1 /* ! \file menu.c */
2 /*------------------------------------------------------
3   Maximum likelihood estimation
4   of migration rate  and effectice population size
5   using a Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm
6   -------------------------------------------------------
7   M E N U   R O U T I N E S
9   presents the menu and its submenus.
10   Peter Beerli 1996, Seattle
11   beerli@fsu.edu
13   Copyright 1996-2002 Peter Beerli and Joseph Felsenstein, Seattle WA
14   Copyright 2003-2007 Peter Beerli, Tallahassee FL
16 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
17 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
18 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
19 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
20 of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
21 so, subject to the following conditions:
23 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
24 or substantial portions of the Software.
34   $Id: menu.c 2172 2013-10-30 17:50:08Z beerli $
36   -------------------------------------------------------*/
37 #include "migration.h"
38 #include "sighandler.h"
39 #include "tools.h"
40 #include "sequence.h"
41 #include "fst.h"
42 #include "options.h"
43 #include "migrate_mpi.h"
44 #include "menu.h"
45 #include "pretty.h"
48 #include <dmalloc.h>
49 #endif
50 /* prototypes ------------------------------------------- */
51 //void            print_menu_title(FILE * file, option_fmt * options);
52 //void            print_menu_accratio(long a, long b, world_fmt * world);
53 //long            print_title(world_fmt * world, option_fmt * options);
54 //void            get_menu(option_fmt * options);
55 /* private functions */
56 void            setup_datatype(char *datatype, option_fmt * options);
57 void            menuData(option_fmt * options, char datatype[]);
58 void            menuInput(option_fmt * options);
59 void            menuParameters(option_fmt * options);
60 void            menuStrategy(option_fmt * options);
61 void            menuHeat(option_fmt * options, char *input);
62 void            display_ml_mcmc(option_fmt * options);
63 void            display_bayes_mcmc(option_fmt * options);
64 //void          menuSequences(option_fmt * options);
65 void            read_custom_menu_migration(option_fmt * options);
66 void            read_custom_menu_lratio(option_fmt * options);
67 char           *custom_migration_type(long type);
68 void            read_heatvalues(option_fmt * options);
69 void            menuRandom(MYREAL * param, char type);
70 void            start_tree_method(option_fmt * options);
71 void            start_data_method(option_fmt * options);
72 void            how_many_pop(long *numpop);
73 void            set_menu_localities(option_fmt *options);
74 void            set_localities_string(char *loc, option_fmt *options);
75 char            dialog_lrt(long numpop, lratio_fmt * lratio);
76 char            menuread_lrt_paramvalue(char *value, long *counter, long numpop2);
77 void            get_plotmenu(option_fmt * options);
78 boolean         menuStrategy_ml(option_fmt * options);
79 boolean         menuStrategy_bayes(option_fmt * options);
80 long            get_prior(char *input);
81 void            set_prior(char *output, int * prior, boolean without_rate);
82 void set_proposal(char *output, boolean *proposal, boolean without_rate);
83 char * submodeltype(int type);
85 #ifdef POPMODEL
86 #include "popmodel.h"
87 #endif
88 #define MI_INFILE 1
89 #define MI_RAND 2
90 #define MI_TITLE  3
91 #define MI_SUMREAD 4
92 #define MI_PROGRESS 5
93 #define MI_PRINTDATA 6
94 #define MI_OUTFILE 7
95 #define MI_PLOT 8
96 #define MI_PROFILE 9
97 #define MI_LRT 10
98 #define MI_AIC 11
99 #define MI_TREES 12
100 #define MI_PLOTCOORD 13
101 #define MI_SUMFILE 14
102 #define MI_LOGFILE 15
103 #define MI_UEPFILE 16
104 #define MI_UEPRATE 17
105 #define MI_UEPFREQ 18
106 #define MI_MIGHISTOGRAM 19
107 #define MI_SKYLINE 20
109 ///
110 ///Enumeration of possible population models
111 enum popmodel_menu
112 {
114 };
116 ///
117 ///Enumeration of possible choices for ML menu
118 enum ml_menu
119 {
122 };
124 ///
125 ///Enumeration of possible choices for Datatype menu
126 enum dtseq_menu
127 {
129 };
131 enum dtmsat_menu {
133 };
135 enum dtbrown_menu
136 {
138 };
139 enum dtep_menu {
141 };
143 ///
144 ///Enumeration of possible choices for Bayes menu
145 enum bayesian_menu {
148 };
150 ///
151 ///get user supplied filenames or fill the filenames with default values
152 void
menu_get_filename(char message[],char thedefault[],char * filename)153 menu_get_filename(char message[], char thedefault[], char *filename)
154 {
155   char            input[LINESIZE];
156   printf("%s\n[Default: %s]\n===> ", message, thedefault);
157   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
158   if (input[0] == '\0')
159     strcpy(filename, thedefault);
160   else
161     strcpy(filename, input);
162 }
164 ///
165 ///sets the plotoptions default is NO PLOT
166 void
get_plotoptions(option_fmt * options)167 get_plotoptions(option_fmt * options)
168 {
169   char            input[LINESIZE];
170   do {
171     printf("  Plot Likelihood surface:\n");
172     printf
173       ("  (B)oth to outfile and mathfile, (O)utfile only, (N)o plot\n===> ");
174     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
175   }
176   while (strchr("BON", (int) uppercase(input[0])) == NULL);
177   switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
178   case 'B':
179     options->plotmethod = PLOTALL;
180     break;
181   case 'O':
182     options->plotmethod = PLOTOUTFILE;
183     break;
184   case 'N':
185   default:
186     options->plot = FALSE;
187     return;
188   }
189   get_plotmenu(options);
190 }
192 ///
193 ///allows the setting of the tickmarks and ranges for the plots
194 ///[remember these produce only ASCII plots
get_plotmenu(option_fmt * options)195 void get_plotmenu(option_fmt * options) {
196   char            input[LINESIZE];
197   char            answer = 'N';
198   int             count;
199   do {
200     printf("   Current plot settings are:\n");
201     printf
202       ("              Parameter: %s, Scale: %s, Intervals: %li\n",
203        options->plotvar == PLOT4NM ? "{Theta, xNm}" : "{Theta, M}",
204        options->plotscale == PLOTSCALELOG ? "Log10" : "Standard",
205        options->plotintervals);
206     printf("              Ranges: X-%5.5s: %f - %f\n",
207 	   options->plotvar == PLOT4NM ? "xNm" : "M",	   options->plotrange[0], options->plotrange[1]);
208     printf("              Ranges: Y-%5.5s: %f - %f\n",
209 	   "Theta", options->plotrange[2],
210 	   options->plotrange[3]);
211     printf(" Is this OK? [YES or No]\n===> ");
212     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
213     answer = uppercase(input[0]);
214     if (answer != 'Y') {
215       printf("1    Use as X-axis: xNm  Y-axis: Theta\n");
216       printf("2    Use as X-axis: M    Y-axis: Theta\n\n===> ");
217       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
218       if (input[0] == '2')
219 	options->plotvar = PLOTM;
220       else
221 	options->plotvar = PLOT4NM;
222       printf("1     Scale is standard \n");
223       printf("2     Scale is in Log10\n\n===> ");
224       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
225       if (input[0] == '2')
226 	options->plotscale = PLOTSCALELOG;
227       else
228 	options->plotscale = PLOTSCALESTD;
229       do {
230 	printf("How many plot positions?\n");
231 	printf
232 	  ("[Default is 36, this changes only in the mathfile]\n\n===> ");
233 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
234 	if (strlen(input) > 1)
235 	  options->plotintervals = ATOL(input);
236       }
237       while (options->plotintervals < 2);
238       printf("Change the ranges of the axes\n");
239       printf("              Ranges: X-%5.5s: %f - %f\n",
240 	     options->plotvar == PLOT4NM ? "xNm" : "M",
241 	     options->plotrange[0],
242 	     options->plotrange[1]);
243       printf("              Ranges: Y-%5.5s: %f - %f\n",
244 	     "Theta", options->plotrange[2],
245 	     options->plotrange[3]);
246       printf
247 	("Give lowest and highest value for X axis:\n===> ");
248       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
249       if (strlen(input) > 1) {
251 	count = sscanf(input, "%f%f", &options->plotrange[0],
252 	       &options->plotrange[1]);
253 #else
254 	count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf", &options->plotrange[0],
255 	       &options->plotrange[1]);
256 #endif
257       }
258       printf
259 	("Give lowest and highest value for Y axis:\n===> ");
260       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
261       if (strlen(input) > 1) {
263 	count = sscanf(input, "%f%f", &options->plotrange[2],
264 	       &options->plotrange[3]);
265 #else
266 	count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf", &options->plotrange[2],
267 	       &options->plotrange[3]);
268 #endif
269       }
270     }
271   }
272   while (answer != 'Y');
273 }
276 void
print_menu_title(FILE * file,option_fmt * options)277 print_menu_title(FILE * file, option_fmt * options)
278 {
279   char            nowstr[LINESIZE];
280   if (options->menu || options->progress) {
281     FPRINTF(file, "  =============================================\n");
283     FPRINTF(file, "  using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation\n");
284     FPRINTF(file, "  =============================================\n");
285 #ifdef MPI
286     FPRINTF(file, "  Compiled for a PARALLEL COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE\n");
287     FPRINTF(file, "  One master and %i compute nodes are available.\n", numcpu-1);
288 #endif
289 #ifdef THREAD
290     FPRINTF(file, "  Compiled for a SYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSORS\n");
291 #endif
292 #ifdef ALTIVEC
293     FPRINTF(file, "  ALTIVEC enabled\n");
294 #endif
295 #ifdef FAST_EXP
296     FPRINTF(file, "  Fast approximation to Exp() and Log() used\n");
297 #endif
298 #ifdef PRETTY
299     FPRINTF(file, "  PDF output enabled [%s]\n",
300 #ifdef A4PAPER
301 	    "A4-size"
302 #else
303 	    "Letter-size"
304 #endif
305 );
306 #endif
308     FPRINTF(file, "  Version %s ", MIGRATEVERSION);
309     if(strlen(MIGRATESUBVERSION)>0)
310       FPRINTF(file, "  [%s]\n", MIGRATESUBVERSION);
311     else
312       FPRINTF(file, "\n");
313     get_time(nowstr, "  %c");
314     if (nowstr[0] != '\0')
315       FPRINTF(file, "  Program started at %s\n", nowstr);
316     FPRINTF(file, "\n\n");
317   }
318 }
320 void
print_menu_accratio(long a,long b,world_fmt * world)321 print_menu_accratio(long a, long b, world_fmt * world)
322 {
323   char            buffer[STRSIZE];
324   boolean         writelog = world->options->writelog;
325   boolean         progress = world->options->progress;
327   if (writelog || progress)
328     {
329       sprintf(buffer, "           Acceptance-ratio = %li/%li (%f)\n\n", a, b,
330 	      (MYREAL) a / (MYREAL) b);
331       if (progress)
332 	FPRINTF(stdout, "%s", buffer);
333       if (writelog)
334 	FPRINTF(world->options->logfile, "%s", buffer);
335     }
336 }
338 long
print_title(world_fmt * world,option_fmt * options)339 print_title(world_fmt * world, option_fmt * options)
340 {
341   char            nowstr[LINESIZE];
342   long            len = 45, i, filepos = -1;
343   if (!world->options->simulation)
344     {
345       FPRINTF(world->outfile, "  ");
346       if (options->title[0] != '\0')
347 	{
348 	  len = (long) MAX(strlen(options->title), 45);
349 	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
350 	    FPRINTF(world->outfile, "=");
351 	  FPRINTF(world->outfile, "\n  %-*s\n  ", (int) len,options->title);
352 	}
353       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
354 	FPRINTF(world->outfile, "=");
356       FPRINTF(world->outfile,
358       FPRINTF(world->outfile,
359 	      "  using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation\n  ");
361       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
362 	FPRINTF(world->outfile, "=");
363       FPRINTF(world->outfile, "\n  Version %s\n", MIGRATEVERSION);
364       get_time(nowstr, "%c");
365       if (nowstr[0] != '\0') {
366 	FPRINTF(world->outfile, "\n  Program started at %s\n", nowstr);
367 	filepos = ftell(world->outfile);
368 	/*
369 	 * DO NOT REMOVE the blanks in the following print
370 	 * statement, they are overwritten at the program end
371 	 * with the timestamp
372 	 */
373 	FPRINTF(world->outfile,
374 		"                                                   \n");
375       }
376       FPRINTF(world->outfile, "\n\n");
377     }
378   return filepos;
379 }
381 ///
382 /// main menu display, if counter is bigger than 100 the program will exit, to
383 /// make sure that batch jobs are not filling up the available harddisk space
384 void
get_menu(option_fmt * options,world_fmt * world,data_fmt * data)385 get_menu(option_fmt * options, world_fmt *world, data_fmt *data)
386 {
387   long           counter=0L;
388   char            input[LINESIZE];
389   char           *datatype;
390   datatype = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE, sizeof(char));
391   if (options->menu) {
392     setup_datatype(datatype, options);
393     do {
394       printf("  Settings for this run:\n");
395       printf("  D       Data type currently set to: %-30.30s\n", datatype);
396       printf("  I       Input/Output formats\n");
397       printf("  P       Parameters  [start, migration model]\n");
398       printf("  S       Search strategy\n");
399       printf("  W       Write a parmfile\n");
400       printf("  Q       Quit the program\n");
401       printf("\n\n");
402       printf("  To change the settings type the letter for the menu to change\n");
403       printf("  Start the program with typing Yes or Y\n===> ");fflush(stdout);
404       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
405       printf("\n");
406       switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
407       case 'D':
408 	menuData(options, datatype);
409 	break;
410       case 'I':
411 	menuInput(options);
412 	break;
413       case 'P':
414 	menuParameters(options);
415 	break;
416       case 'S':
417 	menuStrategy(options);
418 	break;
419       case 'W':
420 	save_parmfile(options, world, data);
421 	break;
422       case 'Q':
423 #ifdef MPI
424         MPI_Finalize ();
425 #endif /*MPI*/
426 	exit(0);
427       default:
428 	break;
429       }
430       if(counter++ > 100)
431 	{
432 	  warning("Batch job uses menu ON option, and gets non-sensical input, set menu=NO in parmfile\nProgram continues but check!!!!!");
433 	  input[0]='Y';
434 	  break;
435 	}
436     }
437     while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');
438     if (options->usertree && !strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype))
439       options->usertree = FALSE;
440     if (options->dist && !strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype))
441       options->dist = FALSE;
442     //prevents incompatability
443     // of tree and distance designation, only for
444     //sequence data the datalines and tree - tips can match
445     // msats or EP data is ambiguos concerning the tree.
446       }
447   if (options->datatype == 'g')
448     //prevents overwriting sumfile
449     options->writesum = FALSE;
451 #ifdef UEP
453   if (options->uep)
454     options->randomtree = TRUE;
455 #endif
456   myfree(datatype);
457 }
458 /*
459  * private
460  * functions---------------------------------------------------
461  */
setup_categs(option_fmt * options)463 boolean         setup_categs(option_fmt * options) {
464   boolean         didchangecat = FALSE;
465   if              (options->categs > 1)
466     didchangecat = TRUE;
467   else
468     didchangecat = FALSE;
469   return didchangecat;
470 }
setup_rcategs(option_fmt * options)472 boolean         setup_rcategs(option_fmt * options) {
473   boolean         didchangercat = FALSE;
474   if              (options->rcategs > 1)
475     didchangercat = TRUE;
476   else
477     didchangercat = FALSE;
479   return didchangercat;
480 }
setup_datatype(char * datatype,option_fmt * options)482 void            setup_datatype(char *datatype, option_fmt * options) {
483   switch (options->datatype) {
484   case 'a':
485     strcpy(datatype, "'infinite' allele model");
486     break;
487   case 'm':
488     if(options->msat_option == SINGLESTEP)
489       strcpy(datatype, "Singlestep mutation model");
490     else
491       strcpy(datatype, "Multistep mutation model");
492     break;
493   case 'b':
494     strcpy(datatype, "Brownian motion model");
495     break;
496   case 's':
497     strcpy(datatype, "DNA sequence model");
498     break;
499   case 'n':
500     strcpy(datatype, "SNP model");
501     break;
502   case 'h':
503     strcpy(datatype, "SNP model (Hapmap data)");
504     break;
505     //case 'u':
506     //strcpy(datatype, "Panel-SNP (panel is population 1)");
507     //break;
508     //case 'f':
509     //strcpy(datatype, "ancestral state reconstruction method");
510     //break;
511   case 'g':
512     strcpy(datatype, "Genealogy summary");
513     options->readsum = TRUE;
514     break;
515   default:
516     if (options->readsum) {
517       options->datatype = 'g';
518       strcpy(datatype, "Genealogy summary");
519     } else {
520       options->datatype = 's';
521       strcpy(datatype, "DNA sequence model");
522     }
523     break;
524   }
525 }
527 ///
528 /// set up start tree
setup_starttree(char * starttree,option_fmt * options)529 void setup_starttree(char *starttree, option_fmt * options) {
530   if (options->usertree && strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype))
531     sprintf(starttree, "is supplied in %s", options->utreefilename);
532   else {
533     if (options->dist && strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype))
534       sprintf(starttree, "generates using %s", options->distfilename);
535     else {
536       if (options->randomtree)
537 	strcpy(starttree, "random start genealogy");
538       else
539 	strcpy(starttree, "UPGMA based start genealogy");
540     }
541   }
542 }
545 ///
546 /// checks whether the data type can use a start tree or not
547 /// and also allows to change the datatype
check_type_tree(char * input,option_fmt * options)548 void            check_type_tree(char *input, option_fmt * options) {
549   switch (options->datatype)
550     {
551     case 'a':
552       switch (atol(input)) {
553       case DTEPTREE:
554 	start_tree_method(options);
555 	break;
556       case DTEPTYPE:
557         start_data_method(options);
558         break;
559       default:
560 	break;
561       }
562       break;
563     case 'm':
564       switch (atol(input))
565 	{
566 	case DTMSATTREE:
567 	  start_tree_method(options);
568 	  break;
569 	case DTMSATTYPE:
570 	  start_data_method(options);
571 	  break;
572 	default:
573 	  break;
574 	}
575       break;
576     case 'b':
577       switch (atol(input))
578 	{
579 	case DTBROWNTREE:
580 	  start_tree_method(options);
581 	  break;
582 	case DTBROWNTYPE:
583 	  start_data_method(options);
584 	  break;
585 	default:
586 	  break;
587 	}
588       break;
589     case 's':
590     case 'n':
591     case 'h':
592       switch (atol(input))
593 	{
594 	case DTSEQTREE:
595 	  start_tree_method(options);
596 	  break;
597 	case DTSEQTYPE:
598 	  start_data_method(options);
599 	  break;
600 	default:
601 	  break;
602 	}
603       break;
604       //case 'u':
605       //case 'f':
606     case 'g':
607       switch (atol(input)) {
608       case 1:
609 	start_data_method(options);
610 	break;
611       default:
612 	break;
613       }
614       break;
615   default:
616     break;
617   }
618 }
621 ///
622 /// changing tipdate treatment and filename
change_tipdate(char * input,option_fmt * options)623 void change_tipdate(char *input, option_fmt * options)
624 {
625 	printf(" Samples (Tips) where sampled at different dates? [No]\n===> ");
626 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
627 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
628 	  {
629 	    options->has_datefile = TRUE;
630 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename that contains the sample dates?", TIPDATEFILE, options->datefilename);
631 	  }
632 	else
633 	  {
634 	    options->has_datefile = FALSE;
635 	  }
636 	input[0] = 'X';
637 }
639 ///
640 /// changing mutation rate associated with tipdate
change_mutationrate(char * input,option_fmt * options)641 void change_mutationrate(char *input, option_fmt * options)
642 {
643   char *in;
644   char *tmp;
645   long count=0;
646   printf(" Give the number of loci or\n when all loci have the same mutation rate, the rate\nor a C to cancel\n===> ");
647   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
648   if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'C')
649     return;
650   if (input[0] == '0')
651     {
652       options->mutationrate_year_numalloc = 1;
653       options->mutationrate_year[0] = atof(input);
654     }
655   else
656     {
657       options->mutationrate_year_numalloc = atol(input);
658       options->mutationrate_year = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->mutationrate_year,
659 							sizeof(MYREAL)*options->mutationrate_year_numalloc);
660       while(count < options->mutationrate_year_numalloc)
661 	{
662 	  printf(" Give the mutation rate per year for each locus\n[either in groups or singly use a space to separate]\n===> ");
663 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
664 	  in = input;
665 	  tmp = strsep(&in,";, ");
666 	  while(tmp != NULL)
667 	    {
668 	      options->mutationrate_year[count++] = atof(tmp);
669 	      if(in==NULL)
670 		break;
671 	      tmp = strsep(&in,";, ");
672 	    }
673 	}
674     }
675   input[0] = 'X';
676 }
678 ///
679 /// changing generation time associated with tipdates
change_generationtime(char * input,option_fmt * options)680 void change_generationtime(char *input, option_fmt * options)
681 {
682   printf(" Give the number of generation per year\nor a C to cancel\n===> ");
683   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
684   if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'C')
685     return;
686   options->generation_year = atof(input);
687   input[0] = 'X';
688 }
690 ///
691 /// changing hwo many individuals are used for the run, subsetting the data randomly
change_randomsubset(char * input,option_fmt * options)692 void change_randomsubset(char *input, option_fmt * options)
693 {
694   printf(" How may individuals should be used\nGive a number or A for all or a C to cancel\n===> ");
695   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
696   if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'C')
697     return;
698   if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'A')
699     {
700       options->randomsubset = 0;
701       options->randomsubsetseed = 0;
702     }
703   else
704     {
705       options->randomsubset = (float) atof(input);
706       printf(" If you want to generate a subset that be regenerated\nin another run of migrate you need to give\na random number seed (a number between 1 and 2147483648),\nif you give the same numbers in other runs migrate will pick the same set\n===> ");
707       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
708       options->randomsubsetseed=atol(input);
709     }
710   input[0] = 'X';
711 }
713 ///
714 /// changing inheritance scalar for each locus
change_inheritance(char * input,option_fmt * options)715 void change_inheritance(char *input, option_fmt * options)
716 {
717   char *in;
718   char *tmp;
719   long count=0;
720   printf(" Inheritance scalars: Give the number of loci or\nor a C to cancel\n===> ");
721   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
722   if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'C')
723     return;
725   options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc = atol(input);
726   options->inheritance_scalars = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->inheritance_scalars,
727 						    sizeof(MYREAL)*options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc);
728   while(count < options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc)
729     {
730       printf(" Give the inheritance scaler for each locus\n[either in groups or singly use a space to separate]\n===> ");
731       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
732       in = input;
733       tmp = strsep(&in,";, ");
734       while(tmp != NULL)
735 	{
736 	  options->inheritance_scalars[count++] = atof(tmp);
737 	  if(in==NULL)
738 	    break;
739 	  tmp = strsep(&in,";, ");
740 	}
741     }
742   input[0] = 'X';
743 }
745 ///
746 ///let the user set all data related options
747 void
menuData(option_fmt * options,char datatype[])748 menuData(option_fmt * options, char datatype[]) {
749   static boolean  didchangecat, didchangercat;
751   long            i;
752   long            z = 0;
753   long            numchar = 0;
755   char            input[LINESIZE];
756   char            starttree[LINESIZE];
758   char           *ostr = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE, sizeof(char));
760   didchangecat = setup_categs(options);
761   didchangercat = setup_rcategs(options);
763   do {
764     setup_datatype(datatype, options);
765     setup_starttree(starttree, options);
767     if(options->datatype=='m')
768       printf(" %2i   change Datatype, currently set to: Stepwise mutation model (%10.10s)\n", DTSEQTYPE,submodeltype(options->msat_option));
769     else
770       printf(" %2i   change Datatype, currently set to:%29.29s\n", DTSEQTYPE, datatype);
771     switch (options->datatype) {
772       // allelic data --------------------------------------------------------------------
773     case 'a':
774       printf(" %2i   Discard missing data       %37.37s\n", DTEPMISS, options->include_unknown ? " NO" : "YES");
775       printf(" %2i   Start genealogy            %37.37s\n", DTEPTREE, starttree);
777       printf(" %2i   Inheritance scalar set                                        %3.3s\n", DTEPINHERITANCE,
778 	     options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc>1 ? "YES" : " NO");
779       if(options->randomsubset > 0)
780 	{
781 	  if(options->randomsubsetseed>0)
782 	    printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of indiv. per pop. with random seed %4li:%8li\n", DTEPRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset,options->randomsubsetseed);
783 	  else
784 	    printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of individuals per population            %4li\n", DTEPRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset);
785 	}
786       else
787 	printf(" %2i   Pick random subset per population of individuals               NO\n", DTEPRANDOMSUBSET);
789       if(options->has_datefile)
790 	{
791 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file %49.49s\n", DTEPTIPDATE, options->datefilename);
792 	  if(options->mutationrate_year_numalloc > 1)
793 	    sprintf(ostr,"multiple rates");
794 	  else
795 	    sprintf(ostr,"%.12f",options->mutationrate_year[0]);
796 	  printf(" %2i   Mutation rate per locus and year %30.30s\n", DTEPMUTRATE, ostr);
797 	  sprintf(ostr,"%10.4f",options->generation_year);
798 	  printf(" %2i   How many generations per year  %30.30s\n", DTEPGENERATION, ostr);
799 	}
800       else
801 	{
802 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file                      None, all tips a contemporary\n", DTEPTIPDATE);
803 	}
804       break;
805       // brownian motion data --------------------------------------------------------------------
806     case 'b':
807       printf(" %2i   Discard missing data:      %37.37s\n", DTBROWNMISS, options->include_unknown ? " NO" : "YES");
808       printf(" %2i   Start genealogy            %37.37s\n", DTBROWNTREE, starttree);
810       printf(" %2i   Inheritance scalar set                                        %3.3s\n", DTBROWNINHERITANCE,
811 	     options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc>1 ? "YES" : " NO");
812       if(options->randomsubset > 0)
813 	{
814 	  if(options->randomsubsetseed>0)
815 	    printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of indiv. per pop. with random seed %4li:%8li\n", DTBROWNRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset,options->randomsubsetseed);
816 	  else
817 	    printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of individuals per population            %4li\n", DTBROWNRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset);
818 	}
819       else
820 	printf(" %2i   Pick random subset per population of individuals              NO\n", DTBROWNRANDOMSUBSET);
821       if(options->has_datefile)
822 	{
823 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file              %37.37s\n", DTBROWNTIPDATE, options->datefilename);
824 	  if(options->mutationrate_year_numalloc > 1)
825 	    sprintf(ostr,"multiple rates");
826 	  else
827 	    sprintf(ostr,"%.12f",options->mutationrate_year[0]);
828 	  printf(" %2i   Mutation rate per locus and year %30.30s\n", DTBROWNMUTRATE, ostr);
829 	  sprintf(ostr,"%10.4f",options->generation_year);
830 	  printf(" %2i   Number of generations per year   %30.30s\n",DTBROWNGENERATION, ostr);
831 	}
832       else
833 	{
834 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file                      None, all tips a contemporary\n", DTBROWNTIPDATE);
835 	}
836       break;
837     case 'm':
838       printf(" %2i   Discard missing data:     %37.37s\n", DTMSATMISS, options->include_unknown ? " NO" : "YES");
839       printf(" %2i   Threshold value:                                     %10li\n",
840 	     DTMSATTRESH, options->micro_threshold);
841       printf(" %2i   Start genealogy           %37.37s\n", DTMSATTREE, starttree);
843       printf(" %2i   Inheritance scalar set                                       %3.3s\n", DTMSATINHERITANCE,
844 	     options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc>1 ? "YES" : " NO");
845       if(options->randomsubset > 0)
846         {
847           if(options->randomsubsetseed>0)
848             printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of indiv. per pop. with random seed %4li:%8li\n", DTMSATRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset,options->randomsubsetseed);
849           else
850             printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of individuals per population            %4li\n", DTMSATRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset);
851         }
852       else
853 	printf(" %2i   Pick random subset per population of individuals              NO\n", DTMSATRANDOMSUBSET);
856       if(options->has_datefile)
857 	{
858 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file              %37.37s\n", DTMSATTIPDATE, options->datefilename);
859 	  if(options->mutationrate_year_numalloc > 1)
860 	    sprintf(ostr,"multiple rates");
861 	  else
862 	    sprintf(ostr,"%.12f",options->mutationrate_year[0]);
863 	  printf(" %2i   Mutation rate per locus and year %30.30s\n", DTMSATMUTRATE, ostr);
864 	  sprintf(ostr,"%10.4f",options->generation_year);
865 	  printf(" %2i   Number of generations per year   %30.30s\n", DTMSATGENERATION, ostr);
866 	}
867       else
868 	{
869 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file                      None, all tips a contemorary\n", DTMSATTIPDATE);
870 	}
872       break;
873     case 'u':
874     case 'n':
875     case 'h':
876     case 's':
877     case 'f':
878       z = 0;
879       numchar = 0;
880       while (options->ttratio[z] > 0.0)
881 	numchar += sprintf(ostr + numchar, "%8.4f ", options->ttratio[z++]);
882       printf(" %2i   Transition/transversion ratio:   %31s\n", DTSEQTRATIO, ostr);
883       printf(" %2i   Use empirical base frequencies?  %30s\n", DTSEQFREQ, (options->freqsfrom ? "YES" : "NO"));
884       printf(" %2i   Fixed categories for each site?  %30.30s\n", DTSEQSITECATEGS, options->categs == ONECATEG ?
885 	     "One category" :
886 	     "Categories supplied in file");
887       printf(" %2i   Site rate variation?", DTSEQRATES);
888       if (options->rcategs == 1)
889 	printf("                                        YES\n");
890       else {
891 	printf("                 %4li categories of regions\n", options->rcategs);
892 	printf(" %2i   Rates at adjacent sites correlated?", DTSEQCORR);
893 	if (!options->autocorr)
894 	  printf("    NO, they are independent\n");
895 	else
896 	  printf("YES, mean block length =%6.1f\n",
897 		 1.0 / options->lambda);
898       }
899       printf(" %2i   Sites weighted?            %36.36s\n", DTSEQWEIGHT,
900 	     (options->weights ? "YES" : "NO"));
901       printf(" %2i   Input sequences interleaved? %34.34s\n", DTSEQINTERLEAVED,
902 	     (options->interleaved ? "YES" : "NO, sequential"));
903       printf(" %2i   Sequencing error rate? [0.0 = no error]                   %4.3f\n", DTSEQERROR,
904 	     options->seqerror);
905       printf(" %2i   Slow but safer Data likelihood calculation %20.20s\n", DTSEQFAST,
906 	     options->fastlike ? "NO" : "YES");
907       printf(" %2i   Start genealogy           %37.37s\n", DTSEQTREE, starttree);
909       printf(" %2i   Inheritance scalar set                                      %-3.3s\n", DTSEQINHERITANCE,
910 	     options->inheritance_scalars_numalloc>1 ? "YES" : " NO");
911       if(options->randomsubset > 0)
912         {
913           if(options->randomsubsetseed>0)
914             printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of indiv. per pop. with random seed %4li:%8li\n", DTSEQRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset,options->randomsubsetseed);
915           else
916             printf(" %2i   Pick random subset of individuals per population            %4li\n", DTSEQRANDOMSUBSET,  options->randomsubset);
917         }
918       else
919 	printf(" %2i   Pick random subset per population of individuals             NO\n", DTSEQRANDOMSUBSET);
922       if(options->has_datefile)
923 	{
924 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file             %37.37s\n", DTSEQTIPDATE, options->datefilename);
925 	  if(options->mutationrate_year_numalloc > 1)
926 	    sprintf(ostr,"multiple rates");
927 	  else
928 	    sprintf(ostr,"%.12f",options->mutationrate_year[0]);
929 	  printf(" %2i   Mutation rate per locus and year %30.30s\n", DTSEQMUTRATE, ostr);
930 	  sprintf(ostr,"%10.4f",options->generation_year);
931 	  printf(" %2i   Number of generations per year   %30.30s\n", DTSEQGENERATION, ostr);
932 	}
933       else
934 	{
935 	  printf(" %2i   Tip date file                      None, all tips a contemorary\n", DTSEQTIPDATE);
936 	}
937       break;
939     case 'g':
940       printf("       [Reanalyze an old run]\n");
941       break;
942     }
943     printf("\n\n");
944     printf("  Are the settings correct?\n");
945     printf("  (Type Y or the number of the entry to change)\n===> ");
946     input[0] = '\0';
947     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
948     if (strlen(input) == 0)
949       continue;
950     check_type_tree(input, options);
951     //start tree option for all and switch datatype
952     if (strchr("ab", options->datatype))
953       // this only works if brownian and allele datatype have the same number of options
954       {
955 	switch (atol(input))
956 	  {
957 	  case DTEPMISS:	/* discard unknowns */
958 	    printf("  Discard missing Alleles (YES|NO)?\n");
959 	    printf("  [Default is YES, this is the best choice for most situations]\n===> ");
960 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
961 	    if (strchr("Yy", input[0]))
962 	      options->include_unknown = FALSE;
963 	    else
964 	      options->include_unknown = TRUE;
965 	    input[0] = '\0';
966 	    break;
968 	    change_inheritance(input,options);
969 	    break;
971 	    change_randomsubset(input,options);
972 	    break;
973 	  case DTEPTIPDATE:
974 	    change_tipdate(input,options);
975 	    break;
976 	  case DTEPMUTRATE:
977 	    change_mutationrate(input,options);
978 	    break;
980 	    change_generationtime(input,options);
981 	    break;
982 	  default:
983 	    break;
984 	  }
985       }
986     if (options->datatype == 'm')
987       {
988 	switch (atol(input)) {
989 	case DTMSATMISS:	/* discard unknowns */
990 	  printf("  Discard missing Alleles?\n");
991 	  printf("  [Default is YES, this is the best choice for most situations]\n===> ");
992 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
993 	  if (strchr("Yy", input[0]))
994 	    options->include_unknown = TRUE;
995 	  else
996 	    options->include_unknown = FALSE;
997 	  break;
998 	case DTMSATTRESH:	/* micro-threshold */
999 	  printf("  What is the threshold value? [needs to be even!]\n");
1000 	  printf
1001 	    ("  E.g. if your allele is 24 and the threshold is 10\n");
1002 	  printf("  there is some probability that the allele 24 can\n");
1003 	  printf
1004 	    ("  change to allele 14 (or 38), but there is a probability\n");
1005 	  printf("  of 0.0 (ZERO) to go to 13 (39),\n");
1006 	  printf
1007 	    ("  if you choose this too small, than the program will fail\n");
1008 	  printf
1009 	    ("  The default is set 100, if the biggest difference in the data is smaller the value\n");
1010 	  printf("  will be adjust to that maximal difference\n");
1011 	  printf
1012 	    ("  [the bigger the longer the run and the more\n accurate the estimate]\n===> ");
1013 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1014 	  options->micro_threshold = atol(input);
1015 	  if(options->micro_threshold % 2 != 0)
1016 	    options->micro_threshold += 1;
1017 	  input[0] = '\0';
1018 	  break;
1020 	  change_tipdate(input,options);
1021 	  break;
1023 	  change_mutationrate(input,options);
1024 	  break;
1026 	  change_generationtime(input,options);
1027 	  break;
1029 	    change_inheritance(input,options);
1030 	    break;
1032 	    change_randomsubset(input,options);
1033 	    break;
1034 	default:
1035 	  break;
1036 	}
1037       }
1038     if (strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype)) {
1039       switch (atol(input)) {
1040       case DTSEQTRATIO:
1041 	initratio(options);
1042 	break;
1043       case DTSEQFREQ:
1044 	options->freqsfrom = !options->freqsfrom;
1045 	if (!options->freqsfrom) {
1046 	  initfreqs(&options->freqa, &options->freqc,
1047 		    &options->freqg, &options->freqt);
1048 	}
1049 	break;
1050       case DTSEQSITECATEGS:
1051 	if (options->categs == ONECATEG) {
1052 	  options->categs = MANYCATEGS;
1053 	  didchangecat = TRUE;
1054 	} else {
1055 	  options->categs = ONECATEG;
1056 	  didchangecat = FALSE;
1057 	}
1058 	break;
1059       case DTSEQRATES:
1060 	if (didchangercat) {
1061 	  options->autocorr = FALSE;
1062 	  didchangercat = FALSE;
1063 	  options->rcategs = ONECATEG;
1064 	} else {
1065 	  printf("\n  Regional rates:\n");
1066 	  initcatn(&options->rcategs);
1067 	  options->probcat =
1068 	    (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->probcat,
1069 				 options->rcategs * sizeof(MYREAL));
1070 	  options->rrate =
1071 	    (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->rrate,
1072 				 options->rcategs * sizeof(MYREAL));
1073 	  didchangercat = TRUE;
1074 	  options->gammarates =
1075 	    initcategs(options->rcategs, options->rrate,
1076 		       options->probcat);
1077 	  if (!options->gammarates)
1078 	    {
1079 	      initprobcat(options->rcategs, &options->probsum,
1080 			  options->probcat);
1081 	      constrain_rates(options->rcategs, options->rrate,
1082 			      options->probcat);
1083 	    }
1084 	    FPRINTF(stdout,
1085 		    "\n\nRegion type     Rate of change    Probability\n");
1086 	  FPRINTF(stdout,
1087 		  "---------------------------------------------\n");
1088 	  for (i = 0; i < options->rcategs; i++)
1089 	    FPRINTF(stdout, "%9ld%16.3f%17.3f\n",
1090 		    i + 1, options->rrate[i], options->probcat[i]);
1091 	  FPRINTF(stdout, "\n");
1092 	}
1093 	break;
1094       case DTSEQCORR:
1095 	options->autocorr = !options->autocorr;
1096 	if (options->autocorr)
1097 	  initlambda(options);
1098 	break;
1099       case DTSEQWEIGHT:
1100 	options->weights = !options->weights;
1101 	break;
1102       case DTSEQINTERLEAVED:
1103 	options->interleaved = !options->interleaved;
1104 	break;
1105       case DTSEQERROR:
1106 	FPRINTF(stdout,
1107 		"Enter the sequencing error rate per site\n[Good values are 0.0 (=no error), or 0.01 (1%% error):\n===> ");
1108 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1109 	options->seqerror = atof(input);
1110 	input[0] = '\0';
1111 	break;
1112       case DTSEQFAST:
1113 	options->fastlike = !options->fastlike;
1114 	break;
1115       case DTSEQTIPDATE:
1116 	change_tipdate(input,options);
1117 	break;
1118       case DTSEQMUTRATE:
1119 	change_mutationrate(input,options);
1120 	break;
1121       case DTSEQGENERATION:
1122 	change_generationtime(input,options);
1123 	break;
1124       case DTSEQINHERITANCE:
1125 	change_inheritance(input,options);
1126 	break;
1127       case DTSEQRANDOMSUBSET:
1128 	change_randomsubset(input,options);
1129 	break;
1130       default:
1131 	break;
1132       }
1133       if (!didchangercat) {
1134 	options->probcat =
1135 	  (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->probcat, sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1136 	options->rrate =
1137 	  (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->rrate, sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1138 	options->rrate[0] = 1.0;
1139 	options->probcat[0] = 1.0;
1140       }
1141       if (!didchangecat) {
1142 	options->rate =
1143 	  (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->rate, sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1144 	options->rate[0] = 1.0;
1145       }
1146     }
1147     if (options->datatype != 'g')
1148       options->readsum = FALSE;
1149   }
1150   while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');
1152   myfree(ostr);
1154 }
1156 void
menuInput(option_fmt * options)1157 menuInput(option_fmt * options) {
1158   long            test = 0;
1159   long            len = (long) strlen(options->title);
1160   unsigned long   timeseed;
1161   char            input[LINESIZE];
1162   char            treeinc[LINESIZE];
1163   char            outputstring[LINESIZE];
1164   char           *stringstep, *string2, *string3, *string4;
1165   char            treestr[4][20] = {"None", "All", "Best", "Last chain"};
1166   char            progress[3][8] = {"Verbose", "YES", "NO"};
1167   char           *extension;
1168   int             retval;
1169   stringstep = (char *) mymalloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
1170   string2 = (char *) mymalloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
1171   string3 = (char *) mymalloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
1172   string4 = (char *) mymalloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
1174   do {
1175     printf("  INPUT/OUTPUT FORMATS (for %s)\n  -------------------- [approach can be changed in SEARCH Strategy]\n\n  INPUT:\n",options->bayes_infer ? "Bayesian approach" : "Maximum likelihood approach");
1176     printf("  %2i   Datafile name is %46.46s\n", MI_INFILE,
1177 	   options->infilename);
1179     sprintf(treeinc,"[every %li]",options->treeinc);
1181     switch (options->autoseed) {
1182     case AUTO:
1183       sprintf(stringstep, "YES");
1184       break;
1185     case NOAUTO:
1186       sprintf(stringstep, "NO, use seedfile");
1187       break;
1188     case NOAUTOSELF:
1189       sprintf(stringstep, "NO, seed=%li ", options->inseed);
1190       break;
1191     default:
1192       options->autoseed = AUTO;
1193       sprintf(stringstep, "YES");
1194       break;
1195     }
1197     printf("  %2i   Use automatic seed for randomisation?  %24.24s\n",
1198 	   MI_RAND, stringstep);
1199     printf("  %2i   Title of the analysis is", MI_TITLE);
1201     if (len == 0 || (len == 5 && strstr(options->title, "Migration analysis")))
1202       printf("%39.39s\n", "<no title given>");
1203     else
1204       printf("%39.39s\n", options->title);
1206     if (options->readsum && !options->bayes_infer) {
1207       printf("  %2i    Summary of genealogies are read from %s\n",
1208 	     MI_SUMREAD, options->sumfilename);
1209     }
1210     else
1211       {
1212 	if (options->readsum && options->bayes_infer) {
1213 	  printf("  %2i    Bayesian output data are read from %s\n",
1214 		 MI_SUMREAD, options->bayesmdimfilename);
1215 	}
1216       }
1217     printf("\n  OUTPUT:\n");
1219     printf("  %2i   Print indications of progress of run? %25.25s\n",
1220 	   MI_PROGRESS, options->progress ? (options->
1221 					     verbose ? progress[0] :
1222 					     progress[1]) : progress[2]);
1223     printf("  %2i   Print the data?%48.48s\n",
1224 	   MI_PRINTDATA, options->printdata ? "YES" : "NO");
1226     printf("  %2i   Outputfile name is  %43.43s\n", MI_OUTFILE,
1227 	   options->outfilename);
1228 #ifdef PRETTY
1229     printf("                           %43.43s\n", options->pdfoutfilename);
1230 #endif
1231     if(!options->bayes_infer)
1232       {
1233 	if (options->plot)
1234 	  {
1235 	    switch (options->plotmethod)
1236 	      {
1237 	      case PLOTALL:
1238 		strcpy(string2, "YES, to outfile and mathfile");
1239 		break;
1240 	      default:
1241 		strcpy(string2, "YES, to outfile");
1242 		break;
1243 	      }
1244 	  }
1245 	else
1246 	  {
1247 	    strcpy(string2, "NO");
1248 	  }
1249 	printf("  %2i   Plot likelihood surface? %38.38s\n",
1250 	       MI_PLOT, string2);
1251 	switch (options->profile)
1252 	  {
1253 	  case _NONE:
1254 	    strcpy(string3, "NO");
1255 	    break;
1256 	  case ALL:
1257 	    strcpy(string3, "YES, tables and summary");
1258 	    break;
1259 	  case TABLES:
1260 	    strcpy(string3, "YES, tables");
1261 	    break;
1262 	  case SUMMARY:
1263 	    strcpy(string3, "YES, summary");
1264 	    break;
1265 	  }
1266 	printf("  %2i   Profile-likelihood?%44.44s\n", MI_PROFILE, string3);
1267 	if (options->profile != _NONE)
1268 	  {
1269 	    switch (options->profilemethod)
1270 	      {
1271 	      case 'p':
1272 		strcpy(string4, "[Percentiles using exact Bisection method]");
1273 		break;
1274 	      case 's':
1275 		strcpy(string4,
1276 		       "[Percentiles using not so exact Spline method]");
1277 		break;
1278 	      case 'd':
1279 		strcpy(string4,
1280 		       "[Evaluation at preset fractions of ML estimate]");
1281 		break;
1282 	      case 'q':
1283 		strcpy(string4, "[Assuming that parameter are independent]");
1284 		break;
1285 	      case 'f':
1286 		strcpy(string4, "[Mixture of 'p' and 'q']");
1287 		break;
1288 	      }
1289 	    printf("%70.70s\n", string4);
1290 	  }
1291 	printf("  %2i   Likelihood-Ratio tests?%40.40s\n",
1292 	       MI_LRT, options->lratio->counter > 0 ? " YES" : "NO");
1294 	printf("  %2i   AIC model selection?   %40.40s\n",
1295 	       MI_AIC, options->aic ? (options->fast_aic ? "YES:Fast" : "YES") : "NO");
1296       } /*if !bayes_infer*/
1298     switch (options->treeprint)
1299       {
1300       case ALL:
1301 	printf("  %2i   Print genealogies?     %40.40s\n",
1302 	       MI_TREES, treestr[1]);
1303 	break;
1304       case BEST:
1305 	printf("  %2i   Print genealogies?     %40.40s\n",
1306 	       MI_TREES, treestr[2]);
1307 	break;
1308       case LASTCHAIN:
1309 	printf("  %2i   Print genealogies?  %19.19s %20.20s\n",
1310 	       MI_TREES, treeinc ,treestr[3]);
1311 	break;
1312       case _NONE:
1313       default:
1314 	printf("  %2i   Print genealogies?     %40.40s\n",
1315 	       MI_TREES, treestr[0]);
1316 	break;
1317       }
1318     if(!options->bayes_infer)
1319       {
1320 	printf("  %2i   Plot coordinates are saved in %33.33s\n",
1321 	       MI_PLOTCOORD, options->mathfilename);
1322 	if (options->writesum || options->datatype == 'g')
1323 	  {
1324 	    if (!options->readsum && options->writesum)
1325 	      {
1326 		printf("  %2i   Summary of genealogies saved in %31.31s\n",
1327 		       MI_SUMFILE, options->sumfilename);
1328 	      }
1329 	  }
1330 	else
1331 	  {
1332 	    printf("  %2i   Summary of genealogies  %39.39s\n",
1333 		   MI_SUMFILE, "will not be saved");
1334 	  }
1335       }
1336     if (options->writelog)
1337       printf("  %2i   Save logging information into %33.33s\n", MI_LOGFILE,
1338 	     options->logfilename);
1339     else
1340       printf("  %2i   Save logging information?  %36.36s\n", MI_LOGFILE, "NO");
1341 #ifdef UEP
1343     if (options->uep) {
1344       printf("  %2i   Read unique polymorphism? From file %30.30s\n",
1345 	     MI_UEPFILE, options->uepfilename);
1346       printf("  %2i   Mutation rate for UEP is %10.5f %s\n",
1347 	     MI_UEPRATE, options->ueprate, " x mutation rate");
1348       printf("  %2i   Base frequency for UEP is \"0\"=%f, \"1\"=%f\n",
1349 	     MI_UEPFREQ, options->uepfreq0, options->uepfreq1);
1350     } else
1351       printf("  %2i   Read unique polymorphism? %20.20s\n", MI_UEPFILE, "NO");
1352 #endif
1353     if (options->mighist)
1354       {
1355 	sprintf(outputstring,"%s %s", options->mighistfilename,
1356 		options->mighist_all ? "(all events)" : "(migration events)");
1357 	printf("  %2i   Show event statistics%42.42s\n", MI_MIGHISTOGRAM, outputstring);
1358 	if(options->mighist_increment > 1)
1359 	  sprintf(outputstring,"every %li %s",  options->mighist_increment,"sample steps");
1360 	else
1361 	  sprintf(outputstring,"every %s", "sample step");
1362 	printf("       Events are recorded every     %32.32s\n",outputstring);
1363 	sprintf(outputstring,"%f",options->eventbinsize);
1364 	printf("       Histogram bin width            %32.32s\n",outputstring);
1366       }
1367     else
1368       {
1369 	sprintf(outputstring,"NO");
1370 	printf("  %2i   Show event statistics          %32.32s\n", MI_MIGHISTOGRAM, outputstring);
1372       }
1373     if (options->skyline)
1374       {
1375 	remove_trailing_blanks(&options->skylinefilename);
1376 	sprintf(outputstring,"%s", options->skylinefilename);
1377 	printf("  %2i   Record parameter change through time?%26.26s\n", MI_SKYLINE, outputstring);
1378 	sprintf(outputstring,"%f",options->eventbinsize);
1379 	printf("       Histogram bin width            %32.32s\n",outputstring);
1380       }
1381     else
1382       {
1383 	sprintf(outputstring,"NO");
1384 	printf("  %2i   Record parameter change through time?%26.26s\n", MI_SKYLINE, outputstring);
1385       }
1387     printf("\n\n  Are the settings correct?\n");
1388     printf
1389       ("  (type Y to go back to the main menu or the letter for the entry to change)\n===> ");
1390     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1391     test = atoi(input);
1392     switch (test)
1393       {
1394       case MI_INFILE:
1395 	printf("  What is the datafile name?\n[Default: %s]\n===> ", options->infilename);
1396 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1397 	if (input[0] != '\0')
1398 	  {
1399 	    strcpy(options->infilename, input);
1400 	  }
1401 	break;
1402       case MI_RAND:
1403 	do
1404 	  {
1405 	    printf("  (A)utomatic or (S)eedfile or (O)wn\n");
1406 	    printf("  Start value for Random-generator seed\n===> ");
1407 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1408 	    switch (uppercase(input[0]))
1409 	      {
1410 	      case 'A':
1411 		options->autoseed = AUTO;
1412 #ifndef MAC
1413 		timeseed = (unsigned long) time(NULL) / 4;
1414 #else
1415 		timeseed = (unsigned long) clock() / 4;
1416 #endif
1417 		options->inseed = (long) timeseed + 1;
1418 		break;
1419 	      case 'S':
1420 		menu_get_filename(" What is the filename that contains the random number seed?", SEEDFILE, options->seedfilename);
1421 		openfile(&options->seedfile, options->seedfilename, "r", NULL);
1422 		if (options->seedfile) {
1423 		  options->autoseed = NOAUTO;
1424 		  retval = fscanf(options->seedfile, "%ld%*[^\n]",
1425 			 &options->inseed);
1426 		  fclose(options->seedfile);
1427 		} else
1428 		  printf("\n\n  There is no seedfile present\n");
1429 		break;
1430 	      case 'O':
1431 		options->autoseed = NOAUTOSELF;
1432 		printf("  Random number seed (best values are x/4 +1)?\n");
1433 		retval = scanf("%ld%*[^\n]", &options->inseed);
1434 		break;
1435 	      }
1436 	  }
1437 	while (options->autoseed < AUTO || options->autoseed > NOAUTOSELF);
1438 	break;
1439       case MI_TITLE:
1440 	printf("  Enter a title? [max 80 Characters are used]\n===> ");
1441 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1442 	if (input[0] == '\0')
1443 	  options->title[0] = '\0';
1444 	else
1445 	  sprintf(options->title,"%80.80s", input);
1446 	break;
1447       case MI_SUMREAD:
1448 	if(!options->bayes_infer)
1449 	  {
1450 	    printf
1451 	      (" What is the filename for the summary of genealogies\n[Default: %s]\n===> ",
1452 	       SUMFILE);
1453 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1454 	    if (input[0] == '\0')
1455 	      strcpy(options->sumfilename, SUMFILE);
1456 	    else {
1457 	      strcpy(options->sumfilename, input);
1458 	    }
1459 	  }
1460 	else
1461 	  {
1462 	    printf
1463 	      (" What is the filename of the recorded Bayes data\n[Default: %s]\n===> ",
1464 	       BAYESMDIMFILE);
1465 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1466 	    if (input[0] == '\0')
1467 	      strcpy(options->bayesmdimfilename, BAYESMDIMFILE);
1468 	    else {
1469 	      strcpy(options->bayesmdimfilename, input);
1470 	    }
1471 	    unpad(options->bayesmdimfilename, " ");
1472 	    extension = strrchr(options->bayesmdimfilename,'.');
1473 #ifdef ZNZ
1474 	    if(extension!=NULL && !strncmp(extension,".gz",3))
1475 	      {
1476 		options->use_compressed = 1;
1477 	      }
1478 	    else
1479 	      {
1480 		options->use_compressed = 0;
1481 	      }
1482 #else
1483 	    options->use_compressed = 0;
1484 #endif
1485 	  }
1486 	break;
1487       case MI_PROGRESS:
1488 	printf("  Progress report during the run? <YES | Verbose | NO>\n===> ");
1489 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1490 	switch (tolower(input[0])) {
1491 	case 'n':
1492 	  options->progress = FALSE;
1493 	  options->verbose = FALSE;
1494 	  break;
1495 	case 'v':
1496 	  options->progress = TRUE;
1497 	  options->verbose = TRUE;
1498 	  break;
1499 	case '\0':
1500 	case 'y':
1501 	default:
1502 	  options->progress = TRUE;
1503 	  options->verbose = FALSE;
1504 	  break;
1505 	}
1506 	input[0] = 'X';
1507 	break;
1508       case MI_PRINTDATA:
1509 	options->printdata = !options->printdata;
1510 	break;
1511       case MI_OUTFILE:
1512 	menu_get_filename("  What is the output filename?", OUTFILE, options->outfilename);
1513 #ifdef PRETTY
1514 	strcpy(options->pdfoutfilename,options->outfilename);
1515 	strcat(options->pdfoutfilename,".pdf");
1516 #endif
1517 	break;
1518       case MI_PLOT:
1519 	options->plot = !options->plot;
1520 	if (options->plot)
1521 	  {
1522 	    get_plotoptions(options);
1523 	    input[0] = '\0';
1524 	  }
1525 	break;
1526       case MI_PROFILE:
1527 	do
1528 	  {
1529 	    printf("  Evaluate profile likelihoods:\n");
1530 	    printf
1531 	      ("  (N)o, (A)all [Tables and Summary],\n  (T)ables, (S)ummary\n===> ");
1532 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1533 	  }
1534 	while (strchr("NATS", (int) uppercase(input[0])) == NULL);
1535 	switch (uppercase(input[0]))
1536 	  {
1537 	  case 'N':
1538 	    options->profile = _NONE;
1539 	    break;
1540 	  case 'A':
1541 	    options->profile = ALL;
1542 	    break;
1543 	  case 'T':
1544 	    options->profile = TABLES;
1545 	    break;
1546 	  case 'S':
1547 	    options->profile = SUMMARY;
1548 	    break;
1549 	  }
1550 	if (options->profile != _NONE)
1551 	  {
1552 	do
1553 	  {
1554 	    printf("  Method to evaluate the profiles?\n");
1555 	    printf("  (P)ercentiles: exact evaluation (slow)\n");
1556 	    printf
1557 	      ("  (F)ast       : Assuming parameters are indepenent\n                + one complete profile-maximization.\n");
1558 	    //printf
1559 	    // ("  (S)plines    : percentiles using splines\n                (fails sometimes)\n");
1560 	    printf
1561 	      ("  (D)iscrete   : evaluation at (0.02, 0.05, 0.1, .. , 50)*ML estimate\n");
1562 	    printf
1563 	      ("  (Q)uick      : Assuming parameters are independent\n===> ");
1564 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1565 	  }
1566 	while (strchr("pdqf", (int) lowercase(input[0])) == NULL);
1567 	switch (lowercase(input[0]))
1568 	  //in strchr removed s
1569 	  {
1570 	  case 'p':
1571 	    options->profilemethod = 'p';
1572 	    break;
1573 	  case 's':
1574 	    options->profilemethod = 's';
1575 	    break;
1576 	  case 'd':
1577 	    options->profilemethod = 'd';
1578 	    break;
1579 	  case 'q':
1580 	    options->profilemethod = 'q';
1581 	    break;
1582 	  case 'f':
1583 	    options->profilemethod = 'f';
1584 	    break;
1585 	  default:
1586 	    options->profilemethod = 's';
1587 	    break;
1588 	  }
1589       }
1590 	set_profile_options(options);
1591 	break;
1592       case MI_LRT:
1593 	if (options->lratio->counter > 0)
1594 	  {
1595 	    options->lratio->counter = 0;
1596 	  }
1597 	else
1598 	  {
1599 	    FPRINTF(stdout, "  Likelihood-Ratio tests:\n");
1600 	    FPRINTF(stdout, "  -----------------------\n");
1601 	    read_custom_menu_lratio(options);
1602 	  }
1603 	break;
1604       case MI_AIC:
1605 	printf
1606 	  ("  Use AIC to select minimal migration model?\n[Default: NO]\n===> ");
1607 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1608 	switch (uppercase(input[0]))
1609 	  {
1610 	  case 'F':
1611 	    options->fast_aic = TRUE;
1612 	    options->aic = TRUE;
1613 	    break;
1614 	  case 'Y':
1615 	    options->fast_aic = FALSE;
1616 	    options->aic = TRUE;
1617 	    break;
1618 	  case 'N':
1619 	  default:
1620 	    options->aic = FALSE;
1621 	    options->fast_aic = FALSE;
1622 	    break;
1623 	  }
1624 	input[0] = 'x';
1625 	break;
1626       case MI_TREES:
1627 	do
1628 	  {
1629 	    printf("  Print genealogies:\n");
1630 	    printf("  (N)one, (A)all [!], (B)est, (L)ast chain\n===> ");
1631 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1632 	  }
1633 	while (strchr("NABL", (int) uppercase(input[0])) == NULL);
1634 	switch (uppercase(input[0]))
1635 	  {
1636 	  case 'N':
1637 	    options->treeprint = _NONE;
1638 	    break;
1639 	  case 'A':
1640 	    options->treeprint = ALL;
1641 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename for storing recorded genealogies?", TREEFILE, options->treefilename);
1642 	    break;
1643 	  case 'B':
1644 	    options->treeprint = BEST;
1645 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename for storing recorded genealogies?", TREEFILE, options->treefilename);
1646 	    break;
1647 	  case 'L':
1648 	    options->treeprint = LASTCHAIN;
1649 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename for storing recorded genealogies?", TREEFILE, options->treefilename);
1650 	    printf("Give the increment to record genealogies\n===>");
1651 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1652 	    retval = sscanf(input,"%li",&options->treeinc);
1653 	    break;
1654 	  default:
1655 	    options->treeprint = _NONE;
1656 	    break;
1657 	  }
1658 	break;
1659       case MI_SUMFILE:
1660 	printf(" Save genealogy summaries? [NO]\n===> ");
1661 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1662 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
1663 	  {
1664 	    options->writesum = TRUE;
1665 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename for the summary of genealogies?", SUMFILE, options->sumfilename);
1666 	  }
1667 	else
1668 	  {
1669 	    options->writesum = FALSE;
1670 	  }
1671 	input[0] = 'X';
1672 	break;
1673       case MI_PLOTCOORD:
1674 	menu_get_filename("  What is the plot coordinate filename?", MATHFILE, options->mathfilename);
1675 	break;
1676       case MI_LOGFILE:
1677 	printf(" Save logging information? [NO]\n===> ");
1678 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1679 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
1680 	  {
1681 	    options->writelog = TRUE;
1682 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename for logging?", LOGFILE, options->logfilename);
1683 	  }
1684 	else
1685 	  {
1686 	    options->writelog = FALSE;
1687 	  }
1688 	input[0] = 'X';
1689 	break;
1690 #ifdef UEP
1691       case MI_UEPFILE:
1692 	printf(" UEP estimation? [NO]\n===> ");
1693 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1694 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
1695 	  {
1696 	    options->uep = TRUE;
1697 	    menu_get_filename(" What is the filename of the UEP data?", UEPFILE, options->uepfilename);
1698 	  }
1699 	else
1700 	  {
1701 	    options->uep = FALSE;
1702 	  }
1703       input[0] = 'X';
1704       break;
1705       case MI_UEPRATE:
1706       do
1707 	{
1708 	  FPRINTF(stdout, "What is mutation rate for the UEP locus\n");
1709 	  FPRINTF(stdout,
1710 		  "[expressed as a ratio of the point mutation rate\n");
1711 	  FPRINTF(stdout, "Reasonable values are 0.0 =< x <=1.0]\n===> ");
1712 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1713 	  options->ueprate = atof(input);
1714 	}
1715       while (options->ueprate < 0.0);
1716       break;
1717       case MI_UEPFREQ:
1718       do
1719 	{
1720 	  FPRINTF(stdout, "What is the base frequency for the \"1\" allele\n");
1721 	  FPRINTF(stdout, "Reasonable values are 0.0 < x <1.0]\n===> ");
1722 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1723 	  options->uepfreq1 = atof(input);
1724 	  options->uepfreq0 = 1. - options->uepfreq1;
1725 	}
1726       while (options->uepfreq1 < 0.0);
1727       break;
1728 #endif
1729       case MI_MIGHISTOGRAM:
1730 	printf(" Display event statistic and save events into file?\n [options are: NO, ALL events, MIGration events]\n===> ");
1731 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1732 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'N')
1733 	  {
1734 	    options->mighist = FALSE;
1735 	  }
1736 	else
1737 	  {
1738 	    options->mighist = TRUE;
1739 	    if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'A')
1740 	      options->mighist_all = TRUE;
1741 	    else
1742 	      options->mighist_all = FALSE;
1744 	    /*	    printf(" Thin the raw data and sample only every x sample steps,\n Enter increment [default is 1]:\n===> ");
1745 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1746 	    options->mighist_increment = atol(input);
1747 	    if(options->mighist_increment < 1)
1748 	      options->mighist_increment = 1;
1749 	    */
1750 	    menu_get_filename(" Specify a filename for the raw event data!", MIGHISTFILE, options->mighistfilename);
1752 	    do
1753 	      {
1754 		printf("Events are recorded per time intervals.\nWhat is the time interval size?\n");
1755 		printf("[Current value: %f, try values that are about 10x smaller than the largest Theta]\n===> ",
1756 		       options->eventbinsize);
1757 		fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1758 		if(input[0]=='\0' && options->eventbinsize > 0.0)
1759 		  break;
1760 		options->eventbinsize = (float) atof(input);
1761 	      }
1762 	    while (options->eventbinsize <= 0.0);
1764 	  }
1765 	input[0] = 'X';
1766 	break;
1767       case MI_SKYLINE:
1768 	printf(" Display time dependent parameters and save them into file? [Choices are NO or  YES]\n===> ");
1769 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1770 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'N')
1771 	  {
1772 	    options->skyline = FALSE;
1773 	  }
1774 	else
1775 	  {
1776 	    options->skyline = TRUE;
1777 	    do
1778 	      {
1779 		printf("What is the time interval size?\n");
1780 		printf("[Current value: %f, try values that are about 10x smaller than the largest Theta]\n===> ",
1781 		       options->eventbinsize);
1782 		fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1783 		if(input[0]=='\0' && options->eventbinsize > 0.0)
1784 		  break;
1785 		options->eventbinsize = (float) atof(input);
1786 	      }
1787 	    while (options->eventbinsize <= 0.0);
1788 	    menu_get_filename(" Specify a filename for the raw skyline output!", SKYLINEFILE, options->skylinefilename);
1789 	    if(!options->mighist)
1790 	      {
1791 		printf("The skyline option needs the coalescence and migration event recording\n");
1792 		menu_get_filename(" Specify a filename for the raw event data!", MIGHISTFILE, options->mighistfilename);
1793 		options->mighist_all = TRUE;
1794 		options->mighist_increment = 0;
1795 	      }
1797 	  }
1798 	input[0] = 'X';
1799 	break;
1800       default:
1801 	break;
1802       }
1803   }
1804   while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');
1805   myfree(stringstep);
1806   myfree(string2);
1807   myfree(string3);
1808   myfree(string4);
1809 }
1811 ///sets the start parameter options for theta
switch_theta(char * ostr,option_fmt * options)1812 void            switch_theta(char *ostr, option_fmt * options) {
1813   long            i;
1814   long            numchar = 0;
1815   switch          (options->thetaguess) {
1816   case FST:
1817     sprintf(ostr, "Estimate with FST (Fw/Fb) measure");
1818     break;
1820     sprintf(ostr, "Random Theta from Uniform distribution (min=%f, max=%f)", options->thetag[0], options->thetag[1]);
1821     break;
1823     sprintf(ostr, "Random Theta from Normal distribution (mean=%f, std=%f)", options->thetag[0], options->thetag[1]);
1824     break;
1825   default:
1826     numchar += sprintf(ostr, "NO, initial Theta = {");
1827     for (i = 0; i < options->numthetag - 1; i++) {
1828       numchar += sprintf(ostr + numchar, "%.5f,", options->thetag[i]);
1829     }
1830     sprintf(ostr + numchar, "%.5f}", options->thetag[i]);
1831   }
1832 }
switch_mig(char * ostr,option_fmt * options)1834 void            switch_mig(char *ostr, option_fmt * options) {
1835   switch (options->migrguess) {
1836   case FST:
1837     sprintf(ostr, "Estimate with FST (Fw/Fb) measure");
1838     break;
1840     sprintf(ostr, "Random migration rates from Uniform distribution (min=%f, max=%f)", options->mg[0], options->mg[1]);
1841     break;
1843     sprintf(ostr, "Random migration rates from Normal distribution (mean=%f, std=%f)", options->mg[0], options->mg[1]);
1844     break;
1845   default:
1846     sprintf(ostr, "NO, initial migration rates are given");
1847   }
1848 }
1851 ///
1852 ///allows to set all parameter related issues:start parameters, mutation type, migration model
1853 void
menuParameters(option_fmt * options)1854 menuParameters(option_fmt * options)
1855 {
1856 #ifdef POPMODEL
1857   char            tmp[LINESIZE];
1858 #endif
1859   char            input[LINESIZE];
1860   char            custmexplain[LINESIZE];
1861   char            localities[LINESIZE];
1862   char           *temp;
1863   char           *outputstring;
1864   long            count = 0;
1865   long            i, j, tt, check = 0, numpop = 0;
1866   MYREAL          sum = 0.;
1867   double          tmpdouble;
1868   int             retval;
1869   outputstring = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE, sizeof(char));
1872   do {
1873     printf
1874       ("  PARAMETERS\n  ---------------------------\n  Start parameters:\n");
1875     switch_theta(outputstring, options);
1876     printf("  1   Use a simple estimate of theta as start?\n      %64s\n", outputstring);
1877     switch_mig(outputstring, options);
1878     printf("  2   Use a simple estimate of migration rate as start?\n      %64s\n", outputstring);
1879     printf
1880       ("\n Gene flow parameter and Mutation rate variation among loci:\n");
1881     printf("  3   Use M for the gene flow parameter   %28.28s\n",
1882 	   options->usem ? "YES [M=m/mu]" : "NO [Theta * M]");
1883     if(options->gamma)
1884       {
1885 	printf("  4   Mutation rate is  %46.46s%f\n","Estimated: Gamma distribution with alpha=",(float) options->alphavalue);
1886       }
1887     else
1888       {
1889 	if(options->murates)
1890 	  {
1891 	    if(options->murates_fromdata)
1892 	      {
1893 		printf("  4   Mutation rate is  %46.46s\n","Varying (from data)");
1894 	      }
1895 	    else
1896 	      {
1897 		printf("  4   Mutation rate is  %46.46s\n","Varying (from user)");
1898 	      }
1899 	  }
1900 	else
1901 	  {
1902 	    if(options->bayesmurates)
1903 	      {
1904 		printf("  4   Mutation rate is  %46.46s\n","Estimated (see prior menu: Rate)");
1905 	      }
1906 	    else
1907 	      {
1908 		printf("  4   Mutation rate is  %46.46s\n","Constant");
1909 	      }
1910 	  }
1911       }
1912     if (options->migrguess == FST || options->thetaguess == FST) {
1913       printf("\n  FST-Calculation (for START value):\n");
1914       printf("  5   Method: %56.56s\n",
1915 	     options->fsttype ==
1916 	     'T' ? "Variable Theta, M symmetric" :
1917 	     "Variable M, Theta is the same for all populations");
1918       printf("  6   Print FST table:%48.48s\n", options->printfst ? "YES" : "NO");
1919     }
1920     strcpy(custmexplain, custom_migration_type(options->migration_model));
1921     set_localities_string(&localities[0],options);
1922     printf("\n  Migration model and combination of localities:\n");
1923     printf("  7   Sampling localities %43.43s\n", localities);
1924     printf("  8   Model is set to %48.48s\n", custmexplain);
1925     if(options->geo)
1926       printf("  9   Geographic distance matrix: YES:%34.34s\n", options->geofilename);
1927     else
1928       printf("  9   Geographic distance matrix: %36.36s\n", "NO");
1929 #ifdef POPMODEL
1930     printf(" 10   Population model: %46.46s\n",
1931 	   which_popmodel(options,tmp));
1932 #endif /*POPMODEL*/
1933     printf("\n\n  Are the settings correct?\n");
1934     printf
1935       ("  (Type Y to go back to the main menu or the letter for an entry to change)\n===> ");
1936     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1937     switch (input[0]) {
1938     case '1':
1939       printf("  Which method? (F)st or (O)wn or (N)ormally or ((U)niform distributed random value\n===> ");
1940       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1941       switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
1942       case 'N':
1943 	options->thetaguess = NRANDOMESTIMATE;
1944 	options->thetag = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->thetag,
1945 					       sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1946 	menuRandom(options->thetag,'N');
1947 	options->numthetag = 2;
1948 	break;
1949       case 'U':
1950 	options->thetaguess = URANDOMESTIMATE;
1951 	options->thetag = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->thetag,
1952 					       sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1953 	menuRandom(options->thetag,'U');
1954 	options->numthetag = 2;
1955 	break;
1956       case 'F':
1957 	options->thetaguess = FST;
1958 	break;
1959       case 'O':
1960 	options->thetaguess = OWN;
1961 	if (numpop == 0) {
1962 	  printf("  I do not know yet how many populations the data set contains? Specify the number of populations > ");fflush(stdout);
1963 	  retval = scanf("%ld", &numpop);
1964 	  retval = scanf("%*[^\n]");
1965 	}
1966 	options->thetag =
1967 	  (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->thetag,
1968 			       sizeof(MYREAL) * (numpop + 1));
1969 	printf("  Give the initial Theta estimates:\n");
1970 	for (i = 0; i < numpop; i++) {
1971 	  printf("Population %3li> ", i);fflush(stdout);
1972 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
1973 	  retval = scanf("%f", &options->thetag[i]);
1974 #else
1975 	  retval = scanf("%lf", &options->thetag[i]);
1976 #endif
1977 	}
1978 	options->numthetag = i;
1979 	break;
1980       default:
1981 	options->thetaguess = FST;
1982 	break;
1983       }
1985       break;
1986     case '2':
1987       printf("Which method?  (F)st or (O)wn or (N)ormally or (U)niformly distributed random value\n===> ");
1988       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
1989       switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
1990       case 'U':
1991 	options->migrguess = URANDOMESTIMATE;
1992 	options->mg = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->mg,
1993 					   sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
1994 	menuRandom(options->mg,'U');
1995 	options->nummg = 2;
1996 	break;
1997       case 'N':
1998 	options->migrguess = NRANDOMESTIMATE;
1999 	options->mg = (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->mg,
2000 					   sizeof(MYREAL) * 2);
2001 	menuRandom(options->mg,'N');
2002 	options->nummg = 2;
2003 	break;
2004       case 'F':
2005 	options->migrguess = FST;
2006 	break;
2007       case 'O':
2008 	options->migrguess = OWN;
2009 	if (numpop == 0) {
2010 	  printf("  I do not know yet how many populations the data set contains? Specify the number of populations > ");
2011 	  fflush(stdout);
2012 	  retval = scanf("%ld", &numpop);
2013 	  retval = scanf("%*[^\n]");
2014 	}
2015 	printf
2016 	  ("  Initial migration rate estimate?\n[give 4Nm for diploid data\n 2Nm for haploid data\n Nm for mtDNA data]\n[If you use M (m/mu) instead of Nm then you need to specify M here !]");
2017 	tt = 0;
2018 	options->mg =
2019 	  (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->mg,
2020 			       sizeof(MYREAL) * (numpop * numpop + 1));
2021 	for (i = 0; i < numpop; i++) {
2022 	  for (j = 0; j < numpop; j++) {
2023 	    if (j == i) {
2024 	      printf("Population %3li              > --\n",
2025 		     i + 1);
2026 	      continue;
2027 	    }
2028 	    printf("From population %-3li to %-3li> ", j + 1,
2029 		   i + 1);fflush(stdout);
2030 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2031 	    check = scanf("%f", &options->mg[tt++]);
2032 #else
2033 	    check = scanf("%lf", &options->mg[tt++]);
2034 #endif
2035 	    retval = scanf("%*[^\n]");
2036 	    if (check == 0)
2037 	      break;
2038 	  }
2039 	}
2040 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2041 	options->nummg = tt;
2042 	tt = 0;
2043 	printf
2044 	  ("\n     You typed in the following migration matrix\n\n     ");
2045 	for (i = 0; i < numpop; i++) {
2046 	  for (j = 0; j < numpop; j++) {
2047 	    if (i != j)
2048 	      printf("%5.2f ", options->mg[tt++]);
2049 	    else {
2050 	      printf("----- ");
2051 	    }
2052 	  }
2053 	  printf("\n     ");
2054 	}
2055 	printf("\n     [Press <Return> to continue]\n");
2056 	printf("\n\n");
2057 	getchar();
2058 	break;
2059       default:
2060 	options->migrguess = FST;
2061 	break;
2062       }
2063       break;
2064     case '3':
2065       options->usem = !options->usem;
2066       if (options->usem) {
2067 	options->plotvar = PLOTM;
2068 	options->migvar = PLOTM;
2069 	options->profileparamtype = PLOTM;
2070       } else {
2071 	options->plotvar = PLOT4NM;
2072 	options->migvar = PLOT4NM;
2073 	options->profileparamtype = PLOT4NM;
2074       }
2076       break;
2077     case '4':
2078       printf("Mutation rate among loci\n");
2079       printf
2080 	("(C)onstant   All loci have the same mutation rate [default]\n");
2081       printf
2082 	("(E)stimate  Mutation rate \n");
2083       if (options->gamma)
2084 	{
2085 	  printf("       GAMMA with Shape parameter alpha=%f [only ML]\n",
2086 		 options->alphavalue);
2087 	}
2088       printf("(V)arying     Mutation rates are different among loci [user input]\n");
2089       printf("(R)elative    Mutation rates estimated from data\n===> ");
2090       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2091       switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
2092       case 'E':
2093 	if(!options->bayes_infer)
2094 	  {
2095 	    options->gamma = TRUE;
2096 	    printf("Enter the value of the shape parameter alpha to use\n===> ");
2097 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2098 	    count = sscanf(input,"%lf",&tmpdouble);
2099 	    options->alphavalue = (MYREAL) tmpdouble;
2100 	    options->bayesmurates = FALSE;
2101 	  }
2102 	else
2103 	  {
2104 	    options->bayesmurates = TRUE;
2105 	  }
2106 	options->murates = FALSE;
2107 	options->murates_fromdata=FALSE;
2109 	break;
2110       case 'V':
2111 	printf
2112 	  ("Enter the number of loci and a rate for each of them\n[the rates are normalized to average to 1.0]\n===> ");
2113 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2114 	temp = strtok(input, " ;,;\n");
2115 	if (temp == NULL) {
2116 	  options->murates = FALSE;
2117 	  options->gamma = FALSE;
2118 	  options->murates_fromdata=FALSE;
2119 	  options->bayesmurates = FALSE;
2120 	} else {
2121 	  options->gamma = FALSE;
2122 	  options->murates = TRUE;
2123 	  options->murates_fromdata=FALSE;
2124 	  options->muloci = atol(temp);
2125 	  options->bayesmurates = FALSE;
2126 	  options->mu_rates =
2127 	    (MYREAL *) myrealloc(options->mu_rates,
2128 				 sizeof(MYREAL) * options->muloci);
2129 	  //  printf("%i> menu.c: opt realloc murate size %li\n",myID,  options->muloci * sizeof (MYREAL));
2130 	  sum = 0.;
2131 	  count = 0;
2132 	  while (temp != NULL) {
2133 	    temp = strtok(NULL, " ;,;\n");
2134 	    if (temp == NULL)
2135 	      break;
2136 	    options->mu_rates[count] = atof(temp);
2137 	    sum += options->mu_rates[count];
2138 	    count++;
2139 	  }
2140 	  for (i = count; i < options->muloci; i++) {
2141 	    options->mu_rates[i] = options->mu_rates[count - 1];
2142 	    sum += options->mu_rates[count];
2143 	  }
2144 	  sum /= options->muloci;
2145 	  for (i = 0; i < options->muloci; i++) {
2146 	    options->mu_rates[i] /= sum;
2147 	  }
2148 	}
2149 	break;
2150       case 'R':
2151 	options->gamma = FALSE;
2152 	options->murates = TRUE;
2153 	options->murates_fromdata=TRUE;
2154 	options->bayesmurates = FALSE;
2155 	break;
2156       default:
2157 	options->gamma = FALSE;
2158 	options->murates = FALSE;
2159 	options->murates_fromdata=FALSE;
2160 	options->bayesmurates = FALSE;
2161 	break;
2162       }
2163       break;
2164     case '5':
2165       printf("Which FST calculation method?\n");
2166       printf("(T)heta can be different for each population\n");
2167       printf("   and migration rates are symmetric.\n");
2168       printf("   (Number of populations >= 2)\n");
2169       printf("(M)igration rate can be asymmetric\n");
2170       printf("   and Theta is the same for both populations\n");
2171       printf("   (Number of populations = 2)\n===> ");
2172       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2173       switch (uppercase(input[0])) {
2174       case 'M':
2175 	options->fsttype = 'M';
2176 	fst_type('M');
2177 	break;
2178       case 'T':
2179 	options->fsttype = 'T';
2180 	fst_type('T');
2181 	break;
2182       default:
2183 	options->fsttype = 'T';
2184 	fst_type('T');
2185 	break;
2186       }
2187       break;
2188     case '6':
2189       options->printfst = !options->printfst;
2190       break;
2191     case '7':
2192       set_menu_localities(options);
2193       break;
2194     case '8':	/* fill in the custom migration
2195 		 * matrix */
2196       read_custom_menu_migration(options);
2197       break;
2198     case '9':
2199       options->geo = !options->geo;
2200       if(options->geo)
2201 	{
2202 	  menu_get_filename("  What is the filename for the distance matrix file?",
2203 		     GEOFILE, options->geofilename);
2204 	}
2205       break;
2206 #ifdef POPMODEL
2207     case '10':
2208       set_popmodel(options);
2209       break;
2210 #endif
2211     }
2212   }
2213   while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');
2214   myfree(outputstring);
2215 }
set_menu_localities(option_fmt * options)2217 void set_menu_localities(option_fmt *options)
2218 {
2219   char *input;
2220   char *tmp;
2221   int i;
2222   input = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE,sizeof(char));
2223   tmp = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE,sizeof(char));
2224   printf("Associate sampling locations with populations\n");
2225   printf("---------------------------------------------\n");
2226   printf("This menu allows to combine sample locations into populations\n");
2227   printf("For example there are 4 locations: 1, 2, 3, 4\n");
2228   printf("They can be combined into 2 populations\n");
2229   printf("by mapping the 4 positions 1, 2, 3, 4 to 1, 1, 1, 2\n");
2230   printf("Migrate will now combine the first three locations\n\n");
2231   printf("Give (1) the number of populations <return> then (2) the mapping\n\n");
2232   printf("How many localities are in the data set?\n");
2233   printf("[Default: every sampling location is a population]\n");
2234   printf("> ");fflush(stdout);
2235   FGETS(input,LINESIZE,stdin);
2236   if(input[0]!='\0')
2237     {
2238       options->newpops_numalloc = atoi(input);
2239       options->newpops = (long*) myrealloc(options->newpops, options->newpops_numalloc * sizeof(long));
2240       printf("Enter now the remappings (little checking is done with this, enter exactly the number of locations)\n");
2241       for(i=1;i<=options->newpops_numalloc;i++)
2242 	{
2243 	  switch((int) log10((double) options->newpops_numalloc))
2244 	    {
2245 	    case 0:
2246 	    case 1:
2247 	      printf("%2i",i); break;
2248 	    case 2:
2249 	      printf("%3i",i); break;
2250 	    default:
2251 	      printf("%4i",i); break;
2252 	    }
2253 	}
2254       printf("\n>");fflush(stdout);
2255       FGETS(input,LINESIZE,stdin);
2256       set_localities(&input,&tmp,options);
2257     }
2258   else
2259     {
2260       printf("All locations are treated as populations.");
2261       options->newpops = (long*) myrealloc(options->newpops, sizeof(long));
2262       options->newpops[0] = 1;
2263       options->newpops_numalloc  = 1;
2264     }
2265   myfree(input);
2266   myfree(tmp);
2267 }
2269 ///print the standard question "are the settings correct? ....." at the end of the menu
print_bottom_menu_part()2270 void            print_bottom_menu_part()
2271 {
2272   printf("\n\n  Are the settings correct?\n");
2273   printf("  (Type Y to go back to the main menu or the number for a menu to change)\n===>");
2274 }
2276 ///
2277 ///displays and makes changes to the options that manage the analysis strategy and run condition
2278 ///
menuStrategy(option_fmt * options)2279 void            menuStrategy(option_fmt * options) {
2280   boolean         done = FALSE;
2281   do {
2282     printf("  SEARCH STRATEGY\n\n");
2283     if (!options->bayes_infer) {
2284       display_ml_mcmc(options);
2285       print_bottom_menu_part();
2286       done = menuStrategy_ml(options);
2287     } else {
2288       display_bayes_mcmc(options);
2289       print_bottom_menu_part();
2290       done = menuStrategy_bayes(options);
2291     }
2292   } while (done == FALSE);
2293 }
2295 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2296 // prior menu functions
2298 /// \brief Menu for multiplier proposal
2299 /// Menu for multiplier proposal
set_mult_prior(int paramgroupm,prior_fmt * prior)2300 void set_mult_prior(int paramgroupm, prior_fmt *prior)
2301 {
2302   char input[LINESIZE];
2303   long count = 0;
2304   do {
2305     printf("Specify the MINIMUM, MAXIMUM and maximal MULTIPLIER\n[Current setting: {%f %f %f}\n===> ",
2306 	   prior->min, prior->max, prior->delta);
2307     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2308     if (input[0] == '\0')
2309       break;
2310 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2311     count = sscanf(input, "%f%f%f", &prior->min, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2312 #else
2313     count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf%lf", &prior->min, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2314 #endif
2315   } while (count != 3 && count > 0);
2316 }
2318 /// \brief Menu for exponential proposal
2319 /// Menu for exponential proposal
set_exp_prior(int paramgroupm,prior_fmt * prior)2320 void set_exp_prior(int paramgroupm, prior_fmt *prior)
2321 {
2322   char input[LINESIZE];
2323   long count = 0;
2324   do {
2325     printf("Specify the MINIMUM, MEAN, MAXIMUM\n[Current setting: {%f %f %f}\n===> ",
2326 	   prior->min, prior->mean, prior->max);
2327     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2328     if (input[0] == '\0')
2329       break;
2330 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2331     count = sscanf(input, "%f%f%f", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max);
2332 #else
2333     count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf%lf", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max);
2334 #endif
2335   } while (count != 3 && count > 0);
2336 }
2338 /// \brief Menu for gamma proposal
2339 /// Menu for gamma proposal, mean = alpha * beta = 1 ->
set_gamma_prior(int paramgroupm,prior_fmt * prior)2340 void set_gamma_prior(int paramgroupm, prior_fmt *prior)
2341 {
2342   char input[LINESIZE];
2343   long count = 0;
2344   do {
2345     printf("Specify the MINIMUM, MEAN, MAXIMUM, ALPHA\n[Current setting: {%f %f %f %f}\n===> ",
2346 	   prior->min, prior->mean, prior->max, prior->alpha);
2347     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2348     if(input[0]=='\0')
2349       return;
2350 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2351     count = sscanf(input, "%f%f%f%f", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max, &prior->alpha);
2352 #else
2353     count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf%lf%lf", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max, &prior->alpha);
2354 #endif
2355   } while (count != 4 && count > 0);
2356 }
2358 /// \brief Menu for exponential with window proposal
2359 /// Menu for exponential with window proposal
set_wexp_prior(int paramgroupm,prior_fmt * prior)2360 void set_wexp_prior(int paramgroupm, prior_fmt *prior)
2361 {
2362   char input[LINESIZE];
2363   long count = 0;
2364   do {
2365     printf("Specify the MINIMUM, MEAN, MAXIMUM and DELTA\nUse for DELTA about 1/10 of the MIN-MAX range\n[Current setting: {%f %f %f %f}\n===> ",
2366 	   prior->min, prior->mean, prior->max, prior->delta);
2367     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2368     if(input[0]=='\0')
2369       return;
2370 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2371     count = sscanf(input, "%f%f%f%f", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2372 #else
2373     count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf%lf%lf", &prior->min, &prior->mean, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2374 #endif
2375   } while (count != 4 && count > 0);
2376 }
2378 /// \brief Menu for multiplier proposal
2379 /// Menu for multiplier proposal
set_uni_prior(int paramgroupm,prior_fmt * prior)2380 void set_uni_prior(int paramgroupm, prior_fmt *prior)
2381 {
2382   char input[LINESIZE];
2383   long count = 0;
2384   do {
2385     printf("Specify the MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, DELTA\nUse for DELTA about 1/10 of the MIN-MAX range\n[Current setting: {%f %f %f}\n===> ",
2386 	   prior->min, prior->max, prior->delta);
2387     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2388     if(input[0]=='\0')
2389       return;
2390 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
2391     count = sscanf(input, "%f%f%f", &prior->min, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2392 #else
2393     count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf%lf", &prior->min, &prior->max, &prior->delta);
2394 #endif
2395   } while (count != 3 && count > 0);
2396   prior->mean = (prior->max + prior->min) / 2.;
2397   //prior->delta = (prior->max - prior->min) / 10.;
2398 }
2400 /// \brief return "set" "-" depending on prior set
2401 /// returns a short string that shows whether this prior distribution is set
is_prior(int priortype,int priorset)2402 char * is_prior(int priortype, int priorset)
2403 {
2404   return priortype == priorset ? "Set" : "-";
2405 }
2407 /// \brief returns priortype sting
2408 /// returns a string that shows what prior distribution is set
is_proposaltype(boolean proposalset)2409 char * is_proposaltype(boolean proposalset)
2410 {
2411   switch(proposalset)
2412     {
2413     case TRUE: return  "Slice sampling" ;
2414     default: return "Metropolis sampling";
2415     }
2416 }
2419 /// \brief Menu to set all prior distributions
2420 /// menu to set proposal distribution, returns TRUE when standard course of action
2421 /// FALSE when a problem occured.
set_proposal_menu(int paramgroup,option_fmt * options)2422 boolean set_proposal_menu(int paramgroup, option_fmt *options)
2423 {
2424   char            input[LINESIZE];
2425   boolean proposal;
2427   switch(paramgroup)
2428     {
2429     case THETAPRIOR:
2430       printf("Proposal setting for all population sizes [Theta]:\n");
2431       proposal = options->slice_sampling[THETAPRIOR];
2432       break;
2433     case MIGPRIOR:
2434       printf("Proposal setting for all migration rates [%s]:\n",options->usem ? "M" : "Theta*M");
2435       proposal = options->slice_sampling[MIGPRIOR];
2436       break;
2437     case RATEPRIOR:
2438       printf("Proposal setting for mutation rate modifier [r]:\n");
2439       proposal = options->slice_sampling[RATEPRIOR];
2440       break;
2441     default:
2442       return FALSE;
2443     }
2444     input[0] = '\0';
2445     printf("Which proposal distribution? [current: %11s] (choices: Slice or Metropolis)\n===> ",
2446     	   is_proposaltype(proposal));
2447     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2448     switch (uppercase(input[0]))
2449       {
2450       case 'M':
2451 	options->slice_sampling[paramgroup] = FALSE;
2452 	break;
2453       case 'S':
2454       default:
2455 	options->slice_sampling[paramgroup] = TRUE;
2456 	break;
2457       }
2458     input[0]='\0';
2459     return TRUE;
2460   }
2463 /// \brief returns priortype sting
2464 /// returns a string that shows what prior distribution is set
is_priortype(int priorset)2465 char * is_priortype(int priorset)
2466 {
2467   switch(priorset)
2468     {
2469       //    case SLICE: return  "Uniform/Slice" ;
2470     case MULTPRIOR: return  "Multiplier" ;
2471     case EXPPRIOR: return "Exponential" ;
2472     case WEXPPRIOR: return "Exp window";
2473     case GAMMAPRIOR: return "Gamma";
2474     case UNIFORMPRIOR: return "Uniform";
2475     default: return "-";
2476     }
2477 }
2480 /// \brief Menu to set all prior distributions
2481 /// menu to set all prior distributions, returns TRUE when standard course of action
2482 /// FALSE when a problem occured.
set_prior_menu(int paramgroup,option_fmt * options)2483 boolean set_prior_menu(int paramgroup, option_fmt *options)
2484 {
2485   int tmp;
2486   char            input[LINESIZE];
2487   prior_fmt *prior;
2489   switch(paramgroup)
2490     {
2491     case THETAPRIOR:
2492       printf("Prior setting for all population sizes [Theta]:\n");
2493       prior = options->bayespriortheta;
2494       break;
2495     case MIGPRIOR:
2496       printf("Prior setting for all migration rates [%s]:\n",options->usem ? "M" : "Theta*M");
2497       prior = options->bayespriorm;
2498       break;
2499     case RATEPRIOR:
2500       printf("Prior setting for mutation rate modifier [r]:\n");
2501       prior = options->bayespriorrate;
2502       break;
2503     default:
2504       return FALSE;
2505     }
2506   do{
2507     input[0] = '\0';
2508     //    printf("\nSet the prior distribution and its parameters\n\n");
2509     //printf("  %i   Set Slice sampler?                             %11s\n", SLICE,
2510     //	   is_prior(SLICE,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2511     printf("  %i   Set Multiplication prior distribution?         %11s\n", MULTPRIOR,
2512 	   is_prior(MULTPRIOR,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2513     printf("  %i   Set Exponential prior distribution?            %11s\n", EXPPRIOR,
2514 	   is_prior(EXPPRIOR,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2515     printf("  %i   Set Exponential prior with window distribution?%11s\n", WEXPPRIOR,
2516 	   is_prior(WEXPPRIOR,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2517     printf("  %i   Set Gamma prior distribution?                  %11s\n", GAMMAPRIOR,
2518     	   is_prior(GAMMAPRIOR,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2519     printf("  %i   Set Uniform prior distribution?                %11s\n\n", UNIFORMPRIOR,
2520 	   is_prior(UNIFORMPRIOR,options->bayesprior[paramgroup]));
2521     printf("  (Type Y to go back to the main menu or the letter for an entry to change)\n===> ");
2522     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2523     if(uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
2524       return TRUE;
2525     input[1] = '\0';
2526     tmp = atoi(input);
2527     switch (tmp)
2528       {
2529       case UNIFORMPRIOR:
2530 	set_uni_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2531 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = UNIFORMPRIOR;
2532 	break;
2533       case EXPPRIOR:
2534 	set_exp_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2535 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = EXPPRIOR;
2536 	break;
2537       case WEXPPRIOR:
2538 	set_wexp_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2539 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = WEXPPRIOR;
2540 	break;
2541       case MULTPRIOR:
2542 	set_mult_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2543 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = MULTPRIOR;
2544 	break;
2545       case GAMMAPRIOR:
2546 	set_gamma_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2547 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = GAMMAPRIOR;
2548 	break;
2549       default:
2550 	set_uni_prior(paramgroup, prior);
2551 	options->bayesprior[paramgroup] = UNIFORMPRIOR;
2552 	break;
2553       }
2554   }    while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');
2555   input[0]='\0';
2556   return TRUE;
2557 }
set_autotuning(option_fmt * options)2559 void set_autotuning(option_fmt *options)
2560 {
2562   char input[LINESIZE];
2563   printf("Autotuning for Metropolis-Hastings sampling (YES or NO)\n");
2564   printf("===> ");
2565   fflush(stdout);
2566   FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2567   if (input[0] != '\0')
2568     {
2569       if(input[0]=='Y' || input[0]=='y')
2570 	options->has_autotune = TRUE;
2571       else
2572 	options->has_autotune=FALSE;
2573     }
2574   if (options->has_autotune)
2575     {
2576       printf("Give a target acceptance ratio [suggested 0.44]\n");
2577       printf("===> ");
2578       fflush(stdout);
2579       FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2580       if (input[0] != '\0')
2581 	options->autotune = atof(input);
2582       else
2583 	{
2584 	  if (options->autotune>1.0 || options->autotune<0.01)
2585 	    options->autotune=AUTOTUNEDEFAULT;
2586 	}
2587     }
2588 }
2590 ///
2591 /// sets proposal distribution
2592 void
menuProposal(option_fmt * options)2593 menuProposal(option_fmt * options) {
2594   char            input[LINESIZE];
2595   do
2596     {
2597       input[0] = '\0';
2598       printf ("  Proposal distribution setting [You still need to set the PRIOR distribution!]:\n");
2599       printf("  1   Set proposal distribution for Theta?          %11s\n",
2600 	     is_proposaltype(options->slice_sampling[THETAPRIOR]));
2601       printf("  2   Set proposal distribution for migration?      %11s\n",
2602 	     is_proposaltype(options->slice_sampling[MIGPRIOR]));
2603       if(options->bayesmurates)
2604 	{
2605 	  printf("  3   Set mutation rate modifier prior distribution?%11s\n",
2606 	     is_proposaltype(options->slice_sampling[RATEPRIOR]));
2607 	  if(options->has_autotune)
2608 	      printf("  4   Autotuning of the acceptance ratio        %7s %.2f\n","YES",options->autotune);
2609 	  else
2610 	      printf("  4   Autotuning of the acceptance ratio        %11s\n","NO");
2611 	}
2612       else
2613 	{
2614 	  if(options->has_autotune)
2615 	      printf("  3   Autotuning of the acceptance ratio        %7s %.2f\n","YES",options->autotune);
2616 	  else
2617 	      printf("  3   Autotuning of the acceptance ratio        %11s\n","NO");
2618 	}
2619       printf("\n  (Type Y to go back to the main menu or the letter for a menu to change)\n===> ");
2620       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2621       switch (input[0])
2622 	{
2623 	case '1':
2624 	  set_proposal_menu(THETAPRIOR, options);
2625 	  break;
2626 	case '2':
2627 	  set_proposal_menu(MIGPRIOR, options);
2628 	  break;
2629 	case '3':
2630 	  if(options->bayesmurates)
2631 	    {
2632 	      set_proposal_menu(RATEPRIOR, options);
2633 	    }
2634 	  else
2635 	    {
2636 	      set_autotuning(options);
2637 	    }
2638 	  break;
2639 	case '4':
2640 	  set_autotuning(options);
2641 	  break;
2642 	default:
2643 	  break;
2644 	}
2645     } while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');;
2646 }
2647 ///
2648 /// sets prior distribution parameters
2649 void
menuPrior(option_fmt * options)2650 menuPrior(option_fmt * options) {
2651   char            input[LINESIZE];
2652   do
2653     {
2654       input[0] = '\0';
2655       printf ("  Prior distribution setting:\n");
2656       printf("  1   Set Theta prior distribution?                 %11s\n",
2657 	     is_priortype(options->bayesprior[THETAPRIOR]));
2658       printf("  2   Set Migration prior distribution?             %11s\n",
2659 	     is_priortype(options->bayesprior[MIGPRIOR]));
2660       if(options->bayesmurates)
2661 	{
2662 	  printf("  3   Set mutation rate modifier prior distribution?%11s\n",
2663 	     is_priortype(options->bayesprior[RATEPRIOR]));
2664 	}
2665       printf("\n  (Type Y to go back to the main menu or the letter for a menu to change)\n===> ");
2666       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2667       switch (input[0])
2668 	{
2669 	case '1':
2670 	  set_prior_menu(THETAPRIOR, options);
2671 	  break;
2672 	case '2':
2673 	  set_prior_menu(MIGPRIOR, options);
2674 	  break;
2675 	case '3':
2676 	  if(options->bayesmurates)
2677 	    {
2678 	      set_prior_menu(RATEPRIOR, options);
2679 	    }
2680 	  break;
2681 	default:
2682 	  break;
2683 	}
2684     } while (uppercase(input[0]) != 'Y');;
2685 }
2687 ///
2688 ///reads bayes menu choices and sets options accordingly
menuStrategy_bayes(option_fmt * options)2689 boolean menuStrategy_bayes(option_fmt * options) {
2690   char            input[LINESIZE];
2691   char           *priorstring;
2692   long            count = 0;
2693 #ifdef ZNZ
2694     char           *extension=NULL;
2695 #endif
2696   //read user input
2697   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2698   //if user types yes or YES or YES exit and tell menuStrategy that we are done
2699     if (strchr("Yy", input[0]))
2700       return TRUE;
2702   priorstring = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE, sizeof(char));
2703   //make changes to options
2704   switch (atoi(input)) {
2705   case BAYESSTRATEGY:
2706     //strategy change
2708     if (strchr(input,'0'))
2709       {
2710 	options->bayes_infer = !options->bayes_infer;
2711 	if(options->bayes_infer)
2712 	  options->lchains=1;
2713       }
2714     input[0] = '\0';
2715     break;
2716   case BAYESOUT:
2717     printf(" Save posterior distribution (frequency histogram values)? [YES]\n===> ");
2718     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2719     if (uppercase(input[0]) != 'N')
2720       {
2721 	options->has_bayesfile = TRUE;
2722 	menu_get_filename("  What is the filename for the posterior distribution (frequency histogram)?",
2723 		     BAYESFILE, options->bayesfilename);
2724       }
2725     else
2726       {
2727 	options->has_bayesfile = FALSE;
2728       }
2729     break;
2730   case BAYESMDIMOUT:
2731     printf(" Save posterior distribution (all raw parameter values)? [NO]\n===> ");
2732     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2733     if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
2734       {
2735 	options->has_bayesmdimfile = TRUE;
2736 #ifdef ZNZ
2737 	menu_get_filename("What is the filename for the complete posterior distribution (raw parameter values)?\n[if the extension of the file is .gz then the will be compressed]",
2738 		     BAYESMDIMFILE, options->bayesmdimfilename);
2739 	unpad(options->bayesmdimfilename, " ");
2740 	extension = strrchr(options->bayesmdimfilename,'.');
2741 	if(extension!=NULL && !strncmp(extension,".gz",3))
2742 	  {
2743 	    options->use_compressed = 1;
2744 	  }
2745 	else
2746 	  {
2747 	    options->use_compressed = 0;
2748 	  }
2749 #else
2750 	menu_get_filename("What is the filename for the complete posterior distribution (raw parameter values)?",
2751 		     BAYESMDIMFILE, options->bayesmdimfilename);
2752 	options->use_compressed = 0;
2753 #endif
2754 	do
2755 	  {
2756 	    printf("Sampling interval for the raw parameter values\n");
2757 	    printf("[Small values can result in a HUGE file!!]\n");
2758 	    printf("[Default is the same as the sampling increment]\n");
2759 	    printf("[Examples: 1 --> saving all parameters every sampling increment]\n");
2760 	    printf("[          2 --> saving every second sampling increment]\n");
2761 	    printf("[        100 --> saving only very hundredth sample]\n");
2762 	    printf("[                if long-inc=50 and here we have here 100 then only]\n");
2763 	    printf("[                every 5,000th step is saved to file]\n");
2764 	    printf("[                with many loci and large run this is still a large file]\n");
2765 	    printf("Current setting: %li\n===> ",options->bayesmdiminterval);
2766 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2767 	    if(input[0] == '\0' && options->bayesmdiminterval > 0)
2768 	      break;
2769 	    else
2770 	      options->bayesmdiminterval = atol(input);
2771 	  }
2772 	while(options->bayesmdiminterval<1);
2773       }
2774     else
2775       {
2776 	options->has_bayesmdimfile = FALSE;
2777       }
2778     break;
2779   case BAYESBINNING:
2780     do {
2781       printf("Specify the number of bins for THETA and %s!\n", options->usem ? "M" : "Theta*M");
2782       printf("Current setting:  Bins      Interval width\n");
2783       printf("  Theta           %li        %f\n", options->bayespriortheta->bins,
2784 	     (options->bayespriortheta->max - options->bayespriortheta->min) / (float) options->bayespriortheta->bins);
2785       printf("%7.7s            %li        %f\n", options->usem ? "M" : "Theta*M", options->bayespriorm->bins,
2786 	     (options->bayespriorm->max - options->bayespriorm->min) / (float) options->bayespriorm->bins);
2787       if(options->bayesmurates)
2788 	printf("  Rate            %li        %f\n", options->bayespriorrate->bins,
2789 	       (options->bayespriorrate->max - options->bayespriorrate->min) / (float) options->bayespriorrate->bins);
2790       printf("\n==> ");
2791       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2792       if (input[0] == '\0')
2793 	break;
2794       if(options->bayesmurates)
2795 	count = sscanf(input, "%li%li%li", &options->bayespriortheta->bins, &options->bayespriorm->bins, &options->bayespriorrate->bins);
2796       else
2797 	count = sscanf(input, "%li%li", &options->bayespriortheta->bins, &options->bayespriorm->bins);
2798     } while (count != (options->bayesmurates ? 3 : 2) && count > 0);
2799     break;
2800   case BAYESPRETTY:
2801     printf("Specify the method for plotting the posterior distribution!\n");
2802     printf("Valid options are:\n");
2803     printf("ALL     use the range of the prior distribution\n");
2804     printf("P99     do not plot the values higher than the 99%% percentile for each parameter\n");
2805     printf("MAXP99  plot up to the maximum 99%% percentile of all parameters.\n");
2806     printf("TOTAL   plot up to the 100%% percentile of all parameters.\n");
2807     printf("Current setting: %s\n",
2808 	   (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_P99 ? "P99" :
2809 	   (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_MAX ? "ALL" :
2810 	   (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_P100 ? "TOTAL" : "MAXP99"))));
2811     printf("\n\n==> ");
2812     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2813     if (input[0] == '\0')
2814       break;
2815     switch(uppercase(input[0]))
2816       {
2817       case 'A':
2818 	options->bayespretty = PRETTY_MAX;
2819 	break;
2820       case 'P':
2821 	options->bayespretty = PRETTY_P99;
2822 	break;
2823       case 'T':
2824 	options->bayespretty = PRETTY_P100;
2825 	break;
2826       case 'M':
2827       default:
2828 	options->bayespretty = PRETTY_P99MAX;
2829 	break;
2830       }
2831     break;
2832   case BAYESFREQ:
2833     do {
2834       printf("What is the frequency of the tree updates vs the parameter updates?\n");
2835       printf("[A frequncy of 1.0 updates only trees, frequency of 0.0 updates only parameters]\n");
2836       printf("[Suggestion for small problems: 0.5, actual value: %f]\n===> ", options->updateratio);
2837       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2838       if (input[0] != '\0')
2839 	  options->updateratio = atof(input);
2840     } while (options->updateratio > 1);
2841     break;
2842   case BAYESPROPOSAL:
2843     menuProposal(options);
2844     break;
2845   case BAYESPRIOR:
2846     menuPrior(options);
2847     break;
2848   case BAYESLCHAINS:
2849     do {
2850       printf("  How many Long Chains?\n===> ");
2851       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2852       options->lchains = atoi(input);
2853       if (options->lchains < 0)
2854 	printf("  Must be non-negative\n");
2855     }
2856     while (options->lchains < 0);
2857     break;
2858 	   case BAYESSKIP:
2859 	   do {
2860 	     printf("  How many steps (tree changes, parameter changes) to skip?\n===> ");
2861 	     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2862 	     options->lincrement = atoi(input);
2863 	     if (options->lincrement <= 0)
2864 	       printf("  Must be positive\n");
2865 	   }
2866 	   while (options->lincrement <= 0);
2867 	   break;
2868 	   case BAYESSAMPLES:
2869 	   do {
2870 	     printf("  How many trees and parameter steps to record?\n===> ");
2871 	     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2872 	     options->lsteps = atoi(input);
2873 	     if (options->lsteps <= 0)
2874 	       printf("  Must be a positive integer\n");
2875 	   }
2876 	   while (options->lsteps <= 0);
2877 	   break;
2878 	   case BAYESBURNIN:
2879 	   do {
2880 	     printf("  How many steps to discard? (burn-in)\n)");
2881 	     //printf("  For standard fixed burn-in simply give a number, for example 50000\n");
2882 	     //printf("  With Metropolis-Hastings sampling (ignored with Slice-sampling)\n");
2883 	     //printf("  append a space and a character (a, e, or t) to invoke autostopping\n");
2884 	     //printf("  for example like this: 100000 a\n");
2885 	     //printf("  a  using variance ratios every 1000 steps to stop: abs(1-var(n)/var(n-1))<0.01\n");
2886 	     //printf("  e  using the effective samples size to stop: min(ess(param_i)>%li\n",(long) ESSMINIMUM);
2887 	     //printf("  t  using the average acceptance ratio: %f<avg(acceptance(param_i)<%f\n",(MYREAL) options->autotune-0.05, (MYREAL) options->autotune+0.05);
2888 	     printf("===> ");
2889 	     fflush(stdout);
2890 	     FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2891 	     // a autostop using variance ratios every 1000 steps
2892 	     // e autostop using effective sample size of run > ESSMINIMUM (of worst parameter)
2893 	     // t autostop using when target acceptance ratio is reached (of the average)
2894 	     if(strchr(input,'a'))
2895 	       {
2896 		 options->burnin_autostop = 'a';
2897 	       }
2898 	     else
2899 	       {
2900 		 if(strchr(input,'t'))
2901 		   {
2902 		     options->burnin_autostop = 't';
2903 		     if(!options->has_autotune)
2904 		       {
2905 			 options->has_autotune=TRUE;
2906 			 options->autotune=AUTOTUNEDEFAULT;
2907 		       }
2908 		   }
2909 		 else
2910 		   {
2911 		     if(strchr(input,'e'))
2912 		       {
2913 			 options->burnin_autostop = 'e';
2914 		       }
2915 		     else
2916 		       {
2917 			 options->burnin_autostop = ' ';
2918 		       }
2919 		   }
2920 	       }
2921 	     options->burn_in = atoi(input);
2922 	     if (options->burn_in <= 0)
2923 	       printf("  Must be a positive integer or zero (0)\n");
2924 	   }
2925 	   while (options->burn_in < 0);
2926 	   break;
2927 	   case BAYESREPLICATE:
2928 	   do {
2929 	     printf("  Summarize over multiple chains? [YES | NO] \n===> ");
2930 	     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2931 	     if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'Y')
2932 	       {
2933 		 options->replicate = TRUE;
2934 		 printf("  How many independent runs\n===> ");
2935 		 fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2936 		 options->replicatenum = ATOL(input);
2937 		 if (options->replicatenum < 1)
2938 		   printf("  Enter a number >= 1\n");
2939 	       }
2940 	     else
2941 	       {
2942 		 options->replicate = FALSE;
2943 		 options->replicatenum = 0;
2944 	       }
2945 	   }
2946 	   while (options->replicatenum < 0);
2947 	   break;
2948 	   case BAYESHEAT:
2949 	   printf
2950 	   ("  Heating scheme? < NO | YES | STATIC | BOUNDED_ADAPTIVE >\n===> ");
2951 	   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2952 	   switch (tolower(input[0])) {
2953 	   case 'b':
2954 	     options->heating = 1;
2955 	     options->adaptiveheat = BOUNDED;
2956 	     options->heating_interval = 1;
2957 	     menuHeat(options, input);
2958 	     break;
2959 	   case 'y':
2960 	   case 's':
2961 	     options->heating = 1;
2962 	     options->adaptiveheat = NOTADAPTIVE;
2963 	     options->heating_interval = 1;
2964 	     menuHeat(options, input);
2965 	     break;
2966 	   case '\0':
2967 	   case 'n':
2968 	   default:
2969 	     options->heating = 0;
2970 	     options->adaptiveheat = NOTADAPTIVE;
2971 	     options->heated_chains = 1;
2972 	     break;
2973 	   }
2974 	   break;
2976     options->movingsteps = !options->movingsteps;
2977     if (options->movingsteps) {
2978       do {
2979 	printf
2980 	  ("  How big should the fraction of new genealogies\n");
2981 	printf
2982 	  ("  of the originally proposed number of samples be?\n[Use this option only when acceptance ratio is small (<0.01)\nRuntime can increase tremendeously]\n===> ");
2983 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2984 	options->acceptfreq = atof(input);
2985 	if (options->acceptfreq < 0 || options->acceptfreq > 1)
2986 	  printf("  Range should be between 0 - 1, and not %f\n",
2987 		 options->acceptfreq);
2988       }
2989       while (options->acceptfreq < 0 || options->acceptfreq > 1);
2990     }
2991     break;
2992   case BAYESGELMAN:
2993     printf("  Convergence statistic options: Pairs , Sum, NO\n");
2994     printf("  [Currently set to %15s]\n===> ",
2995 	   options->gelman ? (options->gelmanpairs ? "YES:Pairs" : "YES:Summary" ) : " NO");
2996     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
2997     if (input[0] == '\0')
2998       break;
2999     switch(uppercase(input[0]))
3000       {
3001       case 'N':
3002 	options->gelman = FALSE;
3003 	options->gelmanpairs = FALSE;
3004 	break;
3005       case 'P':
3006 	options->gelman = TRUE;
3007 	options->gelmanpairs = TRUE;
3008 	break;
3009       default:
3010 	options->gelman = TRUE;
3011 	options->gelmanpairs = FALSE;
3012 	break;
3013       }
3014     break;
3016     printf
3017       ("  Show only the prior distributions? < NO | YES >\nwith YES no data is analyzed!!!\n===> ");
3018     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3019     switch (tolower(input[0])) {
3020     case 'y':
3021       options->prioralone = TRUE;
3022       break;
3023     case 'n':
3024     default:
3025       options->prioralone = FALSE;
3026     }
3027     break;
3028   default:
3029     break;
3030   }
3031   myfree(priorstring);
3032   return FALSE;
3033 }
menuStrategy_ml(option_fmt * options)3036 boolean         menuStrategy_ml(option_fmt * options)
3037 {
3038   char            input[LINESIZE];
3039   //read user input
3040   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3041   //if user types yes or Yes or YES exit and tell menuStrategy that we are done
3042   if              (strchr("Yy", input[0]))
3043     return TRUE;
3045   //make changes to options
3046   switch          (atoi(input)) {
3047   case MLSTRATEGY://strategy change
3048     if (strchr(input,'0'))
3049       options->bayes_infer = !options->bayes_infer;
3050     input[0] = '\0';
3051     break;
3052   case MLSHORTCHAINS:
3053     do {
3054       printf("  How many Short Chains?\n===> ");
3055       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3056       options->schains = atoi(input);
3057       if (options->schains < 0)
3058 	printf("  Must be non-negative\n");
3059     }
3060     while           (options->schains < 0);
3061     break;
3062   case MLSHORTSKIP:
3063     do {
3064       printf("  How many trees to skip?\n===> ");
3065       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3066       options->sincrement = atoi(input);
3067       if (options->sincrement <= 0)
3068 	printf("  Must be positive\n");
3069     }
3070     while (options->sincrement <= 0);
3071     break;
3073     do {
3074       printf("  How many trees to record?\n===> ");
3075       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3076       options->ssteps = atoi(input);
3077       if (options->ssteps <= 0)
3078 	printf("  Must be a positive integer\n");
3079     }
3080     while (options->ssteps <= 0);
3081     break;
3082   case MLLONGCHAINS:
3083     do {
3084       printf("  How many Long Chains?\n===> ");
3085       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3086       options->lchains = atoi(input);
3087       if (options->lchains < 0)
3088 	printf("  Must be non-negative\n");
3089     }
3090     while (options->lchains < 0);
3091     break;
3092   case MLLONGSKIP:
3093     do {
3094       printf("  How many trees to skip?\n===> ");
3095       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3096       options->lincrement = atoi(input);
3097       if (options->lincrement <= 0)
3098 	printf("  Must be positive\n");
3099     }
3100     while (options->lincrement <= 0);
3101     break;
3102   case MLLONGSAMPLES:
3103     do {
3104       printf("  How many trees to record?\n===> ");
3105       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3106       options->lsteps = atoi(input);
3107       if (options->lsteps <= 0)
3108 	printf("  Must be a positive integer\n");
3109     }
3110     while (options->lsteps <= 0);
3111     break;
3112   case MLBURNIN:
3113     do {
3114       printf("  How many genealogies to discard?\n===> ");
3115       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3116       options->burn_in = atoi(input);
3117       if (options->burn_in <= 0)
3118 	printf("  Must be a positive integer or zero (0)\n");
3119     }
3120     while (options->burn_in < 0);
3121     break;
3122   case MLREPLICATE:
3123     options->replicate = !options->replicate;
3124     if (options->replicate) {
3125       do {
3126 	printf("  Summarize over (L)ong chains?\n");
3127 	printf("  or (M)ultiple runs ?\n");
3128 	printf("  [Default is (L)]\n===> ");
3129 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3130 	if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'M') {
3131 	  printf("  How many independent runs\n===> ");
3132 	  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3133 	  options->replicatenum = ATOL(input);
3134 	  if (options->lcepsilon < 0)
3135 	    printf("  Enter a number >= 1\n");
3136 	} else
3137 	  options->replicatenum = 0;
3138       }
3139       while (options->replicatenum < 0);
3140     } else {
3141       options->replicatenum = 0;
3142     }
3143     break;
3144   case MLHEAT:
3145     printf
3146       ("  Heating scheme? < NO | YES | ADAPTIVE | BOUNDED_ADAPTIVE>\n===> ");
3147     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3148     switch (tolower(input[0])) {
3149     case 'a':
3150       options->heating = 1;
3151       options->adaptiveheat = STANDARD;
3152       options->heating_interval = 1;
3153       menuHeat(options, input);
3154       break;
3155     case 'b':
3156       options->heating = 1;
3157       options->adaptiveheat = BOUNDED;
3158       options->heating_interval = 1;
3159       menuHeat(options, input);
3160       break;
3161     case 'y':
3162       options->heating = 1;
3163       options->adaptiveheat = NOTADAPTIVE;
3164       options->heating_interval = 1;
3165       menuHeat(options, input);
3166       break;
3167     case '\0':
3168     case 'n':
3169     default:
3170       options->heating = 0;
3171       options->adaptiveheat = NOTADAPTIVE;
3172       break;
3173     }
3174     break;
3175   case MLMOVINGSTEPS:
3176     options->movingsteps = !options->movingsteps;
3177     if (options->movingsteps) {
3178       do {
3179 	printf
3180 	  ("  How big should the fraction of new genealogies\n");
3181 	printf
3182 	  ("  of the originally proposed number of samples be?\n===> ");
3183 	fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3184 	options->acceptfreq = atof(input);
3185 	if (options->acceptfreq < 0 || options->acceptfreq > 1)
3186 	  printf("  Range should be between 0 - 1, and not %f\n",
3187 		 options->acceptfreq);
3188       }
3189       while (options->acceptfreq < 0 || options->acceptfreq > 1);
3190     }
3191     break;
3192   case MLEPSILON:
3193     do {
3194       printf("  Parameter likelihood epsilon?\n[INF is Default]\n===> ");
3195       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3196       if (uppercase(input[0]) == 'I')
3197 	options->lcepsilon = LONGCHAINEPSILON;
3198       else
3199 	options->lcepsilon = atof(input);
3200       if (options->lcepsilon <= 0)
3201 	printf
3202 	  ("  Must be a positive value, be warned: too small values will run the program forever\n");
3203     }
3204     while (options->lcepsilon <= 0);
3205     break;
3206   case MLGELMAN:
3207       printf("  Convergence statistic options: Pairs , Sum, NO\n");
3208       printf("  [Currently set to %10s]\n===> ",
3209 	 options->gelman ? (options->gelmanpairs ? "YES:Pairs" : "YES:Summary" ) : " NO");
3210       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3211       if (input[0] == '\0')
3212 	break;
3213       switch(uppercase(input[0]))
3214 	{
3215 	case 'N':
3216 	  options->gelman = FALSE;
3217 	  options->gelmanpairs = FALSE;
3218 	  break;
3219 	case 'P':
3220 	  options->gelman = TRUE;
3221 	  options->gelmanpairs = TRUE;
3222 	  break;
3223 	default:
3224 	  options->gelman = TRUE;
3225 	  options->gelmanpairs = FALSE;
3226 	  break;
3227 	}
3228       break;
3229   }
3230   return FALSE;
3231 }
menuHeat(option_fmt * options,char * input)3233 void            menuHeat(option_fmt * options, char *input)
3234 {
3235   if (options->heating > 0) {
3236     printf("Enter the number of different \"heated\" chains.\nMinimum is 4\n===> ");
3237     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3238     options->heated_chains = atol(input);
3239     if (options->heated_chains < 4)
3240       options->heated_chains = HEATED_CHAIN_NUM;
3241     printf("Enter the interval between swapping trees\nEnter 0 (zero) for NO swapping\n[Current interval is %li]\n===> ",
3242 	    options->heating_interval);
3243     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3244     //    if (input[0] == '\0')
3245     //  return;
3246     if (atol(input) > 0) {
3247       options->heating_interval = atol(input);
3248       options->heating = 1;
3249     } else {
3250       options->heating = 1;
3251       options->heating_interval = 0;
3252       options->heatedswap_off=TRUE;
3253     }
3254     read_heatvalues(options);
3255   }
3256 }
3258 void
display_ml_mcmc(option_fmt * options)3259 display_ml_mcmc(option_fmt * options) {
3260   char            temp[LINESIZE];
3262   printf("  0   Strategy: %42.42s\n", options->bayes_infer ?
3263 	 "Bayesian Inference" :
3264 	 "Maximum Likelihood");
3265   printf("  1   Number of short chains to run?                %6ld\n",
3266 	 options->schains);
3267   if              (options->schains > 0) {
3268     printf
3269       ("  2   Short sampling increment?                     %6ld\n",
3270        options->sincrement);
3271     printf
3272       ("  3   Number of recorded genealogies in short chain?%6ld\n",
3273        options->ssteps);
3274   }
3275   printf("  4   Number of long chains to run?                 %6ld\n",
3276 	 options->lchains);
3277   if (options->lchains > 0) {
3278     printf
3279       ("  5   Long sampling increment?                      %6ld\n",
3280        options->lincrement);
3281     printf
3282       ("  6   Number of recorded genealogies in long chain? %6ld\n",
3283        options->lsteps);
3284   }
3285   switch (options->burnin_autostop)
3286     {
3287     case 'a':
3288       sprintf(temp,"(stopping crit: variance) %10li", options->burn_in);
3289       break;
3290     case 'e':
3291       sprintf(temp,"(stopping crit: ESS)      %10li", options->burn_in);
3292       break;
3293     case ' ':
3294     default:
3295       sprintf(temp,"                          %10li", options->burn_in);
3296     }
3297   printf("  7   Burn-in for each chain:%30.30s\n",temp);
3298   if (!options->replicate)
3299     printf
3300       ("  8   Combine chains or runs for estimates?             NO\n");
3301   else {
3302     if (options->replicatenum == 0)
3303       printf
3304 	("  8   Combine chains for estimates?       YES, long chains\n");
3305     else
3306       printf
3307 	("  8   Combine chains for estimates?     YES, over %3li runs\n",
3308 	 options->replicatenum);
3309   }
3310   if (options->heating == 0)
3311     printf
3312       ("  9   Heating:                                          NO\n");
3313   else {
3314     if (options->adaptiveheat!=NOTADAPTIVE)
3315       sprintf(temp, "Adaptive (%s %3li chains, swap interval is %3li)\n",
3316 	      options->adaptiveheat == STANDARD ? "Standard" : "Bounded",
3317 	      options->heated_chains, options->heating_interval);
3318     else
3319       sprintf(temp, "     YES (%3li chains, swap interval is %3li)\n",
3320 	      options->heated_chains, options->heating_interval);
3321     printf("  9   Heating: %s", temp);
3322   }
3323   printf
3324     ("\n -------------------------------------------------------------\n");
3325   printf(" Obscure options (consult the documentation on these)\n\n");
3326   if (options->movingsteps)
3327     printf
3328       (" 10   Sample a fraction of %2.2f new genealogies?       YES\n",
3329        options->acceptfreq);
3330   else
3331     printf
3332       (" 10   Sample at least a fraction of new genealogies?    NO\n");
3333   if (options->lcepsilon < LONGCHAINEPSILON)
3334     sprintf(temp, "%17.2f", options->lcepsilon);
3335   else
3336     sprintf(temp, "%17.17s", "infinity");
3337   printf(" 11   Epsilon of parameter likelihood    %s\n", temp);
3338   printf(" 12   Use Gelman's convergence criterium?    %13s\n",
3339 	 options->gelman ? (options->gelmanpairs ? "YES:Pairs" : "YES:Summary" ) : " NO");
3340 }
3342 void
display_bayes_mcmc(option_fmt * options)3343 display_bayes_mcmc(option_fmt * options) {
3344   char           *outputstring;
3345   outputstring = (char *) mycalloc(LINESIZE, sizeof(char));
3347   printf("  %2i   Strategy:%54.54s\n", BAYESSTRATEGY, options->bayes_infer ?
3348 	 "Bayesian Inference" :
3349 	 "Maximum Likelihood");
3350   if(options->has_bayesfile)
3351     sprintf(outputstring,"%s%s",  "YES:", options->bayesfilename);
3352   else
3353     sprintf(outputstring,"NO");
3354   printf(  "  %2i   File for recording posterior distribution?%21s\n", BAYESOUT, outputstring);
3355   if(options->has_bayesmdimfile)
3356     sprintf(outputstring,"%s%s",  "YES:", options->bayesmdimfilename);
3357   else
3358     sprintf(outputstring,"NO");
3359   printf(  "  %2i   File for recording all parameter values?  %21s\n", BAYESMDIMOUT, outputstring);
3360   if(options->has_bayesmdimfile)
3361     {
3362       sprintf(outputstring,"[save every %li x sample-increment = %li]", options->bayesmdiminterval,
3363 	      options->bayesmdiminterval*options->lincrement);
3364       printf(  "            %58.58s\n", outputstring);
3365     }
3366   sprintf(outputstring, "%li, %li", options->bayespriortheta->bins, options->bayespriorm->bins);
3367   printf("  %2i   Number of bins of posterior [Theta,M]?%25s\n", BAYESBINNING, outputstring);
3368   printf("  %2i   Plotting type of posterior distribution?%23s\n", BAYESPRETTY,
3369 	 (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_P99 ? "up to 99% percentile" :
3370 	 (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_MAX ? "prior distr. range" :
3371 	 (options->bayespretty == PRETTY_P100 ? "up to ~100% percentile" : "up to maximal 99%"))));
3372   printf("  %2i   Frequency of tree updates vs. parameter updates?         %6.2f\n",
3373 	 BAYESFREQ, options->updateratio);
3374   set_proposal(outputstring, options->slice_sampling, !options->bayesmurates);
3375   printf("  %2i   Proposal distribution?%41.41s\n",
3376 	 BAYESPROPOSAL, outputstring);
3377   set_prior(outputstring, options->bayesprior, !options->bayesmurates);
3378   printf("  %2i   Prior distribution?%44.44s\n",
3379 	 BAYESPRIOR, outputstring);
3380   printf("  %2i   Number of long chains to run?                            %6ld\n",
3381 	 BAYESLCHAINS, options->lchains);
3382   printf("  %2i   Sampling increment?                                      %6ld\n",
3383 	 BAYESSKIP, options->lincrement);
3384   printf("  %2i   Number of recorded steps in chain                  %12ld\n",
3385 	 BAYESSAMPLES, options->lsteps);
3386   switch (options->burnin_autostop)
3387     {
3388     case 'a':
3389       sprintf(outputstring,"(stopping crit: variance) %10li", options->burn_in);
3390       break;
3391     case 'e':
3392       sprintf(outputstring,"(stopping crit: ESS)      %10li", options->burn_in);
3393       break;
3394     case ' ':
3395     default:
3396       sprintf(outputstring,"                          %10li", options->burn_in);
3397     }
3398   printf("  %2i   Burn-in for each chain:%38.38s\n",
3399 	 BAYESBURNIN,outputstring);
3401   if(!options->replicate)
3402     sprintf(outputstring,"NO");
3403   else
3404     sprintf(outputstring,"YES (%li independent chains)",options->replicatenum);
3405   printf("  %2i   Running multiple replicates:  %33.33s\n", BAYESREPLICATE, outputstring);
3407   if(options->heating == 0)
3408     printf("  %2i   Heating:            %43.43s\n", BAYESHEAT, "NO");
3409   else
3410     printf("  %2i   Heating:                       %10s (%3li parallel chains)\n",
3411 	   BAYESHEAT, (options->adaptiveheat==STANDARD ? "ADAPTIVE" : (options->adaptiveheat==BOUNDED ? "BOUNDED" : "STATIC")) , options->heated_chains);
3412   sprintf(outputstring,"%f",options->acceptfreq);
3413   printf("  %2i   Sampling at least fraction of new genealogies:       %10.10s\n", BAYESMOVINGSTEPS, outputstring);
3414   sprintf(outputstring,"%s",options->gelman ? (options->gelmanpairs ? "YES:Pairs" : "YES:Summary") : "NO");
3415   printf("  %2i   Convergence diagnostic for replicates:            %13.13s\n", BAYESGELMAN, outputstring);
3417   printf("  %2i   Run analysis without data:                        %13.13s\n", BAYESPRIORALONE, options->prioralone ? "YES" : "NO");
3419   myfree(outputstring);
3420 }
3422 void
display_lratio_menutext(void)3423 display_lratio_menutext(void) {
3424   printf("  H0: the ML-estimates and your values are the same\n");
3425   printf("  H1: the ML-estimates and your values are different\n");
3426   printf("  You need to specify values for ALL parameters\n");
3427   printf("  Beware! If you restrict the migration model then some test\n");
3428   printf("  will not work. This test assumes that your hypothesis\n");
3429   printf("  is nested in the hypothesis you test against.\n");
3430   printf("  Currently you cannot specify \"<\" or \">\" comparisons AND\n");
3431   printf("  averages of migration rates are calculated and not\n");
3432   printf("  averages  for number of migrants\n\n");
3433 }
3435 void
display_lrt_syntax(void)3436 display_lrt_syntax(void) {
3437   printf("  Specify values  as an {n x n} matrix\n");
3438   printf("  Theta values are on the diagonal, migration rates are\n");
3439   printf("  off-diagonal, newlines are allowed, and\n");
3440   printf("  values must be separated by space or commas or tabs.\n");
3441   printf("\n  Syntax:\n");
3442   printf("      * = sames as the MLE, and not estimated again\n");
3443   printf("      s = averages of MIGRATION RATES from i->j and j->i\n");
3444   printf("      m = averages of THETAS or MIGRATION RATES [!!!]\n");
3445   printf("      value = specify your own value\n\n");
3446   printf("  [If you want to leave this editor, type \"quit\" or \"end\" and <return>\n");
3447   //To review the Syntax type \ "syntax\"\n");
3448 }
3450 char
ask_lratio_type(lr_data_fmt * data,long counter)3451 ask_lratio_type(lr_data_fmt * data, long counter) {
3452   char            answer = '\0';
3453   char            input[LINESIZE];
3454   printf("  Is the test against the Maximum likelihood estimates or\n");
3455   printf("   or against arbitrary values? [(M)LE, (A)rbitrary]\n===> ");
3456   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, 1024, stdin);
3457   switch          (uppercase(input[0])) {
3458   case 'M':
3459     data[counter].type = MLE;
3460     answer = 'M';
3461     break;
3462   case 'A':
3463     answer = 'A';
3464     data[counter].type = ARBITRARY;
3465     break;
3466   case 'Q':
3467   case 'E':
3468     answer = 'Q';
3469     break;
3470   case 'S':
3471     answer = 'S';
3472     break;
3473   default:
3474     data[counter].type = MLE;
3475     break;
3476   }
3477   return answer;
3478 }
3480 void
read_custom_menu_lratio(option_fmt * options)3481 read_custom_menu_lratio(option_fmt * options) {
3482   //static long   numpop = 0, numpop2 = 0;
3483   //char input[LINESIZE];
3484   //long i, z = 0, pointer;
3485   //char *temp;
3486   //char *valpointer;
3487   char            answer = '\0';
3488   //boolean done = FALSE;
3489   lratio_fmt     *lratio = options->lratio;
3490   display_lratio_menutext();
3491   display_lrt_syntax();
3492   while           (answer != 'Q') {
3493     //answer = ask_lratio_type(lratio->data, lratio->counter);
3494     answer = 'M';
3495     lratio->data[lratio->counter].type = MLE;
3496     switch (answer) {
3497     case 'S':
3498       display_lrt_syntax();
3499       break;
3500     case 'E':
3501     case 'Q':
3502       break;
3503     case 'A':
3504     case 'M':
3505       how_many_pop(&options->numthetag);
3506       answer = dialog_lrt(options->numthetag, lratio);
3507       break;
3508     }
3509   }
3510 }
3512 void
how_many_pop(long * numpop)3513 how_many_pop(long *numpop) {
3514   char            input[LINESIZE];
3515   if              (*numpop == 0) {
3516     do {
3517       printf("  How many populations?\n===> ");
3518       fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, 1024, stdin);
3519       *numpop = atoi(input);
3520     }
3521     while           (*numpop <= 0 && *numpop < 100);
3522   } else
3523     printf("  The data set contains %li populations\n", *numpop);
3524 }
3526 void
check_lrt_allocation(lratio_fmt * lratio)3527 check_lrt_allocation(lratio_fmt * lratio) {
3528   long            i;
3529   if              (lratio->counter + 1 == lratio->alloccounter) {
3530     lratio->alloccounter += 2;
3531     lratio->data =
3532       (lr_data_fmt *) myrealloc(lratio->data, sizeof(lr_data_fmt) *
3533 				lratio->alloccounter);
3534     for (i = lratio->counter + 1; i < lratio->alloccounter; i++) {
3535       lratio->data[i].elem = 0;
3536       lratio->data[i].value1 =
3537 	(char *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(char) * LONGLINESIZE);
3538       lratio->data[i].value2 =
3539 	(char *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(char) * LONGLINESIZE);
3540       lratio->data[i].connect =
3541 	(char *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(char) * LONGLINESIZE);
3543     }
3544   }
3545 }
3547 char
menuread_lrt_paramvalue(char * value,long * counter,long numpop2)3548 menuread_lrt_paramvalue(char *value, long *counter, long numpop2) {
3549   char           *valptr = value;
3550   long            pointer = 0;
3551   long            z = 0;
3552   char           *temp;
3553   char            input[LONGLINESIZE];
3554   while           (z < numpop2) {
3555     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LONGLINESIZE, stdin);
3556     temp = strtok(input, ", \n\t");
3557     if (temp != NULL) {
3558       if (strchr("EQ", uppercase(temp[0]))) {
3559 	//(*counter)--;
3560 	return 'Q';
3561       }
3562     }
3563     while           (temp != NULL) {
3564       sprintf(valptr + pointer, " %s,", temp);
3565       z++;
3566       pointer += (long) strlen(temp) + 2;
3567       temp = strtok(NULL, ", \n\t");
3568     }
3569   }
3570   return ' ';
3571 }
3573 char
dialog_lrt(long numpop,lratio_fmt * lratio)3574 dialog_lrt(long numpop, lratio_fmt * lratio) {
3575   //char          input[LINESIZE];
3576   //long z = 0;
3577   char            answer = ' ';
3578   //char *valptr1, *valptr2;
3579   long            numpop2 = numpop * numpop;
3580   check_lrt_allocation(lratio);
3581   printf("  %li. Likelihood ratio test\n", lratio->counter);
3582   printf("       Enter now the %li values for the FIRST parameter set:\n",
3583 	 numpop2);
3584   lratio->data[lratio->counter].type = MLE;
3585   answer = menuread_lrt_paramvalue(lratio->data[lratio->counter].value1,
3586 				   &lratio->counter, numpop2);
3587   if              (answer == 'Q')
3588     return answer;
3589   if              (lratio->data[lratio->counter].type == MLE) {
3590     lratio->counter++;
3591     return answer;
3592   }
3593   printf("       Enter now the values for the SECOND parameter set:\n");
3594   answer = menuread_lrt_paramvalue(lratio->data[lratio->counter].value1,
3595 				   &lratio->counter, numpop2);
3596   if (answer == 'Q')
3597     return answer;
3598   lratio->counter++;
3599   return answer;
3600 }
3602 void
read_custom_menu_migration(option_fmt * options)3603 read_custom_menu_migration(option_fmt * options) {
3604   char            input[LINESIZE];
3605   long            z = 0, numpop = 0, numpop2;
3606   printf("  Specify the migration model as an {n x n} matrix\n");
3607   printf("  Theta values are on the diagonal, migration rates are\n");
3608   printf("  off-diagonal, spaces (\" \"), \"{\", \"}\", or newlines\n");
3609   printf("  are allowed, but not necessary.\n");
3610   printf("\n  Syntax:\n");
3611   printf("      * = independent parameter\n");
3612   printf("      0 = (zero) not estimated]\n");
3613   printf("      c = (constant) not estimated, taken from start-parameter]\n");
3614   printf("      s = symmetric migration rates (M=m/mu)\n");
3615   printf("      S = symmetric migration rates (xNm) \n");
3616   printf("      m = average of each label group [not k, or s]\n");
3617   //  printf("      a,b,c,... = average of each label group [not k, or s]\n");
3618   //  printf("      1,2,3,... = if both migration rates are labeled then combine populations\n");
3619   //printf("      M = average, either ALL thetas and/or ALL migration rates\n");
3621   if (options->numthetag > 0)
3622     numpop = options->numthetag;
3623   else {
3624     if (options->nummg > 0)
3625       numpop =
3626 	(long) ((1. + sqrt(1. + (MYREAL) options->nummg * 4.)) / 2.);
3627     else {
3628       how_many_pop(&options->numthetag);
3629       numpop = options->numthetag;
3630     }
3631   }
3632   numpop2 = numpop * numpop;
3633   printf("\n  You must give %li values\n===> ", numpop2);
3634   while (z < numpop2) {
3635     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, 1024L, stdin);
3636     read_custom_migration(stdin, options, input, numpop);
3637     z = (long) strlen(options->custm);
3638   }
3639 }
3641 char           *
custom_migration_type(long type)3642 custom_migration_type(long type) {
3643   switch (type) {
3644   case MATRIX:
3645     return "Full migration matrix model";
3646     break;
3648     return "Symmetric migration matrix model";
3649     break;
3651     return "Full migration matrix model (same Theta)";
3652     break;
3654     return "User specified migration matrix model";
3655     break;
3656   case ISLAND:
3657     return "N-population island model";
3658     break;
3659   case ISLAND_VARTHETA:
3660     return "N-population island model (variable Theta)";
3661     break;
3662   case STEPSTONE:
3663     return "Stepping stone model";
3664     break;
3665   case CONTINUUM:
3666     return "Continuum model";
3667     break;
3668   case NEIGHBOR:
3669     return "Isolation by distance model";
3670     break;
3671   default:
3672     return "Illegal migration model";
3673     break;
3674   }
3675 }
3678 void
read_heatvalues(option_fmt * options)3679 read_heatvalues(option_fmt * options) {
3680   long            i, z;
3681   char           *tmp;
3682   char            input[LINESIZE];
3683   MYREAL          diff = 0.;
3684   MYREAL          x;
3685   FPRINTF(stdout, " ");
3686   printf("Enter %li \"temperatures\"\n", options->heated_chains);
3687   printf("[The coldest temperature, which is the first, has to be 1\n");
3688   printf(" For example: 1.0 1.5 3.0 1000000.0]\n");
3690   FPRINTF(stdout,
3691 	  "OR give a range of values  [linear increase:      1 - 10]\n");
3692   FPRINTF(stdout,
3693 	  "                           [exponential increase: 1 @ 10]\n");
3694   FPRINTF(stdout,
3695 	  "or, most lazily, let me suggest a range [simply type a #]\n");
3696   FPRINTF(stdout,"@@@@@ For model comparison, the range of temperatures @@@@@\n");
3697   FPRINTF(stdout,"@@@@@ MUST include a very hot chain (>100000.0)       @@@@@\n");
3698   printf("===> ");
3699   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3700   if (strstr(input, "-"))
3701     {
3702       tmp = strstr(input, "-");
3703       options->heat[options->heated_chains - 1] = fabs(atof(tmp + 1));
3704       options->heat[0] = 1.0;
3705       diff = options->heat[options->heated_chains - 1] - options->heat[0];
3706       diff /= options->heated_chains - 1.;
3707       for (i = 1; i < options->heated_chains; i++)
3708 	options->heat[i] = options->heat[i - 1] + diff;
3709     }
3710   else
3711     {
3712       if (strstr(input, "#"))
3713 	{
3714 	  diff = 1./(options->heated_chains - 1);
3715 	  x = 1 - diff;
3716 	  for (i = 1; i < options->heated_chains-1; i++)
3717 	    {
3718 	      options->heat[i] = 1./ x;
3719 	      x -= diff;
3720 	    }
3721 	  options->heat[i] = 1000000.;
3722 	}
3723       else
3724 	{
3725 	  if (strstr(input, "@"))
3726 	    {
3727 	      tmp = strstr(input, "@");
3728 	      options->heat[options->heated_chains - 1] = fabs(atof(tmp + 1));
3729 	      options->heat[0] = 1.0;
3730 	      diff = 2. * (options->heat[options->heated_chains - 1] -
3731 			   options->heat[0]);
3732 	      diff /= pow(2.0, (MYREAL) options->heated_chains) - 2.;
3733 	      for (i = 1; i < options->heated_chains; i++)
3734 		options->heat[i] =
3735 		  options->heat[i - 1] + pow(2.0, i - 1.) * diff;
3736 	    }
3737 	  else
3738 	    {
3739 	      z = 0;
3740 	      tmp = strtok(input, " ,");
3741 	      if (tmp != NULL)
3742 		{
3743 		  options->heat[z++] = atof(tmp);
3744 		}
3745 	      for (;;)
3746 		{
3747 		  tmp = strtok(NULL, " ,");
3748 		  if (tmp != NULL)
3749 		    {
3750 		      options->heat[z++] = atof(tmp);
3751 		    }
3752 		  else
3753 		    {
3754 		      if (z < options->heated_chains)
3755 			{
3756 			  printf("%li more values are needed\n===> ",
3757 				  options->heated_chains - z);
3758 			  fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3759 			  tmp = strtok(input, " ,");
3760 			  if (tmp != NULL)
3761 			    {
3762 			      options->heat[z++] = atof(tmp);
3763 			    }
3764 			}
3765 		      else
3766 			break;
3767 		    }
3768 		}
3769 	    }
3770 	}
3771     }
3772   printf("Chain         Temperature\n");
3773   printf("-------------------------\n");
3774   for (i = options->heated_chains - 1; i >= 0; --i)
3775     printf("%4li %20.5f\n", i+1, options->heat[i]);
3776   printf("\n\nIs this correct? [YES or NO]\n===> ");
3777   fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3778   if ('y' != tolower(input[0]))
3779     read_heatvalues(options);
3780 }
3782 void
menuRandom(MYREAL * param,char type)3783 menuRandom(MYREAL * param, char type) {
3784   //long            check;
3785   int retval;
3786   if(type == 'N')
3787     {
3788       printf
3789 	("Specify a MEAN and a STANDARD DEVIATION\nThis will be used to generate a random value from a Normal distribution\n");
3790     }
3791   else
3792     {
3793       printf
3794 	("Specify a MINIMUM and a MAXIMUM\nThis will be used to generate a random value from a Uniform distribution\n");
3795     }
3796 #ifdef USE_MYREAL_FLOAT
3797   retval = scanf("%f%f", &param[0], &param[1]);
3798 #else
3799  retval = scanf("%lf%lf", &param[0], &param[1]);
3800 #endif
3801 }
3803 void
start_tree_method(option_fmt * options)3804 start_tree_method(option_fmt * options) {
3805   char            input[LINESIZE];
3806   char            compstring[LINESIZE];
3807   printf("  Start genealogy is created with\n");
3808   printf("      (a)utomatic\n");
3809   if              (strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype)) {
3810     printf("      (u)sertree\n");
3811     printf("      (d)istancematrix\n");
3812   }
3813   printf("      (r)andom\n\n===> ");
3814   strcpy(compstring, (strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype) ?
3815 		      "daur" : "dar"));
3816   do {
3817     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3818   }
3819   while (strchr(compstring, (int) (lowercase(input[0]))) == NULL);
3820   switch (lowercase(input[0])) {
3821   case 'u':
3822     options->usertree = TRUE;
3823     options->dist = FALSE;
3824     break;
3825   case 'd':
3826     options->usertree = FALSE;
3827     options->dist = TRUE;
3828     options->randomtree = FALSE;
3829     break;
3830   case 'a':
3831     options->usertree = FALSE;
3832     options->dist = FALSE;
3833     options->randomtree = FALSE;
3834     break;
3835   case 'r':
3836     options->usertree = FALSE;
3837     options->dist = FALSE;
3838     options->randomtree = TRUE;
3839     break;
3840   }
3841 }
submodeltype(int type)3843 char * submodeltype(int type)
3844 {
3845   switch(type)
3846     {
3847     case MULTISTEP:
3848       return "Multistep method";
3849     case SINGLESTEP:
3850       return "Singlestep method";
3851     default:
3852       return "Singlestep method";
3853     }
3854 }
3856 /// \brief Menu for exponential proposal
3857 /// Menu for exponential proposal
menu_submodel(option_fmt * options)3858 void menu_submodel(option_fmt *options)
3859 {
3860   char input[LINESIZE];
3861   char text[LINESIZE];
3862   char val;
3863   double tune = 0. ;
3864   double pinc = 0.5;
3865   long count = 0;
3866   do {
3867     if(options->msat_option == MULTISTEP)
3868       {
3869 	sprintf(text,"MULTISTEP (tune=%f, p_increase=%f)",options->msat_tuning[0], options->msat_tuning[1]);
3870       }
3871     else
3872       {
3873 	sprintf(text,"SINGLESTEP");
3874       }
3875     printf("\nSingle step or Multi step model? [ENTER either S or M]\n");
3876     printf("Single Step model is the standard stepwise mutation model\n");
3877     printf("The multistep model is between the infinite model and and the\n");
3878     printf("singlestep model using two additional parameters:\n");
3879     printf("- chance of increasing repeat length\n");
3880     printf("- tuning between single step (tune=0) and infinite allele (tune=1)\n");
3881     printf("[Current value: %s]\n===> ",text);
3882     fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3883     if (input[0] == '\0')
3884       break;
3885     count = sscanf(input, "%c", &val);
3886     if(uppercase(val) == 'S')
3887       options->msat_option = SINGLESTEP;
3888     else
3889       {
3890 	options->msat_option = MULTISTEP;
3891 	do
3892 	  {
3893 	    printf("MULTISTEP model\nGive two numbers separated by a space:\nFor the tune (range 0 to 1) and\nfor the probability of repeat number increase (0 to 2/3)\n===> ");
3894 	    fflush(stdout); FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3895 	    count = sscanf(input, "%lf%lf", &tune, &pinc);
3896 	    options->msat_tuning[0] = (MYREAL) tune;
3897 	    options->msat_tuning[1] = (MYREAL) pinc;
3898 	  } while (count != 2 && count > 0);
3899 	count = 1;
3900       }
3901   } while (count != 1 && count > 0);
3902 }
3905 void
start_data_method(option_fmt * options)3906 start_data_method(option_fmt * options) {
3907   char            input[LINESIZE];
3908   do {
3909     printf("  (a)llele model\n");
3910     printf("  (m)icrosatellite model [SLOW! Ladder model: %s]\n", submodeltype(options->msat_option));
3911     printf("  (b)rownian microsatellite model [Brownian motion model]\n");
3912     printf("  (s)equence model\n");
3914     printf("  (n)ucleotide polymorphism (SNP)\n");
3915     printf("  (h)apmap data format of SNPs\n");
3916     printf("  (g)enealogy summaries\n\n===> ");
3917     fflush(stdout);
3918     FGETS(input, LINESIZE, stdin);
3919   }
3920   while           (strchr("ambnsgufh", (int) (lowercase(input[0]))) == NULL);
3921   options->datatype = input[0];
3923   if(options->datatype == 'm')
3924     {
3925       menu_submodel(options);
3926     }
3927   if (!strchr(SEQUENCETYPES, options->datatype))
3928     options->usertree = FALSE;
3929 }
get_prior(char * input)3931 long            get_prior(char *input) {
3932   switch (toupper(input[0])) {
3933     //case 'S':
3934     //return SLICE;
3935     //break;
3936   case 'M':
3937     return MULTPRIOR;
3938     break;
3939   case 'E':
3940     return EXPPRIOR;
3941     break;
3942   case 'W':
3943     return WEXPPRIOR;
3944     break;
3945   case 'U':
3946     return UNIFORMPRIOR;
3947   default:
3948     return UNIFORMPRIOR;
3949     break;
3950   }
3951 }
3953 ///
3954 /// prints type of proposal in the menu
set_proposal(char * output,boolean * proposal,boolean without_rate)3955 void set_proposal(char *output, boolean *proposal, boolean without_rate)
3956 {
3957   int i;
3958   int l=0;
3959   const char types[][LINESIZE]={"Theta","Mig","Rate"};
3961   for(i=THETAPRIOR; i <= RATEPRIOR; i++)
3962     {
3963       if(without_rate && i==RATEPRIOR)
3964 	continue;
3965       switch (proposal[i]) {
3966       case TRUE:
3967 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:Slice", types[i]);
3968 	break;
3969       case FALSE:
3970       default:
3971 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:MH", types[i]);
3972 	break;
3973 	//      default:
3974 	//l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:?", types[i]);
3975 	//break;
3976       }
3977     }
3978 }
3980 ///
3981 /// prints type of prior in the menu
set_prior(char * output,int * prior,boolean without_rate)3982 void            set_prior(char *output, int *prior, boolean without_rate)
3983 {
3984   int i;
3985   int l=0;
3986   const char types[][LINESIZE]={"Theta","Mig","Rate"};
3987   for(i=THETAPRIOR; i <= RATEPRIOR; i++)
3988     {
3989       if(without_rate && i==RATEPRIOR)
3990 	continue;
3992       switch (prior[i]) {
3993 	//case SLICE:
3994 	//l+=sprintf(output+l, " Slice");
3995 	//break;
3996       case MULTPRIOR:
3997 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:Mult.", types[i]);
3998 	break;
3999       case EXPPRIOR:
4000 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:Exp.", types[i]);
4001 	break;
4002       case WEXPPRIOR:
4003 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:WExp.", types[i]);
4004 	break;
4005       case GAMMAPRIOR:
4006 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:Gamma", types[i]);
4007 	break;
4008       case UNIFORMPRIOR:
4009       default:
4010 	l+=sprintf(output+l, " %s:Unif.", types[i]);
4011 	break;
4012       }
4013     }
4014 }
set_localities_string(char * loc,option_fmt * options)4016 void set_localities_string(char *loc, option_fmt *options)
4017 {
4018   long z;
4019   long i;
4020   if(options->newpops_numalloc>1)
4021     {
4022       z=0;
4023       for(i=0; i<options->newpops_numalloc; i++)
4024 	{
4025 	  z += sprintf(loc+z,"%li,",options->newpops[i]);
4026 	}
4027     }
4028   else
4029     {
4030       sprintf(loc,"default");
4031     }
4032 }