1 /*
2  * consensus.h
3  *
4  *
5  * Part of TREE-PUZZLE 5.2 (July 2004)
6  *
7  * (c) 2003-2004 by Heiko A. Schmidt, Korbinian Strimmer, and Arndt von Haeseler
8  * (c) 1999-2003 by Heiko A. Schmidt, Korbinian Strimmer,
9  *                  M. Vingron, and Arndt von Haeseler
10  * (c) 1995-1999 by Korbinian Strimmer and Arndt von Haeseler
11  *
12  * All parts of the source except where indicated are distributed under
13  * the GNU public licence.  See http://www.opensource.org for details.
14  *
15  * ($Id$)
16  *
17  */
20 #ifndef CONSENSUS_H
21 #define CONSENSUS_H
23 #include "puzzle.h"
24 #include "util.h"
26 typedef struct {
27 	uli fullres_pro;
28 	uli fullres_con;
29 	uli partres_pro;
30 	uli partres_con;
31 	uli unres;
32 	uli missing;
33 	uli qsum;
34 } qsupportarr_t;
36 EXTERN cmatrix biparts;      /* bipartitions of tree of current puzzling step */
37 EXTERN cmatrix consbiparts;  /* bipartitions of majority rule consensus tree */
39 EXTERN int xsize;            /* depth of consensus tree picture */
40 EXTERN ivector consconfid;   /* confidence values of majority rule consensus tree */
41 EXTERN ivector conssizes;    /* partition sizes of majority rule consensus tree */
42 EXTERN ivector xcor;         /* x-coordinates of consensus tree nodes */
43 EXTERN ivector ycor;         /* y-coordinates of consensus tree nodes */
44 EXTERN ivector ycormax;      /* maximal y-coordinates of consensus tree nodes */
45 EXTERN ivector ycormin;      /* minimal y-coordinates of consensus tree nodes */
47 /* splits for consensus */
48 EXTERN int splitlength;      /* length of one entry in splitpatterns */
49 EXTERN uli maxbiparts;       /* memory reserved for maxbiparts bipartitions */
50 EXTERN uli numbiparts;       /* number of different bipartitions */
52 EXTERN int *splitsizes;      /* size of all different splits of all trees */
53 EXTERN uli *splitcomptemp;   /* temp variable to compress bipartitions coding */
54 EXTERN uli *splitfreqs;      /* frequencies of different splits of all trees */
55 EXTERN uli *splitpatterns;   /* all different splits of all trees */
57 EXTERN qsupportarr_t *qsupportarr; /* quartet support values per split */
59 EXTERN int consincluded;     /* number of included biparts in the consensus tree */
60 EXTERN int consfifty;        /* number of biparts >= 50% */
61 EXTERN int conscongruent;    /* number of first incongruent bipart */
63 /******************************************************************************/
64 /* functions for computing the consensus tree                                 */
65 /******************************************************************************/
67 /* prepare for consensus tree analysis */
68 void initconsensus();
70 /* recursive function to get bipartitions */
71 /* traversal should be optimazable (HAS) */
72 void makepart_trueID(int           i,          /*  */
73               int           curribrnch, /* in: current branch in traversal */
74               ONEEDGE      *edge,       /* in: tree topology    */
75               int          *edgeofleaf, /* in: ext. edge list   */
76               int          *trueID,     /* in: permutation list */
77               cmatrix       biparts,    /* out: split strings, edge by edge */
78               int           Maxspc);	/* in: number of species in tree */
80 /* compute bipartitions of current puzzling step tree */
81 void computebiparts(ONEEDGE      *edge,       /* in: tree topology          */
82                     int          *edgeofleaf, /* in: ext. edge list         */
83                     int           psteprootleaf, /* virtual root from pstep */
84                     cmatrix       biparts,    /* out: splits                */
85                     int           outgroup,   /* in: outgroup of tree       */
86                     int           Maxspc);    /* in: number of taxa in tree */
88 /* print out the bipartition n of all different splitpatterns */
89 void fprintfsplit(FILE *fp,		/* outputfile stream */
90                 uli   n,		/* split number */
91                 uli  *splitpatterns,	/* splits */
92                 int   splitlength,	/* number of ulis per split */
93                 int   Maxspc);		/* number of taxa */
95 /* make new entries for new different bipartitions and count frequencies */
96 /* internal use: splitcomptemp */
97 void makenewsplitentries(cmatrix  bip,             /* in: split string vector */
98                          int      numspl,          /* in: no. of new splits   */
99                          uli    **in_splitpatterns,/* io: known compr splits  */
100                          int    **in_splitsizes,   /* io: kn. split sizes: '.'*/
101                          uli    **in_splitfreqs,   /* io: kn. split frequences*/
102                          uli     *in_numbiparts,   /* io: no. of splits so far*/
103 	                 uli     *in_maxbiparts,   /* io: reserved memory     */
104                          int      Maxspc);         /* in: no. of species      */
106 /***************************************************************************/
108 /* copy bipartition n of all different splitpatterns to consbiparts[k] */
109 void copysplit(uli n, uli *splitpatterns, int k, cmatrix consbipartsvec);
111 /* <consbipartsvec> and the quartet topologies from the ML step. Values are  */
112 /* stored in <qsupparr[splitnum]>                                            */
113 /* missing parameter: quartetinfo */
114 void quartsupport(int splitnum, cmatrix consbipartsvec, qsupportarr_t *qsupparr);
116 /* compute majority rule consensus tree */
117 void makeconsensus(uli maxnumtrees, int qsupp_optn);
119 /* write node (writeconsensustree) */
120 /* missing: column */
121 void writenode(FILE          *treefile,    /* in: output stream */
122                int            node,        /* current node */
123                int            qsupp_optn,  /* 'print quartet support' flag */
124                qsupportarr_t *qsupparr,    /* quartet support values */
125                int           *column);     /* current line position */
127 /* write consensus tree */
128 void writeconsensustree(FILE          *treefile,   /* in: output stream */
129                         int            qsupp_optn, /* 'print quartsupp' flag */
130                         qsupportarr_t *qsupparr);  /* quartet support values */
132 /* establish node coordinates (plotconsensustree) */
133 void nodecoordinates(int node);
135 /* drawnode  (plotconsensustree) */
136 void drawnode(int node, int xold);
138 /* plot consensus tree */
139 void plotconsensustree(FILE *plotfp);
142 #endif /* CONSENSUS_H */