1 /*  -*- c++ -*-  */
2 #ifndef ATOM_H
3 #define ATOM_H
5 #include "Real.h"
6 #include <vector>
8 namespace ProtoMol {
9   //_________________________________________________________________ Atom
11   /**
12    * This class defines the information for one atom.  It contains the type
13    * of the atom, its charge (scaled by a constant factor), and the next
14    * atom in this atom's cell list.  All other pieces of atom information
15    * are either in the atom type or the coordinate vectors (for positions,
16    * velocities, and so on).
17    */
18   struct Atom {
20     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
21     // Constructors, destructors, assignment
22     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
AtomAtom23     Atom():type(-1),
24 	   scaledCharge(0.0),
25 	   scaledMass(0.0),
26 	   hvyAtom(-1),
27 	   atomNum(-1),
28 	   cellListNext(-1),
29 	   molecule(-1),
30 	   mybonds(std::vector< int >()),
31            deltaM(0.0),
32 	   deltaQ(0.0),
33 	   Qold(0.0),
34 	   Qnew(0.0),
35 	   stageNumber(0) {
36     }
37     // A default constructor for the atom class
39     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
40     // My data members
41     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
42     int type;
43     ///< The type number of the atom (an index into the array of atomTypes).
45     Real scaledCharge;
46     ///< The charge of this atom, scaled by the square root of the Coulomb
47     ///< constant.
49     Real scaledMass;
50     ///< The mass of this atom (can be modified, e.g., iSG)
52     int hvyAtom;
53     ///< The size of the Group for Heavy Atom Come First ordering
54     ///< for hydrogen hvyAtom=0, else, hvyAtom = 1+#of attached hydrogens
56     int atomNum;
57     ///< Original order number of the atom, used to undo Heavy Atom Come
58     ///< First ordering
60     mutable int cellListNext;
61     ///< The index of the next atom in this atom's cell list, or -1 if this
62     ///< atom is the last in its list.
64     int molecule;
65     ///< The ID# of the molecule to which this atom belongs
67     std::vector< int > mybonds;
68     ///< this vector holds the bond IDs for those bonds made with this atom
70     Real deltaM, deltaQ;
71     ///< For iSG simulations.  This difference between the mass and charge,
72     ///< respectively, of the atom's two identities.
74     Real Qold, Qnew;
75     ///< For iSG simulations.  The atom's charge for its old and new identities.
76     ///< Needed to correctly compute DeltaMu for intramolecular interactions.
78     int stageNumber;
79     ///< For iSG simulations.  Molecule transformations can be broken into stages
80     ///< so that only small fragments of the whole molecule can be transformed at
81     ///< any time.  This is critical to being able to transform a small molecule
82     ///< into a relatively large molecule.  This variable is the number of the stage
83     ///< in which this atom will be transformed.  For example, suppose I break a
84     ///< molecular transformation into 5 stages.  If this atom's stageNumber = 3, that
85     ///< means that this atom will have its identity transformed only when 2 <= lambda <= 3.  -- TIM
87     Real alphaLJ;
88     ///< For iSG simulations.  Atoms which are dummy atoms in one particular identity but are
89     ///< real, interacting atoms in another identity require a positive, non-zero alpha parameter for the
90     ///< soft-core Lennard-Jones function used by iSGMD.  Atoms which are real, interacting atoms in both
91     ///< identities of a transformation attempt need to have alphaLJ = 0 for the soft-core LJ function.  I
92     ///< found that when transforming a water oxygen atom into an alcohol oxygen atom using the standard alphaLJ
93     ///< value of 0.5, the simulation was wildly unstable, but if I used alphaLJ = 0 only for the oxygen atom
94     ///< then the transformation proceeded smoothly.  -- TIM 3/31/2005  (alphaLJ will be set prior to force
95     ///< calculations by ModifierISG::pickNewMolecule(...) )
96   };
98 }
99 #endif /* ATOM_H */