1 /* dbviterbi.c
2  * Mon Jan 31 10:06:14 1994
3  *
4  * Search variant of the alignment algorithm. Derived from viterbi.c
5  *
6  * To optimize memory access patterns, the score storage is implemented
7  * as a two-matrix version. amx is the
8  * main storage. bmx is a smaller auxiliary matrix with a different
9  * access pattern, holding scores of BEGIN state alignments; it
10  * is used when calculating BIFURC scores.
11  *
12  * amx is [j = 0..1] [diff = 0..j] [y = 0..statenum]
13  *  diff == 0 is for off-diagonal boundary conditions (this is why diff is shifted +1)
14  *  diff == 1 is for the diagonal, i==j
15  *  We only need to keep two j rows in memory (current and previous).
16  *
17  * bmx is [y = 0..statenum] [j = 0..N] [ diff = 0..j]
18  *   a j,diff matrix exists only where y is a BEGIN state
19  *
20  * The 2.0 implementation allows variable storage per node rather
21  * than storing and calculating a fixed max number of states per node,
22  * which should save up to 2x in both time and space.
23  *
24  * An optimization is made which requires END states to be explicitly
25  * added, so statenum (the number of states in the integer model)
26  * is *inclusive* of ENDs.
27  */
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <stdlib.h>
31 #include <string.h>
32 #include <math.h>
34 #include "squid.h"
35 #include "structs.h"
36 #include "funcs.h"
38 #ifdef MEMDEBUG
39 #include "dbmalloc.h"
40 #endif
42 static int  allocate_mx(struct istate_s *icm, int statenum, int window,
43 			int ****ret_amx, int ****ret_bmx);
44 static int  init_mx    (struct istate_s *icm, int statenum, int N,
45 			int ***amx, int ***bmx);
46 static int  recurse_mx (struct istate_s *icm, int statenum, char *seq, int seqlen,
47 			int window, int ***amx, int ***bmx, int ithresh,
48 			int (*gotone_f)(int, int, double));
49 static void free_mx    (int ***amx, int ***bmx, int statenum, int window);
52 /* Function: ViterbiScan()
53  *
54  * Purpose:  Scanning version of the Viterbi alignment algorithm,
55  *           for finding matches in a long sequence.
56  *
57  * Args:     cm        - the model to align sequence to
58  *           seq       - sequence to align model to
59  *           window    - scanning window size (nucleotides)
60  *           thresh    - scores above this are reported through gotone_f()
61  *           gotone_f  - function which gets told about a match
62  *
63  * Return:   1 on success, 0 on failure.
64  */
65 int
ViterbiScan(struct istate_s * icm,int statenum,char * seq,int window,double thresh,int (* gotone_f)(int,int,double))66 ViterbiScan(struct istate_s *icm, int statenum, char *seq, int window,
67 	    double thresh, int (*gotone_f)(int, int, double))
68 {
69   int   ***amx;			/* the main score matrix     */
70   int   ***bmx;                 /* the BEGIN score matrix    */
71   int      N;			/* length of sequence        */
72   int      ithresh;             /* thresh, converted and scaled to int */
74   N = strlen(seq);
75   seq--;			/* convert to 1..N. Ugh! */
76   ithresh = (int) (thresh * INTPRECISION);
78   if (! allocate_mx(icm, statenum, window, &amx, &bmx)) return 0;
79 #ifdef DEBUG
80   printf("allocated matrices\n");
81 #endif
83   if (! init_mx(icm, statenum, window, amx, bmx)) return 0;
84 #ifdef DEBUG
85   printf("matrices initialized\n");
86 #endif
88   if (! recurse_mx(icm, statenum, seq, N, window, amx, bmx, ithresh, gotone_f)) return 0;
89 #ifdef DEBUG
90   printf("recursion finished\n");
91 #endif
92 				/* terminate scanning hit reporting */
93   ReportScanHit(-1,-1, 0.0, gotone_f);
94   free_mx(amx, bmx, statenum, window);
95   return 1;
96 }
100 /* Function: allocate_mx()
101  *
102  * Purpose:  Malloc space for the score matrices.
103  *           amx and atr are indexed as j, i, y.
104  *           bmx and btr are indexed as k, j, i.
105  *           In the two sequence dimensions j, i they are
106  *           diagonal (+1 off diagonal) matrices with
107  *           rows j = 0..N, i = 1..j+1.
108  *           In the node dimension k bmx and btr are k = 0..M.
109  *           In the state dimension y amx and atr are y = 0..numstates.
110  *
111  * Args:     icm      - the int, log-odds, state-based model
112  *           statenum - number of states in model
113  *           window   - length of scanning window
114  *           ret_amx  - RETURN: main score matrix
115  *           ret_bmx  - RETURN: BEGIN score matrix
116  *
117  * Return:   Ptr to allocated scoring matrix, or
118  *           dies and exits.
119  */
120 static int
allocate_mx(struct istate_s * icm,int statenum,int window,int **** ret_amx,int **** ret_bmx)121 allocate_mx(struct istate_s *icm,
122 	    int              statenum,
123 	    int              window,
124 	    int          ****ret_amx,
125 	    int          ****ret_bmx)
127 {
128   int    ***amx;
129   int    ***bmx;
130   int     diag, j, y;
132   /* Main matrix, amx: fastest varying index is y (j,i,y)
133    * we only keep two rows for j, 0 and 1.
134    */
135 				/* malloc for j = 0..1 rows */
136   if ((amx = (int   ***) malloc (2 * sizeof(int   **))) == NULL)
137     Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
139   for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)	/* loop over rows j = 0..1 */
140     {
141 				/* malloc for diag = 0..window cols */
142       if ((amx[j] = (int **)   malloc ((window + 1) * sizeof(int   *))) == NULL)
143 	Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
145 				/* loop over cols diag = 0..window */
146       for (diag = 0; diag <= window; diag++)
147 				/* malloc for y = 0..statenum-1 decks */
148 	  if ((amx[j][diag] = (int *)   malloc ((statenum) * sizeof (int  ))) == NULL)
149 	    Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
150     }
153   /* B auxiliary matrix: fastest varying index is diag (y,j,diag)
154    * bmx keeps score decks for BEGIN states
155    */
156 				/* 0..statenum-1 decks */
157   if ((bmx = (int ***)   malloc (statenum * sizeof(int   **))) == NULL)
158     Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
160   for (y = 0; y < statenum; y++)
161     {
162       bmx[y] = NULL;
163 				/* we keep score info for BEGIN states */
164       if (icm[y].statetype == uBEGIN_ST)
165 	{
166 				/* j= 0..window-1 rows  */
167 	  if ((bmx[y] = (int   **) malloc ((window) * sizeof(int   *))) == NULL)
168 	    Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
169 				/* diff = 0..window columns */
170 	  for (j = 0; j < window; j++)
171 	    if ((bmx[y][j] = (int   *) malloc ((window+1) * sizeof(int  ))) == NULL)
172 	      Die("Memory allocation error in %s line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
173 	}
174     }
175   *ret_amx = amx;
176   *ret_bmx = bmx;
177   return 1;
178 }
182 /* Function: free_mx()
183  *
184  * Purpose:  Free the space allocated to the scoring and traceback matrices.
185  *           Precisely mirrors the allocations above in allocate_cvmx().
186  *
187  * Return:   (void)
188  */
189 static void
free_mx(int *** amx,int *** bmx,int statenum,int window)190 free_mx(int    ***amx,
191 	int    ***bmx,
192 	int     statenum,
193 	int     window)
194 {
195   int diag, j, y;
197   /* Free the main matrix, amx:
198    * amx[j][i][y] = [0..1] [0..window] [0..statenum-1]
199    */
200   for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
201     {
202       for (diag = 0; diag <= window; diag++)
203 	free(amx[j][diag]);
204       free(amx[j]);
205     }
206   free(amx);
208   /* Free the auxiliary matrix, bmx
209    * bmx[y][j][i] = [0..statenum-1] [0..window] [0..window]
210    */
211   for (y = 0; y < statenum; y++)
212     {
213       if (bmx[y] != NULL)
214 	{
215 	  for (j = 0; j < window; j++)
216 	    free(bmx[y][j]);
217 	  free(bmx[y]);
218 	}
219     }
220   free(bmx);
221 }
225 /* Function: init_mx()
226  *
227  * Purpose:  Initialization of the scoring matrices. We initialize the off-diagonal,
228  *           the diagonal, and the "floor" (end states) of the cube.
229  *
230  * Return:   1 on success, 0 on failure.
231  */
232 static int
init_mx(struct istate_s * icm,int statenum,int window,int *** amx,int *** bmx)233 init_mx(struct istate_s *icm,          /* integer model  */
234 	int              statenum,     /* number of states in icm */
235 	int              window,       /* size of scanning window on sequence */
236 	int           ***amx,
237 	int           ***bmx)
238 {
239   int diag, j, y;		/* counters for indices over the cvmx            */
240   int ynext;			/* index of next state k+1                       */
241   int *beam;                    /* z-axis vector of numbers in amx               */
243   /* Init the whole amx to -Infinity. We do this with memcpy, trying
244    * to be fast. We fill in j=0,diag=0 by hand, then memcpy() the other
245    * columns.
246    */
247   for (y = 0; y < statenum; y++)
248     amx[0][0][y] = amx[1][0][y] = NEGINFINITY;
249   for (diag = 1; diag <= window; diag++)
250     {
251       memcpy(amx[0][diag], amx[0][0], statenum * sizeof(int));
252       memcpy(amx[1][diag], amx[0][0], statenum * sizeof(int));
253     }
255   /* Init the whole bmx to -Inf. We know state 0 is a begin (it's ROOT), so we
256    * start there, and memcpy rows as needed.
257    */
258   for (diag = 0; diag <= window; diag++)
259     bmx[0][0][diag] = NEGINFINITY;
260   for (j = 1; j < window; j++)
261     memcpy(bmx[0][j], bmx[0][0], (window+1) * sizeof(int));
263   for (y = 1; y < statenum; y++)
264     if (bmx[y] != NULL)
265       for (j = 0; j < window; j++)
266 	memcpy(bmx[y][j], bmx[0][0], (window+1) * sizeof(int));
268   /* Init the off-diagonal (j = 0..window-1; diag == 0) with -log P scores.
269    * End state = 0;
270    * del, bifurc states are calc'ed
271    * begin states same as del's
273    */
274   for (j = 0; j < window; j++)
275     for (y = statenum-1; y >= 0; y--)
276       {
277 	/* Set the alignment of END states to the off-diagonal (diag = 0)
278 	 * to be zero, and never touch them again.
279 	 */
280 	if (icm[y].statetype == uEND_ST)
281 	  amx[j%2][0][y] = 0;
283 	else if (icm[y].statetype == uBIFURC_ST)
284 	  amx[j%2][0][y] = bmx[icm[y].tmx[0]][j][0] + bmx[icm[y].tmx[1]][j][0];
286 	else if (icm[y].statetype == uDEL_ST || icm[y].statetype == uBEGIN_ST)
287 	  {
288 				/* only calc DEL-DEL and BEGIN-DEL transitions. Since
289 				 * we optimized the state transition tables, removing
290 				 * the unused ones, we don't know where the number
291 				 * for "to DEL" is! But we can find it, because it'll
292 				 * be the connection to a non-infinite score */
293 	    beam = amx[j%2][0] + y + icm[y].offset;
294 	    for (ynext = 0; ynext < icm[y].connectnum; ynext++)
295 	      {
296 		if (*beam != NEGINFINITY)
297 		  amx[j%2][0][y] = *beam + icm[y].tmx[ynext];
298 		beam++;
299 	      }
300 	  }
301 				/* make a copy into bmx if y is a BEGIN */
302 	if (icm[y].statetype == uBEGIN_ST)
303 	  bmx[y][j][0] = amx[j%2][0][y];
304       }
306   return 1;
307 }
311 /* Function: recurse_mx()
312  *
313  * Purpose:  Carry out the fill stage of the dynamic programming
314  *           algorithm. After each j row is filled in, check the score
315  *           of best full alignment ending at this row; if greater
316  *           than threshold (ithresh), report it.
317  *
318  * Returns:  1 on success, 0 on failure.
319  */
320 static int
recurse_mx(struct istate_s * icm,int statenum,char * seq,int seqlen,int window,int *** amx,int *** bmx,int ithresh,int (* gotone_f)(int,int,double))321 recurse_mx(struct istate_s *icm,      /* integer, state-form model */
322 	   int              statenum, /* number of states in icm   */
323 	   char            *seq,      /* sequence, 1..seqlen       */
324 	   int              seqlen,   /* length of seq             */
325 	   int              window,   /* length of scanning window on seq */
326 	   int           ***amx,      /* main scoring matrix       */
327 	   int           ***bmx,      /* bifurc scoring matrix     */
328 	   int              ithresh,  /* reporting threshold       */
329 	   int            (*gotone_f)(int, int, double))
330 {
331   int i, j, y;		        /* indices for 3 dimensions                    */
332   int aj;			/* 0 or 1, index for j in A matrix             */
333   int bj;			/* 0..window-1, index for j in B matrix        */
334   int diff;			/* loop counter for difference: diff = j-i + 1 */
335   int symi, symj;		/* symbol indices for seq[i], seq[j]           */
336   int sc;			/* tmp for a score                             */
337   int ynext;			/* index of next state y                       */
338   int bestdiff, bestscore;
340   int *beam;                    /* ptr to a beam (z-axis vector)               */
341   int  leftdiff;		/* diff coord of BEGIN_L of a bifurc     */
342   int  leftj;			/* j coord of BEGIN_L of a bifurc        */
343   int **left_p;			/* pointer into whole 2D deck of BEGINL's of a bifurc */
344   int *right_p;                 /* ptr into row of BEGIN_R's of a bifurc */
345   int   *scp;			/* score pointer: ptr into beam of scores being calc'ed */
346   struct istate_s *st;		/* state pointer: ptr at current state in icm */
347   int *tmx;
348   int  emitsc;
350   for (j = 1; j <= seqlen; j++)
351     {
352       aj = j % 2;		/* 0 or 1 index in amx      */
353       bj = j % window;          /* 0..window-1 index in bmx */
354       symj = SymbolIndex(seq[j]);
356       for (diff = 1; diff <= window && diff <= j; diff++)
357 	{
358 	  i = j - diff + 1;
359 	  symi = SymbolIndex(seq[i]);
361 	  scp = &amx[aj][diff][statenum-1];
362 	  st  = &icm[statenum-1];
363 	  for (y = statenum-1; y >= 0; y--, scp--, st--)
364 	    { /* loop over states */
366 	      if (st->statetype != uBIFURC_ST)	/* a normal (non-BIFURC) state */
367 		{
368 		    /* Connect the "beam" pointer to the appropriate
369 		     * starting place in the ynext scores we're connecting
370 		     * y to
371 		     */
372 		  switch (st->statetype) {
373 		  case uBEGIN_ST:
374 		  case uDEL_ST:
375 		    beam   = amx[aj][diff];
376 		    emitsc = 0;
377 		    break;
378 		  case uMATP_ST: /* !aj toggles from 0 to 1 and vice versa */
379 		    if (diff == 1) continue;
380 		    beam   = amx[!aj][diff-2];
381 		    emitsc = st->emit[symi * ALPHASIZE + symj];
382 		    break;
383 		  case uMATR_ST:
384 		  case uINSR_ST:
385 		    beam   = amx[!aj][diff-1];
386 		    emitsc = st->emit[symj];
387 		    break;
388 		  case uMATL_ST:
389 		  case uINSL_ST:
390 		    beam   = amx[aj][diff-1];
391 		    emitsc = st->emit[symi];
392 		    break;
393 		  case uEND_ST:
394 		    continue;
395 		  default: Die("no such state type %d", st->statetype);
396 		  }
397 		  beam  += y + st->offset;
398 		  tmx  = st->tmx;
401 		  /* Init for ynext == 0 case
402 		   */
403 		  *scp = *beam + *tmx;
405 		  /* Calculate remaining cases
406 		   */
407 		  for (ynext = 1; ynext < st->connectnum; ynext++)
408 		    {
409 		      beam++;
410 		      tmx++;
411 		      if (*beam > *scp)
412 			{
413 			  sc = *beam + *tmx;
414 			  if (sc > *scp)
415 			    *scp = sc;
416 			}
417 		    }
419 		  /* Add emission scores now
420 		   */
421 		  *scp += emitsc;
423 		  /* Make a copy into bmx, btr if necessary
424 		   */
425 		  if (st->statetype == uBEGIN_ST)
426 		    bmx[y][bj][diff] = *scp;
427 		} /* end block of normal state stuff */
429 		else		/* a BIFURC state */
430 		  {
431 		    leftdiff = diff;
432 		    leftj    = bj;
433 		    right_p  = bmx[st->tmx[1]][leftj];
434 		    left_p   = bmx[st->tmx[0]];
436 				/* init w/ case that left branch emits it all */
437 		    *scp = left_p[leftj][leftdiff] + *right_p;
438 		    while (leftdiff > 0)
439 		      {
440 			leftdiff--;
441 			leftj = leftj ? leftj-1 : window-1; /* scan window wraparound */
442 			right_p++;
444 			sc = left_p[leftj][leftdiff] + *right_p;
445 			if (sc > *scp)
446 			  *scp = sc;
447 		      }
448 		  }
450 	      } /* end loop over states */
451 	  } /* end loop over diff */
453       /* We've completed a row. Now we can examine the scores in diff,
454        * aj, ROOT_ST to decide whether to report this row. If we do,
455        * we report the 1..seqlen i, j coords of the matching subsequence
456        * in seq, as well as the score converted to double-precision bits.
457        */
458       bestdiff  = 1;
459       bestscore = bmx[0][bj][1];
460       for (diff = 2; diff <= window; diff++)
461 	if (bmx[0][bj][diff] > bestscore)
462 	  {
463 	    bestscore = bmx[0][bj][diff];
464 	    bestdiff  = diff;
465 	  }
466       if (bestscore > ithresh)
467 	if (! ReportScanHit(j - bestdiff + 1, j, (double)(bestscore / INTPRECISION), gotone_f))
468 	  Warn("caller ignored report of a match!");
469       } /* end loop over j */
471   return 1;
472 }