1## For the Impatient
4# Download bwakit (or from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/bwakit/> manually)
5wget -O- http://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/bwakit/bwakit-0.7.12_x64-linux.tar.bz2/download \
6  | gzip -dc | tar xf -
7# Generate the GRCh38+ALT+decoy+HLA and create the BWA index
8bwa.kit/run-gen-ref hs38DH   # download GRCh38 and write hs38DH.fa
9bwa.kit/bwa index hs38DH.fa  # create BWA index
10# mapping
11bwa.kit/run-bwamem -o out -H hs38DH.fa read1.fq read2.fq | sh  # skip "|sh" to show command lines
14This generates `out.aln.bam` as the final alignment, `out.hla.top` for best HLA
15genotypes on each gene and `out.hla.all` for other possible HLA genotypes.
16Please check out [bwa/bwakit/README.md][kithelp] for details.
18## Background
20GRCh38 consists of several components: chromosomal assembly, unlocalized contigs
21(chromosome known but location unknown), unplaced contigs (chromosome unknown)
22and ALT contigs (long clustered variations). The combination of the first three
23components is called the *primary assembly*. It is recommended to use the
24complete primary assembly for all analyses. Using ALT contigs in read mapping is
27GRCh38 ALT contigs are totaled 109Mb in length, spanning 60Mbp of the primary
28assembly. However, sequences that are highly diverged from the primary assembly
29only contribute a few million bp. Most subsequences of ALT contigs are nearly
30identical to the primary assembly. If we align sequence reads to GRCh38+ALT
31blindly, we will get many additional reads with zero mapping quality and miss
32variants on them. It is crucial to make mappers aware of ALTs.
34BWA-MEM is ALT-aware. It essentially computes mapping quality across the
35non-redundant content of the primary assembly plus the ALT contigs and is free
36of the problem above.
38## Methods
40### Sequence alignment
42As of now, ALT mapping is done in two separate steps: BWA-MEM mapping and
43postprocessing. The `bwa.kit/run-bwamem` script performs the two steps when ALT
44contigs are present. The following picture shows an example about how BWA-MEM
45infers mapping quality and reports alignment after step 2:
49#### Step 1: BWA-MEM mapping
51At this step, BWA-MEM reads the ALT contig names from "*idxbase*.alt", ignoring
52the ALT-to-ref alignment, and labels a potential hit as *ALT* or *non-ALT*,
53depending on whether the hit lands on an ALT contig or not. BWA-MEM then reports
54alignments and assigns mapQ following these two rules:
561. The mapQ of a non-ALT hit is computed across non-ALT hits only. The mapQ of
57   an ALT hit is computed across all hits.
592. If there are no non-ALT hits, the best ALT hit is outputted as the primary
60   alignment. If there are both ALT and non-ALT hits, non-ALT hits will be
61   primary and ALT hits be supplementary (SAM flag 0x800).
63In theory, non-ALT alignments from step 1 should be identical to alignments
64against the reference genome with ALT contigs. In practice, the two types of
65alignments may differ in rare cases due to seeding heuristics. When an ALT hit
66is significantly better than non-ALT hits, BWA-MEM may miss seeds on the
67non-ALT hits.
69If we don't care about ALT hits, we may skip postprocessing (step 2).
70Nonetheless, postprocessing is recommended as it improves mapQ and gives more
71information about ALT hits.
73#### Step 2: Postprocessing
75Postprocessing is done with a separate script `bwa-postalt.js`. It reads all
76potential hits reported in the XA tag, lifts ALT hits to the chromosomal
77positions using the ALT-to-ref alignment, groups them based on overlaps between
78their lifted positions, and then re-estimates mapQ across the best scoring hit
79in each group. Being aware of the ALT-to-ref alignment, this script can greatly
80improve mapQ of ALT hits and occasionally improve mapQ of non-ALT hits. It also
81writes each hit overlapping the reported hit into a separate SAM line. This
82enables variant calling on each ALT contig independent of others.
84### On the completeness of GRCh38+ALT
86While GRCh38 is much more complete than GRCh37, it is still missing some true
87human sequences. To make sure every piece of sequence in the reference assembly
88is correct, the [Genome Reference Consortium][grc] (GRC) require each ALT contig
89to have enough support from multiple sources before considering to add it to the
90reference assembly. This careful and sophisticated procedure has left out some
91sequences, one of which is [this example][novel], a 10kb contig assembled from
92CHM1 short reads and present also in NA12878. You can try [BLAT][blat] or
93[BLAST][blast] to see where it maps.
95For a more complete reference genome, we compiled a new set of decoy sequences
96from GenBank clones and the de novo assembly of 254 public [SGDP][sgdp] samples.
97The sequences are included in `hs38DH-extra.fa` from the [BWA binary
100In addition to decoy, we also put multiple alleles of HLA genes in
101`hs38DH-extra.fa`. These genomic sequences were acquired from [IMGT/HLA][hladb],
102version 3.18.0 and are used to collect reads sequenced from these genes.
104### HLA typing
106HLA genes are known to be associated with many autoimmune diseases, infectious
107diseases and drug responses. They are among the most important genes but are
108rarely studied by WGS projects due to the high sequence divergence between
109HLA genes and the reference genome in these regions.
111By including the HLA gene regions in the reference assembly as ALT contigs, we
112are able to effectively identify reads coming from these genes. We also provide
113a pipeline, which is included in the [BWA binary package][res], to type the
114several classic HLA genes. The pipeline is conceptually simple. It de novo
115assembles sequence reads mapped to each gene, aligns exon sequences of each
116allele to the assembled contigs and then finds the pairs of alleles that best
117explain the contigs. In practice, however, the completeness of IMGT/HLA and
118copy-number changes related to these genes are not so straightforward to
119resolve. HLA typing may not always be successful. Users may also consider to use
120other programs for typing such as [Warren et al (2012)][hla4], [Liu et al
121(2013)][hla2], [Bai et al (2014)][hla3] and [Dilthey et al (2014)][hla1], though
122most of them are distributed under restrictive licenses.
124## Preliminary Evaluation
126To check whether GRCh38 is better than GRCh37, we mapped the CHM1 and NA12878
127unitigs to GRCh37 primary (hs37), GRCh38 primary (hs38) and GRCh38+ALT+decoy
128(hs38DH), and called small variants from the alignment. CHM1 is haploid.
129Ideally, heterozygous calls are false positives (FP). NA12878 is diploid. The
130true positive (TP) heterozygous calls from NA12878 are approximately equal
131to the difference between NA12878 and CHM1 heterozygous calls. A better assembly
132should yield higher TP and lower FP. The following table shows the numbers for
133these assemblies:
135|Assembly|hs37   |hs38   |hs38DH|CHM1_1.1|  huref|
137|FP      | 255706| 168068| 142516|307172 | 575634|
138|TP      |2142260|2163113|2150844|2167235|2137053|
140With this measurement, hs38 is clearly better than hs37. Genome hs38DH reduces
141FP by ~25k but also reduces TP by ~12k. We manually inspected variants called
142from hs38 only and found the majority of them are associated with excessive read
143depth, clustered variants or weak alignment. We believe most hs38-only calls are
144problematic. In addition, if we compare two NA12878 replicates from HiSeq X10
145with nearly identical library construction, the difference is ~140k, an order
146of magnitude higher than the difference between hs38 and hs38DH. ALT contigs,
147decoy and HLA genes in hs38DH improve variant calling and enable the analyses of
148ALT contigs and HLA typing at little cost.
150## Problems and Future Development
152There are some uncertainties about ALT mappings - we are not sure whether they
153help biological discovery and don't know the best way to analyze them. Without
154clear demand from downstream analyses, it is very difficult to design the
155optimal mapping strategy. The current BWA-MEM method is just a start. If it
156turns out to be useful in research, we will probably rewrite bwa-postalt.js in C
157for performance; if not, we may make changes. It is also possible that we might
158make breakthrough on the representation of multiple genomes, in which case, we
159can even get rid of ALT contigs for good.
163[res]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/bwakit
164[sb]: https://github.com/GregoryFaust/samblaster
165[grc]: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/genome/assembly/grc/
166[novel]: https://gist.github.com/lh3/9935148b71f04ba1a8cc
167[blat]: https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat
168[blast]: http://blast.st-va.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PROGRAM=blastn&PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&LINK_LOC=blasthome
169[sgdp]: http://www.simonsfoundation.org/life-sciences/simons-genome-diversity-project/
170[hladb]: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/imgt/hla/
171[grcdef]: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/genome/assembly/grc/info/definitions.shtml
172[hla1]: http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2014/07/08/006973
173[hlalink]: http://www.hladiseaseassociations.com
174[hlatools]: https://www.biostars.org/p/93245/
175[hla2]: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/41/14/e142.full.pdf+html
176[hla3]: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/15/325
177[hla4]: http://genomemedicine.com/content/4/12/95
178[kithelp]: https://github.com/lh3/bwa/tree/master/bwakit