3 #ifdef _cplusplus
4 extern "C" {
5 #endif
6 #include "wisebase.h"
9 #define BASE_A 0
10 #define BASE_G 1
11 #define BASE_C 2
12 #define BASE_T 3
13 #define BASE_N 4
15 typedef short int base;
16 typedef short int codon;
17 typedef char aa;
19 #define aminoacid_number(c) (c-'A')
21 #define is_base(a) (a == 'A' || a == 'T' || a == 'C' || a == 'G' || a== 'N' || a == 'a' || a == 't' || a == 'c' || a == 'g' || a == 'n' ? 1 : 0)
23 /* Object CodonTable
24  *
25  * Descrip: The codon table provides a mapping from the 64 codons to the 20 amino
26  *        acids. The rest of the modules provides assorted codon<->base<->amino
27  *        acid mappings.
28  *
29  *        Probably the trickiest thing is that there are two different types of
30  *        representations of codons. One in base 5 (N being the 5th base),
31  *        providing 0-124 inclusive codon numbers.  These numbers are the ones
32  *        going to be principly used in most calculations.
33  *
34  *        However, it is often very useful to use 0-63 numbers, for example
35  *        in the precise definition of the codon table.
36  *
37  *
38  */
39 struct Wise2_CodonTable {
40     int dynamite_hard_link;
41 #ifdef PTHREAD
42     pthread_mutex_t dynamite_mutex;
43 #endif
44     aa codon_str[125];
45     char * name;
46     } ;
47 /* CodonTable defined */
48 #ifndef DYNAMITE_DEFINED_CodonTable
49 typedef struct Wise2_CodonTable Wise2_CodonTable;
50 #define CodonTable Wise2_CodonTable
51 #define DYNAMITE_DEFINED_CodonTable
52 #endif
57     /***************************************************/
58     /* Callable functions                              */
59     /* These are the functions you are expected to use */
60     /***************************************************/
64 /* Function:  read_CodonTable_file(file)
65  *
66  * Descrip:    Opens filename, reads it as if a Ewan style
67  *             codon table and closes.
68  *
69  *
70  * Arg:        file [READ ] filename to open [char *]
71  *
72  * Return [OWNER]  A codon-table, NULL if error [CodonTable *]
73  *
74  */
75 CodonTable * Wise2_read_CodonTable_file(char * file);
76 #define read_CodonTable_file Wise2_read_CodonTable_file
79 /* Function:  read_CodonTable(ifp)
80  *
81  * Descrip:    reads a codon table from a filestream in Ewan
82  *             format.
83  *
84  *             As Ewan format is really bad and has no start/stop
85  *             this will effectively read to the end of the file.
86  *             Ooops.
87  *
88  *
89  * Arg:        ifp [READ ] file input [FILE *]
90  *
91  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [CodonTable *]
92  *
93  */
94 CodonTable * Wise2_read_CodonTable(FILE * ifp);
95 #define read_CodonTable Wise2_read_CodonTable
98 /* Function:  aminoacid_from_seq(ct,seq)
99  *
100  * Descrip:    Returns the amino acid for this position in the DNA sequence
101  *             Takes the pointer +1 and +2 points.
102  *
103  *             No error checks implemented. Probably a mistake ;)
104  *
105  *
106  * Arg:         ct [READ ] codon table [CodonTable *]
107  * Arg:        seq [READ ] pointer to DNA chars [char *]
108  *
109  * Return [UNKN ]  an amino acid char (A-Z) [aa]
110  *
111  */
112 aa Wise2_aminoacid_from_seq(CodonTable * ct,char * seq);
113 #define aminoacid_from_seq Wise2_aminoacid_from_seq
116 /* Function:  aminoacid_from_codon(ct,c)
117  *
118  * Descrip:    returns amino acid for this codon number (NB codon numbers 0-125)
119  *
120  *
121  * Arg:        ct [READ ] codon table [CodonTable *]
122  * Arg:         c [READ ] codon number [codon]
123  *
124  * Return [READ ]  aminoacid that is this codon (X for ambiguous, * for stop) [aa]
125  *
126  */
127 aa Wise2_aminoacid_from_codon(CodonTable * ct,codon c);
128 #define aminoacid_from_codon Wise2_aminoacid_from_codon
131 /* Function:  aminoacid_no_from_codon(ct,c)
132  *
133  * Descrip:    a sister function to aminoacid_from_codon:
134  *             returns amino acid number (0-26) for this codon number (0-125)
135  *
136  *
137  * Arg:        ct [READ ] codon table [CodonTable *]
138  * Arg:         c [READ ] codon number [codon]
139  *
140  * Return [READ ]  aminoacid number [0-26] for this codon [int]
141  *
142  */
143 int Wise2_aminoacid_no_from_codon(CodonTable * ct,codon c);
144 #define aminoacid_no_from_codon Wise2_aminoacid_no_from_codon
147 /* Function:  is_stop_codon(c,ct)
148  *
149  * Descrip:    tells you whether this codon number is really a stop
150  *             in this translation table
151  *
152  *
153  * Arg:         c [READ ] codon number [codon]
154  * Arg:        ct [READ ] codon table [CodonTable *]
155  *
156  * Return [UNKN ]  TRUE if is stop, FALSE otherwise [boolean]
157  *
158  */
159 boolean Wise2_is_stop_codon(codon c,CodonTable * ct);
160 #define is_stop_codon Wise2_is_stop_codon
163 /* Function:  is_non_ambiguous_codon_seq(seq)
164  *
165  * Descrip:    Tells you if this codon is a real codon
166  *
167  *
168  * Arg:        seq [READ ] pointer to DNA sequence [char *]
169  *
170  * Return [UNKN ]  TRUE if real codon, FALSE if contains N's [boolean]
171  *
172  */
173 boolean Wise2_is_non_ambiguous_codon_seq(char * seq);
174 #define is_non_ambiguous_codon_seq Wise2_is_non_ambiguous_codon_seq
177 /* Function:  is_valid_aminoacid(ct,c)
178  *
179  * Descrip:    Tells you if this letter (c) is recognised as a valid amino acid
180  *             in this codon table
181  *
182  *
183  * Arg:        ct [READ ] Codon Table [CodonTable *]
184  * Arg:         c [UNKN ] aminoacid [char]
185  *
186  * Return [UNKN ]  TRUE if valid, FALSE if not. [boolean]
187  *
188  */
189 boolean Wise2_is_valid_aminoacid(CodonTable * ct,char c);
190 #define is_valid_aminoacid Wise2_is_valid_aminoacid
193 /* Function:  is_valid_base_char(c)
194  *
195  * Descrip:    Tells you if the letter is A,T,C,G,N (NB, N is ok).
196  *
197  *
198  * Arg:        c [READ ] base [char]
199  *
200  * Return [UNKN ]  TRUE if (ATGCN) FALSE otherwise [boolean]
201  *
202  */
203 boolean Wise2_is_valid_base_char(char c);
204 #define is_valid_base_char Wise2_is_valid_base_char
207 /* Function:  codon_from_base4_codon(c)
208  *
209  * Descrip:    maps a 0-63 codon to a 0-123 codon. Suprisingly useful.
210  *
211  *
212  * Arg:        c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [int]
213  *
214  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [codon]
215  *
216  */
217 codon Wise2_codon_from_base4_codon(int c);
218 #define codon_from_base4_codon Wise2_codon_from_base4_codon
221 /* Function:  base4_codon_from_codon(c)
222  *
223  * Descrip:    maps a 0-125 codon to a 0-63 codon.
224  *
225  *             If ambiguous then returns 64 having issued a warning.
226  *
227  *
228  * Arg:        c [READ ] codon 0-125 [codon]
229  *
230  * Return [UNKN ]  base 4 codon (0-63) [int]
231  *
232  */
233 int Wise2_base4_codon_from_codon(codon c);
234 #define base4_codon_from_codon Wise2_base4_codon_from_codon
237 /* Function:  has_random_bases(c)
238  *
239  * Descrip:    Tests to see if this codon number has any N's in it
240  *
241  *
242  * Arg:        c [READ ] codon number 0-124 [codon]
243  *
244  * Return [UNKN ]  TRUE if has N's , FALSE otherwise [boolean]
245  *
246  */
247 boolean Wise2_has_random_bases(codon c);
248 #define has_random_bases Wise2_has_random_bases
251 /* Function:  permute_possible_random_bases(c,one,two,three)
252  *
253  * Descrip:    Bizarely useful function for calculating ambiguity scores.
254  *
255  *             This takes the codon c, and for each possible base,
256  *             if it is N, replaces it with one, two or three.
257  *
258  *             If the base is not N, it remains the same
259  *
260  *
261  * Arg:            c [READ ] codon number [codon]
262  * Arg:          one [READ ] base to replace first position if N [base]
263  * Arg:          two [READ ] base to replace second position if N [base]
264  * Arg:        three [READ ] base to replace third position if N [base]
265  *
266  * Return [UNKN ]  codon number  [codon]
267  *
268  */
269 codon Wise2_permute_possible_random_bases(codon c,base one,base two,base three);
270 #define permute_possible_random_bases Wise2_permute_possible_random_bases
273 /* Function:  all_bases_from_codon(c,one,two,three)
274  *
275  * Descrip:    Really an internal function, by useful enough to
276  *             encourage outside use.
277  *
278  *             Takes codon c and breaks it into 3 base-numbers
279  *
280  *
281  * Arg:            c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [codon]
282  * Arg:          one [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [base *]
283  * Arg:          two [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [base *]
284  * Arg:        three [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [base *]
285  *
286  */
287 void Wise2_all_bases_from_codon(codon c,base * one,base * two,base * three);
288 #define all_bases_from_codon Wise2_all_bases_from_codon
291 /* Function:  reverse_codon(c)
292  *
293  * Descrip:    Reverses codon. Takes a forward codon number and
294  *             builds the inverted codon number
295  *
296  *
297  * Arg:        c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [codon]
298  *
299  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [codon]
300  *
301  */
302 codon Wise2_reverse_codon(codon c);
303 #define reverse_codon Wise2_reverse_codon
306 /* Function:  base_from_codon(c,pos)
307  *
308  * Descrip:    Probably not the best function to use for this, but
309  *             useful. Takes a codon and with pos being 1,2,3 gives
310  *             you the firt,second of third base
311  *
312  *
313  * Arg:          c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [codon]
314  * Arg:        pos [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [int]
315  *
316  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [base]
317  *
318  */
319 base Wise2_base_from_codon(codon c,int pos);
320 #define base_from_codon Wise2_base_from_codon
323 /* Function:  codon_from_seq(seq)
324  *
325  * Descrip:    takes an ASCII coded pointer to a 3 base pair
326  *             sequence (it could be the part of a sequence: it only
327  *             assummes that the seq points with 3 chars at pos 0,1,2
328  *             in C coordinates from seq. No NULL is required). It
329  *             ives back the codon as made from standard mapping, ie,
330  *             25*base_1+5*base_2 + base3 being a number from 0-124 inc.
331  *
332  *
333  * Arg:        seq [UNKN ] pointer to sequence of at least 3 chrs long. [char *]
334  *
335  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [codon]
336  *
337  */
338 codon Wise2_codon_from_seq(char * seq);
339 #define codon_from_seq Wise2_codon_from_seq
342 /* Function:  base4_codon_from_seq(seq)
343  *
344  * Descrip:    Sometimes it is more useful to work in base64, ie,
345  *             non N. this functions does the same thing as
346  *             /codon_from_seq but produces a seq being
347  *             16*base1 + 4 *base2 + base3
348  *
349  *
350  * Arg:        seq [UNKN ] pointer to sequence of at least 3 chrs long [char *]
351  *
352  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [int]
353  *
354  */
355 int Wise2_base4_codon_from_seq(char * seq);
356 #define base4_codon_from_seq Wise2_base4_codon_from_seq
359 /* Function:  char_from_base(b)
360  *
361  * Descrip:    maps a base number (-04 inc) to A,T,G,C,N
362  *
363  *
364  * Arg:        b [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [base]
365  *
366  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [char]
367  *
368  */
369 char Wise2_char_from_base(base b);
370 #define char_from_base Wise2_char_from_base
373 /* Function:  base_from_char(c)
374  *
375  * Descrip:    maps a char (atcgn) to number,
376  *             case insensitive, returns BASE_N
377  *             if not atcgn
378  *
379  *
380  * Arg:        c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [char]
381  *
382  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [base]
383  *
384  */
385 base Wise2_base_from_char(char c);
386 #define base_from_char Wise2_base_from_char
389 /* Function:  char_complement_base(c)
390  *
391  * Descrip:    the char equivalent of /complement_base.
392  *             this gives the complement in char of a base
393  *             in char. Does not check for non ATGCN
394  *
395  *
396  * Arg:        c [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [char]
397  *
398  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [char]
399  *
400  */
401 char Wise2_char_complement_base(char c);
402 #define char_complement_base Wise2_char_complement_base
405 /* Function:  complement_base(b)
406  *
407  * Descrip:    gives back the complement as a number
408  *             ofthe base (given as a number)
409  *
410  *
411  * Arg:        b [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [base]
412  *
413  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [base]
414  *
415  */
416 base Wise2_complement_base(base b);
417 #define complement_base Wise2_complement_base
420 /* Function:  four_fold_sites_CodonTable(*ct,seq)
421  *
422  * Descrip:    returns the number of four fold degenerate
423  *             sites in this codon
424  *
425  *
426  * Arg:        *ct [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [CodonTable]
427  * Arg:        seq [UNKN ] Undocumented argument [char *]
428  *
429  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [int]
430  *
431  */
432 int Wise2_four_fold_sites_CodonTable(CodonTable *ct,char * seq);
433 #define four_fold_sites_CodonTable Wise2_four_fold_sites_CodonTable
436 /* Function:  hard_link_CodonTable(obj)
437  *
438  * Descrip:    Bumps up the reference count of the object
439  *             Meaning that multiple pointers can 'own' it
440  *
441  *
442  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object to be hard linked [CodonTable *]
443  *
444  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [CodonTable *]
445  *
446  */
447 CodonTable * Wise2_hard_link_CodonTable(CodonTable * obj);
448 #define hard_link_CodonTable Wise2_hard_link_CodonTable
451 /* Function:  CodonTable_alloc(void)
452  *
453  * Descrip:    Allocates structure: assigns defaults if given
454  *
455  *
456  *
457  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [CodonTable *]
458  *
459  */
460 CodonTable * Wise2_CodonTable_alloc(void);
461 #define CodonTable_alloc Wise2_CodonTable_alloc
464 /* Function:  free_CodonTable(obj)
465  *
466  * Descrip:    Free Function: removes the memory held by obj
467  *             Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists
468  *
469  *
470  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [CodonTable *]
471  *
472  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [CodonTable *]
473  *
474  */
475 CodonTable * Wise2_free_CodonTable(CodonTable * obj);
476 #define free_CodonTable Wise2_free_CodonTable
479   /* Unplaced functions */
480   /* There has been no indication of the use of these functions */
483     /***************************************************/
484     /* Internal functions                              */
485     /* you are not expected to have to call these      */
486     /***************************************************/
487 boolean Wise2_replace_name_CodonTable(CodonTable * obj,char * name);
488 #define replace_name_CodonTable Wise2_replace_name_CodonTable
489 char * Wise2_access_name_CodonTable(CodonTable * obj);
490 #define access_name_CodonTable Wise2_access_name_CodonTable
491 char * Wise2_alloc_aminoacid_from_seq(CodonTable * ct,char * seq);
492 #define alloc_aminoacid_from_seq Wise2_alloc_aminoacid_from_seq
494 #ifdef _cplusplus
495 }
496 #endif
498 #endif