1 #ifndef DYNAMITEsyexonmodelHEADERFILE
2 #define DYNAMITEsyexonmodelHEADERFILE
3 #ifdef _cplusplus
4 extern "C" {
5 #endif
6 #include "dyna.h"
8 #define SyExonModelLISTLENGTH 128
9 #define SyExonScoreLISTLENGTH 128
11 struct Wise2_SyExon {
12     int dynamite_hard_link;
13 #ifdef PTHREAD
14     pthread_mutex_t dynamite_mutex;
15 #endif
16     Probability exit_prob;
17     Probability stay_prob;
18     Probability prev_prob;
19     } ;
20 /* SyExon defined */
21 #ifndef DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExon
22 typedef struct Wise2_SyExon Wise2_SyExon;
23 #define SyExon Wise2_SyExon
24 #define DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExon
25 #endif
28 struct Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit {
29     int dynamite_hard_link;
30 #ifdef PTHREAD
31     pthread_mutex_t dynamite_mutex;
32 #endif
33     Score exit_score;
34     Score stay_score;
35     } ;
36 /* SyExonScoreUnit defined */
37 #ifndef DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonScoreUnit
38 typedef struct Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit;
39 #define SyExonScoreUnit Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit
40 #define DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonScoreUnit
41 #endif
44 struct Wise2_SyExonModel {
45     int dynamite_hard_link;
46 #ifdef PTHREAD
47     pthread_mutex_t dynamite_mutex;
48 #endif
49     SyExon ** exon;
50     int len;/* len for above exon  */
51     int maxlen; /* maxlen for above exon */
52     } ;
53 /* SyExonModel defined */
54 #ifndef DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonModel
55 typedef struct Wise2_SyExonModel Wise2_SyExonModel;
56 #define SyExonModel Wise2_SyExonModel
57 #define DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonModel
58 #endif
61 struct Wise2_SyExonScore {
62     int dynamite_hard_link;
63 #ifdef PTHREAD
64     pthread_mutex_t dynamite_mutex;
65 #endif
66     SyExonScoreUnit ** exon;
67     int len;/* len for above exon  */
68     int maxlen; /* maxlen for above exon */
69     } ;
70 /* SyExonScore defined */
71 #ifndef DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonScore
72 typedef struct Wise2_SyExonScore Wise2_SyExonScore;
73 #define SyExonScore Wise2_SyExonScore
74 #define DYNAMITE_DEFINED_SyExonScore
75 #endif
80     /***************************************************/
81     /* Callable functions                              */
82     /* These are the functions you are expected to use */
83     /***************************************************/
87 /* Function:  hard_link_SyExon(obj)
88  *
89  * Descrip:    Bumps up the reference count of the object
90  *             Meaning that multiple pointers can 'own' it
91  *
92  *
93  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object to be hard linked [SyExon *]
94  *
95  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExon *]
96  *
97  */
98 SyExon * Wise2_hard_link_SyExon(SyExon * obj);
99 #define hard_link_SyExon Wise2_hard_link_SyExon
102 /* Function:  SyExon_alloc(void)
103  *
104  * Descrip:    Allocates structure: assigns defaults if given
105  *
106  *
107  *
108  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExon *]
109  *
110  */
111 SyExon * Wise2_SyExon_alloc(void);
112 #define SyExon_alloc Wise2_SyExon_alloc
115 /* Function:  free_SyExon(obj)
116  *
117  * Descrip:    Free Function: removes the memory held by obj
118  *             Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists
119  *
120  *
121  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [SyExon *]
122  *
123  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExon *]
124  *
125  */
126 SyExon * Wise2_free_SyExon(SyExon * obj);
127 #define free_SyExon Wise2_free_SyExon
130 /* Function:  hard_link_SyExonScoreUnit(obj)
131  *
132  * Descrip:    Bumps up the reference count of the object
133  *             Meaning that multiple pointers can 'own' it
134  *
135  *
136  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object to be hard linked [SyExonScoreUnit *]
137  *
138  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScoreUnit *]
139  *
140  */
141 SyExonScoreUnit * Wise2_hard_link_SyExonScoreUnit(SyExonScoreUnit * obj);
142 #define hard_link_SyExonScoreUnit Wise2_hard_link_SyExonScoreUnit
145 /* Function:  SyExonScoreUnit_alloc(void)
146  *
147  * Descrip:    Allocates structure: assigns defaults if given
148  *
149  *
150  *
151  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScoreUnit *]
152  *
153  */
154 SyExonScoreUnit * Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit_alloc(void);
155 #define SyExonScoreUnit_alloc Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit_alloc
158 /* Function:  free_SyExonScoreUnit(obj)
159  *
160  * Descrip:    Free Function: removes the memory held by obj
161  *             Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists
162  *
163  *
164  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [SyExonScoreUnit *]
165  *
166  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScoreUnit *]
167  *
168  */
169 SyExonScoreUnit * Wise2_free_SyExonScoreUnit(SyExonScoreUnit * obj);
170 #define free_SyExonScoreUnit Wise2_free_SyExonScoreUnit
173 /* Function:  add_SyExonModel(obj,add)
174  *
175  * Descrip:    Adds another object to the list. It will expand the list if necessary
176  *
177  *
178  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object which contains the list [SyExonModel *]
179  * Arg:        add [OWNER] Object to add to the list [SyExon *]
180  *
181  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [boolean]
182  *
183  */
184 boolean Wise2_add_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj,SyExon * add);
185 #define add_SyExonModel Wise2_add_SyExonModel
188 /* Function:  flush_SyExonModel(obj)
189  *
190  * Descrip:    Frees the list elements, sets length to 0
191  *             If you want to save some elements, use hard_link_xxx
192  *             to protect them from being actually destroyed in the free
193  *
194  *
195  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object which contains the list  [SyExonModel *]
196  *
197  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [int]
198  *
199  */
200 int Wise2_flush_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj);
201 #define flush_SyExonModel Wise2_flush_SyExonModel
204 /* Function:  SyExonModel_alloc_std(void)
205  *
206  * Descrip:    Equivalent to SyExonModel_alloc_len(SyExonModelLISTLENGTH)
207  *
208  *
209  *
210  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonModel *]
211  *
212  */
213 SyExonModel * Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc_std(void);
214 #define SyExonModel_alloc_std Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc_std
217 /* Function:  SyExonModel_alloc_len(len)
218  *
219  * Descrip:    Allocates len length to all lists
220  *
221  *
222  * Arg:        len [UNKN ] Length of lists to allocate [int]
223  *
224  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonModel *]
225  *
226  */
227 SyExonModel * Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc_len(int len);
228 #define SyExonModel_alloc_len Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc_len
231 /* Function:  hard_link_SyExonModel(obj)
232  *
233  * Descrip:    Bumps up the reference count of the object
234  *             Meaning that multiple pointers can 'own' it
235  *
236  *
237  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object to be hard linked [SyExonModel *]
238  *
239  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonModel *]
240  *
241  */
242 SyExonModel * Wise2_hard_link_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj);
243 #define hard_link_SyExonModel Wise2_hard_link_SyExonModel
246 /* Function:  SyExonModel_alloc(void)
247  *
248  * Descrip:    Allocates structure: assigns defaults if given
249  *
250  *
251  *
252  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonModel *]
253  *
254  */
255 SyExonModel * Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc(void);
256 #define SyExonModel_alloc Wise2_SyExonModel_alloc
259 /* Function:  free_SyExonModel(obj)
260  *
261  * Descrip:    Free Function: removes the memory held by obj
262  *             Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists
263  *
264  *
265  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [SyExonModel *]
266  *
267  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonModel *]
268  *
269  */
270 SyExonModel * Wise2_free_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj);
271 #define free_SyExonModel Wise2_free_SyExonModel
274 /* Function:  add_SyExonScore(obj,add)
275  *
276  * Descrip:    Adds another object to the list. It will expand the list if necessary
277  *
278  *
279  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object which contains the list [SyExonScore *]
280  * Arg:        add [OWNER] Object to add to the list [SyExonScoreUnit *]
281  *
282  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [boolean]
283  *
284  */
285 boolean Wise2_add_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj,SyExonScoreUnit * add);
286 #define add_SyExonScore Wise2_add_SyExonScore
289 /* Function:  flush_SyExonScore(obj)
290  *
291  * Descrip:    Frees the list elements, sets length to 0
292  *             If you want to save some elements, use hard_link_xxx
293  *             to protect them from being actually destroyed in the free
294  *
295  *
296  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object which contains the list  [SyExonScore *]
297  *
298  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [int]
299  *
300  */
301 int Wise2_flush_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj);
302 #define flush_SyExonScore Wise2_flush_SyExonScore
305 /* Function:  SyExonScore_alloc_std(void)
306  *
307  * Descrip:    Equivalent to SyExonScore_alloc_len(SyExonScoreLISTLENGTH)
308  *
309  *
310  *
311  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScore *]
312  *
313  */
314 SyExonScore * Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc_std(void);
315 #define SyExonScore_alloc_std Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc_std
318 /* Function:  SyExonScore_alloc_len(len)
319  *
320  * Descrip:    Allocates len length to all lists
321  *
322  *
323  * Arg:        len [UNKN ] Length of lists to allocate [int]
324  *
325  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScore *]
326  *
327  */
328 SyExonScore * Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc_len(int len);
329 #define SyExonScore_alloc_len Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc_len
332 /* Function:  hard_link_SyExonScore(obj)
333  *
334  * Descrip:    Bumps up the reference count of the object
335  *             Meaning that multiple pointers can 'own' it
336  *
337  *
338  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object to be hard linked [SyExonScore *]
339  *
340  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScore *]
341  *
342  */
343 SyExonScore * Wise2_hard_link_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj);
344 #define hard_link_SyExonScore Wise2_hard_link_SyExonScore
347 /* Function:  SyExonScore_alloc(void)
348  *
349  * Descrip:    Allocates structure: assigns defaults if given
350  *
351  *
352  *
353  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScore *]
354  *
355  */
356 SyExonScore * Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc(void);
357 #define SyExonScore_alloc Wise2_SyExonScore_alloc
360 /* Function:  free_SyExonScore(obj)
361  *
362  * Descrip:    Free Function: removes the memory held by obj
363  *             Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists
364  *
365  *
366  * Arg:        obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [SyExonScore *]
367  *
368  * Return [UNKN ]  Undocumented return value [SyExonScore *]
369  *
370  */
371 SyExonScore * Wise2_free_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj);
372 #define free_SyExonScore Wise2_free_SyExonScore
375   /* Unplaced functions */
376   /* There has been no indication of the use of these functions */
377 SyExonScore * Wise2_SyExonScore_flat_model(int start,int end,Probability exit,Probability final_stay);
378 #define SyExonScore_flat_model Wise2_SyExonScore_flat_model
379 SyExonModel * Wise2_SyExonModel_flat_model(int start,int end,Probability exit,Probability final_stay);
380 #define SyExonModel_flat_model Wise2_SyExonModel_flat_model
381 SyExonScore * Wise2_SyExonScore_from_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * sym);
382 #define SyExonScore_from_SyExonModel Wise2_SyExonScore_from_SyExonModel
383 SyExonScoreUnit * Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit_from_SyExon(SyExon * sye);
384 #define SyExonScoreUnit_from_SyExon Wise2_SyExonScoreUnit_from_SyExon
385 void Wise2_dump_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * sc,FILE *ofp);
386 #define dump_SyExonScore Wise2_dump_SyExonScore
389     /***************************************************/
390     /* Internal functions                              */
391     /* you are not expected to have to call these      */
392     /***************************************************/
393 void Wise2_swap_SyExonModel(SyExon ** list,int i,int j) ;
394 #define swap_SyExonModel Wise2_swap_SyExonModel
395 void Wise2_qsort_SyExonModel(SyExon ** list,int left,int right,int (*comp)(SyExon * ,SyExon * ));
396 #define qsort_SyExonModel Wise2_qsort_SyExonModel
397 void Wise2_sort_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj,int (*comp)(SyExon *, SyExon *));
398 #define sort_SyExonModel Wise2_sort_SyExonModel
399 boolean Wise2_expand_SyExonModel(SyExonModel * obj,int len);
400 #define expand_SyExonModel Wise2_expand_SyExonModel
401 void Wise2_swap_SyExonScore(SyExonScoreUnit ** list,int i,int j) ;
402 #define swap_SyExonScore Wise2_swap_SyExonScore
403 void Wise2_qsort_SyExonScore(SyExonScoreUnit ** list,int left,int right,int (*comp)(SyExonScoreUnit * ,SyExonScoreUnit * ));
404 #define qsort_SyExonScore Wise2_qsort_SyExonScore
405 void Wise2_sort_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj,int (*comp)(SyExonScoreUnit *, SyExonScoreUnit *));
406 #define sort_SyExonScore Wise2_sort_SyExonScore
407 boolean Wise2_expand_SyExonScore(SyExonScore * obj,int len);
408 #define expand_SyExonScore Wise2_expand_SyExonScore
410 #ifdef _cplusplus
411 }
412 #endif
414 #endif