1 /*
2  * range_source.h
3  */
5 #ifndef RANGE_SOURCE_H_
6 #define RANGE_SOURCE_H_
8 #include <stdint.h>
9 #include <queue>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "ds.h"
13 #include "ebwt.h"
14 #include "range.h"
15 #include "pool.h"
16 #include "edit.h"
18 enum AdvanceUntil {
22 };
24 /**
25  * List of Edits that automatically expands as edits are added.
26  */
27 struct EditList {
EditListEditList29 	EditList() : sz_(0), moreEdits_(NULL), yetMoreEdits_(NULL) { }
31 	/**
32 	 * Add an edit to the edit list.
33 	 */
addEditList34 	bool add(const Edit& e, AllocOnlyPool<Edit>& pool, size_t qlen) {
35 		assert_lt(sz_, qlen + 10);
36 		if(sz_ < numEdits) {
37 			assert(moreEdits_ == NULL);
38 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ == NULL);
39 			edits_[sz_++] = e;
40 		} else if(sz_ == numEdits) {
41 			assert(moreEdits_ == NULL);
42 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ == NULL);
43 			moreEdits_ = pool.alloc(numMoreEdits);
44 			if(moreEdits_ == NULL) {
45 				return false;
46 			}
47 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
48 			moreEdits_[0] = e;
49 			sz_++;
50 		} else if(sz_ < (numEdits + numMoreEdits)) {
51 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
52 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ == NULL);
53 			moreEdits_[sz_ - numEdits] = e;
54 			sz_++;
55 		} else if(sz_ == (numEdits + numMoreEdits)) {
56 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
57 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ == NULL);
58 			yetMoreEdits_ = pool.alloc((uint32_t)qlen + 10 - numMoreEdits - numEdits);
59 			if(yetMoreEdits_ == NULL) {
60 				return false;
61 			}
62 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ != NULL);
63 			yetMoreEdits_[0] = e;
64 			sz_++;
65 		} else {
66 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
67 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ != NULL);
68 			yetMoreEdits_[sz_ - numEdits - numMoreEdits] = e;
69 			sz_++;
70 		}
71 		return true;
72 	}
74 	/**
75 	 * Return a const reference to the ith Edit in the list.
76 	 */
getEditList77 	const Edit& get(size_t i) const {
78 		assert_lt(i, sz_);
79 		if(i < numEdits) {
80 			return edits_[i];
81 		} else if(i < (numEdits + numMoreEdits)) {
82 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
83 			return moreEdits_[i-numEdits];
84 		} else {
85 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
86 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ != NULL);
87 			return yetMoreEdits_[i-numEdits-numMoreEdits];
88 		}
89 	}
91 	/**
92 	 * Get most recently added Edit.
93 	 */
topEditList94 	const Edit& top() const {
95 		assert_gt(size(), 0);
96 		return get(size()-1);
97 	}
99 	/**
100 	 * Return true iff no Edits have been added.
101 	 */
emptyEditList102 	bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
104 	/**
105 	 * Set a particular element of the EditList.
106 	 */
setEditList107 	void set(size_t i, const Edit& e) {
108 		assert_lt(i, sz_);
109 		if(i < numEdits) {
110 			edits_[i] = e;
111 		} else if(i < (numEdits + numMoreEdits)) {
112 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
113 			moreEdits_[i-numEdits] = e;
114 		} else {
115 			assert(moreEdits_ != NULL);
116 			assert(yetMoreEdits_ != NULL);
117 			yetMoreEdits_[i-numEdits-numMoreEdits] = e;
118 		}
119 	}
121 	/**
122 	 * Remove all Edits from the list.
123 	 */
clearEditList124 	void clear() {
125 		sz_ = 0;
126 		moreEdits_ = NULL;
127 		yetMoreEdits_ = NULL;
128 	}
130 	/**
131 	 * Return number of Edits in the List.
132 	 */
sizeEditList133 	size_t size() const { return sz_; }
135 	/**
136 	 * Free all the heap-allocated edit lists
137 	 */
freeEditList138 	void free(AllocOnlyPool<Edit>& epool, size_t qlen) {
139 		if(yetMoreEdits_ != NULL)
140 			epool.free(yetMoreEdits_, (uint32_t)qlen + 10 - numMoreEdits - numEdits);
141 		if(moreEdits_ != NULL)
142 			epool.free(moreEdits_, numMoreEdits);
143 	}
145 	const static size_t numEdits = 6; // part of object allocation
146 	const static size_t numMoreEdits = 16; // first extra allocation
147 	size_t sz_;          // number of Edits stored in the EditList
148 	Edit edits_[numEdits]; // first 4 edits; typically, no more are needed
149 	Edit *moreEdits_;    // if used, size is dictated by numMoreEdits
150 	Edit *yetMoreEdits_; // if used, size is dictated by length of read
151 };
153 /**
154  * Holds per-position information about what outgoing paths have been
155  * eliminated and what the quality value(s) is (are) at the position.
156  */
157 union ElimsAndQual {
159 	/**
160 	 * Assuming qual A/C/G/T are already set, set quallo and quallo2
161 	 * to the additional cost incurred by the least and second-least
162 	 * costly paths.
163 	 */
updateLo()164 	void updateLo() {
165 		flags.quallo = 127;
166 		flags.quallo2 = 127;
167 		if(!flags.mmA) {
168 			// A mismatch to an A in the genome has not been ruled out
169 			if(flags.qualA < flags.quallo) {
170 				//flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
171 				flags.quallo = flags.qualA;
172 			}
173 			//else if(flags.qualA == flags.quallo) {
174 			//	flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
175 			//} else if(flags.qualA < flags.quallo2) {
176 			//	flags.quallo2 = flags.qualA;
177 			//}
178 		}
179 		if(!flags.mmC) {
180 			// A mismatch to a C in the genome has not been ruled out
181 			if(flags.qualC < flags.quallo) {
182 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
183 				flags.quallo = flags.qualC;
184 			} else if(flags.qualC == flags.quallo) {
185 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
186 			} else if(flags.qualC < flags.quallo2) {
187 				flags.quallo2 = flags.qualC;
188 			}
189 		}
190 		if(!flags.mmG) {
191 			// A mismatch to a G in the genome has not been ruled out
192 			if(flags.qualG < flags.quallo) {
193 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
194 				flags.quallo = flags.qualG;
195 			} else if(flags.qualG == flags.quallo) {
196 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
197 			} else if(flags.qualG < flags.quallo2) {
198 				flags.quallo2 = flags.qualG;
199 			}
200 		}
201 		if(!flags.mmT) {
202 			// A mismatch to a T in the genome has not been ruled out
203 			if(flags.qualT < flags.quallo) {
204 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
205 				flags.quallo = flags.qualT;
206 			} else if(flags.qualT == flags.quallo) {
207 				flags.quallo2 = flags.quallo;
208 			} else if(flags.qualT < flags.quallo2) {
209 				flags.quallo2 = flags.qualT;
210 			}
211 		}
212 		assert(repOk());
213 	}
215 	/**
216 	 * Set all 13 elimination bits of the flags field to 1, indicating
217 	 * that all outgoing paths are eliminated.
218 	 */
eliminate()219 	inline void eliminate() {
220 		join.elims = ((1 << 13) - 1);
221 	}
223 	/**
224 	 * Internal consistency check.  Basically just checks that lo and
225 	 * lo2 are set correctly.
226 	 */
repOk()227 	bool repOk() const {
228 		uint8_t lo = 127;
229 		uint8_t lo2 = 127;
230 		assert_lt(flags.qualA, 127);
231 		assert_lt(flags.qualC, 127);
232 		assert_lt(flags.qualG, 127);
233 		assert_lt(flags.qualT, 127);
234 		if(!flags.mmA) {
235 			if(flags.qualA < lo) {
236 				lo = flags.qualA;
237 			}
238 			//else if(flags.qualA == lo || flags.qualA < lo2) {
239 			//	lo2 = flags.qualA;
240 			//}
241 		}
242 		if(!flags.mmC) {
243 			if(flags.qualC < lo) {
244 				lo2 = lo;
245 				lo = flags.qualC;
246 			} else if(flags.qualC == lo || flags.qualC < lo2) {
247 				lo2 = flags.qualC;
248 			}
249 		}
250 		if(!flags.mmG) {
251 			if(flags.qualG < lo) {
252 				lo2 = lo;
253 				lo = flags.qualG;
254 			} else if(flags.qualG == lo || flags.qualG < lo2) {
255 				lo2 = flags.qualG;
256 			}
257 		}
258 		if(!flags.mmT) {
259 			if(flags.qualT < lo) {
260 				lo2 = lo;
261 				lo = flags.qualT;
262 			} else if(flags.qualT == lo || flags.qualT < lo2) {
263 				lo2 = flags.qualT;
264 			}
265 		}
266 		assert_eq((int)lo, (int)flags.quallo);
267 		assert_eq((int)lo2, (int)flags.quallo2);
268 		return true;
269 	}
271 	struct {
272 		uint64_t mmA   : 1; // A in ref aligns to non-A char in read
273 		uint64_t mmC   : 1; // C in ref aligns to non-C char in read
274 		uint64_t mmG   : 1; // G in ref aligns to non-G char in read
275 		uint64_t mmT   : 1; // T in ref aligns to non-T char in read
276 		uint64_t snpA  : 1; // Same as mmA, but we think it's a SNP and not a miscall
277 		uint64_t snpC  : 1; // Same as mmC, but we think it's a SNP and not a miscall
278 		uint64_t snpG  : 1; // Same as mmG, but we think it's a SNP and not a miscall
279 		uint64_t snpT  : 1; // Same as mmT, but we think it's a SNP and not a miscall
280 		uint64_t insA  : 1; // A insertion in reference w/r/t read
281 		uint64_t insC  : 1; // C insertion in reference w/r/t read
282 		uint64_t insG  : 1; // G insertion in reference w/r/t read
283 		uint64_t insT  : 1; // T insertion in reference w/r/t read
284 		uint64_t del   : 1; // deletion of read character
285 		uint64_t qualA : 7; // quality penalty for picking A at this position
286 		uint64_t qualC : 7; // quality penalty for picking C at this position
287 		uint64_t qualG : 7; // quality penalty for picking G at this position
288 		uint64_t qualT : 7; // quality penalty for picking T at this position
289 		uint64_t quallo : 7; // lowest quality penalty at this position
290 		uint64_t quallo2 : 7; // 2nd-lowest quality penalty at this position
291 		uint64_t reserved : 9;
292 	} flags;
293 	struct {
294 		uint64_t elims : 13; // all of the edit-elim flags bundled together
295 		uint64_t quals : 42; // quality of positions
296 		uint64_t reserved : 9;
297 	} join;
298 	struct {
299 		uint64_t mmElims  : 4; // substitution flags bundled together
300 		uint64_t snpElims : 4; // substitution flags bundled together
301 		uint64_t insElims : 4; // inserts-in-reference flags bundled together
302 		uint64_t delElims : 1; // deletion of read character
303 		uint64_t quals    : 42; // quality of positions
304 		uint64_t reserved : 9;
305 	} join2;
306 };
308 /**
309  * All per-position state, including the ranges calculated for each
310  * character, the quality value at the position, and a set of flags
311  * recording whether we've tried each way of proceeding from this
312  * position.
313  */
314 struct RangeState {
316 	/**
317 	 * Using randomness when picking from among multiple choices, pick
318 	 * an edit to make.  TODO: Only knows how to pick mismatches for
319 	 * now.
320 	 */
pickEditRangeState321 	Edit pickEdit(int pos, RandomSource& rand,
322 	              TIndexOffU& top, TIndexOffU& bot, bool indels,
323 	              bool& last)
324 	{
325 		Edit ret;
326 		ret.type = EDIT_TYPE_MM;
327 		ret.pos = pos;
328 		ret.chr = 0;
329 		ret.qchr = 0;
330 		ret.reserved = 0;
331 		assert(!eliminated_);
332 		assert(!eq.flags.mmA || !eq.flags.mmC || !eq.flags.mmG || !eq.flags.mmT);
333 		int num = !eq.flags.mmA + !eq.flags.mmC + !eq.flags.mmG + !eq.flags.mmT;
334 		assert_leq(num, 4);
335 		assert_gt(num, 0);
336 		if(num == 2) eq.flags.quallo2 = 127;
337 		// Only need to pick randomly if there's a quality tie
338 		if(num > 1) {
339 			last = false; // not the last at this pos
340 			// Sum up range sizes and do a random weighted pick
341 			TIndexOffU tot = 0;
342 			bool candA = !eq.flags.mmA; bool candC = !eq.flags.mmC;
343 			bool candG = !eq.flags.mmG; bool candT = !eq.flags.mmT;
344 			bool candInsA = false, candInsC = false;
345 			bool candInsG = false, candInsT = false;
346 			bool candDel = false;
347 			if(indels) {
348 				// Insertions and deletions can only be candidates
349 				// if the user asked for indels
350 				candInsA = !eq.flags.insA;
351 				candInsC = !eq.flags.insC;
352 				candInsG = !eq.flags.insG;
353 				candInsT = !eq.flags.insT;
354 				candDel = !eq.flags.del;
355 			}
356 			ASSERT_ONLY(int origNum = num);
357 			if(candA) {
358 				assert_gt(bots[0], tops[0]);
359 				tot += (bots[0] - tops[0]);
360 				assert_gt(num, 0);
361 				ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
362 			}
363 			if(candC) {
364 				assert_gt(bots[1], tops[1]);
365 				tot += (bots[1] - tops[1]);
366 				assert_gt(num, 0);
367 				ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
368 			}
369 			if(candG) {
370 				assert_gt(bots[2], tops[2]);
371 				tot += (bots[2] - tops[2]);
372 				assert_gt(num, 0);
373 				ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
374 			}
375 			if(candT) {
376 				assert_gt(bots[3], tops[3]);
377 				tot += (bots[3] - tops[3]);
378 				assert_gt(num, 0);
379 				ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
380 			}
381 			if(indels) {
382 				if(candInsA) {
383 					assert_gt(bots[0], tops[0]);
384 					tot += (bots[0] - tops[0]);
385 					assert_gt(num, 0);
386 					ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
387 				}
388 				if(candInsC) {
389 					assert_gt(bots[1], tops[1]);
390 					tot += (bots[1] - tops[1]);
391 					assert_gt(num, 0);
392 					ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
393 				}
394 				if(candInsG) {
395 					assert_gt(bots[2], tops[2]);
396 					tot += (bots[2] - tops[2]);
397 					assert_gt(num, 0);
398 					ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
399 				}
400 				if(candInsT) {
401 					assert_gt(bots[3], tops[3]);
402 					tot += (bots[3] - tops[3]);
403 					assert_gt(num, 0);
404 					ASSERT_ONLY(num--);
405 				}
406 				if(candDel) {
407 					// Always a candidate?
408 					// Always a candidate just within the window?
409 					// We can eliminate some indels based on the content downstream, but not many
410 				}
411 			}
413 			assert_geq(num, 0);
414 			assert_lt(num, origNum);
415 			// Throw a dart randomly that hits one of the possible
416 			// substitutions, with likelihoods weighted by range size
417 			uint32_t dart = rand.nextU32() % tot;
418 			if(candA) {
419 				if(dart < (bots[0] - tops[0])) {
420 					// Eliminate A mismatch
421 					top = tops[0];
422 					bot = bots[0];
423 					eq.flags.mmA = 1;
424 					assert_lt(eq.join2.mmElims, 15);
425 					ret.chr = 'A';
426 					return ret;
427 				}
428 				dart -= (bots[0] - tops[0]);
429 			}
430 			if(candC) {
431 				if(dart < (bots[1] - tops[1])) {
432 					// Eliminate C mismatch
433 					top = tops[1];
434 					bot = bots[1];
435 					eq.flags.mmC = 1;
436 					assert_lt(eq.join2.mmElims, 15);
437 					ret.chr = 'C';
438 					return ret;
439 				}
440 				dart -= (bots[1] - tops[1]);
441 			}
442 			if(candG) {
443 				if(dart < (bots[2] - tops[2])) {
444 					// Eliminate G mismatch
445 					top = tops[2];
446 					bot = bots[2];
447 					eq.flags.mmG = 1;
448 					assert_lt(eq.join2.mmElims, 15);
449 					ret.chr = 'G';
450 					return ret;
451 				}
452 				dart -= (bots[2] - tops[2]);
453 			}
454 			if(candT) {
455 				assert_lt(dart, (bots[3] - tops[3]));
456 				// Eliminate T mismatch
457 				top = tops[3];
458 				bot = bots[3];
459 				eq.flags.mmT = 1;
460 				assert_lt(eq.join2.mmElims, 15);
461 				ret.chr = 'T';
462 			}
463 		} else {
464 			last = true; // last at this pos
465 			// There's only one; pick it!
466 			int chr = -1;
467 			if(!eq.flags.mmA) {
468 				chr = 0;
469 			} else if(!eq.flags.mmC) {
470 				chr = 1;
471 			} else if(!eq.flags.mmG) {
472 				chr = 2;
473 			} else {
474 				assert(!eq.flags.mmT);
475 				chr = 3;
476 			}
477 			ret.chr = "ACGT"[chr];
478 			top = tops[chr];
479 			bot = bots[chr];
480 			//assert_eq(15, eq.join2.mmElims);
481 			// Mark entire position as eliminated
482 			eliminated_ = true;
483 		}
484 			return ret;
485 	}
487 	/**
488 	 * Return true (without assertion) iff this RangeState is
489 	 * internally consistent.
490 	 */
repOkRangeState491 	bool repOk() {
492 		if(eliminated_) return true;
493 		// Uneliminated chars must have non-empty ranges
494 		if(!eq.flags.mmA || !eq.flags.insA) assert_gt(bots[0], tops[0]);
495 		if(!eq.flags.mmC || !eq.flags.insC) assert_gt(bots[1], tops[1]);
496 		if(!eq.flags.mmG || !eq.flags.insG) assert_gt(bots[2], tops[2]);
497 		if(!eq.flags.mmT || !eq.flags.insT) assert_gt(bots[3], tops[3]);
498 		return true;
499 	}
501 	// Outgoing ranges; if the position being described is not a
502 	// legitimate jumping-off point for a branch, tops[] and bots[]
503 	// will be filled with 0s and all possibilities in eq will be
504 	// eliminated
505 	TIndexOffU tops[4]; // A, C, G, T top offsets
506 	TIndexOffU bots[4]; // A, C, G, T bot offsets
507 	ElimsAndQual eq;  // Which outgoing paths have been tried already
508 	bool eliminated_;  // Whether all outgoing paths have been eliminated
509 };
511 /**
512  * Encapsulates a "branch" of the search space; i.e. all of the
513  * information deduced by walking along a path with only matches, along
514  * with information about the decisions that lead to the root of that
515  * path.
516  */
517 class Branch {
518 	typedef std::pair<TIndexOffU, TIndexOffU> UPair;
519 public:
Branch()520 	Branch() :
521 		delayedCost_(0), curtailed_(false), exhausted_(false),
522 		prepped_(false), delayedIncrease_(false) { }
524 	/**
525 	 * Initialize a new branch object with an empty path.
526 	 */
527 	bool init(AllocOnlyPool<RangeState>& rsPool,
528 	          AllocOnlyPool<Edit>& epool,
529 	          uint32_t id,
530 	          uint32_t qlen,
531 	          uint16_t depth0,
532 	          uint16_t depth1,
533 	          uint16_t depth2,
534 	          uint16_t depth3,
535 	          uint16_t rdepth,
536 	          uint16_t len,
537 	          uint16_t cost,
538 	          uint16_t ham,
539 	          TIndexOffU itop,
540 	          TIndexOffU ibot,
541 	          const EbwtParams& ep,
542 	          const uint8_t* ebwt,
543 	          const EditList* edits = NULL)
544 	{
545 		id_ = id;
546 		delayedCost_ = 0;
547 		depth0_ = depth0;
548 		depth1_ = depth1;
549 		depth2_ = depth2;
550 		depth3_ = depth3;
551 		assert_gt(depth3_, 0);
552 		rdepth_ = rdepth;
553 		len_ = len;
554 		cost_ = cost;
555 		ham_ = ham;
556 		top_ = itop;
557 		bot_ = ibot;
559 		if(ibot > itop+1) {
560 			// Care about both top and bot
561 			SideLocus::initFromTopBot(itop, ibot, ep, ebwt, ltop_, lbot_);
562 		} else if(ibot > itop) {
563 			// Only care about top
564 			ltop_.initFromRow(itop, ep, ebwt);
565 			lbot_.invalidate();
566 		}
567 		if(qlen - rdepth_ > 0) {
568 			ranges_ = rsPool.allocC(qlen - rdepth_); // allocated from the RangeStatePool
569 			if(ranges_ == NULL) {
570 				return false; // RangeStatePool exhausted
571 			}
572 			rangesSz_ = qlen - rdepth_;
573 		} else {
574 			ranges_ = NULL;
575 			rangesSz_ = 0;
576 		}
577 #ifndef NDEBUG
578 		for(size_t i = 0; i < (qlen - rdepth_); i++) {
579 			for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
580 				assert_eq(0, ranges_[i].tops[j]);
581 				assert_eq(0, ranges_[i].bots[j]);
582 			}
583 		}
584 #endif
585 		curtailed_ = false;
586 		exhausted_ = false;
587 		prepped_ = true;
588 		delayedIncrease_ = false;
589 		edits_.clear();
590 		if(edits != NULL) {
591 			const size_t numEdits = edits->size();
592 			for(size_t i = 0; i < numEdits; i++) {
593 				edits_.add(edits->get(i), epool, qlen);
594 			}
595 		}
596 		// If we're starting with a non-zero length, that means we're
597 		// jumping over a bunch of unrevisitable positions.
598 		for(size_t i = 0; i < len_; i++) {
599 			ranges_[i].eliminated_ = true;
600 			assert(eliminated((int)i));
601 		}
602 		assert(repOk(qlen));
603 		return true;
604 	}
606 	/**
607 	 * Depth of the deepest tip of the branch.
608 	 */
tipDepth()609 	uint16_t tipDepth() const {
610 		return rdepth_ + len_;
611 	}
613 	/**
614 	 * Return true iff all outgoing edges from position i have been
615 	 * eliminated.
616 	 */
eliminated(int i)617 	inline bool eliminated(int i) const {
618 		assert(!exhausted_);
619 		if(i <= len_ && i < rangesSz_) {
620 			assert(ranges_ != NULL);
621 #ifndef NDEBUG
622 			if(!ranges_[i].eliminated_) {
623 				// Someone must be as-yet-uneliminated
624 				assert(!ranges_[i].eq.flags.mmA ||
625 				       !ranges_[i].eq.flags.mmC ||
626 				       !ranges_[i].eq.flags.mmG ||
627 				       !ranges_[i].eq.flags.mmT);
628 				assert_lt(ranges_[i].eq.flags.quallo, 127);
629 			}
630 #endif
631 			return ranges_[i].eliminated_;
632 		}
633 		return true;
634 	}
636 	/**
637 	 * Split off a new branch by selecting a good outgoing path and
638 	 * creating a new Branch object for it and inserting that branch
639 	 * into the priority queue.  Mark that outgoing path from the
640 	 * parent branch as eliminated.  If the second-best outgoing path
641 	 * cost more, add the difference to the cost of this branch (since
642 	 * that's the best we can do starting from here from now on).
643 	 */
splitBranch(AllocOnlyPool<RangeState> & rpool,AllocOnlyPool<Edit> & epool,AllocOnlyPool<Branch> & bpool,uint32_t pmSz,RandomSource & rand,uint32_t qlen,uint32_t qualLim,int seedLen,bool qualOrder,const EbwtParams & ep,const uint8_t * ebwt,bool ebwtFw,bool verbose,bool quiet)644 	Branch* splitBranch(AllocOnlyPool<RangeState>& rpool,
645 	                    AllocOnlyPool<Edit>& epool,
646 	                    AllocOnlyPool<Branch>& bpool,
647 	                    uint32_t pmSz,
648 	                    RandomSource& rand, uint32_t qlen,
649 	                    uint32_t qualLim, int seedLen,
650 	                    bool qualOrder, const EbwtParams& ep,
651 	                    const uint8_t* ebwt, bool ebwtFw,
652 	                    bool verbose,
653 	                    bool quiet)
654 	{
655 		assert(!exhausted_);
656 		assert(ranges_ != NULL);
657 		assert(curtailed_);
658 		assert_gt(pmSz, 0);
659 		Branch *newBranch = bpool.alloc();
660 		if(newBranch == NULL) {
661 			return NULL;
662 		}
663 		assert(newBranch != NULL);
664 		uint32_t id = bpool.lastId();
665 		int tiedPositions[3];
666 		int numTiedPositions = 0;
667 		// Lowest marginal cost incurred by any of the positions with
668 		// non-eliminated outgoing edges
669 		uint16_t bestCost = 0xffff;
670 		// Next-lowest
671 		uint16_t nextCost = 0xffff;
672 		int numNotEliminated = 0;
673 		int i = (int)depth0_;
674 		i = max(0, i - rdepth_);
675 		// Iterate over revisitable positions in the path
676 		for(; i <= len_; i++) {
677 			// If there are still valid options for leaving out of this
678 			// position
679 			if(!eliminated(i)) {
680 				numNotEliminated++;
681 				uint16_t stratum = (rdepth_ + i < seedLen) ? (1 << 14) : 0;
682 				uint16_t cost = stratum;
683 				cost |= (qualOrder ? ranges_[i].eq.flags.quallo : 0);
684 				if(cost < bestCost) {
685 					// Demote the old best to the next-best
686 					nextCost = bestCost;
687 					// Update the new best
688 					bestCost = cost;
689 					numTiedPositions = 1;
690 					tiedPositions[0] = i;
691 				} else if(cost == bestCost) {
692 					// As good as the best so far
693 					assert_gt(numTiedPositions, 0);
694 					if(numTiedPositions < 3) {
695 						tiedPositions[numTiedPositions++] = i;
696 					} else {
697 						tiedPositions[0] = tiedPositions[1];
698 						tiedPositions[1] = tiedPositions[2];
699 						tiedPositions[2] = i;
700 					}
701 				} else if(cost < nextCost) {
702 					// 'cost' isn't beter than the best, but it is
703 					// better than the next-best
704 					nextCost = cost;
705 				}
706 			}
707 		}
708 		assert_gt(numNotEliminated, 0);
709 		assert_gt(numTiedPositions, 0);
710 		//if(nextCost != 0xffff) assert_gt(nextCost, bestCost);
711 		int r = 0;
712 		if(numTiedPositions > 1) {
713 			r = rand.nextU32() % numTiedPositions;
714 		}
715 		int pos = tiedPositions[r];
716 		bool last = false;
717 		// Pick an edit from among the edits tied for lowest cost
718 		// (using randomness to break ties).  If the selected edit is
719 		// the last remaining one at this position, 'last' is set to
720 		// true.
721 		TIndexOffU top = 0, bot = 0;
722 		Edit e = ranges_[pos].pickEdit(pos + rdepth_, rand, top, bot, false, last);
723 		assert_gt(bot, top);
724 		// Create and initialize a new Branch
725 		uint16_t newRdepth = rdepth_ + pos + 1;
726 		assert_lt((bestCost >> 14), 4);
727 		uint32_t hamadd = (bestCost & ~0xc000);
728 		uint16_t depth = pos + rdepth_;
729 		assert_geq(depth, depth0_);
730 		uint16_t newDepth0 = depth0_;
731 		uint16_t newDepth1 = depth1_;
732 		uint16_t newDepth2 = depth2_;
733 		uint16_t newDepth3 = depth3_;
734 		if(depth < depth1_) newDepth0 = depth1_;
735 		if(depth < depth2_) newDepth1 = depth2_;
736 		if(depth < depth3_) newDepth2 = depth3_;
737 		assert_eq((uint32_t)(cost_ & ~0xc000), (uint32_t)(ham_ + hamadd));
738 		if(!newBranch->init(
739 				rpool, epool, id, qlen,
740 				newDepth0, newDepth1, newDepth2, newDepth3,
741 				newRdepth, 0, cost_, ham_ + hamadd,
742 				top, bot, ep, ebwt, &edits_))
743 		{
744 			return NULL;
745 		}
746 		// Add the new edit
747 		newBranch->edits_.add(e, epool, qlen);
748 		if(numNotEliminated == 1 && last) {
749 			// This branch is totally exhausted; there are no more
750 			// valid outgoing paths from any positions within it.
751 			// Remove it from the PathManager and mark it as exhausted.
752 			// The caller should delete it.
753 			exhausted_ = true;
754 			if(ranges_ != NULL) {
755 				assert_gt(rangesSz_, 0);
756 				if(rpool.free(ranges_, rangesSz_)) {
757 					ranges_ = NULL;
758 					rangesSz_ = 0;
759 				}
760 			}
761 		}
762 		else if(numTiedPositions == 1 && last) {
763 			// We exhausted the last outgoing edge at the current best
764 			// cost; update the best cost to be the next-best
765 			assert_neq(0xffff, nextCost);
766 			if(bestCost != nextCost) {
767 				assert_gt(nextCost, bestCost);
768 				delayedCost_ = (cost_ - bestCost + nextCost);
769 				delayedIncrease_ = true;
770 			}
771 		}
772 		return newBranch;
773 	}
775 	/**
776 	 * Free a branch and all its contents.
777 	 */
free(uint32_t qlen,AllocOnlyPool<RangeState> & rpool,AllocOnlyPool<Edit> & epool,AllocOnlyPool<Branch> & bpool)778 	void free(uint32_t qlen,
779 	          AllocOnlyPool<RangeState>& rpool,
780 	          AllocOnlyPool<Edit>& epool,
781 	          AllocOnlyPool<Branch>& bpool)
782 	{
783 		edits_.free(epool, qlen);
784 		if(ranges_ != NULL) {
785 			assert_gt(rangesSz_, 0);
786 			rpool.free(ranges_, rangesSz_);
787 			ranges_ = NULL;
788 			rangesSz_ = 0;
789 		}
790 		bpool.free(this);
791 	}
793 	/**
794 	 * Pretty-print the state of this branch.
795 	 */
print(const BTDnaString & qry,const BTString & quals,uint16_t minCost,std::ostream & out,bool halfAndHalf,bool seeded,bool fw,bool ebwtFw)796 	void print(const BTDnaString& qry,
797 	           const BTString& quals,
798 	           uint16_t minCost,
799 	           std::ostream& out,
800 	           bool halfAndHalf,
801 	           bool seeded,
802 	           bool fw,
803 	           bool ebwtFw)
804 	{
805 		size_t editidx = 0;
806 		size_t printed = 0;
807 		const size_t qlen = qry.length();
808 		if(exhausted_)      out << "E ";
809 		else if(curtailed_) out << "C ";
810 		else                out << "  ";
811 		if(ebwtFw) out << "<";
812 		else       out << ">";
813 		if(fw)     out << "F ";
814 		else       out << "R ";
815 		std::stringstream ss;
816 		ss << cost_;
817 		string s = ss.str();
818 		if(s.length() < 6) {
819 			for(size_t i = 0; i < 6 - s.length(); i++) {
820 				out << "0";
821 			}
822 		}
823 		out << s << " ";
824 		std::stringstream ss2;
825 		ss2 << minCost;
826 		s = ss2.str();
827 		if(s.length() < 6) {
828 			for(size_t i = 0; i < 6 - s.length(); i++) {
829 				out << "0";
830 			}
831 		}
832 		out << s;
833 		if(halfAndHalf) out << " h ";
834 		else if(seeded) out << " s ";
835 		else            out << "   ";
836 		std::stringstream ss3;
837 		const size_t numEdits = edits_.size();
838 		if(rdepth_ > 0) {
839 			for(size_t i = 0; i < rdepth_; i++) {
840 				if(editidx < numEdits && edits_.get(editidx).pos == i) {
841 					ss3 << " " << (char)tolower(edits_.get(editidx).chr);
842 					editidx++;
843 				} else {
844 					ss3 << " " << (char)qry.toChar(qlen - i - 1);
845 				}
846 				printed++;
847 			}
848 			ss3 << "|";
849 		} else {
850 			ss3 << " ";
851 		}
852 		for(size_t i = 0; i < len_; i++) {
853 			if(editidx < numEdits && edits_.get(editidx).pos == printed) {
854 				ss3 << (char)tolower(edits_.get(editidx).chr) << " ";
855 				editidx++;
856 			} else {
857 				ss3 << (char)qry.toChar(qlen - printed - 1) << " ";
858 			}
859 			printed++;
860 		}
861 		assert_eq(editidx, edits_.size());
862 		for(size_t i = printed; i < qlen; i++) {
863 			ss3 << "= ";
864 		}
865 		s = ss3.str();
866 		if(ebwtFw) {
867 			std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
868 		}
869 		out << s << endl;
870 	}
872 	/**
873 	 * Called when the most recent branch extension resulted in an
874 	 * empty range or some other constraint violation (e.g., a
875 	 * half-and-half constraint).
876 	 */
curtail(AllocOnlyPool<RangeState> & rpool,int seedLen,bool qualOrder)877 	void curtail(AllocOnlyPool<RangeState>& rpool, int seedLen, bool qualOrder) {
878 		assert(!curtailed_);
879 		assert(!exhausted_);
880 		if(ranges_ == NULL) {
881 			exhausted_ = true;
882 			curtailed_ = true;
883 			return;
884 		}
885 		uint16_t lowestCost = 0xffff;
886 		// Iterate over positions in the path looking for the cost of
887 		// the lowest-cost non-eliminated position
888 		uint32_t eliminatedStretch = 0;
889 		int i = (int)depth0_;
890 		i = max(0, i - rdepth_);
891 		// TODO: It matters whether an insertion/deletion at given
892 		// position would be a gap open or a gap extension
893 		for(; i <= len_; i++) {
894 			if(!eliminated(i)) {
895 				eliminatedStretch = 0;
896 				uint16_t stratum = (rdepth_ + i < seedLen) ? (1 << 14) : 0;
897 				uint16_t cost = (qualOrder ? /*TODO*/ ranges_[i].eq.flags.quallo : 0) | stratum;
898 				if(cost < lowestCost) lowestCost = cost;
899 			} else if(i < rangesSz_) {
900 				eliminatedStretch++;
901 			}
902 		}
903 		if(lowestCost > 0 && lowestCost != 0xffff) {
904 			// This branch's cost will change when curtailed; the
905 			// caller should re-insert it into the priority queue so
906 			// that the new cost takes effect.
907 			cost_ += lowestCost;
908 		} else if(lowestCost == 0xffff) {
909 			// This branch is totally exhausted; there are no more
910 			// valid outgoing paths from any positions within it.
911 			// Remove it from the PathManager and mark it as exhausted.
912 			// The caller should delete it.
913 			exhausted_ = true;
914 			if(ranges_ != NULL) {
915 				assert_gt(rangesSz_, 0);
916 				if(rpool.free(ranges_, rangesSz_)) {
917 					ranges_ = NULL;
918 					rangesSz_ = 0;
919 				}
920 			}
921 		} else {
922 			// Just mark it as curtailed and keep the same cost
923 		}
924 		if(ranges_ != NULL) {
925 			// Try to trim off no-longer-relevant elements of the
926 			// ranges_ array
927 			assert(!exhausted_);
928 			assert_gt(rangesSz_, 0);
929 			uint32_t trim = (rangesSz_ - len_ - 1) + eliminatedStretch;
930 			assert_leq(trim, rangesSz_);
931 			if(rpool.free(ranges_ + rangesSz_ - trim, trim)) {
932 				rangesSz_ -= trim;
933 				if(rangesSz_ == 0) {
934 					ranges_ = NULL;
935 				}
936 			}
937 		}
938 		curtailed_ = true;
939 	}
941 	/**
942 	 * Prep this branch for the next extension by calculating the
943 	 * SideLocus information and prefetching cache lines from the
944 	 * appropriate loci.
945 	 */
prep(const EbwtParams & ep,const uint8_t * ebwt)946 	void prep(const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt) {
947 		if(bot_ > top_+1) {
948 			SideLocus::initFromTopBot(top_, bot_, ep, ebwt, ltop_, lbot_);
949 		} else if(bot_ > top_) {
950 			ltop_.initFromRow(top_, ep, ebwt);
951 			lbot_.invalidate();
952 		}
953 		prepped_ = true;
954 	}
956 	/**
957 	 * Get the furthest-out RangeState.
958 	 */
rangeState()959 	RangeState* rangeState() {
960 		assert(!exhausted_);
961 		assert(ranges_ != NULL);
962 		assert_lt(len_, rangesSz_);
963 		return &ranges_[len_];
964 	}
966 	/**
967 	 * Set the elims to match the ranges in ranges_[len_], already
968 	 * calculated by the caller.  Only does mismatches for now.
969 	 */
installRanges(int c,int nextc,uint32_t qAllow,const uint8_t * qs)970 	int installRanges(int c, int nextc, uint32_t qAllow, const uint8_t* qs) {
971 		assert(!exhausted_);
972 		assert(ranges_ != NULL);
973 		RangeState& r = ranges_[len_];
974 		int ret = 0;
975 		r.eliminated_ = true; // start with everything eliminated
976 		r.eq.eliminate(); // set all elim flags to 1
977 		assert_lt(qs[0], 127);
978 		assert_lt(qs[1], 127);
979 		assert_lt(qs[2], 127);
980 		assert_lt(qs[3], 127);
981 		assert_eq(qs[0], qs[1]);
982 		assert_eq(qs[0], qs[2]);
983 		assert_eq(qs[0], qs[3]);
984 		r.eq.flags.quallo = qs[0];
985 		if(qs[0] > qAllow) return 0;
986 		// Set one/both of these to true to do the accounting for
987 		// insertions and deletions as well as mismatches
988 		bool doInserts = false;
989 		bool doDeletes = false;
990 		// We can proceed on an A
991 		if(c != 0 && r.bots[0] > r.tops[0] && qs[0] <= qAllow) {
992 			r.eliminated_ = false;
993 			r.eq.flags.mmA = 0; // A substitution is an option
994 			if(doInserts) r.eq.flags.insA = 0;
995 			if(doDeletes && nextc == 0) r.eq.flags.del = 0;
996 			ret++;
997 		}
998 		// We can proceed on a C
999 		if(c != 1 && r.bots[1] > r.tops[1] && qs[1] <= qAllow) {
1000 			r.eliminated_ = false;
1001 			r.eq.flags.mmC = 0; // C substitution is an option
1002 			if(doInserts) r.eq.flags.insC = 0;
1003 			if(doDeletes && nextc == 1) r.eq.flags.del = 0;
1004 			ret++;
1005 		}
1006 		// We can proceed on a G
1007 		if(c != 2 && r.bots[2] > r.tops[2] && qs[2] <= qAllow) {
1008 			r.eliminated_ = false;
1009 			r.eq.flags.mmG = 0; // G substitution is an option
1010 			if(doInserts) r.eq.flags.insG = 0;
1011 			if(doDeletes && nextc == 2) r.eq.flags.del = 0;
1012 			ret++;
1013 		}
1014 		// We can proceed on a T
1015 		if(c != 3 && r.bots[3] > r.tops[3] && qs[3] <= qAllow) {
1016 			r.eliminated_ = false;
1017 			r.eq.flags.mmT = 0; // T substitution is an option
1018 			if(doInserts) r.eq.flags.insT = 0;
1019 			if(doDeletes && nextc == 3) r.eq.flags.del = 0;
1020 			ret++;
1021 		}
1022 		return ret;
1023 	}
1025 	/**
1026 	 * Extend this branch by one position.
1027 	 */
extend()1028 	void extend() {
1029 		assert(!exhausted_);
1030 		assert(!curtailed_);
1031 		assert(ranges_ != NULL);
1032 		assert(repOk());
1033 		prepped_ = false;
1034 		len_++;
1035 	}
1037 	/**
1038 	 * Do an internal consistency check
1039 	 */
1040 	bool repOk(uint32_t qlen = 0) const{
1041 		assert_leq(depth0_, depth1_);
1042 		assert_leq(depth1_, depth2_);
1043 		assert_leq(depth2_, depth3_);
1044 		assert_gt(depth3_, 0);
1045 		if(qlen > 0) {
1046 			assert_leq(edits_.size(), qlen); // might have to relax this with inserts
1047 			assert_leq(rdepth_, qlen);
1048 		}
1049 		for(int i = 0; i < len_; i++) {
1050 			if(!eliminated(i)) {
1051 				assert_lt(i, (int)(len_));
1052 				assert(ranges_[i].repOk());
1053 			}
1054 		}
1055 		const size_t numEdits = edits_.size();
1056 		for(size_t i = 0; i < numEdits; i++) {
1057 			for(size_t j = i+1; j < numEdits; j++) {
1058 				// No two edits should be at the same position (might
1059 				// have to relax this with inserts)
1060 				assert_neq(edits_.get(i).pos, edits_.get(j).pos);
1061 			}
1062 		}
1063 		assert_lt((cost_ >> 14), 4);
1064 		return true;
1065 	}
1067 	uint32_t id_;     // branch id; needed to make the ordering of
1068 	                  // branches that are tied in the priority queue
1069 	                  // totally unambiguous.  Otherwise, things start
1070 	                  // getting non-deterministic.
1071 	uint16_t depth0_; // no edits at depths < depth0
1072 	uint16_t depth1_; // at most 1 edit at depths < depth1
1073 	uint16_t depth2_; // at most 2 edits at depths < depth2
1074 	uint16_t depth3_; // at most 3 edits at depths < depth3
1075 	uint16_t rdepth_; // offset in read space from root of search space
1076 	uint16_t len_;    // length of the branch
1077 	uint16_t cost_;   // top 2 bits = stratum, bottom 14 = qual ham
1078 	                  // it's up to Branch to keep this updated with the
1079 	                  // cumulative cost of the best path leaving the
1080 	                  // branch; if the branch hasn't been fully
1081 	                  // extended yet, then that path will always be the
1082 	                  // one that extends it by one more
1083 	uint16_t ham_;    // quality-weighted hamming distance so far
1084 	RangeState *ranges_; // Allocated from the RangeStatePool
1085 	uint16_t rangesSz_;
1086 	TIndexOffU top_;    // top offset leading to the root of this subtree
1087 	TIndexOffU bot_;    // bot offset leading to the root of this subtree
1088 	SideLocus ltop_;
1089 	SideLocus lbot_;
1090 	EditList edits_;   // edits leading to the root of the branch
1092 	uint16_t delayedCost_;
1094 	bool curtailed_;  // can't be extended anymore without using edits
1095 	bool exhausted_;  // all outgoing edges exhausted, including all edits
1096 	bool prepped_;    // whether SideLocus's are inited
1097 	bool delayedIncrease_;
1098 };
1100 /**
1101  * Order two Branches based on cost.
1102  */
1103 class CostCompare {
1104 public:
1105 	/**
1106 	 * true -> b before a
1107 	 * false -> a before b
1108 	 */
operator()1109 	bool operator()(const Branch* a, const Branch* b) const {
1110 		bool aUnextendable = a->curtailed_ || a->exhausted_;
1111 		bool bUnextendable = b->curtailed_ || b->exhausted_;
1112 		// Branch with the best cost
1113 		if(a->cost_ == b->cost_) {
1114 			// If one or the other is curtailed, take the one that's
1115 			// still getting extended
1116 			if(bUnextendable && !aUnextendable) {
1117 				// a still being extended, return false
1118 				return false;
1119 			}
1120 			if(aUnextendable && !bUnextendable) {
1121 				// b still being extended, return true
1122 				return true;
1123 			}
1124 			// Either both are curtailed or both are still being
1125 			// extended, pick based on which one is deeper
1126 			if(a->tipDepth() != b->tipDepth()) {
1127 				// Expression is true if b is deeper
1128 				return a->tipDepth() < b->tipDepth();
1129 			}
1130 			// Keep things deterministic by providing an unambiguous
1131 			// order using the id_ field
1132 			assert_neq(b->id_, a->id_);
1133 			return b->id_ < a->id_;
1134 		} else {
1135 			return b->cost_ < a->cost_;
1136 		}
1137 	}
equal(const Branch * a,const Branch * b)1139 	static bool equal(const Branch* a, const Branch* b) {
1140 		return a->cost_ == b->cost_ && a->curtailed_ == b->curtailed_ && a->tipDepth() == b->tipDepth();
1141 	}
1142 };
1144 /**
1145  * A priority queue for Branch objects; makes it easy to process
1146  * branches in a best-first manner by prioritizing branches with lower
1147  * cumulative costs over branches with higher cumulative costs.
1148  */
1149 class BranchQueue {
1151 	typedef std::pair<int, int> TIntPair;
1152 	typedef std::priority_queue<Branch*, std::vector<Branch*>, CostCompare> TBranchQueue;
1154 public:
BranchQueue(bool verbose,bool quiet)1156 	BranchQueue(bool verbose, bool quiet) :
1157 		sz_(0), branchQ_(), patid_(0), verbose_(verbose), quiet_(quiet)
1158 	{ }
1160 	/**
1161 	 * Return the front (highest-priority) element of the queue.
1162 	 */
front()1163 	Branch *front() {
1164 		Branch *b = branchQ_.top();
1165 		if(verbose_) {
1166 			stringstream ss;
1167 			ss << patid_ << ": Fronting " << b->id_ << ", " << b << ", " << b->cost_ << ", " << b->exhausted_ << ", " << b->curtailed_ << ", " << sz_ << "->" << (sz_-1);
1168 			glog.msg(ss.str());
1169 		}
1170 		return b;
1171 	}
1173 	/**
1174 	 * Remove and return the front (highest-priority) element of the
1175 	 * queue.
1176 	 */
pop()1177 	Branch *pop() {
1178 		Branch *b = branchQ_.top(); // get it
1179 		branchQ_.pop(); // remove it
1180 		if(verbose_) {
1181 			stringstream ss;
1182 			ss << patid_ << ": Popping " << b->id_ << ", " << b << ", " << b->cost_ << ", " << b->exhausted_ << ", " << b->curtailed_ << ", " << sz_ << "->" << (sz_-1);
1183 			glog.msg(ss.str());
1184 		}
1185 		sz_--;
1186 		return b;
1187 	}
1189 	/**
1190 	 * Insert a new Branch into the sorted priority queue.
1191 	 */
push(Branch * b)1192 	void push(Branch *b) {
1193 #ifndef NDEBUG
1194 		bool bIsBetter = empty() || !CostCompare()(b, branchQ_.top());
1195 #endif
1196 		if(verbose_) {
1197 			stringstream ss;
1198 			ss << patid_ << ": Pushing " << b->id_ << ", " << b << ", " << b->cost_ << ", " << b->exhausted_ << ", " << b->curtailed_ << ", " << sz_ << "->" << (sz_+1);
1199 			glog.msg(ss.str());
1200 		}
1201 		branchQ_.push(b);
1202 #ifndef NDEBUG
1203 		assert(bIsBetter  || branchQ_.top() != b || CostCompare::equal(branchQ_.top(), b));
1204 		assert(!bIsBetter || branchQ_.top() == b || CostCompare::equal(branchQ_.top(), b));
1205 #endif
1206 		sz_++;
1207 	}
1209 	/**
1210 	 * Empty the priority queue and reset the count.
1211 	 */
reset(uint32_t patid)1212 	void reset(uint32_t patid) {
1213 		patid_ = patid;
1214 		branchQ_ = TBranchQueue();
1215 		sz_ = 0;
1216 	}
1218 	/**
1219 	 * Return true iff the priority queue of branches is empty.
1220 	 */
empty()1221 	bool empty() const {
1222 		bool ret = branchQ_.empty();
1223 		assert(ret || sz_ > 0);
1224 		assert(!ret || sz_ == 0);
1225 		return ret;
1226 	}
1228 	/**
1229 	 * Return the number of Branches in the queue.
1230 	 */
size()1231 	uint32_t size() const {
1232 		return sz_;
1233 	}
1235 #ifndef NDEBUG
1236 	/**
1237 	 * Consistency check.
1238 	 */
repOk(std::set<Branch * > & bset)1239 	bool repOk(std::set<Branch*>& bset) {
1240 		TIntPair pair = bestStratumAndHam(bset);
1241 		Branch *b = branchQ_.top();
1242 		assert_eq(pair.first, (b->cost_ >> 14));
1243 		assert_eq(pair.second, (b->cost_ & ~0xc000));
1244 		std::set<Branch*>::iterator it;
1245 		for(it = bset.begin(); it != bset.end(); it++) {
1246 			assert_gt((*it)->depth3_, 0);
1247 		}
1248 		return true;
1249 	}
1250 #endif
1252 protected:
1254 #ifndef NDEBUG
1255 	/**
1256 	 * Return the stratum and quality-weight (sum of qualities of all
1257 	 * edited positions) of the lowest-cost branch.
1258 	 */
bestStratumAndHam(std::set<Branch * > & bset)1259 	TIntPair bestStratumAndHam(std::set<Branch*>& bset) const {
1260 		TIntPair ret = make_pair(0xffff, 0xffff);
1261 		std::set<Branch*>::iterator it;
1262 		for(it = bset.begin(); it != bset.end(); it++) {
1263 			Branch *b = *it;
1264 			int stratum = b->cost_ >> 14;
1265 			assert_lt(stratum, 4);
1266 			int qual = b->cost_ & ~0xc000;
1267 			if(stratum < ret.first ||
1268 			   (stratum == ret.first && qual < ret.second))
1269 			{
1270 				ret.first = stratum;
1271 				ret.second = qual;
1272 			}
1273 		}
1274 		return ret;
1275 	}
1276 #endif
1278 	uint32_t sz_;
1279 	TBranchQueue branchQ_; // priority queue of branches
1280 	uint32_t patid_;
1281 	bool verbose_;
1282 	bool quiet_;
1283 };
1285 /**
1286  * A class that both contains Branches and determines how those
1287  * branches are extended to form longer paths.  The overall goal is to
1288  * find the best full alignment(s) as quickly as possible so that a
1289  * successful search can finish quickly.  A second goal is to ensure
1290  * that the most "promising" paths are tried first so that, if there is
1291  * a limit on the amount of effort spent searching before we give up,
1292  * we can be as sensitive as possible given that limit.
1293  *
1294  * The quality (or cost) of a given alignment path will ultimately be
1295  * configurable.  The default cost model is:
1296  *
1297  * 1. Mismatches incur one "edit" penalty and a "quality" penalty with
1298  *    magnitude equal to the Phred quality score of the read position
1299  *    involved in the edit (note that insertions into the read are a
1300  *    little trickier).
1301  * 2. Edit penalties are all more costly than any quality penalty; i.e.
1302  *    the policy sorts alignments first by edit penalty, then by
1303  *    quality penalty.
1304  * 3. For the Maq-like alignment policy, edit penalties saturate (don't
1305  *    get any greater) after leaving the seed region of the alignment.
1306  */
1307 class PathManager {
1309 public:
PathManager(ChunkPool * cpool_,int * btCnt,bool verbose,bool quiet)1311 	PathManager(ChunkPool* cpool_, int *btCnt, bool verbose, bool quiet) :
1312 		branchQ_(verbose, quiet),
1313 		cpool(cpool_),
1314 		bpool(cpool, "branch"),
1315 		rpool(cpool, "range state"),
1316 		epool(cpool, "edit"),
1317 		minCost(0), btCnt_(btCnt),
1318 		verbose_(verbose),
1319 		quiet_(quiet)
1320 	{ }
~PathManager()1322 	~PathManager() { }
1324 	/**
1325 	 * Return the "front" (highest-priority) branch in the collection.
1326 	 */
front()1327 	Branch* front() {
1328 		assert(!empty());
1329 		assert_gt(branchQ_.front()->depth3_, 0);
1330 		return branchQ_.front();
1331 	}
1333 	/**
1334 	 * Pop the highest-priority (lowest cost) element from the
1335 	 * priority queue.
1336 	 */
pop()1337 	Branch* pop() {
1338 		Branch* b = branchQ_.pop();
1339 		assert_gt(b->depth3_, 0);
1340 #ifndef NDEBUG
1341 		// Also remove it from the set
1342 		assert(branchSet_.find(b) != branchSet_.end());
1343 		ASSERT_ONLY(size_t setSz = branchSet_.size());
1344 		branchSet_.erase(branchSet_.find(b));
1345 		assert_eq(setSz-1, branchSet_.size());
1346 		if(!branchQ_.empty()) {
1347 			// Top shouldn't be b any more
1348 			Branch *newtop = branchQ_.front();
1349 			assert(b != newtop);
1350 		}
1351 #endif
1352 		// Update this PathManager's cost
1353 		minCost = branchQ_.front()->cost_;
1354 		assert(repOk());
1355 		return b;
1356 	}
1358 	/**
1359 	 * Push a new element onto the priority queue.
1360 	 */
push(Branch * b)1361 	void push(Branch *b) {
1362 		assert(!b->exhausted_);
1363 		assert_gt(b->depth3_, 0);
1364 		branchQ_.push(b);
1365 #ifndef NDEBUG
1366 		// Also insert it into the set
1367 		assert(branchSet_.find(b) == branchSet_.end());
1368 		branchSet_.insert(b);
1369 #endif
1370 		// Update this PathManager's cost
1371 		minCost = branchQ_.front()->cost_;
1372 	}
1374 	/**
1375 	 * Return the number of active branches in the best-first
1376 	 * BranchQueue.
1377 	 */
size()1378 	uint32_t size() {
1379 		return branchQ_.size();
1380 	}
1382 	/**
1383 	 * Reset the PathManager, clearing out the priority queue and
1384 	 * resetting the RangeStatePool.
1385 	 */
reset(uint32_t patid)1386 	void reset(uint32_t patid) {
1387 		branchQ_.reset(patid); // reset the priority queue
1388 		assert(branchQ_.empty());
1389 		bpool.reset();    // reset the Branch pool
1390 		epool.reset();    // reset the Edit pool
1391 		rpool.reset();    // reset the RangeState pool
1392 		assert(bpool.empty());
1393 		assert(epool.empty());
1394 		assert(rpool.empty());
1395 		ASSERT_ONLY(branchSet_.clear());
1396 		assert_eq(0, branchSet_.size());
1397 		assert_eq(0, branchQ_.size());
1398 		minCost = 0;
1399 	}
1401 #ifndef NDEBUG
1402 	/**
1403 	 * Return true iff Branch b is in the priority queue;
1404 	 */
contains(Branch * b)1405 	bool contains(Branch *b) const {
1406 		bool ret = branchSet_.find(b) != branchSet_.end();
1407 		assert(!ret || !b->exhausted_);
1408 		return ret;
1409 	}
1411 	/**
1412 	 * Do a consistenty-check on the collection of branches contained
1413 	 * in this PathManager.
1414 	 */
repOk()1415 	bool repOk() {
1416 		if(empty()) return true;
1417 		assert(branchQ_.repOk(branchSet_));
1418 		return true;
1419 	}
1420 #endif
1422 	/**
1423 	 * Return true iff the priority queue of branches is empty.
1424 	 */
empty()1425 	bool empty() const {
1426 		bool ret = branchQ_.empty();
1427 		assert_eq(ret, branchSet_.empty());
1428 		return ret;
1429 	}
1431 	/**
1432 	 * Curtail the given branch, and possibly remove it from or
1433 	 * re-insert it into the priority queue.
1434 	 */
curtail(Branch * br,uint32_t qlen,int seedLen,bool qualOrder)1435 	void curtail(Branch *br, uint32_t qlen, int seedLen, bool qualOrder) {
1436 		assert(!br->exhausted_);
1437 		assert(!br->curtailed_);
1438 		uint16_t origCost = br->cost_;
1439 		br->curtail(rpool, seedLen, qualOrder);
1440 		assert(br->curtailed_);
1441 		assert_geq(br->cost_, origCost);
1442 		if(br->exhausted_) {
1443 			assert(br == front());
1444 			ASSERT_ONLY(Branch *popped =) pop();
1445 			assert(popped == br);
1446 			br->free(qlen, rpool, epool, bpool);
1447 		} else if(br->cost_ != origCost) {
1448 			// Re-insert the newly-curtailed branch
1449 			assert(br == front());
1450 			Branch *popped = pop();
1451 			assert(popped == br);
1452 			push(popped);
1453 		}
1454 	}
1456 	/**
1457 	 * If the frontmost branch is a curtailed branch, split off an
1458 	 * extendable branch and add it to the queue.
1459 	 */
splitAndPrep(RandomSource & rand,uint32_t qlen,uint32_t qualLim,int seedLen,bool qualOrder,const EbwtParams & ep,const uint8_t * ebwt,bool ebwtFw)1460 	bool splitAndPrep(RandomSource& rand, uint32_t qlen,
1461 	                  uint32_t qualLim, int seedLen,
1462 	                  bool qualOrder,
1463 	                  const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt,
1464 	                  bool ebwtFw)
1465 	{
1466 		if(empty()) return true;
1467 		// This counts as a backtrack
1468 		if(btCnt_ != NULL && (*btCnt_ == 0)) {
1469 			// Abruptly end search
1470 			return false;
1471 		}
1472 		Branch *f = front();
1473 		assert(!f->exhausted_);
1474 		while(f->delayedIncrease_) {
1475 			assert(!f->exhausted_);
1476 			if(f->delayedIncrease_) {
1477 				assert_neq(0, f->delayedCost_);
1478 				ASSERT_ONLY(Branch *popped =) pop();
1479 				assert(popped == f);
1480 				f->cost_ = f->delayedCost_;
1481 				f->delayedIncrease_ = false;
1482 				f->delayedCost_ = 0;
1483 				push(f); // re-insert it
1484 				assert(!empty());
1485 			}
1486 			f = front();
1487 			assert(!f->exhausted_);
1488 		}
1489 		if(f->curtailed_) {
1490 			ASSERT_ONLY(uint16_t origCost = f->cost_);
1491 			// This counts as a backtrack
1492 			if(btCnt_ != NULL) {
1493 				if(--(*btCnt_) == 0) {
1494 					// Abruptly end search
1495 					return false;
1496 				}
1497 			}
1498 			Branch* newbr = splitBranch(
1499 					f, rand, qlen, qualLim, seedLen, qualOrder, ep, ebwt,
1500 					ebwtFw);
1501 			if(newbr == NULL) {
1502 				return false;
1503 			}
1504 			// If f is exhausted, get rid of it immediately
1505 			if(f->exhausted_) {
1506 				assert(!f->delayedIncrease_);
1507 				ASSERT_ONLY(Branch *popped =) pop();
1508 				assert(popped == f);
1509 				f->free(qlen, rpool, epool, bpool);
1510 			}
1511 			assert_eq(origCost, f->cost_);
1512 			assert(newbr != NULL);
1513 			push(newbr);
1514 			assert(newbr == front());
1515 		}
1516 		prep(ep, ebwt);
1517 		return true;
1518 	}
1520 	/**
1521 	 * Return true iff the front element of the queue is prepped.
1522 	 */
prepped()1523 	bool prepped() {
1524 		return front()->prepped_;
1525 	}
1527 protected:
1529 	/**
1530 	 * Split off an extendable branch from a curtailed branch.
1531 	 */
splitBranch(Branch * src,RandomSource & rand,uint32_t qlen,uint32_t qualLim,int seedLen,bool qualOrder,const EbwtParams & ep,const uint8_t * ebwt,bool ebwtFw)1532 	Branch* splitBranch(Branch* src, RandomSource& rand, uint32_t qlen,
1533 	                    uint32_t qualLim, int seedLen, bool qualOrder,
1534 	                    const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt,
1535 	                    bool ebwtFw)
1536 	{
1537 		Branch* dst = src->splitBranch(
1538 				rpool, epool, bpool, size(), rand,
1539 		        qlen, qualLim, seedLen, qualOrder, ep, ebwt, ebwtFw,
1540 		        verbose_, quiet_);
1541 		assert(dst->repOk());
1542 		return dst;
1543 	}
1545 	/**
1546 	 * Prep the next branch to be extended in advanceBranch().
1547 	 */
prep(const EbwtParams & ep,const uint8_t * ebwt)1548 	void prep(const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt) {
1549 		if(!branchQ_.empty()) {
1550 			branchQ_.front()->prep(ep, ebwt);
1551 		}
1552 	}
1554 	BranchQueue branchQ_; // priority queue for selecting lowest-cost Branch
1555 	// set of branches in priority queue, for sanity checks
1556 	ASSERT_ONLY(std::set<Branch*> branchSet_);
1558 public:
1560 	ChunkPool *cpool; // pool for generic chunks of memory
1561 	AllocOnlyPool<Branch> bpool; // pool for allocating Branches
1562 	AllocOnlyPool<RangeState> rpool; // pool for allocating RangeStates
1563 	AllocOnlyPool<Edit> epool; // pool for allocating Edits
1564 	/// The minimum possible cost for any alignments obtained by
1565 	/// advancing further
1566 	uint16_t minCost;
1568 protected:
1569 	/// Pointer to the aligner's per-read backtrack counter.  We
1570 	/// increment it in splitBranch.
1571 	int *btCnt_;
1572 	bool verbose_;
1573 	bool quiet_;
1574 };
1576 /**
1577  * Encapsulates an algorithm that navigates the Bowtie index to produce
1578  * candidate ranges of alignments in the Burrows-Wheeler matrix.  A
1579  * higher authority is responsible for reporting hits out of those
1580  * ranges, and stopping when the consumer is satisfied.
1581  */
1582 class RangeSource {
1583 public:
RangeSource()1584 	RangeSource() :
1585 		done(false), foundRange(false), curEbwt_(NULL) { }
~RangeSource()1587 	virtual ~RangeSource() { }
1589 	/// Set query to find ranges for
1590 	virtual void setQuery(Read& r, Range *partial) = 0;
1591 	/// Set up the range search.
1592 	virtual void initBranch(PathManager& pm) = 0;
1593 	/// Advance the range search by one memory op
1594 	virtual void advanceBranch(int until, uint16_t minCost, PathManager& pm) = 0;
1596 	/// Return the last valid range found
1597 	virtual Range& range() = 0;
1598 	/// Return ptr to index this RangeSource is currently getting ranges from
curEbwt()1599 	const Ebwt *curEbwt() const { return curEbwt_; }
1601 	/// All searching w/r/t the current query is finished
1602 	bool done;
1603 	/// Set to true iff the last call to advance yielded a range
1604 	bool foundRange;
1605 protected:
1606 	/// ptr to index this RangeSource is currently getting ranges from
1607 	const Ebwt *curEbwt_;
1608 };
1610 /**
1611  * Abstract parent of RangeSourceDrivers.
1612  */
1613 template<typename TRangeSource>
1614 class RangeSourceDriver {
1615 public:
1616 	RangeSourceDriver(bool _done, uint32_t minCostAdjustment = 0) :
foundRange(false)1617 		foundRange(false), done(_done), minCostAdjustment_(minCostAdjustment)
1618 	{
1619 		minCost = minCostAdjustment_;
1620 	}
~RangeSourceDriver()1622 	virtual ~RangeSourceDriver() { }
1624 	/**
1625 	 * Prepare this aligner for the next read.
1626 	 */
setQuery(PatternSourcePerThread * patsrc,Range * r)1627 	virtual void setQuery(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) {
1628 		// Clear our buffer of previously-dished-out top offsets
1629 		ASSERT_ONLY(allTops_.clear());
1630 		setQueryImpl(patsrc, r);
1631 	}
1633 	/**
1634 	 * Prepare this aligner for the next read.
1635 	 */
1636 	virtual void setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) = 0;
1638 	/**
1639 	 * Advance the aligner by one memory op.  Return true iff we're
1640 	 * done with this read.
1641 	 */
advance(int until)1642 	virtual void advance(int until) {
1643 		advanceImpl(until);
1644 #ifndef NDEBUG
1645 		if(this->foundRange) {
1646 			// Assert that we have not yet dished out a range with this
1647 			// top offset
1648 			assert_gt(range().bot, range().top);
1649 			assert(range().ebwt != NULL);
1650 			TIndexOff top = (TIndexOff)range().top;
1651 			top++; // ensure it's not 0
1652 			if(!range().ebwt->fw()) top = -top;
1653 			assert(allTops_.find(top) == allTops_.end());
1654 			allTops_.insert(top);
1655 		}
1656 #endif
1657 	}
1658 	/**
1659 	 * Advance the aligner by one memory op.  Return true iff we're
1660 	 * done with this read.
1661 	 */
1662 	virtual void advanceImpl(int until) = 0;
1663 	/**
1664 	 * Return the range found.
1665 	 */
1666 	virtual Range& range() = 0;
1668 	/**
1669 	 * Return whether we're generating ranges for the first or the
1670 	 * second mate.
1671 	 */
1672 	virtual bool mate1() const = 0;
1674 	/**
1675 	 * Return true iff current pattern is forward-oriented.
1676 	 */
1677 	virtual bool fw() const = 0;
removeMate(int m)1679 	virtual void removeMate(int m) { }
1681 	/// Set to true iff we just found a range.
1682 	bool foundRange;
1684 	/**
1685 	 * Set to true if all searching w/r/t the current query is
1686 	 * finished or if there is no current query.
1687 	 */
1688 	bool done;
1690 	/**
1691 	 * The minimum "combined" stratum/qual cost that could possibly
1692 	 * result from subsequent calls to advance() for this driver.
1693 	 */
1694 	uint16_t minCost;
1696 	/**
1697 	 * Adjustment to the minCost given by the caller that constructed
1698 	 * the object.  This is useful if we know the lowest-cost branch is
1699 	 * likely to cost less than the any of the alignments that could
1700 	 * possibly result from advancing (e.g. when we're going to force a
1701 	 * mismatch somewhere down the line).
1702 	 */
1703 	uint16_t minCostAdjustment_;
1705 protected:
1707 #ifndef NDEBUG
1708 	std::set<TIndexOff> allTops_;
1709 #endif
1710 };
1712 /**
1713  * A concrete driver wrapper for a single RangeSource.
1714  */
1715 template<typename TRangeSource>
1716 class SingleRangeSourceDriver : public RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource> {
1718 public:
SingleRangeSourceDriver(EbwtSearchParams & params,TRangeSource * rs,bool fw,HitSink & sink,HitSinkPerThread * sinkPt,EList<BTRefString> & os,bool verbose,bool quiet,bool mate1,uint32_t minCostAdjustment,ChunkPool * pool,int * btCnt)1719 	SingleRangeSourceDriver(
1720 		EbwtSearchParams& params,
1721 		TRangeSource* rs,
1722 		bool fw,
1723 		HitSink& sink,
1724 		HitSinkPerThread* sinkPt,
1725 		EList<BTRefString >& os,
1726 		bool verbose,
1727 		bool quiet,
1728 		bool mate1,
1729 		uint32_t minCostAdjustment,
1730 		ChunkPool* pool,
1731 		int *btCnt) :
1732 		RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>(true, minCostAdjustment),
1733 		len_(0), mate1_(mate1),
1734 		sinkPt_(sinkPt),
1735 		params_(params),
1736 		fw_(fw), rs_(rs),
1737 		ebwtFw_(rs_->curEbwt()->fw()),
1738 		pm_(pool, btCnt, verbose, quiet)
1739 	{
1740 		assert(rs_ != NULL);
1741 	}
~SingleRangeSourceDriver()1743 	virtual ~SingleRangeSourceDriver() {
1744 		delete rs_; rs_ = NULL;
1745 	}
1747 	/**
1748 	 * Prepare this aligner for the next read.
1749 	 */
setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread * patsrc,Range * r)1750 	virtual void setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) {
1751 		this->done = false;
1752 		pm_.reset((uint32_t)patsrc->rdid());
1753 		Read* buf = mate1_ ? &patsrc->bufa() : &patsrc->bufb();
1754 		len_ = buf->length();
1755 		rs_->setQuery(*buf, r);
1756 		initRangeSource((fw_ == ebwtFw_) ? buf->qual : buf->qualRev);
1757 		assert_gt(len_, 0);
1758 		if(this->done) return;
1759 		ASSERT_ONLY(allTops_.clear());
1760 		if(!rs_->done) {
1761 			rs_->initBranch(pm_); // set up initial branch
1762 		}
1763 		uint16_t icost = (r != NULL) ? r->cost : 0;
1764 		this->minCost = max<uint16_t>(icost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
1765 		this->done = rs_->done;
1766 		this->foundRange = rs_->foundRange;
1767 		if(!pm_.empty()) {
1768 			assert(!pm_.front()->curtailed_);
1769 			assert(!pm_.front()->exhausted_);
1770 		}
1771 	}
1773 	/**
1774 	 * Advance the aligner by one memory op.  Return true iff we're
1775 	 * done with this read.
1776 	 */
advanceImpl(int until)1777 	virtual void advanceImpl(int until) {
1778 		if(this->done || pm_.empty()) {
1779 			this->done = true;
1780 			return;
1781 		}
1782 		assert(!pm_.empty());
1783 		assert(!pm_.front()->curtailed_);
1784 		assert(!pm_.front()->exhausted_);
1785 		params_.setFw(fw_);
1786 		// Advance the RangeSource for the forward-oriented read
1787 		ASSERT_ONLY(uint16_t oldMinCost = this->minCost);
1788 		ASSERT_ONLY(uint16_t oldPmMinCost = pm_.minCost);
1789 		rs_->advanceBranch(until, this->minCost, pm_);
1790 		this->done = pm_.empty();
1791 		if(pm_.minCost != 0) {
1792 			this->minCost = max(pm_.minCost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
1793 		} else {
1794 			// pm_.minCost is 0 because we reset it due to exceptional
1795 			// circumstances
1796 		}
1797 #ifndef NDEBUG
1798 		{
1799 			bool error = false;
1800 			if(pm_.minCost != 0 && pm_.minCost < oldPmMinCost) {
1801 				cerr << "PathManager's cost went down" << endl;
1802 				error = true;
1803 			}
1804 			if(this->minCost < oldMinCost) {
1805 				cerr << "this->minCost cost went down" << endl;
1806 				error = true;
1807 			}
1808 			if(error) {
1809 				cerr << "pm.minCost went from " << oldPmMinCost
1810 				     << " to " << pm_.minCost << endl;
1811 				cerr << "this->minCost went from " << oldMinCost
1812 				     << " to " << this->minCost << endl;
1813 				cerr << "this->minCostAdjustment_ == "
1814 				     << this->minCostAdjustment_ << endl;
1815 			}
1816 			assert(!error);
1817 		}
1818 #endif
1819 		this->foundRange = rs_->foundRange;
1820 #ifndef NDEBUG
1821 		if(this->foundRange) {
1822 			if(until >= ADV_COST_CHANGES) assert_eq(oldMinCost, range().cost);
1823 			// Assert that we have not yet dished out a range with this
1824 			// top offset
1825 			assert_gt(range().bot, range().top);
1826 			assert(range().ebwt != NULL);
1827 			TIndexOff top = (TIndexOff)range().top;
1828 			top++; // ensure it's not 0
1829 			if(!range().ebwt->fw()) top = -top;
1830 			assert(allTops_.find(top) == allTops_.end());
1831 			allTops_.insert(top);
1832 		}
1833 		if(!pm_.empty()) {
1834 			assert(!pm_.front()->curtailed_);
1835 			assert(!pm_.front()->exhausted_);
1836 		}
1837 #endif
1838 	}
1840 	/**
1841 	 * Return the range found.
1842 	 */
range()1843 	virtual Range& range() {
1844 		rs_->range().fw = fw_;
1845 		rs_->range().mate1 = mate1_;
1846 		return rs_->range();
1847 	}
1849 	/**
1850 	 * Return whether we're generating ranges for the first or the
1851 	 * second mate.
1852 	 */
mate1()1853 	bool mate1() const {
1854 		return mate1_;
1855 	}
1857 	/**
1858 	 * Return true iff current pattern is forward-oriented.
1859 	 */
fw()1860 	bool fw() const {
1861 		return fw_;
1862 	}
1864 	virtual void initRangeSource(const BTString& qual) = 0;
1866 protected:
1868 	// Progress state
1869 	uint32_t len_;
1870 	bool mate1_;
1872 	// Temporary HitSink; to be deleted
1873 	HitSinkPerThread* sinkPt_;
1875 	// State for alignment
1876 	EbwtSearchParams& params_;
1877 	bool                            fw_;
1878 	TRangeSource*                   rs_; // delete this in destructor
1879 	bool ebwtFw_;
1880 	PathManager pm_;
1881 	ASSERT_ONLY(std::set<TIndexOff> allTops_);
1882 };
1884 /**
1885  * Encapsulates an algorithm that navigates the Bowtie index to produce
1886  * candidate ranges of alignments in the Burrows-Wheeler matrix.  A
1887  * higher authority is responsible for reporting hits out of those
1888  * ranges, and stopping when the consumer is satisfied.
1889  */
1890 template<typename TRangeSource>
1891 class StubRangeSourceDriver : public RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource> {
1893 	typedef EList<RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>*> TRangeSrcDrPtrVec;
1895 public:
StubRangeSourceDriver()1897 	StubRangeSourceDriver() :
1898 		RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>(false)
1899 	{
1900 		this->done = true;
1901 		this->foundRange = false;
1902 	}
~StubRangeSourceDriver()1904 	virtual ~StubRangeSourceDriver() { }
1906 	/// Set query to find ranges for
setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread * patsrc,Range * r)1907 	virtual void setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) { }
1909 	/// Advance the range search by one memory op
advanceImpl(int until)1910 	virtual void advanceImpl(int until) { }
1912 	/// Return the last valid range found
range()1913 	virtual Range& range() { throw 1; }
1915 	/**
1916 	 * Return whether we're generating ranges for the first or the
1917 	 * second mate.
1918 	 */
mate1()1919 	virtual bool mate1() const {
1920 		return true;
1921 	}
1923 	/**
1924 	 * Return true iff current pattern is forward-oriented.
1925 	 */
fw()1926 	virtual bool fw() const {
1927 		return true;
1928 	}
1930 };
1932 /**
1933  * Encapsulates an algorithm that navigates the Bowtie index to produce
1934  * candidate ranges of alignments in the Burrows-Wheeler matrix.  A
1935  * higher authority is responsible for reporting hits out of those
1936  * ranges, and stopping when the consumer is satisfied.
1937  */
1938 template<typename TRangeSource>
1939 class ListRangeSourceDriver : public RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource> {
1941 	typedef EList<RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>*> TRangeSrcDrPtrVec;
1943 public:
ListRangeSourceDriver(const TRangeSrcDrPtrVec & rss)1945 	ListRangeSourceDriver(const TRangeSrcDrPtrVec& rss) :
1946 		RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>(false),
1947 		cur_(0), ham_(0), rss_(rss) /* copy */,
1948 		patsrc_(NULL), seedRange_(NULL)
1949 	{
1950 		assert_gt(rss_.size(), 0);
1951 		assert(!this->done);
1952 	}
~ListRangeSourceDriver()1954 	virtual ~ListRangeSourceDriver() {
1955 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rss_.size(); i++) {
1956 			delete rss_[i];
1957 		}
1958 	}
1960 	/// Set query to find ranges for
setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread * patsrc,Range * r)1961 	virtual void setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) {
1962 		cur_ = 0; // go back to first RangeSource in list
1963 		this->done = false;
1964 		rss_[cur_]->setQuery(patsrc, r);
1965 		patsrc_ = patsrc; // so that we can call setQuery on the other elements later
1966 		seedRange_ = r;
1967 		this->done = (cur_ == rss_.size()-1) && rss_[cur_]->done;
1968 		this->minCost = max(rss_[cur_]->minCost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
1969 		this->foundRange = rss_[cur_]->foundRange;
1970 	}
1972 	/// Advance the range search by one memory op
advanceImpl(int until)1973 	virtual void advanceImpl(int until) {
1974 		assert(!this->done);
1975 		assert_lt(cur_, rss_.size());
1976 		if(rss_[cur_]->done) {
1977 			// Move on to next RangeSourceDriver
1978 			if(cur_ < rss_.size()-1) {
1979 				rss_[++cur_]->setQuery(patsrc_, seedRange_);
1980 				this->minCost = max(rss_[cur_]->minCost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
1981 				this->foundRange = rss_[cur_]->foundRange;
1982 			} else {
1983 				// No RangeSources in list; done
1984 				cur_ = OFF_MASK;
1985 				this->done = true;
1986 			}
1987 		} else {
1988 			// Advance current RangeSource
1989 			rss_[cur_]->advance(until);
1990 			this->done = (cur_ == rss_.size()-1 && rss_[cur_]->done);
1991 			this->foundRange = rss_[cur_]->foundRange;
1992 			this->minCost = max(rss_[cur_]->minCost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
1993 		}
1994 	}
1996 	/// Return the last valid range found
range()1997 	virtual Range& range() { return rss_[cur_]->range(); }
1999 	/**
2000 	 * Return whether we're generating ranges for the first or the
2001 	 * second mate.
2002 	 */
mate1()2003 	virtual bool mate1() const {
2004 		return rss_[0]->mate1();
2005 	}
2007 	/**
2008 	 * Return true iff current pattern is forward-oriented.
2009 	 */
fw()2010 	virtual bool fw() const {
2011 		return rss_[0]->fw();
2012 	}
2014 protected:
2016 	TIndexOffU cur_;
2017 	uint32_t ham_;
2018 	TRangeSrcDrPtrVec rss_;
2019 	PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc_;
2020 	Range *seedRange_;
2021 };
2023 /**
2024  * A RangeSourceDriver that wraps a set of other RangeSourceDrivers and
2025  * chooses which one to advance at any given moment by picking one with
2026  * minimal "cumulative cost" so far.
2027  *
2028  * Note that costs have to be "adjusted" to account for the fact that
2029  * the alignment policy for the underlying RangeSource might force
2030  * mismatches.
2031  */
2032 template<typename TRangeSource>
2033 class CostAwareRangeSourceDriver : public RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource> {
2035 	typedef RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>* TRangeSrcDrPtr;
2036 	typedef EList<TRangeSrcDrPtr> TRangeSrcDrPtrVec;
2038 public:
CostAwareRangeSourceDriver(bool strandFix,const TRangeSrcDrPtrVec * rss,bool verbose,bool quiet,bool mixesReads)2040 	CostAwareRangeSourceDriver(
2041 			bool strandFix,
2042 			const TRangeSrcDrPtrVec* rss,
2043 			bool verbose,
2044 			bool quiet,
2045 			bool mixesReads) :
2046 		RangeSourceDriver<TRangeSource>(false),
2047 		rss_(), active_(), strandFix_(strandFix),
2048 		lastRange_(NULL), delayedRange_(NULL), patsrc_(NULL),
2049 		verbose_(verbose), quiet_(quiet), mixesReads_(mixesReads)
2050 	{
2051 		if(rss != NULL) {
2052 			rss_ = (*rss);
2053 		}
2054 		paired_ = false;
2055 		this->foundRange = false;
2056 		this->done = false;
2057 		if(rss_.empty()) {
2058 			return;
2059 		}
2060 		calcPaired();
2061 		active_ = rss_;
2062 		this->minCost = 0;
2063 	}
2065 	/// Destroy all underlying RangeSourceDrivers
~CostAwareRangeSourceDriver()2066 	virtual ~CostAwareRangeSourceDriver() {
2067 		const size_t rssSz = rss_.size();
2068 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rssSz; i++) {
2069 			delete rss_[i];
2070 		}
2071 		rss_.clear();
2072 		active_.clear();
2073 	}
2075 	/// Set query to find ranges for
setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread * patsrc,Range * r)2076 	virtual void setQueryImpl(PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc, Range *r) {
2077 		this->done = false;
2078 		this->foundRange = false;
2079 		lastRange_ = NULL;
2080 		delayedRange_ = NULL;
2081 		ASSERT_ONLY(allTopsRc_.clear());
2082 		patsrc_ = patsrc;
2083 		rand_.init(patsrc->bufa().seed);
2084 		const size_t rssSz = rss_.size();
2085 		if(rssSz == 0) return;
2086 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rssSz; i++) {
2087 			// Assuming that all
2088 			rss_[i]->setQuery(patsrc, r);
2089 		}
2090 		active_ = rss_;
2091 		this->minCost = 0;
2092 		sortActives();
2093 	}
2095 	/**
2096 	 * Add a new RangeSource to the list and re-sort it.
2097 	 */
addSource(TRangeSrcDrPtr p,Range * r)2098 	void addSource(TRangeSrcDrPtr p, Range *r) {
2099 		assert(!this->foundRange);
2100 		this->lastRange_ = NULL;
2101 		this->delayedRange_ = NULL;
2102 		this->done = false;
2103 		if(patsrc_ != NULL) {
2104 			p->setQuery(patsrc_, r);
2105 		}
2106 		rss_.push_back(p);
2107 		active_.push_back(p);
2108 		calcPaired();
2109 		this->minCost = 0;
2110 		sortActives();
2111 	}
2113 	/**
2114 	 * Free and remove all contained RangeSources.
2115 	 */
clearSources()2116 	void clearSources() {
2117 		const size_t rssSz = rss_.size();
2118 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rssSz; i++) {
2119 			delete rss_[i];
2120 		}
2121 		rss_.clear();
2122 		active_.clear();
2123 		paired_ = false;
2124 	}
2126 	/**
2127 	 * Return the number of RangeSources contained within.
2128 	 */
size()2129 	size_t size() const {
2130 		return rss_.size();
2131 	}
2133 	/**
2134 	 * Return true iff no RangeSources are contained within.
2135 	 */
empty()2136 	bool empty() const {
2137 		return rss_.empty();
2138 	}
2140 	/**
2141 	 * Advance the aligner by one memory op.  Return true iff we're
2142 	 * done with this read.
2143 	 */
advance(int until)2144 	virtual void advance(int until) {
2145 		ASSERT_ONLY(uint16_t precost = this->minCost);
2146 		assert(!this->done);
2147 		assert(!this->foundRange);
2148 		until = max<int>(until, ADV_COST_CHANGES);
2149 		advanceImpl(until);
2150 		assert(!this->foundRange || lastRange_ != NULL);
2151 		if(this->foundRange) {
2152 			assert_eq(range().cost, precost);
2153 		}
2154 	}
2156 	/// Advance the range search
advanceImpl(int until)2157 	virtual void advanceImpl(int until) {
2158 		lastRange_ = NULL;
2159 		ASSERT_ONLY(uint16_t iminCost = this->minCost);
2160 		const size_t actSz = active_.size();
2161 		assert(sortedActives());
2162 		if(delayedRange_ != NULL) {
2163 			assert_eq(iminCost, delayedRange_->cost);
2164 			lastRange_ = delayedRange_;
2165 			delayedRange_ = NULL;
2166 			this->foundRange = true;
2167 			assert_eq(range().cost, iminCost);
2168 			if(!active_.empty()) {
2169 				assert_geq(active_[0]->minCost, this->minCost);
2170 				this->minCost = max(active_[0]->minCost, this->minCost);
2171 			} else {
2172 				this->done = true;
2173 			}
2174 			return; // found a range
2175 		}
2176 		assert(delayedRange_ == NULL);
2177 		if(mateEliminated() || actSz == 0) {
2178 			// No more alternatoves; clear the active set and signal
2179 			// we're done
2180 			active_.clear();
2181 			this->done = true;
2182 			return;
2183 		}
2184 		// Advance lowest-cost RangeSourceDriver
2185 		TRangeSrcDrPtr p = active_[0];
2186 		uint16_t precost = p->minCost;
2187 		assert(!p->done || p->foundRange);
2188 		if(!p->foundRange) {
2189 			p->advance(until);
2190 		}
2191 		bool needsSort = false;
2192 		if(p->foundRange) {
2193 			Range *r = &p->range();
2194 			assert_eq(r->cost, iminCost);
2195 			needsSort = foundFirstRange(r); // may set delayedRange_; re-sorts active_
2196 			assert_eq(lastRange_->cost, iminCost);
2197 			if(delayedRange_ != NULL) assert_eq(delayedRange_->cost, iminCost);
2198 			p->foundRange = false;
2199 		}
2200 		if(p->done || (precost != p->minCost) || needsSort) {
2201 			sortActives();
2202 			if(mateEliminated() || active_.empty()) {
2203 				active_.clear();
2204 				this->done = (delayedRange_ == NULL);
2205 			}
2206 		}
2207 		assert(sortedActives());
2208 		assert(lastRange_ == NULL || lastRange_->cost == iminCost);
2209 		assert(delayedRange_ == NULL || delayedRange_->cost == iminCost);
2210 	}
2212 	/// Return the last valid range found
range()2213 	virtual Range& range() {
2214 		assert(lastRange_ != NULL);
2215 		return *lastRange_;
2216 	}
2218 	/**
2219 	 * Return whether we're generating ranges for the first or the
2220 	 * second mate.
2221 	 */
mate1()2222 	virtual bool mate1() const {
2223 		return rss_[0]->mate1();
2224 	}
2226 	/**
2227 	 * Return true iff current pattern is forward-oriented.
2228 	 */
fw()2229 	virtual bool fw() const {
2230 		return rss_[0]->fw();
2231 	}
removeMate(int m)2233 	virtual void removeMate(int m) {
2234 		bool qmate1 = (m == 1);
2235 		assert(paired_);
2236 		for(size_t i = 0; i < active_.size(); i++) {
2237 			if(active_[i]->mate1() == qmate1) {
2238 				active_[i]->done = true;
2239 			}
2240 		}
2241 		sortActives();
2242 		assert(mateEliminated());
2243 	}
2245 protected:
2247 	/**
2248 	 * Set paired_ to true iff there are mate1 and mate2 range sources
2249 	 * in the rss_ vector.
2250 	 */
calcPaired()2251 	void calcPaired() {
2252 		const size_t rssSz = rss_.size();
2253 		bool saw1 = false;
2254 		bool saw2 = false;
2255 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rssSz; i++) {
2256 			if(rss_[i]->mate1()) saw1 = true;
2257 			else saw2 = true;
2258 		}
2259 		assert(saw1 || saw2);
2260 		paired_ = saw1 && saw2;
2261 	}
2263 	/**
2264 	 * Return true iff one mate or the other has been eliminated.
2265 	 */
mateEliminated()2266 	bool mateEliminated() {
2267 		if(!paired_) return false;
2268 		bool mate1sLeft = false;
2269 		bool mate2sLeft = false;
2270 		// If this RangeSourceDriver is done, shift everyone else
2271 		// up and delete it
2272 		const size_t rssSz = active_.size();
2273 		for(size_t i = 0; i < rssSz; i++) {
2274 			if(!active_[i]->done) {
2275 				if(active_[i]->mate1()) mate1sLeft = true;
2276 				else mate2sLeft = true;
2277 			}
2278 		}
2279 		return !mate1sLeft || !mate2sLeft;
2280 	}
2282 #ifndef NDEBUG
2283 	/**
2284 	 * Check that the given range has not yet been reported.
2285 	 */
checkRange(Range * r)2286 	bool checkRange(Range* r) {
2287 		// Assert that we have not yet dished out a range with this
2288 		// top offset
2289 		assert_gt(r->bot, r->top);
2290 		assert(r->ebwt != NULL);
2291 		TIndexOff top = (TIndexOff)r->top;
2292 		top++; // ensure it's not 0
2293 		if(!r->ebwt->fw()) top = -top;
2294 		if(r->fw) {
2295 			assert(this->allTops_.find(top) == this->allTops_.end());
2296 			if(!mixesReads_) this->allTops_.insert(top);
2297 		} else {
2298 			assert(this->allTopsRc_.find(top) == this->allTopsRc_.end());
2299 			if(!mixesReads_) this->allTopsRc_.insert(top);
2300 		}
2301 		return true;
2302 	}
2303 #endif
2305 	/**
2306 	 * We found a range; check whether we should attempt to find a
2307 	 * range of equal quality from the opposite strand so that we can
2308 	 * resolve the strand bias.  Return true iff we modified the cost
2309 	 * of one or more items after the first item.
2310 	 */
foundFirstRange(Range * r)2311 	bool foundFirstRange(Range* r) {
2312 		assert(r != NULL);
2313 		assert(checkRange(r));
2314 		this->foundRange = true;
2315 		lastRange_ = r;
2316 		if(strandFix_) {
2317 			// We found a range but there may be an equally good range
2318 			// on the other strand; let's try to get it.
2319 			const size_t sz = active_.size();
2320 			for(size_t i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
2321 				// Same mate, different orientation?
2322 				if(rss_[i]->mate1() == r->mate1 && rss_[i]->fw() != r->fw) {
2323 					// Yes; see if it has the same cost
2324 					TRangeSrcDrPtr p = active_[i];
2325 					uint16_t minCost = max(this->minCost, p->minCost);
2326 					if(minCost > r->cost) break;
2327 					// Yes, it has the same cost
2328 					assert_eq(minCost, r->cost); // can't be better
2329 					// Advance it until it's done, we've found a range,
2330 					// or its cost increases
2331 					if(this->verbose_) cout << " Looking for opposite range to avoid strand bias:" << endl;
2332 					while(!p->done && !p->foundRange) {
2333 						p->advance(ADV_COST_CHANGES);
2334 						assert_geq(p->minCost, minCost);
2335 						if(p->minCost > minCost) break;
2336 					}
2337 					if(p->foundRange) {
2338 						// Found one!  Now we have to choose which one
2339 						// to give out first; we choose randomly using
2340 						// the size of the ranges as weights.
2341 						delayedRange_ = &p->range();
2342 						assert(checkRange(delayedRange_));
2343 						size_t tot = (delayedRange_->bot - delayedRange_->top) +
2344 						             (lastRange_->bot    - lastRange_->top);
2345 						uint32_t rq = rand_.nextU32() % tot;
2346 						// We picked this range, not the first one
2347 						if(rq < (delayedRange_->bot - delayedRange_->top)) {
2348 							Range *tmp = lastRange_;
2349 							lastRange_ = delayedRange_;
2350 							delayedRange_ = tmp;
2351 						}
2352 						p->foundRange = false;
2353 					}
2354 					// Return true iff we need to force a re-sort
2355 					return true;
2356 				}
2357 			}
2358 			// OK, now we have a choice of two equally good ranges from
2359 			// each strand.
2360 		}
2361 		return false;
2362 	}
2364 	/**
2365 	 * Sort all of the RangeSourceDriver ptrs in the rss_ array so that
2366 	 * the one with the lowest cumulative cost is at the top.  Break
2367 	 * ties randomly.  Just do selection sort for now; we don't expect
2368 	 * the list to be long.
2369 	 */
sortActives()2370 	void sortActives() {
2371 		TRangeSrcDrPtrVec& vec = active_;
2372 		size_t sz = vec.size();
2373 		// Selection sort / removal outer loop
2374 		for(size_t i = 0; i < sz;) {
2375 			// Remove elements that we're done with
2376 			if(vec[i]->done && !vec[i]->foundRange) {
2377 				vec.erase(i);
2378 				if(sz == 0) break;
2379 				else sz--;
2380 				continue;
2381 			}
2382 			uint16_t minCost = vec[i]->minCost;
2383 			size_t minOff = i;
2384 			// Selection sort inner loop
2385 			for(size_t j = i+1; j < sz; j++) {
2386 				if(vec[j]->done && !vec[j]->foundRange) {
2387 					// We'll get rid of this guy later
2388 					continue;
2389 				}
2390 				if(vec[j]->minCost < minCost) {
2391 					minCost = vec[j]->minCost;
2392 					minOff = j;
2393 				} else if(vec[j]->minCost == minCost) {
2394 					// Possibly randomly pick the other
2395 					if(rand_.nextU32() & 0x1000) {
2396 						minOff = j;
2397 					}
2398 				}
2399 			}
2400 			// Do the swap, if necessary
2401 			if(i != minOff) {
2402 				assert_leq(minCost, vec[i]->minCost);
2403 				TRangeSrcDrPtr tmp = vec[i];
2404 				vec[i] = vec[minOff];
2405 				vec[minOff] = tmp;
2406 			}
2407 			i++;
2408 		}
2409 		if(delayedRange_ == NULL && sz > 0) {
2410 			assert_geq(this->minCost, this->minCostAdjustment_);
2411 			assert_geq(vec[0]->minCost, this->minCost);
2412 			this->minCost = vec[0]->minCost;
2413 		}
2414 		assert(sortedActives());
2415 	}
2417 #ifndef NDEBUG
2418 	/**
2419 	 * Check that the rss_ array is sorted by minCost; assert if it's
2420 	 * not.
2421 	 */
sortedActives()2422 	bool sortedActives() const {
2423 		// Selection sort outer loop
2424 		const TRangeSrcDrPtrVec& vec = active_;
2425 		const size_t sz = vec.size();
2426 		for(size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
2427 			assert(!vec[i]->done || vec[i]->foundRange);
2428 			for(size_t j = i+1; j < sz; j++) {
2429 				assert(!vec[j]->done || vec[j]->foundRange);
2430 				assert_leq(vec[i]->minCost, vec[j]->minCost);
2431 			}
2432 		}
2433 		if(delayedRange_ == NULL && sz > 0) {
2434 			// Only assert this if there's no delayed range; if there's
2435 			// a delayed range, the minCost is its cost, not the 0th
2436 			// element's cost
2437 			assert_leq(vec[0]->minCost, this->minCost);
2438 		}
2439 		return true;
2440 	}
2441 #endif
2443 	/// List of all the drivers
2444 	TRangeSrcDrPtrVec rss_;
2445 	/// List of all the as-yet-uneliminated drivers
2446 	TRangeSrcDrPtrVec active_;
2447 	/// Whether the list of drivers contains drivers for both mates 1 and 2
2448 	bool paired_;
2449 	/// If true, this driver will make an attempt to dish out ranges in
2450 	/// a way that approaches the right distribution based on the
2451 	/// number of hits on both strands.
2452 	bool strandFix_;
2453 	uint32_t randSeed_;
2454 	/// The random seed from the Aligner, which we use to randomly break ties
2455 	RandomSource rand_;
2456 	Range *lastRange_;
2457 	Range *delayedRange_;
2458 	PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc_;
2459 	bool verbose_;
2460 	bool quiet_;
2461 	bool mixesReads_;
2462 	ASSERT_ONLY(std::set<TIndexOff> allTopsRc_);
2463 };
2465 #endif /* RANGE_SOURCE_H_ */