History log of /reactos/drivers/network/dd/ne2000/netne.inf (Results 1 – 1 of 1)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 32d615fc 17-Jun-2024 Joachim Henze <joachim.henze@reactos.org>

[DD] Keep the network drivers infs 8.3 like on MS Windows (#7007)

Windows has all its network drivers inf files in 8.3.

This is an addendum to 0.4.15-dev-52-g 019f21ee1d764dff8586acc847a299714e

[DD] Keep the network drivers infs 8.3 like on MS Windows (#7007)

Windows has all its network drivers inf files in 8.3.

This is an addendum to 0.4.15-dev-52-g 019f21ee1d764dff8586acc847a299714e83977a
which moved us further away from our target.

The commit on its own was a good idea actually to get the inf into the drivers directory
and therefore simplifies adding and excluding drivers more locally (e.g. excluding works by
adding a single hashtag within the specific drivers CMakeLists.txt now).

But that cool feature doesn't require us to move away from our target.

For the record:
The historic netrtpnt.inf and netisa.inf (both 8.3) have been merged to
netne2000.inf (not 8.3) by 0.4.15-dev-2763-g 6924b8ff3985224a2d094ce509e4b843f387ab32
Unification of that was cool too,
but again: 8.3 is superior. Therefore netne.inf for that.

Worst of all: Since the .inf files did contain their filename within a comment also, that means
the historic renaming by the mentioned commit invalidated that comment.
netamd.inf fixed by restoring the ancient filename before 0.4.15-dev-52-g 019f21ee1d764dff8586acc847a299714e83977a
netrtl.inf fixed by restoring the ancient filename before 0.4.15-dev-52-g 019f21ee1d764dff8586acc847a299714e83977a
netne.inf I fixed the comment manually.

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