1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Generic utils."""
7from __future__ import print_function
9import codecs
10import collections
11import contextlib
12import datetime
13import errno
14import functools
15import io
16import logging
17import operator
18import os
19import pipes
20import platform
21import re
22import stat
23import subprocess
24import sys
25import tempfile
26import threading
27import time
28import subprocess2
30if sys.version_info.major == 2:
31  from cStringIO import StringIO
32  import collections as collections_abc
33  import Queue as queue
34  import urlparse
36  from collections import abc as collections_abc
37  from io import StringIO
38  import queue
39  import urllib.parse as urlparse
44START = datetime.datetime.now()
47_WARNINGS = []
50# These repos are known to cause OOM errors on 32-bit platforms, due the the
51# very large objects they contain.  It is not safe to use threaded index-pack
52# when cloning/fetching them.
54  'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/reference_builds/chrome_win.git'
57"""To support rethrowing exceptions with tracebacks on both Py2 and 3."""
58if sys.version_info.major == 2:
59  # We have to use exec to avoid a SyntaxError in Python 3.
60  exec("def reraise(typ, value, tb=None):\n  raise typ, value, tb\n")
62  def reraise(typ, value, tb=None):
63    if value is None:
64      value = typ()
65    if value.__traceback__ is not tb:
66      raise value.with_traceback(tb)
67    raise value
70class Error(Exception):
71  """gclient exception class."""
72  def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
73    index = getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'index', 0)
74    if index:
75      msg = '\n'.join('%d> %s' % (index, l) for l in msg.splitlines())
76    super(Error, self).__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
79def Elapsed(until=None):
80  if until is None:
81    until = datetime.datetime.now()
82  return str(until - START).partition('.')[0]
85def PrintWarnings():
86  """Prints any accumulated warnings."""
87  if _WARNINGS:
88    print('\n\nWarnings:', file=sys.stderr)
89    for warning in _WARNINGS:
90      print(warning, file=sys.stderr)
93def AddWarning(msg):
94  """Adds the given warning message to the list of accumulated warnings."""
95  _WARNINGS.append(msg)
98def SplitUrlRevision(url):
99  """Splits url and returns a two-tuple: url, rev"""
100  if url.startswith('ssh:'):
101    # Make sure ssh://user-name@example.com/~/test.git@stable works
102    regex = r'(ssh://(?:[-.\w]+@)?[-\w:\.]+/[-~\w\./]+)(?:@(.+))?'
103    components = re.search(regex, url).groups()
104  else:
105    components = url.rsplit('@', 1)
106    if re.match(r'^\w+\@', url) and '@' not in components[0]:
107      components = [url]
109    if len(components) == 1:
110      components += [None]
111  return tuple(components)
114def IsGitSha(revision):
115  """Returns true if the given string is a valid hex-encoded sha"""
116  return re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]{6,40}$', revision) is not None
119def IsFullGitSha(revision):
120  """Returns true if the given string is a valid hex-encoded full sha"""
121  return re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$', revision) is not None
124def IsDateRevision(revision):
125  """Returns true if the given revision is of the form "{ ... }"."""
126  return bool(revision and re.match(r'^\{.+\}$', str(revision)))
129def MakeDateRevision(date):
130  """Returns a revision representing the latest revision before the given
131  date."""
132  return "{" + date + "}"
135def SyntaxErrorToError(filename, e):
136  """Raises a gclient_utils.Error exception with the human readable message"""
137  try:
138    # Try to construct a human readable error message
139    if filename:
140      error_message = 'There is a syntax error in %s\n' % filename
141    else:
142      error_message = 'There is a syntax error\n'
143    error_message += 'Line #%s, character %s: "%s"' % (
144        e.lineno, e.offset, re.sub(r'[\r\n]*$', '', e.text))
145  except:
146    # Something went wrong, re-raise the original exception
147    raise e
148  else:
149    raise Error(error_message)
152class PrintableObject(object):
153  def __str__(self):
154    output = ''
155    for i in dir(self):
156      if i.startswith('__'):
157        continue
158      output += '%s = %s\n' % (i, str(getattr(self, i, '')))
159    return output
162def AskForData(message):
163  # Use this so that it can be mocked in tests on Python 2 and 3.
164  try:
165    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
166      return raw_input(message)
167    return input(message)
168  except KeyboardInterrupt:
169    # Hide the exception.
170    sys.exit(1)
173def FileRead(filename, mode='rbU'):
174  # Always decodes output to a Unicode string.
175  # On Python 3 newlines are converted to '\n' by default and 'U' is deprecated.
176  if mode == 'rbU' and sys.version_info.major == 3:
177    mode = 'rb'
178  with open(filename, mode=mode) as f:
179    s = f.read()
180    if isinstance(s, bytes):
181      return s.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
182    return s
185def FileWrite(filename, content, mode='w', encoding='utf-8'):
186  with codecs.open(filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) as f:
187    f.write(content)
191def temporary_directory(**kwargs):
192  tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs)
193  try:
194    yield tdir
195  finally:
196    if tdir:
197      rmtree(tdir)
201def temporary_file():
202  """Creates a temporary file.
204  On Windows, a file must be closed before it can be opened again. This function
205  allows to write something like:
207    with gclient_utils.temporary_file() as tmp:
208      gclient_utils.FileWrite(tmp, foo)
209      useful_stuff(tmp)
211  Instead of something like:
213    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
214      tmp.write(foo)
215      tmp.close()
216      try:
217        useful_stuff(tmp)
218      finally:
219        os.remove(tmp.name)
220  """
221  handle, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
222  os.close(handle)
223  try:
224    yield name
225  finally:
226    os.remove(name)
229def safe_rename(old, new):
230  """Renames a file reliably.
232  Sometimes os.rename does not work because a dying git process keeps a handle
233  on it for a few seconds. An exception is then thrown, which make the program
234  give up what it was doing and remove what was deleted.
235  The only solution is to catch the exception and try again until it works.
236  """
237  # roughly 10s
238  retries = 100
239  for i in range(retries):
240    try:
241      os.rename(old, new)
242      break
243    except OSError:
244      if i == (retries - 1):
245        # Give up.
246        raise
247      # retry
248      logging.debug("Renaming failed from %s to %s. Retrying ..." % (old, new))
249      time.sleep(0.1)
252def rm_file_or_tree(path):
253  if os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path):
254    os.remove(path)
255  else:
256    rmtree(path)
259def rmtree(path):
260  """shutil.rmtree() on steroids.
262  Recursively removes a directory, even if it's marked read-only.
264  shutil.rmtree() doesn't work on Windows if any of the files or directories
265  are read-only. We need to be able to force the files to be writable (i.e.,
266  deletable) as we traverse the tree.
268  Even with all this, Windows still sometimes fails to delete a file, citing
269  a permission error (maybe something to do with antivirus scans or disk
270  indexing).  The best suggestion any of the user forums had was to wait a
271  bit and try again, so we do that too.  It's hand-waving, but sometimes it
272  works. :/
274  On POSIX systems, things are a little bit simpler.  The modes of the files
275  to be deleted doesn't matter, only the modes of the directories containing
276  them are significant.  As the directory tree is traversed, each directory
277  has its mode set appropriately before descending into it.  This should
278  result in the entire tree being removed, with the possible exception of
279  *path itself, because nothing attempts to change the mode of its parent.
280  Doing so would be hazardous, as it's not a directory slated for removal.
281  In the ordinary case, this is not a problem: for our purposes, the user
282  will never lack write permission on *path's parent.
283  """
284  if not os.path.exists(path):
285    return
287  if os.path.islink(path) or not os.path.isdir(path):
288    raise Error('Called rmtree(%s) in non-directory' % path)
290  if sys.platform == 'win32':
291    # Give up and use cmd.exe's rd command.
292    path = os.path.normcase(path)
293    for _ in range(3):
294      exitcode = subprocess.call(['cmd.exe', '/c', 'rd', '/q', '/s', path])
295      if exitcode == 0:
296        return
297      else:
298        print('rd exited with code %d' % exitcode, file=sys.stderr)
299      time.sleep(3)
300    raise Exception('Failed to remove path %s' % path)
302  # On POSIX systems, we need the x-bit set on the directory to access it,
303  # the r-bit to see its contents, and the w-bit to remove files from it.
304  # The actual modes of the files within the directory is irrelevant.
305  os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
307  def remove(func, subpath):
308    func(subpath)
310  for fn in os.listdir(path):
311    # If fullpath is a symbolic link that points to a directory, isdir will
312    # be True, but we don't want to descend into that as a directory, we just
313    # want to remove the link.  Check islink and treat links as ordinary files
314    # would be treated regardless of what they reference.
315    fullpath = os.path.join(path, fn)
316    if os.path.islink(fullpath) or not os.path.isdir(fullpath):
317      remove(os.remove, fullpath)
318    else:
319      # Recurse.
320      rmtree(fullpath)
322  remove(os.rmdir, path)
325def safe_makedirs(tree):
326  """Creates the directory in a safe manner.
328  Because multiple threads can create these directories concurrently, trap the
329  exception and pass on.
330  """
331  count = 0
332  while not os.path.exists(tree):
333    count += 1
334    try:
335      os.makedirs(tree)
336    except OSError as e:
337      # 17 POSIX, 183 Windows
338      if e.errno not in (17, 183):
339        raise
340      if count > 40:
341        # Give up.
342        raise
345def CommandToStr(args):
346  """Converts an arg list into a shell escaped string."""
347  return ' '.join(pipes.quote(arg) for arg in args)
350class Wrapper(object):
351  """Wraps an object, acting as a transparent proxy for all properties by
352  default.
353  """
354  def __init__(self, wrapped):
355    self._wrapped = wrapped
357  def __getattr__(self, name):
358    return getattr(self._wrapped, name)
361class AutoFlush(Wrapper):
362  """Creates a file object clone to automatically flush after N seconds."""
363  def __init__(self, wrapped, delay):
364    super(AutoFlush, self).__init__(wrapped)
365    if not hasattr(self, 'lock'):
366      self.lock = threading.Lock()
367    self.__last_flushed_at = time.time()
368    self.delay = delay
370  @property
371  def autoflush(self):
372    return self
374  def write(self, out, *args, **kwargs):
375    self._wrapped.write(out, *args, **kwargs)
376    should_flush = False
377    self.lock.acquire()
378    try:
379      if self.delay and (time.time() - self.__last_flushed_at) > self.delay:
380        should_flush = True
381        self.__last_flushed_at = time.time()
382    finally:
383      self.lock.release()
384    if should_flush:
385      self.flush()
388class Annotated(Wrapper):
389  """Creates a file object clone to automatically prepends every line in worker
390  threads with a NN> prefix.
391  """
392  def __init__(self, wrapped, include_zero=False):
393    super(Annotated, self).__init__(wrapped)
394    if not hasattr(self, 'lock'):
395      self.lock = threading.Lock()
396    self.__output_buffers = {}
397    self.__include_zero = include_zero
398    self._wrapped_write = getattr(self._wrapped, 'buffer', self._wrapped).write
400  @property
401  def annotated(self):
402    return self
404  def write(self, out):
405    # Store as bytes to ensure Unicode characters get output correctly.
406    if not isinstance(out, bytes):
407      out = out.encode('utf-8')
409    index = getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'index', 0)
410    if not index and not self.__include_zero:
411      # Unindexed threads aren't buffered.
412      return self._wrapped_write(out)
414    self.lock.acquire()
415    try:
416      # Use a dummy array to hold the string so the code can be lockless.
417      # Strings are immutable, requiring to keep a lock for the whole dictionary
418      # otherwise. Using an array is faster than using a dummy object.
419      if not index in self.__output_buffers:
420        obj = self.__output_buffers[index] = [b'']
421      else:
422        obj = self.__output_buffers[index]
423    finally:
424      self.lock.release()
426    # Continue lockless.
427    obj[0] += out
428    while True:
429      cr_loc = obj[0].find(b'\r')
430      lf_loc = obj[0].find(b'\n')
431      if cr_loc == lf_loc == -1:
432        break
433      elif cr_loc == -1 or (lf_loc >= 0 and lf_loc < cr_loc):
434        line, remaining = obj[0].split(b'\n', 1)
435        if line:
436          self._wrapped_write(b'%d>%s\n' % (index, line))
437      elif lf_loc == -1 or (cr_loc >= 0 and cr_loc < lf_loc):
438        line, remaining = obj[0].split(b'\r', 1)
439        if line:
440          self._wrapped_write(b'%d>%s\r' % (index, line))
441      obj[0] = remaining
443  def flush(self):
444    """Flush buffered output."""
445    orphans = []
446    self.lock.acquire()
447    try:
448      # Detect threads no longer existing.
449      indexes = (getattr(t, 'index', None) for t in threading.enumerate())
450      indexes = filter(None, indexes)
451      for index in self.__output_buffers:
452        if not index in indexes:
453          orphans.append((index, self.__output_buffers[index][0]))
454      for orphan in orphans:
455        del self.__output_buffers[orphan[0]]
456    finally:
457      self.lock.release()
459    # Don't keep the lock while writing. Will append \n when it shouldn't.
460    for orphan in orphans:
461      if orphan[1]:
462        self._wrapped_write(b'%d>%s\n' % (orphan[0], orphan[1]))
463    return self._wrapped.flush()
466def MakeFileAutoFlush(fileobj, delay=10):
467  autoflush = getattr(fileobj, 'autoflush', None)
468  if autoflush:
469    autoflush.delay = delay
470    return fileobj
471  return AutoFlush(fileobj, delay)
474def MakeFileAnnotated(fileobj, include_zero=False):
475  if getattr(fileobj, 'annotated', None):
476    return fileobj
477  return Annotated(fileobj, include_zero)
481GCLIENT_CHILDREN_LOCK = threading.Lock()
484class GClientChildren(object):
485  @staticmethod
486  def add(popen_obj):
488      GCLIENT_CHILDREN.append(popen_obj)
490  @staticmethod
491  def remove(popen_obj):
493      GCLIENT_CHILDREN.remove(popen_obj)
495  @staticmethod
496  def _attemptToKillChildren():
497    global GCLIENT_CHILDREN
499      zombies = [c for c in GCLIENT_CHILDREN if c.poll() is None]
501    for zombie in zombies:
502      try:
503        zombie.kill()
504      except OSError:
505        pass
508      GCLIENT_CHILDREN = [k for k in GCLIENT_CHILDREN if k.poll() is not None]
510  @staticmethod
511  def _areZombies():
513      return bool(GCLIENT_CHILDREN)
515  @staticmethod
516  def KillAllRemainingChildren():
517    GClientChildren._attemptToKillChildren()
519    if GClientChildren._areZombies():
520      time.sleep(0.5)
521      GClientChildren._attemptToKillChildren()
525        print('Could not kill the following subprocesses:', file=sys.stderr)
526        for zombie in GCLIENT_CHILDREN:
527          print('  ', zombie.pid, file=sys.stderr)
530def CheckCallAndFilter(args, print_stdout=False, filter_fn=None,
531                       show_header=False, always_show_header=False, retry=False,
532                       **kwargs):
533  """Runs a command and calls back a filter function if needed.
535  Accepts all subprocess2.Popen() parameters plus:
536    print_stdout: If True, the command's stdout is forwarded to stdout.
537    filter_fn: A function taking a single string argument called with each line
538               of the subprocess2's output. Each line has the trailing newline
539               character trimmed.
540    show_header: Whether to display a header before the command output.
541    always_show_header: Show header even when the command produced no output.
542    retry: If the process exits non-zero, sleep for a brief interval and try
543           again, up to RETRY_MAX times.
545  stderr is always redirected to stdout.
547  Returns the output of the command as a binary string.
548  """
549  def show_header_if_necessary(needs_header, attempt):
550    """Show the header at most once."""
551    if not needs_header[0]:
552      return
554    needs_header[0] = False
555    # Automatically generated header. We only prepend a newline if
556    # always_show_header is false, since it usually indicates there's an
557    # external progress display, and it's better not to clobber it in that case.
558    header = '' if always_show_header else '\n'
559    header += '________ running \'%s\' in \'%s\'' % (
560                  ' '.join(args), kwargs.get('cwd', '.'))
561    if attempt:
562      header += ' attempt %s / %s' % (attempt + 1, RETRY_MAX + 1)
563    header += '\n'
565    if print_stdout:
566      stdout_write = getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout).write
567      stdout_write(header.encode())
568    if filter_fn:
569      filter_fn(header)
571  def filter_line(command_output, line_start):
572    """Extract the last line from command output and filter it."""
573    if not filter_fn or line_start is None:
574      return
575    command_output.seek(line_start)
576    filter_fn(command_output.read().decode('utf-8'))
578  # Initialize stdout writer if needed. On Python 3, sys.stdout does not accept
579  # byte inputs and sys.stdout.buffer must be used instead.
580  if print_stdout:
581    sys.stdout.flush()
582    stdout_write = getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout).write
583  else:
584    stdout_write = lambda _: None
586  sleep_interval = RETRY_INITIAL_SLEEP
587  run_cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', os.getcwd())
588  for attempt in range(RETRY_MAX + 1):
589    # If our stdout is a terminal, then pass in a psuedo-tty pipe to our
590    # subprocess when filtering its output. This makes the subproc believe
591    # it was launched from a terminal, which will preserve ANSI color codes.
592    os_type = GetMacWinAixOrLinux()
593    if sys.stdout.isatty() and os_type != 'win' and os_type != 'aix':
594      pipe_reader, pipe_writer = os.openpty()
595    else:
596      pipe_reader, pipe_writer = os.pipe()
598    kid = subprocess2.Popen(
599        args, bufsize=0, stdout=pipe_writer, stderr=subprocess2.STDOUT,
600        **kwargs)
601    # Close the write end of the pipe once we hand it off to the child proc.
602    os.close(pipe_writer)
604    GClientChildren.add(kid)
606    # Store the output of the command regardless of the value of print_stdout or
607    # filter_fn.
608    command_output = io.BytesIO()
610    # Passed as a list for "by ref" semantics.
611    needs_header = [show_header]
612    if always_show_header:
613      show_header_if_necessary(needs_header, attempt)
615    # Also, we need to forward stdout to prevent weird re-ordering of output.
616    # This has to be done on a per byte basis to make sure it is not buffered:
617    # normally buffering is done for each line, but if the process requests
618    # input, no end-of-line character is output after the prompt and it would
619    # not show up.
620    try:
621      line_start = None
622      while True:
623        try:
624          in_byte = os.read(pipe_reader, 1)
625        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
626          if e.errno == errno.EIO:
627            # An errno.EIO means EOF?
628            in_byte = None
629          else:
630            raise e
631        is_newline = in_byte in (b'\n', b'\r')
632        if not in_byte:
633          break
635        show_header_if_necessary(needs_header, attempt)
637        if is_newline:
638          filter_line(command_output, line_start)
639          line_start = None
640        elif line_start is None:
641          line_start = command_output.tell()
643        stdout_write(in_byte)
644        command_output.write(in_byte)
646      # Flush the rest of buffered output.
647      sys.stdout.flush()
648      if line_start is not None:
649        filter_line(command_output, line_start)
651      os.close(pipe_reader)
652      rv = kid.wait()
654      # Don't put this in a 'finally,' since the child may still run if we get
655      # an exception.
656      GClientChildren.remove(kid)
658    except KeyboardInterrupt:
659      print('Failed while running "%s"' % ' '.join(args), file=sys.stderr)
660      raise
662    if rv == 0:
663      return command_output.getvalue()
665    if not retry:
666      break
668    print("WARNING: subprocess '%s' in %s failed; will retry after a short "
669          'nap...' % (' '.join('"%s"' % x for x in args), run_cwd))
670    time.sleep(sleep_interval)
671    sleep_interval *= 2
673  raise subprocess2.CalledProcessError(
674      rv, args, kwargs.get('cwd', None), None, None)
677class GitFilter(object):
678  """A filter_fn implementation for quieting down git output messages.
680  Allows a custom function to skip certain lines (predicate), and will throttle
681  the output of percentage completed lines to only output every X seconds.
682  """
683  PERCENT_RE = re.compile('(.*) ([0-9]{1,3})% .*')
685  def __init__(self, time_throttle=0, predicate=None, out_fh=None):
686    """
687    Args:
688      time_throttle (int): GitFilter will throttle 'noisy' output (such as the
689        XX% complete messages) to only be printed at least |time_throttle|
690        seconds apart.
691      predicate (f(line)): An optional function which is invoked for every line.
692        The line will be skipped if predicate(line) returns False.
693      out_fh: File handle to write output to.
694    """
695    self.first_line = True
696    self.last_time = 0
697    self.time_throttle = time_throttle
698    self.predicate = predicate
699    self.out_fh = out_fh or sys.stdout
700    self.progress_prefix = None
702  def __call__(self, line):
703    # git uses an escape sequence to clear the line; elide it.
704    esc = line.find(chr(0o33))
705    if esc > -1:
706      line = line[:esc]
707    if self.predicate and not self.predicate(line):
708      return
709    now = time.time()
710    match = self.PERCENT_RE.match(line)
711    if match:
712      if match.group(1) != self.progress_prefix:
713        self.progress_prefix = match.group(1)
714      elif now - self.last_time < self.time_throttle:
715        return
716    self.last_time = now
717    if not self.first_line:
718      self.out_fh.write('[%s] ' % Elapsed())
719    self.first_line = False
720    print(line, file=self.out_fh)
723def FindFileUpwards(filename, path=None):
724  """Search upwards from the a directory (default: current) to find a file.
726  Returns nearest upper-level directory with the passed in file.
727  """
728  if not path:
729    path = os.getcwd()
730  path = os.path.realpath(path)
731  while True:
732    file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
733    if os.path.exists(file_path):
734      return path
735    (new_path, _) = os.path.split(path)
736    if new_path == path:
737      return None
738    path = new_path
741def GetMacWinAixOrLinux():
742  """Returns 'mac', 'win', or 'linux', matching the current platform."""
743  if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')):
744    return 'win'
745  elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
746    return 'linux'
747  elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
748    return 'mac'
749  elif sys.platform.startswith('aix'):
750    return 'aix'
751  raise Error('Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
754def GetGClientRootAndEntries(path=None):
755  """Returns the gclient root and the dict of entries."""
756  config_file = '.gclient_entries'
757  root = FindFileUpwards(config_file, path)
758  if not root:
759    print("Can't find %s" % config_file)
760    return None
761  config_path = os.path.join(root, config_file)
762  env = {}
763  with open(config_path) as config:
764    exec(config.read(), env)
765  config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
766  return config_dir, env['entries']
769def lockedmethod(method):
770  """Method decorator that holds self.lock for the duration of the call."""
771  def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
772    try:
773      try:
774        self.lock.acquire()
775      except KeyboardInterrupt:
776        print('Was deadlocked', file=sys.stderr)
777        raise
778      return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
779    finally:
780      self.lock.release()
781  return inner
784class WorkItem(object):
785  """One work item."""
786  # On cygwin, creating a lock throwing randomly when nearing ~100 locks.
787  # As a workaround, use a single lock. Yep you read it right. Single lock for
788  # all the 100 objects.
789  lock = threading.Lock()
791  def __init__(self, name):
792    # A unique string representing this work item.
793    self._name = name
794    self.outbuf = StringIO()
795    self.start = self.finish = None
796    self.resources = []  # List of resources this work item requires.
798  def run(self, work_queue):
799    """work_queue is passed as keyword argument so it should be
800    the last parameters of the function when you override it."""
801    pass
803  @property
804  def name(self):
805    return self._name
808class ExecutionQueue(object):
809  """Runs a set of WorkItem that have interdependencies and were WorkItem are
810  added as they are processed.
812  This class manages that all the required dependencies are run
813  before running each one.
815  Methods of this class are thread safe.
816  """
817  def __init__(self, jobs, progress, ignore_requirements, verbose=False):
818    """jobs specifies the number of concurrent tasks to allow. progress is a
819    Progress instance."""
820    # Set when a thread is done or a new item is enqueued.
821    self.ready_cond = threading.Condition()
822    # Maximum number of concurrent tasks.
823    self.jobs = jobs
824    # List of WorkItem, for gclient, these are Dependency instances.
825    self.queued = []
826    # List of strings representing each Dependency.name that was run.
827    self.ran = []
828    # List of items currently running.
829    self.running = []
830    # Exceptions thrown if any.
831    self.exceptions = queue.Queue()
832    # Progress status
833    self.progress = progress
834    if self.progress:
835      self.progress.update(0)
837    self.ignore_requirements = ignore_requirements
838    self.verbose = verbose
839    self.last_join = None
840    self.last_subproc_output = None
842  def enqueue(self, d):
843    """Enqueue one Dependency to be executed later once its requirements are
844    satisfied.
845    """
846    assert isinstance(d, WorkItem)
847    self.ready_cond.acquire()
848    try:
849      self.queued.append(d)
850      total = len(self.queued) + len(self.ran) + len(self.running)
851      if self.jobs == 1:
852        total += 1
853      logging.debug('enqueued(%s)' % d.name)
854      if self.progress:
855        self.progress._total = total
856        self.progress.update(0)
857      self.ready_cond.notifyAll()
858    finally:
859      self.ready_cond.release()
861  def out_cb(self, _):
862    self.last_subproc_output = datetime.datetime.now()
863    return True
865  @staticmethod
866  def format_task_output(task, comment=''):
867    if comment:
868      comment = ' (%s)' % comment
869    if task.start and task.finish:
870      elapsed = ' (Elapsed: %s)' % (
871          str(task.finish - task.start).partition('.')[0])
872    else:
873      elapsed = ''
874    return """
878----------------------------------------""" % (
879    task.name, comment, elapsed, task.outbuf.getvalue().strip())
881  def _is_conflict(self, job):
882    """Checks to see if a job will conflict with another running job."""
883    for running_job in self.running:
884      for used_resource in running_job.item.resources:
885        logging.debug('Checking resource %s' % used_resource)
886        if used_resource in job.resources:
887          return True
888    return False
890  def flush(self, *args, **kwargs):
891    """Runs all enqueued items until all are executed."""
892    kwargs['work_queue'] = self
893    self.last_subproc_output = self.last_join = datetime.datetime.now()
894    self.ready_cond.acquire()
895    try:
896      while True:
897        # Check for task to run first, then wait.
898        while True:
899          if not self.exceptions.empty():
900            # Systematically flush the queue when an exception logged.
901            self.queued = []
902          self._flush_terminated_threads()
903          if (not self.queued and not self.running or
904              self.jobs == len(self.running)):
905            logging.debug('No more worker threads or can\'t queue anything.')
906            break
908          # Check for new tasks to start.
909          for i in range(len(self.queued)):
910            # Verify its requirements.
911            if (self.ignore_requirements or
912                not (set(self.queued[i].requirements) - set(self.ran))):
913              if not self._is_conflict(self.queued[i]):
914                # Start one work item: all its requirements are satisfied.
915                self._run_one_task(self.queued.pop(i), args, kwargs)
916                break
917          else:
918            # Couldn't find an item that could run. Break out the outher loop.
919            break
921        if not self.queued and not self.running:
922          # We're done.
923          break
924        # We need to poll here otherwise Ctrl-C isn't processed.
925        try:
926          self.ready_cond.wait(10)
927          # If we haven't printed to terminal for a while, but we have received
928          # spew from a suprocess, let the user know we're still progressing.
929          now = datetime.datetime.now()
930          if (now - self.last_join > datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) and
931              self.last_subproc_output > self.last_join):
932            if self.progress:
933              print('')
934              sys.stdout.flush()
935            elapsed = Elapsed()
936            print('[%s] Still working on:' % elapsed)
937            sys.stdout.flush()
938            for task in self.running:
939              print('[%s]   %s' % (elapsed, task.item.name))
940              sys.stdout.flush()
941        except KeyboardInterrupt:
942          # Help debugging by printing some information:
943          print(
944              ('\nAllowed parallel jobs: %d\n# queued: %d\nRan: %s\n'
945               'Running: %d') % (self.jobs, len(self.queued), ', '.join(
946                   self.ran), len(self.running)),
947              file=sys.stderr)
948          for i in self.queued:
949            print(
950                '%s (not started): %s' % (i.name, ', '.join(i.requirements)),
951                file=sys.stderr)
952          for i in self.running:
953            print(
954                self.format_task_output(i.item, 'interrupted'), file=sys.stderr)
955          raise
956        # Something happened: self.enqueue() or a thread terminated. Loop again.
957    finally:
958      self.ready_cond.release()
960    assert not self.running, 'Now guaranteed to be single-threaded'
961    if not self.exceptions.empty():
962      if self.progress:
963        print('')
964      # To get back the stack location correctly, the raise a, b, c form must be
965      # used, passing a tuple as the first argument doesn't work.
966      e, task = self.exceptions.get()
967      print(self.format_task_output(task.item, 'ERROR'), file=sys.stderr)
968      reraise(e[0], e[1], e[2])
969    elif self.progress:
970      self.progress.end()
972  def _flush_terminated_threads(self):
973    """Flush threads that have terminated."""
974    running = self.running
975    self.running = []
976    for t in running:
977      if t.is_alive():
978        self.running.append(t)
979      else:
980        t.join()
981        self.last_join = datetime.datetime.now()
982        sys.stdout.flush()
983        if self.verbose:
984          print(self.format_task_output(t.item))
985        if self.progress:
986          self.progress.update(1, t.item.name)
987        if t.item.name in self.ran:
988          raise Error(
989              'gclient is confused, "%s" is already in "%s"' % (
990                t.item.name, ', '.join(self.ran)))
991        if not t.item.name in self.ran:
992          self.ran.append(t.item.name)
994  def _run_one_task(self, task_item, args, kwargs):
995    if self.jobs > 1:
996      # Start the thread.
997      index = len(self.ran) + len(self.running) + 1
998      new_thread = self._Worker(task_item, index, args, kwargs)
999      self.running.append(new_thread)
1000      new_thread.start()
1001    else:
1002      # Run the 'thread' inside the main thread. Don't try to catch any
1003      # exception.
1004      try:
1005        task_item.start = datetime.datetime.now()
1006        print('[%s] Started.' % Elapsed(task_item.start), file=task_item.outbuf)
1007        task_item.run(*args, **kwargs)
1008        task_item.finish = datetime.datetime.now()
1009        print(
1010            '[%s] Finished.' % Elapsed(task_item.finish), file=task_item.outbuf)
1011        self.ran.append(task_item.name)
1012        if self.verbose:
1013          if self.progress:
1014            print('')
1015          print(self.format_task_output(task_item))
1016        if self.progress:
1017          self.progress.update(1, ', '.join(t.item.name for t in self.running))
1018      except KeyboardInterrupt:
1019        print(
1020            self.format_task_output(task_item, 'interrupted'), file=sys.stderr)
1021        raise
1022      except Exception:
1023        print(self.format_task_output(task_item, 'ERROR'), file=sys.stderr)
1024        raise
1027  class _Worker(threading.Thread):
1028    """One thread to execute one WorkItem."""
1029    def __init__(self, item, index, args, kwargs):
1030      threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=item.name or 'Worker')
1031      logging.info('_Worker(%s) reqs:%s' % (item.name, item.requirements))
1032      self.item = item
1033      self.index = index
1034      self.args = args
1035      self.kwargs = kwargs
1036      self.daemon = True
1038    def run(self):
1039      """Runs in its own thread."""
1040      logging.debug('_Worker.run(%s)' % self.item.name)
1041      work_queue = self.kwargs['work_queue']
1042      try:
1043        self.item.start = datetime.datetime.now()
1044        print('[%s] Started.' % Elapsed(self.item.start), file=self.item.outbuf)
1045        self.item.run(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
1046        self.item.finish = datetime.datetime.now()
1047        print(
1048            '[%s] Finished.' % Elapsed(self.item.finish), file=self.item.outbuf)
1049      except KeyboardInterrupt:
1050        logging.info('Caught KeyboardInterrupt in thread %s', self.item.name)
1051        logging.info(str(sys.exc_info()))
1052        work_queue.exceptions.put((sys.exc_info(), self))
1053        raise
1054      except Exception:
1055        # Catch exception location.
1056        logging.info('Caught exception in thread %s', self.item.name)
1057        logging.info(str(sys.exc_info()))
1058        work_queue.exceptions.put((sys.exc_info(), self))
1059      finally:
1060        logging.info('_Worker.run(%s) done', self.item.name)
1061        work_queue.ready_cond.acquire()
1062        try:
1063          work_queue.ready_cond.notifyAll()
1064        finally:
1065          work_queue.ready_cond.release()
1068def GetEditor(git_editor=None):
1069  """Returns the most plausible editor to use.
1071  In order of preference:
1072  - GIT_EDITOR environment variable
1073  - core.editor git configuration variable (if supplied by git-cl)
1074  - VISUAL environment variable
1075  - EDITOR environment variable
1076  - vi (non-Windows) or notepad (Windows)
1078  In the case of git-cl, this matches git's behaviour, except that it does not
1079  include dumb terminal detection.
1080  """
1081  editor = os.environ.get('GIT_EDITOR') or git_editor
1082  if not editor:
1083    editor = os.environ.get('VISUAL')
1084  if not editor:
1085    editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
1086  if not editor:
1087    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1088      editor = 'notepad'
1089    else:
1090      editor = 'vi'
1091  return editor
1094def RunEditor(content, git, git_editor=None):
1095  """Opens up the default editor in the system to get the CL description."""
1096  file_handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, prefix='cl_description')
1097  # Make sure CRLF is handled properly by requiring none.
1098  if '\r' in content:
1099    print(
1100        '!! Please remove \\r from your change description !!', file=sys.stderr)
1101  fileobj = os.fdopen(file_handle, 'w')
1102  # Still remove \r if present.
1103  content = re.sub('\r?\n', '\n', content)
1104  # Some editors complain when the file doesn't end in \n.
1105  if not content.endswith('\n'):
1106    content += '\n'
1107  fileobj.write(content)
1108  fileobj.close()
1110  try:
1111    editor = GetEditor(git_editor=git_editor)
1112    if not editor:
1113      return None
1114    cmd = '%s %s' % (editor, filename)
1115    if sys.platform == 'win32' and os.environ.get('TERM') == 'msys':
1116      # Msysgit requires the usage of 'env' to be present.
1117      cmd = 'env ' + cmd
1118    try:
1119      # shell=True to allow the shell to handle all forms of quotes in
1120      # $EDITOR.
1121      subprocess2.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
1122    except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1123      return None
1124    return FileRead(filename)
1125  finally:
1126    os.remove(filename)
1129def UpgradeToHttps(url):
1130  """Upgrades random urls to https://.
1132  Do not touch unknown urls like ssh:// or git://.
1133  Do not touch http:// urls with a port number,
1134  Fixes invalid GAE url.
1135  """
1136  if not url:
1137    return url
1138  if not re.match(r'[a-z\-]+\://.*', url):
1139    # Make sure it is a valid uri. Otherwise, urlparse() will consider it a
1140    # relative url and will use http:///foo. Note that it defaults to http://
1141    # for compatibility with naked url like "localhost:8080".
1142    url = 'http://%s' % url
1143  parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))
1144  # Do not automatically upgrade http to https if a port number is provided.
1145  if parsed[0] == 'http' and not re.match(r'^.+?\:\d+$', parsed[1]):
1146    parsed[0] = 'https'
1147  return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
1150def ParseCodereviewSettingsContent(content):
1151  """Process a codereview.settings file properly."""
1152  lines = (l for l in content.splitlines() if not l.strip().startswith("#"))
1153  try:
1154    keyvals = dict([x.strip() for x in l.split(':', 1)] for l in lines if l)
1155  except ValueError:
1156    raise Error(
1157        'Failed to process settings, please fix. Content:\n\n%s' % content)
1158  def fix_url(key):
1159    if keyvals.get(key):
1160      keyvals[key] = UpgradeToHttps(keyvals[key])
1161  fix_url('CODE_REVIEW_SERVER')
1162  fix_url('VIEW_VC')
1163  return keyvals
1166def NumLocalCpus():
1167  """Returns the number of processors.
1169  multiprocessing.cpu_count() is permitted to raise NotImplementedError, and
1170  is known to do this on some Windows systems and OSX 10.6. If we can't get the
1171  CPU count, we will fall back to '1'.
1172  """
1173  # Surround the entire thing in try/except; no failure here should stop gclient
1174  # from working.
1175  try:
1176    # Use multiprocessing to get CPU count. This may raise
1177    # NotImplementedError.
1178    try:
1179      import multiprocessing
1180      return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
1181    except NotImplementedError:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
1182      # (UNIX) Query 'os.sysconf'.
1183      # pylint: disable=no-member
1184      if hasattr(os, 'sysconf') and 'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN' in os.sysconf_names:
1185        return int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'))
1187      # (Windows) Query 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' environment variable.
1188      if 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' in os.environ:
1189        return int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
1190  except Exception as e:
1191    logging.exception("Exception raised while probing CPU count: %s", e)
1193  logging.debug('Failed to get CPU count. Defaulting to 1.')
1194  return 1
1197def DefaultDeltaBaseCacheLimit():
1198  """Return a reasonable default for the git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit.
1200  The primary constraint is the address space of virtual memory.  The cache
1201  size limit is per-thread, and 32-bit systems can hit OOM errors if this
1202  parameter is set too high.
1203  """
1204  if platform.architecture()[0].startswith('64'):
1205    return '2g'
1206  else:
1207    return '512m'
1210def DefaultIndexPackConfig(url=''):
1211  """Return reasonable default values for configuring git-index-pack.
1213  Experiments suggest that higher values for pack.threads don't improve
1214  performance."""
1215  cache_limit = DefaultDeltaBaseCacheLimit()
1216  result = ['-c', 'core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=%s' % cache_limit]
1218    result.extend(['-c', 'pack.threads=1'])
1219  return result
1222def FindExecutable(executable):
1223  """This mimics the "which" utility."""
1224  path_folders = os.environ.get('PATH').split(os.pathsep)
1226  for path_folder in path_folders:
1227    target = os.path.join(path_folder, executable)
1228    # Just in case we have some ~/blah paths.
1229    target = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(target))
1230    if os.path.isfile(target) and os.access(target, os.X_OK):
1231      return target
1232    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1233      for suffix in ('.bat', '.cmd', '.exe'):
1234        alt_target = target + suffix
1235        if os.path.isfile(alt_target) and os.access(alt_target, os.X_OK):
1236          return alt_target
1237  return None
1240def freeze(obj):
1241  """Takes a generic object ``obj``, and returns an immutable version of it.
1243  Supported types:
1244    * dict / OrderedDict -> FrozenDict
1245    * list -> tuple
1246    * set -> frozenset
1247    * any object with a working __hash__ implementation (assumes that hashable
1248      means immutable)
1250  Will raise TypeError if you pass an object which is not hashable.
1251  """
1252  if isinstance(obj, collections_abc.Mapping):
1253    return FrozenDict((freeze(k), freeze(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
1254  elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
1255    return tuple(freeze(i) for i in obj)
1256  elif isinstance(obj, set):
1257    return frozenset(freeze(i) for i in obj)
1258  else:
1259    hash(obj)
1260    return obj
1263class FrozenDict(collections_abc.Mapping):
1264  """An immutable OrderedDict.
1266  Modified From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2704866
1267  """
1268  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1269    self._d = collections.OrderedDict(*args, **kwargs)
1271    # Calculate the hash immediately so that we know all the items are
1272    # hashable too.
1273    self._hash = functools.reduce(
1274        operator.xor, (hash(i) for i in enumerate(self._d.items())), 0)
1276  def __eq__(self, other):
1277    if not isinstance(other, collections_abc.Mapping):
1278      return NotImplemented
1279    if self is other:
1280      return True
1281    if len(self) != len(other):
1282      return False
1283    for k, v in self.items():
1284      if k not in other or other[k] != v:
1285        return False
1286    return True
1288  def __iter__(self):
1289    return iter(self._d)
1291  def __len__(self):
1292    return len(self._d)
1294  def __getitem__(self, key):
1295    return self._d[key]
1297  def __hash__(self):
1298    return self._hash
1300  def __repr__(self):
1301    return 'FrozenDict(%r)' % (self._d.items(),)