History log of /openbsd/regress/usr.sbin/ospfd/Ospfd.pm (Results 1 – 4 of 4)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 57090533 30-Jan-2020 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

For debugging set KTRACE=ktrace environment. Then client.ktrace
and syslogd.ktrace show the communiation over the tap device.

# aa8f1300 18-Aug-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Make the perl modules consistent for the multiple regression tests.
This includes coding style, better error messages and variable

# ccf9d2bc 11-Jul-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Add OpenBSD RCS id.

# 6404c9dd 11-Jul-2014 bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org>

Add a test framework for the ospfd routing daemon. For each test
one fresh daemon is started with an individual config. It is talking
OSPF via a tun interface. At the process side of the tun devic

Add a test framework for the ospfd routing daemon. For each test
one fresh daemon is started with an individual config. It is talking
OSPF via a tun interface. At the process side of the tun device a
client is running. This test programm is parsing the OSPF packets
and generates new ones. It simulates other OSPF daemons.

For now only hello packets are tested. Each test has a task list
which drives the ospfd through its interface state machine. The
plan is to extend the framework for the other OSPF packet types and
state machines. Eventualy the generated kernel routing messages
could also be checked.

I have developed this test suite together with Florian Riehm.

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