History log of /reactos/sdk/lib/drivers/arbiter/arbiter.c (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# fec440d8 10-Jan-2022 Vadim Galyant <vgal@rambler.ru>

[SDK:DDK][NTOS:PNP] Implement PnP arbiters initialization

Revision tags: 0.4.14-release, 0.4.15-dev, 0.4.14-RC
# 6f671326 09-Apr-2020 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>

[LIB:ARBITER] Addendum to 374f2b4d: Fix build.

- No need to use a PCH when compiling a 1-file library.
- Add the _NTSYSTEM_ definition.

- Since the arbiter.h file is to be included by the users of

[LIB:ARBITER] Addendum to 374f2b4d: Fix build.

- No need to use a PCH when compiling a 1-file library.
- Add the _NTSYSTEM_ definition.

- Since the arbiter.h file is to be included by the users of this
library, namely only kernel-mode NT components (incl. NTOS), there
is no need to include the standard kernel-mode headers in it.
Include these headers instead in the private implementation of the
library, arbiter.c.

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Revision tags: 0.4.13-release
# 374f2b4d 26-Mar-2020 Vadim Galyant <vgal@rambler.ru>

[NTOS][SDK:LIB] Add a Resources Arbiter library, to be used by bus drivers (acpi, pci), kernel and legacy hal (PIC HAL). (#2471)