1 /* Definitions for sides in Xconq.
2    Copyright (C) 1987-1989, 1991-1997, 1999-2000 Stanley T. Shebs.
3    Copyright (C) 2004 Eric A. McDonald.
5 Xconq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 any later version.  See the file COPYING.  */
10 /*! \file kernel/side.h
11  * \brief Definitions for sides in Xconq.
12  *
13  * \note Many of the side macros check for a null side pointer.  This
14  * is due to a null pointer being used to indicate that the unit was
15  * independant.  That has been changed, now the independant units are
16  * assigned to side 0.  The check for a null side pointer should not
17  * be needed any longer, but has been left in for the time being.
18  * In particular, the Side Mask equates a null side pointer and the
19  * side 0 as being the same thing.
20  */
22 #include "parambox.h"
24 #if MAXSIDES < 31
25 /*! \brief Side mask.
26  *
27  * A side mask is a bit vector, where the bit position corresponds to the
28  * side number.  It currently is implemented on tha basis of a 32 bit
29  * integer, so it cannot support more than 30 players.
30  */
31 typedef int SideMask;
32 /*! \brief No Sides are all zero bits. */
33 #define NOSIDES (0)
34 /*! \brief All Sides is all ones. */
35 #define ALLSIDES (-1)
36 /*! \brief Add Side to vector.
37  *
38  * Sets the bit corresponding to the Side number, or the
39  * zero'th bit if the \Side pointer is nil.
40  * \param side is the pointer to the \Side.
41  * \param mask is the side mask.
42  * \return the modified side mask.
43  */
44 #define add_side_to_set(side,mask) ((mask) | (1 << ((side) ? (side)->id : 0)))
46 /*! \brief Remove side from mask.
47  *
48  * Resets the bit corresponding to the Side number, or the
49  * zero'th bit if the \Side pointer is nil.
50  * \param side is the pointer to the \Side.
51  * \param mask is the side mask.
52  * \return the side mask.
53  */
54 #define remove_side_from_set(side,mask) \
55   ((mask) & ~(1 << ((side) ? (side)->id : 0)))
57 /*! \brief Side in set.
58  *
59  * This returns a non-zero value if the Side is set.
60  * \param side is a pointer to the \Side.
61  * \param mask is the side mask.
62  * \return non-zero if the side is in the set.
63  */
64 #define side_in_set(side,mask) ((mask) & (1 << ((side) ? (side)->id : 0)))
65 #else
66 not implemented yet
67 #endif /* MAXSIDES */
69 /*! \brief Doctine.
70  *
71  * Doctrine is policy info that Units and Players use to help decide
72  * behavior.
73  */
74 typedef struct a_doctrine {
75     short id;  			/*!< a unique id */
76     char *name;        		/*!< a distinguishing name for the doctrine */
77     short resupply_percent;	/*!< do resupply task if below this */
78     short rearm_percent;     	/*!< do resupply of ammo if below this */
79     short repair_percent;     	/*!< do repairs if hp at or below this */
80     short resupply_complete;   	/*!< cease resupply if % at or above this */
81     short rearm_complete;     	/*!< cease rearming if % at or above this */
82     short repair_complete;     	/*!< cease repairs if hp at or above this */
83     short min_turns_food; 	/*!< minimal number of turns for which we
84 				     should have food-type supplies */
85     short min_distance_fuel; 	/*!< minimal distance in cells for which we
86 				     should have fuel-type supplies */
87     short *construction_run;	/*!< number of each type to build usually */
88     short locked;               /*!< true if values can't be changed */
89     struct a_doctrine *next;	/*!< pointer to next doctrine defined */
90 } Doctrine;
92 /*! \brief Standing order conditions.
93  * This modifies a standing order to be limited to a
94  * particular location/unit.
95  */
96 enum sordercond {
97     sorder_always,	/*!< always */
98     sorder_at,          /*!< when at */
99     sorder_in,          /*!< when in */
100     sorder_near         /*!< when near */
101 };
103 /*! \brief Standing order.
104  *
105  * A standing order is a conditional order that applies to any matching
106  * unit not already doing a task.
107  */
108 typedef struct a_standing_order {
109     char *types;	       	/*!< unit types to which order applies */
110     enum sordercond condtype;	/*!< type of condition to trigger on */
111     int a1;             	/*!< first parameter to test (x, y, etc). */
112     int a2;                    	/*!< second parameter to test (x, y, etc). */
113     int a3;		       	/*!< third parameters to test (x, y, etc). */
114     struct a_task *task;	/*!< \ref a_task "Task" to perform */
115     struct a_standing_order *next;	/*!< link to next standing order for
116 					     side */
117 } StandingOrder;
119 namespace Xconq {
120     namespace AI {
121 	struct AI_Side;
122     }
123 }
124 typedef Xconq::AI::AI_Side AI_Side;
126 /*! \brief Side.
127  *
128  * Each Xconq player is a "side" - more or less one country.  A side
129  * may or may not be played by a person, and may or may not have a
130  * display attached to it.  Each side has a different view of the
131  * world.  Side 0 is for independant units.
132  */
133 typedef struct a_side {
134     int id;			/*!< a unique id */
135     Obj *symbol;		/*!< a symbol bound to side's id */
136     char *name;			/*!< This is the proper name of a side,
137 				 *   as a country or alliance name. Examples
138 				 *   include "Axis" and "Hyperborea". */
139     char *longname;		/*!< This is the long form of a side's name,
140 				 *   as in "People's Republic of Hyperborea".
141 				 *   Defaults to be the same as the side's
142 				 *   name. */
143     char *shortname;		/*!< This is an short name or acronym for the
144 				 *   side, often just the letters of the long
145 				 *   name, as in "PRH". */
146     char *noun;			/*!< This is the name of an individual unit or
147 				 *   person belonging to the side. Defaults
148 				 *   to "", which suppresses any mention of
149 				 *   the side when (textually) describing the
150 				 *   individual. */
151     char *pluralnoun;		/*!< This is what you would call a group of
152 				 *   individuals. Defaults to the most common
153 				 *   plural form of the noun (in English,
154 				 *   the default pluralizer adds an "s"), so
155 				 *   any alternative plural noun, such as
156 				 *   "Chinese", will need an explicit
157 				 *   plural-noun value. */
158     char *adjective;		/*!< This is an adjective that can be used of
159 				 *   individuals on the side, as in "Spanish".
160 				 *   Defaults to "", which suppresses use of
161 				 *   the adjective. As a complete example, a
162 				 *   side named "Poland" would have a long
163 				 *   name "Kingdom of Poland", short name
164 				 *   "Po", noun "Pole", plural noun "Poles",
165 				 *   and adjective "Polish". */
166     char *colorscheme;		/*!< This is a comma-separated list of colors
167 				 *   that represents the side. Defaults to
168 				 *   "black". */
169     char *default_color;	/*!< default color used in the absence of
170 				 *   emblems and at low magnifications
171 				 *   <I>name</I> */
172     char *emblemname;		/*!< This property is the name of a graphical
173 				 *   icon that represents the side. An emblem
174 				 *   name of "none" suppresses any emblem
175 				 *   display for the side. Defaults to "",
176 				 *   which gives the side a randomly-selected
177 				 *   emblem. */
178     char **unitnamers;		/*!< This specifies which namers will be used
179 				 *   with which types that the side starts out
180 				 *   with or creates new units. These will not
181 				 *   be run automatically on captured units or
182 				 *   gifts. */
183     Obj *featurenamers;		/*!< This specifies which namers to use with
184 				 *   which geographical features in the side's
185 				 *   initial country (if if has one). */
186     short nameslocked;		/*!< True if names may not be changed by
187 				 *   player. */
188     char *sideclass;		/*!< This is a side's class, which is a
189 				 *   keyword that characterizes the side. Any
190 				 *   number of sides may be in the same
191 				 *   class. */
192     struct a_unit *self_unit;	/*!< This identifies a unit that represents
193 				 *   the side itself. The value may be a unit
194 				 *   id, number, string, or symbol. Defaults
195 				 *   to 0, which means that no unit represents
196 				 *   the side. See \ref selfUnit for more
197 				 *   information. */
198     short self_unit_id;		/*!< Id of the self_unit. */
199     struct a_side *controlled_by;	/*!< side controlling this one
200 					 *   <I>relationship</I> */
201     short controlled_by_id;	/*!< id of controlling side
202 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
203     SideMask knows_about;	/*!< true if side knows about another side
204 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
205     short *trusts;		/*!< true if side trusts another side
206 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
207     short *trades;		/*!< true if side trades with another side.
208 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
209     short *startwith;		/*!< how many units of each type at start of
210 				 *   game <I>relationship</I> */
211     short *counts;		/*!< array of numbers for identifying units
212 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
213     short *tech;		/*!< tech level for each unit type
214 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
215     short *inittech;		/*!< tech level at beginning of turn
216 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
217     short *action_priorities;	/*!< action priority for each unit type
218 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
219     short *already_seen;	/*!< chance that other units already seen
220 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
221     short *already_seen_indep;	/*!< chance that independent units already
222 				 *   seen <I>relationship</I> */
223     Doctrine *default_doctrine;	/*!< fallback \ref a_doctrine "Doctrine"
224 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
225     Doctrine **udoctrine;	/*!< array of per-unit-type \ref a_doctrine
226 				 *   "Doctrines" <I>relationship</I> */
227     short doctrines_locked;	/*!< true if all doctrines locked
228 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
229     StandingOrder *orders;	/*!< list of \ref a_standing_order
230 				 *   "Standing Orders" for the side
231 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
232     StandingOrder *last_order;	/*!< Pointer to last \ref a_standing_order
233 				 *   "Standing Order" in list
234 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
235     char *uorders;		/*!< bit vector of types that have orders
236 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
237     Obj *possible_units;	/*!< list of \ref a_unit "Units" to give to
238 				 *   side <I>relationship</I> */
239     short ai_may_resign;	/*!< true if AI may draw or resign on its own
240 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
241     short *advance;		/*!< State of research (accum pts) for each
242 				 *   Advance. Set to -1 when completed.
243 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
244     short research_topic;	/*!< Advance that the side is working on
245 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
246     short autoresearch;		/*!< TRUE if next research topic autoselected
247 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
248     short research_goal;	/*!< Research goal for the side. */
249     long *treasury;		/*!< globally available supply of each material
250 				 *   type <I>relationship</I> */
251     short *c_rates;		/*!< material conversion rates
252 				 *   <I>relationship</I> */
253     char *terrview;		/*!< ptr to view of terrain <I>view</I>*/
254     char **auxterrview;		/*!< ptr to view of aux terrain <I>view</I>*/
255     short *terrviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of terrain
256 				 *   <I>view</I> */
257     short **auxterrviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of aux terrain
258 				 *   <I>view</I>*/
259     struct a_unit_view **unit_views;	/*!< ptr to table of views of units
260 				 *   <I>view</I>*/
261     short **materialview;	/*!< ptr to view of cell materials <I>view</I>*/
262     short **materialviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of cell materials
263 				 *   <I>view</I>*/
264     short *tempview;		/*!< ptr to view of temperature <I>view</I>*/
265     short *tempviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of temperature
266 				 *   <I>view</I>*/
267     short *cloudview;		/*!< ptr to view of clouds <I>view</I>*/
268     short *cloudbottomview;	/*!< ptr to view of cloud bottoms <I>view</I>*/
269     short *cloudheightview;	/*!< ptr to view of cloud heights <I>view</I>*/
270     short *cloudviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of clouds
271 				 *   <I>view</I>*/
272     short *windview;		/*!< ptr to view of winds <I>view</I>*/
273     short *windviewdate;	/*!< ptr to dates of view of winds <I>view</I>*/
274     short ingame;		/*!< true if side participating in game
275 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
276     short everingame;		/*!< true if side ever participated in a turn
277 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
278     short priority;		/*!< overall action priority of this side
279 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
280     short status;		/*!< -1/0/1 for lost/draw/won <I>status</I>*/
281     short *scores;		/*!< array of scores managed by scorekeepers
282 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
283     Obj *rawscores;		/*!< score data as read from file
284 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
285     short willingtodraw;	/*!< will this side go along with quitters?
286 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
287     short autofinish;		/*!< turn done when all units acted
288 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
289     short finishedturn;		/*!< true when side wants to go to next turn
290 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
291     short turntimeused;		/*!< seconds used this turn <I>status</I>*/
292     short totaltimeused;	/*!< total seconds used <I>status</I>*/
293     short timeouts;		/*!< total timeouts used <I>status</I>*/
294     short timeoutsused;		/*!< total timeouts used <I>status</I>*/
295     short curactor_pos;		/*!< index in actionvector to current unit
296 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
297     struct a_unit *curactor;	/*!< pointer to current unit acting.
298 				 *   <I>status</I>*/
299     short curactor_id;		/*!< Id of current unit acting. <I>status</I>*/
300     short advantage;		/*!< actual advantage <I>setup</I>*/
301     short minadvantage;		/*!< min advantage requestable during init
302 				 *   <I>setup</I>*/
303     short maxadvantage;		/*!< max of same <I>setup</I>*/
304     short init_center_x;	/*!< center of preferred initial view,
305 				 *   x<I>setup</I>*/
306     short init_center_y;	/*!< center of preferred initial view,
307 				 *   y<I>setup</I>*/
308     Obj *instructions;		/*!< notes to player about the game
309 				 *   <I>setup</I>*/
310     short last_notice_date;	/*!< last turn during which notice was posted */
311     short realtimeout;		/*!< how long to wait before just going ahead */
312     long startbeeptime;		/*!< after this time, beep to signal next
313 				 *   turn */
314     short *gaincounts;		/*!< array of counts of unit gains by the
315 				 *   side */
316     short *losscounts;		/*!< array of counts of losses by the side */
317     long **atkstats;		/*!< array of counts of attacks by units */
318     long **hitstats;		/*!< array of damage done by unit attacks */
319     struct a_player *player;	/*!< pointer to data about the player */
320     short playerid;		/*!< numeric id of the player */
321     struct a_ui *ui;		/*!< pointer to all the user interface data */
322     Obj *uidata;		/*!< read/write form of user interface state */
323     short aitype;		/*!< type of AI making decisions */
324     struct a_ai *ai;		/*!< pointer to the AI making decisions */
325     Obj *aidata;		/*!< readable/writable form of AI state */
326     struct a_rui *rui;		/*!< pointer to interface data if remote */
327     struct a_rai *rai;		/*!< pointer to AI data if remote */
328     //! Pointer to side's master AI struct.
329     AI_Side *master_ai;
330     short startx, starty;	/*!< approx center of side's "country" */
331     short busy;			/*!< true when side state not saveable */
332     short finalradius;		/*!< ??? */
333     short willingtosave;	/*!< will this side go along with saving
334 				 *   game? */
335     short see_all;		/*!< True if the side sees everything. Right
336 				 *   now this is just a cache for g_see_all().
337 				 *   Note in particular that becoming a
338 				 *   designer should not change this value. */
339     short show_all;		/*!< True if the side's interface should
340 				 *   display everything. This is seeded from
341 				 *   side->see_all, and also becomes true when
342 				 *   designing or when the game is over. */
343     short may_set_show_all;	/*!< True if the value of show_all can be
344 				 *   changed by the player.  This is normally
345 				 *   off, but can be toggled while designing or
346 				 *   after the game is over. */
347     short unit_view_restored;	/*!< true if unit view was read in */
348 #ifdef DESIGNERS
349     short designer;		/*!< true if side is doing scenario design */
350 #endif /* DESIGNERS */
351     short *uavail;		/*!< vector of types allowed on this side
352 				 *   (as determined by u_possible_sides)*/
353     short *canbuild;		/*!< vector of unit types that side has
354 				 *   advances to build */
355     short *candevelop;		/*!< vector of unit types that side has
356 				 *   advances to develop */
357     short *cancarry;		/*!< vector of unit types that side has
358 				 *   transports to carry */
359     short *canresearch;		/*!< vector of advances that side has advances
360 				 *   to research */
361     short *research_precluded;	/*!< Vector of advances that can no longer
362 				 *   be researched by the side because they
363 				 *   have been precluded by other researched
364 				 *   advances. */
365     struct a_unit *unithead;	/*!< points to list of all units on this side */
366     struct a_unitvector *actionvector;	/*!< vector of acting units */
367     short numwaiting;		/*!< number of units waiting to get orders */
368     short *coverage;		/*!< indicates how many looking at this cell */
369     short *alt_coverage;	/*!< indicates minimum altitude visible */
370     short *numunits;		/*!< number of units the side has */
371     short numacting;		/*!< number of units that can do things */
372     short numfinished;		/*!< number of units that have finished
373 				 *   acting */
374     long turnstarttime;		/*!< real time at start of turn */
375     long lasttime;		/*!< when clock started counting down again */
376     long turnfinishtime;	/*!< real time when we've finished
377 				 *   interacting */
378     long laststarttime;		/*!< ??? */
379     int point_value_cache;	/*!< current score. ??? */
380     int point_value_valid;	/*!< true if point_value_cache is valid. ??? */
381     int prefixarg;		/*!< cache of UI prefixarg, for generic cmds */
382     struct a_side *next;	/*!< pointer to next in list */
383 } Side;
385 /* Side parameter box. */
386 struct ParamBoxSide : public ParamBox {
387     Side *side;
ParamBoxSideParamBoxSide388     ParamBoxSide() { pboxtype = PBOX_TYPE_SIDE; side = NULL; }
389 };
391 /* Some convenient macros. */
393 /*! \brief Is side playing?
394  *
395  * Check to see if \Side is in game and playing.
396  * \param side is a pointer to the \Side to check.
397  */
398 #define side_in_play(side) (side->ingame)
400 /* Iteration over all sides. */
402 /*! \brief Iterate real \Sides..
403  *
404  * This is the old for_all_sides which does not include indepside.
405  *
406  * \param v is the side iteration variable. It is a pointer to a \Side.
407  */
408 #define for_all_real_sides(v)  \
409   for (v = (sidelist ? sidelist->next : NULL); v != NULL; v = v->next)
411 /*! \brief Iterate all sides.
412  *
413  * This is the new indepside-including version of for_all_sides.
414  * It has replaced for_all_side_plus_indep everywhere.
415  * \param v is the side iteration variable. It is a pointer to a \Side.
416  */
417 #define for_all_sides(v)  \
418   for (v = sidelist; v != NULL; v = v->next)
420 /* Macros for accessing and setting a side's view data.  In general,
421    interfaces should go through these macros instead of accessing the
422    world's state directly. */
424 /*! \brief Terrain view.
425  *
426  * If the \ref viewTerrainType exists for a \Side, return the View Terrain Type.
427  * If it doesn't, return the the View Terrain Type from the terrain.
428  * \see aref, buildtview, terrain_at.
429  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
430  * \param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to view.
431  * \param y is the y-coordinate of the cell to view.
432  * \return the value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates.
433  */
434 #define terrain_view(s,x,y)  \
435   ((s)->terrview ? aref((s)->terrview, x, y) : buildtview(terrain_at(x, y)))
437 /*! \brief Set View Terrain view.
438  *
439  * Sets the value of the \ref viewTerrainType at a cell, if a \Side has a view
440  * defined.  Otherwise does nothing.
441  * \see aset.
442  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
443  * \param x is the cell's x co-ordinate to set.
444  * \param y is the cell's y co-ordinate to set.
445  * \param v is the view terain type to which to set the cell.
446  * \return the view type of the terrain, or 0.
447  */
448 #define set_terrain_view(s,x,y,v)  \
449   ((s)->terrview ? aset((s)->terrview, x, y, v) : 0)
451 /*! \brief Convert Terrain to View Terrain type.
452  *
453  * Take the Terrain type, and convert it to a \ref viewTerrainType
454  * by adding 1 to it.
455  * \param t is the Terrain type.
456  * \return the View Terrain type.
457  */
458 #define buildtview(t) ((t) + 1)
460 /*! \brief Convert View Terrain type to Terrain type.
461  *
462  * Take a \ref viewTerrainType and convert it to a Terrain type by
463  * subtracting 1 from it.
464  * \param v is the View Terrain type.
465  * \return the Terrain type.
466  */
467 #define vterrain(v) ((v) - 1)
469 /*! \brief a cell which has not been seen by a side. */
470 #define UNSEEN (0)
472 /*! \brief Terrain view on date.
473  *
474  * If the \ref viewTerrainType on date exists for a side, return the \ref viewTerrainType.
475  * If it doesn't, return UNSEEN.
476  * \see aref.
477  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
478  * \param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to view.
479  * \param y is the y-coordinaof of the cell to view.
480  * \return
481  *   - the value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
482  *   - zero if side->terrviewdate is NULL
483  */
484 #define terrain_view_date(s,x,y)  \
485   ((s)->terrviewdate ? aref((s)->terrviewdate, x, y) : 0)
487 /*! \brief Set View Terrain type on date.
488  *
489  * Sets the value of the \ref viewTerrainType on date at a cell, if a
490  * \Side has a view on date defined.  Otherwise does nothing.
491  * \see aset.
492  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
493  * \param x is the cell's x co-ordinate to set.
494  * \param y is the cell's y co-ordinate to set.
495  * \param v is the view terain type to which to set the cell.
496  * \return
497  *   - the new value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
498  *   - zero if side->terrviewdate is NULL
499  */
500 #define set_terrain_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
501   ((s)->terrviewdate ? aset((s)->terrviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
503 /*! \brief Auxillary Terrain view.
504  *
505  * If the auxillary \ref viewTerrainType exists for a \Side,
506  * and exits for this Terrain type, return the auxillary \ref viewTerrainType.
507  * If a global auxillary view for a terrain type exits, return the global
508  * auxillary \ref viewTerrainType.
509  * If it doesn't, return UNSEEN.
510  * \see aref.
511  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
512  * \param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to view.
513  * \param y is the y-coordinaof of the cell to view.
514  * \param t is the terrain of the cell.
515  * \return
516  *   - the value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
517  *   - zero if side->terrviewdate is NULL
518  */
519 #define aux_terrain_view(s,x,y,t)  \
520   (((s)->auxterrview && (s)->auxterrview[t]) ? \
521         aref((s)->auxterrview[t], x, y) : \
522         (aux_terrain_defined(t) ? aux_terrain_at(x, y, t) : 0))
524 /*! \brief Set auxillary Terrain view.
525  *
526  * Sets the value of the auxillary \ref viewTerrainType at a cell, if a
527  * \Side has auxillary view defined.  Otherwise does nothing.
528  * \see aset, aux_terrain_view.
529  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
530  * \param x is the cell's x co-ordinate to set.
531  * \param y is the cell's y co-ordinate to set.
532  * \param t is the terrain of the cell.
533  * \param v is the \ref viewTerrainType to which to set the cell.
534  * \return
535  *   - the new value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
536  *   - zero if side->terrviewdate is NULL
537  */
538 #define set_aux_terrain_view(s,x,y,t,v)  \
539   (((s)->auxterrview && (s)->auxterrview[t]) ? aset((s)->auxterrview[t], x, y, v) : 0)
541 /*! \brief Auxillary Terrain view on date.
542  *
543  * If the auxillary \ref viewTerrainType exists for a \Side, and exits for this
544  * Terrain type at the current date, return the auxillary View Terrain Type.
545  * If a global auxillary view for a terrain type exits, return the global
546  * auxillary View Terrain Type.
547  * If it doesn't, return UNSEEN.
548  * \see aref, aux_terrain_view.
549  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
550  * \param x is the x-coordinate of the cell to view.
551  * \param y is the y-coordinaof of the cell to view.
552  * \param t is the Terrain of the cell.
553  * \return
554  *   - the value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
555  *   - zero if side->terrviewdate is NULL
556  */
557 #define aux_terrain_view_date(s,x,y,t)  \
558   (((s)->auxterrviewdate && (s)->auxterrviewdate[t]) ? aref((s)->auxterrviewdate[t], x, y) : 0)
560 /*! \brief Set auxillary Terrain view.
561  *
562  * Sets the value of the auxillary Terrain view type at a cell, if a side has
563  * auxillary view defined on this date.  Otherwise does nothing.
564  * \see aset, aux_terrain_view.
565  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
566  * \param x is the cell's x co-ordinate to set.
567  * \param y is the cell's y co-ordinate to set.
568  * \param t is the terrain of the cell.
569  * \param v is the view terain type to which to set the cell.
570  * \return
571  *   - the new value for the \ref viewTerrainType at the co-ordinates,
572  *   - zero if \Side->terrviewdate is NULL
573  */
574 #define set_aux_terrain_view_date(s,x,y,t,v)  \
575   (((s)->auxterrviewdate && (s)->auxterrviewdate[t]) ? aset((s)->auxterrviewdate[t], x, y, v) : 0)
577 /*! \brief Iteration over all Unit views.
578  *
579  * For header to iterat through all \UnitViews.
580  *\param v is the \UnitView vector list iteration variable.
581  */
582 #define for_all_unit_views(v)  \
583     for (v = viewlist; v != NULL; v = v->vnext)
585 /*! \brief Find next unit view.
586  *
587  * Find unit_view_next for top units, (uv)->nexthere for occs.
588  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
589  * \param x is the x location.
590  * \param y is the y location.
591  * \param uv is the Unit view iteration variable.
592  */
593 #define nextview(s,x,y,uv) \
594 	((uv)->transport == NULL ? unit_view_next((s), (x), (y), (uv)) : (uv)->nexthere)
596 /*! \brief Iterate Unit views at cell.
597  *
598  * Iterate over all unit views at a given location.
599  * \see unit_view_at, unit_view_next.
600  * \param s is a pointer to the \Side.
601  * \param x is the x co-ordinate of the cell.
602  * \param y is the y co-ordinate of the cell.
603  * \param uv is the Unit view iteration variable.
604  */
605 #define for_all_view_stack(s,x,y,uv) \
606   for ((uv) = unit_view_at(s,x,y); (uv) != NULL; (uv) = unit_view_next(s,x,y,uv))
608 /* Iterate over all uviews in a given uvstack. */
609 #define for_all_uvstack(uvs,uv) \
610     for ((uv) = (uvs); (uv); \
611 	 (uv) = unit_view_next((uvs)->observer == -1 \
612 				? NULL : side_n((uvs)->observer), \
613 			       (uvs)->x, (uvs)->y, (uv)))
615 /*! \brief Iterate Unit stack and occupants.
616  *
617  * Iterate through all unit views in this cell including occs within occs
618  * within occs.
619  * This nifty little macro will climb the occupant : nexthere tree and
620  * follow all branches four levels down to find all the occs within
621  * occs within occs within units in the stack.
622  * \param x is the x location.
623  * \param y is the y location.
624  * \param var is the Unit view pointer.
625  */
626 #define for_all_view_stack_with_occs(s, x,y,uv)  \
627   for ((uv) = unit_view_at((s), (x), (y)); \
628           (uv) != NULL; \
629   	 (uv) = ((uv)->occupant != NULL ? \
630   	 	        (uv)->occupant : \
631   		      (nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)) != NULL ? \
632   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)) : \
633   		      ((uv)->transport != NULL && \
634   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport) != NULL ? \
635   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport) : \
636   		      ((uv)->transport != NULL && \
637   		        (uv)->transport->transport != NULL && \
638   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport->transport) != NULL ? \
639   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport->transport) : \
640   		      ((uv)->transport != NULL && \
641   		        (uv)->transport->transport != NULL && \
642   		        (uv)->transport->transport->transport != NULL && \
643   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport->transport->transport) != NULL ? \
644   		        nextview((s), (x), (y), (uv)->transport->transport->transport) : NULL))))))
646 /*! \brief Iterate views of occupants.
647  *
648  * Iterate over all views of occupants.
649  * \param uv is the unit view of the transport.
650  * \param v is the occupant view iteration variable.
651  */
652 #define for_all_occupant_views(uv,v) \
653   for (v = (uv)->occupant; v != NULL; v = v->nexthere)
655 /*! \brief Iterate over ALL components.
656  *
657  * Iterate through all occupants including occupents within occupents within
658  * occupents within a unit view.
659  * This nifty little macro will climb the occupant : nexthere tree and
660  * follow all branches three levels below (uv) to find all the occs
661  * within occs within occs within (uv).  The test for (var) !=
662  * (uv)->nexthere is to stop the macro from climbing up above (uv).
663  * \param uv is a pointer to the unit view.
664  * \param var is the iteration varable.
665  */
666 #define for_all_occupant_views_with_occs(uv,var)  \
667   for ((var) = (uv)->occupant; \
668        (var) != NULL && (var) != (uv)->nexthere; \
669   	 (var) = ((var)->occupant != NULL ? \
670   	 	        (var)->occupant : \
671   	 	      ((var)->nexthere != NULL ? \
672   	 	        (var)->nexthere : \
673   		      ((var)->transport != NULL && \
674   		        (var)->transport->nexthere != NULL ? \
675   		        (var)->transport->nexthere : \
676   		      ((var)->transport != NULL && \
677   		        (var)->transport->transport != NULL && \
678   		        (var)->transport->transport->nexthere != NULL ? \
679   		        (var)->transport->transport->nexthere : NULL)))))
681 /* Get a pointer to the actual unit being viewed if possible. */
683 /*! \brief View Unit Unit pointer.
684  *
685  * Given a unit view pointer, return the actual Unit.
686  * \param uv is the pointer to the unit view.
687  * \return
688  *    - NULL if
689  *      - pointer to unit is NULL,
690  *      - view unit id is not the same as the actual Unit id.
691  *    - pointer to actual Unit.
692  */
693 #define view_unit(uv) \
694   (((uv)->unit != NULL && (uv)->id == (uv)->unit->id) ? (uv)->unit : NULL)
696 /* Manipulation of view of cell materials. */
698 /*! \brief Material view.
699  *
700  * Show viewable Material at cell.
701  * \see aref, cell_material_defined, material_at.
702  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
703  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
704  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
705  * \param m is the Material type.
706  * \return the Material viewable at cell.
707  */
708 #define material_view(s,x,y,m)  \
709   (((s)->materialview && (s)->materialview[m]) ? aref((s)->materialview[m], x, y) : (cell_material_defined(m) ? material_at(x, y, m) : 0))
711 /*! \brief Set Material view.
712  *
713  * Set viewable Material at cell.
714  * \see aset.
715  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
716  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
717  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
718  * \param m is the Material type.
719  * \param v is the viewable Material at cell.
720  * \return the Material viewable at cell or zero if not setable.
721  */
722 #define set_material_view(s,x,y,m,v)  \
723   (((s)->materialview && (s)->materialview[m]) ? aset((s)->materialview[m], x, y, v) : 0)
725 /*! \brief Material view on date.
726  *
727  * Show viewable Material at cell at date.
728  * \see aref.
729  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
730  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
731  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
732  * \param m is the Material type.
733  * \return the Material viewable at cell at date.
734  */
735 #define material_view_date(s,x,y,m)  \
736   (((s)->materialviewdate && (s)->materialviewdate[m]) ? aref((s)->materialviewdate[m], x, y) : 0)
738 /*! \brief Set Material view at date.
739  *
740  * Set viewable Material at cell on date.
741  * \see aset.
742  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
743  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
744  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
745  * \param m is the Material type.
746  * \param v is the viewable Material at cell.
747  * \return the Material viewable at cell on date or zero if not setable.
748  */
749 #define set_material_view_date(s,x,y,m,v)  \
750   (((s)->materialviewdate && (s)->materialviewdate[m]) ? aset((s)->materialviewdate[m], x, y, v) : 0)
752 /* Manipulation of view of weather. */
754 /*! \brief Show temperture view.
755  *
756  * Show viewable temperature at cell.
757  * \see aref, temperature_defined, temperature_at.
758  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
759  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
760  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
761  * \return the temperature viewable at cell.
762  */
763 #define temperature_view(s,x,y)  \
764   ((s)->tempview ? aref((s)->tempview, x, y) : (temperatures_defined() ? temperature_at(x, y) : 0))
766 /*! \brief Set temperture view.
767  *
768  * Set the viewable temperature at cell.
769  * \see aset.
770  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
771  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
772  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
773  * \param v is the value of the temperature.
774  * \return the temperature viewable at cell.
775  */
776 #define set_temperature_view(s,x,y,v)  \
777   ((s)->tempview ? aset((s)->tempview, x, y, v) : 0)
779 /*! \brief Show temperture view on date.
780  *
781  * Show viewable temperature at cell on this date.
782  * \see aref.
783  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
784  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
785  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
786  * \return the temperature viewable at cell.
787  */
788 #define temperature_view_date(s,x,y)  \
789   ((s)->tempviewdate ? aref((s)->tempviewdate, x, y) : 0)
791 /*! \brief Set temperture view on date.
792  *
793  * Set the viewable temperature at cell on this date.
794  * \see aset.
795  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
796  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
797  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
798  * \param v is the value of the temperature.
799  * \return the temperature viewable at cell.
800  */
801 #define set_temperature_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
802   ((s)->tempviewdate ? aset((s)->tempviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
804 /*! \brief Show cloud view.
805  *
806  * Show viewable cloud at cell.
807  * \see aref, clouds_defined, raw_clouds_at.
808  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
809  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
810  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
811  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
812  */
813 #define cloud_view(s,x,y)  \
814   ((s)->cloudview ? aref((s)->cloudview, x, y) : (clouds_defined() ? raw_cloud_at(x, y) : 0))
816 /*! \brief Set cloud view.
817  *
818  * Set the viewable cloud at cell.
819  * \see aset.
820  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
821  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
822  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
823  * \param v is the value of the cloud.
824  * \return the cloud viewable at cell.
825  */
826 #define set_cloud_view(s,x,y,v)  \
827   ((s)->cloudview ? aset((s)->cloudview, x, y, v) : 0)
829 /*! \brief Show cloud view on date.
830  *
831  * Show viewable cloud at cell on this date.
832  * \see aref.
833  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
834  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
835  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
836  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
837  */
838 #define cloud_view_date(s,x,y)  \
839   ((s)->cloudviewdate ? aref((s)->cloudviewdate, x, y) : 0)
841 /*! \brief Set cloud view on date.
842  *
843  * Set the viewable cloud at cell on this date.
844  * \see aset.
845  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
846  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
847  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
848  * \param v is the value of the cloud.
849  * \return the cloud viewable at cell.
850  */
851 #define set_cloud_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
852   ((s)->cloudviewdate ? aset((s)->cloudviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
854 /*! \brief Get cloud bottom.
855  *
856  * Get cloud bottom value.
857  * \see aref, cloud_bottoms_defined, raw_cloud_bottom_at.
858  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
859  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
860  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
861  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
862  */
863 #define cloud_bottom_view(s,x,y)  \
864   ((s)->cloudbottomview ? aref((s)->cloudbottomview, x, y) : (cloud_bottoms_defined() ? raw_cloud_bottom_at(x, y) : 0))
866 /*! \brief Set cloud bottom.
867  *
868  * Set the cloud bottom at cell.
869  * \see aset.
870  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
871  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
872  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
873  * \param v is the value of the cloud bottom.
874  * \return the cloud bottom at cell.
875  */
876 #define set_cloud_bottom_view(s,x,y,v)  \
877   ((s)->cloudbottomview ? aset((s)->cloudbottomview, x, y, v) : 0)
879 /*! \brief Get cloud bottom on date.
880  *
881  * Get cloud bottom value on this date.
882  * \see aref.
883  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
884  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
885  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
886  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
887  */
888 #define cloud_bottom_view_date(s,x,y)  \
889   ((s)->cloudbottomviewdate ? aref((s)->cloudbottomviewdate, x, y) : 0)
891 /*! \brief Set cloud bottom on date.
892  *
893  * Set the cloud bottom at cell on this date.
894  * \see aset.
895  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
896  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
897  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
898  * \param v is the value of the cloud bottom.
899  * \return the cloud bottom at cell.
900  */
901 #define set_cloud_bottom_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
902   ((s)->cloudbottomviewdate ? aset((s)->cloudbottomviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
904 /*! \brief Get cloud height.
905  *
906  * Get cloud height value.
907  * \see aref, cloud_heights_defined, raw_cloud_height_at.
908  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
909  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
910  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
911  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
912  */
913 #define cloud_height_view(s,x,y)  \
914   ((s)->cloudheightview ? aref((s)->cloudheightview, x, y) : (cloud_heights_defined() ? raw_cloud_height_at(x, y) : 0))
916 /*! \brief Set cloud height.
917  *
918  * Set the cloud height at cell.
919  * \see aset.
920  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
921  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
922  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
923  * \param v is the value of the cloud height.
924  * \return the cloud height at cell.
925  */
926 #define set_cloud_height_view(s,x,y,v)  \
927   ((s)->cloudheightview ? aset((s)->cloudheightview, x, y, v) : 0)
929 /*! \brief Get cloud height on date.
930  *
931  * Get cloud height value on this date.
932  * \see aref.
933  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
934  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
935  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
936  * \return the clouds viewable at cell.
937  */
938 #define cloud_height_view_date(s,x,y)  \
939   ((s)->cloudheightviewdate ? aref((s)->cloudheightviewdate, x, y) : 0)
941 /*! \brief Set cloud height on date.
942  *
943  * Set the cloud height at cell on this date.
944  * \see aset.
945  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
946  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
947  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
948  * \param v is the value of the cloud height.
949  * \return the cloud height at cell.
950  */
951 #define set_cloud_height_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
952   ((s)->cloudheightviewdate ? aset((s)->cloudheightviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
954 /*! \brief Get wind view.
955  *
956  * Get wind view.
957  * \see aref, winds_defined, raw_wind_at.
958  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
959  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
960  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
961  * \return the wind viewable at cell.
962  */
963 #define wind_view(s,x,y)  \
964   ((s)->windview ? aref((s)->windview, x, y) : (winds_defined() ? raw_wind_at(x, y) : CALM))
966 /*! \brief Set wind view.
967  *
968  * Set the wind at cell.
969  * \see aset.
970  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
971  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
972  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
973  * \param v is the value of the wind.
974  * \return the wind at cell.
975  */
976 #define set_wind_view(s,x,y,v)  \
977   ((s)->windview ? aset((s)->windview, x, y, v) : 0)
979 /*! \brief Get wind on date.
980  *
981  * Get wind value on this date.
982  * \see aref.
983  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
984  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
985  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
986  * \return the wind viewable at cell.
987  */
988 #define wind_view_date(s,x,y)  \
989   ((s)->windviewdate ? aref((s)->windviewdate, x, y) : 0)
991 /*! \brief Set wind on date.
992  *
993  * Set the wind at cell on this date.
994  * \see aset.
995  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
996  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
997  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
998  * \param v is the value of the wind.
999  * \return the wind at cell.
1000  */
1001 #define set_wind_view_date(s,x,y,v)  \
1002   ((s)->windviewdate ? aset((s)->windviewdate, x, y, v) : 0)
1004 /* Basic manipulation of vision coverage cache layer. */
1006 /*! \brief Get vision coverage.
1007  *
1008  * Get vision coverate at cell.
1009  * \see aref.
1010  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1011  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
1012  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
1013  * \return the vision coverage at cell.
1014  */
1015 #define cover(s,x,y)  \
1016   ((s)->coverage ? aref((s)->coverage, x, y) : 0)
1018 /*! \brief Set vision coverage.
1019  *
1020  * Set the vision coverage at cell.
1021  * \see aset.
1022  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1023  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
1024  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
1025  * \param v is the value of the vision coverage.
1026  * \return the vision coverage at cell.
1027  */
1028 #define set_cover(s,x,y,v)  \
1029   ((s)->coverage ? aset((s)->coverage, x, y, v) : 0)
1031 /*! \brief Add vision coverage.
1032  *
1033  * Add vision coverate at cell.
1034  * \see aref.
1035  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1036  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
1037  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
1038  * \param v is the value of the vision coverage.
1039  * \return the vision coverage at cell.
1040  */
1041 #define add_cover(s,x,y,v)  \
1042   ((s)->coverage ? aadd((s)->coverage, (x), (y), (v)) : 0)
1044 /*! \brief Get alternate vision coverage.
1045  *
1046  * Get alternate vision coverate at cell.
1047  * \see aref.
1048  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1049  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
1050  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
1051  * \return the alternate vision coverage at cell.
1052  */
1053 #define alt_cover(s,x,y)  \
1054   ((s)->alt_coverage ? aref((s)->alt_coverage, x, y) : 0)
1056 /*! \brief Set alternate vision coverage.
1057  *
1058  * Set the alternate vision coverage at cell.
1059  * \see aset.
1060  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1061  * \param x is the x co-ordiate of the cell.
1062  * \param y is the y co-ordiate of the cell.
1063  * \param v is the value of the alternate vision coverage.
1064  * \return the alternate vision coverage at cell.
1065  */
1066 #define set_alt_cover(s,x,y,v)  \
1067   ((s)->alt_coverage ? aset((s)->alt_coverage, x, y, v) : 0)
1069 /*! \brief Has treasury?
1070  *
1071  * Tests both that s can have a treasury and that m can be stored in it.
1072  * \see m_treasury, g_indepside_has_treasury.
1073  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1074  * \param m is the Material.
1075  */
1076 #define side_has_treasury(s,m) (s != indepside ? m_treasury(m) : g_indepside_has_treasury() ? m_treasury(m) : FALSE)
1078 /* Tests of who/what runs the side. */
1080 /*! \brief Side wants display?
1081  *
1082  * Determine if \Side needs a display.
1083  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1084  * \return TRUE is side's player pointer and side's player display name are not NULL.
1085  */
1086 #define side_wants_display(s) ((s)->player && (s)->player->displayname)
1088 /*! \brief Side wants AI?
1089  *
1090  * Determin if a \Side needs AI.
1091  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1092  * \return TRUE if the side's player pointer and the side's player ai type
1093  *         name are not NULL.
1094  */
1095 #define side_wants_ai(s) ((s)->player && (s)->player->aitypename)
1097 /*! \brief Side has display?
1098  *
1099  * See if \Side has a display.
1100  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1101  * \return TRUE if the side's user interface pointer and the side's remote
1102  *         user interface pointer are not NULL.
1103  */
1104 #define side_has_display(s) (((s)->ui) != NULL || ((s)->rui) != NULL)
1106 /*! \brief Side has local display?
1107  *
1108  * See if \Side has a local display.
1109  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1110  * \return TRUE if the side's user interface pointer is not NULL.
1111  */
1112 #define side_has_local_display(s) ((s)->ui != NULL)
1114 /*! \brief Side has AI?
1115  *
1116  * See if the \Side has an AI running.
1117  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1118  * \return TRUE if the side's AI pointer and the remote AI pointer
1119  *         are not NULL.
1120  */
1121 #define side_has_ai(s) (((s)->ai) != NULL || ((s)->rai) != NULL)
1123 /*! \brief Side has local AI?
1124  *
1125  * See if the \Side has an AI running locally.
1126  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1127  * \return TRUE if the side's AI pointer is not NULL.
1128  */
1129 #define side_has_local_ai(s) ((s)->ai != NULL)
1131 /* Tests of side state. */
1133 /*! \brief Has side lost?
1134  *
1135  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1136  * \return TRUE if the side pointer is not NULL, the ingame status is
1137  *         FALSE, and the status is less than 0.
1138  */
1139 #define side_lost(s) ((s) != NULL && !(s)->ingame && (s)->status < 0)
1141 /*! \brief Has side drawn?
1142  *
1143  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1144  * \return TRUE if the side pointer is not NULL, the ingame status is
1145  *         FALSE, and the status is 0.
1146  */
1147 #define side_drew(s) ((s) != NULL && !(s)->ingame && (s)->status == 0)
1149 /*! \brief Has side won?
1150  *
1151  * \param s is the pointer to the \Side.
1152  * \return TRUE if the side pointer is not NULL, the ingame status is
1153  *         FALSE, and the status is greater than 0.
1154  */
1155 #define side_won(s) ((s) != NULL && !(s)->ingame && (s)->status > 0)
1157 #define side_gain_count(s,u,r) (((s)->gaincounts)[num_gain_reasons*(u)+(r)])
1159 #define side_loss_count(s,u,r) (((s)->losscounts)[num_loss_reasons*(u)+(r)])
1161 #define side_atkstats(s,a,d) ((s)->atkstats[a] ? ((s)->atkstats[a])[d] : 0)
1163 #define side_hitstats(s,a,d) ((s)->hitstats[a] ? ((s)->hitstats[a])[d] : 0)
1165 /*! \brief Is Terrain visible?
1166  *
1167  * Can terain be seen by side at this location?
1168  * \see terrain_view.
1169  * \param side is the pointer to the \Side.
1170  * \param x is the x co-ordinate of the cell.
1171  * \param y is the y co-ordinate of the cell.
1172  * \return TRUE if side can see something at cell(x,y).
1173  */
1174 #define terrain_visible(side, x, y)  \
1175   ((side)->see_all || (terrain_view((side), (x), (y)) != UNSEEN))
1177 /*! \brief is border visable?
1178  *
1179  * Can border be seen?
1180  * \see seen_border.
1181  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1182  * \param x is the x co-ordinate of the cell.
1183  * \param y is the y co-ordiante of the cell.
1184  * \param d is the direction for which to check for the border.
1185  * \return TRUE is a border is visible.
1186  */
1187 #define borders_visible(side, x, y, d)  \
1188   ((side)->see_all || seen_border((side), (x), (y), (d)))
1190 /*! \brief Is unit visible?
1191  * Can one or more Units be seen in cell?
1192  * \see cover.
1193  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1194  * \param x is the x co-ordinate of the cell.
1195  * \param y is the y co-ordiante of the cell.
1196  * \return TRUE if at least one Unit is visible.
1197  */
1198 #define units_visible(side, x, y)  \
1199   ((side)->see_all || (cover((side), (x), (y)) >= 1))
1201 /*! \brief Does side have advance?
1202  *
1203  * Does the \Side have this advance?
1204  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1205  * \param a is the Advance for which to check.
1206  * \return TRUE if side has the advance.
1207  */
1208 #define has_advance(side,a) ((side)->advance[(a)] == DONE)
1210 /* Return true if a side's units can build the given type. */
1212 /*! \brief Can side build unit type?
1213  *
1214  * Can the \Side build a Unit type?
1215  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1216  * \param u is the Unit type for which to check.
1217  * \return TRUE if the unit type can be built.
1218  */
1219 #define side_can_build(side,u)  \
1220   ((side)->canbuild != NULL ? (side)->canbuild[u] : TRUE)
1222 /* Return true if a side's units can carry the given type. */
1224 /*! \brief Can side carry unit type?
1225  *
1226  * Can the \Side carry a Unit type?
1227  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1228  * \param u is the Unit type for which to check.
1229  * \return TRUE if the unit type can be carried.
1230  */
1231 #define side_can_carry(side,u)  \
1232   ((side)->cancarry != NULL ? (side)->cancarry[u] : TRUE)
1234 /* Return true if a side's units can develop the given type. */
1236 /*! \brief Can side develop Unit?
1237  *
1238  * Can this side develop this Unit type?
1239  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1240  * \param u is the Unit type for which to check.
1241  * \return TRUE if the Side can develp the Unit.
1242  */
1243 #define side_can_develop(side,u)  \
1244   ((side)->candevelop != NULL ? (side)->candevelop[u] : TRUE)
1246 /* Return true if a side can research the given type. */
1248 /*! \brief Can reasearch Advance?
1249  *
1250  * Can the Side research this Advance?
1251  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1252  * \param a is the Advance to be reshearched.
1253  * \return TRUE if the Advance my be researched.
1254  */
1255 #define side_can_research(side,a)  \
1256   ((side)->canresearch != NULL ? (side)->canresearch[a] : TRUE)
1258 /*! Is an independant side inactive?
1259  *
1260  * Check to see if a side is both independant and inactive.
1261  * \see side_has_display.
1262  * \param side is the pointer t the \Side.
1263  * \return TRUE if the side is independant, run by AI, and has
1264  *         a display.
1265  */
1266 #define inactive_indepside(side)  \
1267   ((side) == indepside && !side_has_ai(side) && !side_has_display(side))
1269 #ifdef DESIGNERS
1270 #define is_designer(side) (side->designer)
1271 #else /* DESIGNERS */
1272 #define is_designer(side) (FALSE)
1273 #endif /* DESIGNERS */
1275 #define for_all_doctrines(d)  \
1276   for ((d) = doctrine_list; (d) != NULL; (d) = (d)->next)
1278 /* Side-related variables. */
1280 /*! \brief List of \Sides. */
1281 extern Side *sidelist;
1282 /*! \brief Last \Side in list. */
1283 extern Side *lastside;
1284 /*! \brief List of independant \Sides. */
1285 extern Side *indepside;
1286 /*! \brief Current \Side. */
1287 extern Side *curside;
1288 /*! \brief Temporary \Side pointer. */
1289 extern Side *tmpside;
1291 /*! \brief Number of \Sides. */
1292 extern int numsides;
1293 /*! \brief Total number of \Sides. */
1294 extern int numtotsides;
1295 /*! \brief Number of \Players. */
1296 extern int numplayers;
1297 #ifdef DESIGNERS
1298 /*! \brief Number of designers. */
1299 extern int numdesigners;
1300 #endif /* DESIGNERS */
1302 #if 0
1304 /*! \brief Agreement.
1305  *
1306  * Definition of an agreement between sides. */
1307 typedef struct a_agreement {
1308     short id;                 			/*!< a unique id */
1309     char *agtype;             		/*!< a descriptive general name */
1310     char *name;               		/*!< the specific name of this agreement */
1311     int state;                			/*!< is this agreement in effect */
1312     SideMask drafters;        		/*!< sides drafting the agreement */
1313     SideMask proposers;       		/*!< sides ready to propose the draft agreement */
1314     SideMask signers;         		/*!< proposed list of signers */
1315     SideMask willing;         		/*!< sides that have indicated agreement so far */
1316     SideMask knownto;         		/*!< sides that are aware of signed agreement */
1317     struct a_obj *terms;      		/*!< list of specific terms */
1318     short enforcement;        		/*!< true if program should try to enforce terms */
1319     struct a_agreement *next;	/*!< link to next agreement. */
1320 } Agreement;
1322 /*! \brief Agreement state.
1323  *
1324  * Possible states that agreements may be in.
1325  */
1326 enum {
1327     draft,           	/*!< agreement is circulating among drafters */
1328     proposed,     	/*!< agreement proposed to prospective signers */
1329     in_force,     	/*!< agreement is active */
1330     moribund   	/*!< agreement has expired */
1331 };
1333 /* Iteration over all agreements in the game. */
1335 /*! \brief Iterate over agreements.
1336  *
1337  * for header to interate through all \ref a_agreement "Agreements".
1338  * \param v is the iteration variable (pointer to Agreement).
1339  */
1340 #define for_all_agreements(v) for (v = agreement_list; v != NULL; v = v->next)
1342 /*! \brief Is there any Agreement?
1343  *
1344  * Check for non NULL \ref a_agreement "Agreement" list.
1345  * \return TRUE if Agreement list is not NULL.
1346  */
1347 #define any_agreements() (agreement_list != NULL)
1349 /*! \brief Has side signed Agreement?
1350  *
1351  * \param side is the pointer to the \Side.
1352  * \param ag is the pointer to the \ref a_agreement "Agreement".
1353  * \return TRUE if side signed Agreement.
1354  */
1355 #define side_signed_agreement(side,ag) ((ag)->signers[side_n(side)])
1357 #define side_willing_agreement(side,ag) ((ag)->willing[side_n(side)])
1359 /*! \brief Side knows of Agreement?
1360  *
1361  * Does the side know about the \ref a_agreement "Agreement"?
1362  * \param side is the pointer to the \ref a_sice "Side".
1363  * \param ag is the pointer to the \ref a_agreement "Agreement".
1364  * \return TRUE if side knows about the Agreement.
1365  */
1366 #define side_knows_about_agreement(side,ag) ((ag)->knownto[side_n(side)])
1368 /* Agreement-related variables. */
1370 /*! \brief Number of agreements. */
1371 extern int num_agreements;
1373 /*! \brief List of agreements. */
1374 extern Agreement *agreement_list;
1375 /*! \brief Last agreement in list. */
1376 extern Agreement *last_agreement;
1378 #endif
1380 /* Note: Can't use the "Unit" typedef below, must use "struct a_unit". */
1382 extern int n_units_on_side(Side *side);
1384 extern void init_sides(void);
1385 extern Side *create_side(void);
1386 extern void init_side_unithead(Side *side);
1387 extern int side_has_units(Side *side);
1388 extern void init_doctrine(Side *side);
1389 extern void init_self_unit(Side *side);
1390 extern int init_view(Side *side);
1391 extern void calc_start_xy(Side *side);
1392 extern char *side_name(Side *side);
1393 extern char *side_adjective(Side *side);
1394 extern int side_number(Side *side);
1395 extern Side *side_n(int n);
1396 extern Side *find_side_by_name(char *str);
1397 extern int side_controls_side(Side *side, Side *side2);
1398 extern int side_controls_unit(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit);
1399 extern int side_sees_unit(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit);
1400 extern int side_sees_image(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit);
1401 extern int occupants_visible(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit);
1402 extern int num_units_in_play(Side *side, int u);
1403 extern int num_units_incomplete(Side *side, int u);
1404 extern struct a_unit *find_next_unit(Side *side, struct a_unit *prevunit);
1405 extern struct a_unit *find_prev_unit(Side *side, struct a_unit *nextunit);
1406 extern struct a_unit *find_next_actor(Side *side, struct a_unit *prevunit);
1407 extern struct a_unit *find_prev_actor(Side *side, struct a_unit *nextunit);
1408 extern struct a_unit *find_next_mover(Side *side, struct a_unit *prevunit);
1409 extern struct a_unit *find_prev_mover(Side *side, struct a_unit *nextunit);
1410 extern struct a_unit *find_next_awake_mover(Side *side,
1411 					    struct a_unit *prevunit);
1412 extern struct a_unit *find_prev_awake_mover(Side *side,
1413 					    struct a_unit *nextunit);
1414 extern int side_initacp(Side *side);
1415 extern int side_acp(Side *side);
1416 extern int side_acp_reserved(Side *side);
1417 extern int using_tech_levels(void);
1418 extern void remove_side_from_game(Side *side);
1419 extern int num_displayed_sides(void);
1420 extern int trusted_side(Side *side1, Side *side2);
1421 extern int enemy_side(Side *s1, Side *s2);
1422 extern int allied_side(Side *s1, Side *s2);
1423 extern int neutral_side(Side *s1, Side *s2);
1424 extern void reveal_side(Side *sender, Side *recipient, int *types);
1425 extern void receive_message(Side *side, Side *sender, char *str);
1426 extern struct a_unit_view *unit_view_at(Side *side, int x, int y);
1427 extern struct a_unit_view *unit_view_next(Side *side, int x, int y,
1428 					  struct a_unit_view *uview);
1429 extern struct a_unit *query_unit_from_uview(struct a_unit_view *uview);
1430 extern struct a_unit_view *query_uvstack_from_unit(struct a_unit *unit);
1431 extern struct a_unit_view *query_uvstack_at(int x, int y);
1432 extern void all_see_occupy(struct a_unit *unit, int x, int y, int inopen);
1433 extern void all_see_leave(struct a_unit *unit, int x, int y, int inopen);
1434 extern void cover_area(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit,
1435 		       struct a_unit *oldtransport, int x0, int y0,
1436 		       int x1, int y1);
1437 extern void reset_coverage(void);
1438 extern void really_reset_coverage(void);
1439 extern void calc_coverage(Side *side);
1440 extern void reset_all_views(void);
1441 extern void reset_view(Side *side);
1442 extern void react_to_seen_unit(Side *side, struct a_unit *unit, int x, int y);
1443 extern void all_see_cell(int x, int y);
1444 extern int see_cell(Side *side, int x, int y);
1445 extern void see_exact(Side *side, int x, int y);
1446 extern int seen_border(Side *side, int x, int y, int dir);
1447 extern void maybe_track(struct a_unit *unit);
1448 extern void maybe_lose_track(struct a_unit *unit, int nx, int ny);
1449 extern char *side_desig(Side *side);
1451 extern Side *parse_side_spec(char *str);
1453 extern int actual_advantage(Side *side);
1455 extern Doctrine *new_doctrine(int id);
1456 extern Doctrine *find_doctrine(int id);
1457 extern Doctrine *find_doctrine_by_name(char *name);
1458 extern Doctrine *clone_doctrine(Doctrine *doctrine);
1459 extern void set_doctrine(Side *side, char *spec);
1461 extern StandingOrder *new_standing_order(void);
1462 extern void add_standing_order(Side *side, StandingOrder *sorder, int pos);
1463 extern int parse_standing_order(Side *side, char *cmdstr);
1464 extern char *parse_unit_types(Side *side, char *str, char *utypevec);
1465 extern char *parse_order_cond(Side *side, char *str, StandingOrder *sorder);
1466 extern char *get_next_arg(char *str, char *buf, char **rsltp);
1467 extern char *standing_order_desc(StandingOrder *sorder, char *buf);
1468 #if 0
1469 extern void init_agreements(void);
1470 extern Agreement *create_agreement(int id);
1471 extern Agreement *find_agreement(int id);
1472 extern char *agreement_desig(Agreement *ag);
1473 #endif
1474 extern void fn_set_terrain_view(int x, int y, int val);
1475 extern void fn_set_aux_terrain_view(int x, int y, int val);
1476 extern void fn_set_terrain_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1477 extern void fn_set_aux_terrain_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1478 extern void fn_set_material_view(int x, int y, int val);
1479 extern void fn_set_material_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1480 extern void fn_set_temp_view(int x, int y, int val);
1481 extern void fn_set_temp_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1482 extern void fn_set_cloud_view(int x, int y, int val);
1483 extern void fn_set_cloud_bottom_view(int x, int y, int val);
1484 extern void fn_set_cloud_height_view(int x, int y, int val);
1485 extern void fn_set_cloud_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1486 extern void fn_set_wind_view(int x, int y, int val);
1487 extern void fn_set_wind_view_date(int x, int y, int val);
1489 extern int load_side_config(Side *side);
1491 extern void update_side_display_all_sides(Side *side, int rightnow);
1493 extern int side_material_supply(Side * side, int m);
1494 extern int side_material_production(Side * side, int m);
1495 extern int side_material_storage(Side * side, int m);
1497 extern int fn_test_side_in_sideclass(Obj *osclass, ParamBox *pbox);