1 /*  $Id: xml_save.hpp 482375 2015-10-22 16:10:24Z satskyse $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
4  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
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11  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
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14  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
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16  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
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21  *
22  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Author:  Sergey Satskiy, NCBI
27  * Credits: Denis Vakatov, NCBI (API design)
28  *
29  */
32 /** @file
33  * Flags for saving XML documents and nodes.
34 **/
36 #ifndef _xmlwrapp_xml_save_hpp_
37 #define _xmlwrapp_xml_save_hpp_
40 namespace xml {
42     enum save_options {
43         // Compression level part (16 bit reserved)
44         // Only one value should be picked
45         // Default is no compression
46         save_op_compress_level_1 = 1,   ///< better speed
47         save_op_compress_level_2 = 2,
48         save_op_compress_level_3 = 3,
49         save_op_compress_level_4 = 4,
50         save_op_compress_level_5 = 5,
51         save_op_compress_level_6 = 6,
52         save_op_compress_level_7 = 7,
53         save_op_compress_level_8 = 8,
54         save_op_compress_level_9 = 9,   ///< smaller size
57         // Document options part - any number of the options below could be
58         // picked
59         save_op_no_format   = 1 << 16,  ///< Do not format save output
60         save_op_no_decl     = 1 << 17,  ///< Drop the xml declaration
61         save_op_no_empty    = 1 << 18,  ///< No empty tags
62         save_op_no_xhtml    = 1 << 19,  ///< Disable XHTML1 specific rules
63         save_op_xhtml       = 1 << 20,  ///< Force XHTML1 specific rules. Ignored if libxml2 version is < 2.7.2
64         save_op_not_as_xml  = 1 << 21,  ///< Do not force XML serialization on HTML doc. Ignored if libxml2 version is < 2.7.2
65         save_op_as_html     = 1 << 22,  ///< Force HTML serialization on XML doc. Ignored if libxml2 version is < 2.7.2
67         /// Format with non-significant whitespace. Ignored if libxml2 version
68         /// is < 2.7.8. This flag will automatically set the save_op_no_format
69         /// as well due to libxml2 implementation.
70         save_op_with_non_significant_ws = 1 << 23,
72         save_op_default     = 0         ///< Default is:
73                                         ///< - no compression
74                                         ///< - to format save output and
75                                         ///< - to force XML serialization on HTML doc
76     };
78     typedef int save_option_flags;  ///< Bitwise save options mask type and a compression level
81     /// Canonicalization mode. See "Canonical XML" (http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n)
82     /// or "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n)
83     enum canonicalization_option {
84         c14n_1_0,                   ///< Origianal C14N 1.0 spec
85         c14n_exclusive_1_0,         ///< Exclusive C14N 1.0 spec
86         c14n_1_1,                   ///< C14N 1.1 spec
87         sort_attr_and_ns,           ///< Essentially it is not a
88                                     ///< canonicalization. It will do only a
89                                     ///< part of what c14n does, namely: sort
90                                     ///< attributes and namespace definitions.
91                                     ///< The xml declaration will appear in the
92                                     ///< output regardless if it was a document
93                                     ///< or a node.
94         sort_attr_and_ns_no_decl    ///< Essentially it is not a
95                                     ///< canonicalization. It will do only a
96                                     ///< part of what c14n does, namely: sort
97                                     ///< attributes and namespace definitions.
98                                     ///< The xml declaration will not appear in
99                                     ///< the output regardless if it was a
100                                     ///< document or a node.
101     };
103     enum canonicalization_comments_option {
104         keep_comments,
105         strip_comments
106     };
108     enum canonicalization_format_option {
109         with_formatting,
110         without_formatting
111     };
113     enum canonicalization_node_sort_option {
114         with_node_sorting,
115         without_node_sorting
116     };
118 } // xml namespace
120 #endif