History log of /openbsd/regress/lib/libz/Makefile (Results 1 – 5 of 5)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 5cb2e6ca 20-Jan-2024 tb <tb@openbsd.org>

link the infcover test statically in preparation of zlib changes

# 0aae3cc1 29-Mar-2022 tb <tb@openbsd.org>

Add Eric Biggers's reproducer for the memory corruption with

# 8be069af 29-Mar-2022 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Add Google Chromium tests for libz bugs. Write a minimal wrapper
to avoid importing GoogleTest, Google's C++ test framework.

# 5146bfd8 24-Mar-2022 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Link libz into regress build.

# 2569963f 24-Mar-2022 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Import upstream madler/zlib test files and run them with our libz.