fp, hmm->name);
466   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_DESC) write_bin_string(fp, hmm->desc);
467   fwrite((char *) &(hmm->M),        sizeof(int),  1,   fp);
468   fwrite((char *) &(Alphabet_type), sizeof(int),  1,   fp);
469   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF)   fwrite((char *) hmm->rf, sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, fp);
470   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS)   fwrite((char *) hmm->cs, sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, fp);
471   write_bin_string(fp, hmm->comlog);
472   fwrite((char *) &(hmm->nseq),     sizeof(int),  1,   fp);
473   write_bin_string(fp, hmm->ctime);
475   /* Specials */
476   for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
477     fwrite((char *) hmm->xt[k], sizeof(float), 2, fp);
479   /* Null model */
480   fwrite((char *)&(hmm->p1), sizeof(float), 1,             fp);
481   fwrite((char *) hmm->null, sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp);
483   /* EVD stats */
484   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_STATS) {
485     fwrite((char *) &(hmm->mu),      sizeof(float),  1,   fp);
486     fwrite((char *) &(hmm->lambda),  sizeof(float),  1,   fp);
487   }
489   /* entry/exit probabilities
490    */
491   fwrite((char *)&(hmm->tbd1),sizeof(float), 1,        fp);
492   fwrite((char *) hmm->begin, sizeof(float), hmm->M+1, fp);
493   fwrite((char *) hmm->end,   sizeof(float), hmm->M+1, fp);
495   /* main model
496    */
497   for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)
498     fwrite((char *) hmm->mat[k], sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp);
499   for (k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++)
500     fwrite((char *) hmm->ins[k], sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp);
501   for (k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++)
502     fwrite((char *) hmm->t[k], sizeof(float), 7, fp);
503 }
506 /*****************************************************************
507  *
508  * Internal: HMM file parsers for various releases of HMMER.
509  *
510  * read_{asc,bin}xxhmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
511  *
512  * Upon return, *ret_hmm is an allocated Plan7 HMM.
513  * Return 0 if no more HMMs in the file (normal).
514  * Return 1 and *ret_hmm = something if we got an HMM (normal)
515  * Return 1 if an error occurs (meaning "I tried to
516  *   read something...") and *ret_hmm == NULL (meaning
517  *   "...but it wasn't an HMM"). I know, this is a funny
518  *   way to handle errors.
519  *
520  *****************************************************************/
522 static int
read_asc20hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)523 read_asc20hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
524 {
525   struct plan7_s *hmm;
526   char  buffer[512];
527   char *s;
528   int   M;
529   float p;
530   int   k, x;
532   hmm = NULL;
533   if (feof(hmmfp->f) || fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL) return 0;
534   if (strncmp(buffer, "HMMER2.0", 8) != 0)             goto FAILURE;
536   /* Get the header information: tag/value pairs in any order,
537    * ignore unknown tags, stop when "HMM" is reached (signaling
538    * start of main model)
539    */
540   hmm = AllocPlan7Shell();
541   M = -1;
542   while (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) != NULL) {
543     if      (strncmp(buffer, "NAME ", 5) == 0) Plan7SetName(hmm, buffer+6);
544     else if (strncmp(buffer, "DESC ", 5) == 0) Plan7SetDescription(hmm, buffer+6);
545     else if (strncmp(buffer, "LENG ", 5) == 0) M = atoi(buffer+6);
546     else if (strncmp(buffer, "NSEQ ", 5) == 0) hmm->nseq = atoi(buffer+6);
547     else if (strncmp(buffer, "ALPH ", 5) == 0)
548       {				/* Alphabet type */
549 	s2upper(buffer+6);
550 	if      (strncmp(buffer+6, "AMINO",   5) == 0) SetAlphabet(hmmAMINO);
551 	else if (strncmp(buffer+6, "NUCLEIC", 7) == 0) SetAlphabet(hmmNUCLEIC);
552 	else goto FAILURE;
553       }
554     else if (strncmp(buffer, "RF   ", 5) == 0)
555       {				/* Reference annotation present? */
556 	if (sre_toupper(*(buffer+6)) == 'Y') hmm->flags |= PLAN7_RF;
557       }
558     else if (strncmp(buffer, "CS   ", 5) == 0)
559       {				/* Consensus annotation present? */
560 	if (sre_toupper(*(buffer+6)) == 'Y') hmm->flags |= PLAN7_CS;
561       }
562     else if (strncmp(buffer, "COM  ", 5) == 0)
563       {				/* Command line log */
564 	StringChop(buffer+6);
565 	if (hmm->comlog == NULL)
566 	  hmm->comlog = Strdup(buffer+6);
567 	else
568 	  {
569 	    hmm->comlog = ReallocOrDie(hmm->comlog, sizeof(char *) *
570 				       (strlen(hmm->comlog) + 1 + strlen(buffer+6)));
571 	    strcat(hmm->comlog, "\n");
572 	    strcat(hmm->comlog, buffer+6);
573 	  }
574       }
575     else if (strncmp(buffer, "DATE ", 5) == 0)
576       {				/* Date file created */
577 	StringChop(buffer+6);
578 	hmm->ctime= Strdup(buffer+6);
579       }
580     else if (strncmp(buffer, "XT   ", 5) == 0)
581       {				/* Special transition section */
582 	if ((s = strtok(buffer+6, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
583 	for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
584 	  for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
585 	    {
586 	      if (s == NULL) goto FAILURE;
587 	      hmm->xt[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
588 	      s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n");
589 	    }
590       }
591     else if (strncmp(buffer, "NULT ", 5) == 0)
592       {				/* Null model transitions */
593 	if ((s = strtok(buffer+6, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
594 	hmm->p1 = ascii2prob(s, 1.);
595 	if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
596 	hmm->p1 = hmm->p1 / (hmm->p1 + ascii2prob(s, 1.0));
597       }
598     else if (strncmp(buffer, "NULE ", 5) == 0)
599       {				/* Null model emissions */
600 	if (Alphabet_type == hmmNOTSETYET)
601 	  Die("ALPH must precede NULE in HMM save files");
602 	s = strtok(buffer+6, " \t\n");
603 	for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
604 	  if (s == NULL) goto FAILURE;
605 	  hmm->null[x] = ascii2prob(s, 1./(float)Alphabet_size);
606 	  s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n");
607 	}
608       }
609     else if (strncmp(buffer, "EVD  ", 5) == 0)
610       {				/* EVD parameters */
611 	hmm->flags |= PLAN7_STATS;
612 	if ((s = strtok(buffer+6, " \t\n")) == NULL)    goto FAILURE;
613 	hmm->mu = atof(s);
614 	if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL)   goto FAILURE;
615 	hmm->lambda = atof(s);
616       }
617     else if (strncmp(buffer, "HMM  ", 5) == 0) break;
618   }
620 				/* partial check for mandatory fields */
621   if (feof(hmmfp->f))                goto FAILURE;
622   if (M < 1)                         goto FAILURE;
623   if (hmm->name == NULL)             goto FAILURE;
624   if (Alphabet_type == hmmNOTSETYET) goto FAILURE;
626   /* Main model section. Read as integer log odds, convert
627    * to probabilities
628    */
629   AllocPlan7Body(hmm, M);
630 				/* skip an annotation line */
631   if (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL)  goto FAILURE;
632 				/* parse tbd1 line */
633   if (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL)  goto FAILURE;
634   if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
635   p = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
636   if ((s = strtok(NULL,   " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
637   if ((s = strtok(NULL,   " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
638   hmm->tbd1 = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
639   hmm->tbd1 = hmm->tbd1 / (p + hmm->tbd1);
641 				/* main model */
642   for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++) {
643                                 /* Line 1: k and match emissions */
644     if (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL)  goto FAILURE;
645     if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
646     if (atoi(s) != k)                          goto FAILURE;
647     for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
648       if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
649       hmm->mat[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, hmm->null[x]);
650     }
651 				/* Line 2:  RF and insert emissions */
652     if (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL)  goto FAILURE;
653     if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
654     if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF) hmm->rf[k] = *s;
655     if (k < hmm->M) {
656       for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
657 	if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
658 	hmm->ins[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, hmm->null[x]);
659       }
660     }
661 				/* Line 3: CS and transitions */
662     if (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL)  goto FAILURE;
663     if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
664     if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS) hmm->cs[k] = *s;
665     for (x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
666       if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
667       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
668     }
669     if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
670     hmm->begin[k] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
671     if ((s = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
672     hmm->end[k] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
674   } /* end loop over main model */
676   /* Advance to record separator
677    */
678   while (fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) != NULL)
679     if (strncmp(buffer, "//", 2) == 0) break;
681   /* Set flags and return
682    */
683   hmm->flags |= PLAN7_HASPROB;	/* probabilities are valid */
684   hmm->flags &= ~PLAN7_HASBITS;	/* scores are not valid    */
685   *ret_hmm = hmm;
686   return 1;
689   if (hmm  != NULL) FreePlan7(hmm);
690   *ret_hmm = NULL;
691   return 1;
692 }
695 static int
read_bin20hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)696 read_bin20hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
697 {
698    struct plan7_s *hmm;
699    int    k,x;
700    int    type;
701    unsigned long magic;
703    hmm = NULL;
705    /* Header section
706     */
707    if (feof(hmmfp->f))                                      return 0;
708    if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(long), 1, hmmfp->f)) return 0;
709    if (hmmfp->byteswap) byteswap((char *)&magic, sizeof(long));
710    if (magic != v20magic) goto FAILURE;
711 				/* allocate HMM shell for header info */
712    hmm = AllocPlan7Shell();
713 				/* flags */
714    if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->flags), sizeof(int), 1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
715    if (hmmfp->byteswap) byteswap((char *)&(hmm->flags), sizeof(int));
716 				/* name */
717    if (! read_bin_string(hmmfp->f, hmmfp->byteswap, &(hmm->name))) goto FAILURE;
718 				/* optional description */
719    if ((hmm->flags & PLAN7_DESC) &&
720        ! read_bin_string(hmmfp->f, hmmfp->byteswap, &(hmm->desc))) goto FAILURE;
721 				/* length of model */
722    if (! fread((char *) &hmm->M,  sizeof(int), 1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
723    if (hmmfp->byteswap) byteswap((char *)&(hmm->M), sizeof(int));
724 				/* alphabet type */
725    if (! fread((char *) &type, sizeof(int), 1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
726    if (hmmfp->byteswap) byteswap((char *)&type, sizeof(int));
727    if (Alphabet_type == 0) SetAlphabet(type);
729 				/* now allocate for rest of model */
730    AllocPlan7Body(hmm, hmm->M);
732 				/* optional #=RF alignment annotation */
733    if ((hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF) &&
734        !fread((char *) hmm->rf, sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
735    hmm->rf[hmm->M+1] = '\0';
736 				/* optional #=CS alignment annotation */
737    if ((hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS) &&
738        !fread((char *) hmm->cs, sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
739    hmm->cs[hmm->M+1]  = '\0';
740 				/* command line log */
741    if (!read_bin_string(hmmfp->f, hmmfp->byteswap, &(hmm->comlog)))  goto FAILURE;
742 				/* nseq */
743    if (!fread((char *) &(hmm->nseq),sizeof(int), 1, hmmfp->f))       goto FAILURE;
744 				/* creation time */
745    if (!read_bin_string(hmmfp->f, hmmfp->byteswap, &(hmm->ctime)))   goto FAILURE;
747   /* specials */
748    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
749      if (! fread((char *) hmm->xt[k], sizeof(float), 2, hmmfp->f))    goto FAILURE;
751    /* null model */
752    if (!fread((char *) &(hmm->p1),sizeof(float), 1, hmmfp->f))        goto FAILURE;
753    if (!fread((char *)hmm->null,sizeof(float),Alphabet_size,hmmfp->f))goto FAILURE;
755   /* EVD stats */
756   if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_STATS) {
757     if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->mu),     sizeof(float), 1, hmmfp->f))goto FAILURE;
758     if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->lambda), sizeof(float), 1, hmmfp->f))goto FAILURE;
760     if (hmmfp->byteswap) {
761       byteswap((char *)&(hmm->mu),     sizeof(float));
762       byteswap((char *)&(hmm->lambda), sizeof(float));
763     }
764   }
766    /* entry/exit probabilities
767     */
768    if (! fread((char *)&(hmm->tbd1), sizeof(float), 1, hmmfp->f))       goto FAILURE;
769    if (! fread((char *) hmm->begin, sizeof(float), hmm->M+1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
770    if (! fread((char *) hmm->end,   sizeof(float), hmm->M+1, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
772 				/* main model */
773    for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)
774      if (! fread((char *) hmm->mat[k], sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
775    for (k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++)
776      if (! fread((char *) hmm->ins[k], sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
777    for (k = 1; k < hmm->M; k++)
778      if (! fread((char *) hmm->t[k], sizeof(float), 7, hmmfp->f)) goto FAILURE;
780   /* byteswapping
781    */
782   if (hmmfp->byteswap) {
783     for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
784       byteswap((char *) &(hmm->null[x]), sizeof(float));
785     byteswap((char *)&(hmm->p1),   sizeof(float));
786     byteswap((char *)&(hmm->tbd1), sizeof(float));
788     for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)
789       {
790 	for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
791 	  byteswap((char *)&(hmm->mat[k][x]), sizeof(float));
792 	if (k < hmm->M)
793 	  for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
794 	    byteswap((char *)&(hmm->ins[k][x]), sizeof(float));
795 	byteswap((char *)&(hmm->begin[k]),  sizeof(float));
796 	byteswap((char *)&(hmm->end[k]),    sizeof(float));
797 	for (x = 0; x < 7; x++)
798 	  byteswap((char *)&(hmm->t[k][x]), sizeof(float));
799       }
800   }
803   /* set flags and return
804    */
805   hmm->flags |= PLAN7_HASPROB;	/* probabilities are valid  */
806   hmm->flags &= ~PLAN7_HASBITS;	/* scores are not yet valid */
807   *ret_hmm = hmm;
808   return 1;
811   if (hmm != NULL) FreePlan7(hmm);
812   *ret_hmm = NULL;
813   return 1;
814 }
820 /* Function: read_asc19hmm()
821  * Date:     Tue Apr  7 17:11:29 1998 [StL]
822  *
823  * Purpose:  Read ASCII-format tabular (1.9 and later) save files.
824  *
825  *           HMMER 1.9 was only used internally at WashU, as far as
826  *           I know, so this code shouldn't be terribly important
827  *           to anyone.
828  */
829 static int
read_asc19hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)830 read_asc19hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
831 {
832   struct plan7_s *hmm;
833   FILE *fp;
834   char  buffer[512];
835   char *s;
836   int   M;			/* length of model  */
837   int   k;			/* state number  */
838   int   x;			/* symbol number */
840   hmm = NULL;
841   fp  = hmmfp->f;
842   if (feof(fp) || fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return 0;
843   if (strncmp(buffer, "HMMER v1.9", 10) != 0)             goto FAILURE;
845   hmm = AllocPlan7Shell();
846   				/* read M from first line */
847   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT))    == NULL) goto FAILURE;  M = atoi(s);          /* model length */
848   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT))    == NULL) goto FAILURE;                        /* ignore alphabet size */
849   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;  Plan7SetName(hmm, s); /* name */
850   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;  s2upper(s);           /* alphabet type */
851   if      (strcmp(s, "AMINO") == 0)   SetAlphabet(hmmAMINO);
852   else if (strcmp(s, "NUCLEIC") == 0) SetAlphabet(hmmNUCLEIC);
853   else goto FAILURE;
854 				/* read alphabet, make sure it's Plan7-compatible... */
855   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
856   if (strncmp(s, Alphabet, Alphabet_size) != 0) goto FAILURE;
858 				/* whether we have ref, cs info */
859   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
860   if (strcmp(s, "yes") == 0) hmm->flags |= PLAN7_RF;
861   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
862   if (strcmp(s, "yes") == 0) hmm->flags |= PLAN7_CS;
864 				/* null model. 1.9 has emissions only. invent transitions. */
865   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
866   if (strcmp(s, "null") != 0) goto FAILURE;
867   for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
868     if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
869     hmm->null[x] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
870   }
871   hmm->p1 = (Alphabet_type == hmmAMINO)? 350./351. : 1000./1001.;
873   /* Done with header; check some stuff before proceeding
874    */
875   if (feof(hmmfp->f))                goto FAILURE;
876   if (M < 1)                         goto FAILURE;
877   if (hmm->name == NULL)             goto FAILURE;
878   if (Alphabet_type == hmmNOTSETYET) goto FAILURE;
880   /* Allocate the model. Set up the probabilities that Plan9
881    * doesn't set.
882    */
883   AllocPlan7Body(hmm, M);
884   ZeroPlan7(hmm);
885   Plan7LSConfig(hmm);
887   /* The zero row has: 4 or 20 unused scores for nonexistent M0 state
888    * then: B->M, tbd1, a B->I that Plan7 doesn't have;
889    *       three unused D-> transitions; then three I0 transitions that Plan7 doesn't have;
890    *       then two unused rf, cs annotations.
891    */
892   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE; /* position index ignored */
893   for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
894     if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE; /* emissions ignored */
895   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
896   hmm->begin[1] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
897   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
898   hmm->tbd1 = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
899 				/* renormalize */
900   hmm->begin[1] = hmm->begin[1] / (hmm->begin[1] + hmm->tbd1);
901   hmm->tbd1     = hmm->tbd1     / (hmm->begin[1] + hmm->tbd1);
902 				/* skip rest of line, seven integer fields, two char fields */
903   for (x = 0; x < 7; x++)
904     if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
905   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
906   if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
908 				/* main model: table of emissions, transitions, annotation */
909   for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)
910     {
911 				/* position index ignored */
912       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
913 				/* match emissions */
914       for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
915 	if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
916 	hmm->mat[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, hmm->null[x]);
917       }
918 				/* nine transitions; two are ignored */
919       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
920       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TMM] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
921       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
922       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TMD] = (k == hmm->M) ? 0.0 : ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
923       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
924       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TMI] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
926       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
927       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TDM] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
928       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
929       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TDD] = (k == hmm->M) ? 0.0 : ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
930       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;/* TDI ignored. */
932 				/* no insert state at k == M, be careful */
933       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
934       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TIM]  = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
935       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE; /* TID ignored. */
936       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
937       if (k < hmm->M) hmm->t[k][TII] = ascii2prob(s, 1.0);
939 				/* annotations */
940       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
941       if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_RF) hmm->rf[k] = *s;
942       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_STRING)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
943       if (hmm->flags & PLAN7_CS) hmm->cs[k] = *s;
944     }
945 				/* table of insert emissions;
946                                  * Plan7 has no insert state at 0 or M  */
947   for (k = 0; k <= hmm->M; k++)
948     {
949       if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE; /* position index ignored */
950       for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++) {
951 	if ((s = Getword(fp, sqdARG_INT)) == NULL) goto FAILURE;
952 	if (k > 0 && k < hmm->M)
953 	  hmm->ins[k][x] = ascii2prob(s, hmm->null[x]);
954       }
955     }
957   /* Set flags and return
958    */
959   hmm->flags |= PLAN7_HASPROB;	/* probabilities are valid */
960   hmm->flags &= ~PLAN7_HASBITS;	/* scores are not valid    */
961   Plan7Renormalize(hmm);
962   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
963   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
964   *ret_hmm = hmm;
965   return 1;
968   if (hmm  != NULL) FreePlan7(hmm);
969   *ret_hmm = NULL;
970   return 1;
971 }
973 static int
read_bin19hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)974 read_bin19hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
975 {
976   unsigned int     magic;
977   struct plan7_s  *hmm;     /* plan7 HMM */
978   struct plan9_s  *p9hmm;   /* old style 1.x HMM */
980   /* Read the magic number; if we don't see it, then we
981    * must be out of data in the file.
982    */
983   if (feof(hmmfp->f)) return 0;
984   if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, hmmfp->f)) return 0;
986   p9hmm = read_plan9_binhmm(hmmfp->f, HMMER1_9B, hmmfp->byteswap);
987   if (p9hmm == NULL) { *ret_hmm = NULL; return 1; }
989   Plan9toPlan7(p9hmm, &hmm);
991   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
992   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
994   P9FreeHMM(p9hmm);
995  *ret_hmm = hmm;
996   return 1;
997 }
998 static int
read_asc17hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)999 read_asc17hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1000 {
1001   struct plan7_s  *hmm;     /* plan7 HMM */
1002   struct plan9_s  *p9hmm;   /* old style 1.x HMM */
1003   char   buffer[512];
1005   /* Read the magic header; if we don't see it, then
1006    * we must be out of data in the file.
1007    */
1008   if (feof(hmmfp->f) || fgets(buffer, 512, hmmfp->f) == NULL) return 0;
1010   p9hmm = read_plan9_aschmm(hmmfp->f, HMMER1_7F);
1011   if (p9hmm == NULL) { *ret_hmm = NULL; return 1; }
1013   Plan9toPlan7(p9hmm, &hmm);
1015   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
1016   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
1018   P9FreeHMM(p9hmm);
1019  *ret_hmm = hmm;
1020   return 1;
1021 }
1023 static int
read_bin17hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)1024 read_bin17hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1025 {
1026   unsigned int     magic;
1027   struct plan7_s  *hmm;     /* plan7 HMM */
1028   struct plan9_s  *p9hmm;   /* old style 1.x HMM */
1030   /* Read the magic number; if we don't see it, then we
1031    * must be out of data in the file.
1032    */
1033   if (feof(hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1034   if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1036   p9hmm = read_plan9_binhmm(hmmfp->f, HMMER1_7B, hmmfp->byteswap);
1037   if (p9hmm == NULL) { *ret_hmm = NULL; return 1; }
1039   Plan9toPlan7(p9hmm, &hmm);
1041   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
1042   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
1044   P9FreeHMM(p9hmm);
1045  *ret_hmm = hmm;
1046   return 1;
1047 }
1049 static int
read_asc11hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)1050 read_asc11hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1051 {
1052   Die("1.1 ASCII HMMs unsupported");
1053   return 1;
1054 }
1055 static int
read_bin11hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)1056 read_bin11hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1057 {
1058   unsigned int     magic;
1059   struct plan7_s  *hmm;     /* plan7 HMM */
1060   struct plan9_s  *p9hmm;   /* old style 1.x HMM */
1062   /* Read the magic number; if we don't see it, then we
1063    * must be out of data in the file.
1064    */
1065   if (feof(hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1066   if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1068   p9hmm = read_plan9_binhmm(hmmfp->f, HMMER1_1B, hmmfp->byteswap);
1069   if (p9hmm == NULL) { *ret_hmm = NULL; return 1; }
1071   Plan9toPlan7(p9hmm, &hmm);
1073   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
1074   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
1076   P9FreeHMM(p9hmm);
1077  *ret_hmm = hmm;
1078   return 1;
1079 }
1081 static int
read_asc10hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)1082 read_asc10hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1083 {
1084   Die("1.0 ASCII HMMs unsupported");
1085   return 1;
1086 }
1088 static int
read_bin10hmm(HMMFILE * hmmfp,struct plan7_s ** ret_hmm)1089 read_bin10hmm(HMMFILE *hmmfp, struct plan7_s **ret_hmm)
1090 {
1091   unsigned int     magic;
1092   struct plan7_s  *hmm;     /* plan7 HMM */
1093   struct plan9_s  *p9hmm;   /* old style 1.x HMM */
1095   /* Read the magic number; if we don't see it, then we
1096    * must be out of data in the file.
1097    */
1098   if (feof(hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1099   if (! fread((char *) &magic, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, hmmfp->f)) return 0;
1101   p9hmm = read_plan9_binhmm(hmmfp->f, HMMER1_0B, hmmfp->byteswap);
1102   if (p9hmm == NULL) { *ret_hmm = NULL; return 1; }
1104   Plan9toPlan7(p9hmm, &hmm);
1106   hmm->comlog = Strdup("[converted from an old Plan9 HMM]");
1107   Plan7SetCtime(hmm);
1109   P9FreeHMM(p9hmm);
1110  *ret_hmm = hmm;
1111   return 1;
1112 }
1114 /*****************************************************************
1115  * Some miscellaneous utility functions
1116  *****************************************************************/
1118 /* Function: prob2ascii()
1119  *
1120  * Purpose:  Format a probability for output to an ASCII save
1121  *           file. Returns a ptr to a static internal buffer.
1122  *
1123  */
1124 static char *
prob2ascii(float p,float null)1125 prob2ascii(float p, float null)
1126 {
1127   static char buffer[8];
1129   if (p == 0.0) return "*";
1130   sprintf(buffer, "%6d", Prob2Score(p, null));
1131   return buffer;
1132 }
1135 /* Function: ascii2prob()
1136  *
1137  * Purpose:  Convert a saved string back to a probability.
1138  */
1139 static float
ascii2prob(char * s,float null)1140 ascii2prob(char *s, float null)
1141 {
1142   return (*s == '*') ? 0. : Score2Prob(atoi(s), null);
1143 }
1145 /* Function: byteswap()
1146  *
1147  * Purpose:  Swap between big-endian and little-endian.
1148  *           For example:
1149  *               int foo = 0x12345678;
1150  *               byteswap((char *) &foo, sizeof(int));
1151  *               printf("%x\n", foo)
1152  *           gives 78563412.
1153  *
1154  *           I don't fully understand byte-swapping issues.
1155  *           However, I have tested this on chars through floats,
1156  *           on various machines:
1157  *               SGI IRIX 4.0.5, SunOS 4.1.3, DEC Alpha OSF/1, Alliant
1158  *
1159  *           Note: this is only a partial solution to the problem of
1160  *           binary file portability. 32 bit integers are assumed by HMMER,
1161  *           for instance. This should be true for all UNIX, VAX, and WinNT
1162  *           platforms, I believe.
1163  *
1164  * Date: Sun Feb 12 10:26:22 1995
1165  */
1166 static void
byteswap(char * swap,int nbytes)1167 byteswap(char *swap, int nbytes)
1168 {
1169   int  x;
1170   char byte;
1172   for (x = 0; x < nbytes / 2; x++)
1173     {
1174       byte = swap[nbytes - x - 1];
1175       swap[nbytes - x - 1] = swap[x];
1176       swap[x] = byte;
1177     }
1178 }
1180 /* Function: write_bin_string()
1181  * Date:     SRE, Wed Oct 29 13:49:27 1997 [TWA 721 over Canada]
1182  *
1183  * Purpose:  Write a string in binary save format: an integer
1184  *           for the string length (including \0), followed by
1185  *           the string.
1186  */
1187 static void
write_bin_string(FILE * fp,char * s)1188 write_bin_string(FILE *fp, char *s)
1189 {
1190   int len;
1191   if (s != NULL)
1192     {
1193       len = strlen(s) + 1;
1194       fwrite((char *) &len, sizeof(int),  1,   fp);
1195       fwrite((char *) s,    sizeof(char), len, fp);
1196     }
1197   else
1198     {
1199       len = 0;
1200       fwrite((char *) &len, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
1201     }
1202 }
1204 /* Function: read_bin_string()
1205  * Date:     SRE, Wed Oct 29 14:03:23 1997 [TWA 721]
1206  *
1207  * Purpose:  Read in a string from a binary file, where
1208  *           the first integer is the length (including '\0').
1209  *
1210  * Args:     fp       - FILE to read from
1211  *           doswap   - TRUE to byteswap
1212  *           ret_s    - string to read into
1213  *
1214  * Return:   0 on failure. ret_s is malloc'ed here.
1215  */
1216 static int
read_bin_string(FILE * fp,int doswap,char ** ret_s)1217 read_bin_string(FILE *fp, int doswap, char **ret_s)
1218 {
1219   char *s;
1220   int   len;
1222   if (! fread((char *) &len, sizeof(int), 1, fp))  return 0;
1223   if (doswap) byteswap((char *)&len, sizeof(int));
1224   s = MallocOrDie (sizeof(char) * (len));
1225   if (! fread((char *) s, sizeof(char), len, fp))
1226     {
1227       free(s);
1228       return 0;
1229     }
1231   *ret_s = s;
1232   return 1;
1233 }
1235 /* Function: multiline()
1236  * Date:     Mon Jan  5 14:57:50 1998 [StL]
1237  *
1238  * Purpose:  Given a record (like the comlog) that contains
1239  *           multiple lines, print it as multiple lines with
1240  *           a given prefix. e.g.:
1241  *
1242  *           given:   "COM   ", "foo\nbar\nbaz"
1243  *           print:   COM   foo
1244  *                    COM   bar
1245  *                    COM   baz
1246  *
1247  *
1248  *           Used to print the command log to ASCII save files.
1249  *
1250  * Args:     fp:   FILE to print to
1251  *           pfx:  prefix for each line
1252  *           s:    line to break up and print; tolerates a NULL
1253  *
1254  * Return:   (void)
1255  */
1256 static void
multiline(FILE * fp,char * pfx,char * s)1257 multiline(FILE *fp, char *pfx, char *s)
1258 {
1259   char *buf;
1260   char *sptr;
1262   if (s == NULL) return;
1263   buf  = Strdup(s);
1264   sptr = strtok(buf, "\n");
1265   while (sptr != NULL)
1266     {
1267       fprintf(fp, "%s%s\n", pfx, sptr);
1268       sptr = strtok(NULL, "\n");
1269     }
1270   free(buf);
1271 }
1274 /*****************************************************************
1275  * HMMER 1.x save file reading functions, modified from the
1276  * corpse of 1.9m.
1277  *****************************************************************/
1280 /* Function: read_plan9_binhmm()
1281  *
1282  * Read old (Plan9) binary HMM save files from HMMER 1.9 and earlier.
1283  * V1.0 saved regularizer and sympvec info, which V1.1 ignores.
1284  * V1.7 and later may include optional ref, cs annotation lines.
1285  * V1.9 added name, null model.
1286  *
1287  * Returns pointer to the HMM on success; NULL
1288  * on failure. Sets global alphabet information based on
1289  * whether it reads 4 or 20 as alphabet size (don't rely
1290  * on ancient HMMER macro definitions).
1291  */
1292 static struct plan9_s *
read_plan9_binhmm(FILE * fp,int version,int swapped)1293 read_plan9_binhmm(FILE *fp, int version, int swapped)
1294 {
1295   struct plan9_s *hmm;
1296   int   M;                      /* length of model  */
1297   int   k;                      /* state number  */
1298   int   x;                      /* symbol or transition number */
1299   int   len;                    /* length of variable length string */
1300   int   asize;			/* alphabet size */
1301   int   atype;			/* alphabet type (read but ignored) */
1302   char  abet[20];		/* alphabet (read but ignored) */
1304  /* read M and alphabet size */
1305   if (! fread((char *) &(M), sizeof(int), 1, fp))  return NULL;
1306   if (! fread((char *) &asize, sizeof(int), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1307   if (swapped) {
1308     byteswap((char *) &M, sizeof(int));
1309     byteswap((char *) &asize, sizeof(int));
1310   }
1312   /* Set global alphabet information
1313    */
1314   if (Alphabet_type == hmmNOTSETYET)
1315     {
1316       if      (asize == 4)  SetAlphabet(hmmNUCLEIC);
1317       else if (asize == 20) SetAlphabet(hmmAMINO);
1318       else
1319 	Die("A nonbiological alphabet size of %d; so I can't convert plan9 to plan7", asize);
1320     }
1321   else
1322     {
1323       if (asize != Alphabet_size)
1324 	Die("Plan9 model's alphabet size (%d) doesn't match previous setting (%d)", asize, Alphabet_size);
1325     }
1327   /* now, create space for hmm */
1328   if ((hmm = P9AllocHMM(M)) == NULL)
1329     Die("malloc failed for reading hmm in\n");
1331   /* version 1.9+ files have a name */
1332   if (version == HMMER1_9B) {
1333     if (! fread((char *) &len, sizeof(int), 1, fp))  return NULL;
1334     if (swapped) byteswap((char *) &len, sizeof(int));
1335     hmm->name = (char *) ReallocOrDie (hmm->name, sizeof(char) * (len+1));
1336     if (! fread((char *) hmm->name, sizeof(char), len, fp)) return NULL;
1337     hmm->name[len] = '\0';
1338   }
1340   /* read alphabet_type and alphabet, but ignore: we've already set them */
1341   if (! fread((char *) &atype, sizeof(int), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1342   if (! fread((char *) abet, sizeof(char), Alphabet_size, fp)) return NULL;
1344   /* skip the random symbol frequencies in V1.0 */
1345   if (version == HMMER1_0B)
1346     fseek(fp, (long) (sizeof(float) * Alphabet_size), SEEK_CUR);
1348   /* Get optional info in V1.7 and later
1349    */
1350   if (version == HMMER1_7B || version == HMMER1_9B)
1351     {
1352       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->flags), sizeof(int), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1353       if (swapped) byteswap((char *) &hmm->flags, sizeof(int));
1354       if ((hmm->flags & HMM_REF) &&
1355           ! fread((char *) hmm->ref, sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, fp)) return NULL;
1356       hmm->ref[hmm->M+1] = '\0';
1357       if ((hmm->flags & HMM_CS) &&
1358           ! fread((char *) hmm->cs,  sizeof(char), hmm->M+1, fp)) return NULL;
1359       hmm->cs[hmm->M+1]  = '\0';
1360     }
1362   /* Get the null model in V1.9 and later
1363    */
1364   if (version == HMMER1_9B)
1365     {
1366       if (! fread((char *) hmm->null, sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp)) return NULL;
1367       if (swapped)
1368         for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
1369           byteswap((char *) &(hmm->null[x]), sizeof(float));
1370     }
1371   else P9DefaultNullModel(hmm->null);
1373   /* everything else is states */
1374   for (k = 0; k <= hmm->M; k++)
1375     {
1376       /* get match state info */
1377       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[MATCH]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1378       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1379       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1380       if (! fread((char *) hmm->mat[k].p, sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp)) return NULL
1381 ;
1382       if (swapped) {
1383         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[MATCH]),  sizeof(float));
1384         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float));
1385         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float));
1386         for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
1387           byteswap((char *) &(hmm->mat[k].p[x]), sizeof(float));
1388       }
1390       /* skip the regularizer info in V1.0 */
1391       if (version == HMMER1_0B)
1392         fseek(fp, (long)(sizeof(float) * (3 + Alphabet_size)), SEEK_CUR);
1394       /* get delete state info */
1395       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[MATCH]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1396       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1397       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1398       if (swapped) {
1399         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[MATCH]),  sizeof(float));
1400         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float));
1401         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->del[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float));
1402       }
1404       /* skip the regularizer info in V1.0 */
1405       if (version == HMMER1_0B)
1406         fseek(fp, (long)(sizeof(float) * 3), SEEK_CUR);
1408       /* get insert state info */
1409       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[MATCH]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1410       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1411       if (! fread((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float), 1, fp)) return NULL;
1412       if (! fread((char *) hmm->ins[k].p, sizeof(float), Alphabet_size, fp)) return NULL
1413 ;
1414       if (swapped) {
1415         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[MATCH]),  sizeof(float));
1416         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[DELETE]), sizeof(float));
1417         byteswap((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].t[INSERT]), sizeof(float));
1418         for (x = 0; x < Alphabet_size; x++)
1419           byteswap((char *) &(hmm->ins[k].p[x]), sizeof(float));
1420       }
1422       /* skip the regularizer info in V1.0 */
1423       if (version == HMMER1_0B)
1424         fseek(fp, (long)(sizeof(float) * (3 + Alphabet_size)), SEEK_CUR);
1425     }
1426   P9Renormalize(hmm);
1427   return hmm;
1428 }
1431 /* Function: read_plan9_aschmm()
1432  *
1433  * Purpose:  Read ASCII-format save files from 1.8.4 and earlier.
1434  *           V1.0 contained sympvec and regularizers; these are ignored
1435  *                in V1.1 and later
1436  *           V1.7 and later contain ref and cs annotation.
1437  *
1438  * Args:     fp      - open save file, header has been read already
1439  *           version - HMMER1_7F, for instance
1440  *
1441  * Returns ptr to the (allocated) new HMM on success,
1442  * or NULL on failure.
1443  */
1444 static struct plan9_s *
read_plan9_aschmm(FILE * fp,int version)1445 read_plan9_aschmm(FILE *fp, int version)
1446 {
1447   struct plan9_s *hmm;
1448   int   M;			/* length of model  */
1449   char buffer[512];
1450   char *statetype;
1451   char *s;
1452   int   k;			/* state number  */
1453   int   i;			/* symbol number */
1454   int   asize;
1455 				/* read M from first line */
1456   if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1457   if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1458   if (!isdigit(*s)) return NULL;
1459   M = atoi(s);
1460 				/* read alphabet_length */
1461   if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1462   if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1463   if (!isdigit(*s)) return NULL;
1464   asize = atoi(s);
1466   /* Set global alphabet information
1467    */
1468   if (Alphabet_type == hmmNOTSETYET)
1469     {
1470       if      (asize == 4)  SetAlphabet(hmmNUCLEIC);
1471       else if (asize == 20) SetAlphabet(hmmAMINO);
1472       else
1473 	Die("A nonbiological alphabet size of %d; so I can't convert plan9 to plan7", asize);
1474     }
1475   else
1476     {
1477       if (asize != Alphabet_size)
1478 	Die("Plan9 model's alphabet size (%d) doesn't match previous setting (%d)", asize, Alphabet_size);
1479     }
1480 				/* now, create space for hmm */
1481   if ((hmm = P9AllocHMM(M)) == NULL)
1482     Die("malloc failed for reading hmm in\n");
1484 				/* read alphabet_type but ignore */
1485   if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1486   if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1487   if (!isdigit(*s)) return NULL;
1488 				/* read alphabet but ignore */
1489   if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1490   if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1492   /* skip the random symbol frequencies in V1.0 files. now unused */
1493   if (version == HMMER1_0F)
1494     for (i = 0; i < Alphabet_size; i++)
1495       if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1497   /* V1.7 has lines for whether we have valid ref, cs info
1498    */
1499   if (version == HMMER1_7F)
1500     {
1501       if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1502       if (strncmp(buffer, "yes", 3) == 0) hmm->flags |= HMM_REF;
1503       if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1504       if (strncmp(buffer, "yes", 3) == 0) hmm->flags |= HMM_CS;
1505     }
1507 				/* everything else is states */
1508   while (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) != NULL)
1509     {
1510 				/* get state type and index info */
1511       if ((statetype = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1512       if ((s = strtok((char *) NULL, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1513       if (!isdigit(*s)) return NULL;
1514       k = atoi(s);
1515       if (k < 0 || k > hmm->M+1) return NULL;
1517       if (strcmp(statetype, "###MATCH_STATE") == 0)
1518 	{
1519 				/* V1.7: get ref, cs info:   */
1520 	                        /* ###MATCH_STATE 16 (x) (H) */
1521 	  if (version == HMMER1_7F)
1522 	    {
1523 	      s = strtok(NULL, "\n");
1524 	      while (*s != '(' && *s != '\0') s++;
1525 	      if (*s != '(') return NULL;
1526 	      hmm->ref[k] = *(s+1);
1527 	      while (*s != '(' && *s != '\0') s++;
1528 	      if (*s != '(') return NULL;
1529 	      hmm->cs[k] = *(s+1);
1530 	    }
1532 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1533 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1534 	  hmm->mat[k].t[MATCH] = (float) atof(s);
1536 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1537 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1538 	  hmm->mat[k].t[DELETE] = (float) atof(s);
1540 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1541 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1542 	  hmm->mat[k].t[INSERT] = (float) atof(s);
1544 	  for (i = 0; i < Alphabet_size; i++)
1545 	    {
1546 	      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1547 	      if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1548 	      hmm->mat[k].p[i] = (float) atof(s);
1549 	    }
1551 				/* Skip all regularizer info for V1.0 */
1552 	  if (version == HMMER1_0F)
1553 	    for (i = 0; i < Alphabet_size + 3; i++)
1554 	      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1556 	}
1557       else if (strcmp(statetype, "###INSERT_STATE") == 0)
1558 	{
1559 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1560 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1561 	  hmm->ins[k].t[MATCH] = (float) atof(s);
1563 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1564 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1565 	  hmm->ins[k].t[DELETE] = (float) atof(s);
1567 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1568 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1569 	  hmm->ins[k].t[INSERT] = (float) atof(s);
1571 	  for (i = 0; i < Alphabet_size; i++)
1572 	    {
1573 	      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1574 	      if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1575 	      hmm->ins[k].p[i] = (float) atof(s);
1576 	    }
1578 	  /* Skip all regularizer info in V1.0 files */
1579 	  if (version == HMMER1_0F)
1580 	    for (i = 0; i < Alphabet_size + 3; i++)
1581 	      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1583 	}
1584       else if (strcmp(statetype, "###DELETE_STATE") == 0)
1585 	{
1586 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1587 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1588 	  hmm->del[k].t[MATCH] = (float) atof(s);
1590 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1591 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1592 	  hmm->del[k].t[DELETE] = (float) atof(s);
1594 	  if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1595 	  if ((s = strtok(buffer, " \t\n")) == NULL) return NULL;
1596 	  hmm->del[k].t[INSERT] = (float) atof(s);
1598 	  /* Skip all regularizer info in V1.0 files*/
1599 	  if (version == HMMER1_0F)
1600 	    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1601 	      if (fgets(buffer, 512, fp) == NULL) return NULL;
1602 	}
1603       else
1604 	return NULL;
1605     }
1607   P9DefaultNullModel(hmm->null);
1608   P9Renormalize(hmm);
1609   return hmm;
1610 }