History log of /openbsd/sys/arch/arm/arm/db_disasm.c (Results 1 – 5 of 5)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 311b6aa8 11-Sep-2020 mpi <mpi@openbsd.org>

Include <sys/systm.h> directly instead of relying on hidden UVM includes.

The header is being pulled via db_machdep.h -> uvm_extern.h -> uvm_map.h

# 6d6b8a87 07-Nov-2019 mpi <mpi@openbsd.org>

Convert db_addr_t -> vaddr_t but leave the typedef for now.

# 2a1dc24b 07-Nov-2019 mpi <mpi@openbsd.org>

Substitute boolean_t/TRUE/FALSE by int/1/0.

# 821d1353 30-Jun-2018 deraadt <deraadt@openbsd.org>

Remove strange /* End of file */ style.

# e1e4f5b1 01-Feb-2004 drahn <drahn@openbsd.org>

Arm port, NetBSD codebase stripped down, 32bit only support.