4 /*
5  *  currentfile.h
6  *  Mothur
7  *
8  *  Created by westcott on 3/15/11.
9  *  Copyright 2011 Schloss Lab. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  */
14 //NOT ThreadSafe - but designed to be read only from threads and read write from main thread.
16 #include "mothurout.h"
17 #include "utils.hpp"
19 /***********************************************/
21 class CurrentFile {
23 	public:
getInstance()24 		static CurrentFile* getInstance() {
25 			if(instance == 0) {	instance = new CurrentFile();	}
26 			return instance;
27 		}
29         unsigned long long getRAMUsed();
30         unsigned long long getTotalRAM();
getPhylipFile()31 		string getPhylipFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return phylipfile;		}
getColumnFile()32 		string getColumnFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return columnfile;		}
getListFile()33 		string getListFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return listfile;			}
getRabundFile()34 		string getRabundFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return rabundfile;		}
getSabundFile()35 		string getSabundFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return sabundfile;		}
getNameFile()36 		string getNameFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return namefile;			}
getGroupFile()37 		string getGroupFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return groupfile;			}
getOrderFile()38 		string getOrderFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return orderfile;			}
getOrderGroupFile()39 		string getOrderGroupFile()	{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return ordergroupfile;	}
getTreeFile()40 		string getTreeFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return treefile;			}
getSharedFile()41 		string getSharedFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return sharedfile;		}
getRelAbundFile()42 		string getRelAbundFile()	{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return relabundfile;		}
getCLRFile()43         string getCLRFile()         { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return clrfile;           }
getDesignFile()44 		string getDesignFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return designfile;		}
getFastaFile()45 		string getFastaFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return fastafile;			}
getSFFFile()46 		string getSFFFile()			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return sfffile;			}
getQualFile()47 		string getQualFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return qualfile;			}
getOligosFile()48 		string getOligosFile()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return oligosfile;		}
getSampleFile()49         string getSampleFile()      { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return samplefile;        }
getAccnosFile()50         string getAccnosFile()        { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return accnosfile;        }
getTaxonomyFile()51         string getTaxonomyFile()    { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return taxonomyfile;        }
getFlowFile()52         string getFlowFile()        { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return flowfile;            }
getContigsReportFile()53         string getContigsReportFile(){ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return contigsreportfile;            }
getBiomFile()54         string getBiomFile()        { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return biomfile;            }
getCountFile()55         string getCountFile()       { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return countfile;         }
getSummaryFile()56         string getSummaryFile()     { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return summaryfile;       }
getFileFile()57         string getFileFile()        { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return filefile;          }
getConsTaxonomyFile()58         string getConsTaxonomyFile(){ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return constaxonomyfile;  }
setListFile(string f)60 		void setListFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); listfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setBiomFile(string f)61         void setBiomFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); biomfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setFlowFile(string f)62         void setFlowFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); flowfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setContigsReportFile(string f)63         void setContigsReportFile(string f)	{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); contigsreportfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setSummaryFile(string f)64         void setSummaryFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); summaryfile = util.getFullPathName(f);		}
setTreeFile(string f)65 		void setTreeFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); treefile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setGroupFile(string f)66         void setGroupFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); groupfile = util.getFullPathName(f);	setGroupMode("group");		}
setCountFile(string f)67         void setCountFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); countfile = util.getFullPathName(f);	setGroupMode("count");		}
setPhylipFile(string f)68 		void setPhylipFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); phylipfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setColumnFile(string f)69 		void setColumnFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); columnfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setNameFile(string f)70 		void setNameFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); namefile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setRabundFile(string f)71 		void setRabundFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); rabundfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setSabundFile(string f)72 		void setSabundFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); sabundfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setSharedFile(string f)73 		void setSharedFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); sharedfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setRelAbundFile(string f)74 		void setRelAbundFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); relabundfile = util.getFullPathName(f);		}
setCLRFile(string f)75         void setCLRFile(string f)           { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); clrfile = util.getFullPathName(f);        }
setOrderFile(string f)76 		void setOrderFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); orderfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setOrderGroupFile(string f)77 		void setOrderGroupFile(string f)	{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); ordergroupfile = util.getFullPathName(f);		}
setDesignFile(string f)78 		void setDesignFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); designfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setFastaFile(string f)79 		void setFastaFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); fastafile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setSFFFile(string f)80 		void setSFFFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); sfffile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setQualFile(string f)81 		void setQualFile(string f)			{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); qualfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setOligosFile(string f)82 		void setOligosFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); oligosfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setAccnosFile(string f)83         void setAccnosFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); accnosfile = util.getFullPathName(f);			}
setTaxonomyFile(string f)84         void setTaxonomyFile(string f)		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); taxonomyfile = util.getFullPathName(f);       }
setConsTaxonomyFile(string f)85         void setConsTaxonomyFile(string f)  { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); constaxonomyfile = util.getFullPathName(f);	}
setProgramPath(string f)86         void setProgramPath(string f)       { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); mothurProgramPath = util.getFullPathName(f);	}
setFileFile(string f)87         void setFileFile(string f)          { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); filefile = util.getFullPathName(f);           }
setSampleFile(string f)88         void setSampleFile(string f)        { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); samplefile = util.getFullPathName(f);         }
90         //current files - if you add a new type you must edit optionParser->getParameters, get.current and set.current commands and mothurOut->printCurrentFiles/clearCurrentFiles/getCurrentTypes/hasCurrentFiles. add a get and set function.
getProcessors()92         string getProcessors()		{ lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return processors;		}
93         int setProcessors(string p);
getProgramPath()94         string getProgramPath()     { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return mothurProgramPath;  }
getDefaultPath()95         string getDefaultPath() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return defaultPath; }
96         void setDefaultPath(string);
getTestFilePath()97         string getTestFilePath() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return testFilePath; }
98         void setTestFilePath(string);
getBlastPath()99         string getBlastPath() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return blastPath; }
100         void setBlastPath(string);
getToolsPath()101         string getToolsPath() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return toolsPath; }
102         void setToolsPath(string);
getHomePath()103         string getHomePath() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return homePath; }
104         void setHomePath(string);
getPaths()105         vector<string> getPaths() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return paths; } //environment variable 'PATH' values
106         void setPaths(vector<string>);
getOutputDir()107         string getOutputDir() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return outputDir; }
setOutputDir(string f)108         void setOutputDir(string f) { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); outputDir = util.getFullPathName(f); }
getInputDir()109         string getInputDir() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return inputDir; }
setInputDir(string f)110         void setInputDir(string f) { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); inputDir = util.getFullPathName(f); }
111         void setFileName(string);
getReleaseDate()112         string getReleaseDate() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return releaseDate; }
setReleaseDate(string r)113         void setReleaseDate(string r) { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); releaseDate = r; }
getVersion()114         string getVersion() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return version; }
setVersion(string r)115         void setVersion(string r) { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); version = r; }
getLocations()116         vector<string> getLocations() { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); vector<string> locations; locations.push_back(inputDir); locations.push_back(outputDir); locations.push_back(defaultPath); locations.push_back(mothurProgramPath); locations.push_back(toolsPath); return locations; }
getMothurCalling()119         bool getMothurCalling()                         { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return mothurCalling;             }
setMothurCalling(bool t)120         void setMothurCalling(bool t)                   { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); mothurCalling = t;                }
121         void printCurrentFiles(string); //string="" for just to logfile.
122         void clearCurrentFiles();
123         set<string> getCurrentTypes();
124         bool hasCurrentFiles();
getGroupMode()126         string getGroupMode()                           { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return groupMode;                 }
getTestDirectory()128         string getTestDirectory()                       { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); return testDirectory;             }
setTestDirectory(string t)129         void setTestDirectory(string t)                 { lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(currentProtector); testDirectory = t;                }
132 	private:
133 		MothurOut* m;
134         Utils util;
136         vector<string> paths; //paths stored in PATH environment variables
137         string logFileName, mothurProgramPath, homePath;
138         string defaultPath, outputDir, blastPath, inputDir;
139         string releaseDate, version;
141         string accnosfile, phylipfile, columnfile, listfile, rabundfile, sabundfile, namefile, groupfile, designfile, taxonomyfile, biomfile, filefile, testFilePath, contigsreportfile, clrfile;
142         string orderfile, treefile, sharedfile, ordergroupfile, relabundfile, fastafile, qualfile, sfffile, oligosfile, processors, flowfile, countfile, summaryfile, constaxonomyfile, groupMode, testDirectory, sharedHeaderMode, samplefile, toolsPath;
143     bool mothurCalling;
setGroupMode(string t)145         void setGroupMode(string t)                     { groupMode = t;                    }
147 		static CurrentFile* instance;
148 		CurrentFile( const CurrentFile& ); // Disable copy constructor
149 		void operator=( const CurrentFile& ); // Disable assignment operator
151         std::mutex currentProtector;
CurrentFile()152 		CurrentFile() {
153             m = MothurOut::getInstance();
154             defaultPath=""; blastPath=""; toolsPath=""; testFilePath = "";
155             inputDir = ""; outputDir= "";
156             accnosfile = "";
157             filefile = "";
158             phylipfile = "";
159             columnfile = "";
160             listfile = "";
161             rabundfile = "";
162             sabundfile = "";
163             namefile = "";
164 			phylipfile = "";
165 			columnfile = "";
166 			listfile = "";
167 			rabundfile = "";
168 			sabundfile = "";
169 			namefile = "";
170 			groupfile = "";
171 			designfile = "";
172 			orderfile = "";
173 			treefile = "";
174 			sharedfile = "";
175 			ordergroupfile = "";
176 			relabundfile = "";
177             clrfile = "";
178 			fastafile = "";
179 			qualfile = "";
180 			sfffile = "";
181 			oligosfile = "";
182             groupfile = "";
183             designfile = "";
184             orderfile = "";
185             treefile = "";
186             sharedfile = "";
187             ordergroupfile = "";
188             relabundfile = "";
189             fastafile = "";
190             qualfile = "";
191             sfffile = "";
192             oligosfile = "";
193             accnosfile = "";
194             taxonomyfile = "";
195             constaxonomyfile = "";
196             samplefile = "";
197             unsigned concurentThreadsSupported = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
198             if (concurentThreadsSupported < 1) { concurentThreadsSupported = 1; } //in case thread errors
199             processors = toString(concurentThreadsSupported);
200             flowfile = "";
201             biomfile = "";
202             countfile = "";
203             summaryfile = "";
204             contigsreportfile = "";
205             groupMode = "group";
206             sharedHeaderMode = "otu";
207             mothurCalling = false;
208 		}
~CurrentFile()209 		~CurrentFile() { instance = 0; }
210 };
211 /***********************************************/
213 #endif