1 //: http://e2guardian.org/
2 // Released under the GPL v2, with the OpenSSL exception described in the README file.
5 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 #include "dgconfig.h"
7 #endif
8 //#include "NaughtyFilter.hpp"
9 //#include "StoryBoard.hpp"
10 #include "ConnectionHandler.hpp"
11 #include "DataBuffer.hpp"
12 #include "UDSocket.hpp"
13 //#include "Auth.hpp"
14 #include "FDTunnel.hpp"
15 #include "BackedStore.hpp"
16 #include "Queue.hpp"
17 #include "ImageContainer.hpp"
18 #include "FDFuncs.hpp"
19 #include <signal.h>
20 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
21 #include <resolv.h>
23 #ifdef __SSLMITM
24 #include "CertificateAuthority.hpp"
25 #endif //__SSLMITM
27 #include <syslog.h>
28 #include <cerrno>
29 #include <cstdio>
30 #include <ctime>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <netdb.h>
33 #include <cstdlib>
34 #include <unistd.h>
35 #include <sys/time.h>
36 #include <strings.h>
37 #include <fcntl.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <sys/stat.h>
40 #include <sys/types.h>
41 #include <sys/socket.h>
42 #include <istream>
43 #include <sstream>
44 #include <memory>
46 #ifdef ENABLE_ORIG_IP
47 #include <linux/types.h>
48 #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
49 #endif
51 #ifdef __SSLMITM
52 #include "openssl/ssl.h"
53 #include "openssl/x509v3.h"
54 #include "String.hpp"
55 #endif
58 extern OptionContainer o;
59 extern bool is_daemonised;
60 extern std::atomic<bool> ttg;
61 extern thread_local std::string thread_id;
ConnectionHandler()66 ConnectionHandler::ConnectionHandler()
67         : clienthost(NULL) {
68     //ch_isiphost.comp(",*[a-z|A-Z].*");
70     // initialise SBauth structure
71     SBauth.filter_group = 0;
72     SBauth.is_authed = false;
73     SBauth.user_name = "";
74 }
77 // Custom exception class for POST filtering errors
78 class postfilter_exception : public std::runtime_error {
79 public:
postfilter_exception(const char * const & msg)80     postfilter_exception(const char *const &msg)
81             : std::runtime_error(msg) {};
82 };
84 //
85 // URL cache funcs
86 //
88 // check the URL cache to see if we've already flagged an address as clean
wasClean(HTTPHeader & header,String & url,const int fg)89 bool wasClean(HTTPHeader &header, String &url, const int fg) {
90     return false;   // this function needs rewriting always return false
91 }
93 // add a known clean URL to the cache
addToClean(String & url,const int fg)94 void addToClean(String &url, const int fg) {
95     return;   // this function needs rewriting
96 }
98 //
99 // ConnectionHandler class
100 //
peerDiag(const char * message,Socket & peersock)102 void ConnectionHandler::peerDiag(const char *message, Socket &peersock) {
103     if (o.logconerror) {
104         //int peerport = peersock.getPeerSourcePort();
105         std::string peer_ip = peersock.getPeerIP();
106         int err = peersock.getErrno();
108         if (peersock.isTimedout())
109             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s Client at %s Connection timedout - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message,
110                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
111         else if (peersock.isHup())
112             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s Client at %s has disconnected - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message,
113                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
114         else if (peersock.sockError())
115             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s Client at %s Connection socket error - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message,
116                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
117         else if (peersock.isNoRead())
118             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s cant read Client Connection at %s - errno: %d ", thread_id.c_str(), message,
119                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
120         else if (peersock.isNoWrite())
121             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s cant write Client Connection  at %s - errno: %d ", thread_id.c_str(), message,
122                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
123         else if (peersock.isNoOpp())
124             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s Client Connection is no-op - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
125         else
126             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s Client Connection at %s problem - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message,
127                    peer_ip.c_str(), err);
128     }
129 }
upstreamDiag(const char * message,Socket & proxysock)131 void ConnectionHandler::upstreamDiag(const char *message, Socket &proxysock) {
132     if (o.logconerror) {
134         int err = proxysock.getErrno();
135         if (proxysock.isTimedout())
136             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s upstream timedout - errno: %d:", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
137         else if (proxysock.isHup())
138             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s upstream has disconnected - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
139         else if (proxysock.sockError())
140             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s upstream socket error - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
141         else if (proxysock.isNoRead())
142             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s cant read upstream Connection - errno: %d ", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
143         else if (proxysock.isNoWrite())
144             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s cant write upstream Connection  - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
145         else if (proxysock.isNoOpp())
146             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s upstream Connection is no-op - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
147         else
148             syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s upstream Connection problem - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), message, err);
149     }
150     if (proxysock.isNoOpp())
151         proxysock.close();
152 }
155 // perform URL encoding on a string
miniURLEncode(const char * s)156 std::string ConnectionHandler::miniURLEncode(const char *s) {
157     std::string encoded;
158     char *buf = new char[3];
159     unsigned char c;
160     for (int i = 0; i < (signed) strlen(s); i++) {
161         c = s[i];
162         // allowed characters in a url that have non special meaning
163         if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
164             encoded += c;
165             continue;
166         }
167         // all other characters get encoded
168         sprintf(buf, "%02x", c);
169         encoded += "%";
170         encoded += buf;
171     }
172     delete[] buf;
173     return encoded;
174 }
176 // create a temporary bypass URL for the banned page
hashedURL(String * url,int filtergroup,std::string * clientip,bool infectionbypass,std::string * user)177 String ConnectionHandler::hashedURL(String *url, int filtergroup, std::string *clientip,
178                                     bool infectionbypass, std::string *user) {
179     // filter/virus bypass hashes last for a certain time only
180     //String timecode(time(NULL) + (infectionbypass ? (*ldl->fg[filtergroup]).infection_bypass_mode : (*ldl->fg[filtergroup]).bypass_mode));
181     String timecode(time(NULL) + (infectionbypass ? (*ldl->fg[filtergroup]).infection_bypass_mode
182                                                   : (*ldl->fg[filtergroup]).bypass_mode));
183     // use the standard key in normal bypass mode, and the infection key in infection bypass mode
184     String magic(infectionbypass ? ldl->fg[filtergroup]->imagic.c_str() : ldl->fg[filtergroup]->magic.c_str());
185     magic += clientip->c_str();
186     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_v2)
187         magic += user->c_str();
188     magic += timecode;
189     String res(infectionbypass ? "GIBYPASS=" : "GBYPASS=");
190     if (!url->after("://").contains("/")) {
191         String newurl((*url));
192         newurl += "/";
193         res += newurl.md5(magic.toCharArray());
194     } else {
195         res += url->md5(magic.toCharArray());
196     }
197     res += timecode;
198 #ifdef DGDEBUG
199     std::cerr << thread_id << " -generate Bypass hashedurl data " << clientip->c_str() << " " << *url << " " << clientuser << " " << timecode << " result " << res << std::endl;
200 #endif
201     return res;
202 }
204 // create temporary bypass cookie
hashedCookie(String * url,const char * magic,std::string * clientip,int bypasstimestamp)205 String ConnectionHandler::hashedCookie(String *url, const char *magic, std::string *clientip, int bypasstimestamp) {
206     String timecode(bypasstimestamp);
207     String data(magic);
208     data += clientip->c_str();
209     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_v2)
210             data += clientuser;
211     data += timecode;
212 #ifdef DGDEBUG
213     std::cerr << thread_id << " -generate Bypass hashedCookie data " << clientip->c_str() << " " << *url << " " << clientuser << " " << timecode << std::endl;
214 #endif
215     String res(url->md5(data.toCharArray()));
216     res += timecode;
218 #ifdef DGDEBUG
219     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Bypass hashedCookie=" << res << std::endl;
220 #endif
221     return res;
222 }
225 // is this a temporary filter bypass URL?
isBypassURL(String url,const char * magic,const char * clientip,bool * isvirusbypass,std::string & user)226 int ConnectionHandler::isBypassURL(String url, const char *magic, const char *clientip, bool *isvirusbypass, std::string &user)
227 {
228     if ((url).length() <= 45)
229         return false; // Too short, can't be a bypass
231     // check to see if this is a bypass URL, and which type it is
232     bool filterbypass = false;
233     bool virusbypass = false;
234     if ((isvirusbypass == NULL) && ((url).contains("GBYPASS="))) {
235         filterbypass = true;
236     } else if ((isvirusbypass != NULL) && (url).contains("GIBYPASS=")) {
237         virusbypass = true;
238     }
239     if (!(filterbypass || virusbypass))
240         return 0;
242 #ifdef DGDEBUG
243     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL " << (filterbypass ? "GBYPASS" : "GIBYPASS") << " found checking..." << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
244 #endif
246     String url_left((url).before(filterbypass ? "GBYPASS=" : "GIBYPASS="));
247     url_left.chop(); // remove the ? or &
248     String url_right((url).after(filterbypass ? "GBYPASS=" : "GIBYPASS="));
250     String url_hash(url_right.subString(0, 32));
251     String url_time(url_right.after(url_hash.toCharArray()));
252 #ifdef DGDEBUG
253     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL: " << url_left << ", HASH: " << url_hash << ", TIME: " << url_time << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
254 #endif
256     String mymagic(magic);
257     mymagic += clientip;
258     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_v2)
259         mymagic += user;
260     mymagic += url_time;
261     String hashed(url_left.md5(mymagic.toCharArray()));
263     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_bypass_v2) {
264         mymagic = hashed;
265         hashed = mymagic.md5(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_magic.c_str());
266     }
268     if (hashed != url_hash) {
269 #ifdef DGDEBUG
270         std::cerr << thread_id << "URL " << (filterbypass ? "GBYPASS" : "GIBYPASS") << " hash mismatch" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
271 #endif
272         return 0;
273     }
275     time_t timen = time(NULL);
276     time_t timeu = url_time.toLong();
278     if (timeu < 1) {
279 #ifdef DGDEBUG
280         std::cerr << thread_id << "URL " << (filterbypass ? "GBYPASS" : "GIBYPASS") << " bad time value" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
281 #endif
282         return 1; // bad time value
283     }
284     if (timeu < timen) { // expired key
285 #ifdef DGDEBUG
286         std::cerr << thread_id << "URL " << (filterbypass ? "GBYPASS" : "GIBYPASS") << " expired" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
287 #endif
288         return 1; // denotes expired but there
289     }
290 #ifdef DGDEBUG
291     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL " << (filterbypass ? "GBYPASS" : "GIBYPASS") << " not expired" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
292 #endif
293     if (virusbypass)
294         (*isvirusbypass) = true;
295     return (int)timeu;
296 }
298 // is this a scan bypass URL? i.e. a "magic" URL for retrieving a previously scanned file
isScanBypassURL(String url,const char * magic,const char * clientip)299 bool ConnectionHandler::isScanBypassURL(String url, const char *magic, const char *clientip)
300 {
301     if ((url).length() <= 45)
302         return false; // Too short, can't be a bypass
304     if (!(url).contains("GSBYPASS=")) { // If this is not a bypass url
305         return false;
306     }
307 #ifdef DGDEBUG
308     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL GSBYPASS found checking..." << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
309 #endif
311     String url_left((url).before("GSBYPASS="));
312     url_left.chop(); // remove the ? or &
313     String url_right((url).after("GSBYPASS="));
315     String url_hash(url_right.subString(0, 32));
316 #ifdef DGDEBUG
317     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL: " << url_left << ", HASH: " << url_hash << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
318 #endif
320     // format is:
321     // GSBYPASS=hash(ip+url+tempfilename+mime+disposition+secret)
322     // &N=tempfilename&M=mimetype&D=dispos
324     String tempfilename(url_right.after("&N="));
325     String tempfilemime(tempfilename.after("&M="));
326     String tempfiledis(tempfilemime.after("&D="));
327     tempfilemime = tempfilemime.before("&D=");
328     tempfilename = tempfilename.before("&M=");
330     String tohash(clientip + url_left + tempfilename + tempfilemime + tempfiledis + magic);
331     String hashed(tohash.md5());
333     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_bypass_v2) {
334         tohash = hashed;
335         hashed = tohash.md5(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_magic.c_str());
336     }
338 #ifdef DGDEBUG
339     std::cerr << thread_id << "checking hash: " << clientip << " " << url_left << " " << tempfilename << " "
340               << " " << tempfilemime << " " << tempfiledis << " " << magic << " " << hashed << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
341 #endif
343     if (hashed == url_hash) {
344         return true;
345     }
346 #ifdef DGDEBUG
347     std::cerr << thread_id << "URL GSBYPASS HASH mismatch" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
348 #endif
350     return false;
351 }
353 // send a file to the client - used during bypass of blocked downloads
354 off_t
sendFile(Socket * peerconn,NaughtyFilter & cm,String & url,bool is_icap,ICAPHeader * icap_head)355 ConnectionHandler::sendFile(Socket *peerconn, NaughtyFilter &cm, String &url, bool is_icap, ICAPHeader *icap_head) {
356     String filedis = cm.tempfiledis;
357     int fd = open(cm.tempfilename.toCharArray(), O_RDONLY);
358     if (fd < 0) { // file access error
359         syslog(LOG_ERR, "%sError reading file to send", thread_id.c_str());
360 #ifdef DGDEBUG
361         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Error reading file to send:" << cm.tempfilename << std::endl;
362 #endif
363         String fnf(o.language_list.getTranslation(1230));
364         String head("HTTP/1.1 404 " + fnf + "\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
365         String body("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" + fnf + "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>" + fnf + "</H1></BODY></HTML>\r\n");
367         if (is_icap) {
368             icap_head->out_res_header = head;
369             icap_head->out_res_body = body;
370             icap_head->out_res_hdr_flag = true;
371             icap_head->out_res_body_flag = true;
372             icap_head->respond(*peerconn);
373         } else {
374             peerconn->writeString(head.toCharArray());
375             peerconn->writeString(body.toCharArray());
376         }
378         return 0;
379     }
381     off_t filesize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
382     lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
383     String head("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: " + cm.tempfilemime + "\r\nContent-Length: " + String(filesize));
384     if (filedis.length() == 0) {
385         filedis = url.before("?");
386         while (filedis.contains("/"))
387             filedis = filedis.after("/");
388     }
389     head += "\r\nContent-disposition: attachment; filename=" + filedis;
390     head += "\r\n\r\n";
392     if (is_icap) {
393         icap_head->out_res_header = head;
394         icap_head->out_res_hdr_flag = true;
395         icap_head->out_res_body_flag = true;
396         icap_head->respond(*peerconn);
397     } else {
398         if (!peerconn->writeString(head.toCharArray())) {
399             close(fd);
400             return 0;
401         }
402     }
404     // perform the actual sending
405     off_t sent = 0;
406     int rc;
407     //char *buffer = new char[250000];
408     char *buffer = new char[64000];
409     while (sent < filesize) {
410         rc = readEINTR(fd, buffer, 64000);
411 #ifdef DGDEBUG
412         std::cerr << thread_id << " -reading send file rc:" << rc << std::endl;
413 #endif
414         if (rc < 0) {
415 #ifdef DGDEBUG
416             std::cerr << thread_id << " -error reading send file so aborting" << std::endl;
417 #endif
418             delete[] buffer;
419 //            throw std::exception/();
420             //cleanThrow("error reading send file", *peerconn);
421             return 0;
422         }
423         if (rc == 0) {
424 #ifdef DGDEBUG
425             std::cerr << thread_id << " -got zero bytes reading send file" << std::endl;
426 #endif
427             break; // should never happen
428         }
429         if (is_icap) {
430             if (!peerconn->writeChunk(buffer, rc, 100000)) {
431                 delete[] buffer;
432                 peerDiag("Error sending file to client", *peerconn);
433                 return 0;
434             }
435         } else {
436             // as it's cached to disk the buffer must be reasonably big
437             if (!peerconn->writeToSocket(buffer, rc, 0, 100000)) {
438                 delete[] buffer;
439                 peerDiag("Error sending file to client", *peerconn);
440                 return 0;
441                 // throw std::exception();
442             }
443         }
444         sent += rc;
445 #ifdef DGDEBUG
446         std::cerr << thread_id << " -total sent from temp:" << sent << std::endl;
447 #endif
448     }
449     if (is_icap) {
450         String n;
451         peerconn->writeChunkTrailer(n);
452     }
453     delete[] buffer;
454     close(fd);
455     return sent;
456 }
458 int
connectUpstream(Socket & sock,NaughtyFilter & cm,int port=0)459 ConnectionHandler::connectUpstream(Socket &sock, NaughtyFilter &cm, int port = 0)   // connects to to proxy or directly
460 {
461     if (port == 0)
462         port = cm.request_header->port;
463     String sport(port);
464     int lerr_mess = 0;
465     int retry = -1;
466     bool may_be_loop = false;
467     for (auto it = o.filter_ports.begin(); it != o.filter_ports.end(); it++) {
468         if (*it == sport) {
469             may_be_loop = true;
470             break;
471         }
472     }
473 #ifdef DGDEBUG
474     std::cerr << thread_id << "May_be_loop = " << may_be_loop << " "  << " port " << port << std::endl;
475 #endif
477     while (++retry < o.connect_retries) {
478         lerr_mess = 0;
479         if (retry > 0) {
480             if (o.logconerror)
481                 syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s retry %d to connect to %s", thread_id.c_str(), retry, cm.urldomain.c_str());
482             if (!sock.isTimedout())
483                 usleep(1000);       // don't hammer upstream
484         }
485         cm.upfailure = false;
486         if (cm.isdirect) {
487             String des_ip;
488             if (cm.isiphost) {
489                 des_ip = cm.urldomain;
490                 if (may_be_loop) {  // check check_ip list
491                     bool do_break = false;
492                     if (o.check_ip.size() > 0) {
493                         for (auto it = o.check_ip.begin(); it != o.check_ip.end(); it++) {
494                             if (*it == des_ip) {
495                                 do_break = true;
496                                 lerr_mess = 212;
497                                 break;
498                             }
499                         }
500                     }
501                     if (do_break) break;
502                     may_be_loop = false;
503                 }
505                 sock.setTimeout(o.connect_timeout);
506 #ifdef DGDEBUG
507                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Connecting to IPHost " << des_ip << " port " << port << std::endl;
508 #endif
509                 int rc = sock.connect(des_ip, port);
510                 if (rc < 0) {
511                     lerr_mess = 203;
512                     continue;
513                 }
514                 return rc;
515             } else {
516                 //dns lookup
517                 struct addrinfo hints, *infoptr;
518                 memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo));
519                 hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
520                 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
521                 hints.ai_flags = 0;
522                 hints.ai_protocol = 0;
523                 hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
524                 hints.ai_addr = NULL;
525                 hints.ai_next = NULL;
526                 int rc = getaddrinfo(cm.connect_site.toCharArray(), NULL, &hints, &infoptr);
527                 if (rc)  // problem
528                 {
529 #ifdef DGDEBUG
530                     std::cerr << thread_id << "connectUpstream: getaddrinfo returned " << rc << " for " << cm.connect_site << " " << gai_strerror(rc) << std::endl;
531 #endif
532                     bool rt = false;
533                     switch (rc) {
534                         case EAI_NONAME:
535                             lerr_mess = 207;
536                             break;
537 #ifdef EAI_NODATA
538                         case EAI_NODATA:
539                             lerr_mess = 208;
540                             break;
541 #endif
542                         case EAI_AGAIN:
543                             lerr_mess = 209;
544                             rt = true;
545                             break;
546                         case EAI_FAIL:
547                             lerr_mess = 210;
548                             break;
549                         default:
550                             lerr_mess = 210;  //TODO this should have it's own message??
551                             break;
552                     }
553                     sock.close();
554                     if (rt) continue;
555                     else break;
556                 }
557                 char t[256];
558                 struct addrinfo *p;
559                 for (p = infoptr; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
560                     getnameinfo(p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen, t, sizeof(t), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
561                     if (may_be_loop) {  // check check_ip list
562                         bool do_break = false;
563                         if (o.check_ip.size() > 0) {
564                             for (auto it = o.check_ip.begin(); it != o.check_ip.end(); it++) {
565                                 if (*it == t) {
566                                     do_break = true;
567                                     lerr_mess = 212;
568                                     break;
569                                 }
570                             }
571                         }
572                         if (do_break) break;
573                         may_be_loop = false;
574                     }
575 #ifdef DGDEBUG
576                     std::cerr << thread_id << "Connecting to IP " << t << " port " << port << std::endl;
577 #endif
578                     int rc = sock.connect(t, port);
579                     if (rc == 0) {
580                         freeaddrinfo(infoptr);
581 #ifdef DGDEBUG
582                         std::cerr << thread_id << "Got connection upfailure is " << cm.upfailure << std::endl;
583 #endif
584                         return 0;
585                     }
586                 }
587                 freeaddrinfo(infoptr);
588                 if (may_be_loop) break;
589                 lerr_mess = 203;
590                 continue;
591             }
592         } else {  //is via proxy
593             sock.setTimeout(o.proxy_timeout);
594             int rc = sock.connect(o.proxy_ip, o.proxy_port);
595             if (rc < 0) {
596                 if (sock.isTimedout())
597                     lerr_mess = 201;
598                 else
599                     lerr_mess = 202;
600                 continue;
601             }
602             return rc;
603         }
604     }
606     // only get here if failed
607     cm.upfailure = true;
608     cm.message_no = lerr_mess;
609     cm.whatIsNaughty = "";
610     cm.whatIsNaughtyLog = "";
611     cm.isItNaughty = true;
612     cm.blocktype = 3;
613     cm.isexception = false;
614     cm.isbypass = false;
615     return -1;
616 }
618 // pass data between proxy and client, filtering as we go.
619 // this is the only public function of ConnectionHandler
handlePeer(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,stat_rec * & dystat,unsigned int lc_type)620 int ConnectionHandler::handlePeer(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, stat_rec *&dystat, unsigned int lc_type) {
621     persistent_authed = false;
622     is_real_user = false;
623     int rc = 0;
624     //#ifdef DGDEBUG
625     // for debug info only - TCP peer port
626     //thread_id = peerconn.getPeerSourcePort();
627     //#endif
628     Socket proxysock;    // also used for direct connection
630     switch (lc_type) {
631         case CT_PROXY:
632             rc = handleConnection(peerconn, ip, false, proxysock, dystat);
633             break;
635 #ifdef __SSLMITM
636         case  CT_THTTPS:
637             rc = handleTHTTPSConnection(peerconn, ip, proxysock, dystat);
638             break;
639 #endif
641         case CT_ICAP:
642             rc = handleICAPConnection(peerconn, ip, proxysock, dystat);
643             break;
645     }
646     //if ( ldl->reload_id != load_id)
647     //     rc = -1;
648     return rc;
649 }
handleConnection(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,bool ismitm,Socket & proxysock,stat_rec * & dystat)652 int ConnectionHandler::handleConnection(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, bool ismitm, Socket &proxysock,
653                                         stat_rec *&dystat) {
654     struct timeval thestart;
655     gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
657     //peerconn.setTimeout(o.proxy_timeout);
658     peerconn.setTimeout(o.pcon_timeout);
660     // ldl = o.currentLists();
662     HTTPHeader docheader(__HEADER_RESPONSE); // to hold the returned page header from proxy
663     HTTPHeader header(__HEADER_REQUEST); // to hold the incoming client request headeri(ldl)
665     // set a timeout as we don't want blocking 4 eva
666     // this also sets how long a peerconn will wait for other requests
667     header.setTimeout(o.pcon_timeout);
668     docheader.setTimeout(o.exchange_timeout);
671     //int bypasstimestamp = 0;
674     // Content scanning plugins to use for request (POST) & response data
675     std::deque<CSPlugin *> requestscanners;
676     std::deque<CSPlugin *> responsescanners;
678     std::string clientip(ip.toCharArray()); // hold the clients ip
679     header.setClientIP(ip);
681     if (clienthost) delete clienthost;
683     clienthost = NULL; // and the hostname, if available
684     matchedip = false;
686     // clear list of parameters extracted from URL
687     urlparams.clear();
689     // clear out info about POST data
690     postparts.clear();
692 #ifdef DGDEBUG // debug stuff surprisingly enough
693     std::cerr << thread_id << " -got peer connection" << std::endl;
694     std::cerr << thread_id << clientip << std::endl;
695 #endif
697     try {
698         //int rc;
700 #ifdef DGDEBUG
701         int pcount = 0;
702 #endif
704         // assume all requests over the one persistent connection are from
705         // the same user. means we only need to query the auth plugin until
706         // we get credentials, then assume they are valid for all reqs. on
707         // the persistent connection.
708         std::string oldclientuser;
709         std::string room;
711         //int oldfg = 0;
712         bool authed = false;
713         //bool isbanneduser = false;
714         //bool isscanbypass = false;
715         //bool isbypass = false;
716         //bool isvirusbypass = false;
717         //int bypasstimestamp = 0;
718         //bool iscookiebypass = false;
720         AuthPlugin *auth_plugin = NULL;
722         // RFC states that connections are persistent
723         bool persistOutgoing = true;
724         bool persistPeer = true;
725         bool persistProxy = true;
726         String last_domain_port;
727         bool last_isdirect = false;
729         bool firsttime = true;
730         if (!header.in(&peerconn, true)) {     // get header from client, allowing persistency
731             if (o.logconerror) {
732                 if (peerconn.getFD() > -1) {
734                     int err = peerconn.getErrno();
735                     //int pport = peerconn.getPeerSourcePort();
736                     std::string peerIP = peerconn.getPeerIP();
738                     syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s No header recd from client at %s - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(),
739                            peerIP.c_str(), err);
740 #ifdef DGDEBUG
741                     std::cerr << thread_id << " No header recd from client - errno: " << err << std::endl;
742 #endif
743                 } else {
744                     syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s Client connection closed early - no request header received",
745                            thread_id.c_str());
746                 }
747             }
748             firsttime = false;
749             persistPeer = false;
750         } else {
751             ++dystat->reqs;
752         }
753         //
754         // End of set-up section
755         //
756         // Start of main loop
757         //
759         // maintain a persistent connection
760         while ((firsttime || persistPeer) && !ttg)
761             //    while ((firsttime || persistPeer) && !reloadconfig)
762         {
763 #ifdef DGDEBUG
764             std::cerr << thread_id << " firsttime =" << firsttime << "ismitm =" << ismitm << " clientuser =" << clientuser << " group = " << filtergroup << std::endl;
765 #endif
766             ldl = o.currentLists();
767             NaughtyFilter checkme(header, docheader);
768             DataBuffer docbody;
769             docbody.setTimeout(o.exchange_timeout);
770             FDTunnel fdt;
772             if (firsttime) {
773                 // reset flags & objects next time round the loop
774                 firsttime = false;
775                 gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
776                 checkme.thestart = thestart;
778                 // quick trick for the very first connection :-)
779                 if (!ismitm)
780                     persistProxy = false;
781             } else {
782 // another round...
783 #ifdef DGDEBUG
784                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -persisting (count " << ++pcount << ")" << std::endl;
785 //                syslog(LOG_ERR, "Served %d requests on this connection so far - ismitm=%d", pcount, ismitm);
786                 std::cerr << thread_id << " - " << clientip << std::endl;
787 #endif
788                 header.reset();
789                 if (!header.in(&peerconn, true)) {
790 #ifdef DGDEBUG
791                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Persistent connection closed" << std::endl;
792 #endif
793                     break;
794                 }
795                 ++dystat->reqs;
797                 // we will actually need to do *lots* of resetting of flags etc. here for pconns to work
798                 gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
799                 checkme.thestart = thestart;
801                 checkme.bypasstimestamp = 0;
803                 authed = false;
805                 requestscanners.clear();
806                 responsescanners.clear();
808                 matchedip = false;
809                 urlparams.clear();
810                 postparts.clear();
811                 checkme.mimetype = "-";
812                 room = "";    // CHECK THIS - surely room is persistant?????
814                 // reset docheader & docbody
815                 // headers *should* take care of themselves on the next in()
816                 // actually not entirely true for docheader - we may read
817                 // certain properties of it (in denyAccess) before we've
818                 // actually performed the next in(), so make sure we do a full
819                 // reset now.
820                 docheader.reset();
821                 docbody.reset();
822                 peerconn.resetChunk();
823                 proxysock.resetChunk();
825             }
826 //
827             // do this normalisation etc just the once at the start.
828             checkme.setURL(ismitm);
830             if(o.log_requests) {
831                 std::string fnt;
832                 if(ismitm)
833                     fnt = "MITM";
834                 else if(header.isProxyRequest) {
835                     fnt = "PROXY";
836                 } else fnt = "TRANS";
837                 doRQLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme, fnt);
838             }
840             //If proxy connection is not persistent..// do this later after checking if direct or via proxy
842 #ifdef DGDEBUG
843             std::cerr << thread_id << getpid() << "Start URL " << checkme.url.c_str() << "is_ssl=" << checkme.is_ssl << "ismitm=" << ismitm << std::endl;
844 #endif
846             // checks for bad URLs to prevent security holes/domain obfuscation.
847             if (header.malformedURL(checkme.url)) {
848                 // The requested URL is malformed.
849                 writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 200, 0, "400 Bad Request");
850                 proxysock.close(); // close connection to proxy
851                 break;
852             }
854             // TODO this needs moving is proxy operation is still to be tested
855             if (checkme.urldomain == "internal.test.e2guardian.org") {
856                 peerconn.writeString(
857                         "HTTP/1.1 200 \nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>e2guardian internal test</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>e2guardian internal test OK</H1> ");
858                 peerconn.writeString("</BODY></HTML>\n");
859                 proxysock.close(); // close connection to proxy
860                 break;
861             }
863             // total block list checking  now done in pre-auth story
865             // don't let the client connection persist if the client doesn't want it to.
866             persistOutgoing = header.isPersistent();
867             // now check if in input proxy mode and direct upstream if upstream needs closing
868             if (persistProxy && last_isdirect &&
869             ((last_domain_port != checkme.urldomainport)|| !o.no_proxy)) {
870                 proxysock.close();
871                 persistProxy = false;
872             }
873             last_domain_port = checkme.urldomainport;
874             last_isdirect = checkme.isdirect;
877             //
878             //
879             // Now check if  machine is banned and room-based checking
880             //
881             //
883             // is this user banned?
884             //isbanneduser = false;
885             if (o.use_xforwardedfor) {
886                 bool use_xforwardedfor;
887                 if (o.xforwardedfor_filter_ip.size() > 0) {
888                     use_xforwardedfor = false;
889                     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < o.xforwardedfor_filter_ip.size(); i++) {
890                         if (strcmp(clientip.c_str(), o.xforwardedfor_filter_ip[i].c_str()) == 0) {
891                             use_xforwardedfor = true;
892                             break;
893                         }
894                     }
895                 } else {
896                     use_xforwardedfor = true;
897                 }
898                 if (use_xforwardedfor == 1) {
899                     std::string xforwardip(header.getXForwardedForIP());
900                     if (xforwardip.length() > 6) {
901                         clientip = xforwardip;
902                     }
903 #ifdef DGDEBUG
904                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -using x-forwardedfor:" << clientip << std::endl;
905 #endif
906                 }
907             }
908             checkme.clientip = clientip;
910             // Look up reverse DNS name of client if needed
911             if (o.reverse_client_ip_lookups) {
912                 getClientFromIP(clientip.c_str(),checkme.clienthost);
913            //     std::unique_ptr<std::deque<String> > hostnames;
914            //     hostnames.reset(ipToHostname(clientip.c_str()));
915            //     checkme.clienthost = std::string(hostnames->front().toCharArray());
916             }
918             //CALL SB pre-authcheck
919             ldl->StoryA.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYA_PRE_AUTH, checkme);
920 #ifdef DGDEBUG
921             std::cerr << "After StoryA pre-authcheck" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
922                       << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
923 #endif
924             checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
925             bool isbannedip = checkme.isBlocked;
926             bool part_banned;
927             if (isbannedip) {
928                 // matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
929             } else {
930                 if (ldl->inRoom(clientip, room, &(checkme.clienthost), &isbannedip, &part_banned, &checkme.isexception,
931                                 checkme.urld)) {
932 #ifdef DGDEBUG
933                     std::cerr << " isbannedip = " << isbannedip << "ispart_banned = " << part_banned << " isexception = " << checkme.isexception << std::endl;
934 #endif
935                     if (isbannedip) {
936                         //       matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
937                         checkme.isBlocked = checkme.isItNaughty = true;
938                     }
939                     if (checkme.isexception) {
940                         // do reason codes etc
941                         checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(630);
942                         checkme.exceptionreason.append(room);
943                         checkme.exceptionreason.append(o.language_list.getTranslation(631));
944                         checkme.message_no = 632;
945                     }
946                 }
947             }
950 #ifdef ENABLE_ORIG_IP
951             // if working in transparent mode and grabbing of original IP addresses is
952             // enabled, does the original IP address match one of those that the host
953             // we are going to resolves to?
954             // Resolves http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/435052
955             if (o.get_orig_ip) {
956                 // XXX This will currently only work on Linux/Netfilter.
957                 sockaddr_in origaddr;
958                 socklen_t origaddrlen(sizeof(sockaddr_in));
959                 // Note: we assume that for non-redirected connections, this getsockopt call will
960                 // return the proxy server's IP, and not -1.  Hence, comparing the result with
961                 // the return value of Socket::getLocalIP() should tell us that the client didn't
962                 // connect transparently, and we can assume they aren't vulnerable.
963                 if (getsockopt(peerconn.getFD(), SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, &origaddr, &origaddrlen) < 0) {
964                     syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get client's original destination IP: %s", strerror(errno));
965                     break;
966                 }
968                 char res[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
969                 std::string orig_dest_ip(inet_ntop(AF_INET,&origaddr.sin_addr, res, sizeof(res)));
970                 if (orig_dest_ip == peerconn.getLocalIP()) {
971 // The destination IP before redirection is the same as the IP the
972 // client has actually been connected to - they aren't connecting transparently.
973 #ifdef DGDEBUG
974                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -SO_ORIGINAL_DST and getLocalIP are equal; client not connected transparently" << std::endl;
975 #endif
976                 } else {
977                     // Look up domain from request URL, and check orig IP against resolved IPs
978                     addrinfo hints;
979                     memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
980                     hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
981                     hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
982                     hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
983                     addrinfo *results;
984                     int result = getaddrinfo(checkme.urldomain.c_str(), NULL, &hints, &results);
985                     if (result) {
986                         freeaddrinfo(results);
987                         syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot resolve hostname for host header checks: %s", gai_strerror(errno));
988                         break;
989                     }
990                     addrinfo *current = results;
991                     bool matched = false;
992                     while (current != NULL) {
993                         char res[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
994                         if (orig_dest_ip == inet_ntop(AF_INET,&((sockaddr_in *)(current->ai_addr))->sin_addr, res, sizeof(res))) {
995 #ifdef DGDEBUG
996                             std::cerr << thread_id << checkme.urldomain << " matched to original destination of " << orig_dest_ip << std::endl;
997 #endif
998                             matched = true;
999                             break;
1000                         }
1001                         current = current->ai_next;
1002                     }
1003                     freeaddrinfo(results);
1004                     if (!matched) {
1005 // Host header/URL said one thing, but the original destination IP said another.
1006 // This is exactly the vulnerability we want to prevent.
1007 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1008                         std::cerr << thread_id << checkme.urldomain << " DID NOT MATCH original destination of " << orig_dest_ip << std::endl;
1009 #endif
1010                         syslog(LOG_ERR, "Destination host of %s did not match the original destination IP of %s", checkme.urldomain.c_str(), orig_dest_ip.c_str());
1011                             writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 200, 0, "400 Bad Request");
1012                         break;
1013                     }
1014                 }
1015             }
1016 #endif
1019             //
1020             //
1021             // Start of Authentication Checks
1022             //
1023             //
1024             // don't have credentials for this connection yet? get some!
1025             overide_persist = false;
1026             if (!persistent_authed) {
1027                 bool only_ip_auth;
1028                 if (header.isProxyRequest) {
1029                     filtergroup = o.default_fg;
1030                     only_ip_auth = false;
1031                 } else {
1032                     filtergroup = o.default_trans_fg;
1033                     only_ip_auth = true;
1034                 }
1035 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1036                 std::cerr << thread_id << "isProxyRequest is " << header.isProxyRequest << " only_ip_auth is " << only_ip_auth << " needs proxy for auth plugin is " << o.auth_needs_proxy_in_plugin << std::endl;
1037 #endif
1039                 if (!persistProxy && o.auth_needs_proxy_in_plugin && header.isProxyRequest) // open upstream connection early if required for ntml auth
1040                 {
1041                     if (connectUpstream(proxysock, checkme, header.port) < 0) {
1042                         if (checkme.isconnect && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->automitm &&
1043                             checkme.upfailure)
1044                         {
1045                             checkme.gomitm = true;   // so that we can deliver a status message to user over half MITM
1046                         } else {
1047                             checkme.gomitm = false;   // if not automitm
1048                         }
1049                     } else {
1050                         persistProxy = true;
1051                     }
1052                 }
1054                 if (!doAuth(checkme.auth_result, authed, filtergroup, auth_plugin, peerconn, proxysock, header,
1055                             only_ip_auth,
1056                             checkme.isconnect)) {
1057                     if ((checkme.auth_result == DGAUTH_REDIRECT) && checkme.isconnect &&
1058                         ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm) {
1059                         checkme.gomitm = true;
1060                         checkme.isdone = true;
1061                     } else {
1062                         break;
1063                     }
1064                 }
1065                 //checkme.filtergroup = filtergroup;
1066             } else {
1067 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1068                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Already got credentials for this connection - not querying auth plugins" << std::endl;
1069 #endif
1070                 authed = true;
1071             }
1072             checkme.filtergroup = filtergroup;
1074 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1075             std::cerr << thread_id << " -username: " << clientuser << std::endl;
1076             std::cerr << thread_id << " -filtergroup: " << filtergroup << std::endl;
1077 #endif
1078 //
1079 //
1080 // End of Authentication Checking
1081 //
1082 //
1084 #ifdef __SSLMITM
1085             //			Set if candidate for MITM
1086             //			(Exceptions will not go MITM)
1087             checkme.ismitmcandidate = checkme.isconnect && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm && (header.port == 443);
1088 #endif
1090             //
1091             // Start of by pass
1092             //
1093             if (!checkme.isdone && checkByPass(checkme, ldl, header, proxysock, peerconn, clientip)
1094                 && sendScanFile(peerconn, checkme)) {
1095                 persistProxy = false;
1096                 break;
1097             }
1099             //
1100             // End by pass
1101             //
1103             // virus checking candidate?
1104             // checkme.noviruscheck defaults to true
1105             if (!(checkme.isdone || checkme.isconnect || checkme.ishead)    //  can't scan connect or head or not yet authed
1106                 && !(checkme.isBlocked)  // or already blocked
1107                 && authed   // and is authed
1108                 && (o.csplugins.size() > 0)            //  and we have scan plugins
1109                 && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->disable_content_scan    // and is not disabled
1110                 && !(checkme.isexception && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions)
1111                 // and not exception unless scan exceptions enabled
1112                     )
1113                 checkme.noviruscheck = false;   // note this may be reset by Storyboard to enable exceptions
1115             //
1116             // Start of Storyboard checking
1117             //
1118 //            if (!(checkme.isBlocked || checkme.isbypass))
1119             if (!(checkme.isBlocked || checkme.isdone) && authed) {
1120 // Main checking is now done in Storyboard function(s)
1121                 //   String funct = "checkrequest";
1122                 //   ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunct(funct, checkme);
1123                 ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYB_PROXY_REQUEST, checkme);
1124 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1125                 std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryB checkrequest isexception " << checkme.isexception << " gomitm "
1126                           << checkme.gomitm << " mess_no "
1127                           << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
1128 #endif
1129 		if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level != -1){
1130                 	checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
1131 		} else {
1132 			checkme.isItNaughty = false;
1133 		        checkme.isBlocked = false;
1134 		}
1135             }
1137             if (checkme.isdirect) {
1138                 header.setDirect();
1139                 last_isdirect = true;
1140                 if(!o.no_proxy) {    // we are in mixed mode proxy and direct
1141                     if(persistProxy) {  // if upstream socket is open close it
1142                         proxysock.close();
1143                         persistProxy = false;
1144                     }
1145                 }
1146             }
1148             if (checkme.isbypass && !(checkme.iscookiebypass || checkme.isvirusbypass)) {
1149 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1150                 std::cout << thread_id << "Setting GBYPASS cookie; bypasstimestamp = " << checkme.bypasstimestamp << __func__ << std::endl;
1151 #endif
1152                 String ud(checkme.urldomain);
1153                 if (ud.startsWith("www.")) {
1154                     ud = ud.after("www.");
1155                 }
1156                 // redirect user to URL with GBYPASS parameter no longer appended
1157                 String outhead = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\n";
1158                 outhead += "Set-Cookie: GBYPASS=";
1159                 outhead += hashedCookie(&ud, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cookie_magic.c_str(), &clientip,
1160                                         checkme.bypasstimestamp).toCharArray();
1161                 outhead += "; path=/; domain=.";
1162                 outhead += ud;
1163                 outhead += "\r\n";
1164                 outhead += "Location: ";
1165                 outhead += header.getUrl(true);
1166                 outhead += "\r\n";
1167                 outhead += "\r\n";
1168                 peerconn.writeString(outhead.c_str());
1169                 return 0;
1170             }
1173             //check for redirect
1174             // URL regexp search and edirect
1175             if (checkme.urlredirect) {
1176                 checkme.url = header.redirecturl();
1177                 proxysock.close();
1178                 String writestring("HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\nLocation: ");
1179                 writestring += checkme.url;
1180                 writestring += "\n\n";
1181                 peerconn.writeString(writestring.toCharArray());
1182                 break;
1183             }
1185             //if  is a search - content check search terms
1186             if (!checkme.isdone) {
1187                 if (checkme.isGrey && checkme.isSearch)
1188                     check_search_terms(checkme);
1189             }  // will set isItNaughty if needed
1192             // TODO V5 call POST scanning code New NaughtyFilter function????
1194             // don't run willScanRequest if content scanning is disabled, or on exceptions if contentscanexceptions is off,
1195             // or on SSL (CONNECT) requests, or on HEAD requests, or if in AV bypass mode
1197             //if not naughty now send upstream and get response
1198             if (checkme.isItNaughty) {
1199                 if (checkme.isconnect && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->automitm) {
1200                     checkme.gomitm = true;   // so that we can deliver a status message to user over half MITM
1201                     if (checkme.isdirect) {  // send connection estabilished to client
1202                         std::string msg = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n";
1203                         if (!peerconn.writeString(msg.c_str())) {
1204                             peerDiag("Unable to send 200 connection  established to client ", peerconn);
1205                             break;
1206                         }
1207                     }
1208                 } else {
1209                     checkme.gomitm = false;   // if not automitm
1210                 }
1211             } else {
1212                 if (!persistProxy) // open upstream connection
1213                 {
1214                     if (connectUpstream(proxysock, checkme, header.port) < 0) {
1215                         if (checkme.isconnect && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->automitm &&
1216                             checkme.upfailure)
1217                         {
1219                             checkme.gomitm = true;   // so that we can deliver a status message to user over half MITM
1220                         // give error - depending on answer
1221                         // timeout -etc
1222                         } else {
1223                             checkme.gomitm = false;   // if not automitm
1224                         }
1225                     }
1226                 }
1227                 if (!checkme.upfailure) {
1228                     if (!proxysock.breadyForOutput(o.proxy_timeout)) {
1229                         upstreamDiag("Unable to write upstream", proxysock);
1230                         break;
1231                     }
1232 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1233                     std::cerr << thread_id << "  got past line 990 rfo " << std::endl;
1234 #endif
1235                 }
1236                 if (checkme.isdirect && checkme.isconnect) {  // send connection estabilished to client
1237                     std::string msg = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n";
1238                     if (!peerconn.writeString(msg.c_str())) {
1239                         peerDiag("Unable to send 200 connection  established to client ", peerconn);
1240                         break;
1241                     }
1242                 } else if (!checkme.upfailure)  // in all other cases send header upstream and get response
1243                 {
1244                     if (!(header.out(&peerconn, &proxysock, __DGHEADER_SENDALL, true) // send proxy the request
1245                           && (docheader.in_handle_100(&proxysock, persistOutgoing, header.expects_100)))) {
1246                         if (proxysock.isTimedout()) {
1247 //                            writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 203, 204, "408 Request Time-out");
1248                             writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 0, 0, "408 Request Time-out");
1249                         } else {
1250 			   if(!ismitm) {
1251                             writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 0, 0, "408 Request Time-out");
1252                             //writeback_error(checkme, peerconn, 205, 206, "502 Gateway Error");
1253 			   }
1254                         }
1255                         persistPeer = false;
1256                         persistProxy = false;
1257                         break;
1258                     }
1259                     persistProxy = docheader.isPersistent();
1260                     persistPeer = persistOutgoing && docheader.wasPersistent();
1261 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1262                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -persistPeer: " << persistPeer << std::endl;
1263 #endif
1265                     //check response code
1266                     if ((!checkme.isItNaughty) && (!checkme.upfailure)) {
1267                         int rcode = docheader.returnCode();
1268                         if (rcode == 407) {   // proxy auth required
1269                             // tunnel thru -  may be content
1270                             checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1271                             checkme.tunnel_2way = false;
1272                             // treat connect like normal get
1273                             checkme.isconnect = false;
1274                             checkme.isexception = true;
1275                         } else if (!authed && checkme.request_header->isProxyRequest
1276                                    && o.auth_needs_proxy_in_plugin && !checkme.isexception) {
1277                             checkme.isItNaughty = true;
1278                             checkme.message_no =  110;
1279                         }
1280                         if (checkme.isconnect) {
1281                             if (rcode == 200) {
1282                                 persistProxy = false;
1283                                 persistPeer = false;
1284                             } else {        // some sort of problem or needs proxy auth - pass back to client
1285                                 checkme.ismitmcandidate = false;  // only applies to connect
1286                                 checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1287                                 checkme.tunnel_2way = false;
1288                             }
1289                         }
1291                         if (docheader.contentLength() == 0)   // no content
1292                             checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1294                     }
1295                 }
1297                 if (checkme.isconnect && checkme.isGrey) {  // allow legacy SSL behavour when mitm not enabled
1298                     checkme.tunnel_2way = true;
1299                     checkme.tunnel_rest = false;
1300                 }
1301             }
1302             if (checkme.isexception && !checkme.upfailure) {
1303                 if (checkme.isconnect) {
1304                     checkme.tunnel_2way = true;
1305                     checkme.tunnel_rest = false;
1306                     persistPeer = false;
1307                     persistProxy = false;
1308                 } else {
1309                     if (!checkme.noviruscheck && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions)
1310                         checkme.noviruscheck = true;
1311                     if (checkme.noviruscheck) {
1312                         checkme.tunnel_2way = false;
1313                         checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1314                     }
1315                 }
1316             }
1318 #ifdef __SSLMITM
1319             //if ismitm - GO MITM
1320             // ssl_grey is covered in storyboard
1321             if (!checkme.tunnel_rest && checkme.isconnect && checkme.gomitm)
1322             {
1323 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1324                 std::cerr << "Going MITM ...." << std::endl;
1325 #endif
1326                 if(!ldl->fg[filtergroup]->mitm_check_cert)
1327                     checkme.nocheckcert = true;
1328                 goMITM(checkme, proxysock, peerconn, persistProxy, authed, persistent_authed, ip, dystat, clientip,checkme.isdirect);
1329                 persistPeer = false;
1330                 persistProxy = false;
1331                 //if (!checkme.isItNaughty) // surely we should just break here whatever? - No we need to log error
1332                     break;
1333             }
1334 #endif
1336             //CALL SB checkresponse
1337             if ((!checkme.isItNaughty) && (!checkme.upfailure) && (!checkme.isconnect) && !checkme.tunnel_rest) {
1338                 ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYB_PROXY_RESPONSE, checkme);
1339 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1340                 std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryB checkresponse " << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
1341                           << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
1342 #endif
1343 		if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level != -1){
1344                 	checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
1345 		} else {
1346 			checkme.isItNaughty = false;
1347 		        checkme.isBlocked = false;
1348 		        checkme.isGrey = true;
1349 		}
1351                 if (checkme.ishead || (docheader.contentLength() == 0 && !docheader.chunked))
1352                     checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1354                 if (checkme.isexception && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions) {
1355                     checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1356                     checkme.noviruscheck = true;
1357                 }
1359                 if (!checkme.noviruscheck) {
1360                     for (std::deque<Plugin *>::iterator i = o.csplugins_begin; i != o.csplugins_end; ++i) {
1361                         int csrc = ((CSPlugin *) (*i))->willScanRequest(header.getUrl(), clientuser.c_str(),
1362                                                                         ldl->fg[filtergroup], clientip.c_str(), false,
1363                                                                         false, checkme.isexception, checkme.isbypass);
1364                         if (csrc > 0)
1365                             responsescanners.push_back((CSPlugin *) (*i));
1366                         else if (csrc < 0)
1367                             syslog(LOG_ERR, "%swillScanRequest returned error: %d", thread_id.c_str(), csrc);
1368                     }
1369 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1370                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Content scanners interested in response data: " << responsescanners.size() << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
1371 #endif
1372                 }
1374                 //- if grey content check
1375                 // can't do content filtering on HEAD or redirections (no content)
1376                 // actually, redirections CAN have content
1377                 if ((checkme.isGrey || !checkme.noviruscheck) && !checkme.tunnel_rest) {
1378                     check_content(checkme, docbody, proxysock, peerconn, responsescanners);
1379                 }
1380             }
1382             //send response header to client
1383             if ((!checkme.isItNaughty) && (!checkme.upfailure) && !(checkme.isconnect && checkme.isdirect)) {
1384                 if (!docheader.out(NULL, &peerconn, __DGHEADER_SENDALL, false)) {
1385                     peerDiag("Unable to send return header to client", peerconn);
1386                     break;
1387                 }
1389                 if ((!checkme.isItNaughty) && checkme.waschecked) {
1390                     if (!docbody.out(&peerconn))
1391                         checkme.pausedtoobig = false;
1392                     if (checkme.pausedtoobig)
1393                         checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
1394                 }
1395             }
1397             //if not grey tunnel response
1398             if (!checkme.isItNaughty) {
1399                 if (checkme.tunnel_rest) {
1400                     bool chunked = docheader.transferEncoding().contains("chunked");
1401 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1402                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Tunnelling to client" << std::endl;
1403                     std::cerr << thread_id << " - Content-Length:" << docheader.contentLength() << "cm.docsize:" << checkme.docsize << std::endl;
1404 #endif
1406                     if (!fdt.tunnel(proxysock, peerconn, checkme.isconnect, docheader.contentLength() - checkme.docsize,
1407                                     true, chunked))
1408                         persistProxy = false;
1409                     checkme.docsize += fdt.throughput;
1410                 } else if (checkme.tunnel_2way) {
1411                     if (!fdt.tunnel(proxysock, peerconn, true))
1412                         persistProxy = false;
1413                     checkme.docsize = fdt.throughput;
1414                 }
1415             }
1418 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1419             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Forwarding body to client : Upfailure is " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
1420 #endif
1421             if (checkme.upfailure || checkme.isItNaughty) {
1422                 if (denyAccess(&peerconn, &proxysock, &header, &docheader, &checkme.url, &checkme, &clientuser,
1423                                &clientip,
1424                                filtergroup, checkme.ispostblock, checkme.headersent, checkme.wasinfected,
1425                                checkme.scanerror))
1426                     persistPeer = false;
1427             }
1429             //Log
1430             if (!checkme.isourwebserver) { // don't log requests to the web server
1431                 doLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme);
1432             }
1435             if (!persistProxy)
1436                 proxysock.close(); // close connection to proxy
1438             if (persistPeer) {
1439                 continue;
1440             }
1442             break;
1443         }
1444     } catch (std::exception &e) {
1445 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1446         std::cerr << thread_id << " -connection handler caught an exception: " << e.what() << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
1447 #endif
1448         if (o.logconerror)
1449             syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s-connection handler caught an exception %s", thread_id.c_str(), e.what());
1451         // close connection to proxy
1452         proxysock.close();
1453         return -1;
1454     }
1455     if (!ismitm)
1456         try {
1457 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1458             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Attempting graceful connection close" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
1459 #endif
1460             //syslog(LOG_INFO, " -Attempting graceful connection close" );
1461             int fd = peerconn.getFD();
1462             if (fd > -1) {
1463                 if (shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR) == 0) {
1464                     char buff[2];
1465                     peerconn.readFromSocket(buff, 2, 0, 5000);
1466                 };
1467             };
1469             // close connection to the client
1470             peerconn.close();
1471             proxysock.close();
1472         } catch (std::exception &e) {
1473 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1474             std::cerr << thread_id << " -connection handler caught an exception on connection closedown: " << e.what() << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
1475 #endif
1476             // close connection to the client
1477             peerconn.close();
1478             proxysock.close();
1479         }
1481     return 0;
1482 }
doLog(std::string & who,std::string & from,NaughtyFilter & cm)1485 void ConnectionHandler::doLog(std::string &who, std::string &from, NaughtyFilter &cm) {
1486     String rtype = cm.request_header->requestType();
1487     String where = cm.logurl;
1488     unsigned int port = cm.request_header->port;
1489     std::string what;
1490     if(o.log_requests) {
1491         what = thread_id;
1492     }
1493     what += cm.whatIsNaughtyLog;
1494     String how = rtype;
1495     off_t size = cm.docsize;
1496     std::string *cat = &cm.whatIsNaughtyCategories;
1497     bool isnaughty = cm.isItNaughty;
1498     int naughtytype = cm.blocktype;
1499     bool isexception = cm.isexception;
1500     bool istext = cm.is_text;
1501     struct timeval *thestart = &cm.thestart;
1502     bool cachehit = false;
1503     //int code = (cm.wasrequested ? cm.response_header->returnCode() : 200);  //cm.wasrequested is never set anywhere!!
1504     int code = (cm.response_header->returnCode());
1505     if (isnaughty) code = 403;
1506     std::string mimetype = cm.mimetype;
1507     bool wasinfected = cm.wasinfected;
1508     bool wasscanned = cm.wasscanned;
1509     int naughtiness = cm.naughtiness;
1510     int filtergroup = cm.filtergroup;
1511     HTTPHeader *reqheader = cm.request_header;
1512     int message_no = cm.message_no;
1513     bool contentmodified = cm.contentmodified;
1514     bool urlmodified = cm.urlmodified;
1515     bool headermodified = cm.headermodified;
1516     bool headeradded = cm.headeradded;
1518     // don't log if logging disabled entirely, or if it's an ad block and ad logging is disabled,
1519     // or if it's an exception and exception logging is disabled
1520     if (
1521             (o.ll == 0) || ((cat != NULL) && !o.log_ad_blocks && (strstr(cat->c_str(), "ADs") != NULL)) ||
1522             ((o.log_exception_hits == 0) && isexception)) {
1523 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1524         if (o.ll != 0) {
1525             if (isexception)
1526                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not logging exceptions" << std::endl;
1527             else
1528                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not logging 'ADs' blocks" << std::endl;
1529         }
1530 #endif
1531         return;
1532     }
1534     std::string data, cr("\n");
1536     if ((isexception && (o.log_exception_hits == 2))
1537         || isnaughty || o.ll == 3 || (o.ll == 2 && istext)) {
1538         // put client hostname in log if enabled.
1539         // for banned & exception IP/hostname matches, we want to output exactly what was matched against,
1540         // be it hostname or IP - therefore only do lookups here when we don't already have a cached hostname,
1541         // and we don't have a straight IP match agaisnt the banned or exception IP lists.
1542         if (o.log_client_hostnames && (cm.clienthost == "") && !matchedip && !cm.anon_log) {
1543 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1544             std::cerr << "logclienthostnames enabled but reverseclientiplookups disabled; lookup forced." << std::endl;
1545 #endif
1546             getClientFromIP(from.c_str(),cm.clienthost);
1547             //std::deque<String> *names = ipToHostname(from.c_str());
1548             //if (names->size() > 0) {
1549                 //clienthost = new std::string(names->front().toCharArray());
1550                 //cm.clienthost = *clienthost;
1551             //}
1552             //delete names;
1553         }
1555         // Build up string describing POST data parts, if any
1556         std::ostringstream postdata;
1557         for (std::list<postinfo>::iterator i = postparts.begin(); i != postparts.end(); ++i) {
1558             // Replace characters which would break log format with underscores
1559             std::string::size_type loc = 0;
1560             while ((loc = i->filename.find_first_of(",;\t ", loc)) != std::string::npos)
1561                 i->filename[loc] = '_';
1562             // Build up contents of log column
1563             postdata << i->mimetype << "," << i->filename << "," << i->size
1564                      << "," << i->blocked << "," << i->storedname << "," << i->bodyoffset << ";";
1565         }
1566         postdata << std::flush;
1568         // Formatting code moved into log_listener in FatController.cpp
1569         // Original patch by J. Gauthier
1571         // Item length limit put back to avoid log listener
1572         // overload with very long urls Philip Pearce Jan 2014
1573         if ((cat != NULL) && (cat->length() > o.max_logitem_length))
1574             cat->resize(o.max_logitem_length);
1575         if (what.length() > o.max_logitem_length)
1576             what.resize(o.max_logitem_length);
1577         if (where.length() > o.max_logitem_length)
1578             where.limitLength(o.max_logitem_length);
1579         if (o.dns_user_logging && !is_real_user) {
1580             String user;
1581             if (getdnstxt(from, user)) {
1582                 who = who + ":" + user;
1583             };
1584             is_real_user = true;    // avoid looping on persistent connections
1585         };
1586         std::string l_who = who;
1587         std::string l_from = from;
1588         std::string l_clienthost;
1589         l_clienthost = cm.clienthost;
1591         if (cm.anon_log) {
1592             l_who = "";
1593             l_from = "";
1594             l_clienthost = "";
1595         }
1597 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1598         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Building raw log data string... ";
1599 #endif
1601         data = String(isexception) + cr;
1602         data += (cat ? (*cat) + cr : cr);
1603         data += String(isnaughty) + cr;
1604         data += String(naughtytype) + cr;
1605         data += String(naughtiness) + cr;
1606         data += where + cr;
1607         data += what + cr;
1608         data += how + cr;
1609         data += l_who + cr;
1610         data += l_from + cr;
1611         data += String(port) + cr;
1612         data += String(wasscanned) + cr;
1613         data += String(wasinfected) + cr;
1614         data += String(contentmodified) + cr;
1615         data += String(urlmodified) + cr;
1616         data += String(headermodified) + cr;
1617         data += String(size) + cr;
1618         data += String(filtergroup) + cr;
1619         data += String(code) + cr;
1620         data += String(cachehit) + cr;
1621         data += String(mimetype) + cr;
1622         data += String((*thestart).tv_sec) + cr;
1623         data += String((*thestart).tv_usec) + cr;
1624         data += l_clienthost + cr;
1625         if (o.log_user_agent)
1626             data += (reqheader ? reqheader->userAgent() + cr : cr);
1627         else
1628             data += cr;
1629         data += urlparams + cr;
1630         data += postdata.str().c_str() + cr;
1631         data += String(message_no) + cr;
1632         data += String(headeradded) + cr;
1634 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1635         std::cerr << thread_id << " -...built" << std::endl;
1636 #endif
1638         //delete newcat;
1639 // push on log queue
1640         o.log_Q->push(data);
1641         // connect to dedicated logging proc
1642     }
1643 }
doRQLog(std::string & who,std::string & from,NaughtyFilter & cm,std::string & funct)1645 void ConnectionHandler::doRQLog(std::string &who, std::string &from, NaughtyFilter &cm, std::string &funct) {
1646     String rtype = cm.request_header->requestType();
1647     String where = cm.logurl;
1648     unsigned int port = cm.request_header->port;
1649     std::string what = thread_id;
1650     what += funct;
1651     if (cm.isTLS)
1652         what += "_TLS";
1653     if (cm.hasSNI)
1654         what += "_SNI";
1655     if (cm.ismitm)
1656         what += "_MITM";
1657     String how = rtype;
1658     off_t size = cm.docsize;
1659     std::string *cat = &cm.whatIsNaughtyCategories;
1660     bool isnaughty = cm.isItNaughty;
1661     int naughtytype = cm.blocktype;
1662     bool isexception = cm.isexception;
1663     bool istext = cm.is_text;
1664     struct timeval *thestart = &cm.thestart;
1665     bool cachehit = false;
1666     int code = 0;
1667     std::string mimetype = cm.mimetype;
1668     bool wasinfected = cm.wasinfected;
1669     bool wasscanned = cm.wasscanned;
1670     int naughtiness = cm.naughtiness;
1671     int filtergroup = cm.filtergroup;
1672     HTTPHeader *reqheader = cm.request_header;
1673     int message_no = cm.message_no;
1674     bool contentmodified = cm.contentmodified;
1675     bool urlmodified = cm.urlmodified;
1676     bool headermodified = cm.headermodified;
1677     bool headeradded = cm.headeradded;
1679     std::string data, cr("\n");
1681 //    if ((isexception && (o.log_exception_hits == 2))
1682 //        || isnaughty || o.ll == 3 || (o.ll == 2 && istext))
1683     if(true) {
1685         // Item length limit put back to avoid log listener
1686         // overload with very long urls Philip Pearce Jan 2014
1687         if ((cat != NULL) && (cat->length() > o.max_logitem_length))
1688             cat->resize(o.max_logitem_length);
1689         if (what.length() > o.max_logitem_length)
1690             what.resize(o.max_logitem_length);
1691         if (where.length() > o.max_logitem_length)
1692             where.limitLength(o.max_logitem_length);
1693         if (o.dns_user_logging && !is_real_user) {
1694             String user;
1695             if (getdnstxt(from, user)) {
1696                 who = who + ":" + user;
1697             };
1698             is_real_user = true;    // avoid looping on persistent connections
1699         };
1700         std::string l_who = who;
1701         std::string l_from = from;
1702         std::string l_clienthost;
1703         l_clienthost = cm.clienthost;
1706 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1707         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Building raw log data string... ";
1708 #endif
1710         data = String(isexception) + cr;
1711         data += (cat ? (*cat) + cr : cr);
1712         data += String(isnaughty) + cr;
1713         data += String(naughtytype) + cr;
1714         data += String(naughtiness) + cr;
1715         data += where + cr;
1716         data += what + cr;
1717         data += how + cr;
1718         data += l_who + cr;
1719         data += l_from + cr;
1720         data += String(port) + cr;
1721         data += String(wasscanned) + cr;
1722         data += String(wasinfected) + cr;
1723         data += String(contentmodified) + cr;
1724         data += String(urlmodified) + cr;
1725         data += String(headermodified) + cr;
1726         data += String(size) + cr;
1727         data += String(filtergroup) + cr;
1728         data += String(code) + cr;
1729         data += String(cachehit) + cr;
1730         data += String(mimetype) + cr;
1731         data += String((*thestart).tv_sec) + cr;
1732         data += String((*thestart).tv_usec) + cr;
1733         data += l_clienthost + cr;
1734         if (o.log_user_agent)
1735             data += (reqheader ? reqheader->userAgent() + cr : cr);
1736         else
1737             data += cr;
1738         data += urlparams + cr;
1739         data += cr;
1740         data += String(message_no) + cr;
1741         data += String(headeradded) + cr;
1743 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1744         std::cerr << thread_id << " -...built" << std::endl;
1745 #endif
1747         //delete newcat;
1748 // push on log queue
1749         o.RQlog_Q->push(data);
1750         // connect to dedicated logging proc
1751     }
1752 }
1755 // TODO - V5
1756 #ifdef NOTDEF
1757 // check if embeded url trusted referer
embededRefererChecks(HTTPHeader * header,String * urld,String * url,int filtergroup)1758 bool ConnectionHandler::embededRefererChecks(HTTPHeader *header, String *urld, String *url,
1759     int filtergroup)
1760 {
1762     char *i;
1763     int j;
1764     String temp;
1765     temp = (*urld);
1766     temp.hexDecode();
1768     if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->inRefererExceptionLists(header->getReferer())) {
1769         return true;
1770     }
1771 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1772     std::cerr << thread_id << " -checking for embed url in " << temp << std::endl;
1773 #endif
1775     if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->inEmbededRefererLists(temp)) {
1777 // look for referer URLs within URLs
1778 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1779         std::cerr << thread_id << " -starting embeded referer deep analysis" << std::endl;
1780 #endif
1781         String deepurl(temp.after("p://"));
1782         deepurl = header->decode(deepurl, true);
1783         while (deepurl.contains(":")) {
1784             deepurl = deepurl.after(":");
1785             while (deepurl.startsWith(":") || deepurl.startsWith("/")) {
1786                 deepurl.lop();
1787             }
1789             if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->inRefererExceptionLists(deepurl)) {
1790 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1791                 std::cerr << "deep site found in trusted referer list; " << std::endl;
1792 #endif
1793                 return true;
1794             }
1795         }
1796 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1797         std::cerr << thread_id << " -done embdeded referer deep analysis" << std::endl;
1798 #endif
1799     }
1800     return false;
1801 }
1802 #endif
1804 // based on patch by Aecio F. Neto (afn@harvest.com.br) - Harvest Consultoria (http://www.harvest.com.br)
1805 // show the relevant banned page/image/CGI based on report level setting, request type etc.
genDenyAccess(Socket & peerconn,String & eheader,String & ebody,HTTPHeader * header,HTTPHeader * docheader,String * url,NaughtyFilter * checkme,std::string * clientuser,std::string * clientip,int filtergroup,bool ispostblock,int headersent,bool wasinfected,bool scanerror,bool forceshow)1806 bool ConnectionHandler::genDenyAccess(Socket &peerconn, String &eheader, String &ebody, HTTPHeader *header,
1807                                       HTTPHeader *docheader,
1808                                       String *url, NaughtyFilter *checkme, std::string *clientuser,
1809                                       std::string *clientip, int filtergroup,
1810                                       bool ispostblock, int headersent, bool wasinfected, bool scanerror,
1811                                       bool forceshow) {
1812     int reporting_level = ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level;
1813 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1815     std::cerr << thread_id << " -reporting level is " << reporting_level << std::endl;
1817 #endif
1818     if (checkme->whatIsNaughty == "" && checkme->message_no > 0) {
1819         checkme->whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(checkme->message_no);
1820     }
1821     if (checkme->whatIsNaughtyLog == "") {
1822         if (checkme->log_message_no > 0) {
1823             checkme->whatIsNaughtyLog = o.language_list.getTranslation(checkme->log_message_no);
1824         } else {
1825             checkme->whatIsNaughtyLog = checkme->whatIsNaughty;
1826         }
1827     }
1829     try { // writestring throws exception on error/timeout
1831         // flags to enable filter/infection / hash generation
1832         bool filterhash = false;
1833         bool virushash = false;
1834         // flag to enable internal generation of hashes (i.e. obey the "-1" setting; to allow the modes but disable hash generation)
1835         // (if disabled, just output '1' or '2' to show that the CGI should generate a filter/virus bypass hash;
1836         // otherwise, real hashes get put into substitution variables/appended to the ban CGI redirect URL)
1837         bool dohash = false;
1838         if (reporting_level > 0) {
1839             // generate a filter bypass hash
1840             if (!wasinfected && (checkme->isbypassallowed) && !ispostblock) {
1841 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1842                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Enabling filter bypass hash generation" << std::endl;
1843 #endif
1844                 filterhash = true;
1845                 if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_mode > 0 )
1846                     dohash = true;
1847             }
1848                 // generate an infection bypass hash
1849             else if (wasinfected && checkme->isinfectionbypassallowed) {
1850                 // only generate if scanerror (if option to only bypass scan errors is enabled)
1851                 if ((*ldl->fg[filtergroup]).infection_bypass_errors_only ? scanerror : true) {
1852 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1853                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Enabling infection bypass hash generation" << std::endl;
1854 #endif
1855                     virushash = true;
1856                     if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->infection_bypass_mode > 0)
1857                         dohash = true;
1858                 }
1859             }
1860         }
1861 #ifdef DGDEBUG
1862                 std::cerr << thread_id << " - filter bypass hash generation" << " virushah " << virushash << " dohash " << dohash << " filterhash " << filterhash <<std::endl;
1863 #endif
1864 // the user is using the full whack of custom banned images and/or HTML templates
1865 #ifdef __SSLMITM
1866         if (reporting_level == 3 || (headersent > 0 && reporting_level > 0) || forceshow || (*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT"))
1867 #else
1868         if (reporting_level == 3 || (headersent > 0 && reporting_level > 0) || (*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT"))
1869 #endif
1870         {
1871             // if reporting_level = 1 or 2 and headersent then we can't
1872             // send a redirect so we have to display the template instead
1875 #ifdef __SSLMITM
1876             if ((*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT") && !(peerconn).isSsl())
1877 #else
1878             if ((*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT"))
1879 #endif
1880             {
1881         // Block ssl website
1882         // Buggy with FF < 65 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1522093
1883 	// Connections still opened after a refresh
1884 	// 403 requests made ICAP error with high load
1885 		eheader = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect";
1886 		eheader += "\r\nLocation: http://internal.test.e2guardian.org";
1887 		eheader += "\r\nServer: e2guardian";
1888 		eheader += "\r\nConnection: close";
1889 		eheader += "\r\n\r\n";
1890 	    } else {
1891                 // we're dealing with a non-SSL'ed request, and have the option of using the custom banned image/page directly
1892                 bool replaceimage = false;
1893                 bool replaceflash = false;
1894                 if (o.use_custom_banned_image) {
1896                     // It would be much nicer to do a mime comparison
1897                     // and see if the type is image/* but the header
1898                     // never (almost) gets back from squid because
1899                     // it gets denied before then.
1900                     // This method is prone to over image replacement
1901                     // but will work most of the time.
1903                     String lurl((*url));
1904                     lurl.toLower();
1905                     if (lurl.endsWith(".gif") || lurl.endsWith(".jpg") || lurl.endsWith(".jpeg") ||
1906                         lurl.endsWith(".jpe")
1907                         || lurl.endsWith(".png") || lurl.endsWith(".bmp") ||
1908                         (*docheader).isContentType("image/", ldl->fg[filtergroup])) {
1909                         replaceimage = true;
1910                     }
1911                 }
1913                 if (o.use_custom_banned_flash) {
1914                     String lurl((*url));
1915                     lurl.toLower();
1916                     if (lurl.endsWith(".swf") ||
1917                         (*docheader).isContentType("application/x-shockwave-flash", ldl->fg[filtergroup])) {
1918                         replaceflash = true;
1919                     }
1920                 }
1922                 // if we're denying an image request, show the image; otherwise, show the HTML page.
1923                 // (or advanced ad block page, or HTML page with bypass URLs)
1924                 if (replaceimage) {
1925                     if (headersent == 0) {
1926                         eheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
1927                     }
1928                     o.banned_image.display_hb(eheader, ebody);
1929                 } else if (replaceflash) {
1930                     if (headersent == 0) {
1931                         eheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
1932                     }
1933                     o.banned_flash.display_hb(eheader, ebody);
1934                 } else {
1935                     // advanced ad blocking - if category contains ADs, wrap ad up in an "ad blocked" message,
1936                     // which provides a link to the original URL if you really want it. primarily
1937                     // for IFRAMEs, which will end up containing this link instead of the ad (standard non-IFRAMEd
1938                     // ad images still get image-replaced.)
1939                     if (strstr(checkme->whatIsNaughtyCategories.c_str(), "ADs") != NULL) {
1940                         eheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 \r\n";
1941                         eheader += o.language_list.getTranslation(1101); // advert blocked
1942                         eheader += "\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n";
1943                         ebody = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>E2guardian - ";
1944                         ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(1101); // advert blocked
1945                         ebody += "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><CENTER><FONT SIZE=\"-1\"><A HREF=\"";
1946                         ebody += (*url);
1947                         ebody += "\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">";
1948                         ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(1101); // advert blocked
1949                         ebody += "</A></FONT></CENTER></BODY></HTML>\r\n";
1950                         eheader += "Content-Length: ";
1951                         eheader += std::to_string(ebody.size());
1952                         eheader += "\r\n\r\n";
1953                     }
1955                         // Mod by Ernest W Lessenger Mon 2nd February 2004
1956                         // Other bypass code mostly written by Ernest also
1957                         // create temporary bypass URL to show on denied page
1958                     else {
1959                         String hashed;
1960                         // generate valid hash locally if enabled
1961                         if (dohash) {
1962                             hashed = hashedURL(url, filtergroup, clientip, virushash, clientuser);
1963                         }
1964                             // otherwise, just generate flags showing what to generate
1965                         else if (filterhash) {
1966                             hashed = "HASH=1";
1967                         } else if (virushash) {
1968                             hashed = "HASH=2";
1969                         }
1971                         if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_bypass_v2) {
1972                             if (filterhash) {
1973                                 hashed += "&HASH=1";
1974                             } else if (virushash) {
1975                                 hashed += "&HASH=2";
1976                             }
1977                         }
1979                         if (headersent == 0) {
1980                             eheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 \r\n";
1981                         }
1982                         if (headersent < 2) {
1983                             eheader += "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
1984                         }
1985                         // if the header has been sent then likely displaying the
1986                         // template will break the download, however as this is
1987                         // only going to be happening if the unsafe trickle
1988                         // buffer method is used and we want the download to be
1989                         // broken we don't mind too much
1990                         //String fullurl = header->getLogUrl(true);
1991                         String fullurl = checkme->logurl;
1992                         String localip = peerconn.getLocalIP();
1993                         ldl->fg[filtergroup]->getHTMLTemplate(checkme->upfailure)->display_hb(ebody,
1994                                                                                               &fullurl,
1995                                                                                               (*checkme).whatIsNaughty,
1996                                                                                               (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog,
1997                                 // grab either the full category list or the thresholded list
1998                                                                                               (checkme->usedisplaycats
1999                                                                                                ? checkme->whatIsNaughtyDisplayCategories
2000                                                                                                : checkme->whatIsNaughtyCategories),
2001                                                                                               clientuser, clientip,
2002                                                                                               &(checkme->clienthost), filtergroup,
2003                                                                                               ldl->fg[filtergroup]->name,
2004                                                                                               hashed, localip);
2005                     }
2006                 }
2007             }
2008 	}
2009             // the user is using the CGI rather than the HTML template - so issue a redirect with parameters filled in on GET string
2010         else if (reporting_level > 0) {
2011             // grab either the full category list or the thresholded list
2012             std::string cats;
2013             cats = checkme->usedisplaycats ? checkme->whatIsNaughtyDisplayCategories : checkme->whatIsNaughtyCategories;
2015             String hashed;
2016             // generate valid hash locally if enabled
2017             if (dohash) {
2018                 hashed = hashedURL(url, filtergroup, clientip, virushash, clientuser);
2019             }
2020                 // otherwise, just generate flags showing what to generate
2021             else if (filterhash) {
2022                 hashed = "1";
2023             } else if (virushash) {
2024                 hashed = "2";
2025             }
2027             if ((*checkme).whatIsNaughty.length() > 2048) {
2028                 (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = String((*checkme).whatIsNaughty.c_str()).subString(0, 2048).toCharArray();
2029             }
2030             if ((*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog.length() > 2048) {
2031                 (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = String((*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog.c_str()).subString(0,
2032                                                                                                     2048).toCharArray();
2033             }
2035 #ifdef __SSLMITM
2036             if ((*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT") && !(peerconn).isSsl())
2037 #else
2038             if ((*header).requestType().startsWith("CONNECT"))
2039 #endif
2040 		{
2041         // Block ssl website
2042         // Buggy with FF < 65 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1522093
2043 	// Connections still opened after a refresh
2044 	// 403 requests made ICAP error with high load
2045 		eheader = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect";
2046 		eheader += "\r\nLocation: http://internal.test.e2guardian.org";
2047 		eheader += "\r\nServer: e2guardian";
2048 		eheader += "\r\nConnection: close";
2049 		eheader += "\r\n\r\n";
2050                 // we're dealing with a non-SSL'ed request, and have the option of using the custom banned image/page directly
2051 	    } else {
2052 	    	eheader = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\n";
2053             	eheader += "Location: ";
2054            	eheader += ldl->fg[filtergroup]->access_denied_address;
2055 	    }
2056             if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->non_standard_delimiter) {
2057                 eheader += "?DENIEDURL==";
2058                 eheader += miniURLEncode((*url).toCharArray()).c_str();
2059                 eheader += "::IP==";
2060                 eheader += (*clientip).c_str();
2061                 eheader += "::USER==";
2062                 eheader += (*clientuser).c_str();
2063                 eheader += "::FILTERGROUP==";
2064                 eheader += ldl->fg[filtergroup]->name;
2065                 if (checkme->clienthost != "") {
2066                     eheader += "::HOST==";
2067                     eheader += checkme->clienthost.c_str();
2068                 }
2069                 eheader += "::CATEGORIES==";
2070                 eheader += miniURLEncode(cats.c_str()).c_str();
2071                 if (virushash || filterhash) {
2072                     // output either a genuine hash, or just flags
2073                     if (dohash) {
2074                         eheader += "::";
2075                         eheader += hashed.before("=").toCharArray();
2076                         eheader += "==";
2077                         eheader += hashed.after("=").toCharArray();
2078                     } else {
2079                         eheader += "::HASH==";
2080                         eheader += hashed.toCharArray();
2081                     }
2082                     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_bypass_v2) {
2083                         String data = *clientip;
2084                         data += *clientuser;
2085                         data += ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_magic;
2086                         String checkh(url->md5(data.c_str()));
2087                         eheader += "::CHECK==";
2088                         eheader += checkh.toCharArray();
2089                     }
2090                 }
2091                 eheader += "::REASON==";
2092             } else {
2093                 eheader += "?DENIEDURL=";
2094                 eheader += miniURLEncode((*url).toCharArray()).c_str();
2095                 eheader += "&IP=";
2096                 eheader += (*clientip).c_str();
2097                 eheader += "&USER=";
2098                 eheader += (*clientuser).c_str();
2099                 eheader += "&FILTERGROUP=";
2100                 eheader += ldl->fg[filtergroup]->name;
2101                 if (checkme->clienthost != "") {
2102                     eheader += "&HOST=";
2103                     eheader += checkme->clienthost.c_str();
2104                 }
2105                 eheader += "&CATEGORIES=";
2106                 eheader += miniURLEncode(cats.c_str()).c_str();
2107                 if (virushash || filterhash) {
2108                     // output either a genuine hash, or just flags
2109                     if (dohash) {
2110                         eheader += "&";
2111                         eheader += hashed.toCharArray();
2112                     } else {
2113                         eheader += "&HASH=";
2114                         eheader += hashed.toCharArray();
2115                     }
2116                     if(ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_bypass_v2) {
2117                         String data = *clientip;
2118                         data += *clientuser;
2119                         data += ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cgi_magic;
2120                         String checkh(url->md5(data.c_str()));
2121                         eheader += "&CHECK=";
2122                         eheader += checkh.toCharArray();
2123                     }
2124                 }
2125                 eheader += "&REASON=";
2126             }
2127             if (reporting_level == 1) {
2128                 eheader += miniURLEncode((*checkme).whatIsNaughty.c_str()).c_str();
2129             } else {
2130                 eheader += miniURLEncode((*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog.c_str()).c_str();
2131             }
2132             eheader += "\r\n\r\n";
2133         }
2135             // the user is using the barebones banned page
2136         else if (reporting_level == 0) {
2137             eheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
2138             eheader += "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
2139             ebody = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>e2guardian - ";
2140             ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(1); // access denied
2141             ebody += "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><CENTER><H1>e2guardian - ";
2142             ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(1); // access denied
2143             ebody += "</H1></CENTER></BODY></HTML>\r\n";
2144             eheader += "Content-Length: ";
2145             eheader += std::to_string(ebody.size());
2146             eheader += "\r\n\r\n";
2147         }
2149             // stealth mode
2150         else if (reporting_level == -1) {
2151             (*checkme).isItNaughty = false; // dont block
2152             return false;
2153         }
2154     } catch (std::exception &e) {
2155     }
2156     return true;
2157 }    // end of deny request loop
2159 // show the relevant banned page/image/CGI based on report level setting, request type etc.
denyAccess(Socket * peerconn,Socket * proxysock,HTTPHeader * header,HTTPHeader * docheader,String * url,NaughtyFilter * checkme,std::string * clientuser,std::string * clientip,int filtergroup,bool ispostblock,int headersent,bool wasinfected,bool scanerror,bool forceshow)2160 bool ConnectionHandler::denyAccess(Socket *peerconn, Socket *proxysock, HTTPHeader *header, HTTPHeader *docheader,
2161                                    String *url, NaughtyFilter *checkme, std::string *clientuser, std::string *clientip,
2162                                    int filtergroup,
2163                                    bool ispostblock, int headersent, bool wasinfected, bool scanerror, bool forceshow) {
2164     String eheader, ebody;
2165     if (genDenyAccess(*peerconn, eheader, ebody, header, docheader, &checkme->logurl, checkme, clientuser, clientip, filtergroup,
2166                       ispostblock, headersent, wasinfected, scanerror, forceshow)) {
2167         peerconn->writeString(eheader.toCharArray());
2168         if (ebody.length() > 0)
2169             peerconn->writeString(ebody.toCharArray());
2170     };
2172     // we blocked the request, so flush the client connection & close the proxy connection.
2173     if ((*checkme).isItNaughty) {
2174         (*peerconn).breadyForOutput(o.proxy_timeout); //as best a flush as I can
2175         (*proxysock).close(); // close connection to proxy
2176         // we said no to the request, so return true, indicating exit the connhandler
2177         return true;
2178     }
2179     ldl.reset();
2180     return false;
2181 }    // end of deny request loop
2183 // do content scanning (AV filtering) and naughty filtering
contentFilter(HTTPHeader * docheader,HTTPHeader * header,DataBuffer * docbody,Socket * proxysock,Socket * peerconn,int * headersent,bool * pausedtoobig,off_t * docsize,NaughtyFilter * checkme,bool wasclean,int filtergroup,std::deque<CSPlugin * > & responsescanners,std::string * clientuser,std::string * clientip,bool * wasinfected,bool * wasscanned,bool isbypass,String & url,String & domain,bool * scanerror,bool & contentmodified,String * csmessage)2184 void ConnectionHandler::contentFilter(HTTPHeader *docheader, HTTPHeader *header, DataBuffer *docbody,
2185                                       Socket *proxysock, Socket *peerconn, int *headersent, bool *pausedtoobig,
2186                                       off_t *docsize, NaughtyFilter *checkme,
2187                                       bool wasclean, int filtergroup, std::deque<CSPlugin *> &responsescanners,
2188                                       std::string *clientuser, std::string *clientip, bool *wasinfected,
2189                                       bool *wasscanned, bool isbypass,
2190                                       String &url, String &domain, bool *scanerror, bool &contentmodified,
2191                                       String *csmessage) {
2192     //int rc = 0;
2194     //proxysock->bcheckForInput(120000);
2195     bool compressed = docheader->isCompressed();
2196     if (compressed) {
2197 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2198         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Decompressing as we go....." << std::endl;
2199 #endif
2200         docbody->setDecompress(docheader->contentEncoding());
2201     }
2202 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2203     std::cerr << thread_id << docheader->contentEncoding() << std::endl;
2204     std::cerr << thread_id << " -about to get body from proxy" << std::endl;
2205 #endif
2206     (*pausedtoobig) = docbody->in(proxysock, peerconn, header, docheader, !responsescanners.empty(),
2207                                   headersent); // get body from proxy
2208 // checkme: surely if pausedtoobig is true, we just want to break here?
2209 // the content is larger than max_content_filecache_scan_size if it was downloaded for scanning,
2210 // and larger than max_content_filter_size if not.
2211 // in fact, why don't we check the content length (when it's not -1) before even triggering the download managers?
2212 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2213     if ((*pausedtoobig)) {
2214         std::cerr << thread_id << " -got PARTIAL body " << std::endl;
2215     } else {
2216         std::cerr << thread_id << " -got body" << std::endl;
2217     }
2218 #endif
2219     off_t dblen;
2220     bool isfile = false;
2221     if (docbody->tempfilesize > 0) {
2222         dblen = docbody->tempfilesize;
2223         isfile = true;
2224     } else {
2225         dblen = docbody->buffer_length;
2226     }
2227     // don't scan zero-length buffers (waste of AV resources, especially with external scanners (ICAP)).
2228     // these were encountered browsing opengroup.org, caused by a stats script. (PRA 21/09/2005)
2229     // if we wanted to honour a hypothetical min_content_scan_size, we'd do it here.
2230     if (((*docsize) = dblen) == 0) {
2231 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2232         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not scanning zero-length body" << std::endl;
2233 #endif
2234         // it's not inconceivable that we received zlib or gzip encoded content
2235         // that is, after decompression, zero length. we need to cater for this.
2236         // seen on SW's internal MediaWiki.
2237         docbody->swapbacktocompressed();
2238         return;
2239     }
2241     if (!wasclean) { // was not clean or no urlcache
2243         // fixed to obey maxcontentramcachescansize
2244         if (!responsescanners.empty() &&
2245             (isfile ? dblen <= o.max_content_filecache_scan_size : dblen <= o.max_content_ramcache_scan_size)) {
2246             int csrc = 0;
2247 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2248             int k = 0;
2249 #endif
2250             for (std::deque<CSPlugin *>::iterator i = responsescanners.begin(); i != responsescanners.end(); i++) {
2251                 (*wasscanned) = true;
2252                 if (isfile) {
2253 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2254                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Running scanFile" << std::endl;
2255 #endif
2256                     csrc = (*i)->scanFile(header, docheader, clientuser->c_str(), ldl->fg[filtergroup],
2257                                           clientip->c_str(), docbody->tempfilepath.toCharArray(), checkme);
2258                     if ((csrc != DGCS_CLEAN) && (csrc != DGCS_WARNING)) {
2259                         unlink(docbody->tempfilepath.toCharArray());
2260                         // delete infected (or unscanned due to error) file straight away
2261                     }
2262                 } else {
2263 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2264                     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Running scanMemory" << std::endl;
2265 #endif
2266                     csrc = (*i)->scanMemory(header, docheader, clientuser->c_str(), ldl->fg[filtergroup],
2267                                             clientip->c_str(), docbody->data, docbody->buffer_length, checkme);
2268                 }
2269 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2270                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -AV scan " << k << " returned: " << csrc << std::endl;
2271 #endif
2272                 if (csrc == DGCS_WARNING) {
2273                     // Scanner returned a warning. File wasn't infected, but wasn't scanned properly, either.
2274                     (*wasscanned) = false;
2275                     (*scanerror) = false;
2276 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2277                     std::cerr << thread_id << (*i)->getLastMessage() << std::endl;
2278 #endif
2279                     (*csmessage) = (*i)->getLastMessage();
2280                 } else if (csrc == DGCS_BLOCKED) {
2281                     (*wasscanned) = true;
2282                     (*scanerror) = false;
2283                     break;
2284                 } else if (csrc == DGCS_INFECTED) {
2285                     (*wasinfected) = true;
2286                     (*scanerror) = false;
2287                     break;
2288                 }
2289                     //if its not clean / we errored then treat it as infected
2290                 else if (csrc != DGCS_CLEAN) {
2291                     if (csrc < 0) {
2292                         syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unknown return code from content scanner: %d", csrc);
2293                         if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->disable_content_scan_error) {
2294                             syslog(LOG_ERR, "disablecontentscanerror is on : bypass actived USER: %s URL: %s ",
2295                                    clientip->c_str(), url.c_str());
2296                             (*wasscanned) = false;
2297                             (*wasinfected) = false;
2298                             break;
2299                         }
2300                     } else {
2301                         syslog(LOG_ERR, "scanFile/Memory returned error: %d", csrc);
2302                     }
2303                     //TODO: have proper error checking/reporting here?
2304                     //at the very least, integrate with the translation system.
2305                     //checkme->whatIsNaughty = "WARNING: Could not perform content scan!";
2306                     checkme->message_no = 1203;
2307                     checkme->whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(1203);
2308                     checkme->whatIsNaughtyLog = (*i)->getLastMessage().toCharArray();
2309                     //checkme->whatIsNaughtyCategories = "Content scanning";
2310                     checkme->whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(72);
2311                     checkme->isItNaughty = true;
2312                     checkme->isException = false;
2313                     (*scanerror) = true;
2314                     break;
2315                 }
2316 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2317                 k++;
2318 #endif
2319             }
2321 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2322             std::cerr << thread_id << " -finished running AV" << std::endl;
2323 //            rc = system("date");
2324 #endif
2325         }
2326 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2327         else if (!responsescanners.empty()) {
2328             std::cerr << thread_id << " -content length large so skipping content scanning (virus) filtering" << std::endl;
2329         }
2330 //        rc = system("date");
2331 #endif
2332         if (!checkme->isItNaughty && !checkme->isException && !isbypass && (dblen <= o.max_content_filter_size)
2333             && !docheader->authRequired() && (docheader->isContentType("text", ldl->fg[filtergroup]) ||
2334                                               docheader->isContentType("-", ldl->fg[filtergroup]))) {
2335 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2336             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Start content filtering: ";
2337 #endif
2338             checkme->checkme(docbody->data, docbody->buffer_length, &url, &domain,
2339                              ldl->fg[filtergroup], ldl->fg[filtergroup]->banned_phrase_list,
2340                              ldl->fg[filtergroup]->naughtyness_limit);
2341 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2342             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Done content filtering: ";
2343 #endif
2344         }
2345 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2346         else {
2347             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Skipping content filtering: ";
2348             if (dblen > o.max_content_filter_size)
2349                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Content too large";
2350             else if (checkme->isException)
2351                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Is flagged as an exception";
2352             else if (checkme->isItNaughty)
2353                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Is already flagged as naughty (content scanning)";
2354             else if (isbypass)
2355                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Is flagged as a bypass";
2356             else if (docheader->authRequired())
2357                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Is a set of auth required headers";
2358             else if (!docheader->isContentType("text",ldl->fg[filtergroup]))
2359                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not text";
2360             std::cerr << thread_id << std::endl;
2361         }
2362 #endif
2363     }
2365     // don't do phrase filtering or content replacement on exception/bypass accesses
2366     if (checkme->isException || isbypass) {
2367         // don't forget to swap back to compressed!
2368         docbody->swapbacktocompressed();
2369         return;
2370     }
2372     if ((dblen <= o.max_content_filter_size) && !checkme->isItNaughty &&
2373         docheader->isContentType("text", ldl->fg[filtergroup])) {
2374         contentmodified = docbody->contentRegExp(ldl->fg[filtergroup]);
2375         // content modifying uses global variable
2376     }
2377 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2378     else {
2379         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Skipping content modification: ";
2380         if (dblen > o.max_content_filter_size)
2381             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Content too large";
2382         else if (!docheader->isContentType("text",ldl->fg[filtergroup]))
2383             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not text";
2384         else if (checkme->isItNaughty)
2385             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Already flagged as naughty";
2386         std::cerr << thread_id << std::endl;
2387     }
2388     //rc = system("date");
2389 #endif
2391     if (contentmodified) { // this would not include infected/cured files
2392 // if the content was modified then it must have fit in ram so no
2393 // need to worry about swapped to disk stuff
2394 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2395         std::cerr << thread_id << " -content modification made" << std::endl;
2396 #endif
2397         if (compressed) {
2398             docheader->removeEncoding(docbody->buffer_length);
2399             // need to modify header to mark as not compressed
2400             // it also modifies Content-Length as well
2401         } else {
2402             docheader->setContentLength(docbody->buffer_length);
2403         }
2404     } else {
2405         docbody->swapbacktocompressed();
2406         // if we've not modified it might as well go back to
2407         // the original compressed version (if there) and send
2408         // that to the browser
2409     }
2410 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2411     std::cerr << thread_id << " Returning from content checking"  << std::endl;
2412 #endif
2413 }
sendProxyConnect(String & hostname,Socket * sock,NaughtyFilter * checkme)2416 int ConnectionHandler::sendProxyConnect(String &hostname, Socket *sock, NaughtyFilter *checkme) {
2417     String connect_request = "CONNECT " + hostname + ":";
2418     connect_request += "443 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
2420 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2421     std::cerr << thread_id << " -creating tunnel through proxy to " << hostname << std::endl;
2422 #endif
2424     //somewhere to hold the header from the proxy
2425     HTTPHeader header(__HEADER_RESPONSE);
2426     //header.setTimeout(o.pcon_timeout);
2427     header.setTimeout(o.proxy_timeout);
2429     if (!(sock->writeString(connect_request.c_str()) && header.in(sock, true))) {
2431 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2432         syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error creating tunnel through proxy\n");
2433         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Error creating tunnel through proxy" << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
2434 #endif
2435         //(*checkme).whatIsNaughty = "Unable to create tunnel through local proxy";
2436         checkme->message_no = 157;
2437         (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(157);
2438         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = (*checkme).whatIsNaughty;
2439         (*checkme).isItNaughty = true;
2440         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2442         return -1;
2443     }
2444     //do http connect
2445     if (header.returnCode() != 200) {
2446         //connection failed
2447         //(*checkme).whatIsNaughty = "Opening tunnel failed";
2448         checkme->message_no = 158;
2449         (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(158);
2450         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = (*checkme).whatIsNaughty + " with error code " + String(header.returnCode());
2451         (*checkme).isItNaughty = true;
2452         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2454 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2455         syslog(LOG_ERR, "Tunnel status not 200 ok aborting\n");
2456         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Tunnel status was " << header.returnCode() << " expecting 200 ok" << std::endl;
2457 #endif
2459         return -1;
2460     }
2462     return 0;
2463 }
2465 #ifdef __SSLMITM
checkCertificate(String & hostname,Socket * sslsock,NaughtyFilter * checkme)2466 void ConnectionHandler::checkCertificate(String &hostname, Socket *sslsock, NaughtyFilter *checkme)
2467 {
2469 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2470     std::cerr << thread_id << " -checking SSL certificate is valid" << std::endl;
2471 #endif
2474     long rc = sslsock->checkCertValid(hostname);
2475     //check that everything in this certificate is correct appart from the hostname
2476     if (rc < 0) {
2477         //no certificate
2478         if ( ldl->fg[filtergroup]->allow_empty_host_certs)
2479             return;
2480         checkme->isItNaughty = true;
2481         //(*checkme).whatIsNaughty = "No SSL certificate supplied by server";
2482         checkme->message_no = 155;
2483         (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(155);
2484         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = (*checkme).whatIsNaughty;
2485         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2486         return;
2487     } else if (rc != X509_V_OK) {
2488         //something was wrong in the certificate
2489         checkme->isItNaughty = true;
2490         //		(*checkme).whatIsNaughty = "Certificate supplied by server was not valid";
2491         checkme->message_no = 150;
2492         (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(150);
2493         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = (*checkme).whatIsNaughty + ": " + X509_verify_cert_error_string(rc);
2494         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2495         return;
2496     }
2498 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2499     std::cerr << thread_id << " -checking SSL certificate hostname" << std::endl;
2500 #endif
2502     //check the common name and altnames of a certificate against hostname
2503     if (sslsock->checkCertHostname(hostname) < 0) {
2504         //hostname was not matched by the certificate
2505         checkme->isItNaughty = true;
2506         //(*checkme).whatIsNaughty = "Server's SSL certificate does not match domain name";
2507         checkme->message_no = 156;
2508         (*checkme).whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(156);
2509         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyLog = (*checkme).whatIsNaughty;
2510         (*checkme).whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2511         return;
2512     }
2513 }
2514 #endif //__SSLMITM
getdnstxt(std::string & clientip,String & user)2517 bool ConnectionHandler::getdnstxt(std::string &clientip, String &user) {
2519     String ippath;
2521     ippath = clientip;
2522 //    if (o.use_xforwardedfor) {
2523 //        // grab the X-Forwarded-For IP if available
2524 //        p2 = header.getXForwardedForIP();
2525 //        if (p2.length() > 0) {
2526 //            ippath = p1 + "-" + p2;
2527 //        } else {
2528 //            ippath = p1;
2529 //        }
2530 //    } else {
2531 //        ippath = p1;
2532 //    }
2534 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2535     std::cerr << "IPPath is " << ippath << std::endl;
2536 #endif
2538     // change '.' to '-'
2539     ippath.swapChar('.', '-');
2540 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2541     std::cerr << "IPPath is " << ippath << std::endl;
2542 #endif
2543 #ifdef PRT_DNSAUTH
2544     // get info from DNS
2545     union {
2546         HEADER hdr;
2547         u_char buf[NS_PACKETSZ];
2548     } response;
2549     int responseLen;
2550     ns_msg handle; /* handle for response message */
2551     responseLen = res_querydomain(ippath.c_str(), o.dns_user_logging_domain.c_str(), ns_c_in, ns_t_txt, (u_char *)&response, sizeof(response));
2552     if (responseLen < 0) {
2553 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2554         std::cerr << "DNS query returned error " << dns_error(h_errno) << std::endl;
2555 #endif
2556         return false;
2557     }
2558     if (ns_initparse(response.buf, responseLen, &handle) < 0) {
2559 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2560         std::cerr << "ns_initparse returned error " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
2561 #endif
2562         return false;
2563     }
2564     //int rrnum; /* resource record number */
2565     ns_rr rr; /* expanded resource record */
2566     //u_char *cp;
2567     //char ans[MAXDNAME];
2569     int i = ns_msg_count(handle, ns_s_an);
2570     if (i > 0) {
2571         if (ns_parserr(&handle, ns_s_an, 0, &rr)) {
2572 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2573             std::cerr << "ns_paserr returned error " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
2574 #endif
2575             return false;
2576         } else {
2577             if (ns_rr_type(rr) == ns_t_txt) {
2578 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2579                 std::cerr << "ns_rr_rdlen returned " << ns_rr_rdlen(rr) << std::endl;
2580 #endif
2581                 u_char *k = (u_char *)ns_rr_rdata(rr);
2582                 char p[400];
2583                 unsigned int j = 0;
2584                 for (unsigned int j1 = 1; j1 < ns_rr_rdlen(rr); j1++) {
2585                     p[j++] = k[j1];
2586                 }
2587 //                p[j] = (char)NULL;
2588                 p[j] = '\0';
2589 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2590                 std::cerr << "ns_rr_data returned " << p << std::endl;
2591 #endif
2592                 String dnstxt(p);
2593                 user = dnstxt.before(",");
2594                 return true;
2595             }
2596         }
2597     }
2598 #endif
2599     return false;
2600 }
dns_error(int herror)2602 String ConnectionHandler::dns_error(int herror) {
2604     String s;
2606     switch (herror) {
2607         case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
2608             s = "HOST_NOT_FOUND";
2609             break;
2610         case TRY_AGAIN:
2611             s = "TRY_AGAIN - DNS server failure";
2612             break;
2613         case NO_DATA:
2614             s = "NO_DATA - unexpected DNS error";
2615             break;
2616         default:
2617             String S2(herror);
2618             s = "DNS - Unexpected error number " + S2;
2619             break;
2620     }
2621     return s;
2622 }
2624 bool
gen_error_mess(Socket & peerconn,NaughtyFilter & cm,String & eheader,String & ebody,int mess_no1,int mess_no2,std::string mess)2625 ConnectionHandler::gen_error_mess(Socket &peerconn, NaughtyFilter &cm, String &eheader, String &ebody, int mess_no1,
2626                                   int mess_no2, std::string mess) {
2627     cm.message_no = mess_no1;
2628     eheader = "HTTP/1.1 " + mess + "\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: Close\r\n";
2629     if(mess_no1 > 0) {
2630         ebody = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>e2guardian - ";
2631         ebody += mess;
2632         ebody += "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>e2guardian - ";
2633         ebody += mess;
2634         ebody += "</H1>";
2635         if (mess_no1 > 0)
2636             ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(mess_no1);
2637         if (mess_no2 > 0)
2638             ebody += o.language_list.getTranslation(mess_no2);
2639         ebody += "</BODY></HTML>\r\n";
2640     }
2641     return true;
2642 }
2644 bool
writeback_error(NaughtyFilter & cm,Socket & cl_sock,int mess_no1,int mess_no2,std::string mess)2645 ConnectionHandler::writeback_error(NaughtyFilter &cm, Socket &cl_sock, int mess_no1, int mess_no2, std::string mess) {
2646     String eheader, ebody;
2647     gen_error_mess(cl_sock, cm, eheader, ebody, mess_no1, mess_no2, mess);
2648     cl_sock.writeString(eheader.c_str());
2649     cl_sock.writeString("\r\n");
2650     cl_sock.writeString(ebody.c_str());
2651     return true;
2652 }
2654 #ifdef __SSLMITM
2655 bool
goMITM(NaughtyFilter & checkme,Socket & proxysock,Socket & peerconn,bool & persistProxy,bool & authed,bool & persistent_authed,String & ip,stat_rec * & dystat,std::string & clientip,bool transparent)2656 ConnectionHandler::goMITM(NaughtyFilter &checkme, Socket &proxysock, Socket &peerconn, bool &persistProxy, bool &authed,
2657                           bool &persistent_authed, String &ip, stat_rec *&dystat, std::string &clientip,
2658                           bool transparent) {
2659 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2660         std::cerr << thread_id << " Start goMITM nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
2661                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
2662 #endif
2665 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2666     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Intercepting HTTPS connection" << std::endl;
2667 #endif
2668     HTTPHeader *header = checkme.request_header;
2669     HTTPHeader *docheader = checkme.response_header;
2670     bool justLog = false;
2672 //  CA intialisation now Moved into OptionContainer so now done once on start-up
2673 //  instead of on every request
2675     X509 *cert = NULL;
2676     struct ca_serial caser;
2677     caser.asn = NULL;
2678     caser.charhex = NULL;
2679     caser.filepath = NULL;
2680     caser.filename = NULL;
2682     EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
2683     bool certfromcache = false;
2684 //generate the cert
2685 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2686         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Getting ssl certificate for client connection" << std::endl;
2687 #endif
2689         pkey = o.ca->getServerPkey();
2691 //generate the certificate but dont write it to disk (avoid someone
2692 //requesting lots of places that dont exist causing the disk to fill
2693 //up / run out of inodes
2694         certfromcache = o.ca->getServerCertificate(checkme.urldomain.CN().c_str(), &cert,
2695                                                    &caser);
2696 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2697         if (caser.asn == NULL) {
2698                                 std::cerr << "caser.asn is NULL" << std::endl;
2699                             }
2700         //				std::cerr << "serials are: " << (char) *caser.asn << " " < caser.charhex  << std::endl;
2701 #endif
2703 //check that the generated cert is not null and fillin checkme if it is
2704         if (cert == NULL) {
2705             checkme.isItNaughty = true;
2706 //checkme.whatIsNaughty = "Failed to get ssl certificate";
2707             checkme.message_no = 151;
2708             checkme.whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(151);
2709             checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = checkme.whatIsNaughty;
2710             checkme.whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2711             justLog = true;
2712         } else if (pkey == NULL) {
2713             checkme.isItNaughty = true;
2714 //checkme.whatIsNaughty = "Failed to load ssl private key";
2715             checkme.message_no = 153;
2716             checkme.whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(153);
2717             checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = checkme.whatIsNaughty;
2718             checkme.whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2719             justLog = true;
2720             X509_free(cert);
2721             cert = NULL;
2722         }
2724 //startsslserver on the connection to the client
2725     //if (!checkme.isItNaughty)
2726     if (true)
2727     {
2728 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2729         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Going SSL on the peer connection" << std::endl;
2730 #endif
2732         if (!transparent) {
2733 //send a 200 to the client no matter what because they managed to get a connection to us
2734 //and we can use it for a blockpage if nothing else
2735             std::string msg = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n";
2736             if (!peerconn.writeString(msg.c_str()))
2737             {
2738                         peerDiag("Unable to send 200 connection  established to client ", peerconn);
2739                         if(cert != NULL) {
2740                             X509_free(cert);
2741                             cert = NULL;
2742                         }
2743                         return false;
2744             }
2745         }
2747         if (peerconn.startSslServer(cert, pkey, o.set_cipher_list) < 0) {
2748 //make sure the ssl stuff is shutdown properly so we display the old ssl blockpage
2749             peerconn.stopSsl();
2751             checkme.isItNaughty = true;
2752 //checkme.whatIsNaughty = "Failed to negotiate ssl connection to client";
2753             checkme.message_no = 154;
2754             checkme.whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(154);
2755             checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = checkme.whatIsNaughty;
2756             checkme.whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2757             justLog = true;
2758             if(cert != NULL) {
2759                 X509_free(cert);
2760                 cert = NULL;
2761             }
2763         }
2764     }
2766     bool badcert = false;
2768     if (proxysock.isOpen()) {
2769 // tsslclient connected to the proxy and check the certificate of the server
2770 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2771         std::cerr << thread_id << " nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
2772                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
2773 #endif
2774         if (!checkme.isItNaughty) {
2775 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2776             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Going SSL on upstream connection " << std::endl;
2777 #endif
2778             std::string certpath = std::string(o.ssl_certificate_path);
2779             if (proxysock.startSslClient(certpath, checkme.urldomain)) {
2780                 checkme.isItNaughty = true;
2781 //checkme.whatIsNaughty = "Failed to negotiate ssl connection to server";
2782                 checkme.message_no = 160;
2783                 checkme.whatIsNaughty = o.language_list.getTranslation(160);
2784                 checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = checkme.whatIsNaughty;
2785                 checkme.whatIsNaughtyCategories = o.language_list.getTranslation(70);
2786             }
2787         }
2788 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2789         std::cerr << thread_id << " nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
2790                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
2791 #endif
2793         if (!checkme.isItNaughty) {
2795 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2796             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Checking certificate" << std::endl;
2797 #endif
2798 //will fill in checkme of its own accord
2799             if (!checkme.nocheckcert) {
2800                 checkCertificate(checkme.urldomain, &proxysock, &checkme);
2801                 badcert = checkme.isItNaughty;
2802             }
2803         }
2804     }
2806 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2807         std::cerr << thread_id << " nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
2808                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
2809 #endif
2810     if ((!checkme.isItNaughty) && (!checkme.upfailure)) {
2811         bool writecert = true;
2812         if (!certfromcache) {
2813             writecert = o.ca->writeCertificate(checkme.urldomain.c_str(), cert,
2814                                                &caser);
2815         }
2817 //if we cant write the certificate its not the end of the world but it is slow
2818         if (!writecert) {
2819 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2820             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Couldn't save certificate to on disk cache" << std::endl;
2821 #endif
2822             syslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't save certificate to on disk cache");
2823         }
2824 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2825         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Handling connections inside ssl tunnel" << std::endl;
2826 #endif
2828         if (authed) {
2829             persistent_authed = true;
2830         }
2832 //handleConnection inside the ssl tunnel
2833         handleConnection(peerconn, ip, true, proxysock, dystat);
2834 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2835         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Handling connections inside ssl tunnel: done" << std::endl;
2836 #endif
2837     }
2838     o.ca->free_ca_serial(&caser);
2840 //stopssl on the proxy connection
2841 //if it was marked as naughty then show a deny page and close the connection
2842     if (checkme.isItNaughty || checkme.upfailure) {
2843 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2844         std::cerr << thread_id << " -SSL Interception failed " << checkme.whatIsNaughty << " nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
2845                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
2846 #endif
2848         doLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme);
2850         if(!justLog)
2851         denyAccess(&peerconn, &proxysock, header, docheader, &checkme.logurl, &checkme, &clientuser,
2852                    &clientip, filtergroup, checkme.ispostblock, checkme.headersent, checkme.wasinfected,
2853                    checkme.scanerror, badcert);
2854     }
2855 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2856     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Shutting down ssl to proxy" << std::endl;
2857 #endif
2858     proxysock.stopSsl();
2860 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2861     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Shutting down ssl to client" << std::endl;
2862 #endif
2864     peerconn.stopSsl();
2866 //tidy up key and cert
2867     if(cert != NULL) {
2868         X509_free(cert);
2869         cert = NULL;
2870     }
2871     if(pkey != NULL) {
2872         EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
2873         pkey = NULL;
2874     }
2876     persistProxy = false;
2877     proxysock.close();
2879     return true;
2880 }
2881 #endif
doAuth(int & auth_result,bool & authed,int & filtergroup,AuthPlugin * auth_plugin,Socket & peerconn,HTTPHeader & header,bool only_client_ip,bool isconnect_like)2883 bool ConnectionHandler::doAuth(int &auth_result, bool &authed, int &filtergroup, AuthPlugin *auth_plugin, Socket &peerconn,
2884                           HTTPHeader &header, bool only_client_ip, bool isconnect_like) {
2885     Socket nullsock;
2886     return doAuth(auth_result, authed, filtergroup, auth_plugin, peerconn, nullsock, header, only_client_ip,
2887                   isconnect_like);
2888 }
doAuth(int & rc,bool & authed,int & filtergroup,AuthPlugin * auth_plugin,Socket & peerconn,Socket & proxysock,HTTPHeader & header,bool only_client_ip,bool isconnect_like)2890 bool ConnectionHandler::doAuth(int &rc, bool &authed, int &filtergroup, AuthPlugin *auth_plugin, Socket &peerconn,
2891                                Socket &proxysock, HTTPHeader &header, bool only_client_ip, bool isconnect_like) {
2893 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2894     std::cerr << thread_id << " -Not got persistent credentials for this connection - querying auth plugins" << std::endl;
2895 #endif
2896     bool dobreak = false;
2897     rc = 0;
2898     if (o.authplugins.size() != 0) {
2899         // We have some auth plugins load
2900         int authloop = 0;
2901         rc = 0;
2902         String tmp;
2904         for (std::deque<Plugin *>::iterator i = o.authplugins_begin; i != o.authplugins_end; i++) {
2905 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2906             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Querying next auth plugin..." << std::endl;
2907 #endif
2908             // try to get the username & parse the return value
2909             auth_plugin = (AuthPlugin *) (*i);
2910             if (only_client_ip && !auth_plugin->client_ip_based)
2911                 continue;
2913             // auth plugin selection for multi ports
2914             //
2915             //
2916             // Logic changed to allow auth scan with multiple ports as option to auth-port
2917             //       fixed mapping
2918             //
2919             if (o.map_auth_to_ports) {
2920                 if (o.filter_ports.size() > 1) {
2921                     tmp = o.auth_map[peerconn.getPort()];
2922                 } else {
2923                     // auth plugin selection for one port
2924                     tmp = o.auth_map[authloop];
2925                     authloop++;
2926                 }
2928                 if (tmp.compare(auth_plugin->getPluginName().toCharArray()) == 0) {
2929                     rc = auth_plugin->identify(peerconn, proxysock, header, clientuser, is_real_user);
2930                 } else {
2931                     rc = DGAUTH_NOMATCH;
2932                 }
2933             } else {
2934                 rc = auth_plugin->identify(peerconn, proxysock, header, clientuser, is_real_user);
2935             }
2937             if (rc == DGAUTH_NOMATCH) {
2938 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2939                 std::cerr << "Auth plugin did not find a match; querying remaining plugins" << std::endl;
2940 #endif
2941                 continue;
2942             } else if (rc == DGAUTH_REDIRECT) {
2943 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2944                 std::cerr << "Auth plugin told us to redirect client to \"" << clientuser << "\"; not querying remaining plugins" << std::endl;
2945 #endif
2946                 if (isconnect_like)      // it is connect or trans https so cannot send redirect
2947                 {
2948                     dobreak = true;
2949                     break;
2950                 } else {
2951                     // ident plugin told us to redirect to a login page
2952                     String writestring("HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\nLocation: ");
2953                     writestring += clientuser;
2954                     writestring += "\r\n\r\n";
2955                     peerconn.writeString(writestring.toCharArray());   // no action on failure
2956                     dobreak = true;
2957                     break;
2958                 }
2959             } else if (rc == DGAUTH_OK_NOPERSIST) {
2960 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2961                 std::cerr << "Auth plugin  returned OK but no persist not setting persist auth" << std::endl;
2962 #endif
2963                 overide_persist = true;
2964             } else if (rc < 0) {
2965                 if (!is_daemonised)
2966                     std::cerr << thread_id << "Auth plugin returned error code: " << rc << std::endl;
2967                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "%sAuth plugin returned error code: %d", thread_id.c_str(), rc);
2968                 dobreak = true;
2969                 break;
2970             }
2971 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2972             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Auth plugin found username " << clientuser << " (" << oldclientuser << "), now determining group" << std::endl;
2973 #endif
2974             if (clientuser == oldclientuser) {
2975 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2976                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Same user as last time, re-using old group no." << std::endl;
2977 #endif
2978                 authed = true;
2979                 filtergroup = oldfg;
2980                 break;
2981             }
2982             // try to get the filter group & parse the return value
2983             rc = auth_plugin->determineGroup(clientuser, filtergroup, ldl->filter_groups_list);
2984             if (rc == DGAUTH_OK) {
2985 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2986                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Auth plugin found username & group; not querying remaining plugins" << std::endl;
2987 #endif
2988                 authed = true;
2989                 break;
2990             } else if (rc == DGAUTH_NOMATCH) {
2991 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2992                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Auth plugin did not find a match; querying remaining plugins" << std::endl;
2993 #endif
2994                 continue;
2995             } else if (rc == DGAUTH_NOUSER) {
2996 #ifdef DGDEBUG
2997                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Auth plugin found username \"" << clientuser << "\" but no associated group; not querying remaining plugins" << std::endl;
2998 #endif
2999                 if (o.auth_requires_user_and_group)
3000                     continue;
3001                 //filtergroup = 0; // default now set before call to doAuth
3002                 authed = true;
3003                 break;
3004             } else if (rc < 0) {
3005                 if (!is_daemonised)
3006                     std::cerr << thread_id << "Auth plugin returned error code: " << rc << std::endl;
3007                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "%sAuth plugin returned error code: %d", thread_id.c_str(), rc);
3008                 dobreak = true;
3009                 break;
3010             }
3011         } // end of querying all plugins (for)
3013         // break the peer loop
3014         if (dobreak)
3015             return false;
3016         //break;
3018         if ((!authed) || (filtergroup < 0) || (filtergroup >= o.numfg)) {
3019 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3020             if (!authed)
3021                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -No identity found; using defaults" << std::endl;
3022             else
3023                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Plugin returned out-of-range filter group number; using defaults" << std::endl;
3024 #endif
3025             // If none of the auth plugins currently loaded rely on querying the proxy,
3026             // such as 'ident' or 'ip', then pretend we're authed. What this flag
3027             // actually controls is whether or not the query should be forwarded to the
3028             // proxy (without pre-emptive blocking); we don't want this for 'ident' or
3029             // 'ip', because Squid isn't necessarily going to return 'auth required'.
3030             authed = !o.auth_needs_proxy_query;
3031 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3032             if (!o.auth_needs_proxy_query)
3033                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -No loaded auth plugins require parent proxy queries; enabling pre-emptive blocking despite lack of authentication" << std::endl;
3034 #endif
3035             clientuser = "-";
3036             //filtergroup = 0; //default group - one day configurable? - default now set before call to doAuth
3037         } else {
3038 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3039             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Identity found; caching username & group" << std::endl;
3040 #endif
3041             if (auth_plugin->is_connection_based && !overide_persist) {
3042 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3043                 std::cerr << "Auth plugin is for a connection-based auth method - keeping credentials for entire connection" << std::endl;
3044 #endif
3045                 persistent_authed = true;
3046             }
3047             oldclientuser = clientuser;
3048             oldfg = filtergroup;
3049         }
3050     } else {
3051 // We don't have any auth plugins loaded
3052 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3053         std::cerr << thread_id << " -No auth plugins loaded; using defaults & feigning persistency" << std::endl;
3054 #endif
3055         authed = true;
3056         clientuser = "-";
3057         //filtergroup = 0; //default group - one day configurable? - default now set before call to doAuth
3058         persistent_authed = true;
3059     }
3060     return true;
3061 }
checkByPass(NaughtyFilter & checkme,std::shared_ptr<LOptionContainer> & ldl,HTTPHeader & header,Socket & proxysock,Socket & peerconn,std::string & clientip)3063 bool ConnectionHandler::checkByPass(NaughtyFilter &checkme, std::shared_ptr<LOptionContainer> &ldl, HTTPHeader &header,
3064                                     Socket &proxysock, Socket &peerconn, std::string &clientip) {
3066     //first check if bypass allowed and set isbypassallowed
3067     checkme.isbypassallowed = (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_mode != 0);
3068     checkme.isinfectionbypassallowed = (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->infection_bypass_mode != 0);
3069     if (!(checkme.isbypassallowed || checkme.isinfectionbypassallowed))
3070         return false;
3072     // int bypasstimestamp = 0;
3073     if (isScanBypassURL(checkme.url, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->magic.c_str(), clientip.c_str())) {
3074 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3075         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Scan Bypass URL match" << std::endl;
3076 #endif
3077         checkme.isscanbypass = true;
3078         checkme.isbypass = true;
3079         checkme.message_no = 608;
3080         checkme.log_message_no = 608;
3081         checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(608);
3082     } else if ((ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_mode != 0) || (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->infection_bypass_mode != 0)) {
3083 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3084         std::cerr << thread_id << " -About to check for bypass..." << std::endl;
3085 #endif
3086         if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_mode != 0)
3087             checkme.bypasstimestamp = isBypassURL(checkme.url, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->magic.c_str(),
3088                                                          clientip.c_str(), NULL, clientuser);
3089         if ((checkme.bypasstimestamp == 0) && (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->infection_bypass_mode != 0))
3090             checkme.bypasstimestamp = isBypassURL(checkme.url, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->imagic.c_str(),
3091                                                          clientip.c_str(), &checkme.isvirusbypass,
3092                                                          clientuser);
3093         if (checkme.bypasstimestamp > 0) {
3094 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3095             if (checkme.isvirusbypass)
3096                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Infection bypass URL match" << std::endl;
3097             else
3098                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Filter bypass URL match" << std::endl;
3099 #endif
3100             header.chopBypass(checkme.logurl, checkme.isvirusbypass);
3101             if (checkme.bypasstimestamp > 1) { // not expired
3102                 checkme.isbypass = true;
3103                 checkme.isexception = true;
3104                 // checkme: need a TR string for virus bypass
3105                 checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(606);
3106                 checkme.message_no = 606;
3107                 checkme.log_message_no = 606;
3108             }
3109         } else if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->bypass_mode != 0) {
3110             if (header.isBypassCookie(checkme.urldomain, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cookie_magic.c_str(),
3111                                       clientip.c_str(), clientuser.c_str())) {
3112 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3113                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Bypass cookie match" << std::endl;
3114 #endif
3115                 checkme.iscookiebypass = true;
3116                 checkme.isbypass = true;
3117                 checkme.isexception = true;
3118                 checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(607);
3119             }
3120         }
3121 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3122         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Finished bypass checks." << std::endl;
3123 #endif
3124     }
3126 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3127     if (checkme.isbypass) {
3128         std::cerr << thread_id << " -bypass activated!" << std::endl;
3129     }
3130 #endif
3131     //
3132 // End of bypass
3133 //
3134 // Start of scan by pass
3135 //
3137     if (checkme.isscanbypass) {
3138 //we need to decode the URL and send the temp file with the
3139         //correct header to the client then delete the temp file
3140         checkme.tempfilename = (checkme.url.after("GSBYPASS=").after("&N="));
3141         checkme.tempfilemime = (checkme.tempfilename.after("&M="));
3142         checkme.tempfiledis = (header.decode(checkme.tempfilemime.after("&D="), true));
3143 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3144         std::cerr << thread_id << " -Original filename: " << checkme.tempfiledis << std::endl;
3145 #endif
3146         String rtype(header.requestType());
3147         checkme.tempfilemime = checkme.tempfilemime.before("&D=");
3148         checkme.tempfilename = o.download_dir + "/tf" + checkme.tempfilename.before("&M=");
3149         return true;
3150     }
3151     return false;
3152 }
sendScanFile(Socket & peerconn,NaughtyFilter & checkme,bool is_icap,ICAPHeader * icaphead)3154 bool ConnectionHandler::sendScanFile(Socket &peerconn, NaughtyFilter &checkme, bool is_icap, ICAPHeader *icaphead) {
3155     try {
3156         checkme.docsize = sendFile(&peerconn, checkme, checkme.url, is_icap, icaphead);
3157         checkme.request_header->chopScanBypass(checkme.url);
3158         checkme.logurl = checkme.request_header->getLogUrl();
3160         doLog(clientuser, checkme.clientip, checkme);
3162         if (o.delete_downloaded_temp_files) {
3163             unlink(checkme.tempfilename.toCharArray());
3164         }
3165     } catch (
3166             std::exception &e
3167     ) {
3168     }
3169     //   persistProxy = false;
3170     //   proxysock.close(); // close connection to proxy
3171     return true;
3172 }
check_search_terms(NaughtyFilter & cm)3174 void ConnectionHandler::check_search_terms(NaughtyFilter &cm) {
3175     if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->searchterm_limit > 0) {
3176         String terms;
3177         terms = cm.search_terms;
3178 // search terms are URL parameter type "0"
3179         urlparams.append("0=").append(terms).append(";");
3180 // Add spaces at beginning and end of block before filtering, so
3181 // that the quick & dirty trick of putting spaces around words
3182 // (Scunthorpe problem) can still be used, bearing in mind the block
3183 // of text here is usually very small.
3184         terms.insert(terms.begin(), ' ');
3185         terms.append(" ");
3186         cm.checkme(terms.c_str(), terms.length(), NULL, NULL, ldl->fg[filtergroup],
3187                    (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->searchterm_flag ? ldl->fg[filtergroup]->searchterm_list
3188                                                           : ldl->fg[filtergroup]->banned_phrase_list),
3189                    ldl->fg[filtergroup]->searchterm_limit, true);
3190         if (cm.isItNaughty) {
3191             cm.blocktype = 2;
3192         }
3193     }
3194     return;
3195 }
check_content(NaughtyFilter & cm,DataBuffer & docbody,Socket & proxysock,Socket & peerconn,std::deque<CSPlugin * > & responsescanners)3197 void ConnectionHandler::check_content(NaughtyFilter &cm, DataBuffer &docbody, Socket &proxysock, Socket &peerconn,
3198                                       std::deque<CSPlugin *> &responsescanners) {
3199     if (((cm.response_header->isContentType("text", ldl->fg[filtergroup]) ||
3200           cm.response_header->isContentType("-", ldl->fg[filtergroup])) && !cm.isexception) ||
3201         !responsescanners.empty()) {
3202         cm.waschecked = true;
3203         if (!responsescanners.empty()) {
3204 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3205             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Filtering with expectation of a possible csmessage" << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
3206 #endif
3207             String csmessage;
3208             contentFilter(cm.response_header, cm.request_header, &docbody, &proxysock, &peerconn, &cm.headersent,
3209                           &cm.pausedtoobig,
3210                           &cm.docsize, &cm, cm.wasclean, filtergroup, responsescanners, &clientuser, &cm.clientip,
3211                           &cm.wasinfected, &cm.wasscanned, cm.isbypass, cm.urld, cm.urldomain, &cm.scanerror,
3212                           cm.contentmodified, &csmessage);
3213             if (csmessage.length() > 0) {
3214 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3215                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -csmessage found: " << csmessage << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
3216 #endif
3217                 cm.exceptionreason = csmessage.toCharArray();
3218             }
3219         } else {
3220 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3221             std::cerr << thread_id << " -Calling contentFilter " << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
3222 #endif
3223             contentFilter(cm.response_header, cm.request_header, &docbody, &proxysock, &peerconn, &cm.headersent,
3224                           &cm.pausedtoobig,
3225                           &cm.docsize, &cm, cm.wasclean, filtergroup, responsescanners, &clientuser, &cm.clientip,
3226                           &cm.wasinfected, &cm.wasscanned, cm.isbypass, cm.urld, cm.urldomain, &cm.scanerror,
3227                           cm.contentmodified, NULL);
3228         }
3229     } else {
3230         cm.tunnel_rest = true;
3231     }
3232 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3233     std::cerr << thread_id << "End content check isitNaughty is  " << cm.isItNaughty << std::endl;
3234 #endif
3235 }
3237 #ifdef __SSLMITM
handleTHTTPSConnection(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,Socket & proxysock,stat_rec * & dystat)3238 int ConnectionHandler::handleTHTTPSConnection(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, Socket &proxysock, stat_rec* &dystat) {
3239     struct timeval thestart;
3240     gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
3242     peerconn.setTimeout(o.pcon_timeout);
3244     HTTPHeader docheader(__HEADER_RESPONSE); // to hold the returned page header from proxy
3245     HTTPHeader header(__HEADER_REQUEST); // to hold the incoming client request headeri(ldl)
3247     NaughtyFilter checkme(header, docheader);
3248     checkme.reset();
3251     std::string clientip(ip.toCharArray()); // hold the clients ip
3252     docheader.setClientIP(ip);
3254     if (clienthost) delete clienthost;
3256     clienthost = NULL; // and the hostname, if available
3257     matchedip = false;
3260 #ifdef DGDEBUG // debug stuff surprisingly enough
3261 std::cerr << thread_id << " -got peer connection - clientip is " << clientip << std::endl;
3262 #endif
3264     try {
3265         int rc;
3268         //int oldfg = 0;
3269         bool authed = false;
3270         bool isbanneduser = false;
3271         bool firsttime = true;
3273         AuthPlugin *auth_plugin = NULL;
3275         // RFC states that connections are persistent
3276         //bool persistOutgoing = true;
3277         //bool persistPeer = true;
3278         bool persistProxy = false;
3279         //bool direct = false;
3281         char buff[2048];
3282         rc = peerconn.readFromSocket(buff, 5, (MSG_PEEK ), 20000, true);
3283 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3284             std::cerr << thread_id << "bytes peeked " << rc << std::endl;
3285 #endif
3286         unsigned short toread = 0;
3287         if (rc == 5) {
3288         if (buff[0] == 22 && buff[1] == 3 && buff[2] > 0 && buff[2] < 4 )   // has TLS hello signiture
3289             checkme.isTLS = true;
3291         toread = ( buff[3] << (8*1) | buff[4]);
3292         if (toread > 2048) toread = 2048;
3293         }
3295 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3296         std::cerr << thread_id << "hello length is " << toread << " magic is " << buff[0]  << buff[1] << buff[2] << " isTLS is " << checkme.isTLS << std::endl;
3297 #endif
3299        if(checkme.isTLS) {
3300             rc = peerconn.readFromSocket(buff, toread, (MSG_PEEK ), 10000, false);
3301             if (rc < 1 ) {     // get header from client, allowing persistency
3302                 if (o.logconerror) {
3303                     if (peerconn.getFD() > -1) {
3305                         int err = peerconn.getErrno();
3306                         //int pport = peerconn.getPeerSourcePort();
3307                         std::string peerIP = peerconn.getPeerIP();
3308                         if(peerconn.isTimedout())
3309                         {
3310     #ifdef DGDEBUG
3311                             std::cerr << thread_id << "Connection timed out" << std::endl;
3312     #endif
3313                             }
3314                         syslog(LOG_INFO, "%sNo header recd from client at %s - errno: %d", thread_id.c_str(), peerIP.c_str(), err);
3315     #ifdef DGDEBUG
3316                         std::cerr << thread_id << "No header recd from client - errno: " << err << std::endl;
3317     #endif
3318                     } else {
3319                         syslog(LOG_INFO, "%sClient connection closed early - no TLS header received",
3320                                 thread_id.c_str() );
3321                     }
3322                 }
3323             firsttime = false;
3324             //persistPeer = false;
3325         } else {
3326 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3327             std::cerr << thread_id << "bytes peeked " << rc << std::endl;
3328 #endif
3329              char *ret = get_TLS_SNI(buff, &rc);
3330              if (ret != NULL) {
3331              checkme.url = ret;
3332              checkme.hasSNI = true;
3333              }
3335             ++dystat->reqs;
3336         }
3337         }
3338         {   // get original IP destination & port
3340                 sockaddr_in origaddr;
3341                 socklen_t origaddrlen(sizeof(sockaddr_in));
3342                 if (
3343 #ifdef SOL_IP       // linux
3344 #define SO_ORIGINAL_DST 80
3345                         getsockopt(peerconn.getFD(), SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, &origaddr, &origaddrlen ) < 0
3346 #else                       // BSD
3347                         getsockname(peerconn.getFD(), (struct sockaddr *)&origaddr, &origaddrlen) < 0
3348 #endif
3349                 ) {
3350                     syslog(LOG_ERR, "%sFailed to get client's original destination IP: %s", thread_id.c_str(), strerror(errno));
3351                     return -1;
3352                 } else {
3353                      char res[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
3354                     checkme.orig_ip = inet_ntop(AF_INET,&origaddr.sin_addr,res,sizeof(res));
3355                     checkme.orig_port = ntohs(origaddr.sin_port);
3356                 }
3357          }
3359         if(!checkme.hasSNI) {
3360         checkme.url = checkme.orig_ip;
3361          }
3362 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3363     std::cerr << thread_id << "hasSNI = " << checkme.hasSNI << " SNI is " << checkme.url <<  " Orig IP " << checkme.orig_ip << " Orig port " << checkme.orig_port << std::endl;
3364 #endif
3365         //
3366         // End of set-up section
3368         while (firsttime )    // do just the once
3369         {
3370             ldl = o.currentLists();
3371             //DataBuffer docbody;
3372             //docbody.setTimeout(o.exchange_timeout);
3373             FDTunnel fdt;
3375                 firsttime = false;
3377 //
3378             // do all of this normalisation etc just the once at the start.
3379             checkme.url = "https://" + checkme.url;
3380             checkme.setURL(checkme.url);
3381             gettimeofday(&checkme.thestart, NULL);
3384             // Look up reverse DNS name of client if needed
3385             if (o.reverse_client_ip_lookups) {
3386                 getClientFromIP(clientip.c_str(), checkme.clienthost);
3387                 //std::unique_ptr<std::deque<String> > hostnames;
3388                 //    hostnames.reset(ipToHostname(clientip.c_str()));
3389                  //   checkme.clienthost = std::string(hostnames->front().toCharArray());
3390             }
3392             filtergroup = o.default_trans_fg;
3394             if(o.log_requests) {
3395                 std::string fnt = "THTTPS";
3396                 doRQLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme, fnt);
3397             }
3399             //CALL SB pre-authcheck
3400             ldl->StoryA.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYA_PRE_AUTH_THTTPS,checkme);
3401 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3402             std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryA thttps-pre-authcheck" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
3403                       << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
3404 #endif
3405             checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
3406             bool isbannedip = checkme.isBlocked;
3408             //
3409             //
3410             // Start of Authentication Checks
3411             //
3412             //
3413             // don't have credentials for this connection yet? get some!
3414             overide_persist = false;
3415             if(!(checkme.isItNaughty || checkme.isexception)) {
3416                 if (!doAuth(checkme.auth_result, authed, filtergroup, auth_plugin,  peerconn, proxysock,  header, true, true))
3417                 {
3419                     if((checkme.auth_result == DGAUTH_REDIRECT) && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm)
3420                     {
3421                        checkme.gomitm = true;
3422                        checkme.isdone = true;
3423                     } else {
3424                        break;
3425                     }
3426                  }
3427             }
3428             checkme.filtergroup = filtergroup;
3430 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3431             std::cerr << thread_id << " -username: " << clientuser << " -filtergroup: " << filtergroup << std::endl;
3432 #endif
3433 //
3434 //
3435 // End of Authentication Checking
3436 //
3437 //
3439             //
3440             //
3441             // Now check if user or machine is banned and room-based checking
3442             //
3443             //
3445             // is this user banned?
3446             isbanneduser = false;
3447             checkme.clientip = clientip;
3450             if(checkme.hasSNI) checkme.ismitmcandidate = ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm;
3453             // TODO restore this for THTTPS ??
3454             //if (isbannedip) {
3455                // matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
3456             //} else {
3457             // /   if (ldl->inRoom(clientip, room, clienthost, &isbannedip, &part_banned, &checkme.isexception,
3458             // /                   checkme.urld)) {
3459 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3460             // /       std::cerr << " isbannedip = " << isbannedip << "ispart_banned = " << part_banned << " isexception = " << checkme.isexception << std::endl;
3461 #endif
3462           //.          if (isbannedip) {
3463                  //       matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
3464             //            checkme.isBlocked = checkme.isItNaughty = true;
3465             // /       }
3466             //        if (checkme.isexception) {
3467                         // do reason codes etc
3468                         //checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(630);
3469                         //checkme.exceptionreason.append(room);
3470                         //checkme.exceptionreason.append(o.language_list.getTranslation(631));
3471                         //checkme.message_no = 632;
3472                     //}
3473                 //}
3474             //}
3476             //
3477             // Start of exception checking
3478             //
3479             // being a banned user/IP overrides the fact that a site may be in the exception lists
3480             // needn't check these lists in bypass modes
3481             if (!(checkme.isdone || isbanneduser || isbannedip || checkme.isexception)) {
3482                     ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYB_THTTPS_REQUEST,checkme);
3483 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3484                     std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryB thttps-checkrequest " << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
3485                               << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
3486 #endif
3488 		if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level != -1){
3489                 	checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
3490 		} else {
3491 			checkme.isItNaughty = false;
3492 		        checkme.isBlocked = false;
3493 		}
3494             }
3496             //now send upstream and get response
3497             if (!checkme.isItNaughty && !persistProxy) {
3498                 if (connectUpstream(proxysock, checkme,443) > -1) {
3499                     if(!checkme.isdirect) {
3500                         if (sendProxyConnect(checkme.connect_site,&proxysock, &checkme) != 0) {
3501                        checkme.upfailure = true;
3502                        proxysock.close();
3503                        }
3504                     }
3505                 } else {
3506                        checkme.upfailure = true;
3507                 }
3508             }
3510 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3511         std::cerr << thread_id << " after connectUpstream nf " << checkme.isItNaughty <<
3512                 " upfail " << checkme.upfailure << std::endl;
3513 #endif
3515             if((checkme.isItNaughty ||checkme.upfailure) && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->ssl_mitm && ldl->fg[filtergroup]->automitm && checkme.hasSNI)
3516                 checkme.gomitm = true;  // allows us to send splash page
3518             if (checkme.isexception && !checkme.upfailure) {
3519                     checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
3520              } else {
3522             //if ismitm - GO MITM
3523                 if (checkme.gomitm)
3524                 {
3525 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3526                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Going MITM ...." << std::endl;
3527 #endif
3528                 if(!ldl->fg[filtergroup]->mitm_check_cert)
3529                     checkme.nocheckcert = true;
3530                 goMITM(checkme, proxysock, peerconn, persistProxy, authed, persistent_authed, ip, dystat, clientip, true);
3531                 //persistPeer = false;
3532                 persistProxy = false;
3533                 //if (!checkme.isItNaughty)
3534                     break;
3535                 } else {
3536                 if (!checkme.upfailure)
3537                     checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
3538                 }
3539             }
3541             //if not grey tunnel response
3542             if (!checkme.isItNaughty && checkme.tunnel_rest) {
3543 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3544                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -Tunnelling to client" << std::endl;
3545 #endif
3546                 if (!fdt.tunnel(proxysock, peerconn,true, -1 , true))
3547                     persistProxy = false;
3548                 checkme.docsize += fdt.throughput;
3549             }
3551             // it is not possible to send splash page on Thttps without MITM so do not try!
3553             //Log
3554             if (!checkme.isourwebserver) { // don't log requests to the web server
3555                 doLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme);
3556             }
3559                 proxysock.close(); // close connection to proxy
3562         }
3563         } catch (std::exception & e)
3564         {
3565 #ifdef DGDEBUG
3566         std::cerr << thread_id << " - THTTPS connection handler caught an exception: " << e.what() << " Line: " << __LINE__ << " Function: " << __func__ << std::endl;
3567 #endif
3568         if(o.logconerror)
3569             syslog(LOG_ERR, " - THTTPS connection handler caught an exception %s" , e.what());
3571         // close connection to proxy
3572         proxysock.close();
3573             return -1;
3574         }
3576     return 0;
3577 }
get_TLS_SNI(char * inbytes,int * len)3580 char *get_TLS_SNI(char *inbytes, int* len)
3581 {
3582     unsigned char *bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(inbytes);
3583     unsigned char *curr;
3584     unsigned char *ebytes;
3585      ebytes = bytes + *len;
3586     if (*len < 44) return NULL;
3587     unsigned char sidlen = bytes[43];
3588     curr = bytes + 1 + 43 + sidlen;
3589     if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3590     unsigned short cslen = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)curr);
3591     curr += 2 + cslen;
3592     if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3593     unsigned char cmplen = *curr;
3594     curr += 1 + cmplen;
3595     if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3596     unsigned char *maxchar = curr + 2 + ntohs(*(unsigned short*)curr);
3597     curr += 2;
3598     unsigned short ext_type = 1;
3599     unsigned short ext_len;
3600     while(curr < maxchar && ext_type != 0)
3601     {
3602         if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3603         ext_type = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)curr);
3604         curr += 2;
3605         if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3606         ext_len = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)curr);
3607         curr += 2;
3608         if(ext_type == 0)
3609         {
3610             curr += 3;
3611             if (curr > ebytes) return NULL;
3612             unsigned short namelen = ntohs(*(unsigned short*)curr);
3613             curr += 2;
3614             if ((curr + namelen) > ebytes) return NULL;
3615             //*len = namelen;
3616             *(curr +namelen) = (char)0;
3617             return (char*)curr;
3618         }
3619         else curr += ext_len;
3620     }
3621     //if (curr != maxchar) throw std::exception("incomplete SSL Client Hello");
3622     return NULL; //SNI was not present
3623 }
3625 #endif
handleICAPConnection(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,Socket & proxysock,stat_rec * & dystat)3628 int ConnectionHandler::handleICAPConnection(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, Socket &proxysock, stat_rec *&dystat) {
3630     int pcount = 0;
3631     bool ismitm = false;
3633     struct timeval thestart;
3634     gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
3636     peerconn.setTimeout(o.pcon_timeout);
3638     std::string clientip(ip.toCharArray()); // hold the ICAP clients ip
3640     if (clienthost) delete clienthost;
3642     clienthost = NULL; // and the hostname, if available
3643     matchedip = false;
3645     //try {
3646         //int rc;
3647         //bool authed = false;
3648         bool firsttime = true;
3649         //bool isbanneduser = true;
3651         AuthPlugin *auth_plugin = NULL;
3653         // RFC states that connections are persistent
3654         bool persistPeer = true;
3656         //
3657         // End of set-up section
3659         // Start of main loop
3661         //
3663         // maintain a persistent connection
3664         while ((firsttime || persistPeer) && !ttg)
3665         {
3666             ICAPHeader icaphead;
3667             ldl = o.currentLists();
3668             icaphead.ISTag = ldl->ISTag();
3670             NaughtyFilter checkme(icaphead.HTTPrequest, icaphead.HTTPresponse);
3671             DataBuffer docbody;
3672             docbody.setTimeout(o.exchange_timeout);
3673             docbody.setICAP(true);
3674             FDTunnel fdt;
3675             String wline = "";
3676             if (firsttime) {
3677                 // reset flags & objects next time round the loop
3678                 firsttime = false;
3679                 gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
3680                 checkme.thestart = thestart;
3681             }
3683             {
3684 // another round...
3685 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3686                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3687                 {
3688                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3689                     oss << thread_id << " ICAP -persisting (count " << ++pcount << ")" << " Client IP: " << clientip << std::endl;
3690                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3691                     std::cerr << thread_id << " ICAP -persisting (count " << ++pcount << ")" << " - " << clientip << std::endl;
3692                 }
3693 #endif
3694                 icaphead.reset();
3695                 if (!icaphead.in(&peerconn, true)) {
3696                     if (peerconn.isTimedout()) {
3697 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3698                         if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3699                         {
3700                             std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3701                             oss << thread_id << " -ICAP Persistent connection timed out" << std::endl;
3702                             o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3703                             std::cerr << thread_id << " -ICAP Persistent connection timed out" << std::endl;
3704                         }
3705 #endif
3706                         //send error response
3707                             wline = "ICAP/1.0 408 Request timeout\r\n";
3708                             wline += "Service: ";
3709 			    wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
3710 			    wline  += "\r\n";
3711                             wline += "Encapsulated: null-body=0\r\n";
3712                             wline += "\r\n";
3713                             peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
3714                     } else {
3716 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3717                             if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3718                             {
3719                                 std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3720                                 oss << thread_id << " -ICAP Persistent connection closed" << std::endl;
3721                                 o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3722                                 std::cerr << thread_id << " -ICAP Persistent connection closed" << std::endl;
3723                             }
3724 #endif
3725                         // TODO: send error reply if needed
3726                         break;
3727                     }
3728                 }
3729                 ++dystat->reqs;
3731                 ip = icaphead.clientip;
3733                 // we will actually need to do *lots* of resetting of flags etc. here for pconns to work
3734                 gettimeofday(&thestart, NULL);
3735                 checkme.thestart = thestart;
3737                 //authed = false;
3738                 //isbanneduser = false;
3740                 //requestscanners.clear();
3741                 //responsescanners.clear();
3743                 matchedip = false;
3744                 urlparams.clear();
3745                 postparts.clear();
3746                 checkme.mimetype = "-";
3747                 //exceptionreason = "";
3748                 //exceptioncat = "";
3749                 //room = "";    // CHECK THIS - surely room is persistant?????
3751                 // reset docheader & docbody
3752                 // headers *should* take care of themselves on the next in()
3753                 // actually not entirely true for docheader - we may read
3754                 // certain properties of it (in denyAccess) before we've
3755                 // actually performed the next in(), so make sure we do a full
3756                 // reset now.
3757                 docbody.reset();
3758                 docbody.setICAP(true);
3759                 peerconn.resetChunk();
3760             }
3761 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3762             if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3763             {
3764                 std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3765                 oss << thread_id << "service options enabled : " << wline << " icaphead.service_reqmod: "<< icaphead.service_reqmod << " icaphead.service_resmod: " << icaphead.service_resmod << " icaphead.service_options: " << " icaphead.icap_reqmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_reqmod_service << " icaphead.icap_resmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_resmod_service << " icaphead.icap_reqmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_reqmod_service << std::endl;
3766                 o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3767                 std::cerr << thread_id << "service options enabled : " << wline << " icaphead.service_reqmod: "<< icaphead.service_reqmod << " icaphead.service_resmod: " << icaphead.service_resmod << " icaphead.service_options: " << " icaphead.icap_reqmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_reqmod_service << " icaphead.icap_resmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_resmod_service << " icaphead.icap_reqmod_service: " << icaphead.icap_reqmod_service << std::endl;
3768             }
3769 #endif
3770             // Check service option REQMOD, RESMOD, OPTIONS and call appropreate function(s)
3771             //
3772             if (icaphead.service_reqmod && icaphead.icap_reqmod_service) {
3773 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3774                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3775                 {
3776                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3777                     oss << thread_id << "Icap reqmod check " << std::endl;
3778                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3779                     std::cerr << thread_id << "Icap reqmod check " << std::endl;
3780                 }
3781 #endif
3782                 if (handleICAPreqmod(peerconn,ip, checkme, icaphead, auth_plugin) == 0){
3783                     continue;
3784                 }else{
3785                     break;
3786                 }
3788             } else if (icaphead.service_resmod && icaphead.icap_resmod_service) {
3789 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3790                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3791                 {
3792                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3793                     oss << thread_id << "Icap resmod check " << std::endl;
3794                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3795                     std::cerr << thread_id << "Icap resmod check " << std::endl;
3796                 }
3797 #endif
3798                 if (handleICAPresmod(peerconn,ip, checkme, icaphead, docbody) == 0)
3799                     continue;
3800                 else
3801                    break;
3802             } else if (icaphead.service_options && icaphead.icap_reqmod_service) {
3803                 // respond with option response
3804                 wline = "ICAP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
3805                 wline += "Methods: REQMOD\r\n";
3806                 wline += "Service: ";
3807 		wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
3808 		wline  += "\r\n";
3809                 wline += "ISTag: \"";
3810                 wline += ldl->ISTag();
3811                 wline += "\"\r\n";
3812                 wline += "Encapsulated: null-body=0\r\n";
3813                 wline += "Allow: 204\r\n";
3814                 //   wline += "Preview: 0\r\n";
3815                 wline += "\r\n";
3816                 peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
3817 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3818                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3819                 {
3820                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3821                     oss << thread_id << "respmod service options response : " << wline << std::endl;
3822                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3823                     std::cerr << thread_id << "respmod service options response : " << wline << std::endl;
3824                 }
3825 #endif
3826             } else if (icaphead.service_options && icaphead.icap_resmod_service) {
3827                // respond with option response
3828                 wline = "ICAP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
3829                 wline += "Methods: RESPMOD\r\n";
3830                 wline += "Service: ";
3831 		wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
3832 		wline  += "\r\n";
3833                 wline += "ISTag:";
3834                 wline += ldl->ISTag();
3835                 wline += "\r\n";
3836                 wline += "Encapsulated: null-body=0\r\n";
3837                 wline += "Allow: 204\r\n";
3838                 //   wline += "Preview: 0\r\n";
3839                 wline += "\r\n";
3840                 peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
3841 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3842                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3843                 {
3844                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3845                     oss << thread_id << "respmod service options response : " << wline << std::endl;
3846                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3847                     std::cerr << thread_id << "respmod service options response : " << wline << std::endl;
3848                 }
3849 #endif
3850             } else if ((icaphead.service_reqmod && !icaphead.icap_reqmod_service) ||
3851                 (icaphead.service_resmod && !icaphead.icap_resmod_service)) {
3852                 wline = "ICAP/1.0 405 Method not allowed for service\r\n";
3853                 wline += "Service: ";
3854 		wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
3855 		wline  += "\r\n";
3856                 wline += "Encapsulated: null-body=0\r\n";
3857                 wline += "\r\n";
3858                 peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
3859 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3860                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3861                 {
3862                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3863                     oss << thread_id << "ICAP/1.0 405 Method not allowed for service " << wline << std::endl;
3864                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3865                     std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP/1.0 405 Method not allowed for service " << wline << std::endl;
3866                 }
3867 #endif
3868            } else {
3869                 //send error response
3870                 wline = "ICAP/1.0 400 Bad request\r\n";
3871                 wline += "Service: ";
3872 		wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
3873 		wline  += "\r\n";
3874                 peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
3875 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3876                 if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3877                 {
3878                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3879                     oss << thread_id << "ICAP/1.0 400 Bad request : " << wline << std::endl;
3880                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3881                     std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP/1.0 400 Bad request : " << wline << std::endl;
3882                 }
3883 #endif
3884             }
3885         }
3886     //    } //catch (std::exception & e)
3888     if (!ismitm)
3889         try {
3890 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3891             if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3892             {
3893                 std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3894                 oss << thread_id << "ICAP -Attempting graceful connection close" << std::endl;
3895                 o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3896                 std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP -Attempting graceful connection close" << std::endl;
3897             }
3898 #endif
3900             int fd = peerconn.getFD();
3901             if (fd > -1) {
3902                 if (shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR) == 0) {
3903                     char buff[2];
3904                     peerconn.readFromSocket(buff, 2, 0, 5000);
3905                 };
3906             };
3908             // close connection to the client
3909             peerconn.close();
3910         } catch (std::exception &e) {
3911 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3912         if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3913         {
3914             std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3915             oss << thread_id << " -ICAP connection handler caught an exception on connection closedown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
3916             o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
3917             std::cerr << thread_id << " -ICAP connection handler caught an exception on connection closedown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
3918         }
3919 #endif
3920             // close connection to the client
3921             peerconn.close();
3922         }
3924     return 0;
3925 }
handleICAPreqmod(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,NaughtyFilter & checkme,ICAPHeader & icaphead,AuthPlugin * auth_plugin)3928 int ConnectionHandler::handleICAPreqmod(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, NaughtyFilter &checkme, ICAPHeader &icaphead,
3929                                         AuthPlugin *auth_plugin) {
3930     bool authed = false;
3931     String clientip = ip;
3932     // do all of this normalisation etc just the once at the start.
3933     checkme.setURL();
3934     String res_hdr, res_body, req_hdr, req_body;
3936     // checks for bad URLs to prevent security holes/domain obfuscation.
3937     if (icaphead.HTTPrequest.malformedURL(checkme.url)) {
3938         // The requested URL is malformed.
3939         gen_error_mess(peerconn, checkme, res_hdr, res_body, 200, 0, "400 Bad Request");
3940         checkme.isdone = true;
3941         icaphead.errorResponse(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body);
3942         if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
3943             peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains body
3944         }
3945         return 0;
3946     }
3948     // do total block list checking here - now done in pre-auth story
3949 #ifdef NOTDEF
3950     if (o.use_total_block_list && o.inTotalBlockList(checkme.urld)) {
3951         res_hdr = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
3952         o.banned_image.display_hb(res_hdr, res_body);
3953         icaphead.errorResponse(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body);
3954         if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
3955             peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains body
3956         }
3957         return 0;
3958     }
3959 #endif
3961     //
3962     //
3963     // Start of Authentication Checks
3964     //
3965     //
3966     // don't have credentials for this connection yet? get some!
3967     overide_persist = false;
3968     filtergroup = o.default_icap_fg;
3969 #ifdef DGBEBUG
3970     std::cerr << thread_id << "filtergroup set to ICAP default " << filtergroup << " " << std::endl;
3971 #endif
3972     clientuser = icaphead.username;
3974     if(o.log_requests) {
3975         std::string fnt = "REQMOD";
3976         doRQLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme, fnt);
3977     }
3979     int rc = DGAUTH_NOUSER;
3980     if (clientuser != "") {
3981         rc = determineGroup(clientuser, filtergroup, ldl->filter_groups_list);
3982         if (rc != DGAUTH_OK)
3983         {};
3984     }
3985     else {                              // TODO - NEED to allow alternate group checking when no match in filter_groups_list
3986         if (!doAuth(checkme.auth_result, authed, filtergroup, auth_plugin, peerconn, icaphead.HTTPrequest, true,
3987                     true)) {
3988             //break;  // TODO Error return????
3989         }
3990     }
3992     authed = true;
3993     checkme.filtergroup = filtergroup;
3995 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
3996     if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
3997     {
3998             std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
3999             int unrealgroup = filtergroup+1;
4000             oss << thread_id << "-username: " << clientuser << " ICAP -filtergroup: " << unrealgroup  << std::endl;
4001             o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
4002             std::cerr << thread_id << "-username: " << clientuser << " ICAP -filtergroup: " << unrealgroup  << std::endl;
4003     }
4004 #endif
4006 //
4007 //
4008 // End of Authentication Checking
4009 //
4010 //
4013     //
4014     //
4015     // Now check if user or machine is banned and room-based checking
4016     //
4017     //
4019     // is this user banned?
4020     bool isbanneduser = false;
4021     checkme.clientip = clientip;
4023     // Look up reverse DNS name of client if needed
4024     if (o.reverse_client_ip_lookups) {
4025         getClientFromIP(clientip.c_str(),checkme.clienthost);
4026         //     std::unique_ptr<std::deque<String> > hostnames;
4027         //     hostnames.reset(ipToHostname(clientip.c_str()));
4028         //     checkme.clienthost = std::string(hostnames->front().toCharArray());
4029     }
4031     //CALL SB pre-authcheck
4032     ldl->StoryA.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYA_PRE_AUTH_ICAP, checkme);
4033 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4034     std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryA icap-pre-authcheck" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
4035               << checkme.message_no << std::endl;
4036 #endif
4037     checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
4038     bool isbannedip = checkme.isBlocked;
4039     //bool part_banned;
4040     if (isbannedip) {
4041         // matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
4042     } else {
4043 #ifdef NOTDEF      // TODO does this need restoring???
4044         if (ldl->inRoom(clientip, room, clienthost, &isbannedip, &part_banned, &checkme.isexception,
4045                         checkme.urld)) {
4046 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4047             std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP isbannedip = " << isbannedip << "ispart_banned = " << part_banned << " isexception = " << checkme.isexception << std::endl;
4048 #endif
4049             if (isbannedip) {
4050          //       matchedip = clienthost == NULL;
4051                 checkme.isBlocked = checkme.isItNaughty = true;
4052             }
4053             if (checkme.isexception) {
4054                 // do reason codes etc
4055                 checkme.exceptionreason = o.language_list.getTranslation(630);
4056                 checkme.exceptionreason.append(room);
4057                 checkme.exceptionreason.append(o.language_list.getTranslation(631));
4058                 checkme.message_no = 632;
4059             }
4060         }
4061 #endif
4062     }
4064     //
4065     // Start of by pass
4066     if (!checkme.is_ssl) {
4068         if (checkByPass(checkme, ldl, icaphead.HTTPrequest, peerconn, peerconn, clientip)
4069             && sendScanFile(peerconn, checkme, true, &icaphead)) {
4070             return 0;      // returns only when Scanfile sent. Sets checkme.isbypass if it is a bypass.
4071         }
4072     }
4073     //
4074     // End of scan by pass
4075     //
4077     bool done = false;
4079     //
4080     // Start of exception checking
4081     //
4082     // being a banned user/IP overrides the fact that a site may be in the exception lists
4083     // needn't check these lists in bypass modes
4084     if (!(isbanneduser || isbannedip || checkme.isexception)) {
4085 // Main checking is now done in Storyboard function(s)
4086         ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYB_ICAP_REQMOD, checkme);
4087 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4088         std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryB checkreqmod" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no "
4089                   << checkme.message_no << " allow_204 : " << icaphead.allow_204 << std::endl;
4090 #endif
4092 	if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level != -1){
4093                	checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
4094 	} else {
4095 		checkme.isItNaughty = false;
4096 	        checkme.isBlocked = false;
4097 	}
4098     }
4100     if (checkme.isbypass && !(checkme.iscookiebypass || checkme.isvirusbypass)) {
4101 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4102         std::cout << thread_id << "Setting GBYPASS cookie; bypasstimestamp = " << checkme.bypasstimestamp << __func__ << std::endl;
4103 #endif
4104         String ud(checkme.urldomain);
4105         if (ud.startsWith("www.")) {
4106             ud = ud.after("www.");
4107         }
4109 	String outhead = "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\n";
4110         outhead += "Set-Cookie: GBYPASS=";
4111         outhead += hashedCookie(&ud, ldl->fg[filtergroup]->cookie_magic.c_str(), &clientip,
4112                                 checkme.bypasstimestamp).toCharArray();
4113         outhead += "; path=/; domain=.";
4114         outhead += ud;
4115         outhead += "\r\n";
4116         outhead += "Location: ";
4117         outhead += icaphead.HTTPrequest.getUrl(true);
4118         outhead += "\r\n";
4119         outhead += "\r\n";
4120         icaphead.out_res_header = outhead;
4121         icaphead.out_res_hdr_flag = true;
4122         icaphead.respond(peerconn);
4123         return 0;
4124     }
4126 // TODO add logic for 204 response etc.
4127     if (checkme.isexception) {
4128         std::string code;
4129         if (checkme.isvirusbypass)
4130             code = "V";
4131         else if (checkme.isbypass)
4132             code = "Y";
4133         else
4134             code = "E";
4136         icaphead.set_icap_com(clientuser,code, filtergroup, checkme.message_no, checkme.log_message_no,
4137         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog);
4138         if (icaphead.allow_204) {
4139             icaphead.respond(peerconn, "204 No Content", false, false);
4140             if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
4141                 peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains any body
4142             }
4143             done = true;
4144         } else {
4145             // pipe through headers and body
4146             icaphead.respond(peerconn, "200 OK", true);
4147             if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
4148                 peerconn.loopChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // echos any body
4149             }
4150             done = true;
4151         }
4152     }
4154     //check for redirect
4155     // URL regexp search and edirect
4156     if (checkme.urlredirect) {
4157         checkme.url = icaphead.HTTPrequest.redirecturl();
4158         String writestring("HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect\r\nLocation: ");
4159         writestring += checkme.url;
4160         writestring += "\r\n\r\n";
4161         res_hdr = writestring;
4162         icaphead.errorResponse(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body);
4163         if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
4164             peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains any body
4165         }
4166         done = true;
4167     }
4169     //if  is a search - content check search terms
4170     if (!done && !checkme.isdone && checkme.isGrey && checkme.isSearch)
4171         check_search_terms(checkme);  // will set isItNaughty if needed
4174     // TODO V5 call POST scanning code New NaughtyFilter function????
4176     if (!done && checkme.isItNaughty) {
4177         if (genDenyAccess(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body, &icaphead.HTTPrequest, &icaphead.HTTPresponse,
4178                           &checkme.logurl, &checkme, &clientuser, &clientip,
4179                           filtergroup, checkme.ispostblock, checkme.headersent, checkme.wasinfected,
4180                           checkme.scanerror)) {
4181             icaphead.errorResponse(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body);
4182             if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
4183                 peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains any body
4184             }
4185             done = true;
4186 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4187             std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP Naughty" << std::endl;
4188 #endif
4189             // break loop "// maintain a persistent connection"
4190             // return 1;
4191         };
4192     }
4195     if (!done) {
4196         icaphead.set_icap_com(clientuser, "G", filtergroup, checkme.message_no, checkme.log_message_no,
4197                               checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog);
4198         icaphead.respond(peerconn, "200 OK", true);
4199         if (icaphead.req_body_flag) {
4200             peerconn.loopChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // echoes any body
4201         }
4202     }
4203     //Log
4204     if (!(checkme.isourwebserver || checkme.nolog)) { // don't log requests to the web server
4205         doLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme);
4206     }
4207     return 0;
4208 }
handleICAPresmod(Socket & peerconn,String & ip,NaughtyFilter & checkme,ICAPHeader & icaphead,DataBuffer & docbody)4210 int ConnectionHandler::handleICAPresmod(Socket &peerconn, String &ip, NaughtyFilter &checkme, ICAPHeader &icaphead,
4211                                         DataBuffer &docbody) {
4213     //bool authed = false;
4214     bool persistPeer = true;
4215     bool done = false;
4216     String clientip = ip;
4217     String res_hdr, res_body;
4218     std::deque<CSPlugin *> responsescanners;
4220     // do all of this normalisation etc just the once at the start.
4221     checkme.setURL();
4223     overide_persist = false;
4224     if (icaphead.icap_com.filtergroup < 0)    //i.e. no X-ICAP-E2G
4225     {
4226         String wline = "ICAP/1.0 418 Bad composition - X-ICAP-E2G header not present\r\n";
4227         wline += "Service: ";
4228 	wline += PACKAGE_STRING;
4229 	wline  += "\r\n";
4230         wline += "Encapsulated: null-body=0\r\n";
4231         wline += "\r\n";
4232         peerconn.writeString(wline.toCharArray());
4233 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
4234         if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
4235         {
4236                 std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
4237                 oss << thread_id << " ICAP Error: " << wline << std::endl;
4238                 o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
4239                 std::cerr << thread_id << " ICAP Error: " << wline << std::endl;
4240         }
4241 #endif
4242         return 1;
4243     }
4245     filtergroup = icaphead.icap_com.filtergroup;
4246     checkme.filtergroup = icaphead.icap_com.filtergroup;
4247     clientuser = icaphead.icap_com.user;
4249     if (icaphead.icap_com.EBG == "E") {    // exception
4250         checkme.isexception = true;
4251         checkme.message_no = icaphead.icap_com.mess_no;
4252         checkme.log_message_no = icaphead.icap_com.log_mess_no;
4253         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = icaphead.icap_com.mess_string;
4254     } else if (icaphead.icap_com.EBG == "G")     // grey - content check
4255         checkme.isGrey = true;
4256     else if (icaphead.icap_com.EBG == "Y") {   // ordinary bypass
4257         checkme.isbypass = true;
4258         checkme.isexception = true;
4259         checkme.message_no = icaphead.icap_com.mess_no;
4260         checkme.log_message_no = icaphead.icap_com.log_mess_no;
4261         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = icaphead.icap_com.mess_string;
4262     } else if (icaphead.icap_com.EBG == "V") {   // virus bypass
4263         checkme.isvirusbypass = true;
4264         checkme.isbypass = true;
4265         checkme.isexception = true;
4266         checkme.message_no = icaphead.icap_com.mess_no;
4267         checkme.log_message_no = icaphead.icap_com.log_mess_no;
4268         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = icaphead.icap_com.mess_string;
4269     }
4271 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
4272     if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
4273     {
4274             int unrealfiltergroup = filtergroup + 1;
4275             std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
4276             oss << thread_id << "ICAP Respmod enabled - username: " << clientuser << " -filtergroup: " << unrealfiltergroup << " icaphead.icap_com.EBG: " << icaphead.icap_com.EBG << " icaphead.res_body_flag: " << icaphead.res_body_flag << std::endl;
4277             o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
4278             std::cerr << thread_id << "ICAP Respmod enabled -username: " << clientuser << " -filtergroup: " << unrealfiltergroup << " icaphead.icap_com.EBG: " << icaphead.icap_com.EBG << " icaphead.res_body_flag: " << icaphead.res_body_flag  << std::endl;
4279     }
4280 #endif
4282     checkme.clientip = ip;
4283     checkme.filtergroup = filtergroup;
4284     if(o.log_requests) {
4285         std::string fnt = "RESPMOD";
4286         doRQLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme, fnt);
4287     }
4288     // Look up reverse DNS name of client if needed
4289     if (o.reverse_client_ip_lookups) {
4290         getClientFromIP(clientip.c_str(), checkme.clienthost);
4291     }
4293     //bool part_banned;
4295     // virus checkichurchillng candidate?
4296     // checkme.noviruscheck defaults to true
4297 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
4298     if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
4299         {
4300                 std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
4301                 oss << thread_id << "Virus scan checkme.isexception: " << checkme.isexception  << " checkme.noviruscheck: " << checkme.noviruscheck << " content_scan_exceptions: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions << " checkme.isBlocked: " << checkme.isBlocked << " disable_content_scan: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->disable_content_scan << " csplugins: " << o.csplugins.size() << std::endl;
4302                 o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
4303                 std::cerr << thread_id << "Virus scan checkme.isexception: " << checkme.isexception  << " checkme.noviruscheck: " << checkme.noviruscheck << " content_scan_exceptions: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions << " checkme.isBlocked: " << checkme.isBlocked << " disable_content_scan: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->disable_content_scan << " csplugins: " << o.csplugins.size() << std::endl;
4304             }
4305 #endif
4307     if (icaphead.res_body_flag    //  can only  scan if  body present
4308         && !(checkme.isBlocked)  // or not already blocked
4309         && (o.csplugins.size() > 0)            //  and we have scan plugins
4310         && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->disable_content_scan    // and is not disabled
4311         && !(checkme.isexception && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions)
4312         && !checkme.isvirusbypass   // and is not virus bypass
4313         // and not exception unless scan exceptions enable
4314             ) {
4315         checkme.noviruscheck = false;   // note this may be reset by Storyboard to enable exceptions
4316     }
4318             //
4319             // being a banned user/IP overrides the fact that a site may be in the exception lists
4320             // needn't check these lists in bypass modes
4321     if (!(checkme.isexception) || !checkme.noviruscheck) {
4322 // Main checking is done in Storyboard function(s)
4323             ldl->fg[filtergroup]->StoryB.runFunctEntry(ENT_STORYB_ICAP_RESMOD,checkme);
4324 #ifndef NEWDEBUG_OFF
4325             if(o.myDebug->ICAP)
4326             {
4327                     std::ostringstream oss (std::ostringstream::out);
4328                     oss << thread_id << "After StoryB icapcheckresmod" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no " << checkme.message_no  << " checkme.noviruscheck: "<< checkme.noviruscheck << " content_scan_exceptions: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions <<  std::endl;
4329                     o.myDebug->Debug("ICAP",oss.str());
4330                     std::cerr << thread_id << "After StoryB icapcheckresmod" << checkme.isexception << " mess_no " << checkme.message_no  << " checkme.noviruscheck: "<< checkme.noviruscheck << " content_scan_exceptions: " << ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions << std::endl;
4331             }
4332 #endif
4334 	   if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->reporting_level != -1){
4335                	checkme.isItNaughty = checkme.isBlocked;
4336 	   } else {
4337 		checkme.isItNaughty = false;
4338 	        checkme.isBlocked = false;
4339 	   }
4340     }
4342     if (checkme.isexception && !checkme.noviruscheck && !ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions)
4343         checkme.noviruscheck = true;
4345     if (ldl->fg[filtergroup]->content_scan_exceptions && checkme.isexception)
4346         checkme.noviruscheck = false;
4348     if ((checkme.isexception && checkme.noviruscheck)|| !icaphead.res_body_flag) {
4349         if (icaphead.allow_204) {
4350             icaphead.respond(peerconn, "204 No Content", false, false);
4351             if (icaphead.res_body_flag) {
4352                 peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains any body
4353             }
4354         } else {
4355             // pipe through headers and body
4356             icaphead.respond(peerconn, "200 OK", true);
4357             if (icaphead.res_body_flag) {
4358                 peerconn.loopChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // echos any body
4359             }
4360         }
4361         done = true;
4362     }
4364     // should now only be left with grey which has content body
4366             //- if grey content check
4367                 // can't do content filtering on HEAD or redirections (no content)
4368                 // actually, redirections CAN have content
4370    if (!done && !checkme.isItNaughty) {
4371            if(!checkme.noviruscheck)
4372                 {
4373                     for (std::deque<Plugin *>::iterator i = o.csplugins_begin; i != o.csplugins_end; ++i) {
4374                         int csrc = ((CSPlugin *)(*i))->willScanRequest(checkme.url, clientuser.c_str(), ldl->fg[filtergroup], clientip.c_str(), false, false, checkme.isexception, checkme.isbypass);
4375                         if (csrc > 0)
4376                             responsescanners.push_back((CSPlugin *)(*i));
4377                         else if (csrc < 0)
4378                             syslog(LOG_ERR, "%swillScanRequest returned error: %d", thread_id.c_str(), csrc);
4379                     }
4380                 }
4381                 check_content(checkme, docbody,peerconn, peerconn,responsescanners);
4382     }
4384     //send response header to client
4385     if (!done && !checkme.isItNaughty) {
4386         icaphead.respond(peerconn, "200 OK", true);
4387         if(checkme.waschecked) {
4388             if (!docbody.out(&peerconn))
4389                 checkme.pausedtoobig = false;
4390             if (checkme.pausedtoobig)
4391                 checkme.tunnel_rest = true;
4392         }
4393         if (checkme.tunnel_rest){
4394             peerconn.loopChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // echos any body
4395             done = true;
4396 	}
4397     }
4399     if(checkme.isItNaughty) {
4400         if(genDenyAccess(peerconn,res_hdr, res_body, &icaphead.HTTPrequest, &icaphead.HTTPresponse, &checkme.logurl, &checkme, &clientuser, &ip,
4401                 filtergroup, checkme.ispostblock,checkme.headersent, checkme.wasinfected, checkme.scanerror))
4402         {
4403             icaphead.errorResponse(peerconn, res_hdr, res_body);
4404             if (icaphead.res_body_flag) {
4405                 peerconn.drainChunk(peerconn.getTimeout());   // drains any body
4406             }
4407             done = true;
4408         }
4409             persistPeer = false;
4410         }
4412             //Log
4413     if (!checkme.isourwebserver && checkme.isItNaughty) { // don't log requests to the web server & and normal response
4414         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog = "ICAP Response filtering: ";
4415         checkme.whatIsNaughtyLog += checkme.whatIsNaughty;
4416         doLog(clientuser, clientip, checkme);
4417     }
4418     if (persistPeer)
4419         return 0;
4420     else
4421         return 1;
4422 }
4424 // determine what filter group the given username is in
4425 // return -1 when user not found
determineGroup(std::string & user,int & fg,ListContainer & uglc)4426 int ConnectionHandler::determineGroup(std::string &user, int &fg, ListContainer &uglc) {
4427     if (user.length() < 1 || user == "-") {
4428         return DGAUTH_NOMATCH;
4429     }
4430     String u(user);
4431     String lastcategory;
4432     u.toLower(); // since the filtergroupslist is read in in lowercase, we should do this.
4433     user = u.toCharArray(); // also pass back to ConnectionHandler, so appears lowercase in logs
4434     String ue(u);
4435     ue += "=";
4437     //char *i = ldl->filter_groups_list.findStartsWithPartial(ue.toCharArray(), lastcategory);
4438     char *i = uglc.findStartsWithPartial(ue.toCharArray(), lastcategory);
4440     if (i == NULL) {
4441 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4442         std::cerr << thread_id << "User not in filter groups list: " << ue << std::endl;
4443 #endif
4444         return DGAUTH_NOUSER;
4445     }
4446 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4447     std::cerr << thread_id << "User found in filter group list: " << i << std::endl;
4448 #endif
4449     ue = i;
4450     if (ue.before("=") == u) {
4451         ue = ue.after("=filter");
4452         int l = ue.length();
4453         if (l < 1 || l > 2) {
4454             return DGAUTH_NOUSER;
4455         }
4456         int t;
4457         t = ue.toInteger();
4458         if (t > o.numfg) {
4459             return DGAUTH_NOUSER;
4460         }
4461         if (t > 0) {
4462             fg = --t;
4463 #ifdef DGDEBUG
4464             std::cerr << thread_id << "determineGroup gives fg:  " << fg << std::endl;
4465 #endif
4466             return DGAUTH_OK;
4467         }
4468     }
4469     return DGAUTH_NOUSER;
4470 }