1 /*(LGPL)
2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 	a_types.h - Commonly used types in the engine
4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, David Olofson
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
10  * your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  */
22 #ifndef _A_TYPES_H_
23 #define _A_TYPES_H_
25 #include "glSDL.h"
27 /* Builtin patch drivers */
28 typedef enum
29 {
30 	PD_NONE = -1,	/* No driver! */
31 	PD_MONO = 0,	/* Basic monophonic */
32 	PD_POLY,	/* Basic polyphonic */
33 	PD_MIDI,	/* Basic MIDI player */
34 	PD_EEL		/* User EEL code driver */
35 } patch_drivers_t;
38 /* Voice tag special codes */
39 typedef enum
40 {
41 	AVT_FUTURE = -2,
42 	AVT_ALL = -1
43 } audio_voice_tags_t;
46 /*
47  * DAHDSR envelope generator parameters:
48  *
49  *   Level
50  *     ^
51  *     |         __L1__
52  *     |        /|    |\
53  *     |       / |    | \
54  *     |__L0__/  |    |  \__L2__
55  *     |     |   |    |   |    |\
56  *     |  D  | A | H  | D | S  |R\
57  *     |_____|___|____|___|____|__\____\
58  *     |     |   |    |   |    |   |   / Time
59  *      DELAY T1  HOLD T2   T3  T4
60  *
61  * State by state description:
62  *
63  *	D: Set to L0, and hold for DELAY seconds.
64  *	A: Ramp to L1 over T1 seconds.
65  *	H: Hold at L1 for HOLD seconds.
66  *	D: Ramp to L2 over T2 seconds.
67  *	S: if T3 < 0
68  *		Hold at L2 until CE_STOP is received.
69  *	   else
70  *		Hold at L2 for T3 seconds.
71  *	R: Ramp to 0 over T3 seconds.
72  *
73  * If T3 is set to a negative value, sustain lasts until
74  * a CE_STOP event is received. If T3 is 0 of higher,
75  * sustain lasts for T3 seconds.
76  *
77  * The EG will *always* load L0, but from then on, if a
78  * phase has a zero duration, that phase is skipped.
79  * Note that skipping any of the A, D and R phases will
80  * produce clicks, unless the adjacent levels are
81  * identical.
82  *
83  * In some cases, it's desirable that the EG immediately
84  * skips to the release phase when a CE_STOP event is
85  * received, whereas in other cases, this would result
86  * in problems with very short notes. Therefore, there is
87  * a boolean control 'ENV_SKIP' that make it possible to
88  * specify which behavior is desired.
89  * '1' will make the EG skip to release upon receiving
90  * CE_STOP. '0' will result in the EG taking no action
91  * on CE_STOP until the sustain phase is reached the
92  * normal way.
93  * 'ENV_SKIP' has no effect if "timed sustain" is used;
94  * T3 must be < 0, or CE_STOP is entirely ignored.
95  *
96 TODO:
97 	* Turn this into a generic EG, with "unlimited"
98 	  number of phases. The current way of marking
99 	  the sustain hold point would still work,
100 	  although one would have to replace the ramp/
101 	  wait mechanism with a test for change in sc.
103 	* Implement "quadratic taper" or similar non-
104 	  linear transform of the output. The EG will
105 	  have to generate a reasonably dense stream
106 	  of voice control events, since voice ramps
107 	  are still linear.
108  */
110 /* Audio Patch Parameters */
111 typedef enum
112 {
113 	APP_FIRST = 0,
114 	/* Patch Driver Plugin */
115 	APP_DRIVER = 0,	/* (int) Patch driver index */
117 	/* Oscillator */
118 	APP_WAVE,	/* (int) Waveform index */
120 	/* "Special" features */
121 	APP_RANDPITCH,	/* (fixp) Random pitch depth */
122 	APP_RANDVOL,	/* (fixp) Random volume depth */
124 	/* Envelope Generator */
125 	APP_ENV_SKIP,	/* (bool) skip to sustain on CE_STOP */
126 	APP_ENV_L0,	/* (fixp) envelope level 0 (initial) */
127 	APP_ENV_DELAY,	/* (fixp) envelope delay-to-attack */
128 	APP_ENV_T1,	/* (fixp) envelope attack time */
129 	APP_ENV_L1,	/* (fixp) envelope hold level */
130 	APP_ENV_HOLD,	/* (fixp) envelope hold time */
131 	APP_ENV_T2,	/* (fixp) envelope decay time */
132 	APP_ENV_L2,	/* (fixp) envelope sustain level */
133 	APP_ENV_T3,	/* (fixp) envelope sustain time */
134 	APP_ENV_T4,	/* (fixp) envelope release time */
136 	/* LFO Generator */
137 	APP_LFO_DELAY,	/* (fixp) LFO delay-to-start */
138 	APP_LFO_ATTACK,	/* (fixp) LFO attack time-to-full */
139 	APP_LFO_DECAY,	/* (fixp) LFO decay time-to-zero */
140 	APP_LFO_RATE,	/* (fixp) LFO frequency */
141 	APP_LFO_SHAPE,	/* (int) LFO modulation waveform */
143 	/* Modulation Matrix */
144 	APP_ENV2PITCH,	/* (fixp) */
145 	APP_ENV2VOL,	/* (fixp) */
146 	APP_LFO2PITCH,	/* (fixp) */
147 	APP_LFO2VOL,	/* (fixp) */
148 #if 0
149 	APP_ENV2CUT,	/* (fixp) */
150 	APP_LFO2CUT,	/* (fixp) */
151 TODO:
152 	/*
153 	 * Controls for the resonant filter
154 	 * (Setting CUT to 0 disables the filter.)
155 	 */
156 	APP_FILT_CUT,	/* (fixp) Filter cutoff */
157 	APP_FILT_RES,	/* (fixp) Filter resonance */
159 	/*
160 	 * Distortion control
161 	 */
162 	APP_DIST_GAIN,	/* (fixp) Pre-limiter gain */
163 	APP_DIST_CLIP,	/* (fixp) Limiter clip threshold */
164 	APP_DIST_DRIVE,	/* (fixp) Feedback from the clipped peaks */
165 #endif
168 } audio_pparams_t;
169 typedef int appbank_t[APP_COUNT];
172 /*
173  * The voice structure:
174  *      OSC -> VOL/PAN/SEND
175  *                |   |
176  *                | : '-> o-> FX BUS 0
177  *                '-----> o-> FX BUS 1
178  *                  :  :  ...    ...
179  *                  :  :  o-> FX BUS N-1
180  *
181  *	That's it! No filters, and just one oscillator. The
182  *	interesting part is the output section.
183  *
184  *	Every voice has two output bus selectors, each on
185  *	referencing a stereo bus, on which further
186  *	processing may be applied. By setting either bus
187  *	selector to -1, or by pointing both at the same bus,
188  *	only the Primary Output will be used, and some some
189  *	CPU power is saved during mixing. :-)
190  *
191  *	As opposed to most MIDI synths, this engine allows
192  *	you to select one or two output busses for each
193  *	voice, using one as the Primary Output (level set
194  *	by CC7: Volume) and the other as the Secondary
195  *	Output (level set by CC91: Reverb Depth, multiplied
196  *	by CC7.)
197  *
198  *	The MIDI implementation uses CC92 and CC94 to select
199  *	Primary and Secondary Output busses, respectively.
200  */
202 /*
203  * Audio Channel & Group Controls
204 FIXME:	Channels use all, groups use a subset - which sucks!
205 FIXME:	I've considered using the OpenGL approach with a single,
206 FIXME:	global enum - but that can only provide runtime "enum
207 FIXME:	type checking". Seems like only languages other than the
208 FIXME:	native language of this engine can do it right...
209 FIXME:	(Another reason to use EEL wherever possible.)
210  *
211  * The Priority System:
212  *	Set ACC_PRIORITY to 0 to have a channel grab a
213  *	voice, and have it excluded from the dynamic
214  *	voice allocation system.
215  *
216  *	Other values specify channel priority for voice
217  *	stealing - higher values mean lower priority.
218  *	Higher priority channels win when fighting for
219  *	voices. Priority 0 voices cannot be stolen.
220  */
222 typedef enum
223 {
224 	ACC_FIRST = 0,
225 /*--- Controls that are NOT transformed ---*/
226 	ACC_GROUP = 0,	/* mixer group */
227 	ACC_PRIORITY,	/* Voice Allocation Priority */
228 	ACC_PATCH,	/* (int) Patch index */
230 	ACC_PRIM_BUS,	/* (int) target bus for ACC_VOLUME */
231 	ACC_SEND_BUS,	/* (int) target bus for ACC_SEND */
233 /*--- Controls that are transformed by adding ---*/
234 	ACC_PAN,	/* (fixp[-1, 1]) pre-send pan */
235 	ACC_PITCH,	/* (fixp) linear frequency; int <==> MIDI */
237 /*--- Controls that are transformed by multiplying ---*/
238 	ACC_VOLUME,	/* (fixp) primary "send" level */
239 	ACC_SEND,	/* (fixp) secondary send level */
241 /*--- Patch Controls (Not transformed) ---*/
242 	ACC_MOD1,	/* (fixp) Modulation 1 depth */
243 	ACC_MOD2,	/* (fixp) Modulation 2 depth */
244 	ACC_MOD3,	/* (fixp) Modulation 3 depth */
246 	ACC_X,		/* (fixp) X position */
247 	ACC_Y,		/* (fixp) Y position */
248 	ACC_Z,		/* (fixp) Z position */
252 } audio_ctls_t;
253 typedef int accbank_t[ACC_COUNT];
256 /*
257  * Bus Control:
258  *	The first 8 MIDI channels can be used for controlling
259  *	the signal processing done between the busses, and
260  *	between the busses and the output buffer.
261  *
262  *	A set of non-standard MIDI CCs are used for this:
263  *		CC 39: Select Insert Slot for subsequent CCs.
264  *
265  *	Slot 0 is used to access the dry/pre insert send level
266  *	controls. Thus, CCs 40..45 are ignored for slot 0.
267  *
268  *	The FX parameter CC range is mapped to according to
269  *	[0, 128] ==> [0.0, 2.0]. (That is, you can't reach the
270  *	exact value of 2.0, as the highest CC value is 127.)
271  *		CC 40: Insert Effect Type
272  *		CC 41: Insert Effect Parameter 1 (Time 1)
273  *		CC 42: Insert Effect Parameter 2 (Time 2)
274  *		CC 43: Insert Effect Parameter 3 (Depth 1)
275  *		CC 44: Insert Effect Parameter 4 (Depth 2)
276  *		CC 45: Insert Effect Parameter 5 (Rate)
277  *
278  *	This one is not transformed at all - MIDI CCs 0..127
279  *	are used directly. Obviously, it's preferred that
280  *	plugins map integer parameters that fit in that range
281  *	to Parameter 6.
282  *		CC 46: Insert Effect Parameter 6 (Mode/Special)
283  *
284  *	The following CC doubles as "dry send to master", when
285  *	used on slot 0.
286  *		CC 47: Post insert send to master ("Wet")
287  *
288  *	The next set of CC are IMHO, a bit dodgy in the current
289  *	implementation. Indeed, they work, but you have to
290  *	accept that the engine processes the busses in a fixed
291  *	order, meaning that you can only send from lower number
292  *	busses to higher number busses - not the other way
293  *	around. (In fact, the engine won't even consider the
294  *	controls for the "broken" connections when mixing.)
295  *
296  *	Note that when used on slot 0, these act as *dry* send
297  *	levels, as there cannot be an insert in slot 0.
298  *		CC 48: Post insert send to bus 1
299  *		CC 49: Post insert send to bus 2
300  *		CC 50: Post insert send to bus 3
301  *		CC 51: Post insert send to bus 4
302  *		CC 52: Post insert send to bus 5
303  *		CC 53: Post insert send to bus 6
304  *		CC 54: Post insert send to bus 7
305  *		CC 55: Post insert send to bus 8
306  *
307  *	Note that the post insert sends won't be considered
308  *	if no effect is enabled. (They would just double the
309  *	functionality of the pre insert sends, for extra cost
310  *	and no use.)
311  */
313 /* Audio Bus Controls */
314 typedef enum
315 {
316 	ABC_FIRST = 0,
318 	/* NOTE: The ABC_FX_* controls of slot 0 are ignored! */
319 	ABC_FX_TYPE = 0,	/* (int) */
320 	ABC_FX_PARAM_1,		/* (fixp) Time/f/Amount 1 */
321 	ABC_FX_PARAM_2,		/* (fixp) Time/f/Amount 2 */
322 	ABC_FX_PARAM_3,		/* (fixp) Depth/Level 1 */
323 	ABC_FX_PARAM_4,		/* (fixp) Depth/Level 2 */
324 	ABC_FX_PARAM_5,		/* (fixp) Rate/Level */
325 	ABC_FX_PARAM_6,		/* (int)  Mode/Special */
327 	ABC_SEND_MASTER,	/* (fixp) Post FX send to master */
329 	ABC_SEND_BUS_0,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 0 */
330 	ABC_SEND_BUS_1,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 1 */
331 	ABC_SEND_BUS_2,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 2 */
332 	ABC_SEND_BUS_3,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 3 */
333 	ABC_SEND_BUS_4,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 4 */
334 	ABC_SEND_BUS_5,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 5 */
335 	ABC_SEND_BUS_6,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 6 */
336 	ABC_SEND_BUS_7,		/* (fixp) Post FX send to bus 7 */
340 } audio_busctls_t;
341 typedef int abcbank_t[ABC_COUNT];
343 /*
344  * Generic Effect API - for busses and inserts.
345  */
346 typedef enum
347 {
348 	AFX_NONE = 0,
349 	AFX_DELAY,	/* 1: Tap 1	2: Tap 2
350 			 * 3: Gain 1	4: Gain 2
351 			 * 5: Feedback Level
352 			 */
353 	AFX_ECHO,	/* 1: Ldelay	2: Rdelay
354 			 * 3: Lgain	4: Rgain
355 			 * 5: Feedback Delay
356 			 */
357 	AFX_REVERB,	/* 1: Early reflections duration
358 			 * 2: Tail duration
359 			 * 3: Early reflections level
360 			 * 4: Tail Feedback Level
361 			 * 5: Feedback LP Cutoff
362 			 */
363 	AFX_CHORUS,	/* 1: Left Vibrato Speed
364 			 * 2: Right Vibrato Speed
365 			 * 3: Left Vibrato Depth
366 			 * 4: Right Vibrato Depth
367 			 * 5: Feedback Level
368 			 */
369 	AFX_FLANGER,	/* Same as chorus; only different scale. */
370 	AFX_FILTER,	/* 1: Left Cut	2: Right Cut
371 			 * 3: Left Reso	4: Right Resonance
372 			 * 5: <unused>
373 			 */
374 	AFX_DIST,	/* 1: Bass	2: Treble
375 			 * 3: Pre Gain	4: Post Gain
376 			 * 4: Drive
377 			 */
378 	AFX_WAH,	/* 1: Low Limit		2: High Limit
379 			 * 3: Sensitivity	4: Gain
380 			 * 5: Resonance
381 			 */
382 	AFX_EQ,		/* 1: Bass f	2: Treble f
383 			 * 3: Bass Gain	4: Treble Gain
384 			 * 4: Mid Gain
385 			 */
386 	AFX_ENHANCER,	/* 1: Mid f	2: High f
387 			 * 3: Mid Sens.	4: High Sensitivity
388 			 * 5: Artificial Treble Strength
389 			 */
390 	AFX_COMPRESSOR,	/* 1: Attack	2: Release
391 			 * 3: Gain	4: Threshold
392 			 * 5: Knee Softness
393 			 */
394 	AFX_MAXIMIZER	/* 1: Low Split	2: High Split
395 			 * 3: Low Boost	4: High Boost
396 			 * 5: Mid Boost
397 			 */
398 } audio_fxtypes_t;
401 typedef enum
402 {
403 	AR_WORST = -3,
404 	AR_MEDIUM = -2,
405 	AR_BEST = -1,
407 	AR_NEAREST = 0,	/* Nearest sample ("useless") */
408 	AR_NEAREST_4X,	/* Nearest with 4x oversampling */
409 	AR_LINEAR,	/* Linear Interpolation */
410 	AR_LINEAR_2X_R,	/* LI w/ 2x oversampling + ramp smoothing */
411 	AR_LINEAR_4X_R,	/* LI w/ 4x oversampling + ramp smoothing */
412 	AR_LINEAR_8X_R,	/* LI w/ 8x oversampling + ramp smoothing */
413 	AR_LINEAR_16X_R,/* LI w/ 16x oversampling + ramp smoothing */
414 	AR_CUBIC_R	/* Cubic interpolation + ramp smoothing */
415 } audio_resample_t;
418 typedef enum
419 {
420 	AF_MONO8 = 0,	/* Mono Sint8 */
421 	AF_STEREO8,	/* Stereo Sint8 */
422 	AF_MONO16,	/* Mono Sint16 */
423 	AF_STEREO16,	/* Stereo Sint16 */
424 	AF_MONO32,	/* Mono float32 */
425 	AF_STEREO32,	/* Stereo float32 */
426 	AF_MIDI		/* Midi sequence */
427 } audio_formats_t;
430 typedef enum
431 {
432 	AQ_VERY_LOW,	/* Nearest, no oversampling */
433 	AQ_LOW,		/* Nearest, 4x oversampling */
434 	AQ_NORMAL,	/* Linear interpolation */
435 	AQ_HIGH,	/* LI with adaptive oversampling 2x..8x */
436 	AQ_VERY_HIGH	/* LI with fixed 16x oversampling */
437 } audio_quality_t;
439 #undef	A_USE_INT64
440 #ifdef SDL_HAS_64BIT_TYPE
441 #	define	A_USE_INT64
442 #endif
444 #endif /*_A_TYPES_H_*/