History log of /openbsd/sys/dev/microcode/rum/build.c (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 94a7fcd3 15-May-2009 damien <damien@openbsd.org>

update run(4) microcode.
split it into two separate files while i'm at it since there are
actually two different firmwares (one for RT2870/RT3070 and one
for >=RT3071).

# 7b0fa58a 29-Jun-2008 jsg <jsg@openbsd.org>

Add RT2870 firmware with the same license as the rest of
the Ralink firmware files.

Discussed with Paul Lin at Ralink.

# fc0d81f2 17-Aug-2006 damien <damien@openbsd.org>

Separate rum(4) firmware from ral(4) ones.

ral(4) firmwares are built on PCI-capable architectures only while rum(4)
firmware is built on USB-capable architectures only.
Rename ral-rt2573 into rum-r

Separate rum(4) firmware from ral(4) ones.

ral(4) firmwares are built on PCI-capable architectures only while rum(4)
firmware is built on USB-capable architectures only.
Rename ral-rt2573 into rum-rt2573 and build rum-rt2573 on the zaurus too
(pointed out by Patrick Heim).

ok deraadt@

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