1 /**
2  * \file filetools.cpp
3  * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
4  * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
5  *
6  * parts Copyright 1985, 1990, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7  *
8  * \author Ivan Schreter
9  * \author Dirk Niggemann
10  * \author Asger Alstrup
11  * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
12  * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
13  * \author Angus Leeming
14  * \author John Levon
15  * \author Herbert Voß
16  *
17  * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
18  *
19  * General path-mangling functions
20  */
22 #include <config.h>
24 #include "LyX.h"
25 #include "LyXRC.h"
27 #include "support/filetools.h"
29 #include "support/convert.h"
30 #include "support/debug.h"
31 #include "support/environment.h"
32 #include "support/gettext.h"
33 #include "support/lstrings.h"
34 #include "support/os.h"
35 #include "support/Messages.h"
36 #include "support/Package.h"
37 #include "support/PathChanger.h"
38 #include "support/Systemcall.h"
39 #include "support/qstring_helpers.h"
40 #include "support/TempFile.h"
42 #include <QDir>
43 #include <QTemporaryFile>
45 #include "support/lassert.h"
46 #include "support/regex.h"
48 #include <fcntl.h>
49 #ifdef HAVE_MAGIC_H
50 #include <magic.h>
51 #endif
52 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
53 #include <unistd.h>
54 #endif
56 #include <cerrno>
57 #include <climits>
58 #include <cstdlib>
59 #include <cstdio>
61 #include <utility>
62 #include <fstream>
63 #include <sstream>
64 #include <vector>
66 #if defined (_WIN32)
67 #include <io.h>
68 #include <windows.h>
69 #endif
71 using namespace std;
73 #define USE_QPROCESS
75 namespace lyx {
76 namespace support {
isLyXFileName(string const & filename)78 bool isLyXFileName(string const & filename)
79 {
80 	return suffixIs(ascii_lowercase(filename), ".lyx");
81 }
isSGMLFileName(string const & filename)84 bool isSGMLFileName(string const & filename)
85 {
86 	return suffixIs(ascii_lowercase(filename), ".sgml");
87 }
isValidLaTeXFileName(string const & filename)90 bool isValidLaTeXFileName(string const & filename)
91 {
92 	string const invalid_chars("#%\"");
93 	return filename.find_first_of(invalid_chars) == string::npos;
94 }
isValidDVIFileName(string const & filename)97 bool isValidDVIFileName(string const & filename)
98 {
99 	string const invalid_chars("${}()[]^");
100 	return filename.find_first_of(invalid_chars) == string::npos;
101 }
isBinaryFile(FileName const & filename)104 bool isBinaryFile(FileName const & filename)
105 {
106 	bool isbinary = false;
107 	if (filename.empty() || !filename.exists())
108 		return isbinary;
110 #ifdef HAVE_MAGIC_H
111 	magic_t magic_cookie = magic_open(MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING);
112 	if (magic_cookie) {
113 		bool detected = true;
114 		if (magic_load(magic_cookie, NULL) != 0) {
115 			LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "isBinaryFile: "
116 				"Could not load magic database - "
117 				<< magic_error(magic_cookie));
118 			detected = false;
119 		} else {
120 			char const *charset = magic_file(magic_cookie,
121 					filename.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str());
122 			isbinary = contains(charset, "binary");
123 		}
124 		magic_close(magic_cookie);
125 		if (detected)
126 			return isbinary;
127 	}
128 #endif
129 	// Try by looking for binary chars at the beginning of the file.
130 	// Note that this is formally not correct, since count_bin_chars
131 	// expects utf8, and the passed string can be anything: plain text
132 	// in any encoding, or really binary data. In practice it works,
133 	// since QString::fromUtf8() drops invalid utf8 sequences, and
134 	// while the exact number may not be correct, we still get a high
135 	// number for truly binary files.
137 	ifstream ifs(filename.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str());
138 	if (!ifs)
139 		return isbinary;
141 	// Maximum strings to read
142 	int const max_count = 50;
144 	// Maximum number of binary chars allowed
145 	int const max_bin = 5;
147 	int count = 0;
148 	int binchars = 0;
149 	string str;
150 	while (count++ < max_count && !ifs.eof()) {
151 		getline(ifs, str);
152 		binchars += count_bin_chars(str);
153 	}
154 	return binchars > max_bin;
155 }
latex_path(string const & original_path,latex_path_extension extension,latex_path_dots dots)158 string const latex_path(string const & original_path,
159 		latex_path_extension extension,
160 		latex_path_dots dots)
161 {
162 	// On cygwin, we may need windows or posix style paths.
163 	string path = os::latex_path(original_path);
164 	path = subst(path, "~", "\\string~");
165 	if (path.find(' ') != string::npos) {
166 		// We can't use '"' because " is sometimes active (e.g. if
167 		// babel is loaded with the "german" option)
168 		if (extension == EXCLUDE_EXTENSION) {
169 			// changeExtension calls os::internal_path internally
170 			// so don't use it to remove the extension.
171 			string const ext = getExtension(path);
172 			string const base = ext.empty() ?
173 				path :
174 				path.substr(0, path.length() - ext.length() - 1);
175 			// changeExtension calls os::internal_path internally
176 			// so don't use it to re-add the extension.
177 			path = "\\string\"" + base + "\\string\"." + ext;
178 		} else {
179 			path = "\\string\"" + path + "\\string\"";
180 		}
181 	}
183 	if (dots != ESCAPE_DOTS)
184 		return path;
186 	// Replace dots with the lyxdot macro, but only in the file name,
187 	// not the directory part.
188 	// addName etc call os::internal_path internally
189 	// so don't use them for path manipulation
190 	// The directory separator is always '/' for LaTeX.
191 	string::size_type pos = path.rfind('/');
192 	if (pos == string::npos)
193 		return subst(path, ".", "\\lyxdot ");
194 	return path.substr(0, pos) + subst(path.substr(pos), ".", "\\lyxdot ");
195 }
198 // Substitutes spaces with underscores in filename (and path)
makeLatexName(FileName const & file)199 FileName const makeLatexName(FileName const & file)
200 {
201 	string name = file.onlyFileName();
202 	string const path = file.onlyPath().absFileName() + "/";
204 	// ok so we scan through the string twice, but who cares.
205 	// FIXME: in Unicode time this will break for sure! There is
206 	// a non-latin world out there...
207 	string const keep = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
209 		"@!'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[]`|";
211 	string::size_type pos = 0;
212 	while ((pos = name.find_first_not_of(keep, pos)) != string::npos)
213 		name[pos++] = '_';
215 	FileName latex_name(path + name);
216 	latex_name.changeExtension(".tex");
217 	return latex_name;
218 }
quoteName(string const & name,quote_style style)221 string const quoteName(string const & name, quote_style style)
222 {
223 	switch(style) {
224 	case quote_shell:
225 		// This does not work on native Windows for filenames
226 		// containing the following characters < > : " / \ | ? *
227 		// Moreover, it can't be made to work, as, according to
228 		// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247(VS.85).aspx
229 		// those are reserved characters, and thus are forbidden.
230 		// Please, also note that the command-line parser in
231 		// ForkedCall::generateChild cannot deal with filenames
232 		// containing " or ', therefore we don't pass user filenames
233 		// to child processes if possible. We store them in a python
234 		// script instead, where we don't have these limitations.
235 #ifndef USE_QPROCESS
236 		return (os::shell() == os::UNIX) ?
237 			'\'' + subst(name, "'", "\'\\\'\'") + '\'' :
238 			'"' + name + '"';
239 #else
240 		// According to the QProcess parser, a single double
241 		// quote is represented by three consecutive ones.
242 		// Here we simply escape the double quote and let our
243 		// simple parser in Systemcall.cpp do the substitution.
244 		return '"' + subst(name, "\"", "\\\"") + '"';
245 #endif
246 	case quote_shell_filename:
247 		return quoteName(os::external_path(name), quote_shell);
248 	case quote_python:
249 		return "\"" + subst(subst(name, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\"")
250 		     + "\"";
251 	}
252 	// shut up stupid compiler
253 	return string();
254 }
257 #if 0
258 // Uses a string of paths separated by ";"s to find a file to open.
259 // Can't cope with pathnames with a ';' in them. Returns full path to file.
260 // If path entry begins with $$LyX/, use system_lyxdir
261 // If path entry begins with $$User/, use user_lyxdir
262 // Example: "$$User/doc;$$LyX/doc"
263 FileName const fileOpenSearch(string const & path, string const & name,
264 			     string const & ext)
265 {
266 	FileName real_file;
267 	string path_element;
268 	bool notfound = true;
269 	string tmppath = split(path, path_element, ';');
271 	while (notfound && !path_element.empty()) {
272 		path_element = os::internal_path(path_element);
273 		if (!suffixIs(path_element, '/'))
274 			path_element += '/';
275 		path_element = subst(path_element, "$$LyX",
276 				     package().system_support().absFileName());
277 		path_element = subst(path_element, "$$User",
278 				     package().user_support().absFileName());
280 		real_file = fileSearch(path_element, name, ext);
282 		if (real_file.empty()) {
283 			do {
284 				tmppath = split(tmppath, path_element, ';');
285 			} while (!tmppath.empty() && path_element.empty());
286 		} else {
287 			notfound = false;
288 		}
289 	}
290 	return real_file;
291 }
292 #endif
295 // Returns the real name of file name in directory path, with optional
296 // extension ext.
fileSearch(string const & path,string const & name,string const & exts,search_mode mode)297 FileName const fileSearch(string const & path, string const & name,
298 			  string const & exts, search_mode mode)
299 {
300 	// if `name' is an absolute path, we ignore the setting of `path'
301 	// Expand Environmentvariables in 'name'
302 	string const tmpname = replaceEnvironmentPath(name);
303 	FileName fullname(makeAbsPath(tmpname, path));
304 	// search first without extension, then with it.
305 	if (fullname.isReadableFile())
306 		return fullname;
307 	if (exts.empty())
308 		// We are done.
309 		return mode == may_not_exist ? fullname : FileName();
310 	int n = 0;
311 	string ext = token(exts, ',', n);
312 	while (!ext.empty()) {
313 		// Only add the extension if it is not already the extension of
314 		// fullname.
315 		bool addext = getExtension(fullname.absFileName()) != ext;
316 		if (addext) {
317 			if (mode == check_hidpi) {
318 				FileName fullname2x = FileName(addExtension(fullname.absFileName() + "@2x", ext));
319 				if (fullname2x.isReadableFile())
320 					return fullname2x;
321 			}
322 			fullname = FileName(addExtension(fullname.absFileName(), ext));
323 		}
324 		if (fullname.isReadableFile() || mode == may_not_exist)
325 			return fullname;
326 		if (addext)
327 			fullname.changeExtension("");
328 		ext = token(exts, ',', ++n);
329 	}
330 	return FileName();
331 }
334 // Search the file name.ext in the subdirectory dir of
335 //   1) user_lyxdir
336 //   2) build_lyxdir (if not empty)
337 //   3) system_lyxdir
libFileSearch(string const & dir,string const & name,string const & ext,search_mode mode)338 FileName const libFileSearch(string const & dir, string const & name,
339 			   string const & ext, search_mode mode)
340 {
341 	FileName fullname = fileSearch(addPath(package().user_support().absFileName(), dir),
342 				     name, ext, mode);
343 	if (!fullname.empty())
344 		return fullname;
346 	if (!package().build_support().empty())
347 		fullname = fileSearch(addPath(package().build_support().absFileName(), dir),
348 				      name, ext, mode);
349 	if (!fullname.empty())
350 		return fullname;
352 	return fileSearch(addPath(package().system_support().absFileName(), dir),
353 				      name, ext, mode);
354 }
i18nLibFileSearch(string const & dir,string const & name,string const & ext)357 FileName const i18nLibFileSearch(string const & dir, string const & name,
358 		  string const & ext)
359 {
360 	// if the LANGUAGE variable is set, use it as a fallback for searching for files.
361 	string lang = getGuiMessages().language();
362 	string const language = getEnv("LANGUAGE");
363 	if (!language.empty())
364 		lang += ":" + language;
366 	for (auto const & l : getVectorFromString(lang, ":")) {
367 		FileName tmp;
368 		// First try with the full name
369 		// `en' files are not in a subdirectory
370 		if (l == "en")
371 			tmp = libFileSearch(dir, name, ext);
372 		else
373 			tmp = libFileSearch(addPath(dir, l), name, ext);
374 		if (!tmp.empty())
375 			return tmp;
377 		// Then the name without country code
378 		string const shortl = token(l, '_', 0);
379 		if (shortl != l) {
380 			tmp = libFileSearch(addPath(dir, shortl), name, ext);
381 			if (!tmp.empty())
382 				return tmp;
383 		}
384 	}
386 	return libFileSearch(dir, name, ext);
387 }
imageLibFileSearch(string & dir,string const & name,string const & ext,search_mode mode)390 FileName const imageLibFileSearch(string & dir, string const & name,
391 		  string const & ext, search_mode mode)
392 {
393 	if (!lyx::lyxrc.icon_set.empty()) {
394 		string const imagedir = addPath(dir, lyx::lyxrc.icon_set);
395 		FileName const fn = libFileSearch(imagedir, name, ext, mode);
396 		if (fn.exists()) {
397 			dir = imagedir;
398 			return fn;
399 		}
400 	}
401 	return libFileSearch(dir, name, ext, mode);
402 }
commandPrep(string const & command_in)405 string const commandPrep(string const & command_in)
406 {
407 	static string const token_scriptpath = "$$s/";
408 	string const python_call = "/usr/local/bin/python3.8 -tt";
410 	string command = command_in;
411 	if (prefixIs(command_in, python_call))
412 		command = os::python() + command_in.substr(python_call.length());
414 	// Find the starting position of "$$s/"
415 	string::size_type const pos1 = command.find(token_scriptpath);
416 	if (pos1 == string::npos)
417 		return command;
418 	// Find the end of the "$$s/some_subdir/some_script" word within
419 	// command. Assumes that the script name does not contain spaces.
420 	string::size_type const start_script = pos1 + 4;
421 	string::size_type const pos2 = command.find(' ', start_script);
422 	string::size_type const size_script = pos2 == string::npos?
423 		(command.size() - start_script) : pos2 - start_script;
425 	// Does this script file exist?
426 	string const script =
427 		libFileSearch(".", command.substr(start_script, size_script)).absFileName();
429 	if (script.empty()) {
430 		// Replace "$$s/" with ""
431 		command.erase(pos1, 4);
432 	} else {
433 		quote_style style = quote_shell;
434 		if (prefixIs(command, os::python()))
435 			style = quote_python;
437 		// Replace "$$s/foo/some_script" with "<path to>/some_script".
438 		string::size_type const size_replace = size_script + 4;
439 		command.replace(pos1, size_replace, quoteName(script, style));
440 	}
442 	return command;
443 }
tempFileName(string const & mask)446 FileName const tempFileName(string const & mask)
447 {
448 	FileName tempfile = TempFile(mask).name();
449 	// Since the QTemporaryFile object is destroyed at function return
450 	// (which is what is intended here), the next call to this function
451 	// may return the same file name again.
452 	// Thus, in order to prevent race conditions, we track returned names
453 	// and create our own unique names if QTemporaryFile returns a name again.
454 	if (tmp_names_.find(tempfile.absFileName()) == tmp_names_.end()) {
455 		tmp_names_.insert(tempfile.absFileName());
456 		return tempfile;
457 	}
459 	// OK, we need another name. Simply append digits.
460 	FileName tmp = tempfile;
461 	tmp.changeExtension("");
462 	for (int i = 1; i < INT_MAX ;++i) {
463 		// Append digit to filename and re-add extension
464 		string const new_fn = tmp.absFileName() + convert<string>(i)
465 				+ "." + tempfile.extension();
466 		if (tmp_names_.find(new_fn) == tmp_names_.end()) {
467 			tmp_names_.insert(new_fn);
468 			tempfile.set(new_fn);
469 			return tempfile;
470 		}
471 	}
473 	// This should not happen!
474 	LYXERR0("tempFileName(): Could not create unique temp file name!");
475 	return tempfile;
476 }
removeTempFile(FileName const & fn)479 void removeTempFile(FileName const & fn)
480 {
481 	if (!fn.exists())
482 		return;
484 	string const abs = fn.absFileName();
485 	if (tmp_names_.find(abs) != tmp_names_.end())
486 		tmp_names_.erase(abs);
487 	fn.removeFile();
488 }
createTempFile(QString const & mask)491 static string createTempFile(QString const & mask)
492 {
493 	// FIXME: This is not safe. QTemporaryFile creates a file in open(),
494 	//        but the file is deleted when qt_tmp goes out of scope.
495 	//        Therefore the next call to createTempFile() may create the
496 	//        same file again. To make this safe the QTemporaryFile object
497 	//        needs to be kept for the whole life time of the temp file name.
498 	//        This could be achieved by creating a class TempDir (like
499 	//        TempFile, but using a currently non-existing
500 	//        QTemporaryDirectory object).
501 	QTemporaryFile qt_tmp(mask + ".XXXXXXXXXXXX");
502 	if (qt_tmp.open()) {
503 		string const temp_file = fromqstr(qt_tmp.fileName());
504 		LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Temporary file `" << temp_file << "' created.");
505 		return temp_file;
506 	}
507 	LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Unable to create temporary file with following template: "
508 			<< qt_tmp.fileTemplate());
509 	return string();
510 }
createTmpDir(FileName const & tempdir,string const & mask)513 static FileName createTmpDir(FileName const & tempdir, string const & mask)
514 {
515 	LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "createTmpDir: tempdir=`" << tempdir << "'\n"
516 		<< "createTmpDir:    mask=`" << mask << '\'');
518 	QFileInfo tmp_fi(QDir(toqstr(tempdir.absFileName())), toqstr(mask));
519 	FileName const tmpfl(createTempFile(tmp_fi.absoluteFilePath()));
521 	if (tmpfl.empty() || !tmpfl.createDirectory(0700)) {
522 		LYXERR0("LyX could not create temporary directory in " << tempdir
523 			<< "'");
524 		return FileName();
525 	}
527 	return tmpfl;
528 }
createLyXTmpDir(FileName const & deflt)531 FileName const createLyXTmpDir(FileName const & deflt)
532 {
533 	if (deflt.empty() || deflt == package().system_temp_dir())
534 		return createTmpDir(package().system_temp_dir(), "lyx_tmpdir");
536 	if (deflt.createDirectory(0777))
537 		return deflt;
539 	if (deflt.isDirWritable()) {
540 		// deflt could not be created because it
541 		// did exist already, so let's create our own
542 		// dir inside deflt.
543 		return createTmpDir(deflt, "lyx_tmpdir");
544 	} else {
545 		// some other error occurred.
546 		return createTmpDir(package().system_temp_dir(), "lyx_tmpdir");
547 	}
548 }
551 // Strip filename from path name
onlyPath(string const & filename)552 string const onlyPath(string const & filename)
553 {
554 	// If empty filename, return empty
555 	if (filename.empty())
556 		return filename;
558 	// Find last / or start of filename
559 	size_t j = filename.rfind('/');
560 	return j == string::npos ? "./" : filename.substr(0, j + 1);
561 }
564 // Convert relative path into absolute path based on a basepath.
565 // If relpath is absolute, just use that.
566 // If basepath is empty, use CWD as base.
567 // Note that basePath can be a relative path, in the sense that it may
568 // not begin with "/" (e.g.), but it should NOT contain such constructs
569 // as "/../".
570 // FIXME It might be nice if the code didn't simply assume that.
makeAbsPath(string const & relPath,string const & basePath)571 FileName const makeAbsPath(string const & relPath, string const & basePath)
572 {
573 	// checks for already absolute path
574 	if (FileName::isAbsolute(relPath))
575 		return FileName(relPath);
577 	// Copies given paths
578 	string tempRel = os::internal_path(relPath);
579 	// Since TempRel is NOT absolute, we can safely replace "//" with "/"
580 	tempRel = subst(tempRel, "//", "/");
582 	string tempBase;
584 	if (FileName::isAbsolute(basePath))
585 		tempBase = basePath;
586 	else
587 		tempBase = addPath(FileName::getcwd().absFileName(), basePath);
589 	// Handle /./ at the end of the path
590 	while (suffixIs(tempBase, "/./"))
591 		tempBase.erase(tempBase.length() - 2);
593 	// processes relative path
594 	string rTemp = tempRel;
595 	string temp;
597 	// Check for a leading "~"
598 	// Split by first /
599 	rTemp = split(rTemp, temp, '/');
600 	if (temp == "~") {
601 		tempBase = Package::get_home_dir().absFileName();
602 		tempRel = rTemp;
603 	}
605 	rTemp = tempRel;
606 	while (!rTemp.empty()) {
607 		// Split by next /
608 		rTemp = split(rTemp, temp, '/');
610 		if (temp == ".") continue;
611 		if (temp == "..") {
612 			// Remove one level of TempBase
613 			if (tempBase.length() <= 1) {
614 				//this is supposed to be an absolute path, so...
615 				tempBase = "/";
616 				continue;
617 			}
618 			//erase a trailing slash if there is one
619 			if (suffixIs(tempBase, "/"))
620 				tempBase.erase(tempBase.length() - 1, string::npos);
622 			string::size_type i = tempBase.length() - 1;
623 			while (i > 0 && tempBase[i] != '/')
624 				--i;
625 			if (i > 0)
626 				tempBase.erase(i, string::npos);
627 			else
628 				tempBase = '/';
629 		} else if (temp.empty() && !rTemp.empty()) {
630 				tempBase = os::current_root() + rTemp;
631 				rTemp.erase();
632 		} else {
633 			// Add this piece to TempBase
634 			if (!suffixIs(tempBase, '/'))
635 				tempBase += '/';
636 			tempBase += temp;
637 		}
638 	}
640 	// returns absolute path
641 	return FileName(tempBase);
642 }
645 // Correctly append filename to the pathname.
646 // If pathname is '.', then don't use pathname.
647 // Chops any path of filename.
addName(string const & path,string const & fname)648 string const addName(string const & path, string const & fname)
649 {
650 	string const basename = onlyFileName(fname);
651 	string buf;
653 	if (path != "." && path != "./" && !path.empty()) {
654 		buf = os::internal_path(path);
655 		if (!suffixIs(path, '/'))
656 			buf += '/';
657 	}
659 	return buf + basename;
660 }
663 // Strips path from filename
onlyFileName(string const & fname)664 string const onlyFileName(string const & fname)
665 {
666 	if (fname.empty())
667 		return fname;
669 	string::size_type j = fname.rfind('/');
670 	if (j == string::npos) // no '/' in fname
671 		return fname;
673 	// Strip to basename
674 	return fname.substr(j + 1);
675 }
678 // Search the string for ${VAR} and $VAR and replace VAR using getenv.
replaceEnvironmentPath(string const & path)679 string const replaceEnvironmentPath(string const & path)
680 {
681 	// ${VAR} is defined as
682 	// $\{[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\}
683 	static string const envvar_br = "[$]\\{([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)\\}";
685 	// $VAR is defined as:
686 	// $[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*
687 	static string const envvar = "[$]([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)";
689 	static regex const envvar_br_re("(.*)" + envvar_br + "(.*)");
690 	static regex const envvar_re("(.*)" + envvar + "(.*)");
691 	string result = path;
692 	while (1) {
693 		smatch what;
694 		if (!regex_match(result, what, envvar_br_re)) {
695 			if (!regex_match(result, what, envvar_re))
696 				break;
697 		}
698 		string env_var = getEnv(what.str(2));
699 		result = what.str(1) + env_var + what.str(3);
700 	}
701 	return result;
702 }
705 // Return a command prefix for setting the environment of the TeX engine.
latexEnvCmdPrefix(string const & path,string const & lpath)706 string latexEnvCmdPrefix(string const & path, string const & lpath)
707 {
708 	bool use_lpath = !(lpath.empty() || lpath == "." || lpath == "./");
710 	if (path.empty() || (lyxrc.texinputs_prefix.empty() && !use_lpath))
711 		return string();
713 	string texinputs_prefix = lyxrc.texinputs_prefix.empty() ? string()
714 		: os::latex_path_list(
715 			replaceCurdirPath(path, lyxrc.texinputs_prefix));
716 	string const allother_prefix = os::latex_path_list(path);
717 	string const sep = string(1, os::path_separator(os::TEXENGINE));
718 	string const texinputs = getEnv("TEXINPUTS");
719 	string const bibinputs = getEnv("BIBINPUTS");
720 	string const bstinputs = getEnv("BSTINPUTS");
721 	string const texfonts = getEnv("TEXFONTS");
723 	if (use_lpath) {
724 		string const abslpath = FileName::isAbsolute(lpath)
725 			? os::latex_path(lpath)
726 			: os::latex_path(FileName(path + "/" + lpath).realPath());
727 		if (texinputs_prefix.empty())
728 			texinputs_prefix = abslpath;
729 		else if (suffixIs(texinputs_prefix, sep))
730 			texinputs_prefix.append(abslpath + sep);
731 		else
732 			texinputs_prefix.append(sep + abslpath);
733 	}
735 	if (os::shell() == os::UNIX)
736 		return "env TEXINPUTS=\"." + sep + texinputs_prefix
737 		                           + sep + texinputs + "\" "
738 		         + "BIBINPUTS=\"." + sep + allother_prefix
739 		                           + sep + bibinputs + "\" "
740 		         + "BSTINPUTS=\"." + sep + allother_prefix
741 		                           + sep + bstinputs + "\" "
742 		         + "TEXFONTS=\"."  + sep + allother_prefix
743 		                           + sep + texfonts + "\" ";
744 	else
745 		// NOTE: the dummy blank dirs are necessary to force the
746 		//       QProcess parser to quote the argument (see bug 9453)
747 		return "cmd /d /c set \"TEXINPUTS=." + sep + " "
748 		                                + sep + texinputs_prefix
749 		                                + sep + texinputs + "\" & "
750 		               + "set \"BIBINPUTS=." + sep + " "
751 		                                + sep + allother_prefix
752 		                                + sep + bibinputs + "\" & "
753 		               + "set \"BSTINPUTS=." + sep + " "
754 		                                + sep + allother_prefix
755 		                                + sep + bstinputs + "\" & "
756 		               + "set \"TEXFONTS=."  + sep + " "
757 		                                + sep + allother_prefix
758 		                                + sep + texfonts + "\" & ";
759 }
762 // Replace current directory in all elements of a path list with a given path.
replaceCurdirPath(string const & path,string const & pathlist)763 string const replaceCurdirPath(string const & path, string const & pathlist)
764 {
765 	string const oldpathlist = replaceEnvironmentPath(pathlist);
766 	char const sep = os::path_separator();
767 	string newpathlist;
769 	for (size_t i = 0, k = 0; i != string::npos; k = i) {
770 		i = oldpathlist.find(sep, i);
771 		string p = oldpathlist.substr(k, i - k);
772 		if (FileName::isAbsolute(p)) {
773 			newpathlist += p;
774 		} else if (i > k) {
775 			size_t offset = 0;
776 			if (p == ".") {
777 				offset = 1;
778 			} else if (prefixIs(p, "./")) {
779 				offset = 2;
780 				while (p[offset] == '/')
781 					++offset;
782 			}
783 			newpathlist += addPath(path, p.substr(offset));
784 			if (suffixIs(p, "//"))
785 				newpathlist += '/';
786 		}
787 		if (i != string::npos) {
788 			newpathlist += sep;
789 			// Stop here if the last element is empty
790 			if (++i == oldpathlist.length())
791 				break;
792 		}
793 	}
794 	return newpathlist;
795 }
798 // Make relative path out of two absolute paths
makeRelPath(docstring const & abspath,docstring const & basepath)799 docstring const makeRelPath(docstring const & abspath, docstring const & basepath)
800 // Makes relative path out of absolute path. If it is deeper than basepath,
801 // it's easy. If basepath and abspath share something (they are all deeper
802 // than some directory), it'll be rendered using ..'s. If they are completely
803 // different, then the absolute path will be used as relative path.
804 {
805 	docstring::size_type const abslen = abspath.length();
806 	docstring::size_type const baselen = basepath.length();
808 	docstring::size_type i = os::common_path(abspath, basepath);
810 	if (i == 0) {
811 		// actually no match - cannot make it relative
812 		return abspath;
813 	}
815 	// Count how many dirs there are in basepath above match
816 	// and append as many '..''s into relpath
817 	docstring buf;
818 	docstring::size_type j = i;
819 	while (j < baselen) {
820 		if (basepath[j] == '/') {
821 			if (j + 1 == baselen)
822 				break;
823 			buf += "../";
824 		}
825 		++j;
826 	}
828 	// Append relative stuff from common directory to abspath
829 	if (abspath[i] == '/')
830 		++i;
831 	for (; i < abslen; ++i)
832 		buf += abspath[i];
833 	// Remove trailing /
834 	if (suffixIs(buf, '/'))
835 		buf.erase(buf.length() - 1);
836 	// Substitute empty with .
837 	if (buf.empty())
838 		buf = '.';
839 	return buf;
840 }
843 // Append sub-directory(ies) to a path in an intelligent way
addPath(string const & path,string const & path_2)844 string const addPath(string const & path, string const & path_2)
845 {
846 	string buf;
847 	string const path2 = os::internal_path(path_2);
849 	if (!path.empty() && path != "." && path != "./") {
850 		buf = os::internal_path(path);
851 		if (path[path.length() - 1] != '/')
852 			buf += '/';
853 	}
855 	if (!path2.empty()) {
856 		string::size_type const p2start = path2.find_first_not_of('/');
857 		string::size_type const p2end = path2.find_last_not_of('/');
858 		string const tmp = path2.substr(p2start, p2end - p2start + 1);
859 		buf += tmp + '/';
860 	}
861 	return buf;
862 }
changeExtension(string const & oldname,string const & extension)865 string const changeExtension(string const & oldname, string const & extension)
866 {
867 	string::size_type const last_slash = oldname.rfind('/');
868 	string::size_type last_dot = oldname.rfind('.');
869 	if (last_dot < last_slash && last_slash != string::npos)
870 		last_dot = string::npos;
872 	string ext;
873 	// Make sure the extension starts with a dot
874 	if (!extension.empty() && extension[0] != '.')
875 		ext= '.' + extension;
876 	else
877 		ext = extension;
879 	return os::internal_path(oldname.substr(0, last_dot) + ext);
880 }
removeExtension(string const & name)883 string const removeExtension(string const & name)
884 {
885 	return changeExtension(name, string());
886 }
addExtension(string const & name,string const & extension)889 string const addExtension(string const & name, string const & extension)
890 {
891 	if (!extension.empty() && extension[0] != '.')
892 		return name + '.' + extension;
893 	return name + extension;
894 }
897 /// Return the extension of the file (not including the .)
getExtension(string const & name)898 string const getExtension(string const & name)
899 {
900 	string::size_type const last_slash = name.rfind('/');
901 	string::size_type const last_dot = name.rfind('.');
902 	if (last_dot != string::npos &&
903 	    (last_slash == string::npos || last_dot > last_slash))
904 		return name.substr(last_dot + 1,
905 				   name.length() - (last_dot + 1));
906 	else
907 		return string();
908 }
unzippedFileName(string const & zipped_file)911 string const unzippedFileName(string const & zipped_file)
912 {
913 	string const ext = getExtension(zipped_file);
914 	if (ext == "gz" || ext == "z" || ext == "Z")
915 		return changeExtension(zipped_file, string());
916 	else if (ext == "svgz")
917 		return changeExtension(zipped_file, "svg");
918 	return onlyPath(zipped_file) + "unzipped_" + onlyFileName(zipped_file);
919 }
unzipFile(FileName const & zipped_file,string const & unzipped_file)922 FileName const unzipFile(FileName const & zipped_file, string const & unzipped_file)
923 {
924 	FileName const tempfile = FileName(unzipped_file.empty() ?
925 		unzippedFileName(zipped_file.toFilesystemEncoding()) :
926 		unzipped_file);
927 	// Run gunzip
928 	string const command = "gunzip -c \"" +
929 		zipped_file.toFilesystemEncoding() + "\" > \"" +
930 		tempfile.toFilesystemEncoding() + "\"";
931 	Systemcall one;
932 	one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, command);
933 	// test that command was executed successfully (anon)
934 	// yes, please do. (Lgb)
935 	return tempfile;
936 }
makeDisplayPath(string const & path,unsigned int threshold)939 docstring const makeDisplayPath(string const & path, unsigned int threshold)
940 {
941 	string str = path;
943 	// If file is from LyXDir, display it as if it were relative.
944 	string const system = package().system_support().absFileName();
945 	if (prefixIs(str, system) && str != system)
946 		return from_utf8("[" + str.erase(0, system.length()) + "]");
948 	// replace /home/blah with ~/
949 	string const home = Package::get_home_dir().absFileName();
950 	if (!home.empty() && prefixIs(str, home))
951 		str = subst(str, home, "~");
953 	if (str.length() <= threshold)
954 		return from_utf8(os::external_path(str));
956 	string const prefix = ".../";
957 	docstring dstr = from_utf8(str);
958 	docstring temp;
960 	while (dstr.length() > threshold)
961 		dstr = split(dstr, temp, '/');
963 	// Did we shorten everything away?
964 	if (dstr.empty()) {
965 		// Yes, filename itself is too long.
966 		// Pick the start and the end of the filename.
967 		docstring fstr = from_utf8(onlyFileName(path));
968 		dstr = fstr;
969 		if (support::truncateWithEllipsis(dstr, threshold / 2))
970 			dstr += fstr.substr(fstr.length() - threshold / 2 - 2,
971 								docstring::npos);
972 	}
974 	return from_utf8(os::external_path(prefix + to_utf8(dstr)));
975 }
978 #ifdef HAVE_READLINK
readLink(FileName const & file,FileName & link)979 bool readLink(FileName const & file, FileName & link)
980 {
981 	string const encoded = file.toFilesystemEncoding();
982 #ifdef HAVE_DEF_PATH_MAX
983 	char linkbuffer[PATH_MAX + 1];
984 	ssize_t const nRead = ::readlink(encoded.c_str(),
985 				     linkbuffer, sizeof(linkbuffer) - 1);
986 	if (nRead <= 0)
987 		return false;
988 	linkbuffer[nRead] = '\0'; // terminator
989 #else
990 	vector<char> buf(1024);
991 	int nRead = -1;
993 	while (true) {
994 		nRead = ::readlink(encoded.c_str(), &buf[0], buf.size() - 1);
995 		if (nRead < 0) {
996 			return false;
997 		}
998 		if (static_cast<size_t>(nRead) < buf.size() - 1) {
999 			break;
1000 		}
1001 		buf.resize(buf.size() * 2);
1002 	}
1003 	buf[nRead] = '\0'; // terminator
1004 	const char * linkbuffer = &buf[0];
1005 #endif
1006 	link = makeAbsPath(linkbuffer, onlyPath(file.absFileName()));
1007 	return true;
1008 }
1009 #else
readLink(FileName const &,FileName &)1010 bool readLink(FileName const &, FileName &)
1011 {
1012 	return false;
1013 }
1014 #endif
runCommand(string const & cmd)1017 cmd_ret const runCommand(string const & cmd)
1018 {
1019 	// FIXME: replace all calls to RunCommand with ForkedCall
1020 	// (if the output is not needed) or the code in ISpell.cpp
1021 	// (if the output is needed).
1023 	// One question is if we should use popen or
1024 	// create our own popen based on fork, exec, pipe
1025 	// of course the best would be to have a
1026 	// pstream (process stream), with the
1027 	// variants ipstream, opstream
1029 	if (verbose)
1030 		lyxerr << "\nRunning: " << cmd << endl;
1031 	else
1032 		LYXERR(Debug::INFO,"Running: " << cmd);
1034 #if defined (_WIN32)
1035 	STARTUPINFO startup;
1038 	HANDLE in, out;
1039 	FILE * inf = 0;
1040 	bool err2out = false;
1041 	string command;
1042 	string const infile = trim(split(cmd, command, '<'), " \"");
1043 	command = rtrim(command);
1044 	if (suffixIs(command, "2>&1")) {
1045 		command = rtrim(command, "2>&1");
1046 		err2out = true;
1047 	}
1048 	string const cmdarg = "/d /c " + command;
1049 	string const comspec = getEnv("COMSPEC");
1051 	security.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
1052 	security.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
1053 	security.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
1055 	if (CreatePipe(&in, &out, &security, 0)) {
1056 		memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
1057 		memset(&process, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
1059 		startup.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
1060 		startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
1062 		startup.hStdError = err2out ? out : GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
1063 		startup.hStdInput = infile.empty()
1064 			? GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
1065 			: CreateFile(infile.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
1066 				FILE_SHARE_READ, &security, OPEN_EXISTING,
1068 		startup.hStdOutput = out;
1070 		if (startup.hStdInput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&
1071 			CreateProcess(comspec.c_str(), (LPTSTR)cmdarg.c_str(),
1072 				&security, &security, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
1073 				0, 0, &startup, &process)) {
1075 			CloseHandle(process.hThread);
1076 			int fno = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)in, _O_RDONLY);
1077 			CloseHandle(out);
1078 			inf = _fdopen(fno, "r");
1079 		}
1080 	}
1081 #elif defined (HAVE_POPEN)
1082 	FILE * inf = ::popen(cmd.c_str(), os::popen_read_mode());
1083 #elif defined (HAVE__POPEN)
1084 	FILE * inf = ::_popen(cmd.c_str(), os::popen_read_mode());
1085 #else
1086 #error No popen() function.
1087 #endif
1089 	// (Claus Hentschel) Check if popen was successful ;-)
1090 	if (!inf) {
1091 		lyxerr << "RunCommand:: could not start child process" << endl;
1092 		return make_pair(-1, string());
1093 	}
1095 	string ret;
1096 	int c = fgetc(inf);
1097 	while (c != EOF) {
1098 		ret += static_cast<char>(c);
1099 		c = fgetc(inf);
1100 	}
1102 #if defined (_WIN32)
1103 	WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess, INFINITE);
1104 	DWORD pret;
1105 	if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process.hProcess, &pret))
1106 		pret = -1;
1107 	if (!infile.empty())
1108 		CloseHandle(startup.hStdInput);
1109 	CloseHandle(process.hProcess);
1110 	if (fclose(inf) != 0)
1111 		pret = -1;
1112 #elif defined (HAVE_PCLOSE)
1113 	int const pret = pclose(inf);
1114 #elif defined (HAVE__PCLOSE)
1115 	int const pret = _pclose(inf);
1116 #else
1117 #error No pclose() function.
1118 #endif
1120 	if (pret == -1)
1121 		perror("RunCommand:: could not terminate child process");
1123 	return make_pair(pret, ret);
1124 }
findtexfile(string const & fil,string const &,bool const onlykpse)1127 FileName const findtexfile(string const & fil, string const & /*format*/,
1128 						   bool const onlykpse)
1129 {
1130 	/* There is no problem to extend this function too use other
1131 	   methods to look for files. It could be setup to look
1132 	   in environment paths and also if wanted as a last resort
1133 	   to a recursive find. One of the easier extensions would
1134 	   perhaps be to use the LyX file lookup methods. But! I am
1135 	   going to implement this until I see some demand for it.
1136 	   Lgb
1137 	*/
1139 	// If the file can be found directly, we just return a
1140 	// absolute path version of it.
1141 	if (!onlykpse) {
1142 		FileName const absfile(makeAbsPath(fil));
1143 		if (absfile.exists())
1144 			return absfile;
1145 	}
1147 	// Now we try to find it using kpsewhich.
1148 	// It seems from the kpsewhich manual page that it is safe to use
1149 	// kpsewhich without --format: "When the --format option is not
1150 	// given, the search path used when looking for a file is inferred
1151 	// from the name given, by looking for a known extension. If no
1152 	// known extension is found, the search path for TeX source files
1153 	// is used."
1154 	// However, we want to take advantage of the format sine almost all
1155 	// the different formats has environment variables that can be used
1156 	// to controll which paths to search. f.ex. bib looks in
1157 	// BIBINPUTS and TEXBIB. Small list follows:
1158 	// bib - BIBINPUTS, TEXBIB
1159 	// bst - BSTINPUTS
1160 	// graphic/figure - TEXPICTS, TEXINPUTS
1163 	// tex - TEXINPUTS
1164 	// tfm - TFMFONTS, TEXFONTS
1165 	// This means that to use kpsewhich in the best possible way we
1166 	// should help it by setting additional path in the approp. envir.var.
1167 	string const kpsecmd = "kpsewhich " + fil;
1169 	cmd_ret const c = runCommand(kpsecmd);
1171 	LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "kpse status = " << c.first << '\n'
1172 		 << "kpse result = `" << rtrim(c.second, "\n\r") << '\'');
1173 	if (c.first != -1)
1174 		return FileName(rtrim(to_utf8(from_filesystem8bit(c.second)), "\n\r"));
1175 	else
1176 		return FileName();
1177 }
compare_timestamps(FileName const & file1,FileName const & file2)1180 int compare_timestamps(FileName const & file1, FileName const & file2)
1181 {
1182 	// If the original is newer than the copy, then copy the original
1183 	// to the new directory.
1185 	int cmp = 0;
1186 	if (file1.exists() && file2.exists()) {
1187 		double const tmp = difftime(file1.lastModified(), file2.lastModified());
1188 		if (tmp != 0)
1189 			cmp = tmp > 0 ? 1 : -1;
1191 	} else if (file1.exists()) {
1192 		cmp = 1;
1193 	} else if (file2.exists()) {
1194 		cmp = -1;
1195 	}
1197 	return cmp;
1198 }
prefs2prefs(FileName const & filename,FileName const & tempfile,bool lfuns)1201 bool prefs2prefs(FileName const & filename, FileName const & tempfile, bool lfuns)
1202 {
1203 	FileName const script = libFileSearch("scripts", "prefs2prefs.py");
1204 	if (script.empty()) {
1205 		LYXERR0("Could not find bind file conversion "
1206 				"script prefs2prefs.py.");
1207 		return false;
1208 	}
1210 	ostringstream command;
1211 	command << os::python() << ' ' << quoteName(script.toFilesystemEncoding())
1212 	  << ' ' << (lfuns ? "-l" : "-p") << ' '
1213 		<< quoteName(filename.toFilesystemEncoding())
1214 		<< ' ' << quoteName(tempfile.toFilesystemEncoding());
1215 	string const command_str = command.str();
1217 	LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Running `" << command_str << '\'');
1219 	cmd_ret const ret = runCommand(command_str);
1220 	if (ret.first != 0) {
1221 		LYXERR0("Could not run file conversion script prefs2prefs.py.");
1222 		return false;
1223 	}
1224 	return true;
1225 }
configFileNeedsUpdate(string const & file)1228 bool configFileNeedsUpdate(string const & file)
1229 {
1230 	// We cannot initialize configure_script directly because the package
1231 	// is not initialized yet when static objects are constructed.
1232 	static FileName configure_script;
1233 	static bool firstrun = true;
1234 	if (firstrun) {
1235 		configure_script =
1236 			FileName(addName(package().system_support().absFileName(),
1237 				"configure.py"));
1238 		firstrun = false;
1239 	}
1241 	FileName absfile =
1242 		FileName(addName(package().user_support().absFileName(), file));
1243 	return !absfile.exists()
1244 		|| configure_script.lastModified() > absfile.lastModified();
1245 }
fileLock(const char * lock_file)1248 int fileLock(const char * lock_file)
1249 {
1250 	int fd = -1;
1251 #if defined(HAVE_LOCKF)
1252 	fd = open(lock_file, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_SYNC|O_RDWR, 0666);
1253 	if (fd == -1)
1254 		return -1;
1255 	if (lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) != 0) {
1256 		close(fd);
1257 		return -1;
1258 	}
1259 #endif
1260 	return fd;
1261 }
fileUnlock(int fd,const char *)1264 void fileUnlock(int fd, const char * /* lock_file*/)
1265 {
1266 #if defined(HAVE_LOCKF)
1267 	if (fd >= 0) {
1268 		if (lockf(fd, F_ULOCK, 0))
1269 			LYXERR0("Can't unlock the file.");
1270 		close(fd);
1271 	}
1272 #endif
1273 }
1275 } //namespace support
1276 } // namespace lyx