1 #include <U2Core/disable-warnings.h>
4 #include "phylip.h"
5 #include "cons.h"
7 int tree_pairing;
9 extern Phylip_Char outfilename[FNMLNGTH], intreename[FNMLNGTH], intree2name[FNMLNGTH], outtreename[FNMLNGTH];
10 node *root;
12 long numopts, outgrno_cons, col, setsz;
13 long maxgrp;               /* max. no. of groups in all trees found  */
15 boolean trout, firsttree, noroot, outgropt_cons, didreroot, prntsets,
16     treeprint_cons, goteof, strict, mr=false, mre=false,
17     ml=false; /* initialized all false for Treedist */
18 extern boolean progress;
19 pointarray nodep_cons;
20 pointarray treenode;
21 group_type **grouping, **grping2, **group2;/* to store groups found  */
22 double *lengths, *lengths2;
23 long **order, **order2, lasti;
24 group_type *fullset;
25 node *grbg;
26 long tipy;
28 double **timesseen, **tmseen2, **times2 ;
29 double *tchange2;
30 double trweight, ntrees, mlfrac;
32 /* prototypes */
33 void censor(void);
34 boolean compatible(long, long);
35 void elimboth(long);
36 void enterpartition (group_type*, long*);
37 void reorient(node* n);
39 /* begin hash table code */
42 hashtype hashp;
45 /**
46  * namesGetBucket - return the bucket for a given name
47  */
namesGetBucket(plotstring searchname)48 long namesGetBucket(plotstring searchname) {
49   long i;
50   long sum = 0;
52   for (i = 0; (i < MAXNCH) && (searchname[i] != '\0'); i++) {
53     sum += searchname[i];
54   }
55   return (sum % NUM_BUCKETS);
56 }
59 /**
60  * namesAdd - add a name to the hash table
61  *
62  * The argument is added at the head of the appropriate linked list.  No
63  * checking is done for duplicates.  The caller can call
64  * namesSearch to check for an existing name prior to calling
65  * namesAdd.
66  */
namesAdd(plotstring addname)67 void namesAdd(plotstring addname) {
68   long bucket = namesGetBucket(addname);
69   namenode *hp, *temp;
71   temp = hashp[bucket];
72   hashp[bucket] = (namenode *)Malloc(sizeof(namenode));
73   hp = hashp[bucket];
74   strcpy(hp->naym, addname);
75   hp->next = temp;
76   hp->hitCount = 0;
77 }
79 /**
80  * namesSearch - search for a name in the hash table
81  *
82  * Return true if the name is found, else false.
83  */
namesSearch(plotstring searchname)84 boolean namesSearch(plotstring searchname) {
85   long i = namesGetBucket(searchname);
86   namenode *p;
88   p = hashp[i];
89   if (p == NULL) {
90     return false;
91   }
92   do {
93     if (strcmp(searchname,p->naym) == 0) {
94       p->hitCount++;
95       return true;
96     }
97     p = p->next;
98   } while (p != NULL);
100   return false;
101 }
103 /**
104  * Go through hash table and check that the hit count on all entries is one.
105  * If it is zero, then a species was missed, if it is two, then there is a
106  * duplicate species.
107  */
namesCheckTable(void)109 void namesCheckTable(void) {
110   namenode *p;
111   long i;
113   for (i=0; i< NUM_BUCKETS; i++) {
114     p = hashp[i];
115     while (p != NULL){
116       if(p->hitCount >1){
117         printf("\n\nERROR in user tree: duplicate name found: ");
118         puts(p->naym);
119         printf("\n\n");
120         exxit(-1);
121       } else if(p->hitCount == 0){
122         printf("\n\nERROR in user tree: name %s not found\n\n\n",
123                p->naym);
124         exxit(-1);
125       }
126       p->hitCount = 0;
127       p = p->next;
128     }
129   }
130 }
132 /**
133  * namesClearTable - empty names out of the table and
134  *                   return allocated memory
135  */
namesClearTable(void)136 void namesClearTable(void) {
137   long i;
138   namenode *p, *temp;
140   for (i=0; i< NUM_BUCKETS; i++) {
141     p = hashp[i];
142     if (p != NULL) {
143       do {
144         temp = p;
145         p = p->next;
146         free(temp);
147       } while (p != NULL);
148     hashp[i] = NULL;
149     }
150   }
151 }
152 /* end hash table code */
consens_starter(const char * filename,double fraction,bool _strict,bool _mre,bool _mr,bool _m1)154 void consens_starter( const char* filename, double fraction, bool _strict, bool _mre, bool _mr, bool _m1 )
155 {
156      /* Local variables added by Dan F. */
157   pattern_elm  ***pattern_array;
158   long trees_in = 0;
159   long i, j;
160   long tip_count = 0;
161   node *p, *q;
162   intree = fopen(filename, "rb");
163   if(!intree){
164       exxit(-1);
165   }
167   /* Initial settings */
168   ibmpc          = IBMCRT;
169   ansi           = ANSICRT;
170   didreroot      = false;
171   firsttree      = true;
172   spp            = 0 ;
173   col            = 0 ;
174   /* This is needed so functions in cons.c work */
175   tree_pairing   = NO_PAIRING ;
177   strict = _strict;
178   mr = _mr;
179   mre = _mre;
180   ml = _m1;
181   mlfrac = fraction;
182   noroot = true;
183   numopts = 0;
184   outgrno_cons = 1;
185   outgropt_cons = false;
186   trout = false;
187   prntsets = true;
188   progress = false;
189   treeprint_cons = false;
191   ntrees = 0.0;
192   maxgrp = 32767;   /* initial size of set hash table */
193   lasti  = -1;
195   trees_in = countsemic(&intree);
196   countcomma(&intree,&tip_count);
197   tip_count++; /* countcomma does a raw comma count, tips is one greater */
200   /* Read the tree file and put together grouping, order, and timesseen */
201   read_groups (&pattern_array, trees_in, tip_count, intree);
202   /* Compute the consensus tree. */
204   nodep_cons      = (pointarray)Malloc(2*(1+spp)*sizeof(node *));
205   for (i = 0; i < spp; i++) {
206     nodep_cons[i] = (node *)Malloc(sizeof(node));
207     for (j = 0; j < MAXNCH; j++)
208       nodep_cons[i]->nayme[j] = '\0';
209     strncpy(nodep_cons[i]->nayme, nayme[i], MAXNCH);
210   }
211   for (i = spp; i < 2*(1+spp); i++)
212     nodep_cons[i] = NULL;
213   consensus(pattern_array, trees_in);
214   printf("\n");
216   /*if (progress)
217     printf("Output written to file \"%s\"\n\n", outfilename);
218   for (i = 0; i < spp; i++)
219     free(nodep_cons[i]);
220   for (i = spp; i < 2*(1 + spp); i++) {
221     if (nodep_cons[i] != NULL) {
222       p = nodep_cons[i]->next;
223       do {
224         q = p->next;
225         free(p);
226         p = q;
227       } while (p != nodep_cons[i]);
228       free(p);
229     }
230   }
231   free(nodep_cons);
232   FClose(intree);*/
234 #ifdef MAC
235   fixmacfile(outfilename);
237 #endif
238 printf("Done.\n\n");
239 }
consens_free_res()241 void consens_free_res(){
242     node *p, *q;
243     for (int i = 0; i < spp; i++)
244         free(nodep_cons[i]);
245     for (int i = spp; i < 2*(1 + spp); i++) {
246         if (nodep_cons[i] != NULL) {
247             p = nodep_cons[i]->next;
248             do {
249                 q = p->next;
250                 free(p);
251                 p = q;
252             } while (p != nodep_cons[i]);
253             free(p);
254         }
255     }
256     free(nodep_cons);
257     FClose(intree);
259 #ifdef MAC
260     fixmacfile(outfilename);
262 #endif
263     printf("Done.\n\n");
264 }
initconsnode(node ** p,node ** grbg,node * q,long len,long nodei,long * ntips,long * parens,initops whichinit,pointarray treenode,pointarray nodep,Phylip_Char * str,Phylip_Char * ch,FILE * intree)267 void initconsnode(node **p, node **grbg, node *q, long len, long nodei,
268                         long *ntips, long *parens, initops whichinit,
269                         pointarray treenode, pointarray nodep, Phylip_Char *str,
270                         Phylip_Char *ch, FILE *intree)
271 {
272   /* initializes a node */
273   long i;
274   Phylip_Char c;
275   boolean minusread;
276   double valyew, divisor, fracchange;
278   switch (whichinit) {
279   case bottom:
280     gnu(grbg, p);
281     (*p)->index = nodei;
282     (*p)->tip = false;
283     for (i=0; i<MAXNCH; i++)
284       (*p)->nayme[i] = '\0';
285     nodep[(*p)->index - 1] = (*p);
286     (*p)->v = 0;
287     break;
288   case nonbottom:
289     gnu(grbg, p);
290     (*p)->index = nodei;
291     (*p)->v = 0;
292     break;
293   case tip:
294     (*ntips)++;
295     gnu(grbg, p);
296     nodep[(*ntips) - 1] = *p;
297     setupnode(*p, *ntips);
298     (*p)->tip = true;
299     strncpy ((*p)->nayme, str, MAXNCH);
300     if (firsttree && prntsets) {
301 //      fprintf(outfile, "  %ld. ", *ntips);
302       //for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
303 //        putc(str[i], outfile);
304     //  putc('\n', outfile);
305       //if ((*ntips > 0) && (((*ntips) % 10) == 0))
306     //    putc('\n', outfile);
307     }
308     (*p)->v = 0;
309     break;
310   case length:
311     processlength(&valyew, &divisor, ch, &minusread, intree, parens);
312     fracchange = 1.0;
313     (*p)->v = valyew / divisor / fracchange;
314     break;
315   case treewt:
316     if (!eoln(intree)) {
317       if (fscanf(intree, "%lf", &trweight) == 1) {
318         getch(ch, parens, intree);
319         if (*ch != ']') {
320           printf("\n\nERROR: Missing right square bracket\n\n");
321           exxit(-1);
322         } else {
323           getch(ch, parens, intree);
324           if (*ch != ';') {
325             printf("\n\nERROR: Missing semicolon after square brackets\n\n");
326             exxit(-1);
327           }
328         }
329       }
330       else {
331         printf("\n\nERROR: Expecting tree weight in last comment field\n\n");
332         exxit(-1);
333       }
334     }
335     break;
336   case unittrwt:
337     /* This comes not only when setting trweight but also at the end of
338      * any tree. The following code saves the current position in a
339      * file and reads to a new line. If there is a new line then we're
340      * at the end of tree, otherwise warn the user. This function should
341      * really leave the file alone, so once we're done with 'intree'
342      * we seek the position back so that it doesn't look like we did
343      * anything */
344     trweight = 1.0 ;
345     i = ftell (intree);
346     c = ' ';
347     while (c == ' ')  {
348       if (eoff(intree)) {
349         fseek(intree,i,SEEK_SET);
350         return;
351       }
352       c = gettc(intree);
353     }
354     fseek(intree,i,SEEK_SET);
355     if ( c != '\n' && c!= '\r')
356       printf("WARNING: Tree weight set to 1.0\n");
357     if ( c == '\r' )
358       if ( (c == gettc(intree)) != '\n')
359         ungetc(c, intree);
360     break;
361   case hsnolength:
362     (*p)->v = -1;         /* signal value that a length is missing */
363     break;
364   default:                /* cases hslength, iter, hsnolength      */
365     break;                /* should there be an error message here?*/
366   }
367 } /* initconsnode */
censor(void)370 void censor(void)
371 {
372   /* delete groups that are too rare to be in the consensus tree */
373   long i;
375   i = 1;
376   do {
377     if (timesseen[i-1])
378       if (!(mre || (mr && (2*(*timesseen[i-1]) > ntrees))
379                 || (ml && ((*timesseen[i-1]) >= int(mlfrac*ntrees+0.5)))
380                 || (strict && ((*timesseen[i-1]) == ntrees)))) {
381         free(grouping[i - 1]);
382         free(timesseen[i - 1]);
383         grouping[i - 1] = NULL;
384         timesseen[i - 1] = NULL;
385     }
386     i++;
387   } while (i < maxgrp);
388 } /* censor */
compress(long * n)391 void compress(long *n)
392 {
393   /* push all the nonempty subsets to the front end of their array */
394   long i, j;
396   i = 1;
397   j = 1;
398   do {
399     while (grouping[i - 1] != NULL)
400       i++;
401     if (j <= i)
402       j = i + 1;
403     while ((grouping[j - 1] == NULL) && (j < maxgrp))
404       j++;
405     if (j < maxgrp) {
406       grouping[i - 1] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
407       timesseen[i - 1] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
408       memcpy(grouping[i - 1], grouping[j - 1], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
409       *timesseen[i - 1] = *timesseen[j - 1];
410       free(grouping[j - 1]);
411       free(timesseen[j - 1]);
412       grouping[j - 1] = NULL;
413       timesseen[j - 1] = NULL;
414     }
415   } while (j != maxgrp);
416   (*n) = i - 1;
417 }  /* compress */
sort(long n)420 void sort(long n)
421 {
422   /* Shell sort keeping grouping, timesseen in same order */
423   long gap, i, j;
424   group_type *stemp;
425   double rtemp;
427   gap = n / 2;
428   stemp = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
429   while (gap > 0) {
430     for (i = gap + 1; i <= n; i++) {
431       j = i - gap;
432       while (j > 0) {
433         if (*timesseen[j - 1] < *timesseen[j + gap - 1]) {
434           memcpy(stemp, grouping[j - 1], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
435           memcpy(grouping[j - 1], grouping[j + gap - 1], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
436           memcpy(grouping[j + gap - 1], stemp, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
437           rtemp = *timesseen[j - 1];
438           *timesseen[j - 1] = *timesseen[j + gap - 1];
439           *timesseen[j + gap - 1] = rtemp;
440         }
441         j -= gap;
442       }
443     }
444     gap /= 2;
445   }
446   free(stemp);
447 }  /* sort */
compatible(long i,long j)450 boolean compatible(long i, long j)
451 {
452   /* are groups i and j compatible? */
453   boolean comp;
454   long k;
456   comp = true;
457   for (k = 0; k < setsz; k++)
458     if ((grouping[i][k] & grouping[j][k]) != 0)
459       comp = false;
460   if (!comp) {
461     comp = true;
462     for (k = 0; k < setsz; k++)
463       if ((grouping[i][k] & ~grouping[j][k]) != 0)
464         comp = false;
465     if (!comp) {
466       comp = true;
467       for (k = 0; k < setsz; k++)
468         if ((grouping[j][k] & ~grouping[i][k]) != 0)
469           comp = false;
470       if (!comp) {
471         comp = noroot;
472         if (comp) {
473           for (k = 0; k < setsz; k++)
474             if ((fullset[k] & ~grouping[i][k] & ~grouping[j][k]) != 0)
475               comp = false;
476         }
477       }
478     }
479   }
480   return comp;
481 } /* compatible */
eliminate(long * n,long * n2)484 void eliminate(long *n, long *n2)
485 {
486   /* eliminate groups incompatible with preceding ones */
487   long i, j, k;
488   boolean comp;
490   for (i = 2; i <= (*n); i++) {
491     comp = true;
492     for (j = 0; comp && (j <= i - 2); j++) {
493       if ((timesseen[j] != NULL) && *timesseen[j] > 0) {
494         comp = compatible(i-1,j);
495         if (!comp) {
496           (*n2)++;
497           times2[(*n2) - 1] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
498           group2[(*n2) - 1] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
499           *times2[(*n2) - 1] = *timesseen[i - 1];
500           memcpy(group2[(*n2) - 1], grouping[i - 1], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
501           *timesseen[i - 1] = 0.0;
502           for (k = 0; k < setsz; k++)
503             grouping[i - 1][k] = 0;
504         }
505       }
506     }
507     if (*timesseen[i - 1] == 0.0) {
508       free(grouping[i - 1]);
509       free(timesseen[i -  1]);
510       timesseen[i - 1] = NULL;
511       grouping[i - 1] = NULL;
512     }
513   }
514 }  /* eliminate */
printset(long n)517 void printset(long n)
518 {
519   /* print out the n sets of species */
520   long i, j, k, size;
521   boolean noneprinted;
523   printf("\nSet (species in order)   ");
524   for (i = 1; i <= spp - 25; i++)
525     putchar(' ');
526   printf("  How many times out of %7.2f\n\n", ntrees);
527   noneprinted = true;
528   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
529     if ((timesseen[i] != NULL) && (*timesseen[i] > 0)) {
530       size = 0;
531       k = 0;
532       for (j = 1; j <= spp; j++) {
533         if (j == ((k+1)*SETBITS+1)) k++;
534         if (((1L << (j - 1 - k*SETBITS)) & grouping[i][k]) != 0)
535           size++;
536       }
537       if (size != 1 && !(noroot && size >= (spp-1))) {
538         noneprinted = false;
539         k = 0;
540         for (j = 1; j <= spp; j++) {
541           if (j == ((k+1)*SETBITS+1)) k++;
542           if (((1L << (j - 1 - k*SETBITS)) & grouping[i][k]) != 0)
543             putchar('*');
544           else
545             putchar('.');
546           if (j % 10 == 0)
547             putchar(' ');
548         }
549         for (j = 1; j <= 23 - spp; j++)
550           putchar(' ');
551         printf("    %5.2f\n", *timesseen[i]);
552       }
553     }
554   }
555   if (noneprinted)
556     printf(" NONE\n");
557 }  /* printset */
bigsubset(group_type * st,long n)560 void bigsubset(group_type *st, long n)
561 {
562   /* Find a maximal subset of st among the n groupings,
563      to be the set at the base of the tree.  */
564   long i, j;
565   group_type *su;
566   boolean max, same;
568   su = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
569   for (i = 0; i < setsz; i++)
570     su[i] = 0;
571   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
572     max = true;
573     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
574       if ((grouping[i][j] & ~st[j]) != 0)
575         max = false;
576     if (max) {
577       same = true;
578       for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
579         if (grouping[i][j] != st[j])
580           same = false;
581       max = !same;
582     }
583     if (max) {
584       for (j = 0; j < setsz; j ++)
585         if ((su[j] & ~grouping[i][j]) != 0)
586           max = false;
587       if (max) {
588         same = true;
589         for (j = 0; j < setsz; j ++)
590           if (su[j] != grouping[i][j])
591             same = false;
592         max = !same;
593       }
594       if (max)
595         memcpy(su, grouping[i], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
596     }
597   }
598   memcpy(st, su, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
599   free(su);
600 }  /* bigsubset */
recontraverse(node ** p,group_type * st,long n,long * nextnode)603 void recontraverse(node **p, group_type *st, long n, long *nextnode)
604 {
605   /* traverse to add next node to consensus tree */
606   long i, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
608   boolean found, same = 0, zero, zero2;
609   group_type *tempset, *st2;
610   node *q, *r;
612   for (i = 1; i <= spp; i++) {  /* count species in set */
613     if (i == ((l+1)*SETBITS+1)) l++;
614     if (((1L << (i - 1 - l*SETBITS)) & st[l]) != 0) {
615       k++;               /* k  is the number of species in the set */
616       j = i;             /* j  is set to last species in the set */
617     }
618   }
619   if (k == 1) {           /* if only 1, set up that tip */
620     *p = nodep_cons[j - 1];
621     (*p)->tip = true;
622     (*p)->index = j;
623     return;
624   }
625   gnu(&grbg, p);          /* otherwise make interior node */
626   (*p)->tip = false;
627   (*p)->index = *nextnode;
628   nodep_cons[*nextnode - 1] = *p;
629   (*nextnode)++;
630   (*p)->deltav = 0.0;
631   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* go through all sets */
632     same = true;            /* to find one which is this one */
633     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
634       if (grouping[i][j] != st[j])
635         same = false;
636     if (same)
637       (*p)->deltav = *timesseen[i];
638   }
639   tempset = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
640   memcpy(tempset, st, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
641   q = *p;
642   st2 = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
643   memcpy(st2, st, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
644   zero = true;      /* having made two copies of the set ... */
645   for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)       /* see if they are empty */
646     if (tempset[j] != 0)
647       zero = false;
648   if (!zero)
649     bigsubset(tempset, n);        /* find biggest set within it */
650   zero = zero2 = false;           /* ... tempset is that subset */
651   while (!zero && !zero2) {
652     zero = zero2 = true;
653     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++) {
654       if (st2[j] != 0)
655         zero = false;
656       if (tempset[j] != 0)
657         zero2 = false;
658     }
659     if (!zero && !zero2) {
660       gnu(&grbg, &q->next);
661       q->next->index = q->index;
662       q = q->next;
663       q->tip = false;
664       r = *p;
665       recontraverse(&q->back, tempset, n, nextnode); /* put it on tree */
666       *p = r;
667       q->back->back = q;
668       for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
669         st2[j] &= ~tempset[j];     /* remove that subset from the set */
670       memcpy(tempset, st2, setsz * sizeof(group_type));  /* that becomes set */
671       found = false;
672       i = 1;
673       while (!found && i <= n) {
674         if (grouping[i - 1] != 0) {
675           same = true;
676           for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
677             if (grouping[i - 1][j] != tempset[j])
678               same = false;
679         }
680         if ((grouping[i - 1] != 0) && same)
681           found = true;
682         else
683           i++;
684       }
685       zero = true;
686       for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
687         if (tempset[j] != 0)
688           zero = false;
689       if (!zero && !found)
690         bigsubset(tempset, n);
691     }
692   }
693   q->next = *p;
694   free(tempset);
695   free(st2);
696 }  /* recontraverse */
reconstruct(long n)699 void reconstruct(long n)
700 {
701   /* reconstruct tree from the subsets */
702   long nextnode;
703   group_type *s;
705   nextnode = spp + 1;
706   s = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
707   memcpy(s, fullset, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
708   recontraverse(&root, s, n, &nextnode);
709   free(s);
710 }  /* reconstruct */
coordinates(node * p,long * tipy)713 void coordinates(node *p, long *tipy)
714 {
715   /* establishes coordinates of nodes */
716   node *q, *first, *last;
717   long maxx;
719   if (p->tip) {
720     p->xcoord = 0;
721     p->ycoord = *tipy;
722     p->ymin = *tipy;
723     p->ymax = *tipy;
724     (*tipy) += down;
725     return;
726   }
727   q = p->next;
728   maxx = 0;
729   while (q != p) {
730     coordinates(q->back, tipy);
731     if (!q->back->tip) {
732       if (q->back->xcoord > maxx)
733         maxx = q->back->xcoord;
734     }
735     q = q->next;
736   }
737   first = p->next->back;
738   q = p;
739   while (q->next != p)
740     q = q->next;
741   last = q->back;
742   p->xcoord = maxx + OVER_C;
743   p->ycoord = (long)((first->ycoord + last->ycoord) / 2);
744   p->ymin = first->ymin;
745   p->ymax = last->ymax;
746 }  /* coordinates */
drawline(long i)749 void drawline(long i)
750 {
751   /* draws one row of the tree diagram by moving up tree */
752   node *p, *q;
753   long n, j;
754   boolean extra, done, trif;
755   node *r,  *first = NULL, *last = NULL;
756   boolean found;
758   p = root;
759   q = root;
760   fprintf(outfile, "  ");
761   extra = false;
762   trif = false;
763   do {
764     if (!p->tip) {
765       found = false;
766       r = p->next;
767       while (r != p && !found) {
768         if (i >= r->back->ymin && i <= r->back->ymax) {
769           q = r->back;
770           found = true;
771         } else
772           r = r->next;
773       }
774       first = p->next->back;
775       r = p;
776       while (r->next != p)
777         r = r->next;
778       last = r->back;
779     }
780     done = (p->tip || p == q);
781     n = p->xcoord - q->xcoord;
782     if (extra) {
783       n--;
784       extra = false;
785     }
786     if (q->ycoord == i && !done) {
787       if (trif)
788         putc('-', outfile);
789       else
790         putc('+', outfile);
791       trif = false;
792       if (!q->tip) {
793         for (j = 1; j <= n - 8; j++)
794           putc('-', outfile);
795         if (noroot && (root->next->next->next == root) &&
796             (((root->next->back == q) && root->next->next->back->tip)
797              || ((root->next->next->back == q) && root->next->back->tip)))
798           fprintf(outfile, "-------|");
799         else {
800           if (!strict) {   /* write number of times seen */
801             if (q->deltav >= 10000)
802               fprintf(outfile, "-%5.0f-|", (double)q->deltav);
803             else if (q->deltav >= 1000)
804               fprintf(outfile, "--%4.0f-|", (double)q->deltav);
805             else if (q->deltav >= 100)
806               fprintf(outfile, "-%5.1f-|", (double)q->deltav);
807             else if (q->deltav >= 10)
808               fprintf(outfile, "--%4.1f-|", (double)q->deltav);
809             else
810               fprintf(outfile, "--%4.2f-|", (double)q->deltav);
811           } else
812             fprintf(outfile, "-------|");
813         }
814         extra = true;
815         trif = true;
816       } else {
817         for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
818           putc('-', outfile);
819       }
820     } else if (!p->tip && last->ycoord > i && first->ycoord < i &&
821                (i != p->ycoord || p == root)) {
822       putc('|', outfile);
823       for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
824         putc(' ', outfile);
825     } else {
826       for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
827         putc(' ', outfile);
828       if (trif)
829         trif = false;
830     }
831     if (q != p)
832       p = q;
833   } while (!done);
834   if (p->ycoord == i && p->tip) {
835     for (j = 0; (j < MAXNCH) && (p->nayme[j] != '\0'); j++)
836       putc(p->nayme[j], outfile);
837   }
838   putc('\n', outfile);
839 }  /* drawline */
printree()842 void printree()
843 {
844   /* prints out diagram of the tree */
845   long i;
846   long tipy;
848   if (treeprint_cons) {
849     fprintf(outfile, "\nCONSENSUS TREE:\n");
850     if (mr || mre || ml) {
851       if (noroot) {
852         fprintf(outfile, "the numbers on the branches indicate the number\n");
853  fprintf(outfile, "of times the partition of the species into the two sets\n");
854         fprintf(outfile, "which are separated by that branch occurred\n");
855       } else {
856         fprintf(outfile, "the numbers forks indicate the number\n");
857         fprintf(outfile, "of times the group consisting of the species\n");
858         fprintf(outfile, "which are to the right of that fork occurred\n");
859       }
860       fprintf(outfile, "among the trees, out of %6.2f trees\n", ntrees);
861       if (ntrees <= 1.001)
862         fprintf(outfile, "(trees had fractional weights)\n");
863     }
864     tipy = 1;
865     coordinates(root, &tipy);
866     putc('\n', outfile);
867     for (i = 1; i <= tipy - down; i++)
868       drawline(i);
869     putc('\n', outfile);
870   }
871   if (noroot) {
872     printf("\n  remember:");
873     if (didreroot)
874       printf(" (though rerooted by outgroup)");
875     printf(" this is an unrooted tree!\n");
876   }
877   putchar('\n');
878 }  /* printree */
enterpartition(group_type * s1,long * n)881 void enterpartition (group_type *s1, long *n)
882 {
883   /* try to put this partition in list of partitions.  If implied by others,
884      don't bother.  If others implied by it, replace them.  If this one
885      vacuous because only one element in s1, forget it */
886   long i, j;
887   boolean found;
889 /* this stuff all to be rewritten but left here so pieces can be used */
890   found = false;
891   for (i = 0; i < (*n); i++) {  /* go through looking whether it is there */
892     found = true;
893     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++) {  /* check both parts of partition */
894       found = found && (grouping[i][j] == s1[j]);
895       found = found && (group2[i][j] == (fullset[j] & (~s1[j])));
896     }
897     if (found)
898       break;
899   }
900   if (!found) {    /* if not, add it to the slot after the end,
901                       which must be empty */
902     grouping[i] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
903     timesseen[i] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
904     group2[i] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
905     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
906       grouping[i][j] = s1[j];
907     *timesseen[i] = 1;
908     (*n)++;
909   }
910 } /* enterpartition */
elimboth(long n)913 void elimboth(long n)
914 {
915   /* for Adams case: eliminate pairs of groups incompatible with each other */
916   long i, j;
917   boolean comp;
919   for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
920     for (j = i+1; j < n; j++) {
921       comp = compatible(i,j);
922       if (!comp) {
923         *timesseen[i] = 0.0;
924         *timesseen[j] = 0.0;
925       }
926     }
927     if (*timesseen[i] == 0.0) {
928       free(grouping[i]);
929       free(timesseen[i]);
930       timesseen[i] = NULL;
931       grouping[i] = NULL;
932     }
933   }
934   if (*timesseen[n-1] == 0.0) {
935     free(grouping[n-1]);
936     free(timesseen[n-1]);
937     timesseen[n-1] = NULL;
938     grouping[n-1] = NULL;
939   }
940 }  /* elimboth */
consensus(pattern_elm *** pattern_array,long trees_in)943 void consensus(pattern_elm ***pattern_array, long trees_in)
944 {
945   long i, n, n2, tipy;
947   group2 = (group_type **)  Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(group_type *));
948   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
949     group2[i] = NULL;
950   times2 = (double **)Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(double *));
951   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
952     times2[i] = NULL;
953   n2 = 0;
954   censor();                /* drop groups that are too rare */
955   compress(&n);            /* push everybody to front of array */
956   if (!strict) {           /* drop those incompatible, if any */
957     sort(n);
958     eliminate(&n, &n2);
959     compress(&n);
960     }
961   reconstruct(n);
962   tipy = 1;
963   coordinates(root, &tipy);
964   if (prntsets) {
965     printf("\nSets included in the consensus tree\n");
966     printset(n);
967     for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
968       if (!grouping[i]) {
969         grouping[i] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
970         timesseen[i] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
971         }
972       memcpy(grouping[i], group2[i], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
973       *timesseen[i] = *times2[i];
974     }
975     n = n2;
976     printf("\n\nSets NOT included in consensus tree:");
977     if (n2 == 0)
978       printf(" NONE\n");
979     else {
980       putchar('\n');
981       printset(n);
982     }
983   }
984   putchar('\n');
985   if (strict)
986     printf("\nStrict consensus tree\n");
987   if (mre)
988     printf("\nExtended majority rule consensus tree\n");
989   if (ml) {
990     printf("\nM  consensus tree (l = %4.2f)\n", mlfrac);
991     printf(" l\n");
992   }
993   if (mr)
994     printf("\nMajority rule consensus tree\n");
995   printree();
996   free(nayme);
997   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
998     free(grouping[i]);
999   free(grouping);
1000   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1001     free(order[i]);
1002   free(order);
1003   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1004     if (timesseen[i] != NULL)
1005       free(timesseen[i]);
1006   free(timesseen);
1007 }  /* consensus */
rehash()1010 void rehash()
1011 {
1012   group_type *s;
1013   long i, j;
1014   double temp, ss, smult;
1015   boolean done;
1017   long old_maxgrp = maxgrp;
1018   long new_maxgrp = maxgrp*2;
1020   tmseen2 =     (double **)Malloc(new_maxgrp*sizeof(double *));
1021   grping2 = (group_type **)Malloc(new_maxgrp*sizeof(group_type *));
1022   order2 =        (long **)Malloc(new_maxgrp*sizeof(long *));
1023   lengths2 =     (double *)Malloc(new_maxgrp*sizeof(double));
1024   tchange2 =     (double *)Malloc(new_maxgrp*sizeof(double));
1026   for (i = 0; i < new_maxgrp; i++)
1027   {
1028     tmseen2[i] = NULL;
1029     grping2[i] = NULL;
1030     order2[i] = NULL;
1031     lengths2[i] = 0.0;
1032     tchange2[i] = 0.0;
1033   }
1036   smult = (sqrt(5.0) - 1) / 2;
1037   s = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1039   for (i = 0; i < old_maxgrp; i++) {
1040     long old_index = *order[i];
1041     long new_index = -1;
1042     memcpy(s, grouping[old_index], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1043     ss = 0.0;
1044     for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
1045       ss += s[j] * smult; /* pow(2, SETBITS*j)*/;
1046     temp = ss;
1047     new_index = (long)(new_maxgrp * (temp - floor(temp)));
1048     done = false;
1049     while (!done) {
1050       if (!grping2[new_index])
1051       {
1053         grping2[new_index] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1054         memcpy(grping2[new_index], grouping[old_index], setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1056         order2[i] = (long *)Malloc(sizeof(long));
1057         *order2[i] = new_index;
1059         tmseen2[new_index] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
1060         *tmseen2[new_index] = *timesseen[old_index];
1062         lengths2[new_index] = lengths[old_index];
1064         free(grouping[old_index]);
1065         free(timesseen[old_index]);
1066         free(order[i]);
1068         grouping[old_index] = NULL;
1069         timesseen[old_index] = NULL;
1070         order[i] = NULL;
1072         done = true; /* successfully found place for this item */
1074       } else {
1075         new_index++;
1076         if (new_index >= new_maxgrp) new_index -= new_maxgrp;
1077       }
1078     }
1079   }
1081   free(lengths);
1082   free(timesseen);
1083   free(grouping);
1084   free(order);
1086   free(s);
1088   timesseen = tmseen2;
1089   grouping = grping2;
1090   lengths = lengths2;
1091   order = order2;
1093   maxgrp = new_maxgrp;
1095 }  /* rehash */
enternodeset(node * r)1098 void enternodeset(node* r)
1099 { /* enter a set of species into the hash table */
1100   long i, j, start;
1101   double ss, n;
1102   boolean done, same;
1103   double times ;
1104   group_type *s;
1106   s = r->nodeset;
1109   /* do not enter full sets */
1110   same = true;
1111   for (i = 0; i < setsz; i++)
1112     if (s[i] != fullset[i])
1113       same = false;
1114   if (same)
1115     return;
1117   times = trweight;
1118   ss = 0.0;                        /* compute the hashcode for the set */
1119   n = ((sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 2.0);   /* use an irrational multiplier */
1120   for (i = 0; i < setsz; i++)
1121     ss += s[i] * n;
1122   i = (long)(maxgrp * (ss - floor(ss))) + 1; /* use fractional part of code */
1123   start = i;
1124   done = false;                   /* go through seeing if it is there */
1126   while (!done) {
1127     if (grouping[i - 1]) {        /* ... i.e. if group is absent, or  */
1128       same = false;               /* (will be false if timesseen = 0) */
1129       if (!(timesseen[i-1] == 0)) {  /* ... if timesseen = 0 */
1130         same = true;
1131         for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++) {
1132           if (s[j] != grouping[i - 1][j])
1133             same = false;
1134         }
1135       }
1136       else {                       /* if group is present but timessen = 0 */
1137           for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)   /* replace by correct group */
1138               grouping[i - 1][j] = s[j];
1139           *timesseen[i - 1] = 1;
1140       }
1141     }
1142     if (grouping[i - 1] && same) {  /* if it is there, increment timesseen */
1143       *timesseen[i - 1] += times;
1144       lengths[i - 1] = nodep_cons[r->index - 1]->v;
1145       done = true;
1146     } else if (!grouping[i - 1]) {  /* if not there and slot empty ... */
1147       grouping[i - 1] = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1148       lasti++;
1149       order[lasti] = (long *)Malloc(sizeof(long));
1150       timesseen[i - 1] = (double *)Malloc(sizeof(double));
1151       memcpy(grouping[i - 1], s, setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1152       *timesseen[i - 1] = times;
1153       *order[lasti] = i - 1;
1154       done = true;
1155       lengths[i - 1] = nodep_cons[r->index -1]->v;
1156     } else {  /* otherwise look to put it in next slot ... */
1157       i++;
1158       if (i > maxgrp) i -= maxgrp;
1159     }
1160     if (!done && i == start) {  /* if no place to put it, expand hash table */
1162       rehash();
1164       done = true;
1165       enternodeset(r); /* calls this procedure again, but now there
1166                           should be space */
1167     }
1168   }
1169 }  /* enternodeset */
1172 /* recursively crawls through tree, setting nodeset values to be the
1173  * bitwise OR of bits from downstream nodes
1174  */
accumulate(node * r)1175 void accumulate(node *r)
1176 {
1177   node *q;
1178   long i;
1180   /* zero out nodeset values. since we are re-using tree nodes,
1181    * the malloc only happens the first time we encounter a node. */
1182   if (!r->nodeset)
1183   {
1184     r->nodeset = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1185   }
1186   for (i = 0; i < setsz; i++)
1187   {
1188     r->nodeset[i] = 0L;
1189   }
1191   if (r->tip) {
1192     /* tip nodes should have a single bit set corresponding to index-1 */
1193     i = (r->index-1) / (long)SETBITS;
1194     r->nodeset[i] = 1L << (r->index - 1 - i*SETBITS);
1195   }
1196   else {
1197     /* for loop should not visit r->back -- we've likely come from there */
1198     for (q = r->next; q != r; q = q->next) {
1200       /* recursive call to this function */
1201       accumulate(q->back);
1203       /* bitwise OR of bits from downstream nodes */
1204       for (i = 0; i < setsz; i++)
1205         r->nodeset[i] |= q->back->nodeset[i];
1206     }
1207   }
1209   if ((!r->tip && (r->next->next != r)) || r->tip)
1210     enternodeset(r);
1211 }  /* accumulate */
dupname2(Phylip_Char * name,node * p,node * thisV)1214 void dupname2(Phylip_Char *name, node *p, node *thisV)
1215 {
1216   /* search for a duplicate name recursively */
1217   node *q;
1219   if (p->tip) {
1220     if (p != thisV) {
1221       if (namesSearch(p->nayme)) {
1222         printf("\n\nERROR in user tree: duplicate name found: ");
1223         puts(p->nayme);
1224         printf("\n\n");
1225         exxit(-1);
1226       } else {
1227         namesAdd(p->nayme);
1228       }
1229     }
1230   } else {
1231     q = p;
1232     while (p->next != q) {
1233       dupname2(name, p->next->back, thisV);
1234       p = p->next;
1235     }
1236   }
1237 }  /* dupname2 */
dupname(node * p)1240 void dupname(node *p)
1241 {
1242   /* Recursively searches tree, starting at p, to verify that
1243    * each tip name occurs only once. When called with root as
1244    * its argument, at final recusive exit, all tip names should
1245    * be in the hash "hashp".
1246    */
1247   node *q;
1249   if (p->tip) {
1250     if (namesSearch(p->nayme)) {
1251       printf("\n\nERROR in user tree: duplicate name found: ");
1252       puts(p->nayme);
1253       printf("\n\n");
1254       exxit(-1);
1255     } else {
1256       namesAdd(p->nayme);
1257     }
1258   } else {
1259     q = p;
1260     while (p->next != q) {
1261       dupname(p->next->back);
1262       p = p->next;
1263     }
1264   }
1265 }  /* dupname */
missingnameRecurs(node * p)1268 void missingnameRecurs(node *p)
1269 {
1270   /* search for missing names in first tree */
1271   node *q;
1273   if (p->tip) {
1274     if (!namesSearch(p->nayme)) {
1275       printf("\n\nERROR in user tree: name %s not found in first tree\n\n\n",
1276              p->nayme);
1277       exxit(-1);
1278     }
1279   } else {
1280     q = p;
1281     while (p->next != q) {
1282       missingnameRecurs(p->next->back);
1283       p = p->next;
1284     }
1285   }
1286 }  /* missingnameRecurs */
1288 /**
1289  * wrapper for recursive missingname function
1290  */
missingname(node * p)1291 void missingname(node *p){
1292   missingnameRecurs(p);
1293   namesCheckTable();
1294 } /* missingname */
gdispose(node * p)1297 void gdispose(node *p)
1298 {
1299   /* go through tree throwing away nodes */
1300   node *q, *r;
1302   if (p->tip) {
1303     chuck(&grbg, p);
1304     return;
1305   }
1306   q = p->next;
1307   while (q != p) {
1308     gdispose(q->back);
1309     r = q;
1310     q = q->next;
1311     chuck(&grbg, r);
1312   }
1313   chuck(&grbg, p);
1314 }  /* gdispose */
initreenode(node * p)1317 void initreenode(node *p)
1318 {
1319   /* traverse tree and assign species names to tip nodes */
1320   node *q;
1322   if (p->tip) {
1323     memcpy(nayme[p->index - 1], p->nayme, MAXNCH);
1324   } else {
1325     q = p->next;
1326     while (q && q != p) {
1327       initreenode(q->back);
1328       q = q->next;
1329     }
1330   }
1331 } /* initreenode */
reroot(node * outgroup,long * nextnode)1334 void reroot(node *outgroup, long *nextnode)
1335 {
1336   /* reroots and reorients tree, placing root at outgroup  */
1337   long i;
1338   node *p, *q;
1339   double newv;
1341   /* count root's children & find last */
1342   p = root;
1343   i = 0;
1344   while (p->next != root) {
1345     p = p->next;
1346     i++;
1347   }
1348   if (i == 2) {
1349     /* 2 children: */
1350     q = root->next;
1352     newv = q->back->v + p->back->v;
1354     /* if outgroup is already here, just move
1355      * its length to the other branch and finish */
1356     if (outgroup == p->back) {
1357       /* flip branch order at root so that outgroup
1358        * is first, just to be consistent */
1359       root->next = p;
1360       p->next = q;
1361       q->next = root;
1363       q->back->v = newv;
1364       p->back->v = 0;
1365       return;
1366     }
1367     if (outgroup == q) {
1368       p->back->v = newv;
1369       q->back->v = 0;
1370       return;
1371     }
1373     /* detach root by linking child nodes */
1374     q->back->back = p->back;
1375     p->back->back = q->back;
1376     p->back->v = newv;
1377     q->back->v = newv;
1378   } else { /* 3+ children */
1379     p->next = root->next;              /* join old root nodes */
1380     nodep_cons[root->index-1] = root->next; /* make root->next the primary node */
1382     /* create new root nodes */
1383     gnu(&grbg, &root->next);
1384     q = root->next;
1385     gnu(&grbg, &q->next);
1386     p = q->next;
1387     p->next = root;
1388     q->tip = false;
1389     p->tip = false;
1390     nodep_cons[*nextnode] = root;
1391     (*nextnode)++;
1392     root->index = *nextnode;
1393     root->next->index = root->index;
1394     root->next->next->index = root->index;
1395   }
1396   newv = outgroup->v;
1397   /* root is 3 "floating" nodes */
1398   /* q == root->next */
1399   /* p == root->next->next */
1401   /* attach root at outgroup */
1402   q->back = outgroup;
1403   p->back = outgroup->back;
1404   outgroup->back->back = p;
1405   outgroup->back = q;
1406   outgroup->v = 0;
1407   outgroup->back->v = 0;
1408   root->v = 0;
1409   p->v = newv;
1410   p->back->v = newv;
1411   reorient(root);
1412 }  /* reroot */
reorient(node * n)1415 void reorient(node* n) {
1416   node* p;
1418   if ( n->tip ) return;
1419   if ( nodep_cons[n->index - 1] != n )  {
1420     nodep_cons[n->index - 1] = n;
1421     if ( n->back )
1422       n->v = n->back->v;
1423   }
1425   for ( p = n->next ; p != n ; p = p->next)
1426     reorient(p->back);
1427 }
store_pattern(pattern_elm *** pattern_array,int trees_in_file)1430 void store_pattern (pattern_elm ***pattern_array, int trees_in_file)
1431 {
1432   /* put a tree's groups into a pattern array.
1433      Don't forget that when not Adams, grouping[] is not compressed. . . */
1434   long i, total_groups=0, j=0, k;
1436   /* First, find out how many groups exist in the given tree. */
1437   for (i = 0 ; i < maxgrp ; i++)
1438     if ((grouping[i] != NULL) &&
1439        (*timesseen[i] > 0))
1440       /* If this is group exists and is present in the current tree, */
1441       total_groups++ ;
1443   /* Then allocate a space to store the bit patterns. . . */
1444   for (i = 0 ; i < setsz ; i++) {
1445     pattern_array[i][trees_in_file]
1446       = (pattern_elm *) Malloc(sizeof(pattern_elm)) ;
1447     pattern_array[i][trees_in_file]->apattern =
1448       (group_type *) Malloc (total_groups * sizeof (group_type)) ;
1449     pattern_array[i][trees_in_file]->length =
1450       (double *) Malloc (maxgrp * sizeof (double)) ;
1451       for ( j = 0 ; j < maxgrp ; j++ ) {
1452         pattern_array[i][trees_in_file]->length[j] = -1;
1453       }
1454     pattern_array[i][trees_in_file]->patternsize = (long *)Malloc(sizeof(long));
1455   }
1456   j = 0;
1457   /* Then go through groupings again, and copy in each element
1458      appropriately. */
1459   for (i = 0 ; i < maxgrp ; i++)
1460     if (grouping[i] != NULL) {
1461       if (*timesseen[i] > 0) {
1462         for (k = 0 ; k < setsz ; k++)
1463           pattern_array[k][trees_in_file]->apattern[j] = grouping[i][k] ;
1464         pattern_array[0][trees_in_file]->length[j] = lengths[i];
1465         j++ ;
1467           /*
1468              EWFIX.BUG.756
1470              updates timesseen_changes to the current value
1471              pointed to by timesseen
1473              treedist uses this to determine if group i has been seen
1474              by comparing timesseen_changes[i] (the count now) with
1475              timesseen[i] (the count after reading next tree)
1477              We could make treedist more efficient by not keeping
1478              timesseen (and groupings, etc) around, but doing it
1479              this way allows us to share code between treedist and
1480              consense.
1482           */
1483         *timesseen[i] = 0;
1484       }
1485     }
1486   *pattern_array[0][trees_in_file]->patternsize = total_groups;
1488 }  /* store_pattern */
samename(naym name1,plotstring name2)1491 boolean samename(naym name1, plotstring name2)
1492 {
1493   return !(strncmp(name1, name2, MAXNCH));
1494 }  /* samename */
reordertips()1497 void reordertips()
1498 {
1499   /* Reorders nodep[] and indexing to match species order from first tree */
1500   /* Assumes tree has spp tips and nayme[] has spp elements, and that there is a
1501    * one-to-one mapping between tip names and the names in nayme[].
1502    */
1504   long i, j;
1505   node *t;
1507   for (i = 0; i < spp-1; i++) {
1508     for (j = i + 1; j < spp; j++) {
1509       if (samename(nayme[i], nodep_cons[j]->nayme)) {
1510         /* switch the pointers in
1511          * nodep[] and set index accordingly for each node. */
1512         t = nodep_cons[i];
1514         nodep_cons[i] = nodep_cons[j];
1515         nodep_cons[i]->index = i+1;
1517         nodep_cons[j] = t;
1518         nodep_cons[j]->index = j+1;
1520         break;  /* next i */
1521       }
1522     }
1523   }
1524 }  /* reordertips */
read_groups(pattern_elm **** pattern_array,long total_trees,long tip_count,FILE * intree)1526 void read_groups (pattern_elm ****pattern_array,
1527         long total_trees, long tip_count, FILE *intree)
1528 {
1529   /* read the trees.  Accumulate sets. */
1530   int i, j, k;
1531   boolean haslengths, initial;
1532   long nextnode, trees_read = 0;
1534   /* do allocation first *****************************************/
1535   grouping  = (group_type **)  Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(group_type *));
1536   lengths  = (double *)  Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(double));
1538   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1539     grouping[i] = NULL;
1541   order     = (long **) Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(long *));
1542   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1543     order[i] = NULL;
1545   timesseen = (double **)Malloc(maxgrp*sizeof(double *));
1546   for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1547     timesseen[i] = NULL;
1549   nayme = (naym *)Malloc(tip_count*sizeof(naym));
1550   hashp = (hashtype)Malloc(sizeof(namenode) * NUM_BUCKETS);
1551   for (i=0;i<NUM_BUCKETS;i++) {
1552       hashp[i] = NULL;
1553   }
1554   setsz = (long)ceil((double)tip_count/(double)SETBITS);
1555   if (tree_pairing != NO_PAIRING)
1556     {
1557       /* Now that we know setsz, we can malloc pattern_array
1558       and pattern_array[n] accordingly. */
1559       (*pattern_array) =
1560         (pattern_elm ***)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(pattern_elm **));
1562       /* For this assignment, let's assume that there will be no
1563          more than maxtrees. */
1564       for (j = 0 ; j < setsz ; j++)
1565       {
1566           (*pattern_array)[j] =
1567             (pattern_elm **)Malloc(total_trees * sizeof(pattern_elm *));
1568         for(k = 0 ; k < total_trees ; k++ )
1569         {
1570             (*pattern_array)[j][k] = NULL;
1571         }
1572       }
1573     }
1575   fullset = (group_type *)Malloc(setsz * sizeof(group_type));
1576   for (j = 0; j < setsz; j++)
1577     fullset[j] = 0L;
1578   k = 0;
1579   for (j = 1; j <= tip_count; j++) {
1580     if (j == ((k+1)*SETBITS+1)) k++;
1581     fullset[k] |= 1L << (j - k*SETBITS - 1);
1582   }
1583   /* end allocation **********************************************/
1585   firsttree = true;
1586   grbg = NULL;
1587   initial = true;
1588   while (!eoff(intree)) {          /* go till end of input tree file */
1589     for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++) {
1590       lengths[i] = -1;
1591     }
1592     goteof = false;
1593     nextnode = 0;
1594     haslengths = true;
1595     allocate_nodep(&nodep_cons, &intree, &spp);
1596     assert(spp == tip_count);
1597     treeread(intree, &root, treenode, &goteof, &firsttree, nodep_cons,
1598               &nextnode, &haslengths, &grbg, initconsnode,true,-1);
1599     if (!initial) {
1600       missingname(root);
1601       reordertips();
1602     } else {
1603       initial = false;
1604       dupname(root);
1605       initreenode(root);
1606     }
1607     if (goteof)
1608       continue;
1609     ntrees += trweight;
1610     if (noroot) {
1611       reroot(nodep_cons[outgrno_cons - 1], &nextnode);
1612       didreroot = outgropt_cons;
1613     }
1614     accumulate(root);
1615     gdispose(root);
1616     for (j = 0; j < 2*(1+spp); j++)
1617       nodep_cons[j] = NULL;
1618     free(nodep_cons);
1619     /* Added by Dan F. */
1620     if (tree_pairing != NO_PAIRING) {
1621         /* If we're computing pairing or need separate tree sets, store the
1622            current pattern as an element of it's trees array. */
1623       store_pattern ((*pattern_array), trees_read) ;
1624       trees_read++ ;
1625       for (i = 0; i < maxgrp; i++)
1626           if (grouping[i] != NULL) {
1627               *timesseen[i] = 0;
1628           }
1629     }
1630   }
1631 } /* read_groups */
clean_up_final()1633 void clean_up_final()
1634 {
1635     long i;
1636     for(i=0;i<maxgrp;i++)
1637     {
1638         if(grouping[i] != NULL) {
1639             free(grouping[i]);
1640         }
1641         if(order[i] != NULL) {
1642             free(order[i]);
1643         }
1644         if(timesseen[i] != NULL) {
1645             free(timesseen[i]);
1646         }
1647     }
1648     free(grouping);
1649     free(nayme);
1650     free(order);
1651     free(timesseen);
1652     free(fullset);
1653     free(lengths);
1655     namesClearTable();
1656     free(hashp);
1657 }