UDT: UDP-based Data Transfer Library - version 4

Yunhong Gu

Welcome to the UDT4 SDK documentation.

UDT is a high performance data transfer protocol - UDP-based data transfer protocol. It was designed for data intensive applications over high speed wide area networks, to overcome the efficiency and fairness problems of TCP. As its name indicates, UDT is built on top of UDP and it provides both reliable data streaming and messaging services.

Visit http://udt.sf.net for most recent news on UDT.

Check out most current UDT release at SourceForge or from CVS.

export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@udt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/udt login
[NOTE: when prompt for password, press the RETURN/ENTER key]
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@udt.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/udt co UDT4

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