1 /* @include ajtranslate *******************************************************
2 **
3 ** AJAX translate functions
4 **
5 ** These functions control all aspects of sequence translation
6 **
7 ** These functions do not translate to the 'ambiguity' residues
8 ** 'B' (Asn or Asp) and 'Z' (Glu or Gln). So the codons:
9 ** RAC, RAT, RAY, RAU which could code for 'B' return 'X'
10 ** and SAA, SAG, SAR which could code for 'Z' return 'X'.
11 **
12 ** This translation table doesn't have the doubly ambiguous
13 ** codons set up:
14 ** YTR - L
15 ** MGR - R
16 ** YUR - L
17 **
18 ** This should be attended to at some time.
19 **
20 ** @author Copyright (C) 1999 Gary Williams
21 ** @version $Revision: 1.24 $
22 ** @modified Feb 15 1999 GWW First version
23 ** @modified April 19 1999 GWW Second version using NCBI's GC tables
24 ** @modified April 18 2000 GWW Reorganised many of the routines
25 ** @modified 2001-2011 Peter Rice
26 ** @modified $Date: 2013/02/07 10:32:50 $ by $Author: rice $
27 ** @@
28 **
29 ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
30 ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
31 ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
32 ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
33 **
34 ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37 ** Lesser General Public License for more details.
38 **
39 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
40 ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
41 ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
42 ** MA  02110-1301,  USA.
43 **
44 ******************************************************************************/
46 #ifndef AJTRANSLATE_H
47 #define AJTRANSLATE_H
49 /* ========================================================================= */
50 /* ============================= include files ============================= */
51 /* ========================================================================= */
53 #include "ajdefine.h"
54 #include "ajstr.h"
55 #include "ajfile.h"
56 #include "ajseq.h"
63 /* ========================================================================= */
64 /* =============================== constants =============================== */
65 /* ========================================================================= */
70 /* ========================================================================= */
71 /* ============================== public data ============================== */
72 /* ========================================================================= */
77 /* @data AjPTrn ***************************************************************
78 **
79 ** Ajax Sequence translation object.
80 **
81 ** Holds the Genetic Code specification and information needed to translate
82 ** the sequence and find initiation sites.
83 **
84 ** @new ajTrnNew Default constructor
85 ** @new ajTrnNewI Default constructor
86 ** @new ajTrnNewC Default constructor
87 ** @delete ajTrnDel Default destructor
88 ** @input ajTrnReadFile Reads a Genetic Code file
89 ** @use ajTrnCodon Translating a codon from an AjPStr
90 ** @use ajTrnRevCodon Reverse complement translating a codon from an AjPStr
91 ** @use ajTrnCodonC Translating a codon from a char* text
92 ** @use ajTrnRevCodonC Translating a codon from a char* text
93 ** @use ajTrnCodonK Translating a codon from a char* to a char
94 ** @use ajTrnRevCodonK Reverse complement translating a codon
95 **                     from a char* to a char
96 ** @use ajTrnC Translating a sequence from a char* text
97 ** @use ajTrnRevC Reverse complement translating a sequence from a char* text
98 ** @use ajTrnAltRevC (Alt) Reverse complement translating a sequence
99 **                         from a char* text
100 ** @use ajTrnStr Translating a sequence from a AjPStr
101 ** @use ajTrnRevStr Reverse complement translating a sequence from a AjPStr
102 ** @use ajTrnAltRevStr (Alt) Reverse complement translating a sequence
103 **                           from a AjPStr
104 ** @use ajTrnSeq Translating a sequence from a AjPSeq
105 ** @use ajTrnRevSeq Reverse complement translating a sequence from a AjPSeq
106 ** @use ajTrnAltRevSeq Reverse complement translating a sequence from a AjPSeq
107 ** @use ajTrnCFrame Translating a sequence from a char* in a frame
108 ** @use ajTrnStrFrame Translating a sequence from a AjPStr in a frame
109 ** @use ajTrnSeqFrame Translating a sequence from a AjPSeq in a frame
110 ** @use ajTrnSeqFramePep Translating a sequence from a AjPSeq in a frame
111 **                       and returns a new peptide
112 ** @use ajTrnDangleC Translates the last 1 or two bases of a sequence
113 **                   in a char* text
114 ** @use ajTrnDangleS Translates the last 1 or two bases of a sequence
115 **                     in a AjStr
116 ** @use ajTrnSeqOrig Translating a sequence
117 ** @cast ajTrnGetTitle Returns description of the translation table
118 ** @cast ajTrnGetFilename Returns file name the translation table was read from
119 ** @use ajTrnCodonstrTypeS Checks whether the input codon is a Start codon,
120 **                     a Stop codon or something else
121 ** @use ajTrnCodonstrTypeC Checks whether a const char* codon is
122 **                      a Start codon, a Stop codon or something else
123 **
124 ** @attr FileName [AjPStr] name of file that held the data
125 ** @attr Title [AjPStr] title of data read from file
126 ** @attr GC [char[16][16][16]] genetic codon table
127 ** @attr Starts [char[16][16][16]] initiation site table
128 **
129 ** @alias AjSTrn
130 ** @alias AjOTrn
131 ** @@
132 ******************************************************************************/
134 typedef struct AjSTrn
135 {
136     AjPStr FileName;
137     AjPStr Title;
138     char GC[16][16][16];
139     char Starts[16][16][16];
140 } AjOTrn;
142 #define AjPTrn AjOTrn*
147 /* ========================================================================= */
148 /* =========================== public functions ============================ */
149 /* ========================================================================= */
154 /*
155 ** Prototype definitions
156 */
158 void          ajTrnDel(AjPTrn* pthis);
159 void          ajTrnExit(void);
160 AjPTrn        ajTrnNew(const AjPStr trnFileName);
161 AjPTrn        ajTrnNewI(ajint trnFileNameInt);
162 AjPTrn        ajTrnNewC(const char *trnFileName);
163 void          ajTrnReadFile(AjPTrn trnObj, AjPFile trnFile);
164 AjPSeq        ajTrnNewPep(const AjPSeq nucleicSeq, ajint frame);
165 char          ajTrnCodonS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr codon);
166 char          ajTrnCodonRevS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr codon);
167 char          ajTrnCodonC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *codon);
168 char          ajTrnCodonRevC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *codon);
169 char          ajTrnCodonK(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *codon);
170 char          ajTrnRevCodonK(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *codon);
171 void          ajTrnRevStr(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr str,
172                           AjPStr *pep);
173 void          ajTrnSeqC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
174                         AjPStr *pep);
175 void          ajTrnSeqInitC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
176                             AjPStr *pep);
177 void          ajTrnSeqRevC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
178                            AjPStr *pep);
179 void          ajTrnSeqRevinitC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
180                                AjPStr *pep);
181 void          ajTrnSeqAltRevC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
182                               AjPStr *pep);
183 void          ajTrnSeqAltRevinitC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str,
184                                   ajint len, AjPStr *pep);
185 void          ajTrnSeqS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr str,
186                         AjPStr *pep);
187 void          ajTrnSeqAltRevS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr str,
188                               AjPStr *pep);
189 void          ajTrnSeqSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
190                           AjPStr *pep);
191 void          ajTrnSeqRevSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
192                              AjPStr *pep);
193 void          ajTrnSeqAltRevSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
194                                 AjPStr *pep);
195 void          ajTrnSeqFrameC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *seq, ajint len,
196                              ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
197 void          ajTrnSeqFrameInitC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *seq,
198                                  ajint len, ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
199 const AjPStr  ajTrnName(ajint trnFileNameInt);
200 void          ajTrnSeqFrameS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr seq,
201                              ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
202 void          ajTrnSeqFrameInitS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr seq,
203                                  ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
204 void          ajTrnSeqFrameSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
205                                ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
206 void          ajTrnSeqFrameSeqInit(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
207                                    ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
208 ajint         ajTrnSeqDangleC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *seq,
209                               ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
210 ajint         ajTrnSeqDangleS(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr seq,
211                               ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
212 AjPSeq        ajTrnSeqFramePep(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
213                                ajint frame);
214 AjPStr        ajTrnGetTitle(const AjPTrn thys);
215 AjPStr        ajTrnGetFilename(const AjPTrn thys);
216 ajint         ajTrnCodonstrTypeC(const AjPTrn trnObj,
217                                  const char *codon, char *aa);
218 ajint         ajTrnCodonstrTypeS(const AjPTrn trnObj,
219                                  const AjPStr codon, char *aa);
220 AjPSeq        ajTrnSeqInit(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
221                            ajint frame);
222 AjPSeq        ajTrnSeqOrig(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
223                            ajint frame);
225 /*
226 ** End of prototype definitions
227 */
238 __deprecated ajint         ajTrnStartStop(const AjPTrn trnObj,
239                                           const AjPStr codon, char *aa);
240 __deprecated ajint         ajTrnStartStopC(const AjPTrn trnObj,
241                                            const char *codon, char *aa);
242 __deprecated AjPStr        ajTrnGetFileName(const AjPTrn thys);
243 __deprecated const  AjPStr ajTrnCodon(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr codon);
244 __deprecated const  AjPStr ajTrnRevCodon(const AjPTrn trnObj,
245                                          const AjPStr codon);
246 __deprecated void    ajTrnC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str, ajint len,
247                             AjPStr *pep);
248 __deprecated void    ajTrnRevC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str,
249                                ajint len, AjPStr *pep);
250 __deprecated void    ajTrnAltRevC(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *str,
251                                   ajint len, AjPStr *pep);
252 __deprecated void    ajTrnStr(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr str,
253                               AjPStr *pep);
254 __deprecated void    ajTrnAltRevStr(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr str,
255                                     AjPStr *pep);
256 __deprecated void    ajTrnSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
257                               AjPStr *pep);
258 __deprecated void    ajTrnRevSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
259                                  AjPStr *pep);
260 __deprecated void    ajTrnAltRevSeq(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
261                                     AjPStr *pep);
262 __deprecated void    ajTrnCFrame(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *seq,
263                                  ajint len, ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
264 __deprecated void    ajTrnStrFrame(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr seq,
265                                    ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
266 __deprecated void    ajTrnSeqFrame(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPSeq seq,
267                                    ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
268 __deprecated ajint   ajTrnCDangle(const AjPTrn trnObj, const char *seq,
269                                   ajint len, ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
270 __deprecated ajint   ajTrnStrDangle(const AjPTrn trnObj, const AjPStr seq,
271                                     ajint frame, AjPStr *pep);
273 #endif /* AJ_COMPILE_DEPRECATED */
280 #endif /* !AJTRANSLATE_H */