3use Leafo\ScssPhp\Compiler;
5// Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Combodo SARL
7//   This file is part of iTop.
9//   iTop is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10//   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
11//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12//   (at your option) any later version.
14//   iTop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17//   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
19//   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20//   along with iTop. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
24 * Static class utils
25 *
26 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Combodo SARL
27 * @license     http://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0
28 */
36define('ITOP_CONFIG_FILE', 'config-itop.php');
41define('SERVER_MAX_URL_LENGTH', 2048);
43class FileUploadException extends Exception
49 * Helper functions to interact with forms: read parameters, upload files...
50 * @package     iTop
51 */
52class utils
54	private static $oConfig = null;
55	private static $m_bCASClient = false;
57	// Parameters loaded from a file, parameters of the page/command line still have precedence
58	private static $m_aParamsFromFile = null;
59	private static $m_aParamSource = array();
61	protected static function LoadParamFile($sParamFile)
62	{
63		if (!file_exists($sParamFile))
64		{
65			throw new Exception("Could not find the parameter file: '".utils::HtmlEntities($sParamFile)."'");
66		}
67		if (!is_readable($sParamFile))
68		{
69			throw new Exception("Could not load parameter file: '".utils::HtmlEntities($sParamFile)."'");
70		}
71		$sParams = file_get_contents($sParamFile);
73		if (is_null(self::$m_aParamsFromFile))
74		{
75			self::$m_aParamsFromFile = array();
76		}
78		$aParamLines = explode("\n", $sParams);
79		foreach ($aParamLines as $sLine)
80		{
81			$sLine = trim($sLine);
83			// Ignore the line after a '#'
84			if (($iCommentPos = strpos($sLine, '#')) !== false)
85			{
86				$sLine = substr($sLine, 0, $iCommentPos);
87				$sLine = trim($sLine);
88			}
90			// Note: the line is supposed to be already trimmed
91			if (preg_match('/^(\S*)\s*=(.*)$/', $sLine, $aMatches))
92			{
93				$sParam = $aMatches[1];
94				$value = trim($aMatches[2]);
95				self::$m_aParamsFromFile[$sParam] = $value;
96				self::$m_aParamSource[$sParam] = $sParamFile;
97			}
98		}
99	}
101	public static function UseParamFile($sParamFileArgName = 'param_file', $bAllowCLI = true)
102	{
103		$sFileSpec = self::ReadParam($sParamFileArgName, '', $bAllowCLI, 'raw_data');
104		foreach(explode(',', $sFileSpec) as $sFile)
105		{
106			$sFile = trim($sFile);
107			if (!empty($sFile))
108			{
109				self::LoadParamFile($sFile);
110			}
111		}
112	}
114	/**
115	 * Return the source file from which the parameter has been found,
116	 * usefull when it comes to pass user credential to a process executed
117	 * in the background
118	 * @param $sName Parameter name
119	 * @return The file name if any, or null
120	 */
121	public static function GetParamSourceFile($sName)
122	{
123		if (array_key_exists($sName, self::$m_aParamSource))
124		{
125			return self::$m_aParamSource[$sName];
126		}
127		else
128		{
129			return null;
130		}
131	}
133	public static function IsModeCLI()
134	{
135		$sSAPIName = php_sapi_name();
136		$sCleanName = strtolower(trim($sSAPIName));
137		if ($sCleanName == 'cli')
138		{
139			return true;
140		}
141		else
142		{
143			return false;
144		}
145	}
147	protected static $bPageMode = null;
148	/**
149	 * @var boolean[]
150	 */
151	protected static $aModes = array();
153	public static function InitArchiveMode()
154	{
155		if (isset($_SESSION['archive_mode']))
156		{
157			$iDefault = $_SESSION['archive_mode'];
158		}
159		else
160		{
161			$iDefault = 0;
162		}
163		// Read and record the value for switching the archive mode
164		$iCurrent = self::ReadParam('with-archive', $iDefault);
165		if (isset($_SESSION))
166		{
167			$_SESSION['archive_mode'] = $iCurrent;
168		}
169		// Read and use the value for the current page (web services)
170		$iCurrent = self::ReadParam('with_archive', $iCurrent, true);
171		self::$bPageMode = ($iCurrent == 1);
172	}
174	/**
175	 * @param boolean $bMode if true then activate archive mode (archived objects are visible), otherwise archived objects are
176	 *     hidden (archive = "soft deletion")
177	 */
178	public static function PushArchiveMode($bMode)
179	{
180		array_push(self::$aModes, $bMode);
181	}
183	public static function PopArchiveMode()
184	{
185		array_pop(self::$aModes);
186	}
188	/**
189	 * @return boolean true if archive mode is enabled
190	 */
191	public static function IsArchiveMode()
192	{
193		if (count(self::$aModes) > 0)
194		{
195			$bRet = end(self::$aModes);
196		}
197		else
198		{
199			if (self::$bPageMode === null)
200			{
201				self::InitArchiveMode();
202			}
203			$bRet = self::$bPageMode;
204		}
205		return $bRet;
206	}
208	/**
209	 * Helper to be called by the GUI and define if the user will see obsolete data (otherwise, the user will have to dig further)
210	 * @return bool
211	 */
212	public static function ShowObsoleteData()
213	{
214		$bDefault = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('obsolescence.show_obsolete_data'); // default is false
215		$bShow = appUserPreferences::GetPref('show_obsolete_data', $bDefault);
216		if (static::IsArchiveMode())
217		{
218			$bShow = true;
219		}
220		return $bShow;
221	}
223	public static function ReadParam($sName, $defaultValue = "", $bAllowCLI = false, $sSanitizationFilter = 'parameter')
224	{
225		global $argv;
226		$retValue = $defaultValue;
228		if (!is_null(self::$m_aParamsFromFile))
229		{
230			if (isset(self::$m_aParamsFromFile[$sName]))
231			{
232				$retValue = self::$m_aParamsFromFile[$sName];
233			}
234		}
236		if (isset($_REQUEST[$sName]))
237		{
238			$retValue = $_REQUEST[$sName];
239		}
240		elseif ($bAllowCLI && isset($argv))
241		{
242			foreach($argv as $iArg => $sArg)
243			{
244				if (preg_match('/^--'.$sName.'=(.*)$/', $sArg, $aMatches))
245				{
246					$retValue = $aMatches[1];
247				}
248			}
249		}
250		return self::Sanitize($retValue, $defaultValue, $sSanitizationFilter);
251	}
253	public static function ReadPostedParam($sName, $defaultValue = '', $sSanitizationFilter = 'parameter')
254	{
255		$retValue = isset($_POST[$sName]) ? $_POST[$sName] : $defaultValue;
256		return self::Sanitize($retValue, $defaultValue, $sSanitizationFilter);
257	}
259	public static function Sanitize($value, $defaultValue, $sSanitizationFilter)
260	{
261		if ($value === $defaultValue)
262		{
263			// Preserve the real default value (can be used to detect missing mandatory parameters)
264			$retValue = $value;
265		}
266		else
267		{
268			$retValue = self::Sanitize_Internal($value, $sSanitizationFilter);
269			if ($retValue === false)
270			{
271				$retValue = $defaultValue;
272			}
273		}
274		return $retValue;
275	}
277	/**
278	 * @param string|string[] $value
279	 * @param string $sSanitizationFilter one of : integer, class, string, context_param, parameter, field_name,
280	 *               transaction_id, parameter, raw_data
281	 *
282	 * @return string|string[]|bool boolean for :
283	 *   * the 'class' filter (true if valid, false otherwise)
284	 *   * if the filter fails (@see \filter_var())
285	 *
286	 * @since 2.5.2 2.6.0 new 'transaction_id' filter
287	 */
288	protected static function Sanitize_Internal($value, $sSanitizationFilter)
289	{
290		switch ($sSanitizationFilter)
291		{
292			case 'integer':
293				$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
294				break;
296			case 'class':
297				$retValue = $value;
298				if (!MetaModel::IsValidClass($value))
299				{
300					$retValue = false;
301				}
302				break;
304			case 'string':
305				$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
306				break;
308			case 'context_param':
309			case 'parameter':
310			case 'field_name':
311				if (is_array($value))
312				{
313					$retValue = array();
314					foreach ($value as $key => $val)
315					{
316						$retValue[$key] = self::Sanitize_Internal($val, $sSanitizationFilter); // recursively check arrays
317						if ($retValue[$key] === false)
318						{
319							$retValue = false;
320							break;
321						}
322					}
323				}
324				else
325				{
326					switch ($sSanitizationFilter)
327					{
328						case 'transaction_id':
329							// same as parameter type but keep the dot character
330							// see N°1835 : when using file transaction_id on Windows you get *.tmp tokens
331							// it must be included at the regexp beginning otherwise you'll get an invalid character error
332							$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP,
333								array("options" => array("regexp" => '/^[\. A-Za-z0-9_=-]*$/')));
334							break;
336						case 'parameter':
337							$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP,
338								array("options" => array("regexp" => '/^[ A-Za-z0-9_=-]*$/'))); // the '=', '%3D, '%2B', '%2F'
339							// characters are used in serialized filters (starting 2.5, only the url encoded versions are presents, but the "=" is kept for BC)
340							break;
342						case 'field_name':
343							$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP,
344								array("options" => array("regexp" => '/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+(->[A-Za-z0-9_]+)*$/'))); // att_code or att_code->name or AttCode->Name or AttCode->Key2->Name
345							break;
347						case 'context_param':
348							$retValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP,
349								array("options" => array("regexp" => '/^[ A-Za-z0-9_=%:+-]*$/')));
350							break;
352					}
353				}
354				break;
356			default:
357			case 'raw_data':
358				$retValue = $value;
359			// Do nothing
360		}
362		return $retValue;
363	}
365	/**
366	 * Reads an uploaded file and turns it into an ormDocument object - Triggers an exception in case of error
367	 * @param string $sName Name of the input used from uploading the file
368	 * @param string $sIndex If Name is an array of posted files, then the index must be used to point out the file
369	 * @return ormDocument The uploaded file (can be 'empty' if nothing was uploaded)
370	 */
371	public static function  ReadPostedDocument($sName, $sIndex = null)
372	{
373		$oDocument = new ormDocument(); // an empty document
374		if(isset($_FILES[$sName]))
375		{
376			$aFileInfo = $_FILES[$sName];
378			$sError = is_null($sIndex) ? $aFileInfo['error'] : $aFileInfo['error'][$sIndex];
379			switch($sError)
380			{
381				case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
382				$sTmpName = is_null($sIndex) ? $aFileInfo['tmp_name'] : $aFileInfo['tmp_name'][$sIndex];
383				$sMimeType = is_null($sIndex) ? $aFileInfo['type'] : $aFileInfo['type'][$sIndex];
384				$sName = is_null($sIndex) ? $aFileInfo['name'] : $aFileInfo['name'][$sIndex];
386				$doc_content = file_get_contents($sTmpName);
387				if (function_exists('finfo_file'))
388				{
389					// as of PHP 5.3 the fileinfo extension is bundled within PHP
390					// in which case we don't trust the mime type provided by the browser
391					$rInfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); // return mime type ala mimetype extension
392					if ($rInfo !== false)
393					{
394					   $sType = @finfo_file($rInfo, $sTmpName);
395					   if ( ($sType !== false)
396					        && is_string($sType)
397					        && (strlen($sType)>0))
398					   {
399					        $sMimeType = $sType;
400					   }
401					}
402					@finfo_close($rInfo);
403				}
404				$oDocument = new ormDocument($doc_content, $sMimeType, $sName);
405				break;
407				case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
408				// no file to load, it's a normal case, just return an empty document
409				break;
412				case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
413				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::Format('UI:Error:UploadedFileTooBig', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
414				break;
417				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::S('UI:Error:UploadedFileTruncated.'));
418				break;
420				case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
421				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::S('UI:Error:NoTmpDir'));
422				break;
425				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::Format('UI:Error:CannotWriteToTmp_Dir', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')));
426				break;
429				$sName = is_null($sIndex) ? $aFileInfo['name'] : $aFileInfo['name'][$sIndex];
430				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::Format('UI:Error:UploadStoppedByExtension_FileName', $sName));
431				break;
433				default:
434				throw new FileUploadException(Dict::Format('UI:Error:UploadFailedUnknownCause_Code', $sError));
435				break;
437			}
438		}
439		return $oDocument;
440	}
442	/**
443	 * Interprets the results posted by a normal or paginated list (in multiple selection mode)
444	 *
445	 * @param $oFullSetFilter DBSearch The criteria defining the whole sets of objects being selected
446	 *
447	 * @return Array An array of object IDs corresponding to the objects selected in the set
448	 */
449	public static function ReadMultipleSelection($oFullSetFilter)
450	{
451		$aSelectedObj = utils::ReadParam('selectObject', array());
452		$sSelectionMode = utils::ReadParam('selectionMode', '');
453		if ($sSelectionMode != '')
454		{
455			// Paginated selection
456			$aExceptions = utils::ReadParam('storedSelection', array());
457			if ($sSelectionMode == 'positive')
458			{
459				// Only the explicitely listed items are selected
460				$aSelectedObj = $aExceptions;
461			}
462			else
463			{
464				// All items of the set are selected, except the one explicitely listed
465				$aSelectedObj = array();
466				$oFullSet = new DBObjectSet($oFullSetFilter);
467				$sClassAlias = $oFullSetFilter->GetClassAlias();
468				$oFullSet->OptimizeColumnLoad(array($sClassAlias => array('friendlyname'))); // We really need only the IDs but it does not work since id is not a real field
469				while($oObj = $oFullSet->Fetch())
470				{
471					if (!in_array($oObj->GetKey(), $aExceptions))
472					{
473						$aSelectedObj[] = $oObj->GetKey();
474					}
475				}
476			}
477		}
478		return $aSelectedObj;
479	}
481	/**
482	 * Interprets the results posted by a normal or paginated list (in multiple selection mode)
483	 *
484	 * @param DBSearch $oFullSetFilter The criteria defining the whole sets of objects being selected
485	 *
486	 * @return Array An array of object IDs:friendlyname corresponding to the objects selected in the set
487	 * @throws \CoreException
488	 */
489	public static function ReadMultipleSelectionWithFriendlyname($oFullSetFilter)
490	{
491		$sSelectionMode = utils::ReadParam('selectionMode', '');
493		if ($sSelectionMode != 'positive' && $sSelectionMode != 'negative')
494		{
495			throw new CoreException('selectionMode must be either positive or negative');
496		}
498		// Paginated selection
499		$aSelectedIds = utils::ReadParam('storedSelection', array());
500		if (count($aSelectedIds) > 0 )
501		{
502			if ($sSelectionMode == 'positive')
503			{
504				// Only the explicitly listed items are selected
505				$oFullSetFilter->AddCondition('id', $aSelectedIds, 'IN');
506			}
507			else
508			{
509				// All items of the set are selected, except the one explicitly listed
510				$oFullSetFilter->AddCondition('id', $aSelectedIds, 'NOTIN');
511			}
512		}
514		$aSelectedObj = array();
515		$oFullSet = new DBObjectSet($oFullSetFilter);
516		$sClassAlias = $oFullSetFilter->GetClassAlias();
517		$oFullSet->OptimizeColumnLoad(array($sClassAlias => array('friendlyname'))); // We really need only the IDs but it does not work since id is not a real field
518		while ($oObj = $oFullSet->Fetch())
519		{
520			$aSelectedObj[$oObj->GetKey()] = $oObj->Get('friendlyname');
521		}
523		return $aSelectedObj;
524	}
526	public static function GetNewTransactionId()
527	{
528		return privUITransaction::GetNewTransactionId();
529	}
531	public static function IsTransactionValid($sId, $bRemoveTransaction = true)
532	{
533		return privUITransaction::IsTransactionValid($sId, $bRemoveTransaction);
534	}
536	public static function RemoveTransaction($sId)
537	{
538		return privUITransaction::RemoveTransaction($sId);
539	}
541	/**
542	 * Returns a unique tmp id for the current upload based on the transaction system (db).
543	 *
544	 * Build as static::GetNewTransactionId()
545	 *
546	 * @return string
547	 */
548	public static function GetUploadTempId($sTransactionId = null)
549	{
550		if ($sTransactionId === null)
551		{
552			$sTransactionId = static::GetNewTransactionId();
553		}
554		return $sTransactionId;
555	}
557	public static function ReadFromFile($sFileName)
558	{
559		if (!file_exists($sFileName)) return false;
560		return file_get_contents($sFileName);
561	}
563	/**
564	 * Helper function to convert a value expressed in a 'user friendly format'
565	 * as in php.ini, e.g. 256k, 2M, 1G etc. Into a number of bytes
566	 * @param mixed $value The value as read from php.ini
567	 * @return number
568	 */
569	public static function ConvertToBytes( $value )
570	{
571		$iReturn = $value;
572	    if ( !is_numeric( $value ) )
573		{
574	        $iLength = strlen( $value );
575	        $iReturn = substr( $value, 0, $iLength - 1 );
576	        $sUnit = strtoupper( substr( $value, $iLength - 1 ) );
577	        switch ( $sUnit )
578			{
579	            case 'G':
580	                $iReturn *= 1024;
581	            case 'M':
582	                $iReturn *= 1024;
583	            case 'K':
584	                $iReturn *= 1024;
585	        }
586	    }
587        return $iReturn;
588    }
590  /**
591   * Checks if the memory limit is at least what is required
592   *
593   * @param int $memoryLimit set limit in bytes
594   * @param int $requiredLimit required limit in bytes
595   * @return bool
596   */
597  public static function IsMemoryLimitOk($memoryLimit, $requiredLimit)
598  {
599      return ($memoryLimit >= $requiredLimit) || ($memoryLimit == -1);
600  }
602	/**
603	 * Format a value into a more friendly format (KB, MB, GB, TB) instead a juste a Bytes amount.
604	 *
605	 * @param type $value
606	 * @return string
607	 */
608	public static function BytesToFriendlyFormat($value)
609	{
610		$sReturn = '';
611		// Kilobytes
612		if ($value >= 1024)
613		{
614			$sReturn = 'K';
615			$value = $value / 1024;
616		}
617		// Megabytes
618		if ($value >= 1024)
619		{
620			$sReturn = 'M';
621			$value = $value / 1024;
622		}
623		// Gigabytes
624		if ($value >= 1024)
625		{
626			$sReturn = 'G';
627			$value = $value / 1024;
628		}
629		// Terabytes
630		if ($value >= 1024)
631		{
632			$sReturn = 'T';
633			$value = $value / 1024;
634		}
636		$value = round($value, 1);
638		return $value . '' . $sReturn . 'B';
639	}
641	/**
642	 * Helper function to convert a string to a date, given a format specification. It replaces strtotime which does not allow for specifying a date in a french format (for instance)
643	 * Example: StringToTime('01/05/11 12:03:45', '%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s')
644	 * @param string $sDate
645	 * @param string $sFormat
646	 * @return timestamp or false if the input format is not correct
647	 */
648	public static function StringToTime($sDate, $sFormat)
649	{
650	   // Source: http://php.net/manual/fr/function.strftime.php
651		// (alternative: http://www.php.net/manual/fr/datetime.formats.date.php)
652		static $aDateTokens = null;
653		static $aDateRegexps = null;
654		if (is_null($aDateTokens))
655		{
656		   $aSpec = array(
657				'%d' =>'(?<day>[0-9]{2})',
658				'%m' => '(?<month>[0-9]{2})',
659				'%y' => '(?<year>[0-9]{2})',
660				'%Y' => '(?<year>[0-9]{4})',
661				'%H' => '(?<hour>[0-2][0-9])',
662				'%i' => '(?<minute>[0-5][0-9])',
663				'%s' => '(?<second>[0-5][0-9])',
664				);
665			$aDateTokens = array_keys($aSpec);
666			$aDateRegexps = array_values($aSpec);
667		}
669	   $sDateRegexp = str_replace($aDateTokens, $aDateRegexps, $sFormat);
671	   if (preg_match('!^(?<head>)'.$sDateRegexp.'(?<tail>)$!', $sDate, $aMatches))
672	   {
673			$sYear = isset($aMatches['year']) ? $aMatches['year'] : 0;
674			$sMonth = isset($aMatches['month']) ? $aMatches['month'] : 1;
675			$sDay = isset($aMatches['day']) ? $aMatches['day'] : 1;
676			$sHour = isset($aMatches['hour']) ? $aMatches['hour'] : 0;
677			$sMinute = isset($aMatches['minute']) ? $aMatches['minute'] : 0;
678			$sSecond = isset($aMatches['second']) ? $aMatches['second'] : 0;
679			return strtotime("$sYear-$sMonth-$sDay $sHour:$sMinute:$sSecond");
680		}
681	   else
682	   {
683	   	return false;
684	   }
685	   // http://www.spaweditor.com/scripts/regex/index.php
686	}
688	/**
689	 * Convert an old date/time format specifciation (using % placeholders)
690	 * to a format compatible with DateTime::createFromFormat
691	 * @param string $sOldDateTimeFormat
692	 * @return string
693	 */
694	static public function DateTimeFormatToPHP($sOldDateTimeFormat)
695	{
696		$aSearch = array('%d', '%m', '%y', '%Y', '%H', '%i', '%s');
697		$aReplacement = array('d', 'm', 'y', 'Y', 'H', 'i', 's');
698		return str_replace($aSearch, $aReplacement, $sOldDateTimeFormat);
699	}
701	/**
702	 * @return \Config from the current environement, or if not existing from the production env, else new Config made from scratch
703	 * @uses \MetaModel::GetConfig() don't forget to add the needed <code>require_once(APPROOT.'core/metamodel.class.php');</code>
704	 */
705	static public function GetConfig()
706	{
707		if (self::$oConfig == null)
708		{
709		    self::$oConfig = MetaModel::GetConfig();
711		    if (self::$oConfig == null)
712		    {
713    			$sConfigFile = self::GetConfigFilePath();
714    			if (!file_exists($sConfigFile))
715    			{
716				    $sConfigFile = self::GetConfigFilePath('production');
717				    if (!file_exists($sConfigFile))
718				    {
719				    	$sConfigFile = null;
720				    }
721    			}
723			    self::$oConfig = new Config($sConfigFile);
724		    }
725		}
726		return self::$oConfig;
727	}
729	public static function InitTimeZone() {
730		$oConfig = self::GetConfig();
731		$sItopTimeZone = $oConfig->Get('timezone');
733		if (!empty($sItopTimeZone))
734		{
735			date_default_timezone_set($sItopTimeZone);
736		}
737		else
738		{
739			// Leave as is... up to the admin to set a value somewhere...
740			// see http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.configuration.php#ini.date.timezone
741		}
742	}
744    /**
745     * Returns the absolute URL to the application root path
746     *
747     * @return string The absolute URL to the application root, without the first slash
748     *
749     * @throws \Exception
750     */
751	static public function GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot()
752	{
753		static $sUrl = null;
754		if ($sUrl === null)
755		{
756			$sUrl = self::GetConfig()->Get('app_root_url');
757			if ($sUrl == '')
758			{
759				$sUrl = self::GetDefaultUrlAppRoot();
760			}
761			elseif (strpos($sUrl, SERVER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) > -1)
762			{
763				if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
764				{
765					$sServerName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
766				}
767				else
768				{
769					// CLI mode ?
770					$sServerName = php_uname('n');
771				}
772				$sUrl = str_replace(SERVER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, $sServerName, $sUrl);
773			}
774		}
775		return $sUrl;
776	}
778    /**
779     * Builds an root url from the server's variables.
780     * For most usages, when an root url is needed, use utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() instead as uses this only as a fallback when the app_root_url conf parameter is not defined.
781     *
782     * @return string
783     *
784     * @throws \Exception
785     */
786    static public function GetDefaultUrlAppRoot()
787	{
788		// Build an absolute URL to this page on this server/port
789		$sServerName = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : '';
790		$sProtocol = self::IsConnectionSecure() ? 'https' : 'http';
791		$iPort = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : 80;
792		if ($sProtocol == 'http')
793		{
794			$sPort = ($iPort == 80) ? '' : ':'.$iPort;
795		}
796		else
797		{
798			$sPort = ($iPort == 443) ? '' : ':'.$iPort;
799		}
800		// $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is empty when running on IIS
801		// Let's use Ivan Tcholakov's fix (found on www.dokeos.com)
802		if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
803		{
804			$sPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
805		}
806		else
807		{
808			$sPath = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
809			if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
810			{
811				$sPath .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
812			}
813			$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $sPath;
814		}
815		$sPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
817		// remove all the parameters from the query string
818		$iQuestionMarkPos = strpos($sPath, '?');
819		if ($iQuestionMarkPos !== false)
820		{
821			$sPath = substr($sPath, 0, $iQuestionMarkPos);
822		}
823		$sAbsoluteUrl = "$sProtocol://{$sServerName}{$sPort}{$sPath}";
825		$sCurrentScript = realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
826		$sCurrentScript = str_replace('\\', '/', $sCurrentScript); // canonical path
827		$sAppRoot = str_replace('\\', '/', APPROOT); // canonical path
828		$sCurrentRelativePath = str_replace($sAppRoot, '', $sCurrentScript);
830		$sAppRootPos = strpos($sAbsoluteUrl, $sCurrentRelativePath);
831		if ($sAppRootPos !== false)
832		{
833			$sAppRootUrl = substr($sAbsoluteUrl, 0, $sAppRootPos); // remove the current page and path
834		}
835		else
836		{
837			// Second attempt without index.php at the end...
838			$sCurrentRelativePath = str_replace('index.php', '', $sCurrentRelativePath);
839			$sAppRootPos = strpos($sAbsoluteUrl, $sCurrentRelativePath);
840			if ($sAppRootPos !== false)
841			{
842				$sAppRootUrl = substr($sAbsoluteUrl, 0, $sAppRootPos); // remove the current page and path
843			}
844			else
845			{
846				// No luck...
847				throw new Exception("Failed to determine application root path $sAbsoluteUrl ($sCurrentRelativePath) APPROOT:'$sAppRoot'");
848			}
849		}
850		return $sAppRootUrl;
851	}
853	/**
854	 * Helper to handle the variety of HTTP servers
855	 * See N°286 (fixed in [896]), and N°634 (this fix)
856	 *
857	 * Though the official specs says 'a non empty string', some servers like IIS do set it to 'off' !
858	 * nginx set it to an empty string
859	 * Others might leave it unset (no array entry)
860	 */
861	static public function IsConnectionSecure()
862	{
863		$bSecured = false;
865		if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off'))
866		{
867			$bSecured = true;
868		}
869		return $bSecured;
870	}
872	/**
873	 * Tells whether or not log off operation is supported.
874	 * Actually in only one case:
875	 * 1) iTop is using an internal authentication
876	 * 2) the user did not log-in using the "basic" mode (i.e basic authentication) or by passing credentials in the URL
877	 * @return boolean True if logoff is supported, false otherwise
878	 */
879	static function CanLogOff()
880	{
881		$bResult = false;
882		if(isset($_SESSION['login_mode']))
883		{
884			$sLoginMode = $_SESSION['login_mode'];
885			switch($sLoginMode)
886			{
887				case 'external':
888				$bResult = false;
889				break;
891				case 'form':
892				case 'basic':
893				case 'url':
894				case 'cas':
895				default:
896				$bResult = true;
898			}
899		}
900		return $bResult;
901	}
903	/**
904	 * Initializes the CAS client
905	 */
906	 static function InitCASClient()
907	 {
908		$sCASIncludePath =  self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_include_path');
909		include_once($sCASIncludePath.'/CAS.php');
911		$bCASDebug = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_debug');
912		if ($bCASDebug)
913		{
914			phpCAS::setDebug(APPROOT.'log/error.log');
915		}
917		if (!self::$m_bCASClient)
918		{
919			// Initialize phpCAS
920			$sCASVersion = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_version');
921			$sCASHost = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_host');
922			$iCASPort = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_port');
923			$sCASContext = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_context');
924			phpCAS::client($sCASVersion, $sCASHost, $iCASPort, $sCASContext, false /* session already started */);
925			self::$m_bCASClient = true;
926			$sCASCACertPath = self::GetConfig()->Get('cas_server_ca_cert_path');
927			if (empty($sCASCACertPath))
928			{
929				// If no certificate authority is provided, do not attempt to validate
930				// the server's certificate
933				phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation();
934			}
935			else
936			{
937				phpCAS::setCasServerCACert($sCASCACertPath);
938			}
939		}
940	 }
942	 static function DebugBacktrace($iLimit = 5)
943	 {
944		$aFullTrace = debug_backtrace();
945		$aLightTrace = array();
946		for($i=1; ($i<=$iLimit && $i < count($aFullTrace)); $i++) // Skip the last function call... which is the call to this function !
947		{
948			$aLightTrace[$i] = $aFullTrace[$i]['function'].'(), called from line '.$aFullTrace[$i]['line'].' in '.$aFullTrace[$i]['file'];
949		}
950		echo "<p><pre>".print_r($aLightTrace, true)."</pre></p>\n";
951	 }
953	/**
954	 * Execute the given iTop PHP script, passing it the current credentials
955	 * Only CLI mode is supported, because of the need to hand the credentials over to the next process
956	 * Throws an exception if the execution fails or could not be attempted (config issue)
957	 * @param string $sScript Name and relative path to the file (relative to the iTop root dir)
958	 * @param hash $aArguments Associative array of 'arg' => 'value'
959	 * @return array(iCode, array(output lines))
960	 */
961	/**
962	 */
963	static function ExecITopScript($sScriptName, $aArguments)
964	{
965		$aDisabled = explode(', ', ini_get('disable_functions'));
966		if (in_array('exec', $aDisabled))
967		{
968			throw new Exception("The PHP exec() function has been disabled on this server");
969		}
971		$sPHPExec = trim(self::GetConfig()->Get('php_path'));
972		if (strlen($sPHPExec) == 0)
973		{
974			throw new Exception("The path to php must not be empty. Please set a value for 'php_path' in your configuration file.");
975		}
977		$sAuthUser = self::ReadParam('auth_user', '', 'raw_data');
978		$sAuthPwd = self::ReadParam('auth_pwd', '', 'raw_data');
979		$sParamFile = self::GetParamSourceFile('auth_user');
980		if (is_null($sParamFile))
981		{
982			$aArguments['auth_user'] = $sAuthUser;
983			$aArguments['auth_pwd'] = $sAuthPwd;
984		}
985		else
986		{
987			$aArguments['param_file'] = $sParamFile;
988		}
990		$aArgs = array();
991		foreach($aArguments as $sName => $value)
992		{
993			// Note: See comment from the 23-Apr-2004 03:30 in the PHP documentation
994			//    It suggests to rely on pctnl_* function instead of using escapeshellargs
995			$aArgs[] = "--$sName=".escapeshellarg($value);
996		}
997		$sArgs = implode(' ', $aArgs);
999		$sScript = realpath(APPROOT.$sScriptName);
1000		if (!file_exists($sScript))
1001		{
1002			throw new Exception("Could not find the script file '$sScriptName' from the directory '".APPROOT."'");
1003		}
1005		$sCommand = '"'.$sPHPExec.'" '.escapeshellarg($sScript).' -- '.$sArgs;
1007		if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '<'))
1008		{
1009			if (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN')
1010			{
1011				// Under Windows, and for PHP 5.2.x, the whole command has to be quoted
1012				// Cf PHP doc: http://php.net/manual/fr/function.exec.php, comment from the 27-Dec-2010
1013				$sCommand = '"'.$sCommand.'"';
1014			}
1015		}
1017		$sLastLine = exec($sCommand, $aOutput, $iRes);
1018		if ($iRes == 1)
1019		{
1020			throw new Exception(Dict::S('Core:ExecProcess:Code1')." - ".$sCommand);
1021		}
1022		elseif ($iRes == 255)
1023		{
1024			$sErrors = implode("\n", $aOutput);
1025			throw new Exception(Dict::S('Core:ExecProcess:Code255')." - ".$sCommand.":\n".$sErrors);
1026		}
1028		//$aOutput[] = $sCommand;
1029		return array($iRes, $aOutput);
1030	}
1032	/**
1033	 * Get the current environment
1034	 */
1035	public static function GetCurrentEnvironment()
1036	{
1037		if (isset($_SESSION['itop_env']))
1038		{
1039			return $_SESSION['itop_env'];
1040		}
1041		else
1042		{
1043			return ITOP_DEFAULT_ENV;
1044		}
1045	}
1047	/**
1048	 * Returns a path to a folder into which any module can store cache data
1049	 * The corresponding folder is created or cleaned upon code compilation
1050	 * @return string
1051	 */
1052	public static function GetCachePath()
1053	{
1054		return APPROOT.'data/cache-'.MetaModel::GetEnvironment().'/';
1055	}
1056	/**
1057	 * Merge standard menu items with plugin provided menus items
1058	 */
1059	public static function GetPopupMenuItems($oPage, $iMenuId, $param, &$aActions, $sTableId = null, $sDataTableId = null)
1060	{
1061		// 1st - add standard built-in menu items
1062		//
1063		switch($iMenuId)
1064		{
1065			case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_TOOLKIT:
1066			// $param is a DBObjectSet
1067			$oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
1068			$sContext = $oAppContext->GetForLink();
1069			$sDataTableId = is_null($sDataTableId) ? '' : $sDataTableId;
1070			$sUIPage = cmdbAbstractObject::ComputeStandardUIPage($param->GetFilter()->GetClass());
1071			$sOQL = addslashes($param->GetFilter()->ToOQL(true));
1072			$sFilter = urlencode($param->GetFilter()->serialize());
1073			$sUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot()."pages/$sUIPage?operation=search&filter=".$sFilter."&{$sContext}";
1074			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/tabularfieldsselector.js');
1075			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/jquery.dragtable.js');
1076			$oPage->add_linked_stylesheet(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'css/dragtable.css');
1078			$aResult = array();
1079			if (strlen($sUrl) < SERVER_MAX_URL_LENGTH)
1080			{
1081				$aResult[] = new SeparatorPopupMenuItem();
1082				// Static menus: Email this page, CSV Export & Add to Dashboard
1083				$aResult[] = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:EMail', Dict::S('UI:Menu:EMail'),
1084						"mailto:?body=".urlencode($sUrl).' ' // Add an extra space to make it work in Outlook
1085				);
1086			}
1088			if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($param->GetFilter()->GetClass(), UR_ACTION_BULK_READ, $param) != UR_ALLOWED_NO)
1089			{
1090				// Bulk export actions
1091				$aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:CSVExport', Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport'), "ExportListDlg('$sOQL', '$sDataTableId', 'csv', ".json_encode(Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport')).")");
1092				$aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:ExportXLSX', Dict::S('ExcelExporter:ExportMenu'), "ExportListDlg('$sOQL', '$sDataTableId', 'xlsx', ".json_encode(Dict::S('ExcelExporter:ExportMenu')).")");
1093				if (extension_loaded('gd'))
1094				{
1095					// PDF export requires GD
1096					$aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:ExportPDF', Dict::S('UI:Menu:ExportPDF'), "ExportListDlg('$sOQL', '$sDataTableId', 'pdf', ".json_encode(Dict::S('UI:Menu:ExportPDF')).")");
1097				}
1098			}
1099			$aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:AddToDashboard', Dict::S('UI:Menu:AddToDashboard'), "DashletCreationDlg('$sOQL', '$sContext')");
1100			$aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:ShortcutList', Dict::S('UI:Menu:ShortcutList'), "ShortcutListDlg('$sOQL', '$sDataTableId', '$sContext')");
1102			break;
1104			case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJDETAILS_ACTIONS:
1105			// $param is a DBObject
1106			$oObj = $param;
1107			$sOQL = "SELECT ".get_class($oObj)." WHERE id=".$oObj->GetKey();
1108			$sUrl = ApplicationContext::MakeObjectUrl(get_class($oObj), $oObj->GetKey());
1109			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/tabularfieldsselector.js');
1110			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/jquery.dragtable.js');
1111			$oPage->add_linked_stylesheet(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'css/dragtable.css');
1112			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/tabularfieldsselector.js');
1113			$oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'js/jquery.dragtable.js');
1114			$oPage->add_linked_stylesheet(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'css/dragtable.css');
1116			$aResult = array(
1117				new SeparatorPopupMenuItem(),
1118				// Static menus: Email this page & CSV Export
1119				new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:EMail', Dict::S('UI:Menu:EMail'), "mailto:?subject=".urlencode($oObj->GetRawName())."&body=".urlencode($sUrl).' '), // Add an extra space to make it work in Outlook
1120				new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:CSVExport', Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport'), "ExportListDlg('$sOQL', '', 'csv', ".json_encode(Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport')).")"),
1121				new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:ExportXLSX', Dict::S('ExcelExporter:ExportMenu'), "ExportListDlg('$sOQL', '', 'xlsx', ".json_encode(Dict::S('ExcelExporter:ExportMenu')).")"),
1122				new SeparatorPopupMenuItem(),
1123				new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:PrintableVersion', Dict::S('UI:Menu:PrintableVersion'), $sUrl.'&printable=1', '_blank'),
1124			);
1125			break;
1127			case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_DASHBOARD_ACTIONS:
1128				// $param is a Dashboard
1129				/** @var \RuntimeDashboard $oDashboard */
1130				$oDashboard = $param;
1131				$sDashboardId = $oDashboard->GetId();
1132				$sDashboardFile = $oDashboard->GetDefinitionFile();
1133				$sDlgTitle = addslashes(Dict::S('UI:ImportDashboardTitle'));
1134				$sDlgText = addslashes(Dict::S('UI:ImportDashboardText'));
1135				$sCloseBtn = addslashes(Dict::S('UI:Button:Cancel'));
1136				$sDashboardFileJS = addslashes($sDashboardFile);
1137				$sDashboardFileURL = urlencode($sDashboardFile);
1138				$sUploadDashboardTransactId = utils::GetNewTransactionId();
1139				$aResult = array(
1140					new SeparatorPopupMenuItem(),
1141					new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:ExportDashboard', Dict::S('UI:ExportDashBoard'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=export_dashboard&id='.$sDashboardId.'&file='.$sDashboardFileURL),
1142					new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:ImportDashboard', Dict::S('UI:ImportDashBoard'), "UploadDashboard({dashboard_id: '$sDashboardId', file: '$sDashboardFileJS', title: '$sDlgTitle', text: '$sDlgText', close_btn: '$sCloseBtn', transaction: '$sUploadDashboardTransactId' })"),
1143				);
1144				if ($oDashboard->GetReloadURL())
1145				{
1146					$aResult[] = new SeparatorPopupMenuItem();
1147					$aResult[] = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Menu:PrintableVersion', Dict::S('UI:Menu:PrintableVersion'), $oDashboard->GetReloadURL().'&printable=1', '_blank');
1148				}
1150				break;
1152			default:
1153			// Unknown type of menu, do nothing
1154			$aResult = array();
1155		}
1156		foreach($aResult as $oMenuItem)
1157		{
1158			$aActions[$oMenuItem->GetUID()] = $oMenuItem->GetMenuItem();
1159		}
1161		// Invoke the plugins
1162		//
1163		foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPopupMenuExtension') as $oExtensionInstance)
1164		{
1165			if (is_object($param) && !($param instanceof DBObject))
1166			{
1167				$tmpParam = clone $param; // In case the parameter is an DBObjectSet, clone it to prevent alterations
1168			}
1169			else
1170			{
1171				$tmpParam = $param;
1172			}
1173			foreach($oExtensionInstance->EnumItems($iMenuId, $tmpParam) as $oMenuItem)
1174			{
1175				if (is_object($oMenuItem))
1176				{
1177					$aActions[$oMenuItem->GetUID()] = $oMenuItem->GetMenuItem();
1179					foreach($oMenuItem->GetLinkedScripts() as $sLinkedScript)
1180					{
1181						$oPage->add_linked_script($sLinkedScript);
1182					}
1183				}
1184			}
1185		}
1186	}
1187	/**
1188	 * @return string target configuration file name (including full path)
1189	 */
1190	public static function GetConfigFilePath($sEnvironment = null)
1191	{
1192		if (is_null($sEnvironment))
1193		{
1194			$sEnvironment = self::GetCurrentEnvironment();
1195		}
1196		return APPCONF.$sEnvironment.'/'.ITOP_CONFIG_FILE;
1197	}
1198	/**
1199	 * @return string target configuration file name (including relative path)
1200	 */
1201	public static function GetConfigFilePathRelative($sEnvironment = null)
1202	{
1203		if (is_null($sEnvironment))
1204		{
1205			$sEnvironment = self::GetCurrentEnvironment();
1206		}
1207		return "conf/".$sEnvironment.'/'.ITOP_CONFIG_FILE;
1208	}
1210    /**
1211     * @return string the absolute URL to the modules root path
1212     */
1213	static public function GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot()
1214	{
1215		$sUrl = self::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'env-'.self::GetCurrentEnvironment().'/';
1216		return $sUrl;
1217	}
1219	/**
1220	 * To be compatible with this mechanism, the called page must include approot with an absolute path OR not include
1221	 * it at all (losing the direct access to the page) :
1222	 *
1223	 * ```php
1224	 * if (!defined('__DIR__')) define('__DIR__', dirname(__FILE__));
1225	 * require_once(__DIR__.'/../../approot.inc.php');
1226	 * ```
1227	 *
1228	 * @param string $sModule
1229	 * @param string $sPage
1230	 * @param string[] $aArguments
1231	 * @param string $sEnvironment
1232	 *
1233	 * @return string the URL to a page that will execute the requested module page, with query string values url encoded
1234	 *
1235	 * @see GetExecPageArguments can be used to submit using the GET method (see bug in N.1108)
1236	 * @see GetAbsoluteUrlExecPage
1237	 */
1238	static public function GetAbsoluteUrlModulePage($sModule, $sPage, $aArguments = array(), $sEnvironment = null)
1239	{
1240		$aArgs = self::GetExecPageArguments($sModule, $sPage, $aArguments, $sEnvironment);
1241		$sArgs = http_build_query($aArgs);
1243		return self::GetAbsoluteUrlExecPage()."?".$sArgs;
1244	}
1246	/**
1247	 * @param string $sModule
1248	 * @param string $sPage
1249	 * @param string[] $aArguments
1250	 * @param string $sEnvironment
1251	 *
1252	 * @return string[] key/value pair for the exec page query string. <b>Warning</b> : values are not url encoded !
1253	 * @throws \Exception if one of the argument has a reserved name
1254	 */
1255	static public function GetExecPageArguments($sModule, $sPage, $aArguments = array(), $sEnvironment = null)
1256	{
1257		$sEnvironment = is_null($sEnvironment) ? self::GetCurrentEnvironment() : $sEnvironment;
1258		$aArgs = array();
1259		$aArgs['exec_module'] = $sModule;
1260		$aArgs['exec_page'] = $sPage;
1261		$aArgs['exec_env'] = $sEnvironment;
1262		foreach($aArguments as $sName => $sValue)
1263		{
1264			if (($sName == 'exec_module') || ($sName == 'exec_page') || ($sName == 'exec_env'))
1265			{
1266				throw new Exception("Module page: $sName is a reserved page argument name");
1267			}
1268			$aArgs[$sName] = $sValue;
1269		}
1271		return $aArgs;
1272	}
1274	/**
1275	 * @return string
1276	 */
1277	static public function GetAbsoluteUrlExecPage()
1278	{
1279		return self::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'pages/exec.php';
1280	}
1282	/**
1283	 * Returns a name unique amongst the given list
1284	 * @param string $sProposed The default value
1285	 * @param array  $aExisting An array of existing values (strings)
1286	 */
1287	static public function MakeUniqueName($sProposed, $aExisting)
1288	{
1289		if (in_array($sProposed, $aExisting))
1290		{
1291			$i = 1;
1292			while (in_array($sProposed.$i, $aExisting) && ($i < 50))
1293			{
1294				$i++;
1295			}
1296			return $sProposed.$i;
1297		}
1298		else
1299		{
1300			return $sProposed;
1301		}
1302	}
1304	/**
1305	 * Some characters cause troubles with jQuery when used inside DOM IDs, so let's replace them by the safe _ (underscore)
1306	 * @param string $sId The ID to sanitize
1307	 * @return string The sanitized ID
1308	 */
1309	static public function GetSafeId($sId)
1310	{
1311		return str_replace(array(':', '[', ']', '+', '-'), '_', $sId);
1312	}
1314	/**
1315	 * Helper to execute an HTTP POST request
1316	 * Source: http://netevil.org/blog/2006/nov/http-post-from-php-without-curl
1317	 *         originaly named after do_post_request
1318	 * Does not require cUrl but requires openssl for performing https POSTs.
1319	 *
1320	 * @param string $sUrl The URL to POST the data to
1321	 * @param hash $aData The data to POST as an array('param_name' => value)
1322	 * @param string $sOptionnalHeaders Additional HTTP headers as a string with newlines between headers
1323	 * @param hash	$aResponseHeaders An array to be filled with reponse headers: WARNING: the actual content of the array depends on the library used: cURL or fopen, test with both !! See: http://fr.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-getinfo.php
1324	 * @param hash $aCurlOptions An (optional) array of options to pass to curl_init. The format is 'option_code' => 'value'. These values have precedence over the default ones. Example: CURLOPT_SSLVERSION => CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3
1325	 * @return string The result of the POST request
1326	 * @throws Exception
1327	 */
1328	static public function DoPostRequest($sUrl, $aData, $sOptionnalHeaders = null, &$aResponseHeaders = null, $aCurlOptions = array())
1329	{
1330		// $sOptionnalHeaders is a string containing additional HTTP headers that you would like to send in your request.
1332		if (function_exists('curl_init'))
1333		{
1334			// If cURL is available, let's use it, since it provides a greater control over the various HTTP/SSL options
1335			// For instance fopen does not allow to work around the bug: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18191672/php-curl-ssl-routinesssl23-get-server-helloreason1112
1336			// by setting the SSLVERSION to 3 as done below.
1337			$aHeaders = explode("\n", $sOptionnalHeaders);
1338			$aHTTPHeaders = array();
1339			foreach($aHeaders as $sHeaderString)
1340			{
1341				if(preg_match('/^([^:]): (.+)$/', $sHeaderString, $aMatches))
1342				{
1343					$aHTTPHeaders[$aMatches[1]] = $aMatches[2];
1344				}
1345			}
1346			// Default options, can be overloaded/extended with the 4th parameter of this method, see above $aCurlOptions
1347			$aOptions = array(
1348				CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER	=> true,     // return the content of the request
1349				CURLOPT_HEADER			=> false,    // don't return the headers in the output
1350				CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION	=> true,     // follow redirects
1351				CURLOPT_ENCODING		=> "",       // handle all encodings
1352				CURLOPT_USERAGENT		=> "spider", // who am i
1353				CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER		=> true,     // set referer on redirect
1354				CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT	=> 120,      // timeout on connect
1355				CURLOPT_TIMEOUT			=> 120,      // timeout on response
1356				CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS		=> 10,       // stop after 10 redirects
1357				CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER	=> false,    // Disabled SSL Cert checks
1358				// SSLV3 (CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 = 3) is now considered as obsolete/dangerous: http://disablessl3.com/#why
1359				// but it used to be a MUST to prevent a strange SSL error: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18191672/php-curl-ssl-routinesssl23-get-server-helloreason1112
1360				// CURLOPT_SSLVERSION		=> 3,
1361				CURLOPT_POST			=> count($aData),
1362				CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS		=> http_build_query($aData),
1363				CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER		=> $aHTTPHeaders,
1364			);
1366			$aAllOptions = $aCurlOptions + $aOptions;
1367			$ch = curl_init($sUrl);
1368			curl_setopt_array($ch, $aAllOptions);
1369			$response = curl_exec($ch);
1370			$iErr = curl_errno($ch);
1371			$sErrMsg = curl_error( $ch );
1372			$aHeaders = curl_getinfo( $ch );
1373			if ($iErr !== 0)
1374			{
1375				throw new Exception("Problem opening URL: $sUrl, $sErrMsg");
1376			}
1377			if (is_array($aResponseHeaders))
1378			{
1379				$aHeaders = curl_getinfo($ch);
1380				foreach($aHeaders as $sCode => $sValue)
1381				{
1382					$sName = str_replace(' ' , '-', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $sCode))); // Transform "content_type" into "Content-Type"
1383					$aResponseHeaders[$sName] = $sValue;
1384				}
1385			}
1386			curl_close( $ch );
1387		}
1388		else
1389		{
1390			// cURL is not available let's try with streams and fopen...
1392			$sData = http_build_query($aData);
1393			$aParams = array('http' => array(
1394									'method' => 'POST',
1395									'content' => $sData,
1396									'header'=> "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: ".strlen($sData)."\r\n",
1397									));
1398			if ($sOptionnalHeaders !== null)
1399			{
1400				$aParams['http']['header'] .= $sOptionnalHeaders;
1401			}
1402			$ctx = stream_context_create($aParams);
1404			$fp = @fopen($sUrl, 'rb', false, $ctx);
1405			if (!$fp)
1406			{
1407				global $php_errormsg;
1408				if (isset($php_errormsg))
1409				{
1410					throw new Exception("Wrong URL: $sUrl, $php_errormsg");
1411				}
1412				elseif ((strtolower(substr($sUrl, 0, 5)) == 'https') && !extension_loaded('openssl'))
1413				{
1414					throw new Exception("Cannot connect to $sUrl: missing module 'openssl'");
1415				}
1416				else
1417				{
1418					throw new Exception("Wrong URL: $sUrl");
1419				}
1420			}
1421			$response = @stream_get_contents($fp);
1422			if ($response === false)
1423			{
1424				throw new Exception("Problem reading data from $sUrl, $php_errormsg");
1425			}
1426			if (is_array($aResponseHeaders))
1427			{
1428				$aMeta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
1429				$aHeaders = $aMeta['wrapper_data'];
1430				foreach($aHeaders as $sHeaderString)
1431				{
1432					if(preg_match('/^([^:]+): (.+)$/', $sHeaderString, $aMatches))
1433					{
1434						$aResponseHeaders[$aMatches[1]] = trim($aMatches[2]);
1435					}
1436				}
1437			}
1438		}
1439		return $response;
1440	}
1442	/**
1443	 * Get a standard list of character sets
1444	 *
1445 	 * @param array $aAdditionalEncodings Additional values
1446	 * @return array of iconv code => english label, sorted by label
1447	 */
1448	public static function GetPossibleEncodings($aAdditionalEncodings = array())
1449	{
1450		// Encodings supported:
1451		// ICONV_CODE => Display Name
1452		// Each iconv installation supports different encodings
1453		// Some reasonably common and useful encodings are listed here
1454		$aPossibleEncodings = array(
1455			'UTF-8' => 'Unicode (UTF-8)',
1456			'ISO-8859-1' => 'Western (ISO-8859-1)',
1457			'WINDOWS-1251' => 'Cyrilic (Windows 1251)',
1458			'WINDOWS-1252' => 'Western (Windows 1252)',
1459			'ISO-8859-15' => 'Western (ISO-8859-15)',
1460		);
1461		$aPossibleEncodings = array_merge($aPossibleEncodings, $aAdditionalEncodings);
1462		asort($aPossibleEncodings);
1463		return $aPossibleEncodings;
1464	}
1466	/**
1467	 * Helper to encapsulation iTop's htmlentities
1468	 * @param string $sValue
1469	 * @return string
1470	 */
1471	static public function HtmlEntities($sValue)
1472	{
1473		return htmlentities($sValue, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
1474	}
1476	/**
1477	 * Convert a string containing some (valid) HTML markup to plain text
1478	 * @param string $sHtml
1479	 * @return string
1480	 */
1481	public static function HtmlToText($sHtml)
1482	{
1483		try
1484		{
1485			//return '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">'.$sHtml;
1486			return \Html2Text\Html2Text::convert('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">'.$sHtml);
1487		}
1488		catch(Exception $e)
1489		{
1490			return $e->getMessage();
1491		}
1492	}
1494	/**
1495	 * Convert (?) plain text to some HTML markup by replacing newlines by <br/> tags
1496	 * and escaping HTML entities
1497	 * @param string $sText
1498	 * @return string
1499	 */
1500	public static function TextToHtml($sText)
1501	{
1502		$sText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sText);
1503		$sText = str_replace("\r", "\n", $sText);
1504		return str_replace("\n", '<br/>', htmlentities($sText, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
1505	}
1507	/**
1508	 * Eventually compiles the SASS (.scss) file into the CSS (.css) file
1509	 *
1510	 * @param string $sSassRelPath Relative path to the SCSS file (must have the extension .scss)
1511	 * @param array $aImportPaths Array of absolute paths to load imports from
1512	 * @return string Relative path to the CSS file (<name>.css)
1513	 */
1514	static public function GetCSSFromSASS($sSassRelPath, $aImportPaths = null)
1515	{
1516		// Avoiding compilation if file is already a css file.
1517		if (preg_match('/\.css(\?.*)?$/', $sSassRelPath))
1518		{
1519			return $sSassRelPath;
1520		}
1522		// Setting import paths
1523		if ($aImportPaths === null)
1524		{
1525			$aImportPaths = array();
1526		}
1527		$aImportPaths[] = APPROOT . '/css';
1529		$sSassPath = APPROOT.$sSassRelPath;
1530		$sCssRelPath = preg_replace('/\.scss$/', '.css', $sSassRelPath);
1531		$sCssPath = APPROOT.$sCssRelPath;
1532		clearstatcache();
1533		if (!file_exists($sCssPath) || (is_writable($sCssPath) && (filemtime($sCssPath) < filemtime($sSassPath))))
1534		{
1535			require_once(APPROOT.'lib/scssphp/scss.inc.php');
1536			$oScss = new Compiler();
1537			$oScss->setImportPaths($aImportPaths);
1538			$oScss->setFormatter('Leafo\\ScssPhp\\Formatter\\Expanded');
1539			// Temporary disabling max exec time while compiling
1540			$iCurrentMaxExecTime = (int) ini_get('max_execution_time');
1541			set_time_limit(0);
1542			$sCss = $oScss->compile(file_get_contents($sSassPath));
1543			set_time_limit($iCurrentMaxExecTime);
1544			file_put_contents($sCssPath, $sCss);
1545		}
1546		return $sCssRelPath;
1547	}
1549	static public function GetImageSize($sImageData)
1550	{
1551		if (function_exists('getimagesizefromstring')) // PHP 5.4.0 or higher
1552		{
1553			$aRet = @getimagesizefromstring($sImageData);
1554		}
1555		else if(ini_get('allow_url_fopen'))
1556		{
1557			// work around to avoid creating a tmp file
1558			$sUri = 'data://application/octet-stream;base64,'.base64_encode($sImageData);
1559			$aRet = @getimagesize($sUri);
1560		}
1561		else
1562		{
1563			// Damned, need to create a tmp file
1564			$sTempFile = tempnam(SetupUtils::GetTmpDir(), 'img-');
1565			@file_put_contents($sTempFile, $sImageData);
1566			$aRet = @getimagesize($sTempFile);
1567			@unlink($sTempFile);
1568		}
1569		return $aRet;
1570	}
1572	/**
1573	 * Resize an image attachment so that it fits in the given dimensions
1574	 * @param ormDocument $oImage The original image stored as an ormDocument
1575	 * @param int $iWidth Image's original width
1576	 * @param int $iHeight Image's original height
1577	 * @param int $iMaxImageWidth Maximum width for the resized image
1578	 * @param int $iMaxImageHeight Maximum height for the resized image
1579	 * @return ormDocument The resampled image
1580	 */
1581	public static function ResizeImageToFit(ormDocument $oImage, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iMaxImageWidth, $iMaxImageHeight)
1582	{
1583		// If image size smaller than maximums, we do nothing
1584		if (($iWidth <= $iMaxImageWidth) && ($iHeight <= $iMaxImageHeight))
1585		{
1586			return $oImage;
1587		}
1590		// If gd extension is not loaded, we put a warning in the log and return the image as is
1591		if (extension_loaded('gd') === false)
1592		{
1593			IssueLog::Warning('Image could not be resized as the "gd" extension does not seem to be loaded. It will remain as ' . $iWidth . 'x' . $iHeight . ' instead of ' . $iMaxImageWidth . 'x' . $iMaxImageHeight);
1594			return $oImage;
1595		}
1598		switch($oImage->GetMimeType())
1599		{
1600			case 'image/gif':
1601			case 'image/jpeg':
1602			case 'image/png':
1603			$img = @imagecreatefromstring($oImage->GetData());
1604			break;
1606			default:
1607			// Unsupported image type, return the image as-is
1608			//throw new Exception("Unsupported image type: '".$oImage->GetMimeType()."'. Cannot resize the image, original image will be used.");
1609			return $oImage;
1610		}
1611		if ($img === false)
1612		{
1613			//throw new Exception("Warning: corrupted image: '".$oImage->GetFileName()." / ".$oImage->GetMimeType()."'. Cannot resize the image, original image will be used.");
1614			return $oImage;
1615		}
1616		else
1617		{
1618			// Let's scale the image, preserving the transparency for GIFs and PNGs
1620			$fScale = min($iMaxImageWidth / $iWidth, $iMaxImageHeight / $iHeight);
1622			$iNewWidth = $iWidth * $fScale;
1623			$iNewHeight = $iHeight * $fScale;
1625			$new = imagecreatetruecolor($iNewWidth, $iNewHeight);
1627			// Preserve transparency
1628			if(($oImage->GetMimeType() == "image/gif") || ($oImage->GetMimeType() == "image/png"))
1629			{
1630				imagecolortransparent($new, imagecolorallocatealpha($new, 0, 0, 0, 127));
1631				imagealphablending($new, false);
1632				imagesavealpha($new, true);
1633			}
1635			imagecopyresampled($new, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $iNewWidth, $iNewHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight);
1637			ob_start();
1638			switch ($oImage->GetMimeType())
1639			{
1640				case 'image/gif':
1641				imagegif($new); // send image to output buffer
1642				break;
1644				case 'image/jpeg':
1645				imagejpeg($new, null, 80); // null = send image to output buffer, 80 = good quality
1646				break;
1648				case 'image/png':
1649				imagepng($new, null, 5); // null = send image to output buffer, 5 = medium compression
1650				break;
1651			}
1652			$oResampledImage = new ormDocument(ob_get_contents(), $oImage->GetMimeType(), $oImage->GetFileName());
1653			@ob_end_clean();
1655			imagedestroy($img);
1656			imagedestroy($new);
1658			return $oResampledImage;
1659		}
1661	}
1663	/**
1664	 * Create a 128 bit UUID in the format: {########-####-####-####-############}
1665	 *
1666	 * Note: this method can be run from the command line as well as from the web server.
1667	 * Note2: this method is not cryptographically secure! If you need a cryptographically secure value
1668	 * consider using open_ssl or PHP 7 methods.
1669	 * @param string $sPrefix
1670	 * @return string
1671	 */
1672	static public function CreateUUID($sPrefix = '')
1673	{
1674		$uid = uniqid("", true);
1675		$data = $sPrefix;
1676		$data .= __FILE__;
1677		$data .= mt_rand();
1678		$hash = strtoupper(hash('ripemd128', $uid . md5($data)));
1679		$sUUID = '{' .
1680				substr($hash,  0,  8) .
1681				'-' .
1682				substr($hash,  8,  4) .
1683				'-' .
1684				substr($hash, 12,  4) .
1685				'-' .
1686				substr($hash, 16,  4) .
1687				'-' .
1688				substr($hash, 20, 12) .
1689				'}';
1690		return $sUUID;
1691	}
1693	/**
1694	 * Returns the name of the module containing the file where the call to this function is made
1695	 * or an empty string if no such module is found (or not called within a module file)
1696	 * @param number $iCallDepth The depth of the module in the callstack. Zero when called directly from within the module
1697	 * @return string
1698	 */
1699	static public function GetCurrentModuleName($iCallDepth = 0)
1700	{
1701		$sCurrentModuleName = '';
1702		$aCallStack = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
1703		$sCallerFile = realpath($aCallStack[$iCallDepth]['file']);
1705		foreach(GetModulesInfo() as $sModuleName => $aInfo)
1706		{
1707			if ($aInfo['root_dir'] !== '')
1708			{
1709				$sRootDir = realpath(APPROOT.$aInfo['root_dir']);
1711				if(substr($sCallerFile, 0, strlen($sRootDir)) === $sRootDir)
1712				{
1713					$sCurrentModuleName = $sModuleName;
1714					break;
1715				}
1716			}
1717		}
1718		return $sCurrentModuleName;
1719	}
1721	/**
1722	 * Returns the relative (to APPROOT) path of the root directory of the module containing the file where the call to this function is made
1723	 * or an empty string if no such module is found (or not called within a module file)
1724	 * @param number $iCallDepth The depth of the module in the callstack. Zero when called directly from within the module
1725	 * @return string
1726	 */
1727	static public function GetCurrentModuleDir($iCallDepth)
1728	{
1729		$sCurrentModuleDir = '';
1730		$aCallStack = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
1731		$sCallerFile = realpath($aCallStack[$iCallDepth]['file']);
1733		foreach(GetModulesInfo() as $sModuleName => $aInfo)
1734		{
1735			if ($aInfo['root_dir'] !== '')
1736			{
1737				$sRootDir = realpath(APPROOT.$aInfo['root_dir']);
1739				if(substr($sCallerFile, 0, strlen($sRootDir)) === $sRootDir)
1740				{
1741					$sCurrentModuleDir = basename($sRootDir);
1742					break;
1743				}
1744			}
1745		}
1746		return $sCurrentModuleDir;
1747	}
1749	/**
1750	 * Returns the base URL for all files in the current module from which this method is called
1751	 * or an empty string if no such module is found (or not called within a module file)
1752	 * @return string
1753	 */
1754	static public function GetCurrentModuleUrl()
1755	{
1756		$sDir = static::GetCurrentModuleDir(1);
1757		if ( $sDir !== '')
1758		{
1759			return static::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot().'/'.$sDir;
1760		}
1761		return '';
1762	}
1764	/**
1765	 * Get the value of a given setting for the current module
1766	 * @param string $sProperty The name of the property to retrieve
1767	 * @param mixed $defaultvalue
1768	 * @return mixed
1769	 */
1770	static public function GetCurrentModuleSetting($sProperty, $defaultvalue = null)
1771	{
1772		$sModuleName = static::GetCurrentModuleName(1);
1773		return MetaModel::GetModuleSetting($sModuleName, $sProperty, $defaultvalue);
1774	}
1776	/**
1777	 * Get the compiled version of a given module, as it was seen by the compiler
1778	 * @param string $sModuleName
1779	 * @return string|NULL
1780	 */
1781	static public function GetCompiledModuleVersion($sModuleName)
1782	{
1783		$aModulesInfo = GetModulesInfo();
1784		if (array_key_exists($sModuleName, $aModulesInfo))
1785		{
1786			return $aModulesInfo[$sModuleName]['version'];
1787		}
1788		return null;
1789	}
1791	/**
1792	 * Check if the given path/url is an http(s) URL
1793	 * @param string $sPath
1794	 * @return boolean
1795	 */
1796	public static function IsURL($sPath)
1797	{
1798		$bRet = false;
1799		if ((substr($sPath, 0, 7) == 'http://') || (substr($sPath, 0, 8) == 'https://') || (substr($sPath, 0, 8) == 'ftp://'))
1800		{
1801			$bRet = true;
1802		}
1803		return $bRet;
1804	}
1806	/**
1807	 * Check if the given URL is a link to download a document/image on the CURRENT iTop
1808	 * In such a case we can read the content of the file directly in the database (if the users rights allow) and return the ormDocument
1809	 * @param string $sPath
1810	 * @return false|ormDocument
1811	 * @throws Exception
1812	 */
1813	public static function IsSelfURL($sPath)
1814	{
1815		$result = false;
1816		$sPageUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot().'pages/ajax.document.php';
1817		if (substr($sPath, 0, strlen($sPageUrl)) == $sPageUrl)
1818		{
1819			// If the URL is an URL pointing to this instance of iTop, then
1820			// extract the "query" part of the URL and analyze it
1821			$sQuery = parse_url($sPath, PHP_URL_QUERY);
1822			if ($sQuery !== null)
1823			{
1824				$aParams = array();
1825				foreach(explode('&', $sQuery) as $sChunk)
1826				{
1827					$aParts = explode('=', $sChunk);
1828					if (count($aParts) != 2) continue;
1829					$aParams[$aParts[0]] = urldecode($aParts[1]);
1830				}
1831				$result = array_key_exists('operation', $aParams) && array_key_exists('class', $aParams) && array_key_exists('id', $aParams) && array_key_exists('field', $aParams) && ($aParams['operation'] == 'download_document');
1832				if ($result)
1833				{
1834					// This is a 'download_document' operation, let's retrieve the document directly from the database
1835					$sClass = $aParams['class'];
1836					$iKey = $aParams['id'];
1837					$sAttCode = $aParams['field'];
1839					$oObj = MetaModel::GetObject($sClass, $iKey, false /* must exist */); // Users rights apply here !!
1840					if ($oObj)
1841					{
1842						/**
1843						 * @var ormDocument $result
1844						 */
1845						$result = clone $oObj->Get($sAttCode);
1846						return $result;
1847					}
1848				}
1849			}
1850			throw new Exception('Invalid URL. This iTop URL is not pointing to a valid Document/Image.');
1851		}
1852		return $result;
1853	}
1855	/**
1856	 * Read the content of a file (and retrieve its MIME type) from either:
1857	 * - an URL pointing to a blob (image/document) on the current iTop server
1858	 * - an http(s) URL
1859	 * - the local file system (but only if you are an administrator)
1860	 * @param string $sPath
1861	 * @return ormDocument|null
1862	 * @throws Exception
1863	 */
1864	public static function FileGetContentsAndMIMEType($sPath)
1865	{
1866		$oUploadedDoc = null;
1867		$aKnownExtensions = array(
1868				'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
1869				'xltx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template',
1870				'potx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template',
1871				'ppsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow',
1872				'pptx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation',
1873				'sldx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide',
1874				'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
1875				'dotx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template',
1876				'xlam' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12',
1877				'xlsb' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12',
1878				'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
1879				'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
1880				'gif' => 'image/gif',
1881				'png' => 'image/png',
1882				'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
1883				'doc' => 'application/msword',
1884				'dot' => 'application/msword',
1885				'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
1886				'ppt' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint',
1887				'vsd' => 'application/x-visio',
1888				'vdx' => 'application/visio.drawing',
1889				'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',
1890				'ods' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet',
1891				'odp' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation',
1892				'zip' => 'application/zip',
1893				'txt' => 'text/plain',
1894				'htm' => 'text/html',
1895				'html' => 'text/html',
1896				'exe' => 'application/octet-stream'
1897		);
1899		$sData = null;
1900		$sMimeType = 'text/plain'; // Default MIME Type: treat the file as a bunch a characters...
1901		$sFileName = 'uploaded-file'; // Default name for downloaded-files
1902		$sExtension = '.txt'; // Default file extension in case we don't know the MIME Type
1904		if(empty($sPath))
1905		{
1906			// Empty path (NULL or '') means that there is no input, making an empty document.
1907			$oUploadedDoc = new ormDocument('', '', '');
1908		}
1909		elseif (static::IsURL($sPath))
1910		{
1911			if ($oUploadedDoc = static::IsSelfURL($sPath))
1912			{
1913				// Nothing more to do, we've got it !!
1914			}
1915			else
1916			{
1917				// Remote file, let's use the HTTP headers to find the MIME Type
1918				$sData = @file_get_contents($sPath);
1919				if ($sData === false)
1920				{
1921					throw new Exception("Failed to load the file from the URL '$sPath'.");
1922				}
1923				else
1924				{
1925					if (isset($http_response_header))
1926					{
1927						$aHeaders = static::ParseHeaders($http_response_header);
1928						$sMimeType = array_key_exists('Content-Type', $aHeaders) ? strtolower($aHeaders['Content-Type']) : 'application/x-octet-stream';
1929						// Compute the file extension from the MIME Type
1930						foreach($aKnownExtensions as $sExtValue => $sMime)
1931						{
1932							if ($sMime === $sMimeType)
1933							{
1934								$sExtension = '.'.$sExtValue;
1935								break;
1936							}
1937						}
1938					}
1939					$sFileName .= $sExtension;
1940				}
1941				$oUploadedDoc = new ormDocument($sData, $sMimeType, $sFileName);
1942			}
1943		}
1944		else if (UserRights::IsAdministrator())
1945		{
1946			// Only administrators are allowed to read local files
1947			$sData = @file_get_contents($sPath);
1948			if ($sData === false)
1949			{
1950				throw new Exception("Failed to load the file '$sPath'. The file does not exist or the current process is not allowed to access it.");
1951			}
1952			$sExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($sPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
1953			$sFileName = basename($sPath);
1955			if (array_key_exists($sExtension, $aKnownExtensions))
1956			{
1957				$sMimeType = $aKnownExtensions[$sExtension];
1958			}
1959			else if (extension_loaded('fileinfo'))
1960			{
1961				$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
1962				$sMimeType = $finfo->file($sPath);
1963			}
1964			$oUploadedDoc = new ormDocument($sData, $sMimeType, $sFileName);
1965		}
1966		return $oUploadedDoc;
1967	}
1969	protected static function ParseHeaders($aHeaders)
1970	{
1971		$aCleanHeaders = array();
1972		foreach( $aHeaders as $sKey => $sValue )
1973		{
1974			$aTokens = explode(':', $sValue, 2);
1975			if(isset($aTokens[1]))
1976			{
1977				$aCleanHeaders[trim($aTokens[0])] = trim($aTokens[1]);
1978			}
1979			else
1980			{
1981				// The header is not in the form Header-Code: Value
1982				$aCleanHeaders[] = $sValue; // Store the value as-is
1983				$aMatches = array();
1984				// Check if it's not the HTTP response code
1985				if( preg_match("|HTTP/[0-9\.]+\s+([0-9]+)|", $sValue, $aMatches) )
1986				{
1987					$aCleanHeaders['reponse_code'] = intval($aMatches[1]);
1988				}
1989			}
1990		}
1991		return $aCleanHeaders;
1992	}
1994	/**
1995	 * Return a string based on compilation time or (if not available because the datamodel has not been loaded)
1996	 * the version of iTop. This string is useful to prevent browser side caching of content that may vary at each
1997	 * (re)installation of iTop (especially during development).
1998	 * @return string
1999	 */
2000	public static function GetCacheBusterTimestamp()
2001	{
2002		if(!defined('COMPILATION_TIMESTAMP'))
2003		{
2004			return ITOP_VERSION;
2005		}
2007	}
2009	/**
2010	 * Check if the given class if configured as a high cardinality class.
2011	 *
2012	 * @param $sClass
2013	 *
2014	 * @return bool
2015	 */
2016	public static function IsHighCardinality($sClass)
2017	{
2018		if (utils::GetConfig()->Get('search_manual_submit'))
2019		{
2020			return true;
2021		}
2022		$aHugeClasses = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('high_cardinality_classes');
2023		return in_array($sClass, $aHugeClasses);
2024	}
2026	/**
2027	 * Check if iTop is in a development environment (VCS vs build number)
2028	 *
2029	 * @return bool
2030	 */
2031	public static function IsDevelopmentEnvironment()
2032	{
2033		return ITOP_REVISION  === 'svn';
2034	}