1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * SAML2SessionInitiator.cpp
23  *
24  * SAML 2.0 AuthnRequest support.
25  */
27 #include "internal.h"
28 #include "Application.h"
29 #include "exceptions.h"
30 #include "ServiceProvider.h"
31 #include "handler/AbstractHandler.h"
32 #include "handler/RemotedHandler.h"
33 #include "handler/SessionInitiator.h"
34 #include "util/SPConstants.h"
36 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
37 # include "metadata/MetadataProviderCriteria.h"
39 # include <boost/bind.hpp>
40 # include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
41 # include <boost/iterator/indirect_iterator.hpp>
42 # include <saml/exceptions.h>
43 # include <saml/SAMLConfig.h>
44 # include <saml/saml2/core/Protocols.h>
45 # include <saml/saml2/metadata/EndpointManager.h>
46 # include <saml/saml2/metadata/Metadata.h>
47 # include <saml/saml2/metadata/MetadataCredentialCriteria.h>
48 # include <saml/util/SAMLConstants.h>
49 # include <xmltooling/XMLToolingConfig.h>
50 # include <xmltooling/util/ParserPool.h>
51 # include <xercesc/util/Base64.hpp>
52 using namespace opensaml::saml2;
53 using namespace opensaml::saml2p;
54 using namespace opensaml::saml2md;
55 #else
56 # include "lite/SAMLConstants.h"
57 # include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
58 #endif
60 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
62 using namespace shibsp;
63 using namespace opensaml;
64 using namespace xmltooling;
65 using namespace boost;
66 using namespace std;
68 namespace shibsp {
70 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
71     #pragma warning( push )
72     #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
73 #endif
75     class SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL SAML2SessionInitiator : public SessionInitiator, public AbstractHandler, public RemotedHandler
76     {
77     public:
78         SAML2SessionInitiator(const DOMElement* e, const char* appId, bool deprecationSupport);
~SAML2SessionInitiator()79         virtual ~SAML2SessionInitiator() {}
81         void init(const char* location);    // encapsulates actions that need to run either in the c'tor or setParent
83         void setParent(const PropertySet* parent);
84         void receive(DDF& in, ostream& out);
85         pair<bool,long> unwrap(SPRequest& request, DDF& out) const;
86         pair<bool,long> run(SPRequest& request, string& entityID, bool isHandler=true) const;
getProtocolFamily() const88         const XMLCh* getProtocolFamily() const {
89             return samlconstants::SAML20P_NS;
90         }
92 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
generateMetadata(saml2md::SPSSODescriptor & role,const char * handlerURL) const93         void generateMetadata(saml2md::SPSSODescriptor& role, const char* handlerURL) const {
94             doGenerateMetadata(role, handlerURL);
95         }
96 #endif
98     private:
99         pair<bool,long> doRequest(
100             const Application& application,
101             const HTTPRequest* httpRequest,
102             HTTPResponse& httpResponse,
103             const char* entityID,
104             const XMLCh* acsIndex,
105             const char* attributeIndex,
106             bool artifactInbound,
107             const char* acsLocation,
108             const XMLCh* acsBinding,
109             bool isPassive,
110             bool forceAuthn,
111             const char* authnContextClassRef,
112             const char* authnContextComparison,
113             const char* NameIDFormat,
114             const char* SPNameQualifier,
115             const char* requestTemplate,
116             const char* outgoingBinding,
117             string& relayState
118             ) const;
120         string m_appId;
121         bool m_deprecationSupport;
122         auto_ptr_char m_paosNS,m_ecpNS;
123         auto_ptr_XMLCh m_paosBinding;
124 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
125         vector<string> m_bindings;
126         map< string,boost::shared_ptr<MessageEncoder> > m_encoders;
127         scoped_ptr<MessageEncoder> m_ecp;
128         scoped_ptr<AuthnRequest> m_requestTemplate;
129 #else
130         bool m_ecp;
131 #endif
132     };
134 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
135     #pragma warning( pop )
136 #endif
138     class SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL SessionInitiatorNodeFilter : public DOMNodeFilter
139     {
140     public:
acceptNode(const DOMNode * node) const141         FilterAction acceptNode(const DOMNode* node) const {
142             return FILTER_REJECT;
143         }
144     };
146     static SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL SessionInitiatorNodeFilter g_SINFilter;
SAML2SessionInitiatorFactory(const pair<const DOMElement *,const char * > & p,bool deprecationSupport)148     SessionInitiator* SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL SAML2SessionInitiatorFactory(const pair<const DOMElement*,const char*>& p, bool deprecationSupport)
149     {
150         return new SAML2SessionInitiator(p.first, p.second, deprecationSupport);
151     }
153 };
SAML2SessionInitiator(const DOMElement * e,const char * appId,bool deprecationSupport)155 SAML2SessionInitiator::SAML2SessionInitiator(const DOMElement* e, const char* appId, bool deprecationSupport)
156     : AbstractHandler(e, Category::getInstance(SHIBSP_LOGCAT ".SessionInitiator.SAML2"), &g_SINFilter, this),
157         m_appId(appId), m_deprecationSupport(deprecationSupport),
158         m_paosNS(samlconstants::PAOS_NS), m_ecpNS(samlconstants::SAML20ECP_NS), m_paosBinding(samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_PAOS)
159 #ifdef SHIBSP_LITE
160         ,m_ecp(false)
161 #endif
162 {
163 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
164     if (SPConfig::getConfig().isEnabled(SPConfig::OutOfProcess)) {
165         // Check for a template AuthnRequest to build from.
166         DOMElement* child = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, samlconstants::SAML20P_NS, AuthnRequest::LOCAL_NAME);
167         if (child)
168             m_requestTemplate.reset(dynamic_cast<AuthnRequest*>(AuthnRequestBuilder::buildOneFromElement(child)));
169     }
170 #endif
172     // If Location isn't set, defer initialization until the setParent call.
173     pair<bool,const char*> loc = getString("Location");
174     if (loc.first) {
175         init(loc.second);
176     }
178     m_supportedOptions.insert("isPassive");
179 }
setParent(const PropertySet * parent)181 void SAML2SessionInitiator::setParent(const PropertySet* parent)
182 {
183     DOMPropertySet::setParent(parent);
184     pair<bool,const char*> loc = getString("Location");
185     init(loc.second);
186 }
init(const char * location)188 void SAML2SessionInitiator::init(const char* location)
189 {
190     if (location) {
191         string address = m_appId + location + "::run::SAML2SI";
192         setAddress(address.c_str());
193     }
194     else {
195         m_log.warn("no Location property in SAML2 SessionInitiator (or parent), can't register as remoted handler");
196     }
198     pair<bool,bool> flag = getBool("ECP");
199 #ifdef SHIBSP_LITE
200     m_ecp = flag.first && flag.second;
201 #else
203     if (SPConfig::getConfig().isEnabled(SPConfig::OutOfProcess)) {
204         // If directed, build an ECP encoder.
205         if (flag.first && flag.second) {
206             try {
207                 m_ecp.reset(SAMLConfig::getConfig().MessageEncoderManager.newPlugin(samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_PAOS, getElement(), m_deprecationSupport));
208             }
209             catch (std::exception& ex) {
210                 m_log.error("error building PAOS/ECP MessageEncoder: %s", ex.what());
211             }
212         }
214         string dupBindings;
215         pair<bool,const char*> outgoing = getString("outgoingBindings");
216         if (outgoing.first) {
217             dupBindings = outgoing.second;
218             trim(dupBindings);
219         }
220         else {
221             // No override, so we'll install a default binding precedence.
222             dupBindings = string(samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT) + ' ' + samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_POST + ' ' +
223                 samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_POST_SIMPLESIGN + ' ' + samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT;
224         }
225         split(m_bindings, dupBindings, is_space(), algorithm::token_compress_on);
226         for (vector<string>::const_iterator b = m_bindings.begin(); b != m_bindings.end(); ++b) {
227             try {
228                 boost::shared_ptr<MessageEncoder> encoder(SAMLConfig::getConfig().MessageEncoderManager.newPlugin(*b, getElement(), m_deprecationSupport));
229                 if (encoder->isUserAgentPresent() && XMLString::equals(getProtocolFamily(), encoder->getProtocolFamily())) {
230                     m_encoders[*b] = encoder;
231                     m_log.debug("supporting outgoing binding (%s)", b->c_str());
232                 }
233                 else {
234                     m_log.warn("skipping outgoing binding (%s), not a SAML 2.0 front-channel mechanism", b->c_str());
235                 }
236             }
237             catch (std::exception& ex) {
238                 m_log.error("error building MessageEncoder: %s", ex.what());
239             }
240         }
241     }
242 #endif
243 }
run(SPRequest & request,string & entityID,bool isHandler) const245 pair<bool,long> SAML2SessionInitiator::run(SPRequest& request, string& entityID, bool isHandler) const
246 {
247     // First check for ECP support, since that doesn't require an IdP to be known.
248     bool ECP = false;
249     if (m_ecp && request.getHeader("Accept").find("application/vnd.paos+xml") != string::npos) {
250         string PAOS = request.getHeader("PAOS");
251         if (PAOS.find(m_paosNS.get()) != string::npos && PAOS.find(m_ecpNS.get()) != string::npos)
252             ECP = true;
253     }
255     // We have to know the IdP to function unless this is ECP.
256     if ((!ECP && entityID.empty()) || !checkCompatibility(request, isHandler))
257         return make_pair(false, 0L);
259     string target;
260     pair<bool,const char*> prop;
261     const Handler* ACS = nullptr;
262     pair<bool,const char*> acClass, acComp, nidFormat, spQual, attributeIndex;
263     const char* requestTemplate = nullptr;
264     const char* outgoingBinding = nullptr;
265     bool isPassive=false,forceAuthn=false;
266     const Application& app = request.getApplication();
268     // ECP means the ACS will be by value no matter what.
269     pair<bool,bool> acsByIndex = ECP ? make_pair(true,false) : getBool("acsByIndex");
271     if (isHandler) {
272         prop.second = request.getParameter("acsIndex");
273         if (prop.second && *prop.second) {
274             SPConfig::getConfig().deprecation().warn("Use of acsIndex when specifying response endpoint");
275             ACS = app.getAssertionConsumerServiceByIndex(atoi(prop.second));
276             if (!ACS)
277                 request.log(SPRequest::SPWarn, "invalid acsIndex specified in request, using acsIndex property");
278             else if (ECP && !XMLString::equals(ACS->getString("Binding").second, samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_PAOS)) {
279                 request.log(SPRequest::SPWarn, "acsIndex in request referenced a non-PAOS ACS, using default ACS location");
280                 ACS = nullptr;
281             }
282         }
284         prop = getString("target", request);
285         if (prop.first)
286             target = prop.second;
288         // Always need to recover target URL to compute handler below.
289         recoverRelayState(app, request, request, target, false);
290         app.limitRedirect(request, target.c_str());
292         // Default is to allow externally supplied settings.
293         pair<bool,bool> externalInput = getBool("externalInput");
294         unsigned int settingMask = HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP | HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED;
295         if (!externalInput.first || externalInput.second) {
296             settingMask |= HANDLER_PROPERTY_REQUEST;
297             requestTemplate = request.getParameter("template");
298         }
300         outgoingBinding = request.getParameter("outgoingBinding");
302         pair<bool,bool> flag = getBool("isPassive", request, settingMask);
303         isPassive = (flag.first && flag.second);
305         if (!isPassive) {
306             flag = getBool("forceAuthn", request, settingMask);
307             forceAuthn = (flag.first && flag.second);
308         }
310         // Populate via parameter, map, or property.
311         attributeIndex = getString("attributeIndex", request, settingMask);
312         acClass = getString("authnContextClassRef", request, settingMask);
313         acComp = getString("authnContextComparison", request, settingMask);
314         nidFormat = getString("NameIDFormat", request, settingMask);
315         spQual = getString("SPNameQualifier", request, settingMask);
317     }
318     else {
319         // Check for a hardwired target value in the map or handler.
320         prop = getString("target", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
321         if (prop.first)
322             target = prop.second;
323         else
324             target = request.getRequestURL();
326         pair<bool,bool> flag = getBool("isPassive", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
327         isPassive = flag.first && flag.second;
328         if (!isPassive) {
329             flag = getBool("forceAuthn", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
330             forceAuthn = flag.first && flag.second;
331         }
333         // Populate via map or property.
334         attributeIndex = getString("attributeIndex", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
335         acClass = getString("authnContextClassRef", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
336         acComp = getString("authnContextComparison", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
337         nidFormat = getString("NameIDFormat", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
338         spQual = getString("SPNameQualifier", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
339     }
341     if (ECP)
342         m_log.debug("attempting to initiate session using SAML 2.0 Enhanced Client Profile");
343     else
344         m_log.debug("attempting to initiate session using SAML 2.0 with provider (%s)", entityID.c_str());
346     if (!ACS) {
347         if (ECP) {
348             ACS = app.getAssertionConsumerServiceByProtocol(getProtocolFamily(), samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_PAOS);
349             if (!ACS)
350                 throw ConfigurationException("Unable to locate PAOS response endpoint.");
351         }
352         else {
353             // Try fixed index property.
354             pair<bool,unsigned int> index = getUnsignedInt("acsIndex", request, HANDLER_PROPERTY_MAP|HANDLER_PROPERTY_FIXED);
355             if (index.first) {
356                 SPConfig::getConfig().deprecation().warn("Use of acsIndex when specifying response endpoint");
357                 ACS = app.getAssertionConsumerServiceByIndex(index.second);
358             }
359         }
360     }
362     // If we picked by index, validate the ACS for use with this protocol.
363     if (!ECP && (!ACS || !XMLString::equals(getProtocolFamily(), ACS->getProtocolFamily()))) {
364         if (ACS)
365             request.log(SPRequest::SPWarn, "invalid acsIndex property, or non-SAML 2.0 ACS, using default SAML 2.0 ACS");
366         ACS = app.getAssertionConsumerServiceByProtocol(getProtocolFamily());
367         if (!ACS)
368             throw ConfigurationException("Unable to locate a SAML 2.0 ACS endpoint to use for response.");
369     }
371     // To invoke the request builder, the key requirement is to figure out how
372     // to express the ACS, by index or value, and if by value, where.
373     // We have to compute the handlerURL no matter what, because we may need to
374     // flip the index to an SSL-version.
375     string ACSloc = request.getHandlerURL(target.c_str());
377     SPConfig& conf = SPConfig::getConfig();
378     if (conf.isEnabled(SPConfig::OutOfProcess)) {
379     	if (acsByIndex.first && acsByIndex.second) {
380             // Pass by Index.
381             if (isHandler) {
382                 // We may already have RelayState set if we looped back here,
383                 // but we've turned it back into a resource by this point, so if there's
384                 // a target on the URL, reset to that value.
385                 prop.second = request.getParameter("target");
386                 if (prop.second && *prop.second)
387                     target = prop.second;
388             }
390             // Determine index to use.
391             pair<bool,const XMLCh*> ix = pair<bool,const XMLCh*>(false,nullptr);
392             if (!strncmp(ACSloc.c_str(), "https://", 8)) {
393             	ix = ACS->getXMLString("sslIndex", shibspconstants::ASCII_SHIBSPCONFIG_NS);
394             	if (!ix.first)
395             		ix = ACS->getXMLString("index");
396             }
397             else {
398             	ix = ACS->getXMLString("index");
399             }
401             return doRequest(
402                 app, &request, request, entityID.c_str(),
403                 ix.second,
404                 attributeIndex.first ? attributeIndex.second : nullptr,
405                 XMLString::equals(ACS->getString("Binding").second, samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT),
406                 nullptr, nullptr,
407                 isPassive, forceAuthn,
408                 acClass.first ? acClass.second : nullptr,
409                 acComp.first ? acComp.second : nullptr,
410                 nidFormat.first ? nidFormat.second : nullptr,
411                 spQual.first ? spQual.second : nullptr,
412                 requestTemplate,
413                 outgoingBinding,
414                 target
415                 );
416         }
418         // Since we're not passing by index, we need to fully compute the return URL and binding.
419         // Compute the ACS URL. We add the ACS location to the base handlerURL.
420         prop = ACS->getString("Location");
421         if (prop.first)
422             ACSloc += prop.second;
424         if (isHandler) {
425             // We may already have RelayState set if we looped back here,
426             // but we've turned it back into a resource by this point, so if there's
427             // a target on the URL, reset to that value.
428             prop.second = request.getParameter("target");
429             if (prop.second && *prop.second)
430                 target = prop.second;
431         }
433         return doRequest(
434             app, &request, request, entityID.c_str(),
435             nullptr,
436             attributeIndex.first ? attributeIndex.second : nullptr,
437             XMLString::equals(ACS->getString("Binding").second, samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT),
438             ACSloc.c_str(), ACS->getXMLString("Binding").second,
439             isPassive, forceAuthn,
440             acClass.first ? acClass.second : nullptr,
441             acComp.first ? acComp.second : nullptr,
442             nidFormat.first ? nidFormat.second : nullptr,
443             spQual.first ? spQual.second : nullptr,
444             requestTemplate,
445             outgoingBinding,
446             target
447             );
448     }
450     // Remote the call.
451     DDF out,in = DDF(m_address.c_str()).structure();
452     DDFJanitor jin(in), jout(out);
453     in.addmember("application_id").string(app.getId());
454     if (!entityID.empty())
455         in.addmember("entity_id").string(entityID.c_str());
456     if (isPassive)
457         in.addmember("isPassive").integer(1);
458     else if (forceAuthn)
459         in.addmember("forceAuthn").integer(1);
460     if (attributeIndex.first)
461         in.addmember("attributeIndex").string(attributeIndex.second);
462     if (acClass.first)
463         in.addmember("authnContextClassRef").string(acClass.second);
464     if (acComp.first)
465         in.addmember("authnContextComparison").string(acComp.second);
466     if (nidFormat.first)
467         in.addmember("NameIDFormat").string(nidFormat.second);
468     if (spQual.first)
469         in.addmember("SPNameQualifier").string(spQual.second);
470     if (requestTemplate)
471         in.addmember("template").string(requestTemplate);
472     if (outgoingBinding)
473         in.addmember("outgoingBinding").string(outgoingBinding);
474     if (acsByIndex.first && acsByIndex.second) {
475         // Determine index to use.
476         pair<bool,const char*> ix = pair<bool,const char*>(false,nullptr);
477         if (!strncmp(ACSloc.c_str(), "https://", 8)) {
478         	ix = ACS->getString("sslIndex", shibspconstants::ASCII_SHIBSPCONFIG_NS);
479         	if (!ix.first)
480         		ix = ACS->getString("index");
481         }
482         else {
483         	ix = ACS->getString("index");
484         }
485         in.addmember("acsIndex").string(ix.second);
486         if (XMLString::equals(ACS->getString("Binding").second, samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT))
487             in.addmember("artifact").integer(1);
488     }
489     else {
490         // Since we're not passing by index, we need to fully compute the return URL and binding.
491         // Compute the ACS URL. We add the ACS location to the base handlerURL.
492         prop = ACS->getString("Location");
493         if (prop.first)
494             ACSloc += prop.second;
495         in.addmember("acsLocation").string(ACSloc.c_str());
496         prop = ACS->getString("Binding");
497         in.addmember("acsBinding").string(prop.second);
498         if (XMLString::equals(prop.second, samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT))
499             in.addmember("artifact").integer(1);
500     }
502     if (isHandler) {
503         // We may already have RelayState set if we looped back here,
504         // but we've turned it back into a resource by this point, so if there's
505         // a target on the URL, reset to that value.
506         prop.second = request.getParameter("target");
507         if (prop.second && *prop.second)
508             target = prop.second;
509     }
510     if (!target.empty())
511         in.addmember("RelayState").unsafe_string(target.c_str());
513     // Remote the processing.
514     out = send(request, in);
515     return unwrap(request, out);
516 }
unwrap(SPRequest & request,DDF & out) const518 pair<bool,long> SAML2SessionInitiator::unwrap(SPRequest& request, DDF& out) const
519 {
520     // See if there's any response to send back.
521     if (!out["redirect"].isnull() || !out["response"].isnull()) {
522         // If so, we're responsible for handling the POST data, probably by dropping a cookie.
523         preservePostData(request.getApplication(), request, request, out["RelayState"].string());
524     }
525     return RemotedHandler::unwrap(request, out);
526 }
receive(DDF & in,ostream & out)528 void SAML2SessionInitiator::receive(DDF& in, ostream& out)
529 {
530     // Find application.
531     const char* aid = in["application_id"].string();
532     const Application* app = aid ? SPConfig::getConfig().getServiceProvider()->getApplication(aid) : nullptr;
533     if (!app) {
534         // Something's horribly wrong.
535         m_log.error("couldn't find application (%s) to generate AuthnRequest", aid ? aid : "(missing)");
536         throw ConfigurationException("Unable to locate application for new session, deleted?");
537     }
539     DDF ret(nullptr);
540     DDFJanitor jout(ret);
542     // Wrap the outgoing object with a Response facade.
543     scoped_ptr<HTTPResponse> http(getResponse(*app, ret));
545     auto_ptr_XMLCh index(in["acsIndex"].string());
546     auto_ptr_XMLCh bind(in["acsBinding"].string());
548     string relayState(in["RelayState"].string() ? in["RelayState"].string() : "");
549     string postData(in["PostData"].string() ? in["PostData"].string() : "");
551     // Since we're remoted, the result should either be a throw, which we pass on,
552     // a false/0 return, which we just return as an empty structure, or a response/redirect,
553     // which we capture in the facade and send back.
554     doRequest(
555         *app, nullptr, *http, in["entity_id"].string(),
556         index.get(),
557         in["attributeIndex"].string(),
558         (in["artifact"].integer() != 0),
559         in["acsLocation"].string(), bind.get(),
560         in["isPassive"].integer() == 1,
561         in["forceAuthn"].integer() == 1,
562         in["authnContextClassRef"].string(),
563         in["authnContextComparison"].string(),
564         in["NameIDFormat"].string(),
565         in["SPNameQualifier"].string(),
566         in["template"].string(),
567         in["outgoingBinding"].string(),
568         relayState
569         );
570     if (!ret.isstruct())
571         ret.structure();
572     ret.addmember("RelayState").unsafe_string(relayState.c_str());
573     out << ret;
574 }
doRequest(const Application & app,const HTTPRequest * httpRequest,HTTPResponse & httpResponse,const char * entityID,const XMLCh * acsIndex,const char * attributeIndex,bool artifactInbound,const char * acsLocation,const XMLCh * acsBinding,bool isPassive,bool forceAuthn,const char * authnContextClassRef,const char * authnContextComparison,const char * NameIDFormat,const char * SPNameQualifier,const char * requestTemplate,const char * outgoingBinding,string & relayState) const576 pair<bool,long> SAML2SessionInitiator::doRequest(
577     const Application& app,
578     const HTTPRequest* httpRequest,
579     HTTPResponse& httpResponse,
580     const char* entityID,
581     const XMLCh* acsIndex,
582     const char* attributeIndex,
583     bool artifactInbound,
584     const char* acsLocation,
585     const XMLCh* acsBinding,
586     bool isPassive,
587     bool forceAuthn,
588     const char* authnContextClassRef,
589     const char* authnContextComparison,
590     const char* NameIDFormat,
591     const char* SPNameQualifier,
592     const char* requestTemplate,
593     const char* outgoingBinding,
594     string& relayState
595     ) const
596 {
597 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
598     bool ECP = XMLString::equals(acsBinding, m_paosBinding.get());
600     pair<const EntityDescriptor*,const RoleDescriptor*> entity = pair<const EntityDescriptor*,const RoleDescriptor*>(nullptr,nullptr);
601     const IDPSSODescriptor* role = nullptr;
602     const EndpointType* ep = nullptr;
603     const MessageEncoder* encoder = nullptr;
605     // We won't need this for ECP, but safety dictates we get the lock here.
606     MetadataProvider* m = app.getMetadataProvider();
607     Locker locker(m);
609     if (ECP) {
610         encoder = m_ecp.get();
611         if (!encoder) {
612             m_log.error("MessageEncoder for PAOS binding not available");
613             return make_pair(false, 0L);
614         }
615     }
616     else {
617         // Use metadata to locate the IdP's SSO service.
618         MetadataProviderCriteria mc(app, entityID, &IDPSSODescriptor::ELEMENT_QNAME, samlconstants::SAML20P_NS);
619         entity = m->getEntityDescriptor(mc);
620         if (!entity.first) {
621             m_log.warn("unable to locate metadata for provider (%s)", entityID);
622             throw MetadataException("Unable to locate metadata for identity provider ($entityID)", namedparams(1, "entityID", entityID));
623         }
624         else if (!entity.second) {
625             m_log.log(getParent() ? Priority::INFO : Priority::WARN, "unable to locate SAML 2.0 identity provider role for provider (%s)", entityID);
626             if (getParent())
627                 return make_pair(false, 0L);
628             throw MetadataException("Unable to locate SAML 2.0 identity provider role for provider ($entityID)", namedparams(1, "entityID", entityID));
629         }
630         else if (artifactInbound && !SPConfig::getConfig().getArtifactResolver()->isSupported(dynamic_cast<const SSODescriptorType&>(*entity.second))) {
631             m_log.warn("artifact binding selected for response, but identity provider lacks support");
632             if (getParent())
633                 return make_pair(false, 0L);
634             throw MetadataException("Identity provider ($entityID) lacks SAML 2.0 artifact support.", namedparams(1, "entityID", entityID));
635         }
637         // Loop over the supportable outgoing bindings.
638         role = dynamic_cast<const IDPSSODescriptor*>(entity.second);
639         for (vector<string>::const_iterator b = m_bindings.begin(); b != m_bindings.end(); ++b) {
640             if (outgoingBinding && *b != outgoingBinding)
641                 continue;
642             auto_ptr_XMLCh wideb(b->c_str());
643             ep = EndpointManager<SingleSignOnService>(role->getSingleSignOnServices()).getByBinding(wideb.get());
644             if (ep) {
645                 map< string,boost::shared_ptr<MessageEncoder> >::const_iterator enc = m_encoders.find(*b);
646                 if (enc != m_encoders.end()) {
647                     encoder = enc->second.get();
648                 }
649                 break;
650             }
651         }
652         if (!ep || !encoder) {
653             m_log.warn("unable to locate compatible SSO service for provider (%s)", entityID);
654             if (getParent())
655                 return make_pair(false, 0L);
656             throw MetadataException("Unable to locate compatible SSO service for provider ($entityID)", namedparams(1, "entityID", entityID));
657         }
658     }
660     preserveRelayState(app, httpResponse, relayState);
662     const PropertySet* relyingParty = app.getRelyingParty(entity.first);
664     auto_ptr<AuthnRequest> req;
666     if (requestTemplate) {
667         XMLSize_t x;
668         XMLByte* decoded=Base64::decode(reinterpret_cast<const XMLByte*>(requestTemplate), &x);
669         if (decoded) {
670             istringstream is(reinterpret_cast<char*>(decoded));
671             XMLString::release((char**)&decoded);
672             DOMDocument* doc = XMLToolingConfig::getConfig().getParser().parse(is);
673             XercesJanitor<DOMDocument> docjanitor(doc);
674             auto_ptr<XMLObject> xmlObject(XMLObjectBuilder::buildOneFromElement(doc->getDocumentElement(), true));
675             docjanitor.release();
676             if (!dynamic_cast<AuthnRequest*>(xmlObject.get())) {
677                 throw FatalProfileException("Template parameter was not a SAML AuthnRequest");
678             }
679             req.reset(dynamic_cast<AuthnRequest*>(xmlObject.release()));
680         }
681         else {
682             throw FatalProfileException("Unable to base64-eecode AuthnRequest template");
683         }
684     }
685     else {
686         req.reset(m_requestTemplate ? m_requestTemplate->cloneAuthnRequest() : AuthnRequestBuilder::buildAuthnRequest());
687     }
689     if (requestTemplate || m_requestTemplate) {
690         // Freshen TS and ID.
691         req->setID(nullptr);
692         req->setIssueInstant(time(nullptr));
693     }
695     if (ep)
696         req->setDestination(ep->getLocation());
697     if (acsIndex && *acsIndex)
698         req->setAssertionConsumerServiceIndex(acsIndex);
699     if (acsLocation) {
700         auto_ptr_XMLCh wideloc(acsLocation);
701         req->setAssertionConsumerServiceURL(wideloc.get());
702     }
703     if (acsBinding && *acsBinding)
704         req->setProtocolBinding(acsBinding);
705     if (isPassive)
706         req->IsPassive(isPassive);
707     else if (forceAuthn)
708         req->ForceAuthn(forceAuthn);
709     if (!req->getIssuer()) {
710         Issuer* issuer = IssuerBuilder::buildIssuer();
711         req->setIssuer(issuer);
712         issuer->setName(relyingParty->getXMLString("entityID").second);
713     }
714     if (!req->getNameIDPolicy()) {
715         NameIDPolicy* namepol = NameIDPolicyBuilder::buildNameIDPolicy();
716         req->setNameIDPolicy(namepol);
717         namepol->AllowCreate(true);
718     }
720     // Format may be specified, or inferred from RelyingParty.
721     if (NameIDFormat && *NameIDFormat) {
722         auto_ptr_XMLCh wideform(NameIDFormat);
723         req->getNameIDPolicy()->setFormat(wideform.get());
724     }
725     else {
726         pair<bool,const XMLCh*> rpFormat = relyingParty->getXMLString("NameIDFormat");
727         if (rpFormat.first)
728             req->getNameIDPolicy()->setFormat(rpFormat.second);
729     }
731     // SPNameQualifier may be specified, or inferred from RelyingParty.
732     if (SPNameQualifier && *SPNameQualifier) {
733         auto_ptr_XMLCh widequal(SPNameQualifier);
734         req->getNameIDPolicy()->setSPNameQualifier(widequal.get());
735     }
736     else {
737         pair<bool,const XMLCh*> rpQual = relyingParty->getXMLString("SPNameQualifier");
738         if (rpQual.first)
739             req->getNameIDPolicy()->setSPNameQualifier(rpQual.second);
740     }
742     // AttributeConsumingService may be specified, or inferred from RelyingParty.
743     if (attributeIndex && *attributeIndex) {
744         auto_ptr_XMLCh wideacs(attributeIndex);
745         req->setAttributeConsumingServiceIndex(wideacs.get());
746     }
747     else {
748         pair<bool,const XMLCh*> attrIndex = relyingParty->getXMLString("attributeIndex");
749         if (attrIndex.first)
750             req->setAttributeConsumingServiceIndex(attrIndex.second);
751     }
753     // If no specified AC class, infer from RelyingParty.
754     if (!authnContextClassRef || !*authnContextClassRef) {
755         pair<bool,const char*> rpContextClassRef = relyingParty->getString("authnContextClassRef");
756         if (rpContextClassRef.first)
757             authnContextClassRef = rpContextClassRef.second;
758     }
760     if (authnContextClassRef || authnContextComparison) {
761         RequestedAuthnContext* reqContext = req->getRequestedAuthnContext();
762         if (!reqContext) {
763             reqContext = RequestedAuthnContextBuilder::buildRequestedAuthnContext();
764             req->setRequestedAuthnContext(reqContext);
765         }
766         if (authnContextClassRef) {
767             reqContext->getAuthnContextDeclRefs().clear();
768             string dup(authnContextClassRef);
769             trim(dup);
770             vector<string> contexts;
771             split(contexts, dup, is_space(), algorithm::token_compress_on);
772             for (vector<string>::const_iterator ac = contexts.begin(); ac != contexts.end(); ++ac) {
773                 auto_ptr_XMLCh wideac(ac->c_str());
774                 auto_ptr<AuthnContextClassRef> cref(AuthnContextClassRefBuilder::buildAuthnContextClassRef());
775                 cref->setReference(wideac.get());
776                 reqContext->getAuthnContextClassRefs().push_back(cref.get());
777                 cref.release();
778             }
779         }
781         if (reqContext->getAuthnContextClassRefs().empty() && reqContext->getAuthnContextDeclRefs().empty()) {
782         	req->setRequestedAuthnContext(nullptr);
783         }
784         else if (authnContextComparison) {
785             auto_ptr_XMLCh widecomp(authnContextComparison);
786             reqContext->setComparison(widecomp.get());
787         } else {
788             pair<bool,const XMLCh*> rpComp = relyingParty->getXMLString("authnContextComparison");
789             if (rpComp.first)
790                 reqContext->setComparison(rpComp.second);
791         }
792     }
794     pair<bool,bool> requestDelegation = getBool("requestDelegation");
795     if (!requestDelegation.first)
796         requestDelegation = relyingParty->getBool("requestDelegation");
798     if (requestDelegation.first && requestDelegation.second) {
799         if (entity.first) {
800             // Request delegation by including the IdP as an Audience.
801             // Also specify the expected session lifetime as the bound on the assertion lifetime.
802             const PropertySet* sessionProps = app.getPropertySet("Sessions");
803             pair<bool,unsigned int> lifetime = sessionProps ? sessionProps->getUnsignedInt("lifetime") : pair<bool,unsigned int>(true,28800);
804             if (!lifetime.first || lifetime.second == 0)
805                 lifetime.second = 28800;
806             if (!req->getConditions())
807                 req->setConditions(ConditionsBuilder::buildConditions());
808             req->getConditions()->setNotOnOrAfter(time(nullptr) + lifetime.second + 300);
809             AudienceRestriction* audrest = AudienceRestrictionBuilder::buildAudienceRestriction();
810             req->getConditions()->getConditions().push_back(audrest);
811             Audience* aud = AudienceBuilder::buildAudience();
812             audrest->getAudiences().push_back(aud);
813             aud->setAudienceURI(entity.first->getEntityID());
814         }
815         else {
816             m_log.warn("requestDelegation set, but IdP unknown at request time");
817         }
818     }
820     if (ECP && entityID) {
821         auto_ptr_XMLCh wideid(entityID);
822         Scoping* scoping = req->getScoping();
823         if (!scoping) {
824             scoping = ScopingBuilder::buildScoping();
825             req->setScoping(scoping);
826         }
827         IDPList* idplist = scoping->getIDPList();
828         if (!idplist) {
829             idplist = IDPListBuilder::buildIDPList();
830             scoping->setIDPList(idplist);
831         }
832         VectorOf(IDPEntry) entries = idplist->getIDPEntrys();
833         static bool (*wideequals)(const XMLCh*,const XMLCh*) = &XMLString::equals;
834         if (find_if(entries, boost::bind(wideequals, boost::bind(&IDPEntry::getProviderID, _1), wideid.get())) == nullptr) {
835             IDPEntry* entry = IDPEntryBuilder::buildIDPEntry();
836             entry->setProviderID(wideid.get());
837             entries.push_back(entry);
838         }
839     }
841     XMLCh* genid = SAMLConfig::getConfig().generateIdentifier();
842     req->setID(genid);
843     XMLString::release(&genid);
844     req->setIssueInstant(time(nullptr));
846     scoped_ptr<AuthnRequestEvent> ar_event(newAuthnRequestEvent(app, httpRequest));
847     if (ar_event) {
848         auto_ptr_char b(ep ? ep->getBinding() : nullptr);
849         ar_event->m_binding = b.get() ? b.get() : samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_SOAP;
850         auto_ptr_char prot(getProtocolFamily());
851         ar_event->m_protocol = prot.get();
852         ar_event->m_peer = entity.first;
853         ar_event->m_saml2Request = req.get();
854         app.getServiceProvider().getTransactionLog()->write(*ar_event);
855     }
857     auto_ptr_char dest(ep ? ep->getLocation() : nullptr);
859     if (httpRequest) {
860         // If the request object is available, we're responsible for the POST data.
861         preservePostData(app, *httpRequest, httpResponse, relayState.c_str());
862     }
864     long ret = sendMessage(
865         *encoder,
866         req.get(),
867         relayState.c_str(),
868         dest.get(),
869         role,
870         app,
871         httpResponse,
872         (role && role->WantAuthnRequestsSigned()) ? "true" : "false"
873         );
874     req.release();  // freed by encoder
875     return make_pair(true, ret);
876 #else
877     return make_pair(false, 0L);
878 #endif
879 }