1 /*
2  * consensus.c
3  *
4  *
5  * Part of TREE-PUZZLE 5.2 (July 2004)
6  *
7  * (c) 2003-2004 by Heiko A. Schmidt, Korbinian Strimmer, and Arndt von Haeseler
8  * (c) 1999-2003 by Heiko A. Schmidt, Korbinian Strimmer,
9  *                  M. Vingron, and Arndt von Haeseler
10  * (c) 1995-1999 by Korbinian Strimmer and Arndt von Haeseler
11  *
12  * All parts of the source except where indicated are distributed under
13  * the GNU public licence.  See http://www.opensource.org for details.
14  *
15  * ($Id$)
16  *
17  */
20 #define EXTERN extern
21 #include "consensus.h"
22 #ifdef PARALLEL
23 #	include "ppuzzle.h"
24 #endif
26 int ZZZ=0;
27 /* fprintf(stderr, "ZZZ: %d (%s:%d)\n", ZZZ++, __FILE__, __LINE__); */
30 /******************************************************************************/
31 /* functions for computing the consensus tree                                 */
32 /******************************************************************************/
34 /* prepare for consensus tree analysis */
initconsensus()35 void initconsensus()
36 {
37 #	if ! PARALLEL
38 		biparts = new_cmatrix(Maxspc-3, Maxspc);
39 #	endif /* PARALLEL */
41 	if (Maxspc % 32 == 0)
42 		splitlength = Maxspc/32;
43 	else splitlength = (Maxspc + 32 - (Maxspc % 32))/32;
44 	numbiparts = 0; /* no pattern stored so far */
45 	maxbiparts = 0; /* no memory reserved so far */
46 	splitfreqs = NULL;
47 	splitpatterns = NULL;
48 	splitsizes = NULL;
49 	splitcomptemp = (uli *) calloc((size_t) splitlength, sizeof(uli) );
50 	if (splitcomptemp == NULL) maerror("splitcomptemp in initconsensus");
51 } /* initconsensus */
53 /******************/
56 /* de-trueID-ed (HAS) */
57 /* recursive function to get bipartitions */
58 /* traversal should be optimazable (HAS) */
makepart(int i,int curribrnch,ONEEDGE * edge,int * edgeofleaf,cmatrix biparts,int Maxspc)59 void makepart(int           i,          /*  */
60               int           curribrnch, /* in: current branch in traversal */
61               ONEEDGE      *edge,       /* in: tree topology    */
62               int          *edgeofleaf, /* in: ext. edge list   */
63               cmatrix       biparts,    /* out: split strings, edge by edge */
64               int           Maxspc)	/* in: number of species in tree */
65 {
66 	if ( edge[i].downright == NULL || edge[i].downleft == NULL) {
67 		biparts[curribrnch][edge[i].taxon] = '*';
68 		return;
69 	} else { /* still on inner branch */
70 		makepart(edge[i].downleft->numedge, curribrnch, edge, edgeofleaf, biparts, Maxspc);
71 		makepart(edge[i].downright->numedge, curribrnch, edge, edgeofleaf, biparts, Maxspc);
72 	}
73 } /* makepart */
75 /******************/
78 /* de-trueID-ed (HAS) */
79 /* compute bipartitions of current puzzling step tree */
80 /* traversal should be optimazable (HAS) */
computebiparts(ONEEDGE * edge,int * edgeofleaf,int psteprootleaf,cmatrix biparts,int outgroup,int Maxspc)81 void computebiparts(ONEEDGE      *edge,       /* in: tree topology          */
82                     int          *edgeofleaf, /* in: ext. edge list         */
83                     int           psteprootleaf, /* virtual root from pstep */
84                     cmatrix       biparts,    /* out: splits                */
85                     int           outgroup,   /* in: outgroup of tree       */
86                     int           Maxspc)     /* in: number of taxa in tree */
87 {
88 	int i, j, curribrnch;
90 	curribrnch = -1;
92 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc - 3; i++)
93 		for (j = 0; j < Maxspc; j++)
94 			biparts[i][j] = '.';
96 	for (i = 0; i < Maxbrnch; i++) {   /* (HAS) */
97 		if (!(edgeofleaf[psteprootleaf] == i
98 		      || edge[i].downright == NULL
99 		      || edge[i].downleft == NULL) ) { /* check only inner branches */
100 			curribrnch++;
101 			makepart(i, curribrnch, edge, edgeofleaf, biparts, Maxspc);
103 			/* make sure that the root is always a '*' */
104 			if (biparts[curribrnch][outgroup] == '.') {
105 				for (j = 0; j < Maxspc; j++) {
106 					if (biparts[curribrnch][j] == '.')
107 						biparts[curribrnch][j] = '*';
108 					else
109 						biparts[curribrnch][j] = '.';
110 				}
111 			}
112 		}
113 	}
114 } /* computebiparts */
116 /******************/
119 /* print out the bipartition n of all different splitpatterns */
fprintfsplit(FILE * fp,uli n,uli * splitpatterns,int splitlength,int Maxspc)120 void fprintfsplit(FILE *fp,		/* outputfile stream */
121                 uli   n,		/* split number */
122                 uli  *splitpatterns,	/* splits */
123                 int   splitlength,	/* number of ulis per split */
124                 int   Maxspc)		/* number of taxa */
125 {
126 	int i, j;	/* counter variables */
127 	int col;	/* current output column */
128 	uli z;		/* temporary variable for bit shifting */
130 	col = 0;
131 	for (i = 0; i < splitlength; i++) {
132 		z = splitpatterns[n*splitlength + i];
133 		for (j = 0; j < 32 && col < Maxspc; j++) {
134 			if (col % 10 == 0 && col != 0) fprintf(fp, " ");
135 			if (z & 1) fprintf(fp, ".");
136 			else fprintf(fp, "*");
137 			z = (z >> 1);
138 			col++;
139 		}
140 	}
141 } /* printsplit */
143 /******************/
145 /* general remarks:
147    - every entry in consbiparts is one node of the consensus tree
148    - for each node one has to know which taxa and which other nodes
149      are *directly* descending from it
150    - for every taxon/node number there is a flag that shows
151      whether it descends from the node or not
152    - '0' means that neither a taxon nor another node with the
153          corresponding number decends from the node
154      '1' means that the corresponding taxon descends from the node
155      '2' means that the corresponding node descends from the node
156      '3' means that the corresponding taxon and node descends from the node
157 */
159 /* make new entries for new different bipartitions and count frequencies */
160 /* internal use: splitcomptemp */
makenewsplitentries(cmatrix bip,int numspl,uli ** in_splitpatterns,int ** in_splitsizes,uli ** in_splitfreqs,uli * in_numbiparts,uli * in_maxbiparts,int Maxspc)161 void makenewsplitentries(cmatrix  bip,             /* in: split string vector */
162                          int      numspl,          /* in: no. of new splits   */
163                          uli    **in_splitpatterns,/* io: known compr splits  */
164                          int    **in_splitsizes,   /* io: kn. split sizes: '.'*/
165                          uli    **in_splitfreqs,   /* io: kn. split frequences*/
166                          uli     *in_numbiparts,   /* io: no. of splits so far*/
167 	                 uli     *in_maxbiparts,   /* io: reserved memory     */
168                          int      Maxspc)          /* in: no. of species      */
169 {
170         int  i, j;          /* count variables */
171 	int  bpc;           /* split count */
172 	int  identical;     /* split identical flag */
173         int  idflag;        /* split size identical flag */
174 	int  bpsize;        /* split size: count the '.' */
175         uli  nextentry;     /* temp vaiable for split amount numbiparts */
176 	uli  obpc;          /* split count - old splits */
177 	uli *splitpatternstmp; /* temp pointer, saves derefs. */
178 	int *splitsizestmp;    /* temp pointer, saves derefs. */
179 	uli *splitfreqstmp;    /* temp pointer, saves derefs. */
180 	uli  maxbipartstmp; /* split memory reserved so far */
182 	splitpatternstmp = *in_splitpatterns;
183 	splitsizestmp    = *in_splitsizes;
184 	splitfreqstmp    = *in_splitfreqs;
185 	maxbipartstmp    = *in_maxbiparts;
187         /* where the next entry would be in splitpatterns */
188         nextentry = *in_numbiparts;
190         for (bpc = 0; bpc < numspl; bpc++) { /* for every new bipartition */
191                 /* convert bipartition into a more compact format */
192                 bpsize = 0;
193                 for (i = 0; i < splitlength; i++) {
194                         splitcomptemp[i] = 0;
195                         for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
196                                 splitcomptemp[i] = splitcomptemp[i] >> 1;
197                                 if (i*32 + j < Maxspc)
198                                         if (bip[bpc][i*32 + j] == '.') {
199                                                 /* set highest bit */
200                                                 splitcomptemp[i] = (splitcomptemp[i] | 2147483648UL);
201                                                 bpsize++; /* count the '.' */
202                                         }
203                         }
204                 }
205                 /* compare to the *old* patterns */
206                 identical = FALSE;
207                 for (obpc = 0; (obpc < *in_numbiparts) && (!identical); obpc++) {
208                         /* compare first partition size */
209                         if (splitsizestmp[obpc] == bpsize) idflag = TRUE;
210                         else idflag = FALSE;
211                         /* if size is identical compare whole partition */
212                         for (i = 0; (i < splitlength) && idflag; i++)
213                                 if (splitcomptemp[i] != splitpatternstmp[obpc*splitlength + i])
214                                         idflag = FALSE;
215                         if (idflag) identical = TRUE;
216                 }
217                 if (identical) { /* if identical increase frequency */
218                         splitfreqstmp[2*(obpc-1)]++;
219                 } else { /* create new entry */
220                         if (nextentry == maxbipartstmp) { /* reserve more memory */
221                                 maxbipartstmp = maxbipartstmp + 2*Maxspc;
222                                 splitfreqstmp = (uli *) myrealloc(splitfreqstmp,
223                                         2*maxbipartstmp * sizeof(uli) );
224                                 /* 2x: splitfreqstmp contains also an index (sorting!) */
225                                 if (splitfreqstmp == NULL) maerror("splitfreqstmp in makenewsplitentries");
226                                 splitpatternstmp = (uli *) myrealloc(splitpatternstmp,
227                                         splitlength*maxbipartstmp * sizeof(uli) );
228                                 if (splitpatternstmp == NULL) maerror("splitpatternstmp in makenewsplitentries");
229                                 splitsizestmp = (int *) myrealloc(splitsizestmp,
230                                         maxbipartstmp * sizeof(int) );
231                                 if (splitsizestmp == NULL) maerror("splitsizestmp in makenewsplitentries");
232                         }
233                         splitfreqstmp[2*nextentry] = 1; /* frequency */
234                         splitfreqstmp[2*nextentry+1] = nextentry; /* index for sorting */
235                         for (i = 0; i < splitlength; i++)
236                                 splitpatternstmp[nextentry*splitlength + i] = splitcomptemp[i];
237                         splitsizestmp[nextentry] = bpsize;
238                         nextentry++;
239                 }
240         }
242 	/* export new values */
243         *in_numbiparts = nextentry;
244 	*in_splitpatterns = splitpatternstmp;
245 	*in_splitsizes = splitsizestmp;
246 	*in_splitfreqs = splitfreqstmp;
247 	*in_maxbiparts = maxbipartstmp;
249 } /* makenewsplitentries - new */
252 /***************************************************************************/
254 /* copy bipartition n of all different splitpatterns to consbiparts[k] */
copysplit(uli n,uli * splitpatterns,int k,cmatrix consbipartsvec)255 void copysplit(uli n, uli *splitpatterns, int k, cmatrix consbipartsvec)
256 {
257 	int i, j, col;
258 	uli z;
260 	col = 0;
261 	for (i = 0; i < splitlength; i++) {
262 		z = splitpatterns[n*splitlength + i];
263 		for (j = 0; j < 32 && col < Maxspc; j++) {
264 			if (z & 1) consbipartsvec[k][col] = '1';
265 			else       consbipartsvec[k][col] = '0';
266 			z = (z >> 1);
267 			col++;
268 			consbipartsvec[k][Maxspc] = '\0';
269 		}
270 	}
271 } /* copysplit */
273 /******************/
277 /* <consbipartsvec> and the quartet topologies from the ML step. Values are  */
278 /* stored in <qsupparr[splitnum]>                                            */
279 /* missing parameter: quartetinfo */
quartsupport(int splitnum,cmatrix consbipartsvec,qsupportarr_t * qsupparr)280 void quartsupport(int splitnum, cmatrix consbipartsvec, qsupportarr_t *qsupparr)
282 {
283 	int  n;
284 	int *clusterA;
285 	int *clusterB;
286 	int  clustA = 0;
287 	int  clustB = 0;
289 	int a1, a2, b1, b2;
290 	int aa1, aa2, bb1, bb2;
291 	uli  fullres_pro = 0;
292 	uli  fullres_con = 0;
293 	uli  partres_pro = 0;
294 	uli  partres_con = 0;
295 	uli  unres = 0;
296 	uli  missing = 0;
297 	uli  qsum = 0;
299 	cvector splitstr;
300 	unsigned char tmpweight;
302 	clusterA = calloc((size_t) Maxspc, (sizeof(int)));
303 	if (clusterA == NULL) maerror("clusterA in quartsupport");
304 	clusterB = calloc((size_t) Maxspc, (sizeof(int)));
305 	if (clusterA == NULL) maerror("clusterB in quartsupport");
307 	splitstr = consbipartsvec[splitnum];
309 	for(n=0; n<Maxspc; n++) {
310 		if (splitstr[n] == '0') clusterA[clustA++] = n;
311 		else                    clusterB[clustB++] = n;
312 	}
314 	if ((clustA <= 1) ||  (clustB <= 1)) {
315 		/* split in outer edge */
317 #		if PARALLEL
318 			PP_Finalize();
319 #		endif
320 		exit(1);
321 	}
323 	for (aa1 = 0; aa1 < clustA-1; aa1++)
324 	  for (aa2 = aa1+1; aa2 < clustA; aa2++)
325 	     for (bb1 = 0; bb1 < clustB-1; bb1++)
326 		for (bb2 = bb1+1; bb2 < clustB; bb2++) {
327 		   a1 = clusterA[aa1];
328 		   a2 = clusterA[aa2];
329 		   b1 = clusterB[bb1];
330 		   b2 = clusterB[bb2];
332 		   if (a1 < b1) {
333 		      if (b1 < a2) {
334 		         if (a2 < b2) { /* a1<b1<a2<b2 */
335 		             tmpweight = readquartet(a1, b1, a2, b2);
336 			     qsum++;
337 			     switch (tmpweight) {
338 				case 1: fullres_con++; break;
339 				case 2: fullres_pro++; break;
340 				case 3: partres_pro++; break;
341 				case 4: fullres_con++; break;
342 				case 5: partres_con++; break;
343 				case 6: partres_pro++; break;
344 				case 7: unres++; break;
345 				case 0: missing++; break;
346 			     }
347 		         } else { /* a1<b1<b2<a2 */
348 		             tmpweight = readquartet(a1, b1, b2, a2);
349 			     qsum++;
350 			     switch (tmpweight) {
351 				case 1: fullres_con++; break;
352 				case 2: fullres_con++; break;
353 				case 3: partres_con++; break;
354 				case 4: fullres_pro++; break;
355 				case 5: partres_pro++; break;
356 				case 6: partres_pro++; break;
357 				case 7: unres++; break;
358 				case 0: missing++; break;
359 			     }
360 		         }
361 		      } else { /* a1<a2<b1<b2 */
362 		          tmpweight = readquartet(a1, a2, b1, b2);
363 			  qsum++;
364 			  switch (tmpweight) {
365 			     case 1: fullres_pro++; break;
366 			     case 2: fullres_con++; break;
367 			     case 3: partres_pro++; break;
368 			     case 4: fullres_con++; break;
369 			     case 5: partres_pro++; break;
370 			     case 6: partres_con++; break;
371 			     case 7: unres++; break;
372 			     case 0: missing++; break;
373 		          }
374 		      }
375 		   } else {
376 		      if (a1 < b2) {
377 		         if (b2 < a2) { /* b1<a1<b2<a2 */
378 		             tmpweight = readquartet(b1, a1, b2, a2);
379 			     qsum++;
380 			     switch (tmpweight) {
381 				case 1: fullres_con++; break;
382 				case 2: fullres_pro++; break;
383 				case 3: partres_pro++; break;
384 				case 4: fullres_con++; break;
385 				case 5: partres_con++; break;
386 				case 6: partres_pro++; break;
387 				case 7: unres++; break;
388 				case 0: missing++; break;
389 			     }
390 		         } else { /* b1<a1<a2<b2 */
391 		             tmpweight = readquartet(b1, a1, a2, b2);
392 			     qsum++;
393 			     switch (tmpweight) {
394 				case 1: fullres_con++; break;
395 				case 2: fullres_con++; break;
396 				case 3: partres_con++; break;
397 				case 4: fullres_pro++; break;
398 				case 5: partres_pro++; break;
399 				case 6: partres_pro++; break;
400 				case 7: unres++; break;
401 				case 0: missing++; break;
402 			     }
403 		         }
404 		      } else { /* b1<b2<a1<a2 */
405 		          tmpweight = readquartet(b1, b2, a1, a2);
406 			  qsum++;
407 			  switch (tmpweight) {
408 			     case 1: fullres_pro++; break;
409 			     case 2: fullres_con++; break;
410 			     case 3: partres_pro++; break;
411 			     case 4: fullres_con++; break;
412 			     case 5: partres_pro++; break;
413 			     case 6: partres_con++; break;
414 			     case 7: unres++; break;
415 			     case 0: missing++; break;
416 		          }
417 		      }
418 		   }
419 	}
421 	qsupparr[splitnum].fullres_pro = fullres_pro;
422 	qsupparr[splitnum].fullres_con = fullres_con;
423 	qsupparr[splitnum].partres_pro = partres_pro;
424 	qsupparr[splitnum].partres_con = partres_con;
425 	qsupparr[splitnum].unres= unres;
426 	qsupparr[splitnum].missing = missing;
427 	qsupparr[splitnum].qsum = qsum;
429 	free(clusterA);
430 	free(clusterB);
431 } /* quartsupport */
433 /******************/
437 /* compute majority rule consensus tree */
makeconsensus(uli maxnumtrees,int qsupp_optn)438 void makeconsensus(uli maxnumtrees, int qsupp_optn)
439 {
440 	int i, j, k, n, size, subnode;
441 	char chari, charj;
442 	int done;
443 	int count01, count10, count00, count11, scount;
445 	/* sort bipartition frequencies */
446 	qsort(splitfreqs, numbiparts, 2*sizeof(uli), ulicmp);
447 	/* how many bipartitions are included in the consensus tree */
448 	consincluded = 0;
449 	for (i = 0; (uli)i < numbiparts && i == consincluded; i++) {
450 		if (2*splitfreqs[2*i] > maxnumtrees) consincluded = i + 1;
451 	}
453 	/* collect all info about majority rule consensus tree */
454 	/* the +1 is due to the edge with the root */
455 	/* consincluded changed to (Maxspc-3) to collect sub-50%-splits */
456 	/* a maximum of (Maxspc-3) is possible in a Maxspc-tree (HAS) */
457 	consconfid  = new_ivector(  (Maxspc-3) + 1);
458 	conssizes   = new_ivector(2*(Maxspc-3) + 2);
459 	consbiparts = new_cmatrix(  (Maxspc-3) + 1, Maxspc + 1);
461 	/* old routine (HAS)
462 	consconfid = new_ivector(consincluded + 1);
463 	conssizes = new_ivector(2*consincluded + 2);
464 	consbiparts = new_cmatrix(consincluded + 1, Maxspc);
465 	*/
467 	for (i = 0; i < consincluded; i++) {
468 		/* copy partition to consbiparts */
469 		copysplit(splitfreqs[2*i+1], splitpatterns, i, consbiparts);
470 		/* frequency in percent (rounded to integer) */
471 		consconfid[i] = (int) floor(100.0*splitfreqs[2*i]/maxnumtrees + 0.5);
472 		/* size of partition */
473 		conssizes[2*i] = splitsizes[splitfreqs[2*i+1]];
474 		conssizes[2*i+1] = i;
475 	}
477 	consfifty = consincluded;
478 	done = FALSE;
479 	i = consincluded;
481 	/* until maximum splits (Maxspc-3) incorporated or */
482 	/* first incongruence found */
483 	while ((i < (Maxspc-3)) && !done) {
485 		/* copy partition to consbiparts */
486 		copysplit(splitfreqs[2*i+1], splitpatterns, i, consbiparts);
488 		for (scount = 0; (scount<i) && (!done); scount++) {
489 			count01 = 0;
490 			count10 = 0;
491 			count00 = 0;
492 			count11 = 0;
494 			for (n = 0; (n<Maxspc) && (!done); n++) {
495 				if (consbiparts[i][n] != consbiparts[scount][n]) {
496 					if (consbiparts[i][n] == '0') count01++;
497 					else                          count10++;
498 				} else {
499 					if (consbiparts[i][n] == '0') count00++;
500 					else                          count11++;
501 				}
502 				if ((count01 > 0) && (count10 > 0) && (count00 > 0) && (count11 > 0)) done = TRUE;
503 			}
504 		}
505 		if (!done) {
506 			/* frequency in percent (rounded to integer) */
507 			consconfid[i] = (int) floor(100.0*splitfreqs[2*i]/maxnumtrees+ 0.5);
508 			/* size of partition */
509 			conssizes[2*i] = splitsizes[splitfreqs[2*i+1]];
510 			conssizes[2*i+1] = i;
511 			i++;
512 		}
513 	}
515 	/* last split has same percentage as the first unincorporated, remove */
516 	if (((uli)(i + 1) < numbiparts) && (splitfreqs[2*i] == splitfreqs[2*(i+1)]))
517 		done = TRUE;
519 	/* remove all splits with same percentage as first incongruence */
520 	if (done) {
521 		while ((i > 0) && (splitfreqs[2*i] == splitfreqs[2*(i-1)]))
522 			i--;
523 	}
525 	if (conssub50_optn) {
526 		consincluded = i;
527 		conscongruent = i;
528 	} else {
529 		conscongruent = i;
530 	}
532 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) consbiparts[consincluded][i] = '1';
533 	consbiparts[consincluded][outgroup] = '0';
534 	consconfid[consincluded] = 100;
535 	conssizes[2*consincluded] = Maxspc - 1;
536 	conssizes[2*consincluded + 1] = consincluded;
538 	/* sort bipartitions according to cluster size */
539 	qsort(conssizes, consincluded + 1, 2*sizeof(int), intcmp);
541 	qsupportarr = malloc((size_t) (sizeof(qsupportarr_t) * consincluded));
542 	if (qsupp_optn) {
543 		for (i = 0; i < consincluded; i++) {
544 			quartsupport(i, consbiparts, qsupportarr);
545 		}
546 	}
548 	/******************************/
549 	/* reconstruct consensus tree */
550 	/******************************/
551 	for (i = 0; i < consincluded; i++) { /* try every node */
552 		size = conssizes[2*i]; /* size of current node */
553 		for (j = i + 1; j < consincluded + 1; j++) {
555 			/* compare only with nodes with more descendants */
556 			if (size == conssizes[2*j]) continue;
558 			/* check whether node i is a subnode of j */
559 			subnode = FALSE;
560 			for (k = 0; k < Maxspc && !subnode; k++) {
561 				chari = consbiparts[ conssizes[2*i+1] ][k];
562 				if (chari != '0') {
563 					charj = consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][k];
564 					if (chari == charj || charj == '3') subnode = TRUE;
565 				}
566 			}
568 			/* if i is a subnode of j change j accordingly */
569 			if (subnode) {
570 				/* remove subnode i from j */
571 				for (k = 0; k < Maxspc; k++) {
572 					chari = consbiparts[ conssizes[2*i+1] ][k];
573 					if (chari != '0') {
574 						charj = consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][k];
575 						if (chari == charj)
576 							consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][k] = '0';
577 						else if (charj == '3') {
578 							if (chari == '1')
579 								consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][k] = '2';
580 							else if (chari == '2')
581 								consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][k] = '1';
582 							else {
583 								/* Consensus tree [1] */
584 								fprintf(STDOUT, "\n\n\nHALT: PLEASE REPORT ERROR H TO DEVELOPERS\n\n\n");
585 #								if PARALLEL
586 									PP_Finalize();
587 #								endif
588 								exit(1);
589 							}
590 						} else {
591 							/* Consensus tree [2] */
592 							fprintf(STDOUT, "\n\n\nHALT: PLEASE REPORT ERROR I TO DEVELOPERS\n\n\n");
593 #							if PARALLEL
594 								PP_Finalize();
595 #							endif
596 							exit(1);
597 						}
598 					}
599 				}
600 				/* add link to subnode i in node j */
601 				charj = consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][ conssizes[2*i+1] ];
602 				if (charj == '0')
603 					consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][ conssizes[2*i+1] ] = '2';
604 				else if (charj == '1')
605 					consbiparts[ conssizes[2*j+1] ][ conssizes[2*i+1] ] = '3';
606 				else {
607 					/* Consensus tree [3] */
608 					fprintf(STDOUT, "\n\n\nHALT: PLEASE REPORT ERROR J TO DEVELOPERS\n\n\n");
609 #					if PARALLEL
610 						PP_Finalize();
611 #					endif
612 					exit(1);
613 				}
614 			}
615 		}
616 	}
617 } /* makeconsensus */
619 /******************/
622 /* prototype for recursion */
623 void writenode(FILE          *treefile,    /* in: output stream */
624                int            node,        /* current node */
625                int            qsupp_optn,  /* 'print quartet support' flag */
626                qsupportarr_t *qsupparr,    /* quartet support values */
627                int           *column);     /* current line position */
629 /* write node (writeconsensustree) */
630 /* missing: column */
writenode(FILE * treefile,int node,int qsupp_optn,qsupportarr_t * qsupparr,int * column)631 void writenode(FILE          *treefile,    /* in: output stream */
632                int            node,        /* current node */
633                int            qsupp_optn,  /* 'print quartet support' flag */
634                qsupportarr_t *qsupparr,    /* quartet support values */
635                int           *column)      /* current line position */
636 {
637 	int i, first;
639 	fprintf(treefile, "(");
640 	(*column)++;
641 	/* write descending nodes */
642 	first = TRUE;
643 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
644 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '2' ||
645 		consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
646 			if (first) first = FALSE;
647 			else {
648 				fprintf(treefile, ",");
649 				(*column)++;
650 			}
651 			if ((*column) > 60) {
652 				(*column) = 2;
653 				fprintf(treefile, "\n");
654 			}
655 			/* write node i */
656 			writenode(treefile, i, qsupp_optn, qsupparr, column);
658 			if (qsupp_optn) {
659 				/* reliability value as internal label */
660 				fprintf(treefile, "%d", consconfid[i]);
661 				(*column) += 3;
662 #if 0
663 				fprintf(treefile, "\"bs=%d|", consconfid[i]);
664 				(*column) += 7;
666 				fprintf(treefile, "f+=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].fullres_pro/qsupparr[i].qsum));
667 				(*column) += 7;
668 				fprintf(treefile, "p+=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].partres_pro/qsupparr[i].qsum));
669 				(*column) += 7;
670 				fprintf(treefile, "f-=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].fullres_con/qsupparr[i].qsum));
671 				(*column) += 7;
672 				fprintf(treefile, "p-=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].partres_con/qsupparr[i].qsum));
673 				(*column) += 7;
674 				fprintf(treefile, "ur=%.0f", (100.0*qsupparr[i].unres/qsupparr[i].qsum));
675 				(*column) += 6;
676 				if (qsupparr[i].missing > 0) {
677 					fprintf(treefile, "|md=%.0f", (100.0*qsupparr[i].missing/qsupparr[i].qsum));
678 					(*column) += 7;
679 				}
680 				fprintf(treefile, "/%ld\"", qsupparr[i].qsum);
681 				(*column) += 5;
682 #endif
683 			} else {
684 				/* reliability value as internal label */
685 				fprintf(treefile, "%d", consconfid[i]);
686 				(*column) += 3;
687 			}
688 		}
689 	}
690 	/* write descending taxa */
691 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
692 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '1' ||
693 		consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
694 			if (first) first = FALSE;
695 			else {
696 				fprintf(treefile, ",");
697 				(*column)++;
698 			}
699 			if ((*column) > 60) {
700 				(*column) = 2;
701 				fprintf(treefile, "\n");
702 			}
703 			(*column) += fputid(treefile, i);
704 		}
705 	}
706 	fprintf(treefile, ")");
707 	(*column)++;
708 } /* writenode */
710 /******************/
714 /* write consensus tree */
715 /* missing: consbiparts, consincluded, consconfid,  */
writeconsensustree(FILE * treefile,int qsupp_optn,qsupportarr_t * qsupparr)716 void writeconsensustree(FILE          *treefile,   /* in: output stream */
717                         int            qsupp_optn, /* 'print quartsupp' flag */
718                         qsupportarr_t *qsupparr)   /* quartet support values */
719 {
720 	int i, first;
721 	int column;
724 	column = 1;
725 	fprintf(treefile, "(");
726 	column += fputid(treefile, outgroup) + 2;
727 	fprintf(treefile, ",");
728 	/* write descending nodes */
729 	first = TRUE;
730 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
731 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '2' || consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
732 			if (first) first = FALSE;
733 			else {
734 				fprintf(treefile, ",");  /* first (outgroup) has ',' already */
735 				column++;
736 			}
737 			if (column > 60) {
738 				column = 2;
739 				fprintf(treefile, "\n");
740 			}
741 			/* write node i */
742 			writenode(treefile, i, qsupp_optn, qsupparr, &column);
744 			if (qsupp_optn) {
745 				/* reliability value as internal label */
746 				fprintf(treefile, "%d", consconfid[i]);
747 				column += 3;
748 #if 0
749 				fprintf(treefile, "\"bs=%d|", consconfid[i]);
750 				column += 7;
752 				fprintf(treefile, "f+=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].fullres_pro/qsupparr[i].qsum));
753 				column += 7;
754 				fprintf(treefile, "p+=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].partres_pro/qsupparr[i].qsum));
755 				column += 7;
756 				fprintf(treefile, "f-=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].fullres_con/qsupparr[i].qsum));
757 				column += 7;
758 				fprintf(treefile, "p-=%.0f|", (100.0*qsupparr[i].partres_con/qsupparr[i].qsum));
759 				column += 7;
760 				fprintf(treefile, "ur=%.0f", (100.0*qsupparr[i].unres/qsupparr[i].qsum));
761 				column += 6;
762 				if (qsupparr[i].missing > 0) {
763 					fprintf(treefile, "|md=%.0f", (100.0*qsupparr[i].missing/qsupparr[i].qsum));
764 					column += 7;
765 				}
766 				fprintf(treefile, "/%ld\"", qsupparr[i].qsum);
767 				column += 5;
768 #endif
769 			} else {
770 				/* reliability value as internal label */
771 				fprintf(treefile, "%d", consconfid[i]);
772 				column += 3;
773 			}
774 		}
775 	}
776 	/* write descending taxa */
777 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
778 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '1' ||
779 		consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
780 			if (first) first = FALSE;
781 			else {
782 				fprintf(treefile, ",");
783 				column++;
784 			}
785 			if (column > 60) {
786 				column = 2;
787 				fprintf(treefile, "\n");
788 			}
789 			column += fputid(treefile, i);
790 		}
791 	}
792 	fprintf(treefile, ");\n");
793 } /* writeconsensustree */
795 /******************/
798 /* prototype for recursion */
799 void nodecoordinates(int node);
801 /* establish node coordinates (plotconsensustree) */
nodecoordinates(int node)802 void nodecoordinates(int node)
803 {
804 	int i, ymin, ymax, xcoordinate;
806 	/* first establish coordinates of descending nodes */
807 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
808 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '2' ||
809 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3')
810 			nodecoordinates(i);
811 	}
813 	/* then establish coordinates of descending taxa */
814 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
815 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '1' ||
816 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
817 			/* y-coordinate of taxon i */
818 			ycortax[i] = ytaxcounter;
819 			ytaxcounter = ytaxcounter - 2;
820 		}
821 	}
823 	/* then establish coordinates of this node */
824 	ymin = 2*Maxspc - 2;
825 	ymax = 0;
826 	xcoordinate = 0;
827 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
828 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '2' ||
829 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
830 			if (ycor[i] > ymax) ymax = ycor[i];
831 			if (ycor[i] < ymin) ymin = ycor[i];
832 			if (xcor[i] > xcoordinate) xcoordinate = xcor[i];
833 		}
834 	}
835 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
836 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '1' ||
837 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
838 			if (ycortax[i] > ymax) ymax = ycortax[i];
839 			if (ycortax[i] < ymin) ymin = ycortax[i];
840 		}
841 	}
842 	ycormax[node] = ymax;
843 	ycormin[node] = ymin;
844 	ycor[node] = (int) floor(0.5*(ymax + ymin) + 0.5);
845 	if (xcoordinate == 0) xcoordinate = 9;
846 	xcor[node] = xcoordinate + 4;
847 } /* nodecoordinates */
849 /******************/
852 /* prototype for recursion */
853 void drawnode(int node, int xold);
855 /* drawnode  (plotconsensustree) */
drawnode(int node,int xold)856 void drawnode(int node, int xold)
857 {
858 	int i, j;
859 	char buf[4];
861 	/* first draw vertical line */
862 	for (i = ycormin[node] + 1; i < ycormax[node]; i++)
863 		treepict[xcor[node]][i] = ':';
865 	/* then draw descending nodes */
866 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
867 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '2' ||
868 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3')
869 			drawnode(i, xcor[node]);
870 	}
872 	/* then draw descending taxa */
873 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
874 		if (consbiparts[node][i] == '1' ||
875 		    consbiparts[node][i] == '3') {
876 			treepict[xcor[node]][ycortax[i]] = ':';
877 			for (j = xcor[node] + 1; j < xsize-10; j++)
878 				treepict[j][ycortax[i]] = '-';
879 			for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
880 				treepict[xsize-10+j][ycortax[i]] = Identif[i][j];
881 		}
882 	}
884 	/* then draw internal edge with consensus value */
885 	treepict[xold][ycor[node]] = ':';
886 	treepict[xcor[node]][ycor[node]] = ':';
887 	for (i = xold + 1; i < xcor[node]-3; i++)
888 		treepict[i][ycor[node]] = '-';
889 	sprintf(buf, "%d", consconfid[node]);
890 	if (consconfid[node] == 100) {
891 		treepict[xcor[node]-3][ycor[node]] = buf[0];
892 		treepict[xcor[node]-2][ycor[node]] = buf[1];
893 		treepict[xcor[node]-1][ycor[node]] = buf[2];
894 	} else {
895 		treepict[xcor[node]-3][ycor[node]] = '-';
896 		treepict[xcor[node]-2][ycor[node]] = buf[0];
897 		treepict[xcor[node]-1][ycor[node]] = buf[1];
898 	}
899 } /* drawnode */
901 /******************/
904 /* plot consensus tree */
plotconsensustree(FILE * plotfp)905 void plotconsensustree(FILE *plotfp)
906 {
907 	int i, j, yroot, startree;
909 	/* star tree or no star tree */
910 	if (consincluded == 0) {
911 		startree = TRUE;
912 		consincluded = 1; /* avoids problems with malloc */
913 	} else
914 		startree = FALSE;
916 	/* memory for x-y-coordinates of each bipartition */
917 	xcor = new_ivector(consincluded);
918 	ycor = new_ivector(consincluded);
919 	ycormax = new_ivector(consincluded);
920 	ycormin = new_ivector(consincluded);
921 	if (startree) consincluded = 0; /* avoids problems with malloc */
923 	/* y-coordinates of each taxon */
924 	ycortax = new_ivector(Maxspc);
925 	ycortax[outgroup] = 0;
927 	/* establish coordinates */
928 	ytaxcounter = 2*Maxspc - 2;
930 	/* first establish coordinates of descending nodes */
931 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
932 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '2' ||
933 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3')
934 			nodecoordinates(i);
935 	}
937 	/* then establish coordinates of descending taxa */
938 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
939 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '1' ||
940 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
941 			/* y-coordinate of taxon i */
942 			ycortax[i] = ytaxcounter;
943 			ytaxcounter = ytaxcounter - 2;
944 		}
945 	}
947 	/* then establish length of root edge and size of whole tree */
948 	yroot = 0;
949 	xsize = 0;
950 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
951 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '2' ||
952 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
953 			if (ycor[i] > yroot) yroot = ycor[i];
954 			if (xcor[i] > xsize) xsize = xcor[i];
955 		}
956 	}
957 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
958 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '1' ||
959 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
960 			if (ycortax[i] > yroot) yroot = ycortax[i];
961 		}
962 	}
963 	if (xsize == 0) xsize = 9;
964 	/* size in x direction inclusive one blank on the left */
965 	xsize = xsize + 6;
967 	/* change all x-labels so that (0,0) is down-left */
968 	for (i = 0; i < consincluded; i++)
969 		xcor[i] = xsize-1-xcor[i];
971 	/* draw tree */
972 	treepict = new_cmatrix(xsize, 2*Maxspc-1);
973 	for (i = 0; i < xsize; i++)
974 		for (j = 0; j < 2*Maxspc-1; j++)
975 			treepict[i][j] = ' ';
977 	/* draw root */
978 	for (i = 1; i < yroot; i++)
979 		treepict[1][i] = ':';
980 	treepict[1][0] = ':';
981 	for (i = 2; i < xsize - 10; i++)
982 		treepict[i][0] = '-';
983 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
984 		treepict[xsize-10+i][0] = Identif[outgroup][i];
986 	/* then draw descending nodes */
987 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
988 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '2' ||
989 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3')
990 			drawnode(i, 1);
991 	}
993 	/* then draw descending taxa */
994 	for (i = 0; i < Maxspc; i++) {
995 		if (consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '1' ||
996 		    consbiparts[consincluded][i] == '3') {
997 			treepict[1][ycortax[i]] = ':';
998 			for (j = 2; j < xsize-10; j++)
999 				treepict[j][ycortax[i]] = '-';
1000 			for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
1001 				treepict[xsize-10+j][ycortax[i]] = Identif[i][j];
1002 		}
1003 	}
1005 	/* plot tree */
1006 	for (i = 2*Maxspc-2; i > -1; i--) {
1007 		for (j = 0; j < xsize; j++)
1008 			fputc(treepict[j][i], plotfp);
1009 		fputc('\n', plotfp);
1010 	}
1012 	free_ivector(xcor);
1013 	free_ivector(ycor);
1014 	free_ivector(ycormax);
1015 	free_ivector(ycormin);
1016 	free_ivector(ycortax);
1017 	free_cmatrix(treepict);
1018 } /* plotconsensustree */