1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
4# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
6# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
7# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9import re
11from skbio.metadata import IntervalMetadata
12from skbio.io.format._base import _line_generator
13from skbio.io import FileFormatError
16def _vocabulary_change(format='insdc', read_in=True):
17    '''Return a dict that converts between memory and output vocabulary.'''
18    convert = {'phase': {'insdc': 'codon_start'},
19               'source': {'insdc': 'inference'},
20               'db_xref': {'gff3': 'Dbxref'},
21               'note': {'gff3': 'Note'}}
22    if read_in:
23        return {v[format]: k for k, v in convert.items() if format in v}
24    else:
25        return {k: v[format] for k, v in convert.items() if format in v}
28def _vocabulary_skip(format='insdc'):
29    '''Return a list of vocabularies that should be skipped when auto
30    output to disk for the specified format.
32    '''
33    skip = {'type': ('insdc', 'gff3'),
34            'ID': ('insdc'),
35            'translation': ('gff3'),
36            'strand': ('insdc')}
37    return [k for k, v in skip.items() if format in v]
40def _yield_section(is_another_section, **kwargs):
41    '''Returns function that returns successive sections from file.
43    Parameters
44    ----------
45    is_another_section : callable
46        It takes a string as input and return a boolean indicating
47        a new section starts.
48    kwargs : dict, optional
49        Keyword arguments will be passed to `_line_generator`.
51    Returns
52    -------
53    function
54        A function accept a list of lines as input and return
55        a generator to yield section one by one.
56    '''
57    def parser(lines):
58        curr = []
59        for line in _line_generator(lines, **kwargs):
60            # if we find another, return the previous section
61            if is_another_section(line):
62                if curr:
63                    yield curr
64                    curr = []
65            curr.append(line)
66        # don't forget to return the last section in the file
67        if curr:
68            yield curr
69    return parser
72def _parse_section_default(
73        lines, label_delimiter=None, join_delimiter=' ', return_label=False):
74    '''Parse sections in default way.
76    Do 2 things:
77        1. split first line with label_delimiter for label
78        2. join all the lines into one str with join_delimiter.
79    '''
80    data = []
81    label = None
82    line = lines[0]
84    items = line.split(label_delimiter, 1)
86    if len(items) == 2:
87        label, section = items
88    else:
89        label = items[0]
90        section = ""
91    data.append(section)
93    data.extend(lines[1:])
94    data = join_delimiter.join(i.strip() for i in data)
95    if return_label:
96        return label, data
97    else:
98        return data
101def _serialize_section_default(header, obj, indent=12):
102    return '{header:<{indent}}{obj}\n'.format(
103        header=header, obj=obj, indent=indent)
106def _parse_feature_table(lines, length):
107    '''parse DDBJ/ENA/GenBank Feature Table.'''
108    imd = IntervalMetadata(length)
109    # skip the 1st FEATURES line
110    if lines[0].startswith('FEATURES'):
111        lines = lines[1:]
112    # magic number 21: the lines following header of each feature
113    # are indented with 21 spaces.
114    feature_indent = ' ' * 21
115    section_splitter = _yield_section(
116        lambda x: not x.startswith(feature_indent),
117        skip_blanks=True, strip=False)
119    for section in section_splitter(lines):
120        _parse_single_feature(section, imd)
121    return imd
124def _parse_single_feature(lines, imd):
125    '''Parse a feature.
127    Parse a feature and add it to ``IntervalMetadata`` object.
129    Parameters
130    ----------
131    imd : IntervalMetadata
132    '''
133    voca_change = _vocabulary_change('insdc')
135    # each component of a feature starts with '/', except the 1st
136    # component of location.
137    section_splitter = _yield_section(
138        lambda x: x.startswith('/'), strip=True)
139    section_iter = section_splitter(lines)
141    # 1st section is location
142    section = next(section_iter)
143    feature_type, feature_loc = _parse_section_default(
144        section, join_delimiter='', return_label=True)
146    metadata = {'type': feature_type, '__location': feature_loc}
148    intvl = imd.add(*_parse_loc_str(feature_loc))
150    for section in section_iter:
151        # following sections are Qualifiers
152        k, v = _parse_section_default(
153            section, label_delimiter='=',
154            join_delimiter=' ', return_label=True)
155        # 1st char is '/'
156        k = k[1:]
157        if k in voca_change:
158            k = voca_change[k]
160        if k == 'phase':
161            v = int(v) - 1
163        # some Qualifiers can appear multiple times
164        if k in metadata:
165            if not isinstance(metadata[k], list):
166                metadata[k] = [metadata[k]]
167            metadata[k].append(v)
168        else:
169            metadata[k] = v
171    intvl.metadata.update(metadata)
174def _parse_loc_str(loc_str):
175    '''Parse location string.
177    .. warning: This converts coordinates to 0-based from 1-based
178    GenBank coordinate system.
180    The location descriptor can be one of the following [1]_:
181    (a) a single base number. e.g. 467
182    (b) a site between two indicated adjoining bases. e.g. 123^124
183    (c) a single base chosen from within a specified range of bases (not
184        allowed for new entries). e.g. 102.110
185    (d) the base numbers delimiting a sequence span. e.g.340..565
186    (e) a remote entry identifier followed by a local location
187        descriptor (i.e., a-d). e.g. J00194.1:100..202
189    Notes
190    -----
191    This does not fully handle (e) case. It will discard the remote
192    entry part and only keep the local part. When it parses locations
193    across strand (e.g. "complement(123..145),200..209"), it will
194    record all the span parts but will record strand as negative.
196    References
197    ----------
198    .. [1] http://www.insdc.org/files/feature_table.html#3.4
200    '''
201    # define the tokens
202    operators = ['join', 'complement', 'order']
203    LPAREN = r'(?P<LPAREN>\()'
204    RPAREN = r'(?P<RPAREN>\))'
205    COMMA = r'(?P<COMMA>,)'
206    WS = r'(?P<WS>\s+)'
207    a = r'(?P<A>\d+)'
208    b = r'(?P<B>\d+\^\d+)'
209    c = r'(?P<C>\d+\.\d+)'
210    d = r'(?P<D><?\d+\.\.>?\d+)'
211    e_left = r'(?P<EL><?[a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+:\d+\.\.>?\d+)'
212    e_right = r'(?P<ER><?\d+\.\.>?[a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+:\d+)'
213    illegal = r'(?P<ILLEGAL>.+)'
214    # The order of tokens in the master regular expression also
215    # matters. When matching, re tries to match pattens in the order
216    # specified. Thus, if a pattern happens to be a substring of a
217    # longer pattern, you need to make sure the longer pattern goes
218    # first.
219    master_pat = re.compile('|'.join(
220        operators + [WS, LPAREN, RPAREN, COMMA,
221                     b, c, d, e_left, e_right, a,
222                     illegal]))
224    scanner = master_pat.scanner(loc_str)
226    bounds = []
227    fuzzy = []
229    metadata = {'strand': '+'}
231    for m in iter(scanner.match, None):
232        p, v = m.lastgroup, m.group()
233        if v == 'complement':
234            metadata['strand'] = '-'
235        elif p == 'A':
236            start = int(v)
237            bounds.append((start-1, start))
238            fuzzy.append((False, False))
239        elif p == 'B':
240            start, end = v.split('^')
241            start = int(start)
242            bounds.append((start-1, start))
243            fuzzy.append((False, False))
244        elif p == 'C' or p == 'D':
245            if p == 'C':
246                start, end = v.split('.')
247            else:
248                start, end = v.split('..')
249            fuzzy_s = fuzzy_e = False
250            if start.startswith('<'):
251                start = start[1:]
252                fuzzy_s = True
253            if end.startswith('>'):
254                end = end[1:]
255                fuzzy_e = True
256            bounds.append((int(start)-1, int(end)))
257            fuzzy.append((fuzzy_s, fuzzy_e))
258        elif p == 'ILLEGAL':
259            raise FileFormatError(
260                'Could not parse location string: "%s"' % loc_str)
262    return bounds, fuzzy, metadata
265def _serialize_feature_table(intervals, indent=21):
266    '''
267    Parameters
268    ----------
269    intervals : list of ``Interval``
270    '''
271    for intvl in intervals:
272        yield _serialize_single_feature(intvl, indent)
275def _serialize_single_feature(intvl, indent=21):
276    '''
277    Parameters
278    ----------
279    intvl : Interval
280    '''
281    # there are 5 spaces before Feature Key starts.
282    padding = ' ' * 5
283    qualifiers = []
284    md = intvl.metadata
285    voca_skip = _vocabulary_skip('insdc')
286    voca_change = _vocabulary_change('insdc', read_in=False)
287    # sort it so the output order is deterministic
288    for k in sorted(md):
289        if k.startswith('__') or k in voca_skip:
290            continue
291        v = md[k]
292        if k == 'phase':
293            v = str(v + 1)
294        if k in voca_change:
295            k = voca_change[k]
296        if isinstance(v, list):
297            for vi in v:
298                qualifiers.append(_serialize_qualifier(k, vi))
299        else:
300            qualifiers.append(_serialize_qualifier(k, v))
302    if '__location' in md:
303        loc = md['__location']
304    else:
305        loc = _serialize_location(intvl)
306    # the qualifiers start at column 22
307    qualifiers = [' ' * indent + i for i in qualifiers]
308    return '{header:<{indent}}{loc}\n{qualifiers}\n'.format(
309        header=padding + md['type'],
310        loc=loc,
311        indent=indent,
312        qualifiers='\n'.join(qualifiers))
315def _serialize_location(intvl):
316    loc = []
317    for bound, fuzzy in zip(intvl.bounds, intvl.fuzzy):
318        start, end = bound
319        start += 1
320        if start == end:
321            s = str(start)
322        elif fuzzy[0] and fuzzy[1]:
323            s = '<%d..>%d' % (start, end)
324        elif fuzzy[0] and not fuzzy[1]:
325            s = '<%d..%d' % (start, end)
326        elif not fuzzy[0] and fuzzy[1]:
327            s = '%d..>%d' % (start, end)
328        else:
329            s = '%d..%d' % (start, end)
330        loc.append(s)
331    if len(loc) > 1:
332        loc_str = 'join({})'.format(','.join(loc))
333    else:
334        loc_str = loc[0]
335    if intvl.metadata.get('strand') == '-':
336        loc_str = 'complement({})'.format(loc_str)
337    return loc_str
340def _serialize_qualifier(key, value):
341    '''Serialize a Qualifier in a feature.
343    Parameters
344    ----------
345    value : int, str
346    '''
347    # if value is empty
348    if not value:
349        return '/%s' % key
351    return '/{k}={v}'.format(k=key, v=value)