1 //#define GFF_DEBUG 1 //debugging guides loading
2 #include "rlink.h"
3 #include "tmerge.h"
4 #ifndef NOTHREADS
5 #include "GThreads.h"
6 #endif
8 //#define GMEMTRACE 1  //debugging mem allocation
10 #ifdef GMEMTRACE
11 #include "proc_mem.h"
12 #endif
14 #define VERSION "2.1.1"
16 //#define DEBUGPRINT 1
18 #ifdef DEBUGPRINT
19 #define DBGPRINT(x) GMessage(x)
20 #define DBGPRINT2(a,b) GMessage(a,b)
21 #define DBGPRINT3(a,b,c) GMessage(a,b,c)
22 #define DBGPRINT4(a,b,c,d) GMessage(a,b,c,d)
23 #define DBGPRINT5(a,b,c,d,e) GMessage(a,b,c,d,e)
24 #else
25 #define DBGPRINT(x)
26 #define DBGPRINT2(a,b)
27 #define DBGPRINT3(a,b,c)
28 #define DBGPRINT4(a,b,c,d)
29 #define DBGPRINT5(a,b,c,d,e)
30 #endif
32 #define USAGE "StringTie v" VERSION " usage:\n\
33  stringtie <input.bam ..> [-G <guide_gff>] [-l <label>] [-o <out_gtf>] [-p <cpus>]\n\
34   [-v] [-a <min_anchor_len>] [-m <min_tlen>] [-j <min_anchor_cov>] [-f <min_iso>]\n\
35   [-C <coverage_file_name>] [-c <min_bundle_cov>] [-g <bdist>] [-u] [-L]\n\
36   [-e] [-x <seqid,..>] [-A <gene_abund.out>] [-h] {-B | -b <dir_path>} \n\
37 Assemble RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts.\n\
38  Options:\n\
39  --version : print just the version at stdout and exit\n\
40  --conservative : conservative transcriptome assembly, same as -t -c 1.5 -f 0.05\n\
41  --rf assume stranded library fr-firststrand\n\
42  --fr assume stranded library fr-secondstrand\n\
43  -G reference annotation to use for guiding the assembly process (GTF/GFF3)\n\
44  -o output path/file name for the assembled transcripts GTF (default: stdout)\n\
45  -l name prefix for output transcripts (default: STRG)\n\
46  -f minimum isoform fraction (default: 0.01)\n\
47  -L use long reads settings (default:false)\n\
48  -R if long reads are provided, just clean and collapse the reads but do not assemble\n\
49  -m minimum assembled transcript length (default: 200)\n\
50  -a minimum anchor length for junctions (default: 10)\n\
51  -j minimum junction coverage (default: 1)\n\
52  -t disable trimming of predicted transcripts based on coverage\n\
53     (default: coverage trimming is enabled)\n\
54  -c minimum reads per bp coverage to consider for multi-exon transcript\n\
55     (default: 1)\n\
56  -s minimum reads per bp coverage to consider for single-exon transcript\n\
57     (default: 4.75)\n\
58  -v verbose (log bundle processing details)\n\
59  -g maximum gap allowed between read mappings (default: 50)\n\
60  -M fraction of bundle allowed to be covered by multi-hit reads (default:1)\n\
61  -p number of threads (CPUs) to use (default: 1)\n\
62  -A gene abundance estimation output file\n\
63  -B enable output of Ballgown table files which will be created in the\n\
64     same directory as the output GTF (requires -G, -o recommended)\n\
65  -b enable output of Ballgown table files but these files will be \n\
66     created under the directory path given as <dir_path>\n\
67  -e only estimate the abundance of given reference transcripts (requires -G)\n\
68  -x do not assemble any transcripts on the given reference sequence(s)\n\
69  -u no multi-mapping correction (default: correction enabled)\n\
70  -h print this usage message and exit\n\
71 \n\
72 Transcript merge usage mode: \n\
73   stringtie --merge [Options] { gtf_list | strg1.gtf ...}\n\
74 With this option StringTie will assemble transcripts from multiple\n\
75 input files generating a unified non-redundant set of isoforms. In this mode\n\
76 the following options are available:\n\
77   -G <guide_gff>   reference annotation to include in the merging (GTF/GFF3)\n\
78   -o <out_gtf>     output file name for the merged transcripts GTF\n\
79                     (default: stdout)\n\
80   -m <min_len>     minimum input transcript length to include in the merge\n\
81                     (default: 50)\n\
82   -c <min_cov>     minimum input transcript coverage to include in the merge\n\
83                     (default: 0)\n\
84   -F <min_fpkm>    minimum input transcript FPKM to include in the merge\n\
85                     (default: 1.0)\n\
86   -T <min_tpm>     minimum input transcript TPM to include in the merge\n\
87                     (default: 1.0)\n\
88   -f <min_iso>     minimum isoform fraction (default: 0.01)\n\
89   -g <gap_len>     gap between transcripts to merge together (default: 250)\n\
90   -i               keep merged transcripts with retained introns; by default\n\
91                    these are not kept unless there is strong evidence for them\n\
92   -l <label>       name prefix for output transcripts (default: MSTRG)\n\
93 "
94 /*
95  -C output a file with reference transcripts that are covered by reads\n\
96  -U unitigs are treated as reads and not as guides \n\ \\ not used now
97  -d disable adaptive read coverage mode (default: yes)\n\
98  -n sensitivity level: 0,1, or 2, 3, with 3 the most sensitive level (default 1)\n\ \\ deprecated for now
99  -O disable the coverage saturation limit and use a slower two-pass approach\n\
100     to process the input alignments, collapsing redundant reads\n\
101   -i the reference annotation contains partial transcripts\n\
102  -w weight the maximum flow algorithm towards the transcript with higher rate (abundance); default: no\n\
103  -y include EM algorithm in max flow estimation; default: no\n\
104  -z don't include source in the max flow algorithm\n\
105  -P output file with all transcripts in reference that are partially covered by reads
106  -M fraction of bundle allowed to be covered by multi-hit reads (paper uses default: 1)\n\
107  -c minimum bundle reads per bp coverage to consider for assembly (paper uses default: 3)\n\
108  -S more sensitive run (default: no) disabled for now \n\
109  -s coverage saturation threshold; further read alignments will be\n\ // this coverage saturation parameter is deprecated starting at version 1.0.5
110     ignored in a region where a local coverage depth of <maxcov> \n\
111     is reached (default: 1,000,000);\n\ \\ deprecated
112  -e (mergeMode)  include estimated coverage information in the preidcted transcript\n\
113  -E (mergeMode)   enable the name of the input transcripts to be included\n\
114                   in the merge output (default: no)\n\
115 */
116 //---- globals
118 FILE* f_out=NULL;
119 FILE* c_out=NULL;
120 //#define B_DEBUG 1
121 #ifdef B_DEBUG
122  FILE* dbg_out=NULL;
123 #endif
125 GStr outfname;
126 GStr out_dir;
127 GStr tmp_path;
128 GStr tmpfname;
129 GStr genefname;
130 bool guided=false;
131 bool trim=true;
132 bool eonly=false; // parameter -e ; for mergeMode includes estimated coverage sum in the merged transcripts
133 bool longreads=false;
134 bool rawreads=false;
135 bool nomulti=false;
136 bool enableNames=false;
137 bool includecov=false;
138 bool fr_strand=false;
139 bool rf_strand=false;
140 //bool complete=true; // set by parameter -i the reference annotation contains partial transcripts
141 bool retained_intron=false; // set by parameter -i for merge option
142 bool geneabundance=false;
143 //bool partialcov=false;
144 int num_cpus=1;
145 int mintranscriptlen=200; // minimum length for a transcript to be printed
146 //int sensitivitylevel=1;
147 uint junctionsupport=10; // anchor length for junction to be considered well supported <- consider shorter??
148 int junctionthr=1; // number of reads needed to support a particular junction
149 float readthr=1;     // read coverage per bundle bp to accept it; // paper uses 3
150 float singlethr=4.75;
151 uint bundledist=50;  // reads at what distance should be considered part of separate bundles
152 uint runoffdist=200;
153 float mcov=1; // fraction of bundle allowed to be covered by multi-hit reads paper uses 1
154 int allowed_nodes=1000;
155 //bool adaptive=true; // adaptive read coverage -> depends on the overall gene coverage
157 int no_xs=0; // number of records without the xs tag
159 float fpkm_thr=1;
160 float tpm_thr=1;
162 // different options of implementation reflected with the next three options
163 bool includesource=true;
164 //bool EM=false;
165 //bool weight=false;
167 float isofrac=0.01;
168 bool isunitig=true;
169 GStr label("STRG");
170 GStr ballgown_dir;
172 GFastaDb* gfasta=NULL;
174 GStr guidegff;
176 bool debugMode=false;
177 bool verbose=false;
178 bool ballgown=false;
180 //int maxReadCov=1000000; //max local read coverage (changed with -s option)
181 //no more reads will be considered for a bundle if the local coverage exceeds this value
182 //(each exon is checked for this)
184 bool forceBAM = false; //useful for stdin (piping alignments into StringTie)
186 bool mergeMode = false; //--merge option
187 bool keepTempFiles = false; //--keeptmp
189 int GeneNo=0; //-- global "gene" counter
190 double Num_Fragments=0; //global fragment counter (aligned pairs)
191 double Frag_Len=0;
192 double Cov_Sum=0;
193 //bool firstPrint=true; //just for writing the GFF header before the first transcript is printed
195 GffNames* gseqNames=NULL; //used as a dictionary for genomic sequence names and ids
197 int refseqCount=0;
200 #ifdef GMEMTRACE
201  double maxMemRS=0;
202  double maxMemVM=0;
203  GStr maxMemBundle;
204 #endif
207 #ifndef NOTHREADS
208 //single producer, multiple consumers
209 //main thread/program is always loading the producer
210 GMutex dataMutex; //manage availability of data records ready to be loaded by main thread
211 GVec<int> dataClear; //indexes of data bundles cleared for loading by main thread (clear data pool)
212 GConditionVar haveBundles; //will notify a thread that a bundle was loaded in the ready queue
213                            //(or that no more bundles are coming)
214 int bundleWork=1; // bit 0 set if bundles are still being prepared (BAM file not exhausted yet)
215                   // bit 1 set if there are Bundles ready in the queue
217 //GFastMutex waitMutex;
218 GMutex waitMutex; // controls threadsWaiting (idle threads counter)
220 int threadsWaiting; // idle worker threads
221 GConditionVar haveThreads; //will notify the bundle loader when a thread
222                           //is available to process the currently loaded bundle
224 GConditionVar haveClear; //will notify when bundle buf space available
226 GMutex queueMutex; //controls bundleQueue and bundles access
228 GFastMutex printMutex; //for writing the output to file
230 GFastMutex logMutex; //only when verbose - to avoid mangling the log output
232 GFastMutex bamReadingMutex;
234 GFastMutex countMutex;
236 #endif
238 GHash<int> excludeGseqs; //hash of chromosomes/contigs to exclude (e.g. chrM)
240 bool NoMoreBundles=false;
241 bool moreBundles(); //thread-safe retrieves NoMoreBundles
242 void noMoreBundles(); //sets NoMoreBundles to true
243 //--
244 void processOptions(GArgs& args);
245 char* sprintTime();
247 void processBundle(BundleData* bundle);
248 //void processBundle1stPass(BundleData* bundle); //two-pass testing
250 void writeUnbundledGuides(GVec<GRefData>& refdata, FILE* fout, FILE* gout=NULL);
252 #ifndef NOTHREADS
254 bool noThreadsWaiting();
256 void workerThread(GThreadData& td); // Thread function
258 //prepare the next free bundle for loading
259 int waitForData(BundleData* bundles);
260 #endif
263 TInputFiles bamreader;
main(int argc,char * argv[])265 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
267  // == Process arguments.
268  GArgs args(argc, argv,
269    "debug;help;version;conservative;keeptmp;rseq=;bam;fr;rf;merge;exclude=zEihvteuLRx:n:j:s:D:G:C:S:l:m:o:a:j:c:f:p:g:P:M:Bb:A:F:T:");
270  args.printError(USAGE, true);
272  processOptions(args);
274  GVec<GRefData> refguides; // plain vector with transcripts for each chromosome
276  //table indexes for Ballgown Raw Counts data (-B/-b option)
277  GPVec<RC_TData> guides_RC_tdata(true); //raw count data or other info for all guide transcripts
278  GPVec<RC_Feature> guides_RC_exons(true); //raw count data for all guide exons
279  GPVec<RC_Feature> guides_RC_introns(true);//raw count data for all guide introns
281  GVec<int> alncounts(30,0); //keep track of the number of read alignments per chromosome [gseq_id]
283  int bamcount=bamreader.start(); //setup and open input files
284 #ifndef GFF_DEBUG
285  if (bamcount<1) {
286 	 GError("%sError: no input files provided!\n",USAGE);
287  }
288 #endif
290 #ifdef DEBUGPRINT
291   verbose=true;
292 #endif
294 const char* ERR_BAM_SORT="\nError: the input alignment file is not sorted!\n";
296  if(guided) { // read guiding transcripts from input gff file
297 	 if (verbose) {
298 		 printTime(stderr);
299 		 GMessage(" Loading reference annotation (guides)..\n");
300 	 }
301    FILE* f=fopen(guidegff.chars(),"r");
302    if (f==NULL) GError("Error: could not open reference annotation file (%s)!\n",
303        guidegff.chars());
304    //                transcripts_only    sort by location?
305    GffReader gffr(f,       true,             true); //loading only recognizable transcript features
306    gffr.setRefAlphaSorted(); //alphabetical sorting of refseq IDs
307    gffr.showWarnings(verbose);
308    //        keepAttrs    mergeCloseExons   noExonAttrs
309    gffr.readAll(false,          true,        true);
310    //the list of GffObj is in gffr.gflst, sorted by chromosome and start-end coordinates
311    //collect them in other data structures, if it's kept for later call gffobj->isUsed(true)
312    // (otherwise it'll be deallocated when gffr is destroyed due to going out of scope)
313    refseqCount=gffr.gseqtable.Count();
314    if (refseqCount==0 || gffr.gflst.Count()==0) {
315 	   GError("Error: could not any valid reference transcripts in %s (invalid GTF/GFF file?)\n",
316 			   guidegff.chars());
317    }
318    refguides.setCount(refseqCount); //maximum gseqid
319    uint c_tid=0;
320    uint c_exon_id=0;
321    uint c_intron_id=0;
322    GList<RC_Feature> uexons(true, false, true); //sorted, free items, unique
323    GList<RC_Feature> uintrons(true, false, true);
324    //assign unique transcript IDs based on the sorted order
325    int last_refid=-1;
326    bool skipGseq=false;
327    for (int i=0;i<gffr.gflst.Count();i++) {
328 	   GffObj* m=gffr.gflst[i];
329 	   if (last_refid!=m->gseq_id) {
330 		   //chromosome switch
331 		   if (ballgown) { //prepare memory storage/tables for all guides on this chromosome
332 			   uexons.Clear();
333 			   uintrons.Clear();
334 		   }
335 		   last_refid=m->gseq_id;
336 		   skipGseq=excludeGseqs.hasKey(m->getGSeqName());
337 	   }
338 	   //sanity check: make sure there are no exonless "genes" or other
339 	   if (skipGseq) continue;
340 	   if (m->exons.Count()==0) {
341 		    if (verbose)
342 		    	GMessage("Warning: exonless GFF %s feature with ID %s found, added implicit exon %d-%d.\n",
343 		    			m->getFeatureName(), m->getID(), m->start, m->end);
344 		    m->addExon(m->start, m->end); //should never happen!
345 	   }
346 	   //DONE: always keep a RC_TData pointer around, with additional info about guides
347 	   RC_TData* tdata=new RC_TData(*m, ++c_tid);
348 	   m->uptr=tdata;
349 	   guides_RC_tdata.Add(tdata);
350 	   if (ballgown) { //already gather exon & intron info for all ref transcripts
351 		   tdata->rc_addFeatures(c_exon_id, uexons, guides_RC_exons,
352 		          c_intron_id, uintrons, guides_RC_introns);
353 	   }
354 	   GRefData& grefdata = refguides[m->gseq_id];
355 	   grefdata.add(&gffr, m); //transcripts already sorted by location
356    }
357 	 if (verbose) {
358 		 printTime(stderr);
359 		 GMessage(" %d reference transcripts loaded.\n", gffr.gflst.Count());
360 	 }
361  }
363 #ifdef GFF_DEBUG
364   for (int r=0;r<refguides.Count();++r) {
365 	  GRefData& grefdata = refguides[r];
366       for (int k=0;k<grefdata.rnas.Count();++k) {
367     	  GMessage("#transcript #%d : %s (%d exons)\n", k, grefdata.rnas[k]->getID(), grefdata.rnas[k]->exons.Count());
368     	  grefdata.rnas[k]->printGff(stderr);
369       }
370   }
371   GMessage("GFF Debug mode, exiting...\n");
372   exit(0);
373 #endif
375  // --- here we do the input processing
376  gseqNames=GffObj::names; //might have been populated already by gff data
377  gffnames_ref(gseqNames);  //initialize the names collection if not guided
380  GHash<int> hashread;      //read_name:pos:hit_index => readlist index
382  GList<GffObj>* guides=NULL; //list of transcripts on a specific chromosome
384  int currentstart=0, currentend=0;
385  int ng_start=0;
386  int ng_end=-1;
387  int ng=0;
388  GStr lastref;
389  bool no_ref_used=true;
390  int lastref_id=-1; //last seen gseq_id
391  // int ncluster=0; used it for debug purposes only
393  //Ballgown files
394  FILE* f_tdata=NULL;
395  FILE* f_edata=NULL;
396  FILE* f_idata=NULL;
397  FILE* f_e2t=NULL;
398  FILE* f_i2t=NULL;
399 if (ballgown)
400  Ballgown_setupFiles(f_tdata, f_edata, f_idata, f_e2t, f_i2t);
401 #ifndef NOTHREADS
402 //model: one producer, multiple consumers
403 #define DEF_TSTACK_SIZE 8388608
404  int tstackSize=GThread::defaultStackSize();
405  size_t defStackSize=0;
406 if (tstackSize<DEF_TSTACK_SIZE) defStackSize=DEF_TSTACK_SIZE;
407  if (verbose) {
408 	 if (defStackSize>0){
409 		 int ssize=defStackSize;
410 		 GMessage("Default stack size for threads: %d (increased to %d)\n", tstackSize, ssize);
411 	 }
412 	 else GMessage("Default stack size for threads: %d\n", tstackSize);
413  }
414  GThread* threads=new GThread[num_cpus]; //bundle processing threads
416  GPVec<BundleData> bundleQueue(false); //queue of loaded bundles
417  //the consumers take (pop) bundles out of this queue for processing
418  //the producer populates this queue with bundles built from reading the BAM input
420  BundleData* bundles=new BundleData[num_cpus+1];
421  //bundles[0..num_cpus-1] are processed by threads, loading bundles[num_cpus] first
423  dataClear.setCapacity(num_cpus+1);
424  for (int b=0;b<num_cpus;b++) {
425 	 threads[b].kickStart(workerThread, (void*) &bundleQueue, defStackSize);
426 	 bundles[b+1].idx=b+1;
427 	 dataClear.Push(b);
428    }
429  BundleData* bundle = &(bundles[num_cpus]);
430 #else
431  BundleData bundles[1];
432  BundleData* bundle = &(bundles[0]);
433 #endif
434  GBamRecord* brec=NULL;
435  bool more_alns=true;
436  TAlnInfo* tinfo=NULL; // for --merge
437  int prev_pos=0;
438  bool skipGseq=false;
439  while (more_alns) {
440 	 bool chr_changed=false;
441 	 int pos=0;
442 	 const char* refseqName=NULL;
443 	 char xstrand=0;
444 	 int nh=1;
445 	 int hi=0;
446 	 int gseq_id=lastref_id;  //current chr id
447 	 bool new_bundle=false;
448 	 //delete brec;
449 	 if ((brec=bamreader.next())!=NULL) {
450 		 if (brec->isUnmapped()) continue;
451 		 if (brec->start<1 || brec->mapped_len<10) {
452 			 if (verbose) GMessage("Warning: invalid mapping found for read %s (position=%d, mapped length=%d)\n",
453 					 brec->name(), brec->start, brec->mapped_len);
454 			 continue;
455 		 }
457 		 refseqName=brec->refName();
458 		 xstrand=brec->spliceStrand(); // tagged strand gets priority
459 		 if(xstrand=='.' && (fr_strand || rf_strand)) { // set strand if stranded library
460 			 if(brec->isPaired()) { // read is paired
461 				 if(brec->pairOrder()==1) { // first read in pair
462 					 if((rf_strand && brec->revStrand())||(fr_strand && !brec->revStrand())) xstrand='+';
463 					 else xstrand='-';
464 				 }
465 				 else {
466 					 if((rf_strand && brec->revStrand())||(fr_strand && !brec->revStrand())) xstrand='-';
467 					 else xstrand='+';
468 				 }
469 			 }
470 			 else {
471 				 if((rf_strand && brec->revStrand())||(fr_strand && !brec->revStrand())) xstrand='+';
472 				 else xstrand='-';
473 			 }
474 		 }
476 		 /*
477 		 if (xstrand=='.' && brec->exons.Count()>1) {
478 			 no_xs++;
479 			 continue; //skip spliced alignments lacking XS tag (e.g. HISAT alignments)
480 		 }
481 		 // I might still infer strand later */
483 		 if (refseqName==NULL) GError("Error: cannot retrieve target seq name from BAM record!\n");
484 		 pos=brec->start; //BAM is 0 based, but GBamRecord makes it 1-based
485 		 chr_changed=(lastref.is_empty() || lastref!=refseqName);
486 		 if (chr_changed) {
487 			 skipGseq=excludeGseqs.hasKey(refseqName);
488 			 gseq_id=gseqNames->gseqs.addName(refseqName);
489 			 if (guided) {
490 				 if (gseq_id>=refseqCount) {
491 					 if (verbose)
492 						 GMessage("WARNING: no reference transcripts found for genomic sequence \"%s\"! (mismatched reference names?)\n",
493 								refseqName);
494 				 }
495 				 else no_ref_used=false;
496 			 }
498 			 if (alncounts.Count()<=gseq_id) {
499 				 alncounts.Resize(gseq_id+1, 0);
500 			 }
501 			 else if (alncounts[gseq_id]>0) GError(ERR_BAM_SORT);
502 			 prev_pos=0;
503 		 }
504 		 if (pos<prev_pos) GError(ERR_BAM_SORT);
505 		 prev_pos=pos;
506 		 if (skipGseq) continue;
507 		 alncounts[gseq_id]++;
508 		 nh=brec->tag_int("NH");
509 		 if (nh==0) nh=1;
510 		 hi=brec->tag_int("HI");
511 		 if (mergeMode) {
512 		    tinfo=new TAlnInfo(brec->name(), brec->tag_int("ZF"));
513 		    GStr score(brec->tag_str("ZS"));
514 		    if (!score.is_empty()) {
515 		      GStr srest=score.split('|');
516 		      if (!score.is_empty())
517 		         tinfo->cov=score.asDouble();
518 		      score=srest.split('|');
519 		      if (!srest.is_empty())
520 		    	 tinfo->fpkm=srest.asDouble();
521 		      srest=score.split('|');
522 		      if (!score.is_empty())
523 		         tinfo->tpm=score.asDouble();
524 		    }
525 		 }
527 		 if (!chr_changed && currentend>0 && pos>currentend+(int)runoffdist) {
528 			 new_bundle=true;
529 		 }
530 	 }
531 	 else { //no more alignments
532 		 more_alns=false;
533 		 new_bundle=true; //fake a new start (end of last bundle)
534 	 }
536 	 if (new_bundle || chr_changed) {
537 		 //bgeneids.Clear();
538 		 hashread.Clear();
539 		 if (bundle->readlist.Count()>0) { // process reads in previous bundle
540 			// (readthr, junctionthr, mintranscriptlen are globals)
541 			bundle->getReady(currentstart, currentend);
542 			if (gfasta!=NULL) { //genomic sequence data requested
543 				GFaSeqGet* faseq=gfasta->fetch(bundle->refseq.chars());
544 				if (faseq==NULL) {
545 					GError("Error: could not retrieve sequence data for %s!\n", bundle->refseq.chars());
546 				}
547 				bundle->gseq=faseq->copyRange(bundle->start, bundle->end, false, true);
548 			}
549 #ifndef NOTHREADS
550 			//push this in the bundle queue where it'll be picked up by the threads
551 			DBGPRINT2("##> Locking queueMutex to push loaded bundle into the queue (bundle.start=%d)\n", bundle->start);
552 			int qCount=0;
553 			queueMutex.lock();
554 			bundleQueue.Push(bundle);
555 			bundleWork |= 0x02; //set bit 1
556 			qCount=bundleQueue.Count();
557 			queueMutex.unlock();
558 			DBGPRINT2("##> bundleQueue.Count()=%d)\n", qCount);
559 			//wait for a thread to pop this bundle from the queue
560 			waitMutex.lock();
561 			DBGPRINT("##> waiting for a thread to become available..\n");
562 			while (threadsWaiting==0) {
563 				haveThreads.wait(waitMutex);
564 			}
565 			waitMutex.unlock();
566 			haveBundles.notify_one();
567 			DBGPRINT("##> waitMutex unlocked, haveBundles notified, current thread yielding\n");
568 			current_thread::yield();
569 			queueMutex.lock();
570 			DBGPRINT("##> queueMutex locked until bundleQueue.Count()==qCount\n");
571 			while (bundleQueue.Count()==qCount) {
572 				queueMutex.unlock();
573 				DBGPRINT2("##> queueMutex unlocked as bundleQueue.Count()==%d\n", qCount);
574 				haveBundles.notify_one();
575 				current_thread::yield();
576 				queueMutex.lock();
577 				DBGPRINT("##> queueMutex locked again within while loop\n");
578 			}
579 			queueMutex.unlock();
581 #else //no threads
582 			//Num_Fragments+=bundle->num_fragments;
583 			//Frag_Len+=bundle->frag_len;
584 			processBundle(bundle);
585 #endif
586 			// ncluster++; used it for debug purposes only
587 		 } //have alignments to process
588 		 else { //no read alignments in this bundle?
589 #ifndef NOTHREADS
590 			dataMutex.lock();
591 			DBGPRINT2("##> dataMutex locked for bundle #%d clearing..\n", bundle->idx);
592 #endif
593 			bundle->Clear();
594 #ifndef NOTHREADS
595 			dataClear.Push(bundle->idx);
596 			DBGPRINT2("##> dataMutex unlocking as dataClear got pushed idx #%d\n", bundle->idx);
597 			dataMutex.unlock();
598 #endif
599 		 } //nothing to do with this bundle
601 		 if (chr_changed) {
602 			 if (guided) {
603 				 ng=0;
604 				 guides=NULL;
605 				 ng_start=0;
606 				 ng_end=-1;
607 				 if (refguides.Count()>gseq_id && refguides[gseq_id].rnas.Count()>0) {
608 					 guides=&(refguides[gseq_id].rnas);
609 					 ng=guides->Count();
610 				 }
611 			 }
612 			 lastref=refseqName;
613 			 lastref_id=gseq_id;
614 			 currentend=0;
615 		 }
617 		 if (!more_alns) {
618 				if (verbose) {
619 #ifndef NOTHREADS
620 					GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(logMutex);
621 #endif
622 					if (Num_Fragments) {
623 					   printTime(stderr);
624 					   GMessage(" %g aligned fragments found.\n", Num_Fragments);
625 					}
626 					//GMessage(" Done reading alignments.\n");
627 				}
628 			 noMoreBundles();
629 			 break;
630 		 }
631 #ifndef NOTHREADS
633 		 int new_bidx=waitForData(bundles);
634 		 if (new_bidx<0) {
635 			 //should never happen!
636 			 GError("Error: waitForData() returned invalid bundle index(%d)!\n",new_bidx);
637 			 break;
638 		 }
639 		 bundle=&(bundles[new_bidx]);
640 #endif
641 		 currentstart=pos;
642 		 currentend=brec->end;
643 		 if (guides) { //guided and guides!=NULL
644 			 ng_start=ng_end+1;
645 			 while (ng_start<ng && (int)(*guides)[ng_start]->end < pos) {
646 				 // for now, skip guides which have no overlap with current read
647 				 ng_start++;
648 			 }
649 			 int ng_ovl=ng_start;
650 			 //add all guides overlapping the current read and other guides that overlap them
651 			 while (ng_ovl<ng && (int)(*guides)[ng_ovl]->start<=currentend) { //while guide overlap
652 				 if (currentstart>(int)(*guides)[ng_ovl]->start)
653 					 currentstart=(*guides)[ng_ovl]->start;
654 				 if (currentend<(int)(*guides)[ng_ovl]->end)
655 					 currentend=(*guides)[ng_ovl]->end;
656 				 if (ng_ovl==ng_start && ng_ovl>0) { //first time only, we have to check back all possible transitive guide overlaps
657 					 //char* geneid=(*guides)[ng_ovlstart]->getGeneID();
658 					 //if (geneid==NULL) geneid=(*guides)[ng_ovlstart]->getGeneName();
659 					 //if (geneid && !bgeneids.hasKey(geneid))
660 					 //  bgeneids.shkAdd(geneid, &ng); //whatever pointer to int
661 					 int g_back=ng_ovl; //start from the overlapping guide, going backwards
662 					 int g_ovl_start=ng_ovl;
663 					 while (g_back>ng_end+1) {
664 						 --g_back;
665 						 //if overlap, set g_back_start=g_back and update currentstart
666 						 if (currentstart<=(int)(*guides)[g_back]->end) {
667 							 g_ovl_start=g_back;
668 							 if (currentstart>(int)(*guides)[g_back]->start)
669 								  currentstart=(int)(*guides)[g_back]->start;
670 						 }
671 					 } //while checking previous guides that could be pulled in this bundle
672 					 for (int gb=g_ovl_start;gb<=ng_ovl;++gb) {
673 						 bundle->keepGuide((*guides)[gb],
674 								   &guides_RC_tdata, &guides_RC_exons, &guides_RC_introns);
675 					 }
676 				 } //needed to check previous guides for overlaps
677 				 else
678 				    bundle->keepGuide((*guides)[ng_ovl],
679 						   &guides_RC_tdata, &guides_RC_exons, &guides_RC_introns);
680 				 ng_ovl++;
681 			 } //while guide overlap
682 			 ng_end=ng_ovl-1; //MUST update ng_end here, even if no overlaps were found
683 		 } //guides present on the current chromosome
684 		bundle->refseq=lastref;
685 		bundle->start=currentstart;
686 		bundle->end=currentend;
687 	 } //<---- new bundle started
689 	 if (currentend<(int)brec->end) {
690 		 //current read extends the bundle
691 		 //this might not happen if a longer guide had already been added to the bundle
692 		 currentend=brec->end;
693 		 if (guides) { //add any newly overlapping guides to bundle
694 			 bool cend_changed;
695 			 do {
696 				 cend_changed=false;
697 				 while (ng_end+1<ng && (int)(*guides)[ng_end+1]->start<=currentend) {
698 					 ++ng_end;
699 					 //more transcripts overlapping this bundle?
700 					 if ((int)(*guides)[ng_end]->end>=currentstart) {
701 						 //it should really overlap the bundle
702 						 bundle->keepGuide((*guides)[ng_end],
703 								  &guides_RC_tdata, &guides_RC_exons, &guides_RC_introns);
704 						 if(currentend<(int)(*guides)[ng_end]->end) {
705 							 currentend=(*guides)[ng_end]->end;
706 							 cend_changed=true;
707 						 }
708 				 	 }
709 				 }
710 			 } while (cend_changed);
711 		 }
712 	 } //adjusted currentend and checked for overlapping reference transcripts
713 	 GReadAlnData alndata(brec, 0, nh, hi, tinfo);
714      bool ovlpguide=bundle->evalReadAln(alndata, xstrand);
715      if(!eonly || ovlpguide) { // in eonly case consider read only if it overlaps guide
716     	 //check for overlaps with ref transcripts which may set xstrand
717     	 if (xstrand=='+') alndata.strand=1;
718     	 else if (xstrand=='-') alndata.strand=-1;
719     	 //GMessage("%s\t%c\t%d\thi=%d\n",brec->name(), xstrand, alndata.strand,hi);
720     	 //countFragment(*bundle, *brec, hi,nh); // we count this in build_graphs to only include mapped fragments that we consider correctly mapped
721     	 //fprintf(stderr,"fragno=%d fraglen=%lu\n",bundle->num_fragments,bundle->frag_len);if(bundle->num_fragments==100) exit(0);
722     	 //if (!ballgown || ref_overlap)
723     	   processRead(currentstart, currentend, *bundle, hashread, alndata);
724 			  // *brec, strand, nh, hi);
725      }
726  } //for each read alignment
728  //cleaning up
729  delete brec;
730  //bamreader.bclose();
731  bamreader.stop(); //close all BAM files
733  if (guided && no_ref_used) {
734 	    GMessage("WARNING: no reference transcripts were found for the genomic sequences where reads were mapped!\n"
735 	    		"Please make sure the -G annotation file uses the same naming convention for the genome sequences.\n");
736  }
738  delete gfasta;
740 #ifndef NOTHREADS
741  for (int t=0;t<num_cpus;t++)
742 	 threads[t].join();
743  if (verbose) {
744    printTime(stderr);
745    GMessage(" All threads finished.\n");
746  }
747  delete[] threads;
748  delete[] bundles;
749 #else
750  if (verbose) {
751     printTime(stderr);
752     GMessage(" Done.\n");
753  }
754 #endif
756 #ifdef B_DEBUG
757  fclose(dbg_out);
758 #endif
759  if (mergeMode && guided )
760 	 writeUnbundledGuides(refguides, f_out);
762  fclose(f_out);
763  if (c_out && c_out!=stdout) fclose(c_out);
765  if(verbose && no_xs>0)
766 	 GMessage("Number spliced alignments missing the XS tag (skipped): %d\n",no_xs);
768 if(!mergeMode) {
769 	if(verbose) {
770 		GMessage("Total count of aligned fragments: %g\n", Num_Fragments);
771 		if (Num_Fragments)
772 		  GMessage("Fragment coverage length: %g\n", Frag_Len/Num_Fragments);
773 	}
775 	f_out=stdout;
776 	if(outfname!="stdout") {
777 		f_out=fopen(outfname.chars(), "w");
778 		if (f_out==NULL) GError("Error creating output file %s\n", outfname.chars());
779 	}
781 	fprintf(f_out,"# ");
782 	args.printCmdLine(f_out);
783 	fprintf(f_out,"# StringTie version %s\n",VERSION);
785 	//fprintf(stderr,"cov_sum=%g frag_len=%g num_frag=%g\n",Cov_Sum,Frag_Len,Num_Fragments);
787 	FILE *g_out=NULL;
788 	if(geneabundance) {
789 		g_out=fopen(genefname.chars(),"w");
790 		if (g_out==NULL)
791 			GError("Error creating gene abundance output file %s\n", genefname.chars());
792 		fprintf(g_out,"Gene ID\tGene Name\tReference\tStrand\tStart\tEnd\tCoverage\tFPKM\tTPM\n");
793 	}
795 	FILE* ftmp_in=fopen(tmpfname.chars(),"rt");
796 	if (ftmp_in!=NULL) {
797 		char* linebuf=NULL;
798 		int linebuflen=5000;
799 		GMALLOC(linebuf, linebuflen);
800 		int nl;
801 		int istr;
802 		int tlen;
803 		float tcov; //do we need to increase precision here ? (double)
804 		float calc_fpkm;
805 		float calc_tpm;
806 		int t_id;
807 		while(fgetline(linebuf,linebuflen,ftmp_in)) {
808 			sscanf(linebuf,"%d %d %d %d %g", &istr, &nl, &tlen, &t_id, &tcov);
809 			if (tcov<0) tcov=0;
810 			if (Frag_Len>0.001) calc_fpkm=tcov*1000000000/Frag_Len;
811 				else calc_fpkm=0.0;
812 			if (Cov_Sum>0.00001) calc_tpm=tcov*1000000/Cov_Sum;
813 				else calc_tpm=0.0;
814 			if(istr) { // this is a transcript
815 				if (ballgown && t_id>0) {
816 					guides_RC_tdata[t_id-1]->fpkm=calc_fpkm;
817 					guides_RC_tdata[t_id-1]->cov=tcov;
818 				}
819 				for(int i=0;i<nl;i++) {
820 					fgetline(linebuf,linebuflen,ftmp_in);
821 					if(!i) {
822 						//linebuf[strlen(line)-1]='\0';
823 						fprintf(f_out,"%s",linebuf);
824 						fprintf(f_out," FPKM \"%.6f\";",calc_fpkm);
825 						fprintf(f_out," TPM \"%.6f\";",calc_tpm);
826 						fprintf(f_out,"\n");
827 					}
828 					else fprintf(f_out,"%s\n",linebuf);
829 				}
830 			}
831 			else { // this is a gene -> different file pointer
832 				fgetline(linebuf, linebuflen, ftmp_in);
833 				fprintf(g_out, "%s\t%.6f\t%.6f\n", linebuf, calc_fpkm, calc_tpm);
834 			}
835 		}
836 		if (guided) {
837 			writeUnbundledGuides(refguides, f_out, g_out);
838 		}
839 		fclose(f_out);
840 		fclose(ftmp_in);
841 		if(geneabundance) fclose(g_out);
842 		GFREE(linebuf);
843 		if (!keepTempFiles) {
844 			remove(tmpfname.chars());
845 		}
846 	}
847 	else {
848 		fclose(f_out);
849 		GError("No temporary file %s present!\n",tmpfname.chars());
850 	}
852 	//lastly, for ballgown, rewrite the tdata file with updated cov and fpkm
853 	if (ballgown) {
854 		rc_writeRC(guides_RC_tdata, guides_RC_exons, guides_RC_introns,
855 				f_tdata, f_edata, f_idata, f_e2t, f_i2t);
856 	}
857 }
859  if (!keepTempFiles) {
860    tmp_path.chomp('/');
861    remove(tmp_path);
862  }
865  gffnames_unref(gseqNames); //deallocate names collection
868 #ifdef GMEMTRACE
869  if(verbose) GMessage(" Max bundle memory: %6.1fMB for bundle %s\n", maxMemRS/1024, maxMemBundle.chars());
870 #endif
871 } // -- END main
873 //----------------------------------------
sprintTime()874 char* sprintTime() {
875 	static char sbuf[32];
876 	time_t ltime; /* calendar time */
877 	ltime=time(NULL);
878 	struct tm *t=localtime(&ltime);
879 	sprintf(sbuf, "%02d_%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d",t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday,
880 			t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
881 	return(sbuf);
882 }
processOptions(GArgs & args)884 void processOptions(GArgs& args) {
887 	if (args.getOpt('h') || args.getOpt("help")) {
888 		fprintf(stdout,"%s",USAGE);
889 	    exit(0);
890 	}
891 	if (args.getOpt("version")) {
892 	   fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",VERSION);
893 	   exit(0);
894 	}
897 	 longreads=(args.getOpt('L')!=NULL);
898 	 if(longreads) {
899 		 bundledist=0;
900 		 singlethr=1.5;
901 	 }
904 	if (args.getOpt("conservative")) {
905 	  isofrac=0.05;
906 	  singlethr=4.75;
907 	  readthr=1.5;
908 	  trim=false;
909 	}
911 	if (args.getOpt('t')) {
912 		trim=false;
913 	}
915 	if (args.getOpt("fr")) {
916 		fr_strand=true;
917 	}
918 	if (args.getOpt("rf")) {
919 		rf_strand=true;
920 		if(fr_strand) GError("Error: --fr and --rf options are incompatible.\n");
921 	}
923 	 debugMode=(args.getOpt("debug")!=NULL || args.getOpt('D')!=NULL);
924 	 forceBAM=(args.getOpt("bam")!=NULL); //assume the stdin stream is BAM instead of text SAM
925 	 mergeMode=(args.getOpt("merge")!=NULL);
926 	 keepTempFiles=(args.getOpt("keeptmp")!=NULL);
927 	 //adaptive=!(args.getOpt('d')!=NULL);
928 	 verbose=(args.getOpt('v')!=NULL);
929 	 if (verbose) {
930 	     fprintf(stderr, "Running StringTie " VERSION ". Command line:\n");
931 	     args.printCmdLine(stderr);
932 	 }
933 	 //complete=!(args.getOpt('i')!=NULL);
934 	 // trim=!(args.getOpt('t')!=NULL);
935 	 includesource=!(args.getOpt('z')!=NULL);
936 	 //EM=(args.getOpt('y')!=NULL);
937 	 //weight=(args.getOpt('w')!=NULL);
939 	 GStr s=args.getOpt('m');
940 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
941 	   mintranscriptlen=s.asInt();
942 	   if (!mergeMode) {
943 		   if (mintranscriptlen<30)
944 			   GError("Error: invalid -m value, must be >=30)\n");
945 	   }
946 	   else if (mintranscriptlen<0) GError("Error: invalid -m value, must be >=0)\n");
947 	 }
948 	 else if(mergeMode) mintranscriptlen=50;
950 	 /*
951 	 if (args.getOpt('S')) {
952 		 // sensitivitylevel=2; no longer supported from version 1.0.3
953 		 sensitivitylevel=1;
954 	 }
955 	*/
957 	 s=args.getOpt("rseq");
958 	 if (s.is_empty())
959 		 s=args.getOpt('S');
960 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
961 		 gfasta=new GFastaDb(s.chars());
962 	 }
964      s=args.getOpt('x');
965      if (!s.is_empty()) {
966     	 //split by comma and populate excludeGSeqs
967     	 s.startTokenize(" ,\t");
968     	 GStr chrname;
969     	 while (s.nextToken(chrname)) {
970     		 excludeGseqs.Add(chrname.chars(),new int(0));
971     	 }
972      }
974      /*
975 	 s=args.getOpt('n');
976 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
977 		 sensitivitylevel=s.asInt();
978 		 if(sensitivitylevel<0) {
979 			 sensitivitylevel=0;
980 			 GMessage("sensitivity level out of range: setting sensitivity level at 0\n");
981 		 }
982 		 if(sensitivitylevel>3) {
983 			 sensitivitylevel=3;
984 			 GMessage("sensitivity level out of range: setting sensitivity level at 2\n");
985 		 }
986 	 }
987 	*/
990 	 s=args.getOpt('p');
991 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
992 		   num_cpus=s.asInt();
993 		   if (num_cpus<=0) num_cpus=1;
994 	 }
996 	 s=args.getOpt('a');
997 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
998 		 junctionsupport=(uint)s.asInt();
999 	 }
1001 	 s=args.getOpt('j');
1002 	 if (!s.is_empty()) junctionthr=s.asInt();
1005 	 rawreads=(args.getOpt('R')!=NULL);
1006 	 if(rawreads) {
1007 		 if(!longreads) {
1008 			 if(verbose) GMessage("Enable longreads processing\n");
1009 			 longreads=true;
1010 			 bundledist=0;
1011 		 }
1012 		 readthr=0;
1013 	 }
1015 	 s=args.getOpt('c');
1016 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1017 		 readthr=(float)s.asDouble();
1018 		 if (readthr<0.001 && !mergeMode) {
1019 			 GError("Error: invalid -c value, must be >=0.001)\n");
1020 		 }
1021 	 }
1022 	 else if(mergeMode) readthr=0;
1025 	 s=args.getOpt('g');
1026 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1027 		 bundledist=s.asInt();
1028 		 if(bundledist>runoffdist) runoffdist=bundledist;
1029 	 }
1030 	 else if(mergeMode) bundledist=250; // should figure out here a reasonable parameter for merge
1032 	 s=args.getOpt('F');
1033 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1034 		 fpkm_thr=(float)s.asDouble();
1035 	 }
1036 	 //else if(mergeMode) fpkm_thr=0;
1038 	 s=args.getOpt('T');
1039 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1040 		 tpm_thr=(float)s.asDouble();
1041 	 }
1042 	 //else if(mergeMode) tpm_thr=0;
1044 	 s=args.getOpt('l');
1045 	 if (!s.is_empty()) label=s;
1046 	 else if(mergeMode) label="MSTRG";
1048 	 s=args.getOpt('f');
1049 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1050 		 isofrac=(float)s.asDouble();
1051 		 if(isofrac>=1) GError("Miminum isoform fraction (-f coefficient: %f) needs to be less than 1\n",isofrac);
1052 	 }
1053 	 else if(mergeMode) isofrac=0.01;
1054 	 s=args.getOpt('M');
1055 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1056 		 mcov=(float)s.asDouble();
1057 	 }
1059 	 genefname=args.getOpt('A');
1060 	 if(!genefname.is_empty()) {
1061 		 geneabundance=true;
1062 	 }
1064 	 tmpfname=args.getOpt('o');
1066 	 // coverage saturation no longer used after version 1.0.4; left here for compatibility with previous versions
1067 	 s=args.getOpt('s');
1068 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1069 		 singlethr=(float)s.asDouble();
1070 		 if (readthr<0.001 && !mergeMode) {
1071 			 GError("Error: invalid -s value, must be >=0.001)\n");
1072 		 }
1073 	 }
1075 	 if (args.getOpt('G')) {
1076 	   guidegff=args.getOpt('G');
1077 	   if (fileExists(guidegff.chars())>1)
1078 	        guided=true;
1079 	   else GError("Error: reference annotation file (%s) not found.\n",
1080 	             guidegff.chars());
1081 	 }
1083 	 enableNames=(args.getOpt('E')!=NULL);
1085 	 retained_intron=(args.getOpt('i')!=NULL);
1087 	 nomulti=(args.getOpt('u')!=NULL);
1089 	 //isunitig=(args.getOpt('U')!=NULL);
1091 	 eonly=(args.getOpt('e')!=NULL);
1092 	 if(eonly && rawreads) {
1093 		 if(verbose) GMessage("Error: can not use -e and -R at the same time; parameter -e will be ignored\n");
1094 	 }
1095 	 else if(eonly && mergeMode) {
1096 		 eonly=false;
1097 		 includecov=true;
1098 	 }
1099 	 else if(eonly && !guided)
1100 		 GError("Error: invalid -e usage, GFF reference not given (-G option required).\n");
1103 	 ballgown_dir=args.getOpt('b');
1104 	 ballgown=(args.getOpt('B')!=NULL);
1105 	 if (ballgown && !ballgown_dir.is_empty()) {
1106 		 GError("Error: please use either -B or -b <path> options, not both.");
1107 	 }
1108 	 if ((ballgown || !ballgown_dir.is_empty()) && !guided)
1109 		 GError("Error: invalid -B/-b usage, GFF reference not given (-G option required).\n");
1111 	 /* s=args->getOpt('P');
1112 	 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1113 		 if(!guided) GError("Error: option -G with reference annotation file has to be specified.\n");
1114 		 c_out=fopen(s.chars(), "w");
1115 		 if (c_out==NULL) GError("Error creating output file %s\n", s.chars());
1116 		 partialcov=true;
1117 	 }
1118 	 else { */
1119 		 s=args.getOpt('C');
1120 		 if (!s.is_empty()) {
1121 			 if(!guided) GError("Error: invalid -C usage, GFF reference not given (-G option required).\n");
1122 			 c_out=fopen(s.chars(), "w");
1123 			 if (c_out==NULL) GError("Error creating output file %s\n", s.chars());
1124 		 }
1125 	 //}
1126 	int numbam=args.startNonOpt();
1127 #ifndef GFF_DEBUG
1128 	if (numbam < 1 ) {
1129 	 	 GMessage("%s\nError: no input file provided!\n",USAGE);
1130 	 	 exit(1);
1131 	}
1132 #endif
1133 	const char* ifn=NULL;
1134 	while ( (ifn=args.nextNonOpt())!=NULL) {
1135 		//input alignment files
1136 		bamreader.Add(ifn);
1137 	}
1138 	//deferred creation of output path
1139 	outfname="stdout";
1140 	out_dir="./";
1141 	 if (!tmpfname.is_empty() && tmpfname!="-") {
1142 		 if (tmpfname[0]=='.' && tmpfname[1]=='/')
1143 			 tmpfname.cut(0,2);
1144 		 outfname=tmpfname;
1145 		 int pidx=outfname.rindex('/');
1146 		 if (pidx>=0) {//path given
1147 			 out_dir=outfname.substr(0,pidx+1);
1148 			 tmpfname=outfname.substr(pidx+1);
1149 		 }
1150 	 }
1151 	 else { // stdout
1152 		tmpfname=outfname;
1153 		char *stime=sprintTime();
1154 		tmpfname.tr(":","-");
1155 		tmpfname+='.';
1156 		tmpfname+=stime;
1157 	 }
1158 	 if (out_dir!="./") {
1159 		 if (fileExists(out_dir.chars())==0) {
1160 			//directory does not exist, create it
1161 			if (Gmkdir(out_dir.chars()) && !fileExists(out_dir.chars())) {
1162 				GError("Error: cannot create directory %s!\n", out_dir.chars());
1163 			}
1164 		 }
1165 	 }
1166 	 if (!genefname.is_empty()) {
1167 		 if (genefname[0]=='.' && genefname[1]=='/')
1168 		 			 genefname.cut(0,2);
1169 	 //attempt to create the gene abundance path
1170 		 GStr genefdir("./");
1171 		 int pidx=genefname.rindex('/');
1172 		 if (pidx>=0) { //get the path part
1173 				 genefdir=genefname.substr(0,pidx+1);
1174 				 //genefname=genefname.substr(pidx+1);
1175 		 }
1176 		 if (genefdir!="./") {
1177 			 if (fileExists(genefdir.chars())==0) {
1178 				//directory does not exist, create it
1179 				if (Gmkdir(genefdir.chars()) || !fileExists(genefdir.chars())) {
1180 					GError("Error: cannot create directory %s!\n", genefdir.chars());
1181 				}
1182 			 }
1183 		 }
1185 	 }
1187 	 { //prepare temp path
1188 		 GStr stempl(out_dir);
1189 		 stempl.chomp('/');
1190 		 stempl+="/tmp.XXXXXXXX";
1191 		 char* ctempl=Gstrdup(stempl.chars());
1192 	     Gmktempdir(ctempl);
1193 	     tmp_path=ctempl;
1194 	     tmp_path+='/';
1195 	     GFREE(ctempl);
1196 	 }
1198 	 tmpfname=tmp_path+tmpfname;
1200 	 if (ballgown) ballgown_dir=out_dir;
1201 	   else if (!ballgown_dir.is_empty()) {
1202 			ballgown=true;
1203 			ballgown_dir.chomp('/');ballgown_dir+='/';
1204 			if (fileExists(ballgown_dir.chars())==0) {
1205 				//directory does not exist, create it
1206 				if (Gmkdir(ballgown_dir.chars()) && !fileExists(ballgown_dir.chars())) {
1207 					GError("Error: cannot create directory %s!\n", ballgown_dir.chars());
1208 				}
1210 			}
1211 	   }
1212 #ifdef B_DEBUG
1213 	 GStr dbgfname(tmpfname);
1214 	 dbgfname+=".dbg";
1215 	 dbg_out=fopen(dbgfname.chars(), "w");
1216 	 if (dbg_out==NULL) GError("Error creating debug output file %s\n", dbgfname.chars());
1217 #endif
1219 	 if(mergeMode) {
1220 		 f_out=stdout;
1221 		 if(outfname!="stdout") {
1222 			 f_out=fopen(outfname.chars(), "w");
1223 			 if (f_out==NULL) GError("Error creating output file %s\n", outfname.chars());
1224 		 }
1225 		 fprintf(f_out,"# ");
1226 		 args.printCmdLine(f_out);
1227 		 fprintf(f_out,"# StringTie version %s\n",VERSION);
1228 	 }
1229 	 else {
1230 		 tmpfname+=".tmp";
1231 		 f_out=fopen(tmpfname.chars(), "w");
1232 		 if (f_out==NULL) GError("Error creating output file %s\n", tmpfname.chars());
1233 	 }
1234 }
1236 //---------------
moreBundles()1237 bool moreBundles() { //getter (interogation)
1238 	bool v=true;
1239 #ifndef NOTHREADS
1240   GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(bamReadingMutex);
1241 #endif
1242   v = ! NoMoreBundles;
1243   return v;
1244 }
noMoreBundles()1246 void noMoreBundles() {
1247 #ifndef NOTHREADS
1248 		bamReadingMutex.lock();
1249 		NoMoreBundles=true;
1250 		bamReadingMutex.unlock();
1251 		queueMutex.lock();
1252 		bundleWork &= ~(int)0x01; //clear bit 0;
1253 		queueMutex.unlock();
1254 		bool areThreadsWaiting=true;
1255 		do {
1256 		  waitMutex.lock();
1257 		   areThreadsWaiting=(threadsWaiting>0);
1258 		  waitMutex.unlock();
1259 		  if (areThreadsWaiting) {
1260 		    DBGPRINT("##> NOTIFY ALL workers: no more data!\n");
1261 		    haveBundles.notify_all();
1262 		    current_thread::sleep_for(10);
1263 		    waitMutex.lock();
1264 		     areThreadsWaiting=(threadsWaiting>0);
1265 		    waitMutex.unlock();
1266 		    current_thread::sleep_for(10);
1267 		  }
1268 		} while (areThreadsWaiting); //paranoid check that all threads stopped waiting
1269 #else
1270 	  NoMoreBundles=true;
1271 #endif
1272 }
processBundle(BundleData * bundle)1274 void processBundle(BundleData* bundle) {
1275 	if (verbose) {
1276 	#ifndef NOTHREADS
1277 		GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(logMutex);
1278 	#endif
1279 		printTime(stderr);
1280 		GMessage(">bundle %s:%d-%d [%lu alignments (%d distinct), %d junctions, %d guides] begins processing...\n",
1281 				bundle->refseq.chars(), bundle->start, bundle->end, bundle->numreads, bundle->readlist.Count(), bundle->junction.Count(),
1282                 bundle->keepguides.Count());
1283 	#ifdef GMEMTRACE
1284 			double vm,rsm;
1285 			get_mem_usage(vm, rsm);
1286 			GMessage("\t\tstart memory usage: %6.1fMB\n",rsm/1024);
1287 			if (rsm>maxMemRS) {
1288 				maxMemRS=rsm;
1289 				maxMemVM=vm;
1290 				maxMemBundle.format("%s:%d-%d(%d)", bundle->refseq.chars(), bundle->start, bundle->end, bundle->readlist.Count());
1291 			}
1292 	#endif
1293 	}
1294 #ifdef B_DEBUG
1295 	for (int i=0;i<bundle->keepguides.Count();++i) {
1296 		GffObj& t=*(bundle->keepguides[i]);
1297 		RC_TData* tdata=(RC_TData*)(t.uptr);
1298 		fprintf(dbg_out, ">%s (t_id=%d) %s%c %d %d\n", t.getID(), tdata->t_id, t.getGSeqName(), t.strand, t.start, t.end );
1299 		for (int fe=0;fe < tdata->t_exons.Count(); ++fe) {
1300 			RC_Feature& exoninfo = *(tdata->t_exons[fe]);
1301 			fprintf(dbg_out, "%d\texon\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\n", exoninfo.id, exoninfo.l, exoninfo.r,
1302 					    exoninfo.strand, exoninfo.rcount, exoninfo.ucount);
1303 			if (! (exoninfo==*(bundle->rc_data->guides_RC_exons->Get(exoninfo.id-1))))
1304 				 GError("exoninfo with id (%d) not matching!\n", exoninfo.id);
1305 		}
1306 		for (int fi=0;fi < tdata->t_introns.Count(); ++fi) {
1307 			RC_Feature& introninfo = *(tdata->t_introns[fi]);
1308 			fprintf(dbg_out, "%d\tintron\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d\n", introninfo.id, introninfo.l, introninfo.r,
1309 					introninfo.strand, introninfo.rcount, introninfo.ucount);
1310 			if (! (introninfo==*(bundle->rc_data->guides_RC_introns->Get(introninfo.id-1))))
1311 				 GError("introninfo with id (%d) not matching!\n", introninfo.id);
1312 		}
1313 		//check that IDs are properly assigned
1314 		if (tdata->t_id!=(uint)t.udata) GError("tdata->t_id(%d) not matching t.udata(%d)!\n",tdata->t_id, t.udata);
1315 		if (tdata->t_id!=bundle->rc_data->guides_RC_tdata->Get(tdata->t_id-1)->t_id)
1316 			 GError("tdata->t_id(%d) not matching rc_data[t_id-1]->t_id (%d)\n", tdata->t_id, bundle->rc_data->g_tdata[tdata->t_id-1]->t_id);
1318 	}
1319 #endif
1320 	infer_transcripts(bundle);
1322 	if (ballgown && bundle->rc_data) {
1323 		rc_update_exons(*(bundle->rc_data));
1324 	}
1325 	if (bundle->pred.Count()>0 || ((eonly || geneabundance) && bundle->keepguides.Count()>0)) {
1326 #ifndef NOTHREADS
1327 		GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(printMutex);
1328 #endif
1329 		if(mergeMode) GeneNo=printMergeResults(bundle, GeneNo,bundle->refseq);
1330 		else GeneNo=printResults(bundle, GeneNo, bundle->refseq);
1331 	}
1333 	if (bundle->num_fragments) {
1334 		#ifndef NOTHREADS
1335 				GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(countMutex);
1336 		#endif
1337 		Num_Fragments+=bundle->num_fragments;
1338 		Frag_Len+=bundle->frag_len;
1339 		Cov_Sum+=bundle->sum_cov;
1340 	}
1342 	if (verbose) {
1343 		#ifndef NOTHREADS
1344 				GLockGuard<GFastMutex> lock(logMutex);
1345 		#endif
1346 	  /*
1347 	  SumReads+=bundle->sumreads;
1348 	  SumFrag+=bundle->sumfrag;
1349 	  NumCov+=bundle->num_cov;
1350 	  NumReads+=bundle->num_reads;
1351 	  NumFrag+=bundle->num_frag;
1352 	  NumFrag3+=bundle->num_fragments3;
1353 	  SumFrag3+=bundle->sum_fragments3;
1354 	  fprintf(stderr,"Number of fragments in bundle: %g with length %g\n",bundle->num_fragments,bundle->frag_len);
1355 	  fprintf(stderr,"Number of fragments in bundle: %g with sum %g\n",bundle->num_fragments,bundle->frag_len);
1356 	  */
1357 	  printTime(stderr);
1358 	  GMessage("^bundle %s:%d-%d done (%d processed potential transcripts).\n",bundle->refseq.chars(),
1359 	  		bundle->start, bundle->end, bundle->pred.Count());
1360 	#ifdef GMEMTRACE
1361 		    double vm,rsm;
1362 		    get_mem_usage(vm, rsm);
1363 		    GMessage("\t\tfinal memory usage: %6.1fMB\n",rsm/1024);
1364 		    if (rsm>maxMemRS) {
1365 			    maxMemRS=rsm;
1366 			    maxMemVM=vm;
1367 			    maxMemBundle.format("%s:%d-%d(%d)", bundle->refseq.chars(), bundle->start, bundle->end, bundle->readlist.Count());
1368 		    }
1369 	#endif
1370 	    }
1371 	bundle->Clear();
1372 }
1374 #ifndef NOTHREADS
noThreadsWaiting()1376 bool noThreadsWaiting() {
1377 	waitMutex.lock();
1378 	int v=threadsWaiting;
1379 	waitMutex.unlock();
1380 	return (v<1);
1381 }
workerThread(GThreadData & td)1383 void workerThread(GThreadData& td) {
1384 	GPVec<BundleData>* bundleQueue = (GPVec<BundleData>*)td.udata;
1385 	//wait for a ready bundle in the queue, until there is no hope for incoming bundles
1386 	DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d starting..\n",td.thread->get_id());
1387 	DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d locking queueMutex..\n",td.thread->get_id());
1388 	queueMutex.lock(); //enter wait-for-notification loop
1389 	while (bundleWork) {
1390 		DBGPRINT3("---->> Thread%d: waiting.. (queue len=%d)\n",td.thread->get_id(), bundleQueue->Count());
1391 		waitMutex.lock();
1392 		 threadsWaiting++;
1393 		queueMutex.unlock();
1394 		waitMutex.unlock();
1395 		haveThreads.notify_one(); //in case main thread is waiting
1396 		current_thread::yield();
1397 		queueMutex.lock();
1398 		while (bundleWork && bundleQueue->Count()==0) {
1399 		    haveBundles.wait(queueMutex);//unlocks queueMutex and wait until notified
1400 		               //when notified, locks queueMutex and resume
1401 		}
1402 		waitMutex.lock();
1403 		if (threadsWaiting>0) threadsWaiting--;
1404 		waitMutex.unlock();
1405 		DBGPRINT3("---->> Thread%d: awakened! (queue len=%d)\n",td.thread->get_id(),bundleQueue->Count());
1406 		BundleData* readyBundle=NULL;
1407 		if ((bundleWork & 0x02)!=0 && (readyBundle=bundleQueue->Pop())!=NULL) { //is bit 1 set?
1408 				if (bundleQueue->Count()==0)
1409 					 bundleWork &= ~(int)0x02; //clear bit 1 (queue is empty)
1410 				//Num_Fragments+=readyBundle->num_fragments;
1411 				//Frag_Len+=readyBundle->frag_len;
1412 				queueMutex.unlock();
1413 				processBundle(readyBundle);
1414 				DBGPRINT3("---->> Thread%d processed bundle #%d, now locking back dataMutex and queueMutex\n",
1415 						td.thread->get_id(), readyBundle->idx);
1416 				dataMutex.lock();
1417 				dataClear.Push(readyBundle->idx);
1418 				DBGPRINT3("---->> Thread%d pushed bundle #%d into dataClear",
1419 										td.thread->get_id(), readyBundle->idx);
1420 				dataMutex.unlock();
1421 				DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d informing main thread and yielding", td.thread->get_id());
1422 				haveClear.notify_one(); //inform main thread
1423 				current_thread::yield();
1424 				DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d processed bundle, now locking back queueMutex\n", td.thread->get_id());
1425 				queueMutex.lock();
1426 				DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d locked back queueMutex\n", td.thread->get_id());
1428 		}
1429 		//haveThreads.notify_one();
1430 	} //while there is reason to live
1431 	queueMutex.unlock();
1432 	DBGPRINT2("---->> Thread%d DONE.\n", td.thread->get_id());
1433 }
1435 //prepare the next available bundle slot for loading
waitForData(BundleData * bundles)1436 int waitForData(BundleData* bundles) {
1437 	int bidx=-1;
1438 	dataMutex.lock();
1439 	DBGPRINT("  #waitForData: locking dataMutex");
1440 	while (dataClear.Count()==0) {
1441 		DBGPRINT("  #waitForData: dataClear.Count is 0, waiting for dataMutex");
1442 		haveClear.wait(dataMutex);
1443 	}
1444 	bidx=dataClear.Pop();
1445 	if (bidx>=0) {
1446 	  bundles[bidx].status=BUNDLE_STATUS_LOADING;
1447 	}
1449 	DBGPRINT("  #waitForData: unlocking dataMutex");
1450 	dataMutex.unlock();
1451 	return bidx;
1452 }
1454 #endif
writeUnbundledGenes(GHash<CGene> & geneabs,const char * refseq,FILE * gout)1456 void writeUnbundledGenes(GHash<CGene>& geneabs, const char* refseq, FILE* gout) {
1457 				 //write unbundled genes from this chromosome
1458 	geneabs.startIterate();
1459 	while (CGene* g=geneabs.NextData()) {
1460 		const char* geneID=g->geneID;
1461 		const char* geneName=g->geneName;
1462 		if (geneID==NULL) geneID=".";
1463 		if (geneName==NULL) geneName=".";
1464 	    fprintf(gout, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%c\t%d\t%d\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\n",
1465 	    		geneID, geneName, refseq,
1466 	    		g->strand, g->start, g->end);
1467 	}
1468 	geneabs.Clear();
1469 }
writeUnbundledGuides(GVec<GRefData> & refdata,FILE * fout,FILE * gout)1471 void writeUnbundledGuides(GVec<GRefData>& refdata, FILE* fout, FILE* gout) {
1472  for (int g=0;g<refdata.Count();++g) {
1473 	 GRefData& crefd=refdata[g];
1474 	 if (crefd.rnas.Count()==0) continue;
1475 	 GHash<CGene> geneabs;
1476 	 //gene_id abundances (0), accumulating coords
1477 	 for (int m=0;m<crefd.rnas.Count();++m) {
1478 		 GffObj &t = *crefd.rnas[m];
1479 		 RC_TData &td = *(RC_TData*) (t.uptr);
1480 		 if (td.in_bundle) {
1481 			 if (gout && m==crefd.rnas.Count()-1)
1482 			 		writeUnbundledGenes(geneabs, crefd.gseq_name, gout);
1483 			 continue;
1484 		 }
1485 		 //write these guides to output
1486 		 //for --merge and -e
1487 		 if (mergeMode || eonly) {
1488 			  fprintf(fout, "%s\t%s\ttranscript\t%d\t%d\t.\t%c\t.\t",
1489 					  crefd.gseq_name, t.getTrackName(), t.start, t.end, t.strand);
1490 			  if (t.getGeneID())
1491 				  fprintf(fout, "gene_id \"%s\"; ", t.getGeneID());
1492 			  fprintf(fout, "transcript_id \"%s\";",t.getID());
1493 			  if (eonly) {
1494 				if (t.getGeneName())
1495 					  fprintf(fout, " gene_name \"%s\";", t.getGeneName());
1496 			    fprintf(fout, " cov \"0.0\"; FPKM \"0.0\"; TPM \"0.0\";");
1497 			  }
1498 			  else { //merge_mode
1499 				  if (t.getGeneName())
1500 					  fprintf(fout, " gene_name \"%s\";", t.getGeneName());
1501 				  if (t.getGeneID())
1502 					  fprintf(fout, " ref_gene_id \"%s\";", t.getGeneID());
1503 			  }
1504 			  fprintf(fout, "\n");
1505 			  for (int e=0;e<t.exons.Count();++e) {
1506 				  fprintf(fout,"%s\t%s\texon\t%d\t%d\t.\t%c\t.\t",
1507 						  crefd.gseq_name, t.getTrackName(), t.exons[e]->start, t.exons[e]->end, t.strand);
1508 				  if (t.getGeneID())
1509 					  fprintf(fout, "gene_id \"%s\"; ",  t.getGeneID());
1510 				  fprintf(fout,"transcript_id \"%s\"; exon_number \"%d\";",
1511 						  t.getID(), e+1);
1513 				  if (t.getGeneName())
1514 						  fprintf(fout, " gene_name \"%s\";", t.getGeneName());
1515 				  if (eonly) {
1516 					  fprintf(fout, " cov \"0.0\";");
1517 				  }
1518 				  fprintf(fout, "\n");
1519 			  }
1520 		 }
1521 		 if (gout!=NULL) {
1522 			 //gather coords for this gene_id
1523 			 char* geneid=t.getGeneID();
1524 			 if (geneid==NULL) geneid=t.getGeneName();
1525 			 if (geneid!=NULL) {
1526 				 CGene* gloc=geneabs.Find(geneid);
1527 				 if (gloc) {
1528 					 if (gloc->strand!=t.strand)
1529 						 GMessage("Warning: gene \"%s\" (on %s) has reference transcripts on both strands?\n",
1530 								  geneid, crefd.gseq_name);
1531 					 if (t.start<gloc->start) gloc->start=t.start;
1532 					 if (t.end>gloc->end) gloc->end=t.end;
1533 				 } else {
1534 					 //add new geneid locus
1535 					 geneabs.Add(geneid, new CGene(t.start, t.end, t.strand, t.getGeneID(), t.getGeneName()));
1536 				 }
1537 			 }
1538 			 if (m==crefd.rnas.Count()-1)
1539 				  writeUnbundledGenes(geneabs, crefd.gseq_name, gout);
1540 		 } //if geneabundance
1541 	 }
1542  }
1543 }